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No. Bulk 25 501 83 504 51 501 75 2P plug - 16 A - rubber 501 72 Pack Gencod labelling For the supply of class II devices 2 x 1.5 mm2 max. cable 501 81 Black - straight outlet 2P+E plugs - 16 A and extensions rubber 25 25 15 Cat. No. Bulk Gencod labelling 503 15 503 16 503 17 501 87 501 88 501 89 Bulk 10 10 503 42 503 40 501 96 10 502 52 969 29 10 10 503 43 503 44 501 97 501 98 10 503 41 5 513 66 5 513 69 Plugs Black - IP 44, screw cable grip Black - IP 44 + cable gland Robust gland-type cable grip which guarantees weatherproofing and tightening without tools. Optimum hold with traction of the cable grip: 30 kg at 2.5 mm2 max. Black - Side outlet with ring, screw cable grip Extensions Black, screw cable grip Black - IP 44 with cap and plug inserted, screw cable grip Black + cable gland Robust gland-type cable grip which ensures weatherproofing and tightening without tools. Optimum hold with traction of the cable grip: 30 kg at 2.5 mm2 max. Black Multiple 3 x 2P+E – IP 44 with caps Black Multiple 3 x 2P+E – IP 44 with caps and plugs inserted 2P plugs and extensions plastic - with extraction ring Gencod labelling 30 15 30 30 30 501 62 501 66 501 63 501 64 501 65 30 30 503 12 503 14 6A Plug - White Extension - White Plug - Black Plug - Bronze Plug - Aluminium 10 A Plug - White Plug - Black Straight outlet plug - White Side outlet plug - White Straight outlet extension - White 2P+E plugs - 16 A and extensions with rings - plastic Screw terminals IK 08 - H07 RNF 3G 2.5 mm2 max. cable Gencod labelling 2P+E plugs - 16 A and extensions plastic 25 10 25 10 25 10 Bulk Gencod labelling 503 24 503 25 503 30 503 31 503 28 503 29 501 92 501 93 501 90 501 91 501 94 501 95 506 65 Pack Cat. No. 3 x 2.5 mm max. cable, screw cable grip 2P+E extension - 16A - plastic - side outlet Cardboard 10 10 506 50 506 51 501 99 White/Grey Removable accessory packaging enabling attachment 2P+E plugs - 16 A - easy extraction plastic Gencod labelling 5 5 501 75 501 76 System enabling extraction of sockets thanks to the lever-extractor 3 x 1.5 mm2 max. cable, screw cable grip, side outlet White Black and Grey 2P+E plugs - 16 A - cable orientation - plastic Gencod labelling 10 10 501 72 501 73 3 x 0.5 mm2 max. cable, screw cable grip. Enables the cable to be moved to 360° White Black and Grey Pack Cat. No. 4 side outlets White Black Cardboard 2P+E multisocket plugs - 16 A 10 503 83 10 503 82 10 503 85 10 503 86 Max. admissible power 3,680 W at 230 V~ Sleeve 10 506 55 10 506 56 Sleeve 4 2P multi-socket plugs - 6 A For connection onto 2P+E socket Max. admissible power: 3,680 W at 230 V~ 2 Plug - Grey Extension - Grey Plug - White Extension - White Plug - Black Extension - Black 503 77 Cardboard 5 506 65 10 10 506 62 506 63 2 front outlets White/Grey 3 front outlets White/Grey 2 side outlets With extraction button for easy disconnection of the plugs White/Grey 3 side outlets White Transparent 503 82 Travel adaptors With safety shutters For connecting a plug onto a different standard socket White/Grey British standard adaptor l French standard adaptor 2P+E - 16 A outlet - 13 A input - 3,000 W at 230 V~ British standard plug on a French or German standard socket German standard adaptor l French standard adaptor 2P+E - 16 A outlet - 3,680 W in 230 V~ German standard plug (countries: Germany, Spain, Austria, Portugal, Greece, Hungary…) on a French socket 2P adaptor - Euro/US US standard l European standard US standard plug on a French or German standard socket - 1,380 W max. European standard l US standard French or German standard plug on a US standard socket - 1,875 W max. Multi-socket "octopus" extension leads ready to use - rubber 5 503 77 Black 2P+E - 16 A - IK 10 With 1 plug and 3 extensions H07 RNF 3G 1.5 and 2.5 mm2 cable Length: 0.8 m 2P plugs - 16 A - extra-slim plastic Gencod labelling 15 15 6 501 83 501 84 Side outlet plugs, ideally behind an item of furniture 2 x 1.5 mm2 max. cable, screw cable grip White Black Catalogue numbers in red: New products Catalogue numbers in red: New products 7 plugs and extensions plugs and extensions French/Belgian standard - rubber French/Belgian standard - plastic multi-socket plugs, extensions and adaptors French/Belgian standard 506 39 504 40 504 41 501 83 Cat. No. Bulk 25 504 51 2 x 1.5 mm2 max. cable for supply of class II devices 501 81 Black - straight outlet Bulk 10 10 504 40 504 41 501 10 501 11 10 | 10 504 42 501 12 10 504 43 Pack Cat. No. Gencod labelling Gencod labelling 10 Plug 2P - 16 A 501 13 504 44 Bulk 2P+E plugs - 16 A - IK 08 and extensions - automatic terminals 30 15 30 15 Rapid connection thanks to automatic terminals. Robust cable gland-type cable