Exponentials CMPT 318: Lecture 5 Complex Exponentials, Spectrum Representation • The exponential is typically used to describe the natural growth or decay of a system’s state. Tamara Smyth, tamaras@cs.sfu.ca School of Computing Science, Simon Fraser University • An exponential is defined as January 23, 2006 x(t) = e−t/τ where e = 2.7182... and τ is the characteristic time constant of the exponential where at time t = τ , the function will equal 1/e. That is, τ is the time it takes to decay by 1/e. • In room acoustics, “t60” or T60, is defined as the time to decay by 60 dB. • Though this function may, at first, seem very different from a sinusoid, both functions are aspects of a slightly more complicated function. 1 CMPT 318: Fundamentals of Computerized Sound: Lecture 5 Complex numbers 2 Complex Numbers cont. • A complex number can be drawn as a vector, where the tip of the vector is at the point (x, y), where x is the horizontal coordinate, or the real part, and y is the vertical coordinate, or the imaginary part. • Complex numbers provides a system for manipulating rotating vectors, and allows us to represent the geometric effects of common digital signal processing operations, like filtering, in algebraic form. =m{z} • In rectangular (or Cartesian) form, the complex number z is defined by the notation z = x + jy = rejθ r z = x + jy. θ • The part without the j is called the real part, and the part with the j is called the imaginary part. <e{z} Figure 1: Cartesian and polar representations of complex numbers in the complex plane. • We may now refer to the x and y axes as the realand imaginary-axes, respectively. • A multiplication by j may be seen as an operation meaning “rotate counterclockwise 90◦ or π/2”. • Two successive rotations by π/2 bring us to the negative real axis, that is, j 2 = −1. From this we see √ j = −1. CMPT 318: Fundamentals of Computerized Sound: Lecture 5 3 CMPT 318: Fundamentals of Computerized Sound: Lecture 5 4 Polar Form Euler’s Formula • A complex number may also be represented in polar form z = rejθ . • Recall from our previous section on sinusoids that the projection of a rotating sinusoid on the x− and y− axes, traces out a cosine and a sine function respectively. where the vector is defined by its • From this we can see how Euler’s famous formula for the complex exponential was obtained: 1. Length r 2. Direction θ ejθ = cos θ + j sin θ, • The length of the vector is also called the magnitude of z (denoted |z|) and the angle with the real axis is called the argument of z (denoted arg z). valid for any point (cos θ, sin θ) on a circle of radius one (1). • Using trigonometric identities and the Pythagorean theorem, we can compute: • Euler’s formula can be further generalized to be valid for any complex number z: 1. The Cartesian coordinates(x, y) from the polar variables r∠θ: z = rejθ = r cos θ + jr sin θ. • Though called “complex”, these number usually simplify calculations considerably—particularly in the case of multiplication and division. x = r cos θ and y = r sin θ 2. The polar coordinates from the Cartesian: y p r = (x2 + y 2) and θ = arctan x CMPT 318: Fundamentals of Computerized Sound: Lecture 5 5 Complex Exponential Signals 6 Real and Complex Exponential Signals How does the Complex Exponential Signal compare to the real sinusoid? • The complex exponential signal (or complex sinusoid is defined as x(t) = Aej(ω0t+φ). • As seen from Euler’s formula, the sinusoid given by A cos(ω0t + φ) is the real part of the complex exponential signal. That is, • It may be expressed in Cartesian form using Euler’s formula: x(t) = Aej(ω0t+φ) = A cos(ω0t + φ) + jA sin(ω0t + φ). A cos(ω0t + φ) = re{Aej(ω0t+φ)}. • As with the real sinusoid, – A is the amplitude given by |x(t)| q |x(t)| , re2{x(t)} + im2{x(t)} q ≡ A2(cos2(ωt + φ) + sin2(ωt + φ)) ≡ A for all t (since cos2(ωt + φ) + sin2(ωt + φ) = 1). – φ is the initial phase – ω0 is the frequency in rad/sec – ω0t + φ is the instantaneous phase, also denoted arg x(t). CMPT 318: Fundamentals of Computerized Sound: Lecture 5 CMPT 318: Fundamentals of Computerized Sound: Lecture 5 • Recall that sinusoids can be represented by the sum of in-phase and phase-quadrature components. Complex exponentials allow us to represent this algebraically: = = = = = 7 A cos(ω0t + φ) = re{Aej(ω0t+φ)} re{Aej(φ+ω0t)} Are{ejφejω0t} Are{(cos φ + j sin φ) (cos(ω0t) + j sin(ω0t))} Are{cos φ cos(ω0t) − sin φ sin(ω0t) +j(cos φ sin(ω0t) + sin φ cos(ω0t))} A cos φ cos(ω0t) − A sin φ sin(ω0t). CMPT 318: Fundamentals of Computerized Sound: Lecture 5 8 Inverse Euler Formulas Complex Conjugate • The complex conjugate z of a complex number z = x + jy is given by • The inverse Euler formulas allow us to write the cosine and sine function in terms of complex exponentials: ejθ + e−jθ cos θ = , 2 and ejθ − e−jθ sin θ = . 