Message from: TC48 Home Mensagens de: TC48 Casa Message from: TC48 Industry Received 8:12 AM Recebida 9:05 PM Received 2:41 AM Alarm Armed Sistema rega ligado Industry & Brothers Motor 2 energy failure IRRIGATION SYSTEMS ACTIVATE ALARM AUTOMATION By connecting to the equipment, it will automatically recognize if your number is an authorized one. If the validity of the number is confirmed, the equipment performs the activation of your alarm without any telephone charges. After your call, you will receive a text message indicating the alarm status. The inputs of the TC24/TC48 allow positive and negative connections, which is ideal for industrial automation, generating the sending of information via text message, for example: “IWT Motor Stopped”, “ Alert Deposit 3”, “Detection of Presence of Water in the Basement “, etc. AUTOMATIC DOORS Message from: TC48 Home Message from: TC48 Home Received 1:31 PM Received 2:46 AM Alarm Alert Country Home Power failure 220V CONDOMINIUM AUTOMATISM ALERT ALARM ACTIVATION OF DEVICES POWER FAILURE If your alarm detects any movement and triggers the alert siren, TC48/TC-24 will send a text message or it will make a voice call with this information. It is possible to remotely activate other devices. The system has outputs that allow, for example, to activate the opening of automatic gates of condominiums, irrigation systems, etc. It is possible, through TC24/TC48, to configure the detection of power failure. You will receive that information in the authorized numbers via text message or voice call. TC48,TC24: SIMPLE, EFFECTIVE AND SAFE These communicators provide the safety and convenience that you need nowadays. The constant development of new technologies creates new equipments daily. Usually, they are presented as wonderful solutions, but, in practice, they do not offer what is really necessary: reliability and robustness. For this reason, we present two solutions of GSM communicators that have evolved over the years, with given proof in the national and international market. If you are looking for a product in which the ratio price-quality is essential, we are certain that this will be your choice. Outputs 2 4 Inputs 4 8 5/Input and output 5/Input and output Nºs of celular phones authorized in Alarm Mode Nºs of celular phones authorized in Gate Mode Setup device Most common Applications Optional Includes: 250 SMS/Email - Automatism, Automatic Doors/Gates, Irrigation systems, Water Tanks, Etc. - Basic systens to home and Industry intruders and fire alarms. X PCB only THE SAFETY OF YOUR PROPERTY DEPENDS ON YOU! 250 SMS/Email Keyboard and Display - Basic systems/complex for home and indutry intuder and fire alarms. - Automatism, Automatic Doors/Gates, Irrigation systems, Water Tanks, Etc. - Insdustrial systems electric control panels and others. - Conect to solar panels. - USB port for setup software Plastic Box, keyboard, display and PCB ALERT RIGHT ON TIME! SIMPLICITY AT HAND! IT IS AT A HAND’S DISTANCE Rua Comendador Brandão Lugar de Calves – 4495 Beiriz | PORTUGAL Tel. (+351) 252 240 770 Fax.(+351) 252 240 779