Future Demand for Engineering Skills 1. Overview Australia has taken many steps to strengthen its presence on the world stage. We have instituted measures to put us on a path to meet the economic, social and environmental needs of our society. But we still have a way to go. In spite of efforts over the last decade to broaden the base of the economy, Australia is below advanced industrial countries in the production of high technology goods and services that constitute the fastest growing area of world trade. In the international arena, the pace of development is quickening. For Australia to participate, we must pursue scientific and technological advances. Australia must develop technologies that will ensure the competitiveness of our goods and services in the global marketplace of the future. Australia’s engineering workforce is integral to ensuring that we become a strong player in world markets, and in solving domestic economic, social and environmental issues. Engineers make a huge difference to the world around them. By providing solutions to the needs of their communities, engineers literally shape the future, giving form to ideas that make life better. Engineering is at the heart of modern economies and contemporary life. Many of the things that mark out the last century - even the last decade - are the direct result of engineering. Engineers aim to improve the quality of life for all of us and everything that is made or built results from their expertise, from smart buildings to video phones, from the Internet to digital television. As scientists make new discoveries, engineers are at the forefront of turning that knowledge into something practical and valued. As Dr Dan Turner, when he was President of the American Society of Civil Engineers, said: "The American life span has extended by 40 years in the past 100 years: by 3 years due to medical advances and by 37 years due to engineering advances. These advances to public well-being through good engineering were achieved by the provision of clean water (Civil Engineering), the removal of wastes (Civil & Resource Engineering), the upgrading of human living space (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical Engineering) and the upgrading of food supplies (Agricultural, Chemical, Electrical Engineering)." To contribute to development of a vision of the likely nature of the Australian economy, Engineers Australia provides the following information for consideration by the Steering Committee. 2. Population Issues Engineering is about applying science and technology to satisfy basic human needs. The role of engineering in developing and implementing new technologies places engineers in a central role in improving the health and living standards of the community, improving the standards of environmental care and generating wealth for Australia. Urban Design The increase in Australia’s population choosing to live in single person households and the recent property boom has had a major impact on urban expansion. Cities such as Melbourne and Sydney are experiencing significant growth in new urban development and redevelopment in established suburbs. Without significant change to future planning for our cities, Australia faces a number of problems including increasing pollution and health risks and difficulty in and providing adequate amenities such as public transport. The ageing of the population, combined with changes in family units into two or more separate lone person or single parent households is working to increase housing demand with the ABS predicting that lone-person households will increase by 39% by 2021. A lower turn over of housing stock as older people live longer and healthier lives, living at home until they die, is also a factor working to increase housing demand and fuelling urban sprawl. There will be a significant role for engineers in using and supporting the development of sustainable planning practices throughout Australia in response to the pressure created on urban expansion through population ageing. These measures will include methods for reducing energy and water consumption, improved transport links, conservation areas, community centres and sporting facilities. Health technology Population growth will play a major role in increasing the demand for engineering skills. Engineers have an important role to play in health technologies and improving and prolonging people’s lives and reducing the impact of physical impairment allowing them to remain in their own homes and participate in society though volunteer positions and paid employment. Advances in medical technology have already resulted in age specific disability levels falling. Advances in 20th century medical technology have been remarkable. Armed with only a few instruments in 1900, health professionals now have an arsenal of diagnostic and treatment equipment at their disposal. Artificial organs, joint replacement, imaging technologies, and biomaterials are but a few of the engineered products that improve the quality of life for millions. Today, people live nearly 30 years longer, on the average, than their great-grandparents did at the beginning of the 20th century. To this end engineers have worked with the medical profession to develop technologies for surgery, medical implants, bioimaging, and intensive care units. Indeed without the involvement of engineers medicine could not have developed to its current level of sophistication. The types of medical device and the complexity of medical technology are expanding constantly. Medical device development relies heavily on 2 professional engineers with expertise in mechanisms, electronics, optics, metallurgy and material science, computing and software, manufacturing and risk management. Significantly, the ongoing delivery of health care in Australian hospitals is particularly dependent on professional engineers who develop and manufacture medical technology, install and commission it, oversee or actually maintain and service the equipment through its working life, ensure its proper and safe function and see to its safe disposal to prevent harm to the environment. 