Technical University of Košice
Faculty of Electrical Engineering & Informatics
Department of Electric Power Engineering
Ľubomír Beňa
Part II – Technical documentation in electrical engineering
This textbook is designed for the course „Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering“
attended in the first year of study at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
at Technical University in Košice. This course is obligatory for every students of
electrical engineering.
The main purpose of this course is to give fundamental knowledge of:
- technical standardisation, protection of industrial properties,
- rules for technical documentation creation,
- electrical diagrams drawing,
- technical documentation for printed circuit board,
- skills with drawing of technical documentation by the CAD tools.
In Košice, August 2008
TECHNICAL STANDARDISATION ................................................................................................ 4
Types of Standards....................................................................................................................... 4
Enforcement................................................................................................................................. 5
Availability .................................................................................................................................. 5
Geographic levels......................................................................................................................... 6
Standards organisations ............................................................................................................... 6
International Standards Organisations................................................................................. 6
Regional Standards Organizations ...................................................................................... 7
National Standards Bodies (NSBs) ..................................................................................... 7
Slovak Standards Institute ................................................................................................... 9
PROTECTION OF INDUSTRIAL PROPERTIES ........................................................................... 14
Patents ........................................................................................................................................ 14
Utility models............................................................................................................................. 14
Design ........................................................................................................................................ 15
Trademark .................................................................................................................................. 15
TECHNICAL DRAWING................................................................................................................. 16
Lines on the engineering drawing.............................................................................................. 16
Lines styles and types........................................................................................................ 16
The usage of the lines in the drawings .............................................................................. 18
Drawing to Scale........................................................................................................................ 20
Lettering of the Drawings .......................................................................................................... 21
Standard paper sizes, position of standard sheets ...................................................................... 22
ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTION ................................................................................................... 24
BASIC RULES FOR DIMENSIONING........................................................................................... 27
ELECTRICAL DIAGRAMS DRAWING......................................................................................... 32
Graphical symbols for diagrams ................................................................................................ 32
Parts of IEC 60617 ............................................................................................................ 32
Parts of electronic component symbol .............................................................................. 32
Representation of electronic components.......................................................................... 34
Multi pole and single pole diagrams ................................................................................. 35
Labelling of electrical and electronic components............................................................ 36
Types of electro-technical diagrams.................................................................................. 37
TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION FOR PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD ...................................... 42
Main kinds of PCB..................................................................................................................... 43
Classes of PCB........................................................................................................................... 44
Complete documentation for manufacturing of PCB................................................................. 45
Sample and drawing of conductor pattern......................................................................... 46
Sample and drawing of standard holes.............................................................................. 47
Drawing of special holes ................................................................................................... 47
Sample of non-soldered mask ........................................................................................... 48
Sample of printing............................................................................................................. 49
Component location drawing of PCB ............................................................................... 49
Circuit diagram.................................................................................................................. 50
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................52
A technical standard is an established norm or requirement. It is usually a formal
document that establishes uniform engineering or technical criteria, methods, processes
and practices.
A technical standard can also be a controlled artifact or similar formal means used for
calibration. Reference Standards and certified reference materials have an assigned value
by direct comparison with a reference base. A primary standard is usually under
jurisdiction of a national standards body. Secondary, tertiary, check standards and
standard materials may be used for reference in a metrology system. A key requirement in
this case is (metrological) traceability, an unbroken paper trail of calibrations back to the
primary standard.
This text discusses formal technical standards. A custom, convention, company
product, corporate standard, etc which becomes generally accepted and dominant is often
called a de facto standard.
A technical standard can be developed privately or unilaterally, for example by a
corporation, regulatory body, military, etc. Standards can also be developed by groups
such as trade unions, and trade associations. Standards organizations usually have more
diverse input and usually develop voluntary standards: these might become mandatory if
adopted by a government, business contract, etc.
The standardization process may be by edict or may involve the formal consensus of
technical experts.
1.1 Types of Standards
The primary types of technical standards are:
a standard specification is an explicit set of requirements for an item, material,
component, system or service. It is often used to formalize the technical aspects of
a procurement agreement or contract. For example, there may be a specification for
a turbine blade for a jet engine which defines the exact material and performance
a standard test method describes a definitive procedure which produces a test
result. It may involve making a careful personal observation or conducting a highly
technical measurement. For example, a physical property of a material is often
affected by the precise method of testing: any reference to the property should
therefore reference the test method used.
a standard procedure (or standard practice) gives a set of instructions for
performing operations or functions. For example, there are detailed standard
operating procedures for operation of a nuclear power plant.
a standard guide is general information or options which do not require a specific
course of action.
a standard definition is formally established terminology.
1.2 Enforcement
Many standards are written as voluntary standards. Interested parties may participate
in the development voluntarily and the use of the finished standard is voluntary. The
standards organization usually does not have any way to impose their use or to enforce
compliance. People and organizations may choose to use or not to use a published
voluntary standard.
Some standards are written to be mandatory standards. A defense standard is
mandatory in relation to that use: It may be voluntarily referenced by a different
organization. A standard written and published by a government regulator is mandatory
for that use. (A standard which is enforced by law is sometimes called a de jure standard.)
A corporation may write its own standard for its mandatory use.
The use of some voluntary standards may sometimes become mandatory.
A voluntary standard may be referenced or adopted by a government or regulatory
body. Its use becomes mandatory within the scope of its legal reference.
Enforcement is by the regulator or government body which chose to reference the
A voluntary standard may be referenced or adopted by a private organization or
become part of a legal contract. The voluntary standard becomes mandatory within
the scope of that usage or contract.
A voluntary standard may sometimes become so common and dominant that its
use becomes expected. Enforcement of a de facto standard is usually by free
market forces.
1.3 Availability
Public documents available on the internet, public library, etc. (Some technical
standards may be found at a major central library or at the library of a good
technical university)
Published documents which are available for purchase.
Private documents owned by an organization or corporation. These are used and
circulated as they determine necessary or useful.
Documents open for public use but with intellectual property (copyright, etc)
associated with them.
Closed or controlled documents which contain trade secrets or classified
1.4 Geographic levels
When a geographically defined community needs to solve a community-wide
coordination problem, it can adopt an existing standard, or produce a new one.
The main geographic levels are:
national standard,
regional standard,
international standard.
National/Regional/International standards is one way of overcoming technical barriers
in inter-local or inter-regional commerce caused by differences among technical
regulations and standards developed independently and separately by each local, local
standards organisation, or local company. Technical barriers arise when different groups
come together, each with a large user base, doing some well established thing that
between them is mutually incompatible. Establishing national/regional/international
standards is one way of preventing or overcoming this problem.
