GEOGRAPHY ORDINARY LEVEL SAMPLE PAPER 1 MARKING SCHEME GUIDELINES TO SAMPLE PAPER 1 PART ONE SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS ANSWER 10 OF 12 QUESTIONS. EACH QUESTION IS WORTH 10 MARKS. 1. a. 2.5marks + 2.5marks b. 2.5m c. 2.5m 2. 4 @ 2.5m each 3. a. 2.5m + 2.5m b. 2m c. 3m 4. a. 3m b. 3m c. 2m + 2m 5. 4 @ 2.5m each 6. a. 3m + 3m b. 4m 7. a. 5m b. 5m -1- 8. a. 2.5m b. 2.5m c. 2.5m d. 2.5m 9. a. 2.5m + 2.5m b. 2.5m c. 2.5m 10. 5m + 5m 11. 5 @ 2m each 12. a. 3m b. 2m + 2m c. 3m 100m -2- PART 2 STRUCTURED QUESTIONS ANSWER 3 QUESTIONS AS FOLLOWS: TWO QUESTIONS FROM SECTION 1 (ONE FROM PATTERNS AND PROCESS IN THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT AND ONE FROM REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY) AND ONE QUESTION FROM SECTION 2. EACH QUESTION IS WORTH 80 MARKS. [Themes/points that may be developed as answers are in the square brackets] SECTION 1 CORE PATTERNS AND PROCESSES IN THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT Question 1 A. Draw a sketch 6 marks: frame 2m graded proportion 2m graded overall impression 2m graded Mark and show six items (River Liffey, a tributary river, Royal Canal, three roads) 6 @ 4m each (showing = 2m graded plus naming/identifying = 2m) Features can be named or identified by a recognised symbol or key. For an obvious tracing, allow 50% of marks for features. But 0 out of 6 for sketch map (30m) B. Surface processes shaping one landform Name one landform 5m graded Classify (weathering/erosion/deposition) 5m graded Irish example 5m graded Labelled diagram 5m graded Two processes named 2 @ 5m each graded Two processes explained 2 @ 5m each graded A very well labelled (annotated) diagram naming and classifying landform, an Irish example and showing processes may get 40m (40m) -3- C. Middle/lower course 10m graded Evidence 2 landforms identified @ 10m each graded Name landform 5m Locate landform on photo 5m (without tie-in to photograph evidence, mark to a max of 5m from each 10m graded) (30m) 100m Question 2 A. Crustal plates A. 7m B. 7m C. 8m D. 8m (30m) B. Plate boundaries (margins) Two themes stated and explained Damage to transport infrastructure 20 m graded Impact on society (immediate and long term) 20m graded (without tie-in to specific examples, mark to a max of 20m graded) (40m) C. Plate movement Convection currents: process named 5m graded labelled diagram/diagram 10m graded process explained 15m graded (without tie-in to specific examples, mark to a max of 10m graded) (30m) 100m -4- Question 3 A. Rock cycle, five examples of rock (1+ 2+2) @ 6m each graded (30m) B. Rock formation Formation of igneous rock 20 m graded [intrusive = granite/ extrusive = basalt] How rock type produce a distinctive landscape: name 5m example 5m A characteristic landform described 10m (without tie-in to rock type mark to a max of 10m graded) (40m) C. Economic uses of rock Two economic uses of rock @ 15m each. For each landform: named 3m [coal -raw material/energy source and use of rocks as building materials] described/explained 12m (if no tie-in to clear examples mark to a max of 6m graded each) (30m) 100m REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY Question 4 A. Sketch map: frame 5m graded overall impression 10m graded defining characteristic: named 5m graded explained 10m graded (30m) -5- B. Map showing regions in Ireland: accuracy/clarity 10m graded overall impression 10m graded Impact on relief on agriculture [how it helps or hinders] 2 @10 m each graded (without tie-in to region named mark to a max of 5m from each 10m graded) (40m) C. Manufacturing in a non-European region 2 points @ 15m each [two factors that either favour or hinder] (without tie-in to region named mark to a max of 9m from each 15m graded) (30m) 100m Question 5 A. Climatic region: named 5m location given 5m Temperature and rainfall patterns described/explained 2 @ 10m graded (without tie-in to climate named mark to a max of 5m from each 10m graded) (30m) B. Core region example named 10m Two defining characteristics named/explained 2 @ 15m graded [centre of communications network and decision-making] (without tie-in to region named mark to a max of 9m from each 15m graded) (40m) C. Impact of climate and soil on agriculture: region named 6m Impact of the two factors 2 @ 12m each graded [how climate and soil favour or hinder agriculture] (without tie-in specific examples mark to a max of 6m from each 12m graded) (30m) 100m -6- Question 6 A. Sketch map 10m: frame 2m graded proportion 2m graded overall impression 2m graded Mark in and show eight features (2 National roads, a motorway, 2 rail