grip which ensures weatherproofing and tightening without tools Optimum hold with traction of the cable grip: 30 kg at 2.5 mm2 H07 RNF 3G 2.5mm2 max. cable 30 15 30 30 30 Plug with automatic connection and extension - straight outlet Black - Male plug - IP 44 Black - IP 44 extension with male plugs, Cat. No. 504 40/44/45 Locking extension Black Ensures locking and IP 44 with the male plugs of the new Legrand range Locking system ensures tensile resistance greater than 20 kg - compatible with male 2P+E 16 A rubber plugs in the range, screw connection or automatic connection except for Cat. No. 505 52 Extension with voltage control Black. Fitted with an LED for voltage control located in the bottom of the well to indicate the presence of current IP 55 plug Black Ensure the IP 55 plug is connected onto an IP 55 weatherproof socket (Plexo in particular). Weatherproofing is ensured by the sealing lip 503 10 503 11 503 09 503 07 Gencod labelling 501 62 501 66 501 63 501 64 501 65 Gencod labelling 15 15 501 83 501 84 10 10 Gencod labelling 504 45 502 52 501 14 969 29 10 504 46 501 15 10 504 47 501 17 5 505 75 908 20 5 8 Bulk 505 78 Plugs Black - straight outlet Black - side ring outlet IP 44 extensions Black - straight outlet - IP 44 only with male plug Cat. No. 504 40/44/45 Black - straight outlet Fitted with a cap Black - multiple 2 x 2P+E, cap and suspension ring Black - multiple 3 x 2P+E, cap and suspension ring 2.5 A Plug - White Extension - White Plug - Black Extension - Black 6A Plug - White Extension - White Plug - Black Plug - Bronze Plug - Aluminium Side outlet plugs, ideally behind an item of furniture 2 x 1.5 mm2 max. cable, screw cable grip White Black 2P+E plugs - 16 A and extensions Bulk Gencod labelling 504 15 504 16 504 17 501 00 501 01 501 02 3 x 1.5 mm2 max. cable, screw cable grip Cat. No. 2P multisocket plugs - 6 A Pack Cat. No. For connection onto a 2P+E socket Max. admissible power: 3,680 W at 230 V~ Cardboard 10 10 506 50 506 51 4 side outlets White Black Cardboard 2P+E multisocket plugs - 16 A 10 10 For connection onto a 2P+E socket Max. admissible power 3,680 W at 230 V~ Sleeve 2 front outlets 506 38 White/Grey 3 front outlets 506 39 White/Grey Gencod labelling 5 5 10 10 2 shockproof front outlets Black - with IP 44 caps 2 side outlets With extraction button for easy disconnection of the Cardboard plugs 506 37 White/Grey 3 side outlets 506 32 White 506 34 Transparent 10 503 83 10 503 82 10 503 85 10 503 86 504 69 Straight outlet plug - White Side outlet plug - White Straight outlet extension - White 503 82 Travel adaptors With safety shutters For connecting a plug onto a different standard socket White/Grey British standard adaptor l French standard adaptor 2P+E - 16 A outlet - 13 A input - 3,000 W in 230 V~ British standard plug on a French or German standard socket German standard adaptor l French standard adaptor 2P+E - 16 A outlet - 3,680 W in 230 V~ German standard plug (countries: Germany, Spain, Austria, Portugal, Greece, Hungary…) on a French socket 2P adaptor - Euro/US US standard l European standard US standard plug on a French or German standard socket - 1,380 W max. European standard l US standard French or German standard plug on a US standard socket - 1,875 W max. Multi-socket "octopus extension leads " ready to use - rubber Bulk 2P+E plugs - 16 A and extensions with rings 25 10 25 10 25 10 Bulk Gencod labelling 504 24 504 25 504 20 504 21 504 28 504 29 501 05 501 06 501 03 501 04 501 07 501 08 3 x 2.5 mm2 max. cable, screw cable grip 5 505 77 Black - 2P+E - 16 A - IK 10 With 1 plug and 3 extensions H07 RNF 3G 1.5 and 2.5 mm2 cable Length: 0.8 m Plug - Grey Extension - Grey Plug - White Extension - White Plug - Black Extension - Black 2P+E plugs - 16 A - easy extraction 2P+E plugs - 16 A - IK 08 and extensions - screw terminals Good shock resistance 3G 2.5 mm2 max. cable (H07 RNF) Screw cable grip 2P plugs and extensions with extraction ring 2P plugs - 16 A - extra-slim 25 25 15 506 32 501 76 Pack Pack 506 37 Gencod labelling 5 5 501 75 501 76 System enabling extraction of sockets thanks to the lever-extractor 3 x 1.5 mm2 max. cable, screw cable grip Side outlet White Black and Grey 2P+E plugs - 16 A - cable orientation Gencod labelling 10 10 501 72 501 73 4 501 09 Sleeve Catalogue numbers in red: New products 3 x 1.5 mm2 max. cable, screw cable grip Enables the cable to be moved to 360° White Black and Grey 2P+E extensions - 16 A - side outlet White/Grey Removable accessory packaging enabling attachment Catalogue numbers in red: New products 9 :M7&%%,."?jan'%&% Headquarters &'-!Vk#YjBVgX]Va"YZ"AViigZ"YZ"IVhh^\cn -,%)*A^bd\Zh8ZYZm";gVcXZ / ((%***%+-,-, ;Vm/ ((%***%+,)** lll#aZ\gVcY\gdje#Xdb