AC Circuits • Pure AC voltage varies in time. v ( t ) = V 0 cos ωt = V 0 e jωt • The AC current also varies in time with the same frequency but may have a different phase. i ( t ) = I 0 cos ( ωt + φ ) = I 0 e π/2 π I0 j ( ωt + φ ) φ 2π V0 Τ • The RMS voltage and current, Vrms , Irms, are related to the amplitude. V rms = I rms = 〈 v 2〉 = 〈 i 2〉 = V0 〈 V 20 cos 2ωt〉 = ------2 I0 〈 I 20 cos 2( ωt + φ )〉 = ------2 • The phase doesn’t matter for rms measurement. LABORATORY ELECTRONICS II 1 of 16 Phasors • A complex number can be represented as a magnitude and angle in the complex plane. Im. φ Re. • The imaginary unit in electronics is j to avoid confusion with current. j = –1 • Euler’s formula for an exponential in jφ links to sinusoidal behavior. e jφ = cos φ + j sin φ • Trigonometric formulas can be replaced by exponential ones. jφ cos φ = Re ( e ) • AC signals are represented by a vector in the complex plane and are called phasors. LABORATORY ELECTRONICS II 2 of 16 Capacitors • The voltage-current relationship for a capacitor in an AC circuit comes from the stored charge. i v = V0e jωt C Q v = ---C dv ---dt = ---iC • For a pure AC signal, there is a simple voltage-current relationship. 1 v = ---------- i jωC • This looks like a complex version of Ohm’s law. • The capacitive reactance is a complex impedance. 1 Z C = ---------j ωC LABORATORY ELECTRONICS II 3 of 16 Inductors • An inductor creates a voltage in response to a changing current. i v = V0e jωt L v = L di dt • This gives rise to another complex current-voltage relationship. v = jωLi • The inductive reactance is a complex impedance. ZL = jωL • Capacitive reactances are negative on the imaginary axis and inductive reactances are positive on the imaginary axis. LABORATORY ELECTRONICS II 4 of 16 Gain • The unit of gain A is the decibel (dB). • Decibels are a logarithmic measure, Voltage and current, AdB = 20 log10 A Power = voltage*current, AdB = 10 log10 A • There are some useful approximations for amplitude gain. A factor of 10 is a 20 dB measure A factor of 2 is about a 6 dB measure Neagtive dB is a reduction in magnitude • A Bode plot displays gain versus the log of the frequency. gain (dB) log f (or ω) LABORATORY ELECTRONICS II 5 of 16 Complex Gain • The complex gain includes the magnitude of gain and the phase shift. • The absolute magnitude (a real) is the magnitude of the gain. A = B + jC = ( B + jC ) ( B – j C ) = 2 B +C 2 • The angle in the complex plane is the phase shift. tan φ = C ⁄ B • Graphically: 2 B +C 2 φ jC φ = atan C ---B B LABORATORY ELECTRONICS II 6 of 16 Low-pass Filter • The low-pass filter is a common element in AC circuits. • It is a voltage divider with complex impedance. vin R 1 ⁄ jωC v out = --------------------------- v in R + 1 ⁄ jωC C 1 = ----------------------- v in 1 + jωRC v out 1 A = --------- = ---------------------------------2 2 2 v in 1+ω R C A = (1+ω2R2C2)-1/2; for large ω, A goes as 1/ω or 6 dB/octave. φ = tan-1(−ωRC); for large ω, φ approaches −90 ° . LABORATORY ELECTRONICS II 7 of 16 Fourier Series • A periodic signal with a period T can be expressed as f(t) = f(t + nT) • A fourier series represents this as a sum of sine and cosine functions. • The periodic function can be expressed with ω = 2π/T. a0 f(t) = ----- + 2 ∞ [ a n cos ( nωt ) + b n sin ( nωt ) ] ∑ n=1 • Instead of sines and cosines, the function can be represented in complex notation. ∞ f(t) = LABORATORY ELECTRONICS II [ cn e ∑ n = –∞ jnωt ] 8 of 16 Fourier Coefficients • The Fourier coefficients are found by integrating the signal over any one period. • The first term a0/2 is the DC component of f(t). ∫ T a0T f(t) dt = --------2 0 • The coeffiecients an, bn represent the strength of that frequency component. • The cosine terms are symmetric and the sine terms are antisymmetric. 