MasterFormat 2004 Edition

All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
6/8/ 20 04 (revised August 2004, November 2004, October 2005)
The numbers and titles presented here are identical to the MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition Numbers and
Titles that were distributed on June 8, 2004 and revised in August 2004, save for additional selected title
corrections that were made in the process of copy editing the MasterFormat publication. These
corrections are listed separately on The numbers and titles
presented here are identical to the numbers and titles presented in the full MasterFormat 2004
Edition (2nd printing, October 2005) publication available for purchase from CSI and CSC.
MasterFormat™ is the specifications-writing standard for most commercial building design and
construction projects in North America. It lists titles and section numbers for organizing data about
construction requirements, products, and activities. By standardizing such information, MasterFormat
facilitates communication among architects, specifiers, contractors and suppliers, which helps them meet
building owners’ requirements, timelines and budgets.
This revision of MasterFormat is the most significant in the product’s 40-year history, and reflects the
growing volume and complexity of information generated for commercial construction projects.
MasterFormat 2004 Edition: Numbers & Titles was developed by a team of individuals representing all
stakeholders in the industry – owners, architects, engineers, contractors, manufacturers and facility
managers. MasterFormat is intended to address specification requirements through the entire built
The Numbers and Titles are intentionally structured for anticipated growth and expansion in the future.
CSI encourages all interested parties to provide input to CSI so that as the built environment evolves so
can MasterFormat.
To learn more about MasterFormat 2004 Edition, go to MasterFormat for education
programs, training, certification and local chapter information.
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
November 2004
Over the last forty years, MasterFormat™ has become the leading standard for organizing commercial
construction specifications, and is now almost omnipresent in the AEC industry, thanks to the many
applications to which it has been put. In 2001, the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI), along with
sister organization Construction Specifications Canada (CSC), charged the MasterFormat Expansion
Task Team with examining whether there was a need to revise and possibly expand the 1995 edition of
MasterFormat to accommodate changes that have taken place in the industry since that version was
published. The task team worked to develop a revised and expanded version of MasterFormat,
consulting with all types of users, creating and distributing drafts, collecting and evaluating commentary,
and attempting to bring all of this information into line with a vision of the construction industry that equally
addresses the needs of next year and those of forty years from today. The 2004 edition of MasterFormat
promises to be the most dramatic revision in the document’s forty-year history, and one that will position it
to excel at organizing construction information for a wider array of project types and currently unforeseen
technology for the next forty years and beyond.
MasterFormat 2004 Edition: Numbers and Titles is a master list of numbers and subject titles for
organizing information about construction work results, requirements, products, and activities into a
standard sequence. Construction projects use many different delivery methods, products, and installation
methods. Successful completion of projects requires effective communication among the people
involved. Information retrieval is nearly impossible without a standard filing system familiar to each user.
MasterFormat Numbers and Titles facilitate standard filing and retrieval schemes throughout the
construction industry. MasterFormat Numbers and Titles are suitable for use in project manuals, for
organizing cost data, reference keynotes on drawings, for filing product information and other technical
data, for identifying drawing objects and for presenting construction market data.
Each MasterFormat number and title defines a “section,” arranged in “levels” depending on their breadth
of coverage. The broadest collections of related construction products and activities are level one titles,
otherwise known as “divisions.” Each division in the MasterFormat 2004 Edition: Numbers and Titles is
made up of level two, level three, and occasionally level four numbers and titles assigned by
MasterFormat, each of which delineate a gradually more detailed area of work results to be specified.
Work results are defined as traditional construction practices that typically result from an application of
skills to construction products or resources. A further explanation of how to use each of the individual
titles listed in MasterFormat 2004 Edition: Numbers and Titles is provided in the complete MasterFormat
2004 Edition publication, available from CSI and CSC in late 2004. Along with these scope and usage
notes, the complete publication includes other added information designed to make its use easier,
including a keyword index of requirements, products, and activities to help users find appropriate
numbers and titles for construction subjects and an application guide to advise users of best practices for
the use of MasterFormat titles and numbers.
The MasterFormat Expansion Task Team started their work in April 2001 by reaching out to the AEC
industry and soliciting commentary on the proposal to revise and expand MasterFormat. Based on this
commentary, the task team embarked on the long process of revising and developing content for the
2004 edition. Throughout its work, the task team’s progress from draft to draft was driven by evaluating
the commentary given by MasterFormat’s users, and integrating that with the central challenge –
maintaining a balance between meeting the needs of today and working to help implement a broader
vision of an integrated construction information marketplace that will soon be pervasive in the way we
conduct our everyday work. The task team explored many possible options for maintaining this balance
between the demands of the present and those of the near future, and the need that underlies it, to create
Intro - 1
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
November 2004
the best and most flexible and forward-thinking expansion, and do so without taking this effort beyond the
bounds of user acceptance. For just as it would be senseless to create a 2004 edition of MasterFormat
that was not flexible or forward-thinking and was thus ill-equipped to meet the challenges and needs that
lie ahead, so too would it be pointless to create one that was so forward-thinking that it was unacceptable
to today’s users and as a result was not implemented. Having incorporated the input of literally hundreds
of individuals and organizations into their work, the task team is proud to now present the title and
number contents and organization of the next edition of this industry standard, MasterFormat 2004
Edition: Numbers and Titles.
One of the most significant changes in the MasterFormat 2004 Edition is the adoption of a six-digit
numbering system in place of the familiar five-digit system that has been used in MasterFormat since the
1978 edition. This six-digit system was first introduced in drafts issued in early 2003, and then accepted
by the task team for all subsequent drafts, and provides exponentially more expansion spaces per level
than the five-digit system, all but eliminating concerns about future expansion.
The familiar five-digit numbers in MasterFormat 1995 Edition are divided in the following fashion:
03 2 0 0 – Concrete Reinforcement
The first two digits, in this case “03” represent the division number, otherwise known as “level one.”
Each of the next three digits are taken individually, each representing one level of classification, or levels
two, three, and four. Typically in MasterFormat, level four numbers are not assigned and are left as zero,
to provide maximum flexibility for individual users.
The new six-digit MasterFormat 2004 numbers work in a slightly different fashion:
03 20 00 – Concrete Reinforcing
As was the case with the old numbers, the first two digits, in this case also “03,” still represent the division
number, otherwise still known as “level one.” But here’s where the difference comes in. The next pair of
numbers, in this case “20” represents level two, and the third pair, “00,” represents level three. Generally,
level four numbers are not defined by the listed MasterFormat numbers, but when they are, an additional
pair of digits is attached to the end, preceded by a “dot.” Level four numbers have only been used at
locations in which the amount of detail merits the additional level of classification. Level four numbers
appear like this:
03 52 16.13
Lightweight Cellular Insulating Concrete
Additional recommendations for the use of level four and level five will be included in the MasterFormat
2004 Edition application guide and throughout the full publication, preserving a level of user modifiable
numbers for flexibility. More importantly, because each level of classification is represented by a pair of
digits, there is room to address over ten times as many subjects at each level, providing flexibility and
room for expansion that the five digit numbers could never provide, and providing it where it will have the
most impact in addressing future needs for expansion to address new subject matter.
Though changes too numerous to list have been incorporated into the 2004 edition of MasterFormat, the
following is a summary that compares the contents of the divisions that will compose MasterFormat 2004
Edition with MasterFormat 1995 Edition:
Intro - 2
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
November 2004
Division 00 – Procurement and Contracting Requirements: Essentially the same scope as
MasterFormat 1995 Edition.
Division 01 – General Requirements: Area for performance requirements added to allow for writing
performance requirements for elements that overlap work sections (building envelope, structure, etc.).
This allows for a mixture of broad performance specifications and prescriptive specifications in a project
Division 02 – Existing Conditions: This division is now limited to “existing conditions,” construction
practices that relate to items at the site at the commencement of work – selective demolition, subsurface
and other investigation, surveying, site decontamination, and site remediation, among others. All site
construction as well as heavy civil and infrastructure subject matter, including utility and pavement work,
has been relocated to the Site and Infrastructure Subgroup.
Divisions 03 – Concrete, 04 – Masonry, and 05 – Metals: Essentially the same scope as
MasterFormat 1995 Edition.
Division 06 – Wood, Plastics, and Composites: Essentially he same scope as MasterFormat 1995
Edition with expansion in the areas of plastics and composites.
Division 07 – Thermal and Moisture Protection: Essentially the same as MasterFormat 1995 Edition.
Division 08 – Openings: Renamed but with essentially the same scope of as MasterFormat 1995
Edition with the addition of some other openings such as louvers and grilles.
Divisions 09 – Finishes and 10 – Specialties: Essentially the same scope as MasterFormat 1995
Division 11 – Equipment: Equipment related to process engineering has been relocated to the Process
Equipment Subgroup and equipment related to infrastructure has been relocated to the Site and
Infrastructure Subgroup.
Division 12 – Furnishings: Essentially the same scope as MasterFormat 1995 Edition.
Division 13 – Special Construction: Special construction related to process engineering has been
relocated to the Process Equipment Subgroup. Security access, building automation, detection and
alarm, and fire suppression subjects have been relocated to the Facility Services Subgroup.
Division 14 – Conveying Equipment: Renamed with process related material handling subjects
relocated to the Process Equipment Subgroup.
Division 15 – Mechanical: Division 15 has been reserved for future expansion and material has been
relocated to Division 22 – Plumbing and Division 23 – Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning in the
Facility Services Subgroup.
Division 16 - Electrical: Division 16 has been reserved for future expansion and material has been
relocated to Divisions 26 – Electrical and 27 – Communications in the Facility Services Subgroup.
Facility Services Subgroup: This subgroup retains the same basic content as published in Draft 4, but
with some new divisions, arranged in a revised order.
21 – Fire Suppression: Fire suppression subjects relocated from Division 13 in MasterFormat 1995
22 – Plumbing: Plumbing subjects relocated from Division 15 in MasterFormat 1995 Edition.
23 – Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning: HVAC subjects relocated from Division 15 in
MasterFormat 1995 Edition.
25 – Integrated Automation: Expanded integrated automation subjects relocated from Division 13 in
MasterFormat 1995 Edition.
26 – Electrical: Electrical and lighting subjects relocated from Division 16 in MasterFormat 1995 Edition.
27 – Communications: Expanded communications subjects relocated from Division 16 in MasterFormat
1995 Edition.
28 – Electronic Safety and Security: Expanded electronic safety and security subjects relocated from
Division 13 in MasterFormat 1995 Edition.
Site and Infrastructure Subgroup: This subgroup contains heavy civil and utility subject matter, as well
as site construction material moved from Division 2 in MasterFormat 1995 Edition.
Division 31 – Earthwork: Site construction subjects, chiefly below-grade, from Division 2 in
MasterFormat 1995 Edition.
Division 32 – Exterior Improvements: Site construction subjects, chiefly above-grade, from Division 2 in
MasterFormat 1995 Edition.
Division 33 – Utilities: Expanded utility subjects relocated from Division 2 in MasterFormat 1995 Edition.
Intro - 3
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
November 2004
Division 34 – Transportation: Expanded transportation subjects relocated from various Divisions in
MasterFormat 1995 Edition.
Division 35 – Waterway and Marine Construction: Expanded waterway and marine subjects relocated
from mainly Division 2 in MasterFormat 1995 Edition.
Process Equipment Subgroup: Some material in this subgroup is new to MasterFormat 2004 Edition,
while some has been relocated form Divisions 11, 13, and 14 in MasterFormat 1995 Edition.
Division 40 – Process Integration: Process facilities are composed of a variety of subsystems, tied
together and integrated by distribution pathways, control, and instrumentation. All of these systems must
work together as a whole. This division includes elements used to tie these systems together: piping,
heat tracing, insulation, and instrumentation and control systems, and also provides a place to specify
commissioning requirements for the subsystems and the facility as a whole.
Division 41 – Material Processing and Handling Equipment: Equipment for processing and
conditioning of raw materials; material handling equipment for bulk materials as well as discrete units;
manufacturing equipment and machinery, test equipment, and packaging / shipping systems.
Division 42 – Process Heating, Cooling, and Drying Equipment: Equipment for process heating,
cooling and drying of materials, liquids, gases and manufactured items and materials.
Division 43 – Process Gas and Liquid Handling, Purification and Storage Equipment: Equipment for
handling, purification and storage of process liquids, gases, slurries; includes atmospheric tanks as well
as pressure vessels.
Division 44 – Pollution Control Equipment: Equipment for controlling emission of contaminants from
manufacturing processes and treatment of air, water, soils and noise contaminants.
Division 45 – Industry-Specific Manufacturing Equipment: A division in which users can specify
equipment that is used only within a single industry. All industries currently identified within the North
American Industry Classification System (NAICS) are allocated space within the division.
Division 48 – Electrical Power Generation: Plants and equipment for the generation and control of
electrical power from fossil fuel, nuclear energy, hydroelectric, wind, solar energy, geothermal energy,
electrochemical energy, and fuel cells.
Divisions not named above are explicitly reserved to provide space for future development and
expansion. To minimize costs resulting from potential future expansions, it’s not recommended that users
populate these divisions with their own material.
The MasterFormat Expansion Task Team's work also envisions the expanded content of MasterFormat
serving to inform Table 22 (Work Results) of the OmniClass Construction Classification System (OCCS),
a multi-table system for organizing information used by the AEC industry. CSI has worked with the crossindustry group responsible for the creation and maintenance of this standard, the OCCS Development
Committee, to ensure that MasterFormat is compatible with OmniClass. As a result, the full version of
MasterFormat will be one of the first applications of the OCCS. Once fully developed, the OCCS will be
the basis for deriving relational applications, and will support and empower the transfer and use of
information in the construction marketplace, ultimately serving all participants who work to sustain the
built environment throughout the entire life cycle. MasterFormat’s 2004 edition will play an important role
in this activity.