1.5 Standards organisations
A standards organisation is any entity whose primary activities are developing,
coordinating, promulgating, revising, amending, reissuing, interpreting, or otherwise
maintaining of standards.
1.5.1 International Standards Organisations
Broadly, an international standards organization develops international standards.
There are many international standards organizations.
For example:
• the International Organization for Standardization (ISO),
• the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC),
• the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).
have existed for more than 50 years (founded in 1947, 1906, and 1865, respectively) and
they are all based in Geneva, Switzerland. They have established tens of thousands of
standards covering almost every conceivable topic. Many of these are then adopted
worldwide replacing various incompatible 'homegrown' standards. Many of these
standards are naturally evolved from those designed in-house within an industry, or by a
particular country, whilst others have been built from scratch by groups of experts who sit
on various technical committees (TCs).
1.5.2 Regional Standards Organizations
Regional standards bodies also exist such as European Committee for
Standardization (CEN), European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
(CENELEC), European Telecommunications Standard Institute (ETSI), and the Institute
for Reference Materials and Measurements (IRMM) in Europe, the Pacific Area
Standards Congress (PASC), the Pan American Standards Commission (COPANT), the
African Organization for Standardization (ARSO), the Arab Industrial Development and
Mining Organization (AIDMO), and others.
1.5.3 National Standards Bodies (NSBs)
In general, each country or economy has a single recognized Standards Body.
Algeria - IANOR - Institut algérien de normalisation - Website
Argentina - IRAM - Instituto Argentino de Normalización - Website
Armenia - SARM - National Institute of Standards and Quality - Website
Australia - SA - Standards Australia - Website
Austria - ON - Austrian Standards Institute - Website
Bangladesh - BSTI - Bangladesh Standards and Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institutio, - Website
Belarus - BELST - Committee for Standardization, Metrology and Certification of Belarus - Website
Belgium - IBN/BIN - The Belgian Institution for Standardization - Website
Belgium - BEC/CEB - The Belgian Electrotechnical Committee - Website
Bolivia - IBNORCA - Instituto Boliviano de Normalización y Calidad - Website
Bosnia and Herzegovina - BASMP - Institute for Standards, Metrology and Intellectual Property of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Website
Brazil - ABNT - Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas - Website
Brunei Darussalam - CPRU - Construction Planning and Research Unit, Ministry of Development - Website
Bulgaria - BDS - Bulgarian Institute for Standardization - Website
Canada - SCC - Standards Council of Canada - Website
Canada - CSA - Canadian Standards Association - Website
Chile - INN - Instituto Nacional de Normalizacion - Website
China - SAC - Standardization Administration of China - Website
China - CSSN - China Standards Information Center - Website
Colombia - ICONTEC - Instituto Colombiano de Normas Técnicas y Certificación - Website
Costa Rica - INTECO - Instituto de Normas Técnicas de Costa Rica - Website
Croatia - DZNM - State Office for Standardization and Metrology - Website
Cuba - NC - Oficina Nacional de Normalización - Website
Czech Republic - CSNI - Czech Standards Institute - Website
Denmark - DS - Dansk Standard - Website
Ecuador - INEN - Instituto Ecuatoriano de Normalización - Website
Egypt - EO - Egyptian Organization for Standardization and Quality Control - Website
El Salvador - CONACYT - Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología - Website
Estonia - EVS - Eesti Standardikeskus - Website
Ethiopia - QSAE - Quality and Standards Authority of Ethiopia Website
Finland - SFS - Finnish Standards Association - Website
France - AFNOR - Association française de normalisation - Website
Germany - DIN - Deutsches Institut für Normung - Website and Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik
Greece - ELOT - Hellenic Organization for Standardization - Website
Grenada - GDBS - Grenada Bureau of Standards - Website
Guatemala - COGUANOR - Comisión Guatemalteca de Normas - Website
Guyana - GNBS - Guyana National Bureau of Standards - Website
Hong Kong - ITCHKSAR - Innovation and Technology Commission - Website
Hungary - MSZT - Magyar Szabványügyi Testület - Website
Iceland - IST - Icelandic Council for Standardization - Website
IndiaBIS - Bureau of Indian Standards - Website
Indonesia - BSN - Badan Standardisasi Nasional - Website
Iran - ISIRI - Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran - Website
Ireland - NSAI - National Standards Authority of Ireland - Website
Israel - SII - The Standards Institution of Israel - Website
Italy - UNI - Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione - Website
Jamaica - BSJ - Bureau of Standards, Jamaica - Website
Japan - JISC - Japan Industrial Standards Committee - Website
Jordan - JISM - Jordan Institution for Standards and Metrology - Website
Kazakstan - KAZMEMST - Committee for Standardization, Metrology and Certification - Website
Kenya - KEBS - Kenya Bureau of Standards - Website
Republic of Korea - KATS - Korean Agency for Technology and Standards - Website
Kuwait - KOWSMD - Public Authority for Industry, Standards and Industrial Services Affairs - Website
Kyrgyzstan - KYRGYZST - State Inspection for Standardization and Metrology - Website
Latvia - LVS - Latvian Standard - Website
Lebanon - LIBNOR - Lebanese Standards Institution - Website
Lithuania - LST - Lithuanian Standards Board - Website
Luxembourg - SEE - Service de l'Energie de l'Etat, Organisme Luxembourgeois de Normalisation - Website
Malaysia - Department of Standards Malaysia - Website
Malta - MSA - Malta Standards Authority - Website
Mauritius - MSB - Mauritius Standards Bureau - Website
Mexico - DGN - Dirección General de Normas - Website
Moldova - MOLDST - Department of Standardization and Metrology - Website
Morocco - SNIMA - Service de Normalisation Industrielle Marocaine - Website
Netherlands - NEN - Nederlandse Norm, maintained by the Nederlands Normalisatie Instituut (NNI) - Website
New Zealand - SNZ - Standards New Zealand - Website
Nicaragua - DTNM - Dirección de Tecnología, Normalización y Metrología - Website
Nigeria - SON - Standards Organisation of Nigeria - Website
Norway - SN - Standards Norway (Standard Norge) - Website
Oman - DGSM - Directorate General for Specifications and Measurements - Website
Pakistan - PSQCA - Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority - Website
Palestine - PSI - Palestine Standards Institution - Website
Panama - COPANIT - Comisión Panameña de Normas Industriales y Técnicas - Website
Papua New Guinea - NISIT - National Institute of Standards and Industrial Technology - Website
Peru - INDECOPI - Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Protección de la Propiedad Intellectual - Website
Philippines - BPS - Bureau of Product Standards - Website
Poland - PKN - Polish Committee for Standardization - Website
Portugal - IPQ - Instituto Português da Qualidade - Website
Romania - ASRO - Asociatia de Standardizare din România - Website
Russian Federation - Rostekhregulirovaniye - Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology - Website
