Physics210 Midterm #2 N o v .1 0 , 2 0 1 0 lnstructor: Dr. JulieAlexander Time= SOminutes TotalMarks= 30 1 IGY Name Cafculate theenergyreguired itoI a sSlS E M ble the arrayof chargesshownbefow, wherea = 0.300m. mar rks s) '(i b - 0.400m, andg = O.Od1.rC. q -t,l ,+ . l lI ' I I t l "JI Ll /( J(:l) /.,,="j I I J I t- l_ .+ -I .. l._, , r Y-f, Y) . C( i +rt)(7) -.tJI :-1.( | -r- Cr z) )( + (-z{z) r C2XZ) "J T,t=4, r5 + t3[z ) -+ L 2[ +4 L ,3 1)l !-++ ,! G = vfi'( il r: \J. ,r3, l113:f V',€-,- 2' over a ceftaint9gi9nof space, the electricpotentialis v = 5x magnitudeof the electricfield 3f y + 4yz2v.what is the at inu ptirt p thatnas cooroinates (t, o, l'z) ^z(4 marks) \ -T - € ? a-j= 6x"1 i _ ), 45 J -l a; L5 ..-u: >v '- -Tttrnrl?1 2^.2 qJ (= _f'*r+ \ d.\ .J = L [BJ.]:o Irl: -t3 L- \€l 2 -\tt 3+5 V " lt 2.-' -'' I 'r ci)^, N = t|l'it = t11,"[ f-:- \-- 3' The temperature of a sampleof tungsteninitiallyat 20.Oocis raisedwhilea sampleof copperis maintainedat 20'0'c' At what temperature will tfrergsistivityof the tungstenbe four times that of the copper?Ptunssten=S.6X10-BQm, ot-r otungsten=4.SX1g-i oC_1 anOp."*',er-=1.TX10-oOm, o.opp"r=3.gX10-3 (4 marks) (- a\ \1! = Itn,,(bTl =- l'-t' o \ \ -,' \rd, L* \L r) = 4= (".(\t \\.L /\ ' _p ,/ e,br) 5 .uxrc (' * Lt Sxlcry / i-r-X \/r,- l, 1x1C )c 4 etz : |-r;{Ar AT= ,7tb: -T; :=T, T +S,ooL 14?= Lt'e 4' A conductorof radiusr, length J and resistivity p has resistanceR. what is the new resistance this pieceof materialis stretchedto + times if its originitiength.E*prus you answeras a murtipre (4 marks) of R /t u Xc f{-+!," R,=p Q- +?J E: R. r Y-v ft"t"= AE T(.'1, =1t ('z'rt / f \z F) lr"\l = ('+Iq=L 7.(.'/ R*,= (aR -=t \ n li Ao f\ t/ b T + I a J Chargeof uniformdensity(4.5nC/m)is distributed alongthe circulararc shownbelow.Determine 5. to zeroat infinity) the electricpotential(relative at pointP.(4marks) ,U Ad]=)\L&(al \-; tJ t?= ,Ir=(.Inp .i.,,,0 KJo i ) -,' R \(-.V (^ ( \ \r \ O\q t i : i i : ' r . rl lr' I\ (.J qxr T, * o?u ^ZL +Sr(c-''r^^x t3 V' 2K !.= : /+ 2-t* I\ lU'rY\ =( A 4.0-mFcapacitorinitiallychargedto 50 V and a 6.0-mFcapacitor chargedto 30 V are 6. connectedto each otherwith the positiveplateof each connectedto the negativeplateof the other. (4 marks) What is the finalchargeon the 6.0-mFcapacitor? Aftr E.Lt-t'-,"- a =ev Q. Ir I + \4trrP +-\t+ f sov tr \ AD,O*.CW, r i' = ".o\at lb''rtF 4nff t?o( V +- t \+-+- r t \(onC TCC'^C - lQ'CtnC 7O w'C a_1 4 60 r'4Qq b(2)-a3) = 4Qo |> C LtLxq = Q Q+' -*Lo -,F 4 7' A parallelplatecapacitorof capacitanceCohas platesof areaA with separationd betweenthem. When it is connectedto a batteryof voltageVe,it has chargeof magnitude eo on its is then disconnected from the batteryand the plalesare pulleduplrt to a separation2d without discharging thgm' Afterthe platesare2d apart,findthe magnitude of ihe chargeon the plates,the potential difference betweenthe plates,and the potential energyof the systemin termsof eo,v6,dhd p.E.o respectively. (3 marks) / rA W a\ F\-k+,4( e-:' -------.-J____-- ?, A/.\ - I - | i r) Y -'-. i v., CrUa" '=: L I t-- v= \-1 ( \_7/ ^z-) 7 i \-Y : /-ll lV' 'a ;: *t(r ^ i II \ I ?\ , ?s =iQu= I 8. A parallelplatecapacitorof capacitanceCehas platesof areaA with separation Jout*"en them,. When it is connectedto a batteryof voltageVq,it has chargeof magnitude eo on its plates.Whileit is connectedto the battery,the spacebetweenthe platesis titteowith a material of dielectricconstant5. Afterthedieloctric is added,findthe magnitud"oitn" chargeon the plates,the potential difference betweenthe plates,and the potentialenergyof the systemin termsof eo,Ve,ofld p.E.orespectively (3 marks) --r / l (/ ) = , }-t"\-:-=n, ( (i , t / r _ -*- m l\ , \/ I V / -/ / \/ V , '\) ^ f /' ),.-_., "* i I ] t) Y p) \ rl L -7 i -_. l'- ; I i -fr L)< v r" / /1 \ | _\ sQ_,\tr 2u /-.-- 5T€ /t l | , \t v.): eo(rf.) olI A0+' ,/ z- z_\_,o 1 I < E lt-'. -r\