The 2004 edition of MasterFormat replaces the 1995 edition and is produced jointly by The Construction
Specifications Institute (CSI); (800) 689-2900, and Construction Specifications Canada (CSC); (416)7772198. For those interested in more information about MasterFormat and its use in the construction
industry contact CSI Member Service at (800) 689-2900 or consult the web at
Intro - 4
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Division Numbers & Titles
November 2004
Division Numbers and Titles
Division 00
Procurement and Contracting Requirements
Division 01
General Requirements
Division 02
Division 03
Division 04
Division 05
Division 06
Division 07
Division 08
Division 09
Division 10
Division 11
Division 12
Division 13
Division 14
Division 15
Division 16
Division 17
Division 18
Division 19
Existing Conditions
Wood, Plastics, and
Thermal and Moisture
Special Construction
Conveying Equipment
Division 24
Division 25
Division 26
Division 27
Division 28
Division 29
Division 36
Division 37
Division 38
Division 39
Fire Suppression
Heating, Ventilating, and
Air Conditioning
Integrated Automation
Electronic Safety and
Exterior Improvements
Waterway and Marine
Division 40
Division 41
Division 42
Division 43
Division 44
Division 45
Division 20
Division 21
Division 22
Division 23
Division 30
Division 31
Division 32
Division 33
Division 34
Division 35
Division 46
Division 47
Division 48
Division 49
Process Integration
Material Processing and
Handling Equipment
Process Heating,
Cooling, and Drying
Process Gas and Liquid
Handling, Purification,
and Storage Equipment
Pollution Control
Electrical Power
Div Numbers - 1
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Division Numbers & Titles
November 2004
Div Numbers - 2
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 00 – Procurement & Contracting Requirements
November 2004
00 01 01
00 01 05
00 01 07
00 01 10
00 01 15
00 01 20
Project Title Page
Certifications Page
Seals Page
Table of Contents
List of Drawing Sheets
List of Schedules
00 10 00
00 11 00
00 11 13
00 11 16
00 11 19
00 11 53
00 20 00
Advertisements and Invitations
Advertisement for Bids
Invitation to Bid
Request for Proposal
Request for Qualifications
00 21 00
00 22 00
Supplementary Instructions
00 23 00
00 24 00
Procurement Definitions
Procurement Scopes
00 21 13
00 21 16
00 22 13
00 22 16
00 24 13
Instructions to Bidders
Instructions to Proposers
Supplementary Instructions to Bidders
Supplementary Instructions to Proposers
Scopes of Bids
00 24 13.13
00 24 13.16
Scopes of Bids (Multiple Contracts)
Scopes of Bids (Multiple-Prime Contract)
00 24 16.13
00 24 16.16
Scopes of Proposals (Multiple Contracts)
Scopes of Proposals (Multiple-Prime Contract)
00 24 16
Scopes of Proposals
00 25 00
Procurement Meetings
00 26 00
Procurement Substitution Procedures
00 25 13
00 25 16
00 30 00
Pre-Bid Meetings
Pre-Proposal Meetings
00 31 00
00 31 13
Available Project Information
Preliminary Schedules
00 - 1
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 00 – Procurement & Contracting Requirements
November 2004
00 31 13.13
00 31 13.16
00 31 13.23
00 31 13.26
00 31 13.33
Preliminary Project Schedule
Preliminary Construction Schedule
Preliminary Project Phases
Preliminary Project Sequencing
Preliminary Project Milestones
00 31 19.13
00 31 19.16
00 31 19.19
Movement and Vibration Information
Acoustic Information
Traffic Information
00 31 21.13
00 31 21.16
00 31 21.19
Site Survey Information
Measured Drawing Information
Photographic Information
00 31 24.13
00 31 24.23
00 31 24.26
00 31 24.29
00 31 24.33
Soil Contamination Report
Environmental Impact Study Report
Environmental Impact Report Evaluation
Record of Environmental Impact Decision
Environmental Impact Mitigation Report
00 31 25.16
00 31 25.19
00 31 25.23
00 31 25.26
00 31 25.29
Existing Concrete Information
Existing Masonry Information
Existing Metals Information
Existing Wood, Plastics, and Composites Information
Existing Thermal and Moisture Protection Information
00 31 26.23
00 31 26.26
00 31 26.29
00 31 26.33
00 31 26.36
Existing Asbestos Information
Existing Lead Information
Existing Polychlorinate Biphenyl Information
Existing Mold Information
Existing Hazardous Waste Drum Information
00 31 31.13
00 31 31.16
00 31 31.19
00 31 31.23
00 31 31.26
00 31 31.29
Seismic Investigations Information
Gravity Investigations Information
Magnetic Investigations Information
Electromagnetic Investigations Information
Electrical Resistivity Investigations Information
Magnetotelluric Investigations Information
00 31 32.13
00 31 32.16
00 31 32.19
00 31 32.23
Subsurface Drilling and Sampling Information
Material Testing Information
Exploratory Excavation Information
Geotechnical Monitoring Information
00 31 16
00 31 19
00 31 21
00 31 24
00 31 25
00 31 26
00 31 31
00 31 32
00 31 43
00 40 00
Project Budget Information
Existing Condition Information
Survey Information
Environmental Assessment Information
Existing Material Information
Existing Hazardous Material Information
Geophysical Data
Geotechnical Data
Permit Application
00 41 00
00 41 13
00 41 16
00 41 23
00 41 26
00 41 33
00 41 36
Bid Forms
Bid Form – Stipulated Sum (Single-Prime Contract)
Bid Form – Stipulated Sum (Multiple-Prime Contract)
Bid Form – Construction Management (Single-Prime Contract)
Bid Form – Construction Management (Multiple-Prime Contract)
Bid Form – Cost Plus-Fee (Single-Prime Contract)
Bid Form – Cost-Plus-Fee (Multiple-Prime Contract)
00 - 2
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 00 – Procurement & Contracting Requirements
November 2004
00 41 43
00 41 46
00 41 53
00 41 56
00 41 63
Bid Form – Unit Price (Single-Prime Contract)
Bid Form – Unit Price (Multiple-Prime Contract)
Bid Form – Design/Build (Single-Prime Contract)
Bid Form – Design/Build (Multiple-Prime Contract)
Bid Form – Purchase Contract
00 42 00
Proposal Forms
00 43 00
Procurement Form Supplements
00 45 00
Representations and Certifications
00 42 13
00 42 16
00 42 23
00 42 26
00 42 33
00 42 36
00 42 43
00 42 46
00 42 53
00 42 56
00 42 63
00 43 13
00 43 21
00 43 22
00 43 23
00 43 25
00 43 26
00 43 33
00 43 36
00 43 39
00 43 43
00 43 73
00 43 83
00 43 86
00 43 93
00 45 13
00 45 16
00 45 19
00 45 23
00 45 26
00 45 33
00 45 36
00 45 39
00 45 43
00 45 46
Proposal Form – Stipulated Sum (Single-Prime Contract)
Proposal Form – Stipulated Sum (Multiple-Prime Contract)
Proposal Form – Construction Management (Single-Prime Contract)
Proposal Form – Construction Management (Multiple-Prime Contract)
Proposal Form – Cost-Plus-Fee (Single-Prime Contract)
Proposal Form – Cost-Plus-Fee (Multiple-Prime Contract)
Proposal Form – Unit Price (Single-Prime Contract)
Proposal Form – Unit Price (Multiple-Prime Contract)
Proposal Form – Design/Build (Single-Prime Contract)
Proposal Form – Design/Build (Multiple-Prime Contract)
Proposal Form – Purchase Contract
Bid Security Form
Allowance Form
Unit Prices Form
Alternates Form
Substitution Request Form (During Procurement)
Estimated Quantities Form
Proposed Products Form
Proposed Subcontractors Form
Minority Business Enterprise Statement of Intent Form
Wage Rates Form
Proposed Schedule of Values Form
Proposed Construction Schedule Form
Proposed Work Plan Schedule Form
Bid Submittal Checklist
Bidder’s Qualifications
Proposer’s Qualifications
Non-Collusion Affidavit
Statement of Disposal Facility
Worker’s Compensation Certificate Schedule
Non-Segregated Facilities Affidavit
Equal Employment Opportunity Affidavit
Minority Business Enterprise Affidavit
Corporate Resolutions
Governmental Certifications
00 50 00
00 51 00
00 52 00
00 52 13
Notice of Award
Agreement Forms
Agreement Form – Stipulated Sum (Single-Prime Contract)
00 - 3
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 00 – Procurement & Contracting Requirements
November 2004
00 52 16
00 52 23
00 52 26
00 52 33
00 52 36
00 52 43
00 52 46
00 52 53
00 52 56
00 52 63
Agreement Form – Stipulated Sum (Multiple-Prime Contract)
Agreement Form – Construction Management (Single-Prime Contract)
Agreement Form – Construction Management (Multiple-Prime Contract)
Agreement Form – Cost Plus-Fee (Single-Prime Contract)
Agreement Form – Cost-Plus-Fee (Multiple-Prime Contract)
Agreement Form – Unit Price (Single-Prime Contract)
Agreement Form – Unit Price (Multiple-Prime Contract)
Agreement Form – Design/Build (Single-Prime Contract)
Agreement Form – Design/Build (Multiple-Prime Contract)
Agreement Form – Purchase
00 54 00
Agreement Form Supplements
00 55 00
Notice to Proceed
00 54 13
00 54 21
00 54 22
00 60 00
Supplementary Scope Statement
Allowances Schedule
Unit Prices Schedule
00 61 00
00 61 13
Bond Forms
Performance and Payment Bond Form
00 61 13.13
00 61 13.16
00 61 16
00 61 19
00 61 23
00 61 26
00 62 00
00 62 11
00 62 16
00 62 19
00 62 23
00 62 33
00 62 34
00 62 39
00 62 73
00 62 76
Lien Bond Form
Maintenance Bond Form
Retainage Bond Form
Special Bond Form
Certificates and Other Forms
Submittal Transmittal Form
Certificate of Insurance Form
Infection Control Form
Construction Waste Diversion Form
Products Form
Recycled Content of Materials Form
Minority Business Enterprise Certification Form
Schedule of Values Form
Application for Payment Form
00 62 76.13
00 62 76.16
00 62 79
00 62 83
00 62 86
00 62 89
00 63 00
00 63 13
00 63 19
00 63 25
00 63 33
00 63 36
00 63 43
00 63 46
00 63 49
00 63 53
Performance Bond Form
Payment Bond Form
Sales Tax Form
Consent of Surety to Reduction of Retainage Form
Stored Material Form
Construction Schedule Form
Work Plan Schedule Form
Construction Equipment Form
Clarification and Modification Forms
Request for Interpretation Form
Clarification Form
Substitution Request Form (During Construction)
Supplemental Instruction Form
Field Order Form
Written Amendment Form
Construction Change Directive Form
Work Change Directive Form
Request for Proposal Form
00 - 4
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 00 – Procurement & Contracting Requirements
November 2004
00 63 54
00 63 55
00 63 57
00 63 63
00 65 00
00 65 13
00 65 16
00 65 19
Proposal Worksheet Summary Form
Proposal Worksheet Detail Form
Change Order Request Form
Change Order Form
Closeout Forms
Certificate of Compliance Form
Certificate of Substantial Completion Form
Certificate of Completion Form
00 65 19.13
00 65 19.16
00 65 19.19
00 65 19.23
00 65 19.26
00 65 36
00 65 73
00 70 00
Affidavit of Payment of Debts and Claims Form
Affidavit of Release of Liens Form
Consent of Surety to Final Payment Form
Acceptance Certificate Form
Final Settlement Certificate Form
Warranty Form
Statutory Declaration Form
00 71 00
00 72 00
Contracting Definitions
General Conditions
00 73 00
Supplementary Conditions
00 72 13
00 72 16
00 72 23
00 72 26
00 72 33
00 72 36
00 72 43
00 72 46
00 72 53
00 72 56
00 73 16
00 73 19
00 73 23
00 73 26
00 73 33
00 73 36
00 73 43
00 73 46
00 73 49
00 73 53
00 73 63
00 73 73
00 80 00
00 90 00
General Conditions – Stipulated Sum (Single-Prime Contract)
General Conditions – Stipulated Sum (Multiple-Prime Contract)
General Conditions – Construction Management (Single-Prime Contract)
General Conditions – Construction Management (Multiple-Prime Contract)
General Conditions – Cost Plus-Fee (Single-Prime Contract)
General Conditions – Cost-Plus-Fee (Multiple-Prime Contract)
General Conditions – Unit Price (Single-Prime Contract)
General Conditions – Unit Price (Multiple-Prime Contract)
General Conditions – Design/Build (Single-Prime Contract)
General Conditions – Design/Build (Multiple-Prime Contract)
Insurance Requirements
Health and Safety Requirements
Purchase Contracts
Assigned Contracts
Non-Segregated Facilities Requirements
Equal Employment Opportunity Requirements
Wage Rate Requirements
Wage Determination Schedule
Labor Stabilization Agreement
Anti-Pollution Measures
Security Requirements
Statutory Requirements
00 91 00
Precontract Revisions
00 93 00
Record Clarifications and Proposals
00 91 13
00 91 16
00 91 19
00 93 13
Bid Revisions
Proposal Revisions
Record Requests for Interpretation
00 - 5
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 00 – Procurement & Contracting Requirements
November 2004
00 93 19
00 93 53
00 93 54
00 93 57
00 94 00
00 94 33
00 94 36
00 94 39
00 94 43
00 94 46
00 94 49
00 94 63
Record Clarification Notices
Record Proposal Requests
Record Proposal Worksheet Summaries
Record Change Order Requests
Record Modifications
Record Minor Changes in the Work