Saint Lucia - SLBS - Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards - Website
Saudi Arabia - SASO - Saudi Arabian Standards Organization - Website
Serbia and Montenegro - ISSM -Institution for Standardization of Serbia and Montenegro - Website
Seychelles - SBS - Seychelles Bureau of Standards - Website
Singapore - SPRING SG - Standards, Productivity and Innovation Board - Website
Slovakia - SUTN - Slovak Standards Institute - Website
Slovenia - SIST - Slovenian Institute for Standardization - Website
South Africa - SABS - South African Bureau of Standards - Website
Spain - AENOR - Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificación - Website
Sri Lanka - SLSI - Sri Lanka Standards Institution - Website
Sweden - SIS - Swedish Standards Institute - Website
Switzerland - SNV - Swiss Association for Standardization - Website
Syrian Arab Republic - SASMO - The Syrian Arab Organization for Standardization and Metrology - Website
Taiwan (Republic of China) - BSMI - The Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection - Website
Tanzania - TBS - Tanzania Bureau of Standards
Thailand - TISI - Thai Industrial Standards Institute - Website
Trinidad and Tobago - TTBS - Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards - Website
Turkey - TSE - Türk Standardlari Enstitüsü - Website
Uganda - UNBS - Uganda National Bureau of Standards - Website
Ukraine - DSSU - State Committee for Technical Regulation and Consumer Policy of Ukraine - Website
United Kingdom - BSI - British Standards Institution aka BSI Group - Website
United States of America - ANSI - American National Standards Institute - Website
Uruguay - UNIT - Instituto Uruguayo de Normas Técnicas - Website
Venezuela - FONDONORMA - Fondo para la Normalización y Certificación de la Calidad - Website
Vietnam - TCVN - Directorate for Standards and Quality - Website
1.5.4 Slovak Standards Institute
Slovak Standards Institute (SUTN) has been established on 1st January 1993 by the
Slovak Office of Standards, Metrology and Testing (UNMS). Since 1st January 1999 it
has become a state contributory organization with its own budget, approved by the
UNMS yearly. Since 1st January 2000 according to § 6 clause 2 of the Act No 264/1999
Coll. On the technical requirements on products and conformity assessment and on
change and amendment of some acts the UNMS President authorized SUTN as the only
legal body designated for development, approval and publishing of Slovak Standards,
fulfillment of obligations following from international contracts and from the membership
in International and European standards organizations (ISO, IEC, CEN, CENELEC and
ETSI). This act provided for SUTN being the National standardization body (NSB).
Every year SUTN and UNMS conclude a contract on development, approval and
publishing of Slovak Standards, international cooperation and fulfillment of other duties
arising from the NSB Status with determined government contribution for providing
standardization activities in state interest.
The current activities of SUTN cover:
elaboration of Slovak standards;
publishing and distribution of Slovak standards and other documents related to
fulfillment of the National information center functions (NIS);
fulfillment of the National standardization body functions (NSB).
In detail, SUTN is engaged in following activities:
setting up and providing methodological control over the standardization plan;
providing groundwork for approval of STN drafts (including amendments)
and proposals for withdrawal of valid STNs;
keeping records of approved STNs, their amendments and withdrawals; preparing
groundwork for publishing in „Vestník UNMS SR“;
establishing Technical Committees (abbr. TK) and operating according to TK
setting up methodological standardization guides;
working out statements or giving opinions concerning legal regulations, or other
documents laying out the standardization activities in Slovakia;
participating at the meetings of international and European standardisation
organisation to the extent of its authorization;
setting up and administer STN collections and STN archive;
setting up and administer collections of European, International and foreign
standards, regulations and publications related to standardization;
setting and administer the Slovak standardization information system;
publishing of STNs, Catalogues and other publications including periodicals (The
UNMS Journal, magazines Standardization, Metrology and testing);
publishing electronic products;
providing data retrieval from databases;
providing information and consultations about standardization;
organising educational courses and training for external participants.
The main focus of SUTN today is to ensure the complete harmonization of national
collection of standards through implementation of European standards and supporting
an involvement in development of European standards.
Cooperation with International, European and foreign standard organizations
SUTN as the National Standardization Organization (NSO) is the member of:
International Orgaization for Standardization (ISO),
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC),
European Committee for Standardization (CEN),
European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC).
and performs the tasks of National standardization organization in The European
Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).
The main goal of these organizations is by development of voluntary International and
European standards to contribute to removal of technical barriers for trading. SUTN
through experts, members of National Technical Committees comment the drafts of
International and European standards.
SUTN became the national member of CEN on 1st January 2003 and National member of
CENELEC on 5th June 2002. Fulfilment of duties linked to the membership became the
priority of SUTN.
STN Standards and national TCs
Slovak Standards Institute (SUTN) is the only legal body designated to elaboration,
approval and publishing of Slovak Standards (STN) according to the decision No. 1/2000
of the President of Slovak Office of Standards, Metrology and Testing (UNMS) in
compliance with the Act No. 264/1999 Coll. On technical requirements of products and
on conformity assessment and on change and amendment of some acts as amended. This
decision was published in unit 12 of the Collection as the Announcement No. 25/2002 Z.
z. Slovak standards are developed and approved in accordance with § 6 of the Law No.
264/1999 Coll. and marked with STN symbol. Currently the system of Slovak national
standards contains 28 808 valid standards. The distribution of them according their origin
and according the sectors are given in the following diagrams:
Marking of the Standards
Marking of Interantional (ISO, IEC), Regional (EN) Standards
These standards are consecutive numbered according to time sequence approving.
Number of the standard is sequential number and this number not market appropriate
technical department.
Example of standard marking is following:
Marking of STN standards
Till end of year 1992 was valid Czechoslovak state standards.
After dividing Czechoslovak republic:
- in Slovak republic was founded short cut STN („slovenská technická norma”)
- in Czech republic was kept short cut ČSN („česká norma”).
Initial standards ČSN are valid after year 1992 too, in Slovak republic are used with new
marking “STN” (by the restamping), but with initial number (see following figure).
