High-Temperature Storage and Thermal Cycling

High-Temperature Storage and Thermal Cycling
Studies of Thick Film and Wirewound Resistors
Jeffrey E. Naefe, R. Wayne Johnson, Member, IEEE, and Richard R. Grzybowski
Abstract—The operating ambient temperature for underhood
automotive and aerospace applications is increasing. This work was
undertaken to evaluate the suitability of thick film and wirewound
resistors for distributed aircraft control systems in a 200 C–225 C
operating environment. High temperature stability testing of power
wirewound and thick film resistors is reported. Dale power wirewound 1 , 100 , and 10 k resistors with power ratings of 5 W
and 25 W were tested. The TCR of the 100 , and 10 k resistors
was very small, however, the 1
resistor varied by 5% over the
temperature range from 25 C to 300 C. Stability with long term
storage (10 000 h) at 300 C was measured for the wirewound resistors unpowered and powered at 20% of rated power. With the
exception of the 10 k /25W resistor, the change in resistance was
less than 4%. Wirewound resistors were also thermal cycled 1000
times over a temperature range from 55 C to 225 C with only
one failure due to a broken internal connection.
Three 900 Series thick film resistor pastes from Heraeus-Cermalloy were studied: 100 /sq., 1 k /sq., 10 k /sq. The temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR) was measured from 27 C to
500 C in 50 C increments. The change in resistance was
up to 300 C. A 2 2 matrix of variables was included in the 300 C
storage test: untrimmed resistors, resistors trimmed up 50% in
value, unpowered, and powered at 1/8 W. Palladium/Silver was the
initial termination choice for these 300 C studies, but silver migration under electrical bias lead to electrical shorts between conductor traces on the substrates with powered resistors. Gold terminated thick film resistors were used for powered storage testing
at 300 C. The change in resistance after 10 000 h at 300 C was
3% for all test combinations.
Index Terms—High temperature electronics, resistors, thick
film, wirewound.
DVANCES in silicon-on-insulator technology (SOI) and
the steady development of silicon carbide based electronics are opening the door for high temperature electronics.
Manuscript received August 2, 2000; revised September 10, 2001. This work
was supported in part by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
and the Center for Commercial Development of Space Power and Advanced
Electronics under NASA Grant NAGW-1192-CCDS-Al, Auburn University,
and the Center’s Industrial Partners. This work was presented in part at the
1998 High Temperature Electronics Conference, Albuquerque, NM, June
16–19, 1998. This work was recommended for publication by Associate Editor
D. N. Donahoe upon evaluation of the reviewers’ comments.
J. E. Naefe was with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department,
Center for Advanced Vehicle Electronics, Auburn University, Auburn, AL
36849 USA. He is now with Raytheon Missile Systems, Tucson, AZ 85705
USA (e-mail: jeffrey-e-naefe@west.raytheon.com).
R. W. Johnson is with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department,
Center for Advanced Vehicle Electronics, Auburn University, Auburn, AL
36849 USA (e-mail: johnson@eng.auburn.edu).
R. R. Grzybowski was with the United Technologies Research Center, East
Hartford, CT 06108 USA. He is now with Corning, Inc., Corning, NY 14830
Publisher Item Identifier S 1521-3331(02)00682-7.
High temperature electronics applications include distributed
controls for aircraft, automotive electronics, electric vehicles
(both civilian and military), and instrumentation for geothermal
wells, oil well logging and nuclear reactors [1]. Complete, high
temperature electronic systems, however, require more than
just semiconductor device technology. Passive components
(resistors, capacitors, and inductors) are also required. This
work addresses low and medium power resistors. The target
application is distributed aircraft control systems with an anticipated maximum ambient temperature of 200 C to 225 C.
Thick film resistor technology was selected for the low
power applications. Thick film resistors are typically rated over
the military temperature range of 65 C to 150 C. For
higher temperature applications Heraeus–Cermalloy developed
the 900 Series resistor inks [2], [3]. These inks are a proprietary
ruthenium based formulation. The paste uses a higher softening
point glass compared to traditional thick film inks to allow
operating higher temperatures. The increase in softening point
should permit operation to 500 C, however the stability with
time at 500 C would need to be determined. The minimum
in the temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR) was shifted
from room temperature to approximately 150 C.