Record Supplemental Instructions
Record Field Orders
Record Amendments
Record Construction Change Directives
Record Work Change Directives
Record Change Orders
00 - 6
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 01 – General Requirements
November 2004
01 10 00
01 11 00
Summary of Work
01 12 00
Multiple Contract Summary
01 14 00
Work Restrictions
01 18 00
Project Utility Sources
01 11 13
01 11 16
01 11 19
01 12 13
01 12 16
01 12 19
01 14 13
01 14 16
01 14 19
01 20 00
Work Covered by Contract Documents
Work by Owner
Purchase Contracts
Summary of Contracts
Work Sequence
Contract Interface
Access to Site
Coordination with Occupants
Use of Site
01 21 00
01 22 00
Unit Prices
01 23 00
01 24 00
Value Analysis
01 25 00
Substitution Procedures
01 26 00
Contract Modification Procedures
01 21 13
01 21 16
01 21 19
01 21 23
01 21 26
01 21 29
01 21 43
01 22 13
01 22 16
01 24 13
01 25 13
01 25 16
01 26 13
01 26 19
01 26 33
01 26 36
01 26 39
01 26 43
01 26 46
01 26 49
01 26 53
01 26 54
Cash Allowances
Contingency Allowances
Testing and Inspecting Allowances
Installation Allowances
Product Allowances
Quantity Allowances
Time Allowances
Unit Price Measurement
Unit Price Payment
Value Engineering
Product Substitution Procedures
Execution Substitution Procedures
Requests for Interpretation
Clarification Notices
Minor Changes in the Work
Supplemental Instructions
Field Orders
Construction Change Directives
Work Change Directives
Proposal Requests
Proposal Worksheet Summaries
01 - 1
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 01 – General Requirements
November 2004
01 26 57
01 26 63
01 29 00
01 29 73
01 29 76
01 29 83
01 30 00
Change Order Requests
Change Orders
Payment Procedures
Schedule of Values
Progress Payment Procedures
Payment Procedures for Testing Laboratory Services
01 31 00
01 31 13
01 31 16
01 31 19
Project Management and Coordination
Project Coordination
Multiple Contract Coordination
Project Meetings
01 31 19.13
01 31 19.16
01 31 19.23
01 31 19.33
01 31 23
01 32 00
01 32 13
01 32 16
Project Web Site
Construction Progress Documentation
Scheduling of Work
Construction Progress Schedule
01 32 16.13
01 32 19
01 32 23
01 32 26
01 32 29
01 32 33
01 32 43
Preconstruction Meetings
Site Mobilization Meetings
Progress Meetings
Preinstallation Meetings
Network Analysis Schedules
Submittals Schedule
Survey and Layout Data
Construction Progress Reporting
Periodic Work Observation
Photographic Documentation
Purchase Order Tracking
01 33 00
Submittal Procedures
01 35 00
Special Procedures
01 33 13
01 33 16
01 33 19
01 33 23
01 33 26
01 33 29
01 35 13
Design Data
Field Test Reporting
Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples
Source Quality Control Reporting
Sustainable Design Reporting
Special Project Procedures
01 35 13.13
01 35 13.16
01 35 13.19
01 35 13.43
Special Project Procedures for Airport Facilities
Special Project Procedures for Detention Facilities
Special Project Procedures for Health care Facilities
Special Project Procedures for Contaminated Sites
01 35 29.13
Health, Safety, and Emergency Response Procedures for Contaminated Sites
01 35 43.13
01 35 43.16
Environmental Procedures for Hazardous Materials
Environmental Procedures for Toxic Materials
01 35 16
01 35 23
01 35 26
01 35 29
01 35 33
01 35 43
01 35 53
01 35 91
Alteration Project Procedures
Owner Safety Requirements
Governmental Safety Requirements
Health, Safety, and Emergency Response Procedures
Infection Control Procedures
Environmental Procedures
Security Procedures
Historic Treatment Procedures
01 - 2
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 01 – General Requirements
November 2004
01 40 00
01 41 00
Regulatory Requirements
01 42 00
01 43 00
Quality Assurance
01 45 00
Quality Control
01 41 13
01 41 16
01 41 19
01 41 23
01 41 26
01 42 13
01 42 16
01 42 19
01 43 13
01 43 16
01 43 19
01 43 23
01 43 26
01 43 29
01 43 33
01 43 36
01 43 39
01 45 13
01 45 16
Abbreviations and Acronyms
Reference Standards
Manufacturer Qualifications
Supplier Qualifications
Fabricator Qualifications
Installer Qualifications
Testing and Inspecting Agency Qualifications
Code-Required Special Inspector Qualifications
Manufacturer’s Field Services
Field Samples
Source Quality Control Procedures
Field Quality Control Procedures
01 45 16.13
01 45 23
01 45 26
01 45 29
01 45 33
01 50 00
Contractor Quality Control
Testing and Inspecting Services
Plant Inspection Procedures
Testing Laboratory Services
Code-Required Special Inspections and Procedures
01 51 00
Temporary Utilities
01 52 00
Construction Facilities
01 53 00
Temporary Construction
01 51 13
01 51 16
01 51 19
01 51 23
01 51 26
01 51 29
01 51 33
01 51 36
01 52 13
01 52 16
01 52 19
01 53 13
01 53 16
01 53 19
01 53 23
01 53 26
Temporary Electricity
Temporary Fire Protection
Temporary Fuel Oil
Temporary Heating, Cooling, and Ventilating
Temporary Lighting
Temporary Natural-Gas
Temporary Telecommunications
Temporary Water
Field Offices and Sheds
First Aid Facilities
Sanitary Facilities
Temporary Bridges
Temporary Decking
Temporary Overpasses
Temporary Ramps
Temporary Runarounds
01 - 3
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 01 – General Requirements
November 2004
01 54 00
Construction Aids
01 55 00
Vehicular Access and Parking
01 56 00
Temporary Barriers and Enclosures
01 57 00
Temporary Controls
01 58 00
Project Identification
01 54 13
01 54 16
01 54 19
01 54 23
01 54 26
01 55 13
01 55 16
01 55 19
01 55 23
01 55 26
01 55 29
01 56 13
01 56 16
01 56 19
01 56 23
01 56 26
01 56 29
01 56 33
01 56 36
01 56 39
01 57 13
01 57 16
01 57 19
01 57 23
01 58 13
01 58 16
01 60 00
Temporary Elevators
Temporary Hoists
Temporary Cranes
Temporary Scaffolding and Platforms
Temporary Swing Staging
Temporary Access Roads
Haul Routes
Temporary Parking Areas
Temporary Roads
Traffic Control
Staging Areas
Temporary Air Barriers
Temporary Dust Barriers
Temporary Noise Barriers
Temporary Barricades
Temporary Fencing
Temporary Protective Walkways
Temporary Security Barriers
Temporary Security Enclosures
Temporary Tree and Plant Protection
Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control
Temporary Pest Control
Temporary Environmental Controls
Temporary Storm Water Pollution Control
Temporary Project Signage
Temporary Interior Signage
01 61 00
Common Product Requirements
01 62 00
01 64 00
01 65 00
01 66 00
Product Options
Owner-Furnished Products
Product Delivery Requirements
Product Storage and Handling Requirements
01 61 13
01 66 13
01 66 16
01 70 00
Software Licensing Requirements
Product Storage and Handling Requirements for Hazardous Materials
Product Storage and Handling Requirements for Toxic Materials
01 71 00
01 71 13
01 71 16
01 71 23
Examination and Preparation
Acceptance of Conditions
Field Engineering
01 71 23.13
01 71 23.16
01 71 33
01 73 00
Construction Layout
Construction Surveying
Protection of Adjacent Construction
01 - 4
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 01 – General Requirements
November 2004
01 73 13
01 73 16
01 73 19
01 73 23
01 73 26
01 73 29
Bracing and Anchoring
Existing Products
Cutting and Patching
01 74 00
Cleaning and Waste Management
01 75 00
Starting and Adjusting
01 76 00
01 77 00
Protecting Installed Construction
Closeout Procedures
01 78 00
Closeout Submittals
01 74 13
01 74 16
01 74 19
01 74 23
01 75 13
01 75 16
01 77 13
01 77 16
01 77 19
01 78 13
01 78 19
01 78 23
Progress Cleaning
Site Maintenance
Construction Waste Management and Disposal
Final Cleaning
Checkout Procedures
Startup Procedures
Preliminary Closeout Reviews
Final Closeout Review
Closeout Requirements
Completion and Correction List
Maintenance Contracts
Operation and Maintenance Data
01 78 23.13
01 78 23.16
01 78 23.19
01 78 29
01 78 33
01 78 36
01 78 39
01 78 43
01 78 46
01 78 53
01 79 00
01 80 00
Operation Data
Maintenance Data
Preventative Maintenance Instructions
Final Site Survey
Project Record Documents
Spare Parts
Extra Stock Materials
Sustainable Design Closeout Documentation
Demonstration and Training
01 81 00
Facility Performance Requirements
01 82 00
Facility Substructure Performance Requirements
01 83 00
Facility Shell Performance Requirements
01 84 00
Interiors Performance Requirements
01 81 13
01 81 16
01 81 19
01 82 13
01 82 16
01 83 13
01 83 16
01 83 19
01 84 13
01 84 16
01 84 19
Sustainable Design Requirements
Facility Environmental Requirements
Indoor Air Quality Requirements
Foundation Performance Requirements
Basement Construction Performance Requirements
Superstructure Performance Requirements
Exterior Enclosure Performance Requirements
Roofing Performance Requirements
Interior Construction Performance Requirements
Stairways Performance Requirements
Interior Finishes Performance Requirements
01 - 5
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 01 – General Requirements
November 2004
01 85 00
01 86 00
Conveying Equipment Performance Requirements
Facility Services Performance Requirements
01 87 00
Equipment and Furnishings Performance Requirements
01 88 00
Other Facility Construction Performance Requirements
01 89 00
Site Construction Performance Requirements
01 86 13
01 86 16
01 86 19
01 86 23
01 86 26
01 86 29
01 86 33
01 87 13
01 87 16
01 88 13
01 88 16
01 89 13
01 89 16
01 89 19
01 89 23
01 89 26
01 89 29
01 90 00
Fire Suppression Performance Requirements
Plumbing Performance Requirements
HVAC Performance Requirements
Integrated Automation Performance Requirements
Electrical Performance Requirements
Communications Performance Requirements
Electronic Safety and Security Performance Requirements
Equipment Performance Requirements
Furnishings Performance Requirements
Special Construction Performance Requirements
Selective Construction Performance Requirements
Site Preparation Performance Requirements
Site Improvements Performance Requirements
Site Plumbing Utilities Performance Requirements
Site HVAC Utilities Performance Requirements
Site Electrical Utilities Performance Requirements
Other Site Construction Performance Requirements
01 91 00
01 91 13
01 91 16
General Commissioning Requirements
Facility Substructure Commissioning
01 91 16.13
01 91 16.53
Foundation Commissioning
Basement Construction Commissioning
01 91 19.13
01 91 19.43
01 91 19.73
Superstructure Commissioning
Exterior Enclosure Commissioning
Roofing Commissioning
01 91 23.13
01 91 23.43
01 91 23.73
Interior Construction Commissioning
Stairways Commissioning
Interior Finishes Commissioning
01 91 19
01 91 23
Facility Shell Commissioning
Interiors Commissioning
01 92 00
Facility Operation
01 93 00
Facility Maintenance
01 94 00
Facility Decommissioning
01 92 13
01 93 13
01 93 16
01 94 13
Facility Operation Procedures
Facility Maintenance Procedures
Recycling Programs
Facility Decommissioning Procedures
01 - 6
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 02 – Existing Conditions
November 2004
02 01 00
Maintenance of Existing Conditions
02 05 00
Common Work Results for Existing Conditions
02 01 50
02 01 65
02 01 80
02 01 86
02 05 19
Maintenance of Site Remediation
Maintenance of Underground Storage Tank Removal
Maintenance of Facility Remediation
Maintenance of Hazardous Waste Drum Handling
Geosynthetics for Existing Conditions
02 05 19.13
02 05 19.16
02 05 19.19
02 06 00
02 06 30
Schedules for Existing Conditions
Schedules for Subsurface Investigations
02 06 30.13
02 06 50
02 06 65
02 06 80
02 06 86
02 08 00
02 10 00
02 20 00
Geotextiles for Existing Conditions
Geomembranes for Existing Conditions
Geogrids for Existing Conditions
Boring or Test Pit Log Schedule
Schedules for Site Remediation
Schedules for Underground Storage Tank Removal
Schedules for Facility Remediation
Schedules for Hazardous Waste Drum Handling
Commissioning of Existing Conditions
02 21 00
02 21 13
Site Surveys
02 21 13.13
02 21 16
Boundary and Survey Markers
Measured Drawings
02 22 00
Existing Conditions Assessment
02 24 00
Environmental Assessment
02 22 13
02 22 16
02 22 19
02 22 23
02 24 13
Movement and Vibration Assessment
Acoustic Assessment
Traffic Assessment
Accessibility Assessment
Natural Environment Assessment
02 24 13.13
02 24 13.43
02 24 13.73
02 24 23
02 24 43
02 25 00
02 25 16
Air Assessment
Water Assessment
Land Assessment
Chemical Sampling and Analysis of Soils
Transboundary and Global Environmental Aspects Assessment
Existing Material Assessment
Existing Concrete Assessment
02 25 16.13
Concrete Assessment Drilling
02 25 19.13
Masonry Assessment Drilling
02 25 23.13