3. Priorities for the Future Given the speed and unpredictability of knowledge development and the dynamism of modern research, no one can confidently predict all directions from which new developments and discoveries will arise in the future. However, based on the idea of developing our core competencies and capabilities and based on data on current and past success stories, Engineers Australia has identified a range of sectors as priority areas for the future. These include medical research & biotechnology, environmental technology, agriculture, mining technologies and electronics. Engineers Australia believes that these are areas where Australia has existing capabilities, and there is potential for these areas to result in significant technological advances that promise the greatest return to Australia. There will be a leadership role for the Government to play to ensure that Australia becomes innovative and is competitive in world markets. Medical Research and Biotechnology Specific fields within the medical research and biotechnology categories are already recognised by government and industry as offering high potential and Australia has already demonstrated considerable expertise in these fields, which provides advantages for enhancing existing technologies and creation of new products. These fields are: • • • • • Human Health: pharmaceuticals and vaccines, diagnostics, bio-materials, biological tissues and substitutes, rehabilitation technologies; Agriculture and Food: GM crops and livestock, production techniques; Gene manipulation; Bio-diversity; and Biochemical research Medical technology and biotechnology are areas that are receiving a great deal of attention and are of growing interest for engineering. Australia has a strong history of primary research turning into market leading products and techniques, including examples such as Cochlear, ResMed and Gene Shears. Biomedical engineering courses at undergraduate, masters and PhD level are now available in a growing number of universities. Postgraduate research positions are also growing. Strong research and industry links have been encouraged by CRC activity. 3 Environmental Technologies Government and private investment in environmental technology is still relatively small, with only a modest R&D commitment in this area. However, this sector has very high potential, not only in breakthrough research, but also in refinement of existing technologies. Fields identified within this area include: • Waste management: ecosystem solutions (e.g. salinity), modeling and design, land rehabilitation, bio remediation, recycling, cleaner production, solids, liquids, nuclear, membrane technologies, and high temperature incineration; • Renewable/alternate energy: photovoltaics, solar cell technology, ceramic fuel cells, battery research, biomass production, wind energy, wave energy The development of areas such as photovoltaics, biomass and wind power will provide engineers with a number of opportunities in the future. Governments’ emphasis on the importance of solving the country’s salinity problems may further provide engineers with the opportunity to create environmental solutions. New technologies, research and development and new infrastructure to enable more sophisticated and efficient water management in Australia will also rely on the skills of engineers. Developments related to water reuse, recycling, catchment management, water accounting, river renewal, water cycle management and water sensitive urban design. Agriculture Agriculture constitutes only 3 percent of Australia’s economy, but garners public sector spending of 21 percent on Research and Development. This may seem a disproportionate amount to spend on agriculture but this sector lies at the forefront in emerging areas of technological activity and provides an important focus for other areas of emerging industrial and research activity. While GM crops and production techniques are included in the discussion of biotechnology, other specific areas of future focus include: • • • Agribusiness: Aquaculture (water treatment, fish foods, disease control); Viticulture; and Permaculture. The benefits from investment in local agricultural engineering are significant. However, there has been a trend for Australian primary producers to adapt imported equipment, rather than equipment designed to meet their particular needs. This has reduced the efficiency of primary production. The need is for appropriately directed engineering initiatives to address the problems of reducing production costs by greater mechanisation. Additional benefits will arise from the export of equipment. There is also a renewal of interest in the development of technology for the processing of food. The range of processes extends from agriculture to biochemical reaction and includes 4 the familiar operations of handling, mixing, separation, heating, cooling and process control. The development of appropriate technology for the preparation and packaging of fragile and perishable product will continue to present a challenge. This is clearly an area where Australia has core competencies, which can be built upon to create significant returns to the country. Mining Technologies Apart from manufacturing, the mining, and IT sectors appear to be the priority area of focus for investment by