The background study number is located in the upper right corner of

The background study number is located in the upper right corner of the “Background Study
Clearance” notice that you received from DHS. When you complete your online update, be
certain to type in the name EXACTLY as it appears on the clearance notice. If DHS is unable to
match the name of the controlling individual with the background study number you provide for
Mailer Type
Agency ID 12348
XYZ Services, Inc.
Study 12345678
Study Date 01/01/2013
Background Study Contact:
XYZ Services, Inc.
John Doe (BGS subject)
Jane Doe
1234 City Drive
Sunnydale, MN 55555
4321 ABC Drive
Moonville, MN 54444
that person, DHS will notify you that you will be required to request another background study
and pay the required fee of $20.00. In addition, if you cannot locate the clearance letter or
otherwise locate the background study number, you will need to request a new background
study and pay the required fee.