Example of standard marking is following:
If standard STN takes over international standard (ISO, IEC) or regional standard (EN),
marking of this standard is following:
Example of European standard taken over by standard STN:
This chapter was worked according to literature [1], [2], [6].
Industrial property is a category of intellectual property, which includes types of
intellectual property that are susceptible of industrial application. Industrial right refers to
industrial property that is a result of creativity and intellectual activity, e.g. invention,
technical solutions or external appearance of products - designs. Industrial rights cover
also group of rights called as "rights to designation" such as designation of goods and
services to improve its marketing quality. The second category of intellectual property is a
copyright and related rights, which are subject to competence of Ministry of culture of the
Slovak Republic.
2.1 Patents
According to the Act No. 435/2001 Coll. on Patents, Supplementary Protection
Certificates and on Amendment of Some Acts in wording of the Act No. 402/2002 Coll.,
patents shall be granted for inventions which are new, involve an inventive activity and
are susceptible of industrial application after performing preliminary and substantive
examination. The so-called deferred examination with publication of applications after
expiry of 18 months is implemented. The full examination shall by carried out upon the
request of an applicant, which shall be filed within 36 months as from the filing date of
the patent application. It is also possible to patent chemical products and medicaments.
The term of the validity of a patent is 20 years as from the filing date of the patent
application. The prerequisite of the duration of the patent protection is the payment of
maintenance fees.
2.2 Utility models
Since 1992 it has been possible to protect as an utility models a technical solutions
which are new, exceed the common technical skills and are susceptible of industrial
application, under the Law No. 478/1992 Coll. on Utility Models. The procedure is based
on the so-called "registration principle". Only formal examination is carried out before the
registration of a utility model into the Register. Contrary to the protection by a patent,
neither process or production activities, nor biological reproductive material shall be
protected by a utility model. The Law allows an applicant of a utility model to apply for
the priority right from earlier utility model application .
The term of protection of a utility model is 4 years as from the filing date of the
application and may be extended for a maximum of two three-year periods upon the
request of the owner of a utility model.
2.3 Design
Applications of designs must meet, according to Act No. 444/2002 Coll. on designs,
formal and substantive requirements. Among the basic requirements for the registration of
design into the Register and certification belong the novelty and specific character of
design. Design shall mean the appearance of a whole or a part of a product resulting from
the features of, in particular, the lines, contours, colours, shape, texture or materials of a
product itself or its ornamentation;
The validity of the registered design is five years from the date of filing the application of
design. This period may be renewed by the owner of the registered design repeatedly for
up to four periods of five years, up to a total term of 25 years from the date of filing the
2.4 Trademark
The Act No 55/1997 Coll. on Trademarks as amended defines the conditions for the
so-called registrability of a trademark. A trademark shall be verbal, figurative, threedimensional or combined denomination, which is capable of distinguishing goods and
services of various manufacturers or suppliers of services. In addition, the Law specifies
in detail exclusions of denominations from the Register as well as denominations that
could not be a trademark. For example, it is the case of denominations having no
distinctive nature, denominations containing the official names of States, denominations
of goods and services kinds, generally known geographical denominations, deceptive
denominations, denominations identical with a trademark registered in the name of
another person, for the goods and services of the same kind. A legal entity or a natural
person may file the application for the registration of a trademark.
The term of protection of the registered trademark is 10 years as from the filing date of
the application for a trademark. Upon the request of the owner of a trademark and after
the payment of administrative fee the Office shall extend the term of protection by the
renewal of the registration indefinitely by ten-year periods.
This chapter was worked according to literature [7].
An technical (engineering) drawing is a type of drawing that is technical in
nature, used to fully and clearly define requirements for engineered items, and is usually
created in accordance with standardized conventions for layout, nomenclature,
interpretation, appearance (such as typefaces and line styles), size, etc. Its purpose is to
accurately and unambiguously capture all the geometric features of a product or a
component. The end goal of an engineering drawing is to convey all the required
information that will allow a manufacturer to produce that component.
Drawings convey the following critical information:
• Geometry – the shape of the object; represented as views; how the object will look
when it is viewed from various standard directions, such as front, top, side, etc.
• Dimensions – the size of the object is captured in accepted units.
• Tolerances – the allowable variations for each dimension.
• Material – represents what the item is made of.
• Finish – specifies the surface quality of the item, functional or cosmetic. For
example, a mass-marketed product usually requires a much higher surface quality
than, say, a component that goes inside industrial machinery.
3.1 Lines on the engineering drawing
When we draw a technical drawing, we have the main problem: to represent a three
dimensional real object into a two-dimensional area - pictures in the drawing. The
representation must by readable and understandable. The object shape, object dimensions
and all other details must clearly be seen. A very important component for drawing an
understandable representation is the usage of the different line types.
3.1.1 Lines styles and types
Lines on drawings are distinguished:
by the thickness
a) thin line
b) thick line
c) very thick line
by the type
a) solid line (continuous line)
b) dashed line
c) dot and dash line (centreline)
d) dot and dash line with two dots
e) dotted line
f) irregular line: free hand line
g) zig-zag precise line
The standardized thicknesses of the lines for technical drawings are:
0.18, 0.25, 0.35, 0.5, 0.7, 1.0, 1.4 and 2.0 mm.
The recommended thicknesses of the lines on drawings in mm are sorted in the
following line groups:
Line groups
Thin line
0.25 0.35
Thick line
Very thick line
It is useful to keep a bigger difference of line thickness, than recommended, for a
good looking drawing.
3.1.2 The usage of the lines in the drawings
Line type
Thin continuous
Thick continuous
Very thick
Thin irregular
Thin dashed
Thin dot and dash
Thin dot and dash
with two dots
Thin dotted
Usage in standard technical drawing
Usage in electrical
connection drawings
- circuit diagrams generally
- dimension lines, extension lines, leaders,
- auxiliary circuits if they are
dimension arrowheads
distinguished from main circuits
- hatching lines
- depth of the threads
- - transformers and electrical
- visible rounded edges
machines sheet orientation
- indeterminate edges and intersections
- flat surface diagonals
- future bend lines on the developed
view of bend detail
- area of non-drawn repeated detail's
- geared wheel root circles
- visible edges, contour lines and sharp
- main circuits and function
intersections in views and section views
connections if they are
- arrowheads for section plane marking
distinguished from auxiliary
- thread ends
- soldered joints
- cable forms
- glued joints
- bunched cables
- interruption of views
- interruption of broken-out sections, etc.
- shielding
- non-electrical connections
- hidden contour lines and edges
(mechanical, hydraulic, etc.)