business. The mining sector is a more mature industry than others, with high capital costs, made up of mainly global organisations that pursue and capture the advantages of R&D. This is an area where Australia and Australian influenced companies are global players and new technologies will offer economic and environmental opportunities. The major field for future research in the mining industry relates to resource engineering including: • • • new minerals processing technologies (mining and petroleum focus); mapping, surveying, photogrammetry, cartography; and remote sensing. Mining in its many forms and the bulk conveyance of materials are major elements of Australia’s primary industries infrastructure. However, the trend has been to import items of mining and other equipment that could have been designed, developed and manufactured in Australia. The potential benefits of manufacture include: • the design of equipment would take account of local requirements thereby increasing it cost effectiveness; and • equipment proven in the local industry would be better placed to compete in the international marketplace. If there is an adequate supply of engineers with the knowledge and skills to carry out the R&D in this area, and there are numerous organisations with the capacity to convert the R&D outcomes into marketable products. Electronics For electronics, the data on R&D expenditure by socio-economic objective shows that business undertook a significant proportion of R&D within the IT category. R&D expenditure by fields of research shows that business sector expenditure was mainly in the information, computer and communication technologies ($1,382m) (35%), general engineering ($1,130m) (28%), and applied sciences and technologies ($779m) (20%). Although this does not necessarily indicate the long run industry application for a particular new field of research, it clearly indicates where business is placing its priorities, and where Australian business feels it has the greatest capability for innovation, expansion of existing markets and entry into new markets. This is also borne out by the CRC data, which indicates that industry is investing heavily in the engineering and technology field, particularly for IT applications. 5 The following have been identified as areas of future focus: • Micro machining/ Microelectronics: nanotechnologies (an expected future manufacturing technology that will make products lighter, stronger, cleaner, less expensive and more precise), sensors: e.g. for environmental work, computer componentry (especially for the aerospace and automotive industries) and miniaturised microscopes; and • Communications Technologies: photonics and micro electronics Although there are limited opportunities for Australian involvement in vehicle design, there are niche opportunities for involvement in the design of automotive parts, which assists in maintaining the nation’s capability supporting a global industry. A few multi-national companies dominate the space industry. However, Australia’s defence purchasing power has attracted investment in local manufacturing. In these areas, Australia needs to build on its key strengths rather than new technologies. In the communications technology areas, rapid technological development means markets for new products and services are being developed all the time. Not only are there new markets, but these are rapidly growing. Capital costs are relatively low as there is little need for expensive infrastructure, and product development times are short. Australia has a high capability in this area, which can be exploited to develop niche areas of expertise, which will capture a small share of a very large world market, bringing substantial returns to government. Deregulation of Australia’s telecommunications network has encouraged R&D into a wide range of public use communications equipment. This has resulted in a significant expansion of an industry that previously serviced a very small group of consumers. The expansion has created a base from which the industry has been able to play an aggressive role in the world market. The potential benefits from further investment in this area are significant. The products are relatively small and are easily transported, and manufacture of the products is largely automated, lending itself to easy and quick incorporation of new developments. The attractiveness and high level of feasibility in this sector makes it a suitable target for further investment, particularly by business. Signal and image processing is another area with future potential. The technology of signal and image processing involves the electronic or optical processing of signals from many possible sources such as speech, telephony, sonar, video, geophysics or medicine in order to extract or encode information into a more useful form. As such, it is an enabling technology applicable to a wide variety of industries. Because of the large number of applications areas, total benefits are large. With a large base of expertise and experience in the field, Australia is well placed to capture the benefits, mainly through exploitation of some of the many industry specific niche markets. 