Welding Investigations
02 25 19
02 25 23
02 25 26
Existing Masonry Assessment
Existing Metals Assessment
Existing Wood, Plastics, and Composites Assessment
02 - 1
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 02 – Existing Conditions
November 2004
02 25 29
Existing Thermal and Moisture Protection Assessment
02 25 29.13
02 25 29.23
02 26 00
02 26 23
02 26 26
02 26 29
02 26 33
Hazardous Material Assessment
Asbestos Assessment
Lead Assessment
Polychlorinate Biphenyl Assessment
Biological Assessment
02 26 33.13
02 26 36
02 30 00
Waterproofing Investigations
Roofing Investigations
Mold Assessment
Hazardous Waste Drum Assessment
02 31 00
Geophysical Investigations
02 32 00
Geotechnical Investigations
02 31 13
02 31 16
02 31 19
02 31 23
02 31 26
02 31 29
02 32 13
02 32 16
02 32 19
02 32 23
Seismic Investigations
Gravity Investigations
Magnetic Investigations
Electromagnetic Investigations
Electrical Resistivity Investigations
Magnetotelluric Investigations
Subsurface Drilling and Sampling
Material Testing
Exploratory Excavations
Geotechnical Monitoring Before Construction
02 32 23.13
02 40 00
Groundwater Monitoring Before Construction
02 41 00
02 41 13
Selective Site Demolition
02 41 13.13
02 41 13.23
02 41 13.33
Paving Removal
Utility Line Removal
Railtrack Removal
02 41 16.13
02 41 16.23
02 41 16.33
02 41 16.43
Building Demolition
Tower Demolition
Bridge Demolition
Dam Demolition
02 41 19.13
Selective Building Demolition
02 41 16
02 41 19
02 41 91
Structure Demolition
Selective Structure Demolition
Selective Historic Demolition
02 42 00
Removal and Salvage of Construction Materials
02 43 00
Structure Moving
02 42 91
02 43 13
Structure Relocation
02 43 13.13
Building Relocation
02 43 16.13
Building Raising
02 43 16
02 50 00
Removal and Salvage of Historic Construction Materials
Structure Raising
02 51 00
02 51 13
02 51 16
02 51 19
Physical Decontamination
Coagulation and Flocculation Decontamination
Reverse-Osmosis Decontamination
Solidification and Stabilization Decontamination
02 - 2
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 02 – Existing Conditions
November 2004
02 51 23
02 51 26
02 51 29
Mechanical Filtration Decontamination
Radioactive Decontamination
Surface Cleaning Decontamination
02 51 29.13
02 51 29.16
High-Pressure Water Cleaning Decontamination
Vacuum Sweeping Cleaning Decontamination
02 51 33.13
02 51 33.16
02 51 33.19
Surface Removal Decontamination by Grinding
Surface Removal Decontamination by Sand Blasting
Surface Removal Decontamination by Ultrasound
02 51 33
Surface Removal Decontamination
02 52 00
Chemical Decontamination
02 53 00
Thermal Decontamination
02 52 13
02 52 16
02 52 19
02 53 13
Chemical Precipitation Decontamination
Ion Change Decontamination
Neutralization Decontamination
Incineration Decontamination
02 53 13.13
Remediation of Contaminated Soils and Sludges by Incineration
02 53 16.13
Remediation of Contaminated Soils by Thermal Desorption
02 53 16
02 53 19
02 54 00
02 54 13
02 54 16
02 54 19
Thermal Desorption Decontamination
Vitrification Decontamination
Biological Decontamination
Aerobic Processes Decontamination
Anaerobic Processes Decontamination
Bioremediation Decontamination
02 54 19.13
02 54 19.16
02 54 19.19
02 54 23
02 54 26
02 55 00
02 56 00
02 56 13
Soil Washing through Separation/Solubilization
Organic Decontamination
Remediation Soil Stabilization
Site Containment
Waste Containment
02 56 13.13
Geomembrane Waste Containment
02 56 19.13
Fluid-Applied Gas Barrier
02 56 19
02 57 00
02 57 13
Gas Containment
Sinkhole Remediation
Sinkhole Remediation by Grouting
02 57 13.13
02 57 13.16
02 57 16
02 58 00
02 58 13
02 58 16
02 60 00
Bioremediation Using Landfarming
Bioremediation of Soils Using Windrow Composting
Bioremediation Using Bacteria Injection
Sinkhole Remediation by Compaction Grouting
Sinkhole Remediation by Cap Grouting
Sinkhole Remediation by Backfilling
Snow Control
Snow Fencing
Snow Avalanche Control
02 61 00
Removal and Disposal of Contaminated Soils
02 62 00
Hazardous Waste Recovery Processes
02 61 13
02 61 23
02 61 26
02 61 29
02 62 13
02 62 16
Excavation and Handling of Contaminated Material
Removal and Disposal of Polychlorinate Biphenyl Contaminated Soils
Removal and Disposal of Asbestos Contaminated Soils
Removal and Disposal of Organically Contaminated Soils
Air and Steam Stripping
Soil Vapor Extraction
02 - 3
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 02 – Existing Conditions
November 2004
02 62 19
02 65 00
02 66 00
02 70 00
02 71 00
02 72 00
02 72 13
02 72 16
02 72 19
02 80 00
Soil Washing and Flushing
Underground Storage Tank Removal
Landfill Construction and Storage
Groundwater Treatment
Water Decontamination
Chemical Water Decontamination
Biological Water Decontamination
Electrolysis Water Decontamination
02 81 00
02 82 00
02 82 13
Transportation and Disposal of Hazardous Materials
Asbestos Remediation
Asbestos Abatement
02 82 13.13
02 82 13.16
02 82 13.19
02 82 16
02 82 33
02 83 00
02 83 13
02 83 19
Glovebag Asbestos Abatement
Precautions for Asbestos Abatement
Asbestos Floor Tile and Mastic Abatement
Engineering Control of Asbestos Containing Materials
Removal and Disposal of Asbestos Containing Materials
Lead Remediation
Lead Hazard Control Activities
Lead-Based Paint Remediation
02 83 19.13
Lead-Based Paint Abatement
02 83 33.13
Lead-Based Paint Removal and Disposal
02 83 33
Removal and Disposal of Material Containing Lead
02 84 00
Polychlorinate Biphenyl Remediation
02 85 00
Mold Remediation
02 86 00
Hazardous Waste Drum Handling
02 84 16
02 84 33
02 85 13
02 85 16
02 85 19
02 85 33
02 90 00
Handling of Lighting Ballasts and Lamps Containing PCBs and Mercury
Removal and Disposal of Polychlorinate Biphenyls
Precautions for Mold Remediation
Mold Remediation Preparation and Containment
Mold Remediation Clearance Air Sampling
Removal and Disposal of Materials with Mold
02 - 4
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 03 – Concrete
November 2004
03 00 00 CONCRETE
03 01 00
03 01 10
03 01 20
03 01 23
03 01 30
Maintenance of Concrete Forming and Accessories
Maintenance of Concrete Reinforcing
Maintenance of Stressing Tendons
Maintenance of Cast-in-Place Concrete
03 01 30.51
03 01 30.61
03 01 30.71
03 01 30.72
Cleaning of Cast- in-Place Concrete
Resurfacing of Cast- in-Place Concrete
Rehabilitation of Cast- in-Place Concrete
Strengthening of Cast- in-Place Concrete
03 01 40.51
03 01 40.61
03 01 40.71
03 01 40.72
Cleaning of Precast Concrete
Resurfacing of Precast Concrete
Rehabilitation of Precast Concrete
Strengthening of Precast Concrete
03 01 50.51
03 01 50.61
03 01 50.71
03 01 50.72
Cleaning Cast Decks and Underlayment
Resurfacing of Cast Decks and Underlayment
Rehabilitation of Cast Decks and Underlayment
Strengthening of Cast Decks and Underlayment
03 01 40
03 01 50
03 01 60
03 01 70
03 01 80
03 05 00
03 06 00
03 06 10
03 06 20
Maintenance of Precast Concrete
Maintenance of Cast Decks and Underlayment
Maintenance of Grouting
Maintenance of Mass Concrete
Maintenance of Concrete Cutting and Boring
Common Work Results for Concrete
Schedules for Concrete
Schedules for Concrete Forming and Accessories
Schedules for Concrete Reinforcing
03 06 20.13
03 06 20.16
Concrete Beam Reinforcing Schedule
Concrete Slab Reinforcing Schedule
03 06 30.13
03 06 30.16
03 06 30.19
03 06 30.23
03 06 30.26
Concrete Footing Schedule
Concrete Column Schedule
Concrete Slab Schedule
Concrete Shaft Schedule
Concrete Beam Schedule
03 06 40.13
Precast Concrete Panel Schedule
03 06 30
03 06 40
03 06 50
03 06 60
03 06 70
03 06 80
03 08 00
03 10 00
Maintenance of Concrete
Schedules for Cast-in-Place Concrete
Schedules for Precast Concrete
Schedules for Cast Decks and Underlayment
Schedules for Grouting
Schedules for Mass Concrete
Schedules for Concrete Cutting and Boring
Commissioning of Concrete
03 11 00
03 11 13
Concrete Forming
Structural Cast-in-Place Concrete Forming
03 - 1
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 03 – Concrete
November 2004
03 11 13.13
03 11 13.16
03 11 13.19
Concrete Slip Forming
Concrete Shoring
03 11 16.13
Concrete Form Liners
03 11 16
03 11 19
03 11 23
03 15 00
03 15 13
03 20 00
Architectural Cast-in Place Concrete Forming
Insulating Concrete Forming
Permanent Stair Forming
Concrete Accessories
03 21 00
Reinforcing Steel
03 22 00
Welded Wire Fabric Reinforcing
03 23 00
03 24 00
Stressing Tendons
Fibrous Reinforcing
03 21 13
03 21 16
03 22 13
03 22 16
03 30 00
Galvanized Reinforcing Steel
Epoxy-Coated Reinforcing Steel
Galvanized Welded Wire Fabric Reinforcing
Epoxy-Coated Welded Wire Fabric Reinforcing
03 30 53
Miscellaneous Cast-in-Place Concrete
03 31 00
Structural Concrete
03 33 00
Architectural Concrete
03 34 00
03 35 00
Low Density Concrete
Concrete Finishing
03 37 00
Specialty Placed Concrete
03 38 00
Post-Tensioned Concrete
03 39 00
Concrete Curing
03 31 13
03 31 16
03 31 19
03 31 23
03 31 26
03 33 13
03 33 16
03 35 13
03 35 16
03 35 19
03 35 23
03 35 26
03 35 29
03 35 33
03 37 13
03 37 16
03 37 19
03 37 23
03 37 26
03 38 13
03 38 16
03 38 19
Heavyweight Structural Concrete
Lightweight Structural Concrete
Shrinkage-Compensating Structural Concrete
High-Performance Structural Concrete
Self-Compacting Concrete
Heavyweight Architectural Concrete
Lightweight Architectural Concrete
High-Tolerance Concrete Floor Finishing
Heavy-Duty Concrete Floor Finishing
Colored Concrete Finishing
Exposed Aggregate Concrete Finishing
Grooved Concrete Surface Finishing
Tooled Concrete Finishing
Stamped Concrete Finishing
Pumped Concrete
Pneumatically Placed Concrete
Roller-Compacted Concrete
Underwater Placed Concrete
Post-Tensioned Concrete Preparation
Unbonded Post-Tensioned Concrete
Bonded Post-Tensioned Concrete
03 - 2
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 03 – Concrete
November 2004
03 39 13
03 39 16
03 39 23
Water Concrete Curing
Sand Concrete Curing
Membrane Concrete Curing
03 39 23.13
03 39 23.23
03 40 00
Chemical Compound Membrane Concrete Curing
Sheet Membrane Concrete Curing
03 41 00
Precast Structural Concrete
03 45 00
Precast Architectural Concrete
03 47 00
Site-Cast Concrete
03 48 00
Precast Concrete Specialties
03 49 00
Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Concrete
03 41 13
03 41 16
03 41 23
03 41 33
03 41 36
03 45 13
03 45 33
03 45 36
03 47 13
03 47 16
03 48 13
03 48 16
03 48 19
03 48 43
03 49 13
03 49 16
03 49 43
03 50 00
Precast Concrete Hollow Core Planks
Precast Concrete Slabs
Precast Concrete Stairs
Precast Structural Pretensioned Concrete
Precast Structural Post-Tensioned Concrete
Faced Architectural Precast Concrete
Precast Architectural Pretensioned Concrete
Precast Architectural Post-Tensioned Concrete
Tilt-Up Concrete
Lift-Slab Concrete
Precast Concrete Bollards
Precast Concrete Splash Blocks
Precast Concrete Stair Treads
Precast Concrete Trim
Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Column Covers
Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Spandrels
Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Trim
03 51 00
Cast Roof Decks
03 52 00
Lightweight Concrete Roof Insulation
03 51 13
03 51 16
03 52 13
03 52 16
Cementitious Wood Fiber Decks
Gypsum Concrete Roof Decks
Composite Concrete Roof Insulation
Lightweight Insulating Concrete
03 52 16.13
03 52 16.16
Lightweight Cellular Insulating Concrete
Lightweight Aggregate Insulating Concrete
03 53 00
Concrete Topping
03 54 00
Cast Underlayment
03 53 13
03 53 16
03 54 13
03 54 16
03 60 00
Emery-Aggregate Concrete Topping
Iron-Aggregate Concrete Topping
Gypsum Cement Underlayment
Hydraulic Cement Underlayment
03 61 00
Cementitious Grouting
03 62 00
Non-Shrink Grouting
03 61 13
03 62 13
Dry-Pack Grouting
Non-Metallic Non-Shrink Grouting
03 - 3
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 03 – Concrete
November 2004
03 62 16
03 63 00
03 64 00
03 64 23
03 70 00
Epoxy Injection Grouting
03 71 00
03 72 00
03 80 00
Metallic Non-Shrink Grouting
Epoxy Grouting
Injection Grouting
Mass Concrete for Raft Foundations
Mass Concrete for Dams
03 81 00
Concrete Cutting
03 82 00
Concrete Boring
03 81 13
03 81 16
03 81 19
03 81 23
03 81 26
03 82 13
03 90 00
Flat Concrete Sawing
Track Mounted Concrete Wall Sawing
Wire Concrete Wall Sawing
Hand Concrete Wall Sawing
Chain Concrete Wall Sawing
Concrete Core Drilling
03 - 4
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 04 – Masonry
November 2004
04 00 00 MASONRY
04 01 00
04 01 20
Maintenance of Masonry