2j • This can be shown by adding and subtracting two complex exponentials with the same frequency but opposite in sign, ejθ + e−jθ = cos θ + j sin θ + cos θ − j sin θ = 2 cos θ, and ejθ − e−jθ = cos θ + j sin θ − cos θ + j sin θ = 2j sin θ. z = x − jy. • A real cosine can be represented in the complex plane as the sum of two complex rotating vectors that are complex conjugates of each other. Complex Plane 1 0.8 0.6 Imaginary Part 0.4 0.2 0 −0.2 −0.4 −0.6 −0.8 −1 −1 −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Real Part • The negative frequencies that arise from the complex exponential representation of the signal, will greatly simplify the task of signal analysis and spectrum representation. • A real cosine signal is, therefore, actually composed of two complex exponential signals: one with a positive frequency and one with a negative frequency. CMPT 318: Fundamentals of Computerized Sound: Lecture 5 9 CMPT 318: Fundamentals of Computerized Sound: Lecture 5 10 Complex Sinusoids Analytic Signals • Every real sinusoid consists of an equal contribution of positive and negative frequency components. The real sinusoid x(t) = A cos(ωt + φ) can be converted to a positive frequency complex sinusoid z(t) = A exp[j(ωt + φ)] to create an analytic signal, by generating a phase quadrature component y(t) = A sin(ωt + φ) to serve as the imaginary part. • If X(ω) denotes the spectrum of the real signal x(t), then |X(−ω)| = |X(ω)| • A complex sinusoid ejωt consists of one frequency ω, while the real sinusoid sin(ωk t) consists of two (2) frequencies ω and −ω. • It is easier therefore, and more common, to use the “less complicated” complex sinusoid when doing signal processing. 1. Consider the positive and negative frequency components of a real sinusoid at frequency ω0: x+ , ejω0t x− , e−jω0t. 2. Apply a phase shift of −π/2 to the positive-frequency component and of π/2 to the negative-frequency component: • Given, a real signal, the negative frequencies are usually “filtered out” to produce an analytic signal, a signal which has no negative frequency components. y+ = e−jπ/2ejω0t = −jejω0t y− = ejπ/2e−jω0t = je−jω0t. 3. Form a new complex signal by adding them together: z+(t) , x+(t) + jy+(t) = ejω0t − j 2ejω0t = 2ejω0t z−(t) , x−(t) + jy−(t) = e−jω0t + j 2e−jω0t = 0. CMPT 318: Fundamentals of Computerized Sound: Lecture 5 11 CMPT 318: Fundamentals of Computerized Sound: Lecture 5 12 Hilbert Transform Filters Complex Amplitude or Phasor • For more complicated signals (which are the sum of sinusoids), a filter, called a Hilbert Transform Filter is used to shift each sinusoidal component by a quarter cycle. • When two complex numbers are multiplied, their magnitudes multiply and their angles add: • When a real signal x(t) and its Hilbert transform y(t) = Ht{x} are used to form a new complex signal • This is true also of the complex exponential signal. If the complex number X = Aejφ is multiplied by the complex valued function ejω0t, we obtain z(t) = x(t) + jy(t) r1ejθ1 r2ejθ2 = r1r2ej(θ1+θ2). x(t) = Xejω0t = Aejφejω0t = Aej(ω0t+φ) . the signal z(t) is the (complex) analytic signal corresponding to the real signal x(t). • The complex number X is referred to as the complex amplitude, a polar representation of the amplitude and the initial phase of the complex exponential signal. • Example: Suppose you have a signal x(t) = A(t) cos(ωt). How do you obtain A(t) without knowing ω? Ans: Use the Hilbert tranform to generate the analytic signal • The complex amplitude is also called a phasor as it can be represented graphically as a vector in the complex plane. z(t) ≈ A(t)ejωt , and then take the absolute value A(t) = |z(t)|. CMPT 318: Fundamentals of Computerized Sound: Lecture 5 13 CMPT 318: Fundamentals of Computerized Sound: Lecture 5 14 Spectrum Representation Spectrum Representation cont. • Recall that summing sinusoids of the same frequency but arbitrary amplitudes and phases produces a new single sinusoid of the same frequency. • Using inverse Euler, this signal may be represented as N X Xk jωk t X k −jωk t x(t) = A0 + . e + e 2 2 k=1 • Summing several sinusoids of different frequencies will produce a waveform that is no longer purely sinusoidal. • Every signal therefore, can be expressed as a linear combination of complex sinusoids. • The spectrum of a signal is a graphical representation of the frequency components it contains and their complex amplitudes. • If a signal is the sum of N sinusoids, the spectrum will be composed of 2N + 1 complex amplitudes and 2N + 1 complex exponentials of a certain frequency. • Consider a signal that is the sum of N sinusoids of arbitrary amplitudes, phases, AND frequencies: x(t) = A0 + N X 10 7ejπ/3 Ak