- mark out the boundary of
devices or components group
- axis and centre lines
- separation between field of
- pitch lines and pitch circles
electrical control panels
- for earth conductors
- end positions of the moving parts
- representation of the original shape
or final shape
- edges and contour lines of adjacent
- axis of the centre of gravity
- details in front of projection plane
- continuation or repeating of the same
- continuation or repeating of the
parts on drawing
same components or circuits
Examples of different lines in a technical drawing:
a) in a standard technical drawing:
- Thick continuous lines - visible edges, contour lines, sharp intersections in a
screw view and in a hole section view, thread ends.
- Thin continuous lines - hatching lines, depth of threads lines, run out
- Thin dot and dash line - screw and hole axes (centre line).
b) In a electrical connection drawing (circuit diagram):
Level of circuit function is distinguished by:
- Thick continuous lines - main circuit - electric motor supply.
- Thin continuous lines - auxiliary circuit, motor switching and direction control.
- Thin dashed line - mechanical, non-electrical, connection of main three-phase
switch contacts and push button contacts.
This chapter was worked according to literature [3].
3.2 Drawing to Scale
When the object is drawn in its actual size, we say that the drawing is drawn to
full-scale or drawn to the scale 1: 1.
Many objects, however, including big electro motors, generators in power plants,
transformers, antenna masts, towers of broadcast and television transmitters, radar
aerials etc., are too large to be drawn in full-scale. Therefore, they must be drawn to a
reduced scale. An example may be a drawing of a radar aerial drawn to the scale 1 :50,
for example. Pictures in the drawing are fifty-times smaller than the radar aerial.
For similar reasons, small parts of measuring apparatus, switches, push buttons, masks
of integrated circuits and similar objects must be drawn larger than their actual size, in
order to clearly define their shapes. These drawings are drawn to the enlarged scale.
For example a contact of a small switch, could be drawn to the scale 10:1. Pictures in
the drawing are ten times bigger than the contact.
Standardised scales:
• Basic scale (full scale) -1:1.
• Enlarged scale - 2:1,5:1, 10:1,20:1,50:1, 100:1, .. ,
• Reduced scale - l:2, 1:5, 1:10, 1:20, 1:50, 1:100, 1:200, 1:500, ...
The appropriate choice of the scale is very important for the readability of the
technical drawing.
More drawing scales may be used on one drawing. All principal views and the majority of
the other views must be drawn in the basic scale. But if there were some small parts on
the object, they would not be readable. Such parts may be drawn in the enlarged partial
views. These pictures must not be conjugated to the principal views and we must
designate them as detail (for example Z), and we must accomplish such a picture by a
ratio of a scale, for example 5:1 – see following figure.
3.3 Lettering of the Drawings
There are many texts in the drawing. There are dimension figures, some
descriptions, prescribing of surface roughness and special surface treatment, etc. Several
texts are written into the comer title as well. All these texts must by clear and completely
readable without any danger of misunderstanding.
This is the main reason for using uniform lettering in technical documentation,
especially for lettering of drawings.
Lettering, for technical drawings, is defined as two dimensions of width:
- Slim letters are designated as letters of type A (d/h = 1/14)
- Wide letters are designated as letters of type B (d/h = 1/10)
Letters of type B are used for general use for technical documentation lettering.
The lettering, for technical drawings is defined as two inclinations:
- vertical letters, which are also widely preferred,
- letters inclined by 75°.
Inclined letters are not used in official presentation of technical documentation and we
must not use them.
The Standards define the basic heights of capital letters. We must only use standardised
values, which are: 1,8 – 2,5 – 3,5 – 5 – 7 – 10 – 14 – 20 mm
3.4 Standard paper sizes, position of standard sheets
In the ISO paper size system, the height-to-width ratio of all pages is the square
root of two (1.4142 : 1).
ISO 216 defines the A series of paper sizes based on these simple principles:
The height divided by the width of all formats is the square root of two (1.4142).
Format A0 has an area of one square meter.
Format A1 is A0 cut into two equal pieces.
All smaller A series formats are defined in the same way. If you cut format An
parallel to its shorter side into two equal pieces of paper, these will have format
The standardized height and width of the paper formats is a rounded number of
Standard sheets are used for 99% of ordinary drawings. We define complementary
extended standard sheets and special extended standard sheets for a drawing of a very
long subjects or very tall subjects. All of the extended sheets come from the standard
sheets by multiplying their shorter side.
The basic positions of the standard sheets are shown on the picture. All drawings
except for A4 must be drawn in the horizontal position. Only A4 sheets must be drawn in
the vertical position. The Standards allow us to draw in a different drawing position, but
only if it is really necessary - for drawings of very tall and slim antenna masts, towers of
broadcast and television transmitters, etc. Exceptionally in this case, we may use the
standard sheets vertically.
This chapter was worked according to literature [1], [2], [6].
The main problem of technical documentation is that we want to transform a threedimensional real object into a two-dimensional area – our drawing. One of the kinds of
these transformations is orthographic projection.
"Orthographic" comes from the Greek word for "straight writing (or drawing)." This
projection shows the object as it looks from the front, right, left, top, bottom, or back, and
are typically positioned relative to each other according to the rules of either first-angle
or third-angle projection.
First angle projection (ISO-E method) is the ISO standard and is primarily used
in Europe.
In first-angle projection, the object is conceptually located in quadrant I, i.e. it floats
above and before the viewing planes, the planes are opaque, and each view is pushed
through the object onto the plane furthest from it. (Mnemonic: an "actor on a stage".)
Extending to the 6-sided box, each view of the object is projected in the direction (sense)
of sight of the object, onto the (opaque) interior walls of the box; that is, each view of the
object is drawn on the opposite side of the box. A two-dimensional representation of the
object is then created by "unfolding" the box, to view all of the interior walls:
This produces two plan views and four side views:
Third angle projection (ISO-A method) is primarily used in America.
In third-angle projection, the object is conceptually located in quadrant III, i.e. it lurks
below and behind the viewing planes, the planes are transparent, and each view is pulled
onto the plane closest to it. Using the 6-sided viewing box, each view of the object is
projected opposite to the direction (sense) of sight, onto the (transparent) exterior walls of
the box; that is, each view of the object is drawn on the same side of the box. The box is
then unfolded to view all of its exterior walls.
Here is the construction of third angle projections of the same object as above. Note that
the individual views are the same, just arranged differently.
This chapter was worked according to literature [3], [8].