Maintenance of Unit Masonry
04 01 20.51
04 01 20.52
04 01 20.91
04 01 20.93
Unit Masonry Maintenance
Unit Masonry Cleaning
Unit Masonry Restoration
Testing and Sampling Brick Units for Restoration
04 01 40.51
04 01 40.52
04 01 40.91
Stone Maintenance
Stone Cleaning
Stone Restoration
04 01 40
04 01 50
04 01 60
04 01 70
04 05 00
04 05 13
Maintenance of Stone Assemblies
Maintenance of Refractory Masonry
Maintenance of Corrosion-Resistant Masonry
Maintenance of Manufactured Masonry
Common Work Results for Masonry
Masonry Mortaring
04 05 13.16
04 05 13.19
04 05 13.23
04 05 13.26
04 05 13.29
04 05 13.91
Chemical-Resistant Masonry Mortaring
Epoxy Masonry Mortaring
Surface Bonding Masonry Mortaring
Engineered Masonry Mortaring
Refractory Masonry Mortaring
Masonry Restoration Mortaring
04 05 16.16
04 05 16.26
Chemical-Resistant Masonry Grouting
Engineered Masonry Grouting
04 05 19.13
04 05 19.16
04 05 19.26
04 05 19.29
Continuous Joint Reinforcing
Masonry Anchors
Masonry Reinforcing Bars
Stone Anchors
04 05 23.13
04 05 23.16
04 05 23.19
Masonry Control and Expansion Joints
Masonry Embedded Flashing
Masonry Cavity Drainage, Weepholes, and Vents
04 05 16
04 05 19
04 05 23
04 06 00
04 06 20
Masonry Grouting
Masonry Anchorage and Reinforcing
Masonry Accessories
Schedules for Masonry
Schedules for Unit Masonry
04 06 20.13
04 06 40
04 06 50
04 06 60
04 06 70
04 08 00
Masonry Unit Schedule
Schedules for Stone Assemblies
Schedules for Refractory Masonry
Schedules for Corrosion-Resistant Masonry
Schedules for Manufactured Masonry
Commissioning of Masonry
04 10 00
04 20 00
04 21 00
04 21 13
Clay Unit Masonry
Brick Masonry
04 - 1
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 04 – Masonry
November 2004
04 21 13.13
04 21 13.23
04 21 16
04 21 19
04 21 23
04 21 26
04 21 29
04 22 00
Brick Veneer Masonry
Surface-Bonded Brick Masonry
Ceramic Glazed Clay Masonry
Clay Tile Masonry
Structural Clay Tile Masonry
Glazed Structural Clay Tile Masonry
Terra Cotta Masonry
Concrete Unit Masonry
04 22 00.13
04 22 00.16
Concrete Unit Veneer Masonry
Surface-Bonded Concrete Unit Masonry
04 22 23.13
04 22 23.16
04 22 23.19
04 22 23.23
04 22 23.26
04 22 23.29
Exposed Aggregate Concrete Unit Masonry
Fluted Concrete Unit Masonry
Molded-Face Concrete Unit Masonry
Prefaced Concrete Unit Masonry
Sound-Absorbing Concrete Unit Masonry
Split- Face Concrete Unit Masonry
04 22 19
04 22 23
04 22 33
Insulated Concrete Unit Masonry
Architectural Concrete Unit Masonry
Interlocking Concrete Unit Masonry
04 23 00
Glass Unit Masonry
04 24 00
Adobe Unit Masonry
04 25 00
Unit Masonry Panels
04 27 00
Multiple-Wythe Unit Masonry
04 28 00
Concrete Form Masonry Units
04 23 13
04 23 16
04 23 19
04 24 13
04 24 16
04 25 13
04 27 13
04 27 23
04 28 13
04 28 23
Vertical Glass Unit Masonry
Glass Unit Masonry Floors
Glass Unit Masonry Skylights
Site-Cast Adobe Unit Masonry
Manufactured Adobe Unit Masonry
Metal-Supported Unit Masonry Panels
Composite Unit Masonry
Cavity Wall Unit Masonry
Dry-Stacked, Concrete-Filled Masonry Units
Mortar-Set, Concrete-Filled Masonry Units
04 30 00
04 40 00
04 41 00
04 42 00
Dry-Placed Stone
Exterior Stone Cladding
04 43 00
Stone Masonry
04 42 13
04 42 16
04 42 19
04 42 23
04 42 26
04 42 43
04 50 00
Masonry-Supported Stone Cladding
Steel-Stud-Supported Stone Cladding
Strongback-Frame-Supported Stone Cladding
Truss-Supported Stone Cladding
Grid-System-Supported Stone Cladding
Stone Panels for Curtain Walls
04 51 00
04 52 00
04 53 00
Flue Liner Masonry
Combustion Chamber Masonry
Castable Refractory Masonry
04 - 2
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 04 – Masonry
November 2004
04 54 00
04 57 00
04 60 00
04 61 00
04 62 00
04 70 00
Refractory Brick Masonry
Masonry Fireplaces
Chemical-Resistant Brick Masonry
Vitrified Clay Liner Plate
04 71 00
Manufactured Brick Masonry
04 72 00
04 73 00
Cast Stone Masonry
Manufactured Stone Masonry
04 71 13
04 73 13
Calcium Silicate Manufactured Brick Masonry
Calcium Silicate Manufactured Stone Masonry
04 80 00
04 90 00
04 - 3
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 05 – Metals
November 2004
05 00 00 METALS
05 01 00
05 01 10
05 01 20
05 01 30
05 01 40
05 01 50
05 01 70
Maintenance of Metals
Maintenance of Structural Metal Framing
Maintenance of Metal Joists
Maintenance of Metal Decking
Maintenance of Cold-Formed Metal Framing
Maintenance of Metal Fabrications
Maintenance of Decorative Metal
05 01 70.91
Historic Treatment of Decorative Metal
05 05 00
Common Work Results for Metals
05 06 00
Schedules for Metals
05 05 13
05 05 23
05 05 53
05 06 10
Schedules for Structural Metal Framing
05 06 10.13
05 06 10.16
Steel Column Schedule
Steel Beam Schedule
05 06 20.13
Steel Joist Schedule
05 06 20
05 06 30
05 06 40
05 06 50
05 06 70
05 08 00
05 10 00
Shop-Applied Coatings for Metal
Metal Fastenings
Security Metal Fastenings
Schedules for Metal Joists
Schedules for Metal Decking
Schedules for Cold-Formed Metal Framing
Schedules for Metal Fabrications
Schedules for Decorative Metal
Commissioning of Metals
05 12 00
Structural Steel Framing
05 13 00
05 14 00
Structural Stainless-Steel Framing
Structural Aluminum Framing
05 15 00
Wire Rope Assemblies
05 16 00
Structural Cabling
05 12 13
05 12 16
05 12 23
05 12 33
05 14 13
05 15 13
05 15 16
05 15 19
05 16 33
05 20 00
Architecturally-Exposed Structural Steel Framing
Fabricated Fireproofed Steel Columns
Structural Steel for Buildings
Structural Steel for Bridges
Architecturally-Exposed Structural Aluminum Framing
Aluminum Wire Rope Assemblies
Steel Wire Rope Assemblies
Stainless-Steel Wire Rope Assemblies
Bridge Cabling
05 21 00
05 21 13
05 21 16
05 21 19
Steel Joist Framing
Deep Longspan Steel Joist Framing
Longspan Steel Joist Framing
Open Web Steel Joist Framing
05 - 1
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 05 – Metals
November 2004
05 21 23
05 25 00
05 30 00
Steel Joist Girder Framing
Aluminum Joist Framing
05 31 00
Steel Decking
05 33 00
Aluminum Decking
05 34 00
05 35 00
05 36 00
Acoustical Metal Decking
Raceway Decking Assemblies
Composite Metal Decking
05 31 13
05 31 23
05 31 33
05 33 13
05 33 23
05 36 13
05 40 00
Steel Floor Decking
Steel Roof Decking
Steel Form Decking
Aluminum Floor Decking
Aluminum Roof Decking
Composite Steel Plate and Elastomer Decking
05 41 00
05 42 00
Structural Metal Stud Framing
Cold-Formed Metal Joist Framing
05 43 00
05 44 00
05 45 00
Slotted Channel Framing
Cold-Formed Metal Trusses
Metal Support Assemblies
05 42 13
05 42 23
05 45 13
05 45 16
05 45 19
05 45 23
05 50 00
Cold-Formed Metal Floor Joist Framing
Cold-Formed Metal Roof Joist Framing
Mechanical Metal Supports
Electrical Metal Supports
Communications Metal Supports
Healthcare Metal Supports
05 51 00
05 51 13
05 51 16
05 51 19
05 51 23
05 51 33
Metal Stairs
Metal Pan Stairs
Metal Floor Plate Stairs
Metal Grating Stairs
Metal Fire Escapes
Metal Ladders
05 51 33.13
05 51 33.16
05 51 33.23
Vertical Metal Ladders
Inclined Metal Ladders
Alternating Tread Ladders
05 51 36.13
Metal Catwalks
05 51 36
05 52 00
Metal Railings
05 53 00
05 54 00
05 55 00
Metal Gratings
Metal Floor Plates
Metal Stair Treads and Nosings
05 56 00
05 58 00
Metal Castings
Formed Metal Fabrications
05 52 13
05 55 13
05 55 16
05 58 13
Pipe and Tube Railings
Metal Stair Treads
Metal Stair Nosings
Column Covers
05 - 2
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 05 – Metals
November 2004
05 58 16
05 58 19
05 59 00
05 59 63
05 60 00
05 70 00
Formed Metal Enclosures
Heating/Cooling Unit Covers
Metal Specialties
Detention Enclosures
05 71 00
Decorative Metal Stairs
05 73 00
Decorative Metal Railings
05 74 00
05 75 00
05 76 00
Decorative Metal Castings
Decorative Formed Metal
Decorative Forged Metal
05 71 13
05 73 13
05 73 16
Fabricated Metal Spiral Stairs
Glazed Decorative Metal Railings
Wire Rope Decorative Metal Railings
05 80 00
05 90 00
05 - 3
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 06 – Wood, Plastics, & Composites
November 2004
06 01 00
06 01 10
Maintenance of Wood, Plastics, and Composites
Maintenance of Rough Carpentry
06 01 10.71
06 01 10.91
06 01 10.92
Rough Carpentry Rehabilitation
Rough Carpentry Restoration
Rough Carpentry Preservation
06 01 20.71
06 01 20.91
06 01 20.92
Finish Carpentry Rehabilitation
Finish Carpentry Restoration
Finish Carpentry Preservation
06 01 40.51
06 01 40.61
06 01 40.91
Architectural Woodwork Cleaning
Architectural Woodwork Refinishing
Architectural Woodwork Restoration
06 01 60.51
06 01 60.71
06 01 60.91
06 01 60.92
Plastic Cleaning
Plastic Rehabilitation
Plastic Restoration
Plastic Preservation
06 01 80.51
06 01 80.71
06 01 80.91
06 01 80.92
Composite Cleaning
Composite Rehabilitation
Composite Restoration
Composite Preservation
06 01 20
06 01 40
06 01 50
06 01 60
06 01 70
06 01 80
06 05 00
06 05 23
06 05 73
Maintenance of Finish Carpentry
Maintenance of Architectural Woodwork
Maintenance of Structural Plastics
Maintenance of Plastic Fabrications
Maintenance of Structural Composites
Maintenance of Composite Assemblies
Common Work Results for Wood, Plastics, and Composites
Wood, Plastic, and Composite Fastenings
Wood Treatment
06 05 73.13
06 05 73.33
06 05 73.91
06 05 73.93
06 05 73.96
06 05 83
06 06 00
06 06 10
Shop-Applied Wood Coatings
Schedules for Wood, Plastics, and Composites
Schedules for Rough Carpentry
06 06 10.13
06 06 10.16
06 06 10.19
06 06 10.23
06 06 10.26
06 06 20
06 06 40
06 06 50
06 06 60
06 06 70
06 06 80
Fire-Retardant Wood Treatment
Preservative Wood Treatment
Long-Term Wood Treatment
Eradication of Insects in Wood
Antiseptic Treatment of Wood
Nailing Schedule
Wood Beam Schedule
Plywood Shear Wall Schedule
Plywood Web Joist Schedule
Wood Truss Schedule
Schedules for Finish Carpentry
Schedules for Architectural Woodwork
Schedules for Structural Plastics
Schedules for Plastic Fabrications
Schedules for Structural Composites
Schedules for Composite Assemblies
06 - 1
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 06 – Wood, Plastics, & Composites
November 2004
06 08 00
06 10 00
Commissioning of Wood, Plastics, and Composites
06 10 53
06 10 91
Miscellaneous Rough Carpentry
Curved Wood Members
06 11 00
Wood Framing
06 12 00
Structural Panels
06 13 00
Heavy Timber
06 11 13
06 11 16
06 12 13
06 12 16
06 13 13
Engineered Wood Products
Mechanically Graded Lumber
Cementitious Reinforced Panels
Stressed Skin Panels
Log Construction
06 13 13.91
06 13 16
06 13 23
06 13 33
06 14 00
06 15 00
06 15 13
Treated Wood Foundations
Wood Decking
Wood Floor Decking
06 15 13.91
06 15 16
06 15 19
06 15 23
06 15 33
Period Horizontal Log Work
Pole Construction
Heavy Timber Construction
Heavy Timber Pier Construction
Carvel Planking
Wood Roof Decking
Timber Decking
Laminated Wood Decking
Wood Patio Decking
06 16 00
06 17 00
Shop-Fabricated Structural Wood
06 18 00
Glued-Laminated Construction
06 16 13
06 16 23
06 16 26
06 16 29
06 16 33
06 16 36
06 16 43
06 16 53
06 16 63
06 17 13
06 17 23
06 17 33
06 17 36
06 17 43
06 17 53
06 18 13
06 18 16
06 20 00
Insulating Sheathing
Acoustical Underlayment
Wood Board Sheathing
Wood Panel Product Sheathing
Gypsum Sheathing
Moisture-Resistant Sheathing Board
Cementitious Sheathing
Laminated Veneer Lumber
Parallel Strand Lumber
Wood I-Joists
Metal-Web Wood Joists
Rim Boards
Shop-Fabricated Wood Trusses
Glued-Laminated Beams
Glued-Laminated Columns
06 20 13
06 20 23
06 22 00
06 22 13
Exterior Finish Carpentry
Interior Finish Carpentry
Standard Pattern Wood Trim
06 - 2
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 06 – Wood, Plastics, & Composites
November 2004
06 25 00
Prefinished Paneling
06 26 00
Board Paneling
06 25 13
06 25 16
06 26 13
06 30 00
06 40 00
Prefinished Hardboard Paneling
Prefinished Plywood Paneling
Profile Board Paneling
06 40 13
06 40 23
Exterior Architectural Woodwork
Interior Architectural Woodwork
06 41 00
Architectural Wood Casework
06 42 00
Wood Paneling
06 43 00
Wood Stairs and Railings
06 44 00
Ornamental Woodwork
06 46 00
Wood Trim
06 48 00
Wood Frames
06 49 00
Wood Screens and Exterior Wood Shutters
06 41 13
06 41 16
06 42 13
06 42 16
06 42 19
06 43 13
06 43 16
06 44 13
06 44 16
06 44 19
06 44 23
06 44 26
06 44 29
06 44 33
06 44 36
06 44 39
06 46 13
06 46 16
06 46 19
06 46 23
06 46 26
06 46 29
06 46 33
06 46 91
06 48 13
06 48 16
06 48 19
06 48 23
06 48 26
06 49 13
06 49 16
06 49 19
Wood-Veneer-Faced Architectural Cabinets
Plastic -Laminate-Clad Architectural Cabinets
Solid Lumber Paneling
Wood-Veneer Paneling