The Heraeus-Cermalloy thick film resistor pastes used
were: R951 (100 k /sq.), R941 (10 k /sq.), R931 (1 k /sq.),
and R921 (100 /sq.). Two thick film conductors were used,
a palladium–silver (Heraeus-Cermalloy C1003) and a gold
(Ferro FX-30-052). The test samples were fabricated on 96%
alumina substrates by first printing the resistor ink, then firing it
at 950 C. Next the conductor was printed and fired at 850 C.
The firing profile used was one hour with 12–14 min at the
peak temperature. The dried print thickness of the resistors
obtained was 24 2 m with the fired thickness of 12 2 m.
The post-fired resistor values were between two to five times
the nominal paste value. This likely relates to a combination
of factors including the firing sequence (resistor first then conductor instead of vice versa), the time–temperature profile and
the conductors used. The fired resistor values were repeatable
and the resistor geometry could have been adjusted to obtain
specific resistor values if required.
Commercially available RH Series high reliability, wirewound power resistors manufactured by Dale Electronics were
selected for the medium power applications. These resistors are
CuNi or NiCr wire wound on a ceramic (alumina or steatite)
core. The wire and core used depends on the resistor value and
power rating. In these tests, 1 /25 W, 1 /5 W, 100 /25 W,
1521–3331/02$10.00 © 2002 IEEE
Fig. 1. Macro view of cross sectioned 10 k
/5 W wirewound resistor.
Fig. 3. Normalized change in resistance as a function of temperature for the
1 k
/sq. thick film resistor paste.
Fig. 2. Normalized change in resistance as a function of temperature for the
100 /sq. thick film resistor paste.
100 /5 W, and 10 k /5 W values were studied. The 1 /25 W,
1 /5 W, 100 /25 W are manufactured with CuNi wire,
while the 100 /5 W and 10 k /5 W use NiCr. The resistance
wire is welded to a copper plated steel end terminal that exits
the package for electrical interconnection. Silicone is used to
insulate between the wire and the aluminum chassis mount
housing. The aluminum housing includes mounting holes for
direct attachment to a heat sink for heat removal. A cross section is shown in Fig. 1. The resistors are derated to zero power
dissipation at 275 C for continuous use by the manufacturer.
At 200 C, the resistors are derated by the manufacturer for
constant operation with power dissipation at 20% of the room
temperature power rating. The temperature limitation as identified by the manufacturer was the silicone insulation. While the
specific silicone used by Dale is not known, the manufacturers
of high temperature silicones typically rate their materials for a
maximum use temperature between 250 C and 300 C.
For testing the thick film resistors at temperature, a clamping
fixture was constructed [4]. Various resistor geometries were
printed and measured. Figs. 2–4 plot the normalized change in
resistance versus temperature from 25 C to 500 C for the three
resistor pastes with PdAg conductor terminations as a function
Fig. 4. Normalized change in resistance as a function of temperature for the
10 k
/sq. thick film resistor paste.
of resistor geometry. Three to four resistors were measured for
each data point and averaged. As expected, the minimum resistance is in the 150–200 C temperature range for the 100 /sq.
and the 1 k /sq. pastes. The 10 /sq. paste shows a continuing
downward shift in resistance with increasing temperature, but
there is an inflection point at approximately 200 C. None of
the resistors in this test were trimmed or powered. From room
temperature to 300 C, the resistor geometry did not significantly affect the variation of resistance with temperature. With
the exception of the intentional shift in minimum resistance, the
behavior of the resistors from room temperature to 300 C is
similar to conventional thick film resistors over the 55 C to
125 C temperature range.
The temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR) of the
wirewound resistors was measured by a four-wire measurement
technique to increase accuracy particularly for the 1
values. The results are plotted in Fig. 5. Each data
point represents the average of five samples. The 100 and
10 k resistors varied by less than 0.2% over the temperature
range from 27 C to 300 C. The 1 varied significantly over
Fig. 6. Silver migration paths in the 100 k
/sq. sample.
Fig. 5.