Dimensioning is the determination of the object size and of the object shape
location. In general, the descriptions of the shape and of the size give complete
information for production of the object represented by the drawing. We should follow
certain standards, rules and practices on our drawing.
The basic dimension system consists of:
- dimension line,
- two extension lines,
- two internal or two external arrowheads,
- dimension (numerical value).
Basic kinds of dimensioning are:
Dimensioning of lengths and distances between point's lines or planes
Dimensional of radii
Dimensioning of diameters
Dimensioning of angles
We will demonstrate basic rules for dimensioning on the following picture where a
simple completely flat detail is drawn and dimensioned. Most kinds of dimensioning are
shown in this picture.
Three basic detail dimensions must always be dimensioned.
This mean the maximum length (dimension 100), maximum height (dimension 52) and
maximum depth (dimension T2 thickness of 2 mm) of the detail must be dimensioned.
The dimension line shows the extent of length, of width or of thickness to which the
dimension is applied. The dimension line must always be parallel to the dimensioned size
and it is always drawn by a thin continuous line. The dimension line is terminated by two
arrowheads, which touch the insides of the extension lines, if there is enough place. If
arrowheads are drawn inside (dimensions 100, 52, 50, 49, etc.), the dimension line must
not overdraw the extension lines.
The arrowheads are drawn outside if there is not enough place. The dimension line
is drawn about 2 mm beyond the external arrowheads (dimensions 6, 5, 4, etc.). The
spacing between the border of a view and the first dimension line is 12 mm to 15 mm (for
the height of the dimension figure is 3.5 mm to 5 mm). The spacing between other
dimension lines are 10 mm to 12 mm. The spacing must be kept the same on the whole
Dimension line must not continue from contour lines, axes, extension lines, etc.!
The dimension figure (or we may say only the dimension) is a numerical value
expressed in mm, written in the middle of the dimension line about 1 mm above the
dimension line (dimension 100, 52, 50, 49, 25, 8, 3, etc.), if there is enough place.
If there is not enough place, we may write the dimension outside of the dimensioning
space, above the extended dimension line (dimension 4 and ∅8).
Usually, dimensions are drawn outside of the view. However, if extension lines would be
too long for some inner dimension, and if there is enough place, we may locate the
dimension inside the picture (dimension 14, 7 and radius R12).
Ifwe are dimensioning the position of an element or of an element group and their inner
sizes, which belong together, we draw dimension lines on one line (dimension 49 which
determines the distances between holes and dimension 25 which determines the position
of the group of these two holes on the detail). If one adjacent dimension is small in this
case and if its arrowheads are drawn outside, we may use inner arrowhead for both
dimensions (3 mm groove and its position 50 mm).
One exception exists only: when dimensioning a curve from point to point. For
dimensioning such objects, by sufficient density, we may draw the dimension lines on the
same line as the extension lines. The extension lines serve satisfactorily for positioning of
the dimension lines.
Extension lines are used to indicate the locations, such as points or surfaces,
between which the dimension is applied. Generally, they begin from the comers or limits
of the dimensioned parts. They may continue from the ends of the axes too. Extension
lines are always drawn by a continuous thin line and they extend about 2 mm beyond the
outermost dimension line.
Extension lines must be parallel to each other. They are perpendicular to the dimension
line in most cases.
Exceptionally, if extension lines come too close to contour lines, we may draw
oblique extension lines, but again, they must be parallel to each other.
Some very important rules are:
• Dimension lines must not cross each other.
• Dimension lines and extension lines must not cross each other, if possible.
• Extension lines may cross and they usually cross each other.
The next rule follows from these rules: We must draw longer dimensions farther away
from the picture and shorter dimensions closer to the picture (dimensions 52, 21 and 5 on
the left side of the picture, 100, and 50 on the top, and 24 and 4 on the right side).
If we do not accept this rule, then the dimension lines and extension lines will cross. That
is a great mistake!
The arrowheads terminate the dimension line and determine the dimensioned size.
They must touch the extension lines by its tips exactly. Arrowheads must have the same
shape and size on the whole drawing. Arrowheads may be drawn by a template for
uniformity. Usually, designers draw the arrowheads by hand without a template.
Freehand arrows should be drawn carefully to really make them the same all over the
drawing and to be readable.
The angle between the arms of the preferred arrowheads in Europe is
approximately 20°. The recommended length of arms is 3.5 mm to 5 mm (minimum 2.5
mm). The area between the arms may be filled, only if the arrowheads are drawn by
Indian ink.
If there is not enough space between the extension lines and if we are not able to
draw arrowheads there, we may use about a 5 mm long short oblique line at an angle of
45° instead of an inner arrowhead exceptionally (between dimensions 6 and 3 in the
picture below). If there are several short dimensions, we may use more of these short
oblique lines. However, there must be two arrowheads drawn on the outside limits of
these chain dimensions - two external arrowheads.
This chapter was worked according to literature [1], [2].
A circuit diagram (also known as an electrical diagram, wiring diagram,
elementary diagram, or electronic schematic) is a simplified conventional pictorial
representation of an electrical circuit. It shows the components of the circuit as simplified
standard symbols, and the power and signal connections between the devices.
6.1 Graphical symbols for diagrams
International standards for graphical symbols is IEC 60617. IEC 60617 contains
graphical symbols for use in electrotechnical diagrams. IEC 60617 contains some 1750
graphical symbols. IEC 60617 originally consisted of 13 parts, from resistors and
capacitors to logic symbols and even a generalised drawing standard of connections and
bus line widths.
6.1.1 Parts of IEC 60617
— Part 1: General information, general index. Cross-reference tables;
— Part 2: Symbol elements, qualifying symbols and other symbols having general application;
— Part 3: Conductors and connecting devices;
— Part 4: Basic passive components;
— Part 5: Semiconductors and electron tubes;
— Part 6: Production and conversion of electrical energy;
— Part 7: Switchgear, controlgear and protective devices;
— Part 8: Measuring instruments, lamps and signalling devices;
— Part 9: Telecommunications: Switching and peripheral equipment;
— Part 10: Telecommunications: Transmission;
— Part 11: Architectural and topographical installation plans and diagrams;
— Part 12: Binary logic elements;
— Part 13: Analogue elements.
6.1.2 Parts of electronic component symbol
General electronic component symbols are basic forms of schematic component symbols.
They express the basic function of the electronic component;
for example:
- rectifier diode
- resistor
A general component symbol may be completed by an additional symbol. The component
function becomes precise by the additional symbol;
for example:
- nonionising radiation
- variability
The general component symbol supplemented with the additional component symbol
gives us the detailed component symbol. The detailed component symbol represents
complete component function;
for example:
- photodiode
- variable resistor
If the function of internal components are not important and we are interested in the final
total complete function only, we may use a block electronic symbol;
for example:
Electronic component symbols are drawn horizontally or vertically in diagrams.