cos(ωk t + φk ) 7e−jπ/3 4e−jπ/2 4ejπ/2 k=1 • Figure shows the spectrum of a signal with N = 2 components. CMPT 318: Fundamentals of Computerized Sound: Lecture 5 15 CMPT 318: Fundamentals of Computerized Sound: Lecture 5 16 Why are phasors important? Linear Time Invariant Systems • Linear Time Invariant (LTI) systems perform only four (4) operations on a signal: copying, scaling, delaying, adding. • The output of an LTI system therefore is always a linear combination of delayed copies of the input signal(s). • Notice, the “carrier term” x(n) = ejωnT can be factored out to obtain N X y(n) = gix(n − di) i=1 y(n) = i=1 = N X giejωnT e−jwdiT i=1 gix(n − di) = x(n) N X gie−jwdiT , i=1 showing an LTI system can be reduced to a calculation involving only the sum phasors. where gi is the ith weighting factor, di is the ith delay, and x(n) = ejωnT . CMPT 318: Fundamentals of Computerized Sound: Lecture 5 giej[w(n−di)T ] i=1 • In a discrete time system, any linear combination of delayed copies of a complex sinusoid may be expressed as N X = N X • Since every signal can be expressed as a linear combination of complex sinusoids, this analysis can be applied to any signal by expanding the signal into its weighted sum of complex sinusoids (by expressing it as an inverse Fourier Transform). 17 CMPT 318: Fundamentals of Computerized Sound: Lecture 5 18 Signals as Vectors Projection, Inner Product and the DFT • For the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), all signals and spectra are length N . A length N sequence x can be denoted x(n), n = 0, 1, ...N − 1, where x(n) may be real or complex. • The coefficient of projection of a signal y onto another signal x can be thought of as a measure of how much x is present in y, and is computed using the inner product hx, yi. • We may regard x as a vector x in an N dimensional vector space. That is, each sample x(n) is regarded as a coordinate in that space. • Mathematically therefore, a vector x is a single point in N-space, represented by a list of coordinates (x(0), x(1), x(2), ..., x(N − 1). 4 x = (2, 3) • One signal x(·) is projected onto another signal y(·) using an inner product defined by N −1 X hx, yi , x(n)y(n) n=0 • The vectors (signals) x and y are said to be orthogonal if hx, yi = 0. That is x ⊥ y ⇔ hx, yi = 0. x = (1,1) 1 3 2 1 −1 1 2 3 y = (1,−1) Figure 3: Two orthogonal vectors for N = 2 1 2 3 4 . Figure 2: A length 2 signal plotted in 2D space. hx, yi = 1 · 1 + 1 · (−1) = 0. CMPT 318: Fundamentals of Computerized Sound: Lecture 5 19 CMPT 318: Fundamentals of Computerized Sound: Lecture 5 20 Orthogonality of Sinusoids DFT Sinusoids • Sinusoids are orthogonal at different frequencies if their durations are infinite. • The N th roots of unity are plotted below for N = 8. ejω2 T = ej4π/N = ejπ/2 = j • For length N sampled sinusoidal segments, orthogonality holds for the harmonics of the sampling rate divided by N, that is for frequencies ejω1 T = ej2π/N = ejπ/4 fs fk = k , k = 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., N − 1. N • These are the only frequencies that have a whole number of periods in N samples. [ejωk T ]N = [ejk2π/N ]N = ejk2π = 1. 21 • Taking successively higher integer powers of the root ejωk T on the unit circle, generates samples of the kth DFT sinusoid. CMPT 318: Fundamentals of Computerized Sound: Lecture 5 22 Final DFT and IDFT • Recall, one signal y(·) is projected onto another signal x(·) using an inner product defined by N −1 X hy, xi , y(n)x(n) • The DFT is most often written N −1 X 2πkn X(ωk ) , x(n)e−j N , k = 0, 1, 2..., N − 1. n=0 n=0 • If x(n) is a sampled, unit amplitude, zero-phase, complex sinusoid, x(n) = ejwk nT , n = 0, 1, . . . , N − 1, then the inner product computes the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). N −1 X hy, xi , y(n)x(n) = • The sampled sinusoids corresponding to the N roots of unity are given by (ejωk T )n = ej2πkn/N , and are used by the DFT. • Since each sinusoid is of a different frequency and each is a harmonic of the sampling rate divided by N , the DFT sinusoids are orthogonal. DFT n=0 N −1 X • The complex sinusoids corresponding to the frequencies fk are 2π sk (n) , ejωk nT , ωk , k fs, k = 0, 1, 2, ..., N − 1. N These sinusoids are generated by the N th roots of unity in the complex plane, so called since CMPT 318: Fundamentals of Computerized Sound: Lecture 5 ejω0 T = 1 • The IDFT is normally written N −1 2πkn 1 X x(n) = X(ωk )ej N . N k=0 y(n)e−jwk nT n=0 , DFTk (y) , Y (ωk ) • Y (ωk ), the DFT at frequency ωk , is a measure of the amplitude and phase of the complex sinusoid which is present in the input signal x at that frequency. CMPT 318: Fundamentals of Computerized Sound: Lecture 5 23 CMPT 318: Fundamentals of Computerized Sound: Lecture 5 24