6 4. Engineering today When economies with good export performance are examined, not only is there evidence that technical and engineering education and qualifications are highly valued, but there is also a high value attached to education overall. Those countries in which engineering related activities appear to make a particularly important contribution to economic performance are characterised not only by a strong demand for engineers, but also by developments in education, industrial research and continuous training. As outlined, engineers make a significant contribution to creating wealth in a country and many successful economies have a high number of engineers and technologists. It is engineers that take new and emerging technologies and create new products, processes or services. If Australia is to achieve its full potential as a vital economy it needs to increase its number of engineers. According to OECD figures, Australia’s stock of human resources in Science and Technology including engineering has improved over the past ten years, rising from 476,000 in 1996 to 560,000 in 2001, an increase of 17.6% over the five year period.1 In 2000, 19.7% of new graduates in Australia received science and engineering degrees, compared to 21.7% of graduates in the OECD2. A different picture of our international competitiveness begins to emerge however, when this data is split into science and engineering. While around 11.8% of new graduates in Australia were awarded science degrees, engineering graduates accounted for only 7.9% of total graduations in Australia.3 In comparison with other countries, Australia has a low rate of entry into and graduation from engineering. Internationally, the number of Australia’s engineering graduates per million lags many other OECD countries including Singapore, Korea, Japan, Finland, Denmark, Taiwan, Norway, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Ireland, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and France.4 The graduation of approximately 5000 students from engineering degrees each year, for the past 10 years, means that the growth in Australia’s science and engineering graduates has come from increased science enrolments alone. These data all point to the balance between engineering and science being out of alignment at a time when we should be as focused on converting ideas into products, as we are on conducting and publishing research. This is particularly worrying given the engineering and technology needs of the future. Australia currently needs and will continue to need a strong engineering workforce in order to compete internationally. While the emergence of new science and technologies will increase the importance of engineering skills in the future, so to will the skill shortages we are already experiencing. Engineering skills shortages facing the minerals, automotive, manufacturing, rail, power and construction industries will continue to drive demands for engineers. 7 5. The future of engineering Engineers have always found innovative, workable solutions to the world’s problems. During the Industrial Revolution over 200 years ago, engineers were the people who designed steam engines, invented spinning machines, built roads and brought piped water to towns. As a result of the work of engineers, Australians and the citizens of many other countries are now living in a largely man-made world where the devices, objects, materials, and systems of society are all products of engineering enterprise. As the rest of the world steadily moves in the same direction, the prospects for engineers and the technology they create has never been so bright. As globalization becomes part of the “everyday”, there will be an increasing need for engineering systems to provide global solutions to global problems. Engineered systems will feature in world commerce as raw materials (grown or mined through highly engineered technologies), manufactured products, or advanced services dependent upon engineered systems are traded internationally. As this economic future unfolds, engineers will also have a central role to play in understanding nature. Weather, tides, earthquakes, tsunami and volcanic eruptions are already better understood as a result of complex engineering systems for data gathering, analysis, interpretation, and forecasting and the future may result in engineered interventions to influence and even control these forces. The concept of sustainability will influence almost all engineering developments and the potential effects on the environment, long term and short term, proximate and remote, will be integrated routinely into engineering design and planning. Genetics, energy, materials, brain, and information technologies will also be the great enablers of the future. Sustainability and environmentalism will also drive the types of systems and projects engineers develop. As each new development of science matures, it is transformed into effective practice through engineering. Biomedical engineering and genetics-based technologies including, the work on the human genome, will allow diagnosis and evaluation of individuals' potential for disease, creating a new boom in medical technologies as we look for ways to correct, neutralize, or modify undesirable conditions. The technologies for collecting, organizing, interpreting, and dealing with that genetic knowledge will drive the creation of information networks and radically improve epidemiology. Technologies for the manipulation of other living things will also be developed by engineers including those for controlling pests, enhancing food sources, expanding and manipulating biota and creating new plant varieties. These advances through engineering excellence will expand our capacity for sustainable use of the world’s resources and sustainable growth. Population growth will have a major effect on future demands for water and power. The identification of new sources of energy and water and the emergence of improved technology to increase efficiency while driving down prices, will also be the domains of the future engineer. Engineering has already brought us highly effective and economically productive energy sources including water, coal, petroleum, natural gas and nuclear power. As the future unfolds and the effects of global warming become more evident, engineering will be called upon to develop new systems to ensue sustainable energy use and conservation. 