2 T⁄2 a n = --f(t) cos ( nωt ) dt T –T ⁄ 2 ∫ 2 T⁄2 -bn = f(t) sin ( nωt ) dt T –T ⁄ 2 ∫ • The coefficients cn for the complex form are similar. – jn ωt 1- T ⁄ 2 -cn = dt f(t)e T –T ⁄ 2 ∫ LABORATORY ELECTRONICS II 9 of 16 Square Wave • A symmetric square wave can be simply decomposed into a Fourier series. V0 -V0 -T/2 T/2 • The function has been set up as a symmetric function around t = 0. • The period is split into two symmetric halves. v(t) = V 0 v(t) = – V 0 T –T --- < t < --4 4 T t > --4 • Integration can be done on each half separately. LABORATORY ELECTRONICS II 10 of 16 Square Wave Coefficients • Since the form is symmetric the sine terms will all be 0. 2- T ⁄ 2 -bn = v(t) sin ( nωt ) dt = 0 T –T ⁄ 2 ∫ • The symmetric terms will be 2 times the value of the positive side. T⁄4 T⁄2 4 4 a n = --V 0 cos ( nωt ) dt + --– V cos ( nωt ) dt T 0 T T⁄4 0 ∫ ∫ 4V 0 4V 0 a n = ----------- sin ( nωT ⁄ 4 ) + ----------- sin ( nωT ⁄ 4 ) Tnω Tnω 8V 0 4V 0 a n = ---------- sin ( 2πn ⁄ 4 ) = --------- sin ( nπ ⁄ 2 ) 2πn πn LABORATORY ELECTRONICS II 11 of 16 Low Order Expansion • Consider the first few terms of the square wave series 4V 0 nπ a n = --------- sin ⎛ ------⎞ ⎝ πn 2⎠ a1 = 4V0/π a2 = 0 4V0/π a3 = 4V0/3π a4 = 0 a5 = 4V0/5π ω 2ω 3ω 4ω 5ω 6ω 7ω 8ω ω 2ω 3ω 4ω 5ω 6ω 7ω 8ω a6 = 0 0 dB • The signal can be displayed in terms of the frequencies and -10 dB strengths. LABORATORY ELECTRONICS II 12 of 16 Bridge Circuits • The Wheatstone bridge is a DC circuit. I1 R1 R3 Vin Iout A R2 R4 I2 • If the current meter shows Iout = 0, there are two balance equations. I 1 R1 = I 2 R2 I1 R3 = I2 R4 • These can be combined and R4 can be found in terms of the other resistors. R4 = R2 R3 ⁄ R1 LABORATORY ELECTRONICS II 13 of 16 Bridge Circuits • The Wheatstone bridge is typically used to measure an unknown resistance RX. R2 R1 Vin RX R3 A Iout • If the user balances the current meter until Iout = 0. • The unknown resistance comes from the balance equation. RX = R2 R3 ⁄ R1 LABORATORY ELECTRONICS II 14 of 16 Op-Amp Bridge • An op-amps can be used to generate a balance condition. • Negative feedback sets the voltages on the input of the op-amp. V inv = V non = V in – I 1 R i1 = I 2 R i2 • The resistr network sets the voltage on the output of the op-amp. V A = V in – I 1 R i1 – I 1 R f1 = ( I 2 + I out )R f2 + I 2 R i2 I1 Vin Ri1 VA Rf1 Rf2 − + Iout I2 Ri2 R f2 R i2 ------• The variable resistor can be adjusted until the resistors meet the following ratio: = -------R f1 R i1 • The current only depends on Ri2 and Vin. V in I out = – -------R i2 • Measuring the current gives the value of the resistor Ri2. LABORATORY ELECTRONICS II 15 of 16 AC Bridges • A DC bridge can be modified to measure complex impedances i1 C3 R1 vin R3 iout A R2 Z4 i2 • Match the real and imaginary parts at Z4 = a + jb. R 1 ( a + jb ) = R 2 ( R 3 – j ⁄ ωC 3 ) • The imaginary part measures the capacitance or inductance. b = – R 2 ⁄ ωR 1 C 3 • The real part measures any intrinsic resistance; and can be used to calculate the Q. a = R2 R3 ⁄ R1 LABORATORY ELECTRONICS II 16 of 16