TCR measurements of Dale chassis mount power wirewound resistors.
the temperature range and the characteristic was unexpected.
The measurement was repeated and the results were verified.
The coefficient of variation was less than 1% for all of the 1
resistance measurements. The effect was similar for 1
resistors at both power ratings. While the exact mechanism
for the resistance as a function of temperature characteristic
measured is not known, the fact that the end terminal is nonnegligible portion of the total 1 resistance must be considered.
The TCR is thus a function of the two material systems: the
CuNi wire and the copper plated steel end terminal. For larger
value resistors, the contribution due to the end terminal is
insignificant and its TCR does not measurably effect the TCR
of the overall resistor.
The application of primary interest in this work was distributed controls for aircraft with a design ambient temperature
of 200 C to 225 C. To accelerate the life testing of the
resistors, a storage temperature of 300 C was used. For the
thick film resistors, a 2 2 matrix of variables was studied in
the 300 C storage test. The test conditions were: laser trimmed
or untrimmed and powered to 1/8 watt or unpowered. All of the
resistors in this test were 1.5 mm 1.5 mm in size. After the
sequential firing of the resistor and conductor inks, plunge cuts
were used to increase the value of the laser trimmed resistors
by 50%. A Quantrad Nd : YAG laser trimmer was used to trim
the resistors. The trim speed and laser power were set to ensure
a clean kerf with no microcracking. Five resistors were tested
per test matrix cell.
The original thick film resistors tested at 300 C were
100 /sq., 1 K /sq., and 100 k /sq., and were terminated with
the thick film Pd/Ag conductor. In the powered samples, silver
migration quickly became a failure mode. The 100 k /sq.
sample (Fig. 6) showed many more migration paths compared
to the 100 sq. sample (Fig. 7). The 100 k /sq. test vehicles
migrated to failure in 24 h, while the 1 k /sq. and 100 /sq.
samples failed after 700 and 2500 h, respectively (Fig. 8).
Fig. 7. Silver migration paths in the 100 /sq. sample.
The data is a near linear fit of log time to failure versus bias
voltage. Increasing bias voltage (1/8 watt power dissipation at
higher resistor values) increased the silver migration rate at
300 C. Silver migration in the presence of bias and moisture
is a well know phenomena. However, silver migration was
not anticipated at 300 C in air. The increased temperature
increases the mobility of the Ag under bias. The exact point
for initiation of Ag migration could be related local printing
irregularities that reduce the spacing (increase the electric field)
between adjacent traces. Pointed irregularities could also serve
as electric field concentrators. The edges of screen printed thick
film conductor traces are not smooth due to the nature of the
screen printing process. Unencapsulated PdAg conductors can
not be used at 300 C. The powered testing of these inks was
terminated when this failure mode was discovered. Unpowered
testing of the Pd/Ag terminated 100 /sq. and 1 k /sq. resistors
was continued to 10 000 h.
Gold terminated (Ferro FX-30-052) samples were fabricated
for the powered resistor testing. Extensive tests were performed
on the R951 (100 k /sq.) paste, but it proved to be very unstable at temperatures 300 C. Since the 100 k /sq. paste was
deemed unusable, the 10K /sq. paste was added in its place. In
addition to the powered samples fabricated with gold terminations, unpowered gold terminated 10 k /sq. samples were also
The resistors were placed in a Blue-M oven, and wires were
run through feed-throughs to provide power and to allow resistance measurement in-situ. The oven was ramped to 300 C in
Fig. 8.
Silver migration time to failure as a function of bias voltage.
Fig. 9. Normalized change in resistance with storage time at 300 C for
unpowered, 100 /sq. thick film resistors. The resistors were terminated with
PdAg conductors.
air. This storage test ran for 10 000 h. The change in resistance
is plotted as a normalized shift using
Normalized Change In Resistance
Each data point plotted is based on the average of the five samples. The resistance measurements were made in-situ.
Fig. 10. Normalized change in resistance with storage time at 300 C for
1/8 W powered, 100 /sq. thick film resistors. The resistors were terminated
with Au conductors.
followed by a gradual decrease after 1000 h. The powered
3.5% over 10 000 h. Laser trimming
resistor group shifted
appeared to have little effect on either group of 100 /sq.
samples. The different behavior with time at temperature for
the powered versus unpowered resistors is believed to be related
to the difference in termination metallurgy.
