GOAL: Agree to the Phase to Ground Clearance Values for 1.5 kV through 230kV The WG and Survey results agreed to use the values contained in NEMA TR1-1980. The NEMA TR1-1980 lists a single value for each voltage. C57.12.00-2012, Table 4 lists multiple BILs for each voltage. This proposed table attempts to merge the NEMA TR1-1980 values with the voltage and BIL. NOTE: Clearance Values for 345kV and up are based on SIL and will be discussed AFTER we finalize the values for 1.5kV through 230kV. Changes: Expanded each voltage for BILs contained in C57.12.00, Table 4 Added Col 3 - 8 Provided clearances for Power Transformers for 1.5kV, 30 kV BIL Provided clearances for Power Transformers for 121kV and 145kV, 450 kV BIL Provided clearances for Power Transformers for 169kV and 242kV, 825 kV BIL "Matched" Distribution Transformer 95, 110, 125 and 150 kV BIL with NEMA TR1-1980 values. Graphs show proposed clearances, test gap spacing (50% flashover clearance) and 110% test gap spacing for reference. Power Transformer clearances are shown on two graphs to clearly show the comparison of the values. PROPOSED C57.12.00 TABLE 11 Maximum System Voltage (kV rms) Col 1 1.5 1.5 3.5 3.5 6.9 6.9 11.0 11.0 17.0 17.0 26.0 26.0 36.0 36.0 36.0 48.0 48.0 72.5 72.5 121 121 121 145 145 145 169 169 169 169 242 242 242 242 Nominal System Voltage (kV rms) Col 2 1.2 1.2 2.5 2.5 5.0 5.0 8.7 8.7 15.0 15.0 25.0 25.0 34.5 34.5 34.5 46.0 46.0 69.0 69.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 138.0 138.0 138.0 161.0 161.0 161.0 161.0 230.0 230.0 230.0 230.0 345 500 765 1000 362.0 550.0 800.0 1200.0 Winding line-end BIL (kV Minimum Clearance between live parts Minimum Clearance between live parts of different phases Crest) (from Table 4) of one phase and ground Miminum clearance between top shed of insulator of bushings of different phases Distribution Power Transformers Transformers (kV Crest) (kV Crest) Col 3 Col 4 30 30 --45 45 45 --60 60 60 --75 75 75 --95 95 95 110 110 125 --150 150 125 --150 --200 200 200 200 250 250 250 250 350 350 --350 --450 --550 --450 --550 --650 --550 --650 --750 --825 --650 --750 --825 --900 Distribution Transformers mm (in) Col 13 Col 14 25 1 ----25 1 ----38 1.5 ----51 2 ----64 2.5 76 3 114 4.5 152 6 114 4.5 152 6 203 8 203 8 305 12 305 12 483 19 --------------------------------------------------------- 1050 1550 1925 Distribution Transformers mm in Col 5 Col 6 25 1 ----51 2 ----64 2.5 ----89 3.5 ----114 4.5 127 5 146 5.75 203 8.0 146 5.75 203 8.0 305 12 305 12 381 15 381 15 584 23 --------------------------------------------------------- Power Transformers mm in Col 7 Col 8 51 2 51 2 51 2 76 3 76 3 89 3.5 89 3.5 114 4.5 114 4.5 152 6 ----203 8 --------305 12 305 12 381 15 381 15 584 23 584 23 762 30 940 37 762 30 940 37 1118 44 940 37 1118 44 1321 52 1448 57 1118 44 1321 52 1448 57 1600 63 Distribution Transformers mm (in) Col 9 Col 10 25 1 ----51 2 ----64 2.5 ----102 4 ----127 5 140 5.5 178 7 228 9 178 7 229 9 330a 13 330a 13 432 17 432 17 635 25 --------------------------------------------------------- Power Transformers mm (in) Col 11 Col 12 51 2 51 2 51 2 76 3 76 3 102 4 102 4 127 5 127 5 165 6.5 ----229 9 --------330 13 330 13 432 17 432 17 635 25 635 25 838 33 1041 41 838 33 1041 41 1245 49 1041 41 1245 49 1448 57 1600 63 1245 49 1448 57 1600 63 1778 70 2286b 4064b c c (90) (160) Power Transformers mm (in) Col 15 Col 16 25 1 25 1 25 1 38 1.5 38 1.5 51 2 51 2 64 2.5 64 2.5 89 3.5 ----152 6 --------203 8 203 8 305 12 305 12 483 19 483 19 686 27 914 36 686 27 914 36 1118 44 914 36 1118 44 1321 52 1118 1321 44 52 1651 65 2159 3937 c c (85) (155) a It should be noted that ANSI C57.12.22-1989 [B5] specifies a phase-to-phase clearance of 165 mm (6.25 in) for 25 kV and 229 mm (9 in) for 34.5 kV nominal system voltage. The smaller clearances are acceptable since the bushings are always located within a metal enclosure and are not subject to the same conditions that occur with bushings exposed to the elements. b For phase-to-phase switching impulse voltages other than 3.8 per unit, the following formula may be used to establish the minimum external clearance for peak switching impulsevoltages between 1000 kV and 1800 kV only: X = .121(Y) - 45 where X is the minimum clearance between live parts of different phases (in) Y is the switching impulse voltage from phase to phase (peak kV) (applicable only from 1000 kV and 1800 kV) c Power transformers, at nominal system voltages of 765 kV and 1100 kV, are usually single phase so that clearances between live parts of different