Plastic -Laminate-Faced Wood Paneling
Wood Stairs
Wood Railings
Wood Turnings
Wood Pilasters
Wood Grilles
Wood Corbels
Wood Cupolas
Wood Finials
Wood Mantels
Wood Pediment Heads
Wood Posts and Columns
Wood Door and Window Casings
Wood Aprons
Wood Base and Shoe Moldings
Wood Chair Rails
Wood Cornices
Wood Fascia and Soffits
Wood Stops, Stools, and Sills
Splicing of Wooden Components
Exterior Wood Door Frames
Interior Wood Door Frames
Ornamental Wood Frames
Stick-Built Wood Windows
Wood-Veneer Frames
Wood Screens
Exterior Wood Blinds
Exterior Wood Shutters
06 - 3
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 06 – Wood, Plastics, & Composites
November 2004
06 50 00
06 51 00
Structural Plastic Shapes and Plates
06 52 00
06 53 00
Plastic Structural Assemblies
Plastic Decking
06 51 13
06 53 13
06 60 00
Plastic Lumber
Solid Plastic Decking
06 61 00
Simulated Stone Fabrications
06 63 00
06 64 00
06 65 00
06 66 00
Plastic Railings
Plastic Paneling
Plastic Simulated Wood Trim
Custom Ornamental Simulated Woodwork
06 61 13
06 61 16
06 61 19
06 70 00
Cultured Marble Fabrications
Solid Surfacing Fabrications
Quartz Surfacing Fabrications
06 71 00
Structural Composite Shapes and Plates
06 72 00
Composite Structural Assemblies
06 73 00
Composite Decking
06 71 13
06 72 13
06 73 13
06 80 00
Composite Joist Assemblies
Composite Structural Decking
06 81 00
06 82 00
06 90 00
Composite Lumber
Composite Railings
Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Plastic
06 - 4
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 07 – Thermal & Moisture Protection
November 2004
07 01 00
07 01 10
Maintenance of Dampproofing and Waterproofing
07 01 10.81
Waterproofing Replacement
07 01 50.13
07 01 50.16
07 01 50.19
07 01 50.23
07 01 50.61
07 01 50.81
07 01 50.91
Roof Moisture Survey
Roof Maintenance Program
Preparation for Re-Roofing
Roof Removal
Roof Re-Coating
Roof Replacement
Roofing Restoration
07 01 60.71
07 01 60.91
07 01 60.92
Flashing and Sheet Metal Rehabilitation
Flashing and Sheet Metal Restoration
Flashing and Sheet Metal Preservation
07 01 90.71
07 01 90.81
Joint Sealant Rehabilitation
Joint Sealant Replacement
07 01 20
07 01 30
07 01 40
07 01 50
07 01 60
07 01 70
07 01 80
07 01 90
07 05 00
07 06 00
07 06 10
07 06 20
07 06 30
07 06 40
07 06 50
07 06 60
07 06 70
07 06 80
Maintenance of Thermal Protection
Maintenance of Steep Slope Roofing
Maintenance of Roofing and Siding Panels
Maintenance of Membrane Roofing
Maintenance of Flashing and Sheet Metal
Operation and Maintenance of Roof Specialties and Accessories
Maintenance of Fire and Smoke Protection
Maintenance of Joint Protection
Common Work Results for Thermal and Moisture Protection
Schedules for Thermal and Moisture Protection
Schedules for Dampproofing and Waterproofing
Schedules for Thermal Protection
Schedules for Steep Slope Roofing
Schedules for Roofing and Siding Panels
Schedules for Membrane Roofing
Schedules for Flashing and Sheet Metal
Schedules for Roof Specialties and Accessories
Schedules for Fire and Smoke Protection
07 06 80.13
07 06 80.16
Fireproofing Schedule
Firestopping Schedule
07 06 90.13
Joint Sealant Schedule
07 06 90
07 08 00
07 10 00
Operation and Maintenance of Thermal and Moisture Protection
Schedules for Joint Protection
Commissioning of Thermal and Moisture Protection
07 11 00
07 12 00
Built-Up Bituminous Waterproofing
07 11 13
07 11 16
07 11 19
07 12 13
Bituminous Dampproofing
Cementitious Dampproofing
Sheet Dampproofing
Built-Up Asphalt Waterproofing
07 - 1
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 07 – Thermal & Moisture Protection
November 2004
07 12 16
Built-Up Coal Tar Waterproofing
07 13 00
Sheet Waterproofing
07 14 00
Fluid-Applied Waterproofing
07 15 00
07 16 00
Sheet Metal Waterproofing
Cementitious and Reactive Waterproofing
07 17 00
Bentonite Waterproofing
07 18 00
Traffic Coatings
07 19 00
Water Repellents
07 13 13
07 13 26
07 13 52
07 13 53
07 13 54
07 14 13
07 14 16
07 16 13
07 16 16
07 16 19
07 17 13
07 17 16
07 18 13
07 18 16
07 19 13
07 19 16
07 19 19
07 19 23
07 19 26
07 20 00
Bituminous Sheet Waterproofing
Self-Adhering Sheet Waterproofing
Modified Bituminous Sheet Waterproofing
Elastomeric Sheet Waterproofing
Thermoplastic Sheet Waterproofing
Hot Fluid-Applied Rubberized Asphalt Waterproofing
Cold Fluid-Applied Waterproofing
Polymer Modified Cement Waterproofing
Crystalline Waterproofing
Metal Oxide Waterproofing
Bentonite Panel Waterproofing
Bentonite Composite Sheet Waterproofing
Pedestrian Traffic Coatings
Vehicular Traffic Coatings
Acrylic Water Repellents
Silane Water Repellents
Silicone Water Repellents
Siloxane Water Repellents
Stearate Water Repellents
07 21 00
07 21 13
Thermal Insulation
Board Insulation
07 21 13.13
07 21 13.16
07 21 13.19
07 21 16
07 21 19
07 21 23
07 21 26
07 21 29
Foam Board Insulation
Fibrous Board Insulation
Mineral Board Insulation
Blanket Insulation
Foamed-in-Place Insulation
Loose-Fill Insulation
Blown Insulation
Sprayed Insulation
07 22 00
Roof and Deck Insulation
07 24 00
Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems
07 22 13
07 22 16
07 24 13
07 24 16
07 24 19
07 25 00
Asphaltic Perlite Concrete Deck
Roof Board Insulation
Polymer-Based Exterior Insulation and Finish System
Polymer-Modified Exterior Insulation and Finish System
Water-Drainage Exterior Insulation and Finish System
07 26 00
07 26 13
07 26 16
Vapor Retarders
Above-Grade Vapor Retarders
Below-Grade Vapor Retarders
07 - 2
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 07 – Thermal & Moisture Protection
November 2004
07 26 23
07 27 00
07 27 13
07 27 16
07 27 19
07 27 23
07 27 26
07 30 00
Below-Grade Gas Retarders
Air Barriers
Modified Bituminous Sheet Air Barriers
Sheet Metal Membrane Air Barriers
Plastic Sheet Air Barriers
Board Product Air Barriers
Fluid-Applied Membrane Air Barriers
07 30 91
07 31 00
07 31 13
Canvas Roofing
Shingles and Shakes
Asphalt Shingles
07 31 13.13
Fiberglass-Reinforced Asphalt Shingles
07 31 29.13
07 31 29.16
Wood Shingles
Wood Shakes
07 31 16
07 31 19
07 31 23
07 31 26
07 31 29
07 31 33
07 31 53
Metal Shingles
Mineral-Fiber Cement Shingles
Porcelain Enamel Shingles
Slate Shingles
Wood Shingles and Shakes
Composite Rubber Shingles
Plastic Shakes
07 32 00
Roof Tiles
07 33 00
Natural Roof Coverings
07 32 13
07 32 16
07 32 19
07 32 23
07 32 26
07 32 29
07 33 13
07 33 16
07 33 63
07 40 00
Clay Roof Tiles
Concrete Roof Tiles
Metal Roof Tiles
Mineral-Fiber Cement Roof Tiles
Plastic Roof Tiles
Rubber Tiles/Panels
Sod Roofing
Thatched Roofing
Vegetated Roofing
07 41 00
Roof Panels
07 42 00
Wall Panels
07 44 00
Faced Panels
07 41 13
07 41 23
07 41 33
07 41 43
07 41 63
07 42 13
07 42 23
07 42 33
07 42 43
07 42 63
07 44 13
07 44 16
07 44 19
Metal Roof Panels
Wood Roof Panels
Plastic Roof Panels
Composite Roof Panels
Fabricated Roof Panel Assemblies
Metal Wall Panels
Wood Wall Panels
Plastic Wall Panels
Composite Wall Panels
Fabricated Wall Panel Assemblies
Aggregate Coated Panels
Porcelain Enameled Faced Panels
Tile-Faced Panels
07 - 3
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 07 – Thermal & Moisture Protection
November 2004
07 44 23
07 44 53
07 44 56
07 44 63
07 46 00
07 46 16
07 46 19
07 46 23
07 46 26
07 46 29
07 46 33
07 46 43
07 46 46
07 46 63
07 50 00
Ceramic -Tile-Faced Panels
Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Cementitious Panels
Mineral-Fiber-Reinforced Cementitious Panels
Fabricated Faced Panel Assemblies
Aluminum Siding
Steel Siding
Wood Siding
Hardboard Siding
Plywood Siding
Plastic Siding
Composition Siding
Mineral-Fiber Cement Siding
Fabricated Panel Assemblies with Siding
07 51 00
07 51 13
Built-Up Bituminous Roofing
Built-Up Asphalt Roofing
07 51 13.13
07 51 16
07 51 23
Cold-Applied Built- Up Asphalt Roofing
Built-Up Coal Tar Roofing
Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Asphalt Emulsion Roofing
07 52 00
Modified Bituminous Membrane Roofing
07 53 00
Elastomeric Membrane Roofing
07 54 00
Thermoplastic Membrane Roofing
07 55 00
Protected Membrane Roofing
07 52 13
07 52 16
07 52 19
07 53 13
07 53 16
07 53 23
07 53 29
07 54 13
07 54 16
07 54 19
07 54 23
07 54 26
07 55 51
07 55 52
07 55 53
07 55 54
07 55 56
Atactic-Polypropylene-Modified Bituminous Membrane Roofing
Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene Modified Bituminous Membrane Roofing
Self-Adhering Modified Bituminous Membrane Roofing
Chlorinated-Polyethylene Roofing
Chlorosulfonate-Polyethylene Roofing
Ethylene-Propylene-Diene-Monomer Roofing
Polyisobutylene Roofing
Copolymer-Alloy Roofing
Ethylene-Interpolymer Roofing
Polyvinyl-Chloride Roofing
Thermoplastic -Polyolefin Roofing
Nitrile-Butadiene-Polymer Roofing
Built-Up Bituminous Protected Membrane Roofing
Modified Bituminous Protected Membrane Roofing
Elastomeric Protected Membrane Roofing
Thermoplastic Protected Membrane Roofing
Fluid-Applied Protected Membrane Roofing
07 55 56.13
07 55 63
Hot-Applied Rubberized Asphalt Protected Membrane Roofing
Vegetated Protected Membrane Roofing
07 56 00
07 57 00
Fluid-Applied Roofing
Coated Foamed Roofing
07 58 00
Roll Roofing
07 57 13
07 60 00
Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Roofing
07 61 00
Sheet Metal Roofing
07 - 4
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 07 – Thermal & Moisture Protection
November 2004
07 61 13
07 61 16
07 61 19
07 61 91
07 62 00
07 63 00
07 65 00
07 65 13
07 65 16
07 65 19
07 65 23
07 65 26
07 70 00
Standing Seam Sheet Metal Roofing
Batten Seam Sheet Metal Roofing
Flat Seam Sheet Metal Roofing
Tinplate and Ternplate Roofing
Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim
Sheet Metal Roofing Specialties
Flexible Flashing
Laminated Sheet Flashing
Modified Bituminous Sheet Flashing
Plastic Sheet Flashing
Rubber Sheet Flashing
Self-Adhering Sheet Flashing
07 71 00
Roof Specialties
07 72 00
Roof Accessories
07 76 00
Roof Pavers
07 77 00
Wall Specialties
07 71 13
07 71 16
07 71 19
07 71 23
07 71 26
07 71 29
07 71 33
07 72 13
07 72 23
07 72 26
07 72 33
07 72 36
07 72 43
07 72 46
07 72 53
07 72 63
07 76 13
07 76 16
07 80 00
Manufactured Copings
Manufactured Counterflashing Systems
Manufactured Gravel Stops and Facias
Manufactured Gutters and Downspouts
Manufactured Roof Expansion Joints
Manufactured Scuppers
Manufactured Curbs
Relief Vents
Ridge Vents
Roof Hatches
Smoke Vents
Roof Walk Boards
Roof Walkways
Snow Guards
Waste Containment Assemblies
Roof Ballast Pavers
Roof Decking Pavers
07 81 00
Applied Fireproofing
07 82 00
Board Fireproofing
07 84 00
07 81 13
07 81 16
07 81 19
07 81 23
07 81 26
07 81 29
07 81 33
07 82 13
07 82 16
07 84 13
Cement Aggregate Fireproofing
Cementitious Fireproofing
Foamed Magnesium -Oxychloride Fireproofing
Intumescent Mastic Fireproofing
Magnesium Cement Fireproofing
Mineral-Fiber Cementitious Fireproofing
Mineral-Fiber Fireproofing
Calcium -Silicate Board Fireproofing
Slag-Fiber Board Fireproofing
Penetration Firestopping
07 - 5
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 07 – Thermal & Moisture Protection
November 2004
07 84 13.13
07 84 13.16
Penetration Firestopping Mortars
Penetration Firestopping Devices
07 84 56.13
Fibrous Fire Safing
07 84 16
07 84 23
07 84 26
07 84 43
07 84 53
07 84 56
07 86 00
07 87 00
07 90 00
Annular Space Protection
Silicone Firestopping Foams
Thermal Barriers for Plastics
Fire-Resistant Joint Sealants
Building Perimeter Firestopping
Fire Safing
Smoke Seals
Smoke Containment Barriers
07 91 00
Preformed Joint Seals
07 92 00
Joint Sealants
07 95 00
Expansion Control
07 91 13
07 91 16
07 91 23
07 91 26
07 92 13
07 92 16
07 92 19
07 95 13
07 95 53
07 95 63
Compression Seals
Joint Gaskets
Backer Rods
Joint Fillers
Elastomeric Joint Sealants
Rigid Joint Sealants
Acoustical Joint Sealants
Expansion Joint Cover Assemblies
Joint Slide Bearings
Bridge Expansion Joint Cover Assemblies
07 - 6
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 08 – Openings
November 2004
08 00 00 OPENINGS
08 01 00
08 01 10
08 01 11
08 01 14
08 01 15
08 01 16
08 01 17
08 01 30
08 01 32
08 01 33
08 01 34
08 01 35
08 01 36
08 01 39
08 01 40
08 01 41
08 01 42
08 01 44
08 01 50
08 01 51
08 01 52
Operation and Maintenance of Openings
Operation and Maintenance of Doors and Frames
Operation and Maintenance of Metal Doors and Frames
Operation and Maintenance of Wood Doors
Operation and Maintenance of Plastic Doors
Operation and Maintenance of Composite Doors
Operation and Maintenance of Integrated Door Opening Assemblies