B. 1 k /sq. Thick Film Resistors
A. 100
/sq. Thick Film Resistors
3.5% after
The unpowered 100 /sq. resistors drifted
10 000 h at 300 C (Fig. 9). The powered (Fig. 10) group
exhibited a rapid increase in resistance during the first 250 h
The untrimmed, unpowered 1 k /sq. resistors (Fig. 11)
shifted 0.6% during the first 2500 h at 300 C, while the
trimmed, unpowered resistors (Fig. 12) shifted 0.35% during
the first 2500 h. After 2500 h a positive exponential drift takes
Fig. 11. Normalized change in resistance with storage time at 300 C for
unpowered, 1 k
/sq. thick film resistors. The resistors were terminated with
PdAg conductors.
Fig. 13. Normalized change in resistance with storage time at 300 C for
unpowered, 10 k
/sq. thick film resistors. The resistors were terminated with
Au conductors.
Fig. 12. Normalized change in resistance with storage time at 300 C for
1/8 W powered, 1 k
/sq. thick film resistors. The resistors were terminated
with Au conductors.
Fig. 14. Normalized change in resistance with storage time at 300 C for
1/8 W powered, 10 k
/sq. thick film resistors. The resistors were terminated
with Au conductors.
place in both the trimmed and untrimmed samples. Laser
trimming appears to have little effect in the unpowered stability
of these resistors. Additionally, it should be noted the total shift
after 10 000 h of storage is 3.5% for both the trimmed and
untrimmed resistors. The powered 1 k /sq. resistors drifted
1% and laser trimming did not degrade stability. The
different behavior observed for the powered versus unpowered
resistors was similar in trend to that observed for the 100 /sq.
Ferro Au conductor and the behavior as a function of time at
temperature was similar to the other resistors (100 /sq. and
1 k /sq.) values terminated with Au under power. This provides evidence that the termination metallurgy has a significant affect on the stability behavior of these resistors. The powered 10 k /sq. resistors (Fig. 14) drifted less than 2.5% after
10 000 h at 300 C. The laser trimmed resistors did drift more
with time compared to the untrimmed resistors. The higher resistance values have a higher glass content and the potential for
microcracking during laser trimming increase.
The conduction mechanisms in thick film resistors are still
not completely understood. The fired ink is a nonhomogeneous
mixture of conductive particles in a glass matrix. Even the TCR
of thick film resistors exhibits both metallic (positive TCR) and
C. 10 k /sq. Thick Film Resistors
The unpowered 10 k /sq. resistors (Fig. 13) drifted less than
2% after 10 000 h at 300 C. Laser trimming did not significantly affect stability. These resistors were terminated with the
Fig. 15. Average resistance of Dale chassis mount power wirewound resistors
stored at 300 C and powered to 20% of room temperature power rating. The
resistance value and rated power are indicated in the legend.
semiconductor or insulator (negative TCR) characteristics over
the temperature range, providing no clear indication of the conduction process. Changes in resistance with high temperature
storage can result from a combination of mechanisms including
annealing of the glass, diffusion within the resistor matrix, diffusion between the resistor and the termination metallization and
microcrack growth. These mechanisms can have competing effects on the change in resistance. The direction and magnitude of
the changes will depend on the dominant mechanism at a given
time. While the behavior of the drift in resistance varies with
time at temperature and resistance value, the thick film resistors
maintained a 5% tolerance during the 10 000 of storage.
D. Wirewound Resistors
The wirewound resistors were bolted to an aluminum heat
sink. Indalloy Easy-Flo 45 was used to braze Brim wire (inorganic braid with a silicone varnish over a stranded nickel-plated
copper conductor) to the resistor terminals. Five resistors of
each type were powered at 20% of the room temperature
rated power level (powered at 1 W or 5 W). In addition, five
100 /5 W and five 10 k /5 W resistors were tested unpowered. The resistors were placed in a Blue-M oven, and
wires were run through feed-throughs to provide power and
to allow resistance measurement in-situ. The oven was ramped
to 300 C in air and the storage test ran for 10 000 h. The resistance was periodically measured in-situ and the results are
plotted in Figs. 15 and 16.