We draw them in other positions only exceptionally (in measuring bridges, in rectifier
bridges, in memory fields, for example). We draw them at the angle of 45° in these cases.
6.1.3 Representation of electronic components
Some complex electrical or electronic components are completed from several
basic electrical or electronic elements. A classic electro-mechanical relay is assembled
from a coil of a relay (operating device) and from one or several contacts. The coil and
contacts create one complex object. The complex component can be drawn in the
following the representative ways:
- Assembled representation - we draft component elements together if it is possible. In
this representation the complex function is easily visible. We can clearly see that the
relay coil moves the contacts in the picture. The mechanical bond is drafted by a thin
dashed line as a non-electrical connection.
- Decomposed representation - if it is not possible to draft the complex component
elements together, if the electro technical diagram is very complicated or if the
component elements are in other circuits, we draft the decomposed complex component.
Contacts are drawn in another place of the diagram than the coil of the relay (see the
picture on the next page upper left). Every relay contact may be drawn in another place of
the diagram.
6.1.4 Multi pole and single pole diagrams
In heavy current electro technical diagrams, especially in three-phase lines and
installations, the same devices are drafted three times. Sometimes, in generally used
wirings and connections, we may simplify the heavy current diagrams by using a socalled single pole drafting. We draw every element of the diagram only once, and to be a
three-phase diagram, we cross each element by three, short, parallel lines, at the
approximate angle of 60°. We may use one short line at the angle of 60° and attach the
figure 3 near them (the parallel lines).
We can see a three-phase transformer in the picture. One winding is a starconnected winding (Y -connected winding) the second one is a delta connected winding.
There is the three-phase transformer drafted by classic multi pole method on the left
picture. It is drawn with all three-conductor wires on the primary (input side) and on the
secondary (output side) as well. There is the same three-phase transformer drawn by the
single pole method on the right picture.
6.1.5 Labelling of electrical and electronic components
Function blocks, assembly, sub-assembly (amplifiers, modulators, lasers, masers, electrical
assembly on the printe d circuit boards - PCB)
Converters between non-electrical quantities and electrical ones (microphones, loudspeakers,
position sensors, piezoelectric transducers, selsyns, thermocouples, photo-electric cells, etc.)
Digital components and devices, delay devices, memory banks (logical, numerical, binary
circuits, delay lines)
Varied components, details and function units (heaters, lights, freezing devices)
Safety and protective devices (fuses, breakdown switches, arresters)
Energy, signal and feeding sources (generators, batteries, oscillators)
Signalling devices (bells, horns, light indicators)
Switches controlled by electric current (relays, contacts)
Inductivities, reactors and chokes (inductive coils, end chokes)
Motors, servomotors
Analogue elements and units (analogue circuits, operating amplifiers)
Measuring instruments, testing devices (timers, integrative instruments)
Switches for power circuits (switches, disconnecters)
Resistors (potentiometers, rheostats, thermistors)
Switches in communication and auxiliary circuits (conductors, push-buttons, controllers, limit
and end switches)
Transformers (voltage and current)
Converters between electrical variables (optic-couplers, modulating components, modulators,
demodulators, encoders, converters, frequency converters)
Electro-vacuum and semiconductor details (electron tubes, cathode-ray tubes, discharge
lamp/tubes, transistors, diodes, thyristors)
6.1.6 Types of electro-technical diagrams
Electro-technical diagrams can be divided into following groups:
a) diagrams for general information about devices
- they are elaborate in the phase of the projection of electrical devices
- arrangement of the components interconnections on the diagram does not correspond to their
physical locations in the finished device
- they present main relations between main components inside of the system
- they are drawn by the one-pole drawing
Here belong:
Survey diagrams
Block diagrams
- example of block diagram of an audio amplifier system
Teaching diagrams
- acts to explain the function of the equipment. All devices do not have to be drawn there. Only
those that describe function can be seen on them.
b) diagrams for determination of devices composition
- they present all components of devices and connection between them
- arrangement of the components interconnections on the diagram does not correspond to their
physical locations in the finished device
Here belong:
Circuit diagram (electronic circuit)
- serves a complete description of the equipment, detailed clearing up of its function for its
construction, analysis and computation.
Main circuit diagram
- is drawn by thick lines in a heavy current circuit diagram. We can see this part in the threephase electric motor supply on the following picture.
The single pole diagram of the main circuit diagram of the three-phase electric motor supply is
shown on following picture.
Auxiliary circuit diagram
- is drawn by thin lines in a heavy current circuit diagram.
Circuit diagram for repairing
- contains basic circuit diagram with added important data of voltage in some points, for
example. If the voltage has a variable behaviour – an irregular waveform for instance, the
circuit for repairing contains pictures with prescribed real time behaviour. Serviceman
may take it visible on the cathode-ray oscilloscope, for example.
Substitution diagram
- serves for computation of devices. The substitution diagram allows us to describe
equipment by the simplest equations combination.
c) realisation diagrams
- arrangement of the components interconnections on the diagram does not correspond to their
physical locations in the finished device
Wiring diagram of internal connections
- shows the internal connections of devices and their terminals. Example is in the
following picture.
Note: The control panel and push-button switchboard is closed in dot and dash frames.
Wiring diagram of external connections
- shows the external connections between device terminals (lines between the dot and
dash frames in the picture)
Situational diagrams
- show the electric wire distribution system and machine, device and equipment real
arrangement in a factory, in flats or in other spaces. Following figures illustrate „House
wiring situation diagram“ and „Electrical cable network 0,4 kV situation diagram“.
This chapter was worked according to literature [1], [4], [9].
A printed circuit board, or PCB, is used to mechanically support and electrically
connect electronic components using conductive pathways, or traces, etched from copper
sheets laminated onto a non-conductive substrate.
A printed circuit board (PCB) is a prefabricated conductive circuit pattern, reproduced on
a thin sheet of insulating material. When it is assembled with electronic components, it
becomes a complex electronic component. The printed circuit board usually mechanically
holds and connects all required electrical components.
The base of PCB, over which a thin layer of copper foil is bonded, it may be a
paper base with phenol or epoxy resin, but today fibreglass base with epoxy resin is
usually used. The thickness of board base is 0.5 mm to 3 mrn (usually 1 mm to 1.5 mm).
