inisyear.Wecaneammoneyfor GREENVILLE rurrv ru'e't'Y u r - L v o is Doostersplus rIn in r A;-LO w v v o L v r s y r u e ustun+raising-progra; Ooosterspf e are d r s panlclpailng I P q t rticipatins ttvrPaurrY vvE Justgiveoneof the tX HnRtr,tOtty SHOWCHORUSby simplyshoppingat any BI-LOwithour BONUSCARD. to be scannedwithinyourgroceryorder.This enrollmentcardsbelow to the cashieralongwith your BONUSCARD CHORUSuntilMay31 andwe willreceiveone SHOW you HARMONY lN one-timescanwillenroll for GREENVILLE percentof your purchases.Givethe extraenrollmentcardsto familyand friendsso theycan help us raisemoneyas well. ',:i' i ; ' i : :. ,. . ' ' i ' l ' ' ' '::tii-,Ffr4J*lit., 1. Givethis enrollmentcard to the cashierwithyour BONUSCARDone time duringthe programterm. 2. One percentof your purchaseswill be donatedto your designatedgroupthroughMaY31. 3. Cafl 800-768-4438if you have any questions. GREENVILLEIN HARMONYSHOW CHORUS 1. Give this enrollmentcard to the cashierwith your BONUSCARDone time duringthe programterm. 2. One percentof your purchaseswill be donatedto your designatedgroupthroughMay 31. if you haveany questions. 3. Call 800-768-4438 GREENVILLEIN HARMONYSHOWCHORUS lllllllllllll ililltlllllllllll ilililililllllllllllllllllllll 0"000007"533747" . i::r'ua , .-:.4,::i. ;g*Haxii*. 1. Give this enrollmentcard to the cashierwith your BONUSCARDone time duringthe programterm. 2. One percentof your purchaseswill be donatedto your designatedgroupthroughMay31. 3. Call 800-768-4438tt you have any questions. 0 " 0-.:.^,*;..;.,;";.";;.,,;.....;;;,,:.";;"";--;;,.',., 0 0 0 0 7 " 5 3 3 7 4 7" '."-*:*.: .,; i, 1 t:, :',.1,i,i;, I . :l l i ': : '' i l tt.:" lt" il*iHA"ilfii" i j ir"-"-".-.'i:i:.-: :1X.".-*-**----..; "r':,''i,ifi:r 1. Give this enrollmentcard to the cashierwith your BONUSCARDone time duringthe programterm. 2. One percentof your purchaseswill be donatedto your designatedgroupthroughMay 31. 3. Call 800-768-4438tf you have any questions. GREENVILLEIN HARMONYSHOWCHORUS GREENVILLEIN HARMONYSHOWCHORUS 0"0 0 0 0 0 7 " 5 3 3 7 4 7" 0"0 0 0 0 0 7 " 5 3 3 7 4 7" llll|lll|ll illtilltlllllllllll lllllllllll illtltilillllllllll