Operation and Maintenance of Specialty Doors and Frames
Operation and Maintenance of Sliding Glass Doors
Operation and Maintenance of Coiling Doors and Grilles
Operation and Maintenance of Special Function Doors
Operation and Maintenance of Folding Doors and Grilles
Operation and Maintenance of Panel Doors
Operation and Maintenance of Traffic Doors
Operation and Maintenance of Entrances, Storefronts, and Curtain Walls
Operation and Maintenance of Entrances
Operation and Maintenance of Storefronts
Operation and Maintenance of Curtain Walls
Operation and Maintenance of Windows
Operation and Maintenance of Metal Windows
Operation and Maintenance of Wood Windows
08 01 52.61
08 01 52.71
08 01 52.81
08 01 52.91
08 01 52.93
08 01 53
08 01 54
08 01 56
08 01 60
08 01 61
08 01 62
08 01 63
08 01 64
08 01 70
08 01 71
08 01 74
08 01 75
08 01 80
08 01 81
08 01 84
08 01 88
08 01 90
08 01 91
08 01 92
Wood Window Repairs
Wood Window Rehabilitation
Wood Window Replacement
Wood Window Restoration
Historic Treatment of Wood Windows
Operation and Maintenance of Plastic Windows
Operation and Maintenance of Composite Windows
Operation and Maintenance of Special Function Windows
Operation and Maintenance of Skylights and Roof Windows
Operation and Maintenance of Roof Windows
Operation and Maintenance of Unit Skylights
Operation and Maintenance of Metal-Framed Skylights
Operation and Maintenance of Plastic -Framed Skylights
Operation and Maintenance of Hardware
Operation and Maintenance of Door Hardware
Operation and Maintenance of Access Control Hardware
Operation and Maintenance of Window Hardware
Maintenance of Glazing
Maintenance of Glass Glazing
Maintenance of Plastic Glazing
Maintenance of Special Function Glazing
Operation and Maintenance of Louvers and Vents
Operation and Maintenance of Louvers
Operation and Maintenance of Louvered Equipment Enclosures
08 - 1
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 08 – Openings
November 2004
08 01 95
08 05 00
08 06 00
08 06 10
Operation and Maintenance of Vents
Common Work Results for Openings
Schedules for Openings
Door Schedule
08 06 10.13
08 06 10.16
08 06 40
08 06 41
08 06 42
08 06 50
08 06 60
08 06 70
08 06 71
08 06 80
08 06 90
08 08 00
08 10 00
Door Type Schedule
Frame Type Schedule
Schedules for Entrances, Storefronts, and Curtain Walls
Entrance Schedule
Storefront Schedule
Window Schedule
Skylight Schedule
Hardware Schedule
Door Hardware Schedule
Glazing Schedule
Louver and Vent Schedule
Commissioning of Openings
08 11 00
08 11 13
Metal Doors and Frames
Hollow Metal Doors and Frames
08 11 13.13
08 11 13.16
Standard Hollow Metal Doors and Frames
Custom Hollow Metal Doors and Frames
08 11 63.13
08 11 63.23
Steel Screen and Storm Doors and Frames
Aluminum Screen and Storm Doors and Frames
08 11 66.13
08 11 66.23
Steel Screen Doors and Frames
Aluminum Screen Doors and Frames
08 11 69.13
08 11 69.23
Steel Storm Doors and Frames
Aluminum Storm Doors and Frames
08 11 16
08 11 19
08 11 23
08 11 63
08 11 66
08 11 69
08 11 73
08 11 74
08 12 00
08 12 13
Aluminum Doors and Frames
Stainless-Steel Doors and Frames
Bronze Doors and Frames
Metal Screen and Storm Doors and Frames
Metal Screen Doors and Frames
Metal Storm Doors and Frames
Sliding Metal Firedoors
Sliding Metal Grilles
Metal Frames
Hollow Metal Frames
08 12 13.13
08 12 13.53
08 12 16
08 12 19
08 12 23
08 13 00
08 13 13
Aluminum Frames
Stainless-Steel Frames
Bronze Frames
Metal Doors
Hollow Metal Doors
08 13 13.13
08 13 13.53
08 13 16
08 13 19
08 13 23
08 13 73
08 13 76
Standard Hollow Metal Frames
Custom Hollow Metal Frames
Standard Hollow Metal Doors
Custom Hollow Metal Doors
Aluminum Doors
Stainless-Steel Doors
Bronze Doors
Sliding Metal Doors
Bifolding Metal Doors
08 - 2
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 08 – Openings
November 2004
08 14 00
08 14 13
08 14 16
08 14 23
Wood Doors
Carved Wood Doors
Flush Wood Doors
Clad Wood Doors
08 14 23.13
08 14 23.16
08 14 23.19
08 14 29
08 14 33
08 14 66
08 14 69
08 14 73
08 14 76
Metal-Faced Wood Doors
Plastic-Laminate-Faced Wood Doors
Molded-Hardboard-Faced Wood Doors
Prefinished Wood Doors
Stile and Rail Wood Doors
Wood Screen Doors
Wood Storm Doors
Sliding Wood Doors
Bifolding Wood Doors
08 15 00
Plastic Doors
08 16 00
Composite Doors
08 17 00
Integrated Door Opening Assemblies
08 15 13
08 15 16
08 15 66
08 15 69
08 15 73
08 15 76
08 16 13
08 16 73
08 16 76
08 17 13
08 17 23
08 17 33
08 17 43
08 20 00
08 30 00
Laminated Plastic Doors
Solid Plastic Doors
Plastic Screen Doors
Plastic Storm Doors
Sliding Plastic Doors
Bifolding Plastic Doors
Fiberglass Doors
Sliding Composite Doors
Bifolding Composite Doors
Integrated Metal Door Opening Assemblies
Integrated Wood Door Opening Assemblies
Integrated Plastic Door Opening Assemblies
Integrated Composite Door Opening Assemblies
08 31 00
08 31 13
Access Doors and Panels
Access Doors and Frames
08 31 13.53
08 31 16
Security Access Doors and Frames
Access Panels and Frames
08 32 00
Sliding Glass Doors
08 33 00
Coiling Doors and Grilles
08 34 00
Special Function Doors
08 32 13
08 32 16
08 32 19
08 33 13
08 33 16
08 33 23
08 33 26
08 33 33
08 33 36
08 34 13
08 34 16
Sliding Aluminum -Framed Glass Doors
Sliding Plastic-Framed Glass Doors
Sliding Wood-Framed Glass Doors
Coiling Counter Doors
Coiling Counter Grilles
Overhead Coiling Doors
Overhead Coiling Grilles
Side Coiling Doors
Side Coiling Grilles
Cold Storage Doors
Hangar Doors
08 - 3
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 08 – Openings
November 2004
08 34 19
08 34 33
08 34 36
08 34 46
08 34 49
Industrial Doors
Lightproof Doors
Darkroom Doors
Radio-Frequency-Interference Shielding Doors
Radiation Shielding Doors and Frames
08 34 49.13
Neutron Shielding Doors and Frames
08 34 63.13
08 34 63.16
08 34 63.33
Steel Detention Doors and Frames
Steel Plate Detention Doors and Frames
Detention Door Frame Protection
08 34 53
08 34 56
08 34 59
08 34 63
08 34 73
08 35 00
08 35 13
Security Doors and Frames
Security Gates
Vault Doors and Day Gates
Detention Doors and Frames
Sound Control Door Assemblies
Folding Doors and Grilles
Folding Doors
08 35 13.13
08 35 13.23
08 35 13.33
Accordion Folding Doors
Folding Fire Doors
Panel Folding Doors
08 35 16.13
Accordion Folding Grilles
08 35 16
Folding Grilles
08 36 00
Panel Doors
08 38 00
Traffic Doors
08 39 00
Pressure-Resistant Doors
08 36 13
08 36 16
08 36 19
08 36 23
08 38 13
08 38 16
08 38 19
08 39 13
08 39 19
08 39 53
08 40 00
Sectional Doors
Single-Panel Doors
Multi-Leaf Vertical Lift Doors
Telescoping Vertical Lift Doors
Flexible Strip Doors
Flexible Traffic Doors
Rigid Traffic Doors
Airtight Doors
Watertight Doors
Blast-Resistant Doors
08 41 00
Entrances and Storefronts
08 42 00
08 41 13
08 41 16
08 41 19
08 41 23
08 41 26
08 42 26
08 42 29
Aluminum -Framed Entrances and Storefronts
Bronze-Framed Entrances and Storefronts
Stainless-Steel-Framed Entrances and Storefronts
Steel-Framed Entrances and Storefronts
All-Glass Entrances and Storefronts
All-Glass Entrances
Automatic Entrances
08 42 29.13
08 42 29.23
08 42 29.33
Folding Automatic Entrances
Sliding Automatic Entrances
Swinging Automatic Entrances
08 42 33.13
Security Revolving Door Entrances
08 42 33
08 42 36
08 42 39
Revolving Door Entrances
Balanced Door Entrances
Pressure-Resistant Entrances
08 - 4
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 08 – Openings
November 2004
08 42 43
Intensive Care Unit/Critical Care Unit Entrances
08 43 00
08 44 00
Curtain Wall and Glazed Assemblies
08 43 13
08 43 16
08 43 19
08 43 23
08 43 26
08 43 29
08 44 13
08 44 16
08 44 19
08 44 26
Aluminum -Framed Storefronts
Bronze-Framed Storefronts
Stainless-Steel-Framed Storefronts
Steel-Framed Storefronts
All-Glass Storefronts
Sliding Storefronts
Glazed Aluminum Curtain Walls
Glazed Bronze Curtain Walls
Glazed Stainless-Steel Curtain Walls
Structural Glass Curtain Walls
08 44 26.13
08 44 33
08 45 00
08 45 13
08 45 23
08 50 00
Structural Sealant Glazed Assemblies
Sloped Glazing Assemblies
Translucent Wall and Roof Assemblies
Structured-Polycarbonate-Panel Assemblies
Fiberglass-Sandwich-Panel Assemblies
08 51 00
Metal Windows
08 52 00
Wood Windows
08 53 00
Plastic Windows
08 54 00
Composite Windows
08 55 00
08 56 00
Pressure-Resistant Windows
Special Function Windows
08 51 13
08 51 16
08 51 19
08 51 23
08 51 66
08 51 69
08 52 13
08 52 16
08 52 66
08 52 69
08 53 13
08 53 66
08 53 69
08 54 13
08 54 66
08 54 69
08 56 19
08 56 46
08 56 49
08 56 53
08 56 56
08 56 59
08 56 63
08 56 66
Aluminum Windows
Bronze Windows
Stainless-Steel Windows
Steel Windows
Metal Window Screens
Metal Storm Windows
Metal-Clad Wood Windows
Plastic -Clad Wood Windows
Wood Window Screens
Wood Storm Windows
Vinyl Windows
Vinyl Window Screens
Vinyl Storm Windows
Fiberglass Windows
Fiberglass Window Screens
Fiberglass Storm Windows
Pass Windows
Radio-Frequency-Interference Shielding Windows
Radiation Shielding Windows
Security Windows
Security Window Screens
Service and Teller Window Units
Detention Windows
Detention Window Screens
08 - 5
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 08 – Openings
November 2004
08 56 73
08 60 00
Sound Control Windows
08 61 00
Roof Windows
08 62 00
Unit Skylights
08 63 00
Metal-Framed Skylights
08 64 00
08 67 00
Plastic-Framed Skylights
Skylight Protection and Screens
08 61 13
08 61 16
08 62 13
08 62 16
08 62 19
08 63 13
08 63 16
08 63 19
08 63 23
08 63 53
08 70 00
Metal Roof Windows
Wood Roof Windows
Domed Unit Skylights
Pyramidal Unit Skylights
Vaulted Unit Skylights
Domed Metal-Framed Skylights
Pyramidal Metal-Framed Skylights
Vaulted Metal-Framed Skylights
Ridge Metal-Framed Skylights
Motorized Metal-Framed Skylights
08 71 00
Door Hardware
08 74 00
Access Control Hardware
08 75 00
Window Hardware
08 78 00
08 79 00
Special Function Hardware
Hardware Accessories
08 71 13
08 71 53
08 71 63
08 74 13
08 74 16
08 74 19
08 75 13
08 75 16
08 79 13
08 80 00
Automatic Door Operators
Security Door Hardware
Detention Door Hardware
Card Key Access Control Hardware
Keypad Access Control Hardware
Biometric Identity Access Control Hardware
Automatic Window Equipment
Window Operators
Key Storage Equipment
08 81 00
Glass Glazing
08 83 00
08 84 00
Plastic Glazing
08 85 00
08 87 00
Glazing Accessories
Glazing Surface Films
08 88 00
Special Function Glazing
08 81 13
08 83 13
08 83 16
08 84 13
08 87 13
08 87 16
08 87 53
08 88 19
Decorative Glass Glazing
Mirrored Glass Glazing
Mirrored Plastic Glazing
Decorative Plastic Glazing
Solar Control Films
Safety Films
Security Films
Hurricane-Resistant Glazing
08 - 6
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 08 – Openings
November 2004
08 88 23
08 88 33
08 88 39
08 88 49
08 88 53
08 88 56
08 90 00
Cable Suspended Glazing
Transparent Mirrored Glazing
Pressure-Resistant Glazing
Radiation-Resistant Glazing
Security Glazing
Ballistics-Resistant Glazing
08 91 00
08 92 00
08 95 00
Louvered Equipment Enclosures
08 91 13
08 91 16
08 91 19
08 91 26
08 95 13
08 95 16
Motorized Wall Louvers
Operable Wall Louvers
Fixed Louvers
Door Louvers
Soffit Vents
Wall Vents
08 - 7
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 09 – Finishes
November 2004
09 00 00 FINISHES
09 01 00
09 01 20
Maintenance of Finishes
Maintenance of Plaster and Gypsum Board
09 01 20.91
Plaster Restoration
09 01 30.91
Tile Restoration
09 01 60.91
Flooring Restoration
09 01 70.91
Wall Finish Restoration
09 01 90.51
09 01 90.52
09 01 90.53
09 01 90.61
09 01 90.91
09 01 90.92
09 01 90.93
Paint Cleaning
Maintenance Repainting
Maintenance Coatings
Paint Restoration
Coating Restoration
Paint Preservation
09 01 30
09 01 50
09 01 60
09 01 70
09 01 80
09 01 90
Maintenance of Tiling
Maintenance of Ceilings
Maintenance of Flooring
Maintenance of Wall Finishes
Maintenance of Acoustic Treatment
Maintenance of Painting and Coating
09 05 00
Common Work Results for Finishes
09 06 00
Schedules for Finishes
09 05 13
09 06 00.13
Room Finish Schedule
09 06 90.13
Paint Schedule
09 06 20
09 06 30
09 06 50
09 06 60
09 06 70
09 06 80
09 06 90
09 08 00
09 10 00
09 20 00
Common Finishes
Schedules for Plaster and Gypsum Board
Schedules for Tiling
Schedules for Ceilings
Schedules for Flooring
Schedules for Wall Finishes
Schedules for Acoustical Treatment
Schedules for Painting and Coating
Commissioning of Finishes
09 21 00
09 21 13
09 21 16
Plaster and Gypsum Board Assemblies
Plaster Assemblies
Gypsum Board Assemblies
09 21 16.23
09 21 16.33
09 22 00
09 22 13