All of the powered resistor measurements were four point
measurements, while the unpowered resistor measurements
were two point measurements. Each data point is based on
the average of the five samples. At 4 520 h the oven was
shutdown for a period of three weeks to allow wiring of the Au
terminated thick film resistors into the oven. A significant jump
in resistance was noted in the 10 k /5 W and the 1 /5 W.
The 1 /5 W returned to pre-shutdown values very quickly,
but the 10 k /5 W had a permanent shift associated with the
Fig. 16. Average resistance of Dale chassis mount power wirewound resistors
stored at 300 C without power applied. The resistance value and rated power
are indicated in the legend.
Fig. 17. Cross section of 10 k
/5 W Dale resistor after 10 000 h at 300 C
unpowered showing a crack in the silicone.
shutdown. As a possible explanation, a thermal cycling study
was performed to examine the effects of thermal cycling on
these resistors and is discussed in a later section. With the
exception of the 10 k /5 W resistor, all shifts in resistance
value were less than 4%.
A thermal study was conducted at 300 C to measure the
case temperatures on three Dale power wirewound resistors. The
three resistors (100 /5 W, 100 /25 W, and 10 k /5 W) were
powered to 20% of rated power. A thermocouple was placed
into a hole drilled into the aluminum case on each resistor. The
measured case temperature was 320 C indicating a temperature
rise of 20 C due to power dissipation.
E. Cross-Sectioning of Wirewound Resistors After 10 000 h
Three 10 k /5 W resistors were cross-sectioned and analyzed
upon completion of 10 000 h of storage at 300 C. The silicone had changed color from black to light gray. Cracks were
found in the silicone between the ceramic core and the aluminum housing (Fig. 17) and delamination occurred between
the silicone and the aluminum housing (Fig. 18). During storage
for 10 000 h, the silicone continues to cure and harden. With
Fig. 18. Cross section of 10 k
/5 W Dale resistor after 10 000 h at 300 C
powered to 20% of rate power showing delamination.
Fig. 20.
Closeup of failed wire connection.
Fig. 19. Failed wire of the aged 10 K
/5 W Dale resistor after 100 thermal
cycles ( 55 C to 225 C).
continued curing and potential mass loss (outgassing) during
the extended high temperature storage, volumetric contraction
of the silicone could lead to cracking and delamination. While
cracking and delamination of the silicone was observed, there
were no catastrophic failures during the 10 000 h of storage at
300 C. The delamination and cracks could potentially provide
a path for moisture egress in humidity testing, but humidity test
were not performed in this series of experiments.
Normalized resistance shifts of 4.0% were found for all
wirewound resistors except the 10 k /5 W resistors. The
20% power dissipated in the power wirewound resistors only
increased the case temperature from 300 C to 320 C. This
indicates the resistors could be operated at higher power
levels at lower temperature (200 C). With only one power
wirewound resistor failing after 10 000 h of lifetime testing plus
1000 thermal cycles from 55 C to 225 C, these wirewound
resistors are a viable solution for the medium power resistive
The thick film resistors are an acceptable choice for low
power resistor needs at higher temperatures. The Heraeus–Cermalloy R900 pastes could be used to achieve the range of
to 100 k . The tests run on these thick
values from 100
film pastes show that the resistors should be able to meet 5%
tolerance requirements necessary for most applications in the
high temperature range (175 C–250 C). Gold terminations
are required to operate these resistors at these elevated temperatures. Even the addition of palladium to the silver conductor
is not sufficient to curb the inherent silver migration.
Thermal cycling between 55 C and 225 C was used
to simulate engine startup and cool down. After completing
10 000 h of storage at 300 C, the wirewound resistors were
shipped to United Technologies Research Center for thermal
cycling. Both aged resistors and identical, new resistors were
included in the thermal cycling study. The thermal cycle range
was from 55 C to 225 C. Only one failure (at 100 cycles)
was found in the 1000 cycle study. The resistor that failed was
a 10 k /5 W resistor that had previously been powered to 20%
for 10 000 h at 300 C. SEM photographs were taken of the
failure. The resistive wire broke at the heel of the resistance
weld to the end termination (Fig. 19). The roundness of the end
of the broken wire suggested the wire was badly fatigued before failure (Fig. 20). Aging and hardening of the silicone encapsulant, coupled with delamination of the silicone from the
aluminum housing likely resulted in stress on the wire during
thermal cycling.
[1] G. Shorthouse and S. Lande, “The global market for high temperature
electronics,” in Proc. 3rd Int. High Temp. Electron. Conf., Albuquerque,
NM, June 1996, pp. I-3–8.
[2] H. W. Imhof and B. E. Bertsch, “Thick film materials for hi-temperature
operation,” in Proc. High Temp. Electron. Instrum. Conf., Dec. 1981, p.
[3] B. L. Draper and D. W. Palmer, “Extension of high temperature electronics,” in Proc. 29th Electron. Comp. Conf., May 1979, pp. 40–46.
[4] W. Dillard, J. Naefe, M. Palmer, and R. W. Johnson, “A test fixture for
high-temperature, low noise testing of electronic components,” in Proc.
3rd Int. High Temp. Electron. Conf., Albuquerque, NM, June 1996, pp.
Jeffrey E. Naefe received the B.Eng. degree (with honors) and the M.S. degree
from Auburn University, Auburn, AL, in 1995 and 1998, respectively.
His thesis research was concentrated in high temperature resistors and component attach materials. Upon graduation, he took a job in the Commercial Wireless Communications Division, Raytheon, Dallas, TX. His primary work was
concentrated in developing terrestrial wireless communication systems. He left
Raytheon in October 2000 and is currently employed by NERA Telecommunications, Inc., Dallas. His work continues in the development of point-to-multipoint terrestrial communications systems.
R. Wayne Johnson (M’82) received the B.E. and
M.Sc. degrees from Vanderbilt University, Nashville,
TN, in 1979 and 1982, respectively, and the Ph.D.
degree from Auburn University, Auburn, AL, in
1987, all in electrical engineering.
He has worked in the microelectronics industry for
DuPont, Eaton, and Amperex. He is an Alumni Professor of electrical engineering at Auburn University
and Director of the Laboratory for Electronics Assembly and Packaging (LEAP). At Auburn, he has
established teaching and research laboratories for advanced packaging and electronics assembly. Research efforts are focused on
materials, processing, and modeling for multichip packages and high temperature electronics. He has worked in MCM design, MCM-L, -C, and -D substrate
technology as well as SMT, wire bond and flip chip assembly techniques. He
has published and presented numerous papers at workshops and conferences
and in technical journals. He has also co-edited one IEEE book on MCM technology and written two book chapters in the areas of silicon MCM technology
and MCM assembly.
Dr. Johnson received the 1997 Auburn Alumni Engineering Council Senior
Faculty Research Award for his work in electronics packaging and assembly,
the 1993 John A. Wagnon, Jr. Technical Achievement Award from ISHM, the
Daniel C. Hughes Memorial Award in 1997. He is a Fellow of ISHM and a
member of SMTA and IPC. He was the President of the International Society
for Hybrid Microelectronics in 1991.
Richard R. Grzybowski received the B.S. degree from Yale University, New
Haven, CT, the M.S. degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY,
and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Connecticut, Storrs, all in electrical
He is Manager of Systems Engineering Research Department, Corning, Inc.,
Erwin, NY, where he is responsible for the development and growth of this new
department in Integration technology. He came to Corning in September 2000
from the United Technologies Research Center (UTRC), East Hartford, CT,
where he was Manager of the Electronics Design and Analysis Department. His
areas of responsibility included wireless communications systems, power electronics electric machines, and predictive reliability. He was previously Technical Manager for Harsh Environment Electronics, Packaging, and Reliability,
UTRC. In that role, his responsibilities included microcircuit fabrication and
packaging for high temperature environments (to 600 C ), reliability prediction based on probabilistic physics of failure, advanced electronics packaging,
and wireless technology. He has five patents, more than 60 publications, and is a
coauthor of the book High Temperature Electronics (Orlando, FL: CRC, 2001).