8 Engineers will be the best placed to develop innovative solutions to the problems surrounding the sustainable use and supply of water and energy resources. Information technology will be another key driver of the future and while we have already felt radical changes in society due to its influence, we have barely begun to feel the transformational consequences of the newest developments, let alone those just over the horizon. Advances in telecommunications will drop the cost of this technology to the point that it will be available to everyone, altering radically the way we do business and with who, where we work, and how we work. These advances will also drive the use of electronic commerce and raise new social issues, particularly those related to equity and privacy. 5 The possibilities are endless. We might be seeing a future where, through engineering expertise, cities have become peaceful and serene because cars and buses are whisper quiet; where vehicles exhaust only water vapour; and parks have replaced unneeded urban freeways. Living standards have dramatically improved, particularly for the poor and those in developing countries. Houses are able to pay part of their own mortgage costs by the energy they produce; there are few if any active landfills; forest cover is increasing world-wide; CO2 levels are decreasing for the first time in 200 years; and the effluent water leaving factories is cleaner than the water going in. 6. Cross disciplinary demand for science, engineering and technology skills The impacts of globalization on the engineering profession have challenged what it means to be an engineer in the 21st century global economy. Many of the future technologies mentioned in Section 3 will require scientists and engineers to have cross-disciplinary education backgrounds and approaches to technology. For example, Nanotechnology is cross-disciplinary in nature, involving the fundamental sciences of physics, chemistry and biology as well as engineering skills and knowledge. This discipline has a very broad scope, such as designing the next generation of computing devices, creating innovative materials, and the development of nanosensors with extremely powerful detection capabilities. Nanotechnology has the potential to impact on virtually all areas of technology requiring people with a broad range of knowledge in the sciences as well as the engineering skills in order to apply this knowledge to produce novel processes or devices. Particularly when looking at these new fields of endeavor, it is easy to see that in order to be successful, the engineer of the future is likely to have cross-disciplinary training in two or more fields and to draw them together through lifelong learning and continuing professional development. More and more, engineering projects in the real-world represent the combination of diverse disciplines, rather than the application of a single expertise. Within the university environment engineers are being increasingly introduced to a broad range of engineering disciplines. This cross-disciplinary exposure enables them to be versatile and collaborative team players when they enter the work force. This is all interacting to help engineers to be comfortable bridging the gap between science, engineering and technology on a day to day basis. In the United Kingdom, the increasing need for persons working across inter-disciplinary boundaries is reinforced from an International Review of Chemistry and Engineering. The review outlines that the "isolation of engineering research from the basic sciences" has a 9 negative impact on the UK's innovative capacity, identifying that a cross-disciplinary approach to R&D is a key element in the drive to remain internationally competitive in a rapidly changing world market. We are only just beginning to see the potential growth for cross disciplinary demand for science, engineering and technology skills. However, while engineers and scientists will find themselves more greatly aligned, there will also be an increasing need (which we are already seeing) to ensure that engineering graduates have cross-disciplinary skills in other “softer” areas including management, team work and people skills. Engineering courses at Australian universities are already responding to this need. 7. Conclusion Engineering is an exciting profession that directly helps to change and improve our world. Engineers can create imaginative and visionary solutions to the challenges facing the planet in this new century and beyond. The problems of feeding the world and how we will use energy but still protect our environment will be answered by engineers. The coming decades will be a great time to be an engineer, especially a young one. Let’s hope that action is taken now to ensure that there are enough engineers around to complete the tasks ahead. 10 1 Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST), Australian Science and Technology at a Glance, 2004, “Chart 65 Australia’s Stock of Human Resources in S&T”, p74. 2 DEST, Australian Science and Technology at a Glance, 2004, “Chart 71 Australia’s Science and Engineering Graduates”, p80. 3 DEST, Australian Science and Technology at a Glance, 2004 ,“Chart 73 Science and Engineering Degrees as a Percentage of Total New Degrees”, p82. 4 Engineers Australia and the Council of Engineering Deans, The Engineering Profession: a statistical overview, 2003, Edition 3. 5 “ Engineering and the Future of Technology”, Joseph E. Coates in The Bridge, a publication of the National Academy of Engineering, Volume 27, Number 3, Autumn 1997. 11