phases is not an issue. C57.12.00-2010 Table 11 Nominal Maximum system system voltage, voltage, rms (from ANSI rms C84.1) (Kv) (kV rms) 1.2 --2.5 --5.0 --8.7 --15 --25 --34.5 --46 48.3 69 72.5 115 121.0 138 145.0 161 169.0 230 242.0 345 500 765 1000 362.0 550.0 800.0 1200.0 Minimum Clearance between live parts of different phases Distribution Transformers mm (in) 25.4 (1) 50.8 (2) 63.5 (2.5) 102 (4) 140 (5.5) 178a (7) a 330 (13) 432 (17) 635 (25) Power Transformers mm (in) 50.8 (2) 76.2 (3) 102 (4) 127 (5) 165 (6.5) 229 (9) 330 (13) 432 (17) 635 (25) 1041 (41) 1245 (49) 1448 (57) 1778 (70) 2286b 4064b c c (90) (160) Miminum clearance between top shed of insulator of bushings of different phases Distribution Transformers mm (in) 25.4 (1) 25.4 (1) 38.1 (1.5) 50.8 (2) 76.2 (3) 114 (4.5) 203 (8) 305 (12) 483 (19) Power Transformers mm (in) 25.4 (1) 38.1 (1.5) 50.8 (2) 63.5 (2.5) 88.9 (3.5) 152 (6) 203 (8) 305 (12) 483 (19) 914 (36) 1118 (44) 1321 (52) 1651 (65) 2159 3937 c c (85) (155) a It should be noted that ANSI C57.12.22-1989 [B5] specifies a phase-to-phase clearance of 165 mm (6.25 in) for 25 kV and 229 mm (9 in) for 34.5 kV nominal system voltage. The smaller clearances are acceptable since the bushings are always located within a metal enclosure and are not subject to the same conditions that occur with bushings exposed to the elements. b For phase-to-phase switching impulse voltages other than 3.8 per unit, the following formula may be used to establish the minimum external clearance for peak switching impulsevoltages between 1000 kV and 1800 kV only: X = .121(Y) - 45 where X is the minimum clearance between live parts of different phases (in) Y is the switching impulse voltage from phase to phase (peak kV) (applicable only from 1000 kV and 1800 kV) c Power transformers, at nominal system voltages of 765 kV and 1100 kV, are usually single phase so that clearances between live parts of different phases is not an issue. NEMA TR-1 1980 Pub. No, TR 1 Part 0 Page 6 MANUFACTURING TR 1-O.O? EXTERNAL CLEARANCES BETWEEN LIVE PARTS Winciing Imui.ation Ciass, Kv 2.5 Minimum Clearance Between lvtinimum Clearance Between b{inimum Clearance Be*reen Live Parts of Different Phases Top SheC of Porcelain of Li*-e* Parts of Bruhings of Different Phases' or Live Parts of Different One Phase and Ground, Inches l^/indinss, Inches lnches Power Dstribudon Power burion Di.stf Power Disrrihurioa Transformers Tramicrmers Trareforu:ers TransforrnerS Traixformers 1 2 I 2 I t 2 e 2 o( J I 1.5 4 1.5 2 3.5 3.5 4.5 4 1q o c b.i 18 b. ,o 25 I 8 \L !2 46 15 69 23 ot 115 5.0 d. t)o u.5 138 2 2.5 6.5 o 3.5 I I D o 13 13 IA 77 17 l4 oa 25 25 i.9 -tY 30 30 33 33 27 21 37 or 4L 41 36 &a 4a 44 M 44 ;; AE 234 t " E 98 d L2 4 ,a o'! 5? 2E?. 5 Transformen ,o ?0 65 65 to 81 108 84 108 '19 o9 103 ?9 103 ThLs does nclr necessarily apply rc the buehln[s themselveso the str:.king Cisrances of which are determ.ined by the busiiing characteristics given ia Table 9 of USAS C57.12.0ffi iq"?3 NO?E-T.'ire extemal clearaace-s gi'ren in theabove t.ible aie for transforinersinteuded fol oreration at altitudes of 3300 feet (1000 meteri) or 1ess. For operalicn at airirudes in exce+s of 33t10 feet {1000 rretetsi, the external clearancet shail be incr*aseC ro comperisaie fol rhe. clecrease in sparitover vokaee at the rate of one percent (0.C.1) per330fee: (tr0i)msie$) i1creaseiaaltjilCeicexcesscf ?R 33i10 leer (1000mete$). 1.0"C8 VACUUM F'ILLTNG When tr:nsforme$ are lo L'e dexigned for vacuum filling ir: the iieli, tire iank siiaii be d'-signed for ard tested at approximatell' 1*o inches of mercuy, aixolure pressure, because of. Ig:itations in ccm:rercial pumpine ecuipmen:. ii is :o be understood that thepr:rpose of iacuuut filiingi: srmpl;rtoquickly .eurove entiapped air wf:iclr rri3hi h;lvc a temporary a.dverse effect ort tie dielecidc sitengrh. Au thorizerj Engir:eeriirg lofolnatirrt 5 - 1 I - I 93 9. External Clearances for Distribution Transformers 30 - 350 kV BIL (PhGnd) 25 E x t 20 e r n a l 15 C l e a r 10 a n c e Test Gap Spacing Proposed Spacing +10% ( 5 ) i n 0 0 50 100 150 200 BIL (kV) 250 300 350 400 External Clearances for Power Transformers: 30 - 250 kV BIL (Ph-Gnd) 16 14 E x t e 12 r n a 10 l C l e a r a n c e Test Gap Spacing 8 Proposed Spacing +10% 6 4 ( ) i n 2 0 0 50 100 150 BIL (kV) 200 250 300 External Clearances for Power Transformers: 250 - 1050 kV BIL (Ph-Gnd) 90 80 E x t 70 e r n 60 a l 50 C l e a 40 r a n 30 c e Test Gap Spacing Proposed Spacing +10% ( 20 ) i n 10 0 0 200 400 600 BIL (kV) 800 1000 1200