lines, 3 built-up areas) 8 @ 3m each For an obvious tracing allow 50% of marks for features. But 0 out of 6 for sketch map (30m) B. An economic problem two statements @ 20m each graded with two well-developed points stated and explained for each (if no tie-in to type of region named mark to a max of 12m from each 20m graded) (40m) C. Cultural division two statements @ 15m each graded [conflict over religion, political division] (without tie-in to specific examples mark to a max of 9m from each 15m graded) (30m) 100m -7- SECTION TWO ELECTIVES PATTERNS AND PROCESSES IN ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES Question 7 A. Two measures 7.5m + 7.5m Identify countries 7.5m + 7.5m (30m) B. Two statements @ 20m each graded With two well-developed points stated and explained for each [level of economic development, quality of education] (without tie-in to the countries and data in the chart mark to a max of 12m graded) (40m) C. Explain GDP or HDI 10m graded Two explained statements @ 10 marks each graded (without tie-in to the measure chosen mark to a max of 6m each graded) (30m) 100m Question 8 A. Graph: accuracy 10m overall impression 10m (20m) B. Energy use three statements 14m + 13m + 13m With one well-developed point stated and explained for each (without tie-in to the data mark to a max of 7m graded) (40m) -8- C. Sustainability two statements @ 15m each graded [continuing rise in total demand, over reliant on fossil fuels] (without tie-in specifically to Ireland mark to a max of 9m graded) (30m) 100m Question 9 A. City with largest increase 7.5m City with highest average 7.5m Reason for difference 15m graded [latitude or prevailing wind in summer] (30m) B. Impact of global warming on Ireland two statements @ 20m each graded For each, two points of information stated and explained. [Changes in types of food produced, flooding of low-lying coastal areas] (without tie-in specifically to Irish examples mark to a max of 12m each graded) (40m) C. Example of conflict identified 5m [A waste incinerator] Geographical location described 5m Two arguments for and two arguments against 2 @ 10m each graded (without tie-in to specific example mark to a max of 6m each graded) (30m) 100m -9- PATTERNS AND PROCESSES IN THE HUMAN ENVIRONMENT Question 10 A. Aerial Photograph Draw a sketch (=6 m): frame 2m graded proportion 2m graded overall impression 2m graded Mark in and identify 7 items @ 3 marks each The river, three connecting streets, three areas with different land use For an obvious tracing allow 50% of marks for features. But 0 out of 6 for sketch map (30m) B. Comparing the OS map and Aerial Photograph Two statements @ 20m each graded Two explained points stated and explained for each statement (without tie-in to examples named mark to a max of 2m graded from each 5) (40m) C. Urban sprawl definition 5m graded clear example 5m graded Two points explained @ 10m each graded [traffic congestion, increased commuting times, air pollution] (without tie-in to example named mark to a max of 5m graded for each 10) (30m) 100m - 10 - Question 11 A. Two provinces with contrasting patterns Graph: accuracy 15m clear labelling 15m (30m) B. Population growth in Ireland Two statements @ 20m each graded For each, two points of information stated and explained for each. [Economic growth (i) slow growth 1961 to 1991 (ii) ‘Celtic Tiger’ since 1991 Migration (i) balance of emigration and immigration up to 1991 (ii) rapid immigration since 1991] (if no tie-in to data in the chart mark to a max of 10m from each 20m graded (40m) C. Migration patterns in developed and developing countries Two statements @ 15m each graded [Developed countries, from rural to urban areas for education and training and from city to rural areas surrounding in search of lower-cost housing. Developing countries - to shanty towns in cities due to rapid population growth and to loss of jobs in agriculture] (if no tie-in to clear examples mark to a max of 9m graded from each 15m) (30m) 100m - 11 - Question 12 A. Density of Population Two areas of high density: named 3m + 3m locations 4m + 4m Two areas of low density: named 3m + 3m locations 4m + 4m (30m) B. Overpopulated areas 2 examples @ 5m each Two causes stated and explained points for each 2 @ 15 m each graded (without tie-in to examples named mark to a max of 9m from each 15m graded) (40m) C. Growth of Lucan over time Two different phases of settlement @ 15m each graded Identify the phase 2 @ 3m each Locate examples 2 @ 3m each Describe/ explain 2 @ 9m each graded (without tie-in examples named mark to a max of 5m from each 9m graded) (30m) 100m - 12 -