The thin layer of metal foil bonded to the plastic base is usually copper. The
thickness of this foil is about 40 µm. If the metal foil is only spread over the PCB on one
side, the board is called a single-sided board. If the metal foil is spread over the board on
both sides, it is called double-sided board. Boards also exist, where the copper foil is
alternately sandwiched among layers of plastic. Many layers of plastic with copper
circuitry are filled together to produce a board with extremely complex circuitry. These
type of boards are called multilayer boards. They are used for example for computer main
boards, for professional TV signal amplifiers etc.
Example of PCB:
7.1 Main kinds of PCB
The main kinds of PCB patterns are: a system of uniform gaps, a system of
functional areas and a system of uniform conductors.
System of uniform gaps - is not usually used professionally. There is a danger of shortcircuits and there may be large capacity between conductors for some high-frequency
circuits. This system is usually used in amateur applications, because the gaps may be
easily scratched-out with a saw blade.
System of functional areas - was often used for consumer electronics, as in radio
receivers, TV sets, video recorders, etc.
System of uniform conductors - is used for precise industrial electronics, computers, etc.
Nowadays, it is widely used for all electronic constructions, professional and consumer
as well.
7.2 Classes of PCB
Classes of PCB are characterised by the following parameters in a system of
uniform conductors: minimal distance between the centres of two adjacent holes, minimal
size of soldering flats, minimal width of conductors and minimal width of isolated gaps.
7.3 Complete documentation for manufacturing of PCB
For a large-volume production of PCB the following documentation is used:
Resulting board drawing
Sample and drawing of conductor pattern
Sample and drawing of standard holes
Special holes drawing
Sample of non-soldered mask
Sample of printing drawing
Component location drawing
Circuit diagram
Electronic components list
Mechanical components list
Every final document must contain all particulars as they are represented in the
example to the left: the resulting board drawing. Of the above-explained documentation
only the main drawing parts will be shown in the following sections.
7.3.1 Sample and drawing of conductor pattern
The side of the PCB for soldering is designated as side A. Side B is used for
assembling components. The sample and drawing of the conductor pattern for side B is
drawn for a double-sided printed circuit board only. The sample and drawing of conductor
pattern must contain:
- conductor pattern,
- marking of centres of standard holes - these are the holes for leads of electronic
- marking of special holes - if there are some. These are big cylindrical holes, square and
rectangular holes for coils, transformers, coolers etc.
- designation of PCB - the name of circuit, product number and designation of producer
- marking of the PCB contour by corner symbols - there must not be a continuous contour
line around the printed circuit board used, because a short circuit may arise there. We
may use a thin dashed line if we need to show complicated contour line
- Two checking points
- Checking size between centres of checking points - serves for precise enlargement, if
the pattern of the PCB is realised by photomethods
- Two inserting points - serve for precise positioning of the motif of the T PCB pattern
and all other drawings to the same position on the semi- product - copper plated board.
- Starting point - serves as a starting point for manufacturing, for precise standard hole
drilling by a numerically controlled drilling machine, etc.
7.3.2 Sample and drawing of standard holes
The sample and drawing of standard holes serves for drilling of standard holes,
which are holes for component wire terminals.
The sample and drawing of standard holes must contain:
- Locations of the standard holes centres with resolution of their diameters.
- Marking of the PCB contour by corner symbols.
- Checking size and checking, inserting and starting points .
- Numbers of holes for different diameters.
7.3.3 Drawing of special holes
If there are some special holes, the complete set of documentation of the PCB
must contain the drawing of special holes.
These are not ordinary cylindrical holes, special holes and slots for connectors,
transformers, coils, coolers, etc.
Drawing of special holes must contain:
- Location, shapes and dimensions of special holes,
- Marking of the PCB contour,
- Inserting and starting points.
7.3.4 Sample of non-soldered mask
The non-soldered mask protects PCB areas against the soldering where it is not
necessary. It saves tin and protects the PCB against any damages from overheating. The
non-soldered mask protects the PCB copper layer from corrosion during the working life
of the device.
The sample of non-soldered mask must contain:
- Negative pattern of the non-soldered mask.
- Checking size between centres of checking points.
- Marking of the PCB contour.
- Designation of the PCB and of the sample of the non-soldered mask
7.3.5 Sample of printing
The sample of printing serves for printing of identification marks for electronic
components - transistors, resistors, capacitors, integrated circuits, etc. and other
information about the PCB.
The sample of printing must contain:
- Positive drawing of the printing.
- Checking size between the centres of checking points.
- Marking of the PCB contour.
- Designation of the PCB and of the sample of printing.
7.3.6 Component location drawing of PCB
The component location drawing of the PCB serves for layout construction of the
PCB and for PCB assembling, checking and measuring. Drawing of the assembled
printed circuit board is drawn onto transparent material, on tracing paper usually, as the
view from the side of the electronic components. The conductor pattern may be drawn
onto the second side, to show how the electronic components are connected.
Electronic components must be drawn in their actual shape, actual position and
actual dimension. It is important for fixing the location of components and keeping their
relative positioning, the minimal distances and other construction rules. All electronic and
mechanical components (the connectors, coolers, etc.) must be drawn on the drawing of
the assembled printed circuit board.
Electronic components, which are not symmetrical, must be drawn with their
orientation by their keys or markers. This is important especially for integrated circuits,
transistors, diodes, electrolytic capacitors, etc.
7.3.7 Circuit diagram
A circuit diagram is a schematic diagram of an electronic circuit, which shows the
function of the circuit components by use of graphical symbols.
The list of electronic components must contain:
Component name (item).
Component marking in drawings.
Component value.
Component type (model).
Number of the same components in the same function in one PCB product.
This chapter was worked according to literature [1], [3], [6].
[1] Novák, F., Linkeová, I.: Technical documentation. Vydavatelství ČVUT 2004, Praha,
ISBN 80-01-03040-7
[2] Veselovský, J.: Úvod do inžinierstva a technická dokumentácia. FEI STU Bratislava,
[3] Šťastný, J. a kol.: Manuál technické dokumentace. Koop, České Budějovice, 1998
[4] Ďurovský, F., Seman, S.: Technická dokumentácia v elektrotechnike. MercurySmékal Košice, 2001
[8] Häberle, G. a kol.: Elektrotechnické tabulky pro školu i praxi. Europa-Sabotáles cz.
Praha, 2006. ISBN 80-86706-16-8
[9] Veselovský, J., Kroupa, M.: Základy tvorby technickej dokumentácie v
elektrotechnike. ALFA Bratislava, 1989.