Supports for Plaster and Gypsum Board
Metal Furring
09 22 13.13
09 22 13.23
09 22 16
Gypsum Board Shaft Wall Assemblies
Gypsum Board Area Separation Wall Assemblies
Metal Channel Furring
Resilient Channel Furring
Non-Structural Metal Framing
09 - 1
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 09 – Finishes
November 2004
09 22 16.13
Non-Structural Metal Stud Framing
09 22 26.23
09 22 26.33
Metal Suspension Systems
Plastic Suspension Systems
09 22 36.13
09 22 36.23
Gypsum Lath
Metal Lath
09 22 26
Suspension Systems
09 22 36
09 22 39
Veneer Plaster Base
09 23 00
Gypsum Plastering
09 24 00
Portland Cement Plastering
09 25 00
Other Plastering
09 23 13
09 23 82
09 24 13
09 24 23
09 24 33
09 25 13
Acoustical Gypsum Plastering
Fireproof Gypsum Plastering
Adobe Finish
Portland Cement Stucco
Portland Cement Parging
Acrylic Plastering
09 25 13.13
09 25 23
Acrylic Plaster Finish
Lime Based Plastering
09 26 00
Veneer Plastering
09 27 00
Plaster Fabrications
09 28 00
Backing Boards and Underlayments
09 29 00
Gypsum Board
09 26 13
09 27 13
09 27 23
09 28 13
09 28 16
09 28 19
09 29 82
09 30 00
Gypsum Veneer Plastering
Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Plaster Fabrications
Simulated Plaster Fabrications
Cementitious Backing Boards
Glass-Mat Faced Gypsum Backing Boards
Fibered Gypsum Backing Boards
Gypsum Board Fireproofing
09 30 13
09 30 16
09 30 19
09 30 23
09 30 26
09 30 29
09 30 33
Ceramic Tiling
Quarry Tiling
Paver Tiling
Glass Mosaic Tiling
Plastic Tiling
Metal Tiling
Stone Tiling
09 31 00
Thin-Set Tiling
09 32 00
Mortar-Bed Tiling
09 31 13
09 31 16
09 31 19
09 31 23
09 31 26
09 31 29
09 31 33
09 32 13
09 32 16
09 32 19
Thin-Set Ceramic Tiling
Thin-Set Quarry Tiling
Thin-Set Paver Tiling
Thin-Set Glass Mosaic Tiling
Thin-Set Plastic Tiling
Thin-Set Metal Tiling
Thin-Set Stone Tiling
Mortar-Bed Ceramic Tiling
Mortar-Bed Quarry Tiling
Mortar-Bed Paver Tiling
09 - 2
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 09 – Finishes
November 2004
09 32 23
09 32 26
09 32 29
09 32 33
Mortar-Bed Glass Mosaic Tiling
Mortar-Bed Plastic Tiling
Mortar-Bed Metal Tiling
Mortar-Bed Stone Tiling
09 33 00
Conductive Tiling
09 34 00
Waterproofing-Membrane Tiling
09 35 00
Chemical-Resistant Tiling
09 33 13
09 33 16
09 33 19
09 33 23
09 33 26
09 33 29
09 33 33
09 34 13
09 34 16
09 34 19
09 34 23
09 34 26
09 34 29
09 34 33
09 35 13
09 35 16
09 35 19
09 35 23
09 35 26
09 35 29
09 35 33
09 40 00
09 50 00
Conductive Ceramic Tiling
Conductive Quarry Tiling
Conductive Paver Tiling
Conductive Glass Mosaic Tiling
Conductive Plastic Tiling
Conductive Metal Tiling
Conductive Stone Tiling
Waterproofing-Membrane Ceramic Tiling
Waterproofing-Membrane Quarry Tiling
Waterproofing-Membrane Paver Tiling
Waterproofing-Membrane Glass Mosaic Tiling
Waterproofing-Membrane Plastic Tiling
Waterproofing-Membrane Metal Tiling
Waterproofing-Membrane Stone Tiling
Chemical-Resistant Ceramic Tiling
Chemical-Resistant Quarry Tiling
Chemical-Resistant Paver Tiling
Chemical-Resistant Glass Mosaic Tiling
Chemical-Resistant Plastic Tiling
Chemical-Resistant Metal Tiling
Chemical-Resistant Stone Tiling
09 51 00
09 51 13
09 51 23
09 51 33
Acoustical Ceilings
Acoustical Panel Ceilings
Acoustical Tile Ceilings
Acoustical Metal Pan Ceilings
09 51 33.13
09 51 53
Acoustical Snap- in Metal Pan Ceilings
Direct-Applied Acoustical Ceilings
09 53 00
Acoustical Ceiling Suspension Assemblies
09 54 00
Specialty Ceilings
09 53 13
09 53 23
09 53 33
09 54 13
09 54 16
09 54 19
09 54 23
09 54 26
09 54 33
09 54 36
09 54 43
Curved Profile Ceiling Suspension Assemblies
Metal Acoustical Ceiling Suspension Assemblies
Plastic Acoustical Ceiling Suspension Assemblies
Open Metal Mesh Ceilings
Luminous Ceilings
Mirror Panel Ceilings
Linear Metal Ceilings
Linear Wood Ceilings
Decorative Panel Ceilings
Suspended Decorative Grids
Stretched-Fabric Ceiling Systems
09 - 3
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 09 – Finishes
November 2004
09 54 46
Fabric -Wrapped Ceiling Panels
09 56 00
Textured Ceilings
09 57 00
Special Function Ceilings
09 58 00
Integrated Ceiling Assemblies
09 56 13
09 56 16
09 57 53
09 60 00
Gypsum-Panel Textured Ceilings
Metal-Panel Textured Ceilings
Security Ceiling Assemblies
09 61 00
Flooring Treatment
09 62 00
Specialty Flooring
09 63 00
Masonry Flooring
09 61 13
09 61 36
09 62 13
09 62 19
09 62 23
09 62 26
09 62 29
09 62 35
09 62 48
09 63 13
Slip-Resistant Flooring Treatment
Static-Resistant Flooring Treatment
Asphaltic Plank Flooring
Laminate Flooring
Bamboo Flooring
Leather Flooring
Cork Flooring
Acid-Resistant Flooring
Acoustic Flooring
Brick Flooring
09 63 13.35
09 63 40
09 63 43
09 64 00
09 64 16
09 64 19
09 64 23
Wood Flooring
Wood Block Flooring
Wood Composition Flooring
Wood Parquet Flooring
09 64 23.13
09 64 29
09 64 33
09 64 53
09 64 66
09 65 00
09 65 13
Chemical-Resistant Brick Flooring
Stone Flooring
Composition Stone Flooring
Acrylic-Impregnated Wood Parquet Flooring
Wood Strip and Plank Flooring
Laminated Wood Flooring
Resilient Wood Flooring Assemblies
Wood Athletic Flooring
Resilient Flooring
Resilient Base and Accessories
09 65 13.13
09 65 13.23
09 65 13.26
09 65 13.33
09 65 13.36
Resilient Base
Resilient Stair Treads and Risers
Resilient Stair Nosings
Resilient Accessories
Resilient Carpet Transitions
09 65 16.13
Linoleum Flooring
09 65 36.13
09 65 36.16
Static-Dissipative Resilient Flooring
Static-Resistant Resilient Flooring
09 65 16
09 65 19
09 65 33
09 65 36
09 65 66
09 66 00
09 66 13
Resilient Sheet Flooring
Resilient Tile Flooring
Conductive Resilient Flooring
Static-Control Resilient Flooring
Resilient Athletic Flooring
Terrazzo Flooring
Portland Cement Terrazzo Flooring
09 - 4
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 09 – Finishes
November 2004
09 66 13.13
09 66 13.16
09 66 13.19
09 66 13.23
09 66 13.26
09 66 13.33
Sand Cushion Terrazzo Flooring
Monolithic Terrazzo Flooring
Bonded Terrazzo Flooring
Palladina Terrazzo Flooring
Rustic Terrazzo Flooring
Structural Terrazzo Flooring
09 66 16.13
09 66 16.16
Portland Cement Terrazzo Floor Tile
Plastic-Matrix Terrazzo Floor Tile
09 66 23.13
09 66 23.16
09 66 23.19
Polyacrylate Modified Cementitious Terrazzo Flooring
Epoxy-Resin Terrazzo Flooring
Polyester-Resin Terrazzo Flooring
09 66 33.13
09 66 33.16
09 66 33.19
Conductive Epoxy-Resin Terrazzo
Conductive Polyester-Resin Terrazzo Flooring
Conductive Plastic-Matrix Terrazzo Flooring
09 66 16
09 66 23
09 66 33
09 67 00
09 67 13
Terrazzo Floor Tile
Resinous Matrix Terrazzo Flooring
Conductive Terrazzo Flooring
Fluid-Applied Flooring
Elastomeric Liquid Flooring
09 67 13.33
09 67 16
09 67 19
09 67 23
09 67 26
09 67 66
Conductive Elastomeric Liquid Flooring
Epoxy-Marble Chip Flooring
Magnesium -Oxychloride Flooring
Resinous Flooring
Quartz Flooring
Fluid-Applied Athletic Flooring
09 68 00
09 69 00
Access Flooring
09 68 13
09 68 16
09 69 13
09 69 16
09 69 19
09 69 53
09 69 56
09 70 00
Tile Carpeting
Sheet Carpeting
Rigid-Grid Access Flooring
Snap-on Stringer Access Flooring
Stringerless Access Flooring
Access Flooring Accessories
Access Flooring Stairs and Stringers
09 72 00
09 72 13
09 72 16
Wall Coverings
Cork Wall Coverings
Vinyl-Coated Fabric Wall Coverings
09 72 16.13
09 72 16.16
09 72 19
09 72 23
Flexible Vinyl Wall Coverings
Rigid-Sheet Vinyl Wall Coverings
Textile Wall Coverings
09 73 00
09 74 00
Wall Carpeting
Flexible Wood Sheets
09 75 00
09 76 00
09 77 00
Stone Facing
Plastic Blocks
Special Wall Surfacing
09 74 13
09 74 16
09 77 13
09 77 23
Wood Wall Coverings
Flexible Wood Veneers
Stretched-Fabric Wall Systems
Fabric -Wrapped Panels
09 - 5
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 09 – Finishes
November 2004
09 80 00
09 81 00
Acoustic Insulation
09 83 00
Acoustic Finishes
09 84 00
Acoustic Room Components
09 81 13
09 81 16
09 81 29
09 83 13
09 83 16
09 83 22
09 84 13
09 84 16
09 84 23
09 84 26
09 84 33
09 84 36
09 90 00
Acoustic Board Insulation
Acoustic Blanket Insulation
Sprayed Acoustic Insulation
Acoustic Wall Coating
Acoustic Ceiling Coating
Acoustic Drapery
Fixed Sound-Absorptive Panels
Fixed Sound-Reflective Panels
Moveable Sound-Absorptive Panels
Moveable Sound-Reflective Panels
Sound-Absorbing Wall Units
Sound-Absorbing Ceiling Units
09 91 00
09 93 00
Staining and Transparent Finishing
09 91 13
09 91 23
09 93 13
Exterior Painting
Interior Painting
Exterior Staining and Finishing
09 93 13.13
09 93 13.53
Exterior Staining
Exterior Finishing
09 93 23.13
09 93 23.53
Interior Staining
Interior Finishing
09 93 23
Interior Staining and Finishing
09 94 00
Decorative Finishing
09 96 00
High-Performance Coatings
09 97 00
Special Coatings
09 94 13
09 94 16
09 94 19
09 96 13
09 96 23
09 96 26
09 96 33
09 96 35
09 96 43
09 96 46
09 96 53
09 96 56
09 96 59
09 96 63
09 96 66
09 97 13
Textured Finishing
Faux Finishing
Multicolor Interior Finishing
Abrasion-Resistant Coatings
Graffiti-Resistant Coatings
Marine Coatings
High-Temperature-Resistant Coatings
Chemical-Resistant Coatings
Fire-Retardant Coatings
Intumescent Painting
Elastomeric Coatings
Epoxy Coatings
High-Build Glazed Coatings
Textured Plastic Coatings
Aggregate Wall Coatings
Steel Coatings
09 97 13.13
09 97 13.23
09 97 23
09 97 26
Interior Steel Coatings
Exterior Steel Coatings
Concrete and Masonry Coatings
Cementitious Coatings
09 - 6
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 09 – Finishes
November 2004
09 97 26.13
09 97 26.23
Interior Cementitious Coatings
Exterior Cementitious Coatings
09 - 7
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 10 – Specialties
November 2004
10 01 00
Operation and Maintenance of Specialties
10 05 00
10 06 00
Common Work Results for Specialties
Schedules for Specialties
10 01 10
10 01 20
10 01 30
10 01 40
10 01 50
10 01 70
10 01 80
10 06 10
Schedules for Information Specialties
10 06 10.13
10 06 10.16
Exterior Signage Schedule
Interior Signage Schedule
10 06 20.13
Toilet, Bath, and Laundry Accessory Schedule
10 06 20
10 06 30
10 06 40
10 06 50
10 06 70
10 06 80
10 08 00
10 10 00
Operation and Maintenance of Information Specialties
Operation and Maintenance of Interior Specialties
Operation and Maintenance of Fireplaces and Stoves
Operation and Maintenance of Safety Specialties
Operation and Maintenance of Storage Specialties
Operation and Maintenance of Exterior Specialties
Operation and Maintenance of Other Specialties
Schedules for Interior Specialties
Schedules for Fireplaces and Stoves
Schedules for Safety Specialties
Schedules for Storage Specialties
Schedules for Exterior Specialties
Schedules for Other Specialties
Commissioning of Specialties
10 11 00
10 11 13
Visual Display Surfaces
10 11 13.13
10 11 13.23
10 11 13.33
10 11 13.43
Fixed Chalkboards
Modular-Support-Mounted Chalkboards
Rail-Mounted Chalkboards
Portable Chalkboards
10 11 16.13
10 11 16.23
10 11 16.33
10 11 16.43
10 11 16.53
Fixed Markerboards
Modular-Support-Mounted Markerboards
Rail-Mounted Markerboards
Portable Markerboards
Electronic Markerboards
10 11 23.13
10 11 23.23
10 11 23.33
10 11 23.43
Fixed Tackboards
Modular-Support-Mounted Tackboards
Rail-Mounted Tackboards
Portable Tackboards
10 11 33.13
10 11 33.23
Horizontal-Sliding Visual Display Units
Vertical-Sliding Visual Display Units
10 11 16
10 11 23
10 11 33
10 11 36
10 11 39
10 11 43
Sliding Visual Display Units
Visual Display Conference Units
Visual Display Rails
Visual Display Wall Panels
10 - 1
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 10 – Specialties
November 2004
10 11 46
Visual Display Fabrics
10 12 00
10 13 00
Display Cases
10 14 00
10 13 13
10 14 16
10 14 19
10 14 23
Electronic Directories
Dimensional Letter Signage
Panel Signage
10 14 23.13
Engraved Panel Signage
10 14 53.13
Transportation Reference Markers
10 14 26
10 14 33
10 14 36
10 14 43
10 14 53
10 14 63
10 14 66
10 17 00
10 17 13
10 17 16
Post and Panel/Pylon Signage
Illuminated Panel Signage
Non-Illuminated Panel Signage
Photolum inescent Signage
Traffic Signage
Electronic Message Signage
Floating Signage
Telephone Specialties
Telephone Directory Units
Telephone Enclosures
10 17 16.13
10 17 16.16
10 17 19
10 18 00
10 20 00
Telephone Stalls
Telephone Alcoves
Telephone Shelving
Informational Kiosks
10 21 00
10 21 13
Compartments and Cubicles
Toilet Compartments
10 21 13.13
10 21 13.16
10 21 13.19
10 21 13.23
10 21 13.40
Metal Toilet Compartments
Plastic-Laminate-Clad Toilet Compartments
Plastic Toilet Compartments
Particleboard Toilet Compartments
Stone Toