Sinusoidal Steady-State response EE3301 Kamran Kiasaleh Learning Objectives 1. Be able to obtain the steady-state response of RLC circuits (in all forms) to a sinusoidal input 2. Be able to represent currents and voltages in “Phasor” format 3. Be able to obtain circuit impedance and admittance. 4. Be able to obtain Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits for steady-state sinusoidal circuits 5. Be able to write mesh, node, KVL, and KCL equations for sinusoidal steady-state circuit 6. Be able to conduct steady-state sinusoidal analysis of circuits with transformers A sinusoidal voltage What are the key parameters of a sinusoid 1 f 0 = ; frequency(Hz) T T; period(sec); ω 0 = 2πf v (t ) = Vm cos(ω 0 t + θ ) 1 Vrms = T 2 Vrms P= ; R Vm Vrms = 2 ∫ T 0 1 v (t ) dt = lim T → ∞ T 2 2 ∫ v (t ) dt T 0 Only for sinusoidal signals Phase shift (does not change the frequency)-moves signal in time! What is the rms of a triangular wave? We have to average i2 Irms IP = 3 How do we assess the response of circuits to a sinusoidal signal (direct substitution) 1. First, write the differential equation that relates the desired output to the input 2. Ignore all initial conditions (this includes switches, etc.). All initial energies (initial conditions) are assumed to have dissipated in the resistive part of the circuit. 3. Assume that the response (in this case, the particular response) is also sinusoidal with different amplitude and phase, but the same frequency (linear circuit) 4. Plug in the proposed response in the differential equation and solve for the unknown amplitude and phase An RL circuit excited by a sinusoidal voltage source. Differential Equation 1. Using KVL, di L + Ri = V = Vm cos(ωt + φ ) dt This will disappear i(t ) = Im cos(ωt + φ − θ ) − Im cos(φ − θ )e i(0 + ) = 0 = i(0 ) − iss (t ) = Im cos(ωt + φ − θ ) R − t L Steady State Response 1. Using KVL, di L + Ri = V = Vm cos(ωt + φ ) dt i(t ) = Im cos(ωt + φ − θ ) −LImω sin(ωt + φ − θ ) + RIm cos(ωt + φ − θ ) = Vm cos(ωt + φ ) {RI {RI m sin(θ ) − LImω cos(θ )}sin(ωt + φ ) + m cos(θ ) + LImω sin(θ )}cos(ωt + φ ) = Vm cos(ωt + φ ) Steady State Response {RI {RI m sin(θ ) − LImω cos(θ )}sin(ωt + φ ) + m cos(θ ) + LImω sin(θ )}cos(ωt + φ ) = Vm cos(ωt + φ ) Is there an easier and more intuitive way to get this? ωL RIm sin(θ ) − LImω cos(θ ) = 0 ⇒ θ = tan R Vm RIm cos(θ ) + LImω sin(θ ) = Vm ⇒ Im = ω 2 L2 + R 2 −1 Phasors 1. Phasors are actually vector representation of sinusoidal signals 2. They suppress the element of time (if you know phase and amplitude, you can reconstruct the signal assuming a known frequency) 3. The length of the vector is the amplitude of the signal (fixed) and the direction of the phasor at t=0 is the phase of the sinusoid 4. We can combine (add and subtract) phasors using vector addition 5. Sinusoidal signals may be related to phasors by observing the projection of the vector onto x and y axis θ (t ) = ωt + φ Asin(θ (t )) A θ (t ) Acos(θ (t )) e ± jθ Ae Ae = cos(θ ) ± j sin(θ ) ± jθ = Acos(θ ) ± jAsin(θ ) ± j (ωt +φ ) = Acos(ωt + φ ) ± jA sin(ωt + φ ) How to add two phasors (22.43 degrees is the phase difference) Can we use phasors to represent current and voltages of a passive devices? 1. If we add (subtract) two sinusoidal signals, the resulting phasors add (subtract) 2. KVL and KCL still applies for sinusoidal signals 3. This implies that we can apply KVL and KCL for circuits using phasors assuming that we have access to the relationship between current and voltage of all components 4. Let us consider passive components Resistors v = Ri V sin(ωt + φ ) = RI sin(ωt + φ ) ⇒ V = RI V = RI Figure 9.9 A plot showing that the voltage and current at the terminals of a resistor are in phase. Inductor di v=L dt i = I sin (ωt + φ ) v = I ω L cos (ωt + φ ) v = V sin (ωt + φ + 90 ) V V = jω LI ⇒ = jω L I Inductor response Capacitor dv i =C dt v = V sin(ωt + φ ) i = VωC cos(ωt + φ ) i = VωC sin(ωt + φ + 90) i = I sin(ωt + φ ) V 1 I = VjωC ⇒ = I jωC Capacitor response What do previous observations imply 1. Capacitors, inductor, and resistors may be looked as having “Impedance” 2. Impedance of a resistor is real and is called resistance 3. The impedance of a capacitors or an inductor is purely imaginary (is called Reactance) 4. The reactance is frequency dependent 5. Given KVL and KCL, we can treat R, L, and C as we would treat a simple resistors through V = ZI Z = impedance = R + jX Reactance KVL Vab = (Z1 + Z 2 + ...+ Z n )I Vab = ZI Z = Z1 + Z 2 + ...+ Z n Example 9.6. The circuit at the 800 Hz KCL Vab = Z1I1 = Z 2 I2 = ... = Z n In I = I1 + I2 + ...+ In Vab = ZI Z = Z1 || Z 2 || ... || Z n A parallel circuit Previous circuit at ω=200,000 We can use ∆-Y transformation Example Simplified circuit source transformation Thevenin equivalent Norton equivalent Example Use of Thevenin to solve circuit Compute output voltage (no load) Thevenin Impedance Final circuit Writing Node Equation Mesh Current Linear Transformers Mutual Inductance Vs = (R1 + jωL1 + Z S )I1 − jωMI2 0 = − jωMI1 + (R2 + jωL2 + Z L )I2 Transformer as a 2-port network Z11 = Z s + R1 + jωL1 Z 22 = Z L + R2 + jωL2 Z ab = R1 + jωL1 + Z r2 Z cd = R2 + jωL2 + Z r1 Self-impedance primary Self-impedance secondary ω 2M 2 Z r2 = R2 + RL + j (ωL2 + X L ) ω 2M 2 Z r1 = R1 + Rs + j (ωL1 + X s ) Z r2 ω 2 M 2 k1 = * = Z 22 | Z 22 |2 Z r1 ω 2 M 2 k2 = * = Z11 | Z11 |2 Reflected impedance Scaling factor How do you model an ideal transformer? Coefficient of coupling k= M L1L2 L1 N1 = L2 N 2 2 Ideal transformer V1 N1 = V2 N 2 k =1 L1 →∞ I1 N 2 = I2 N1 L2 →∞ L1 N1 = L2 N 2 2 No power loss V1I1 = V2 I2 N1 Z in = Z L N2 2 Ideal Transformer Input/Output relationship Can we use phasors to solve a circuit? The complex number -7 – j3 = 7.62 -156.80°. Example The phasor diagram Example Impedance model Phasor diagram for the circuit addition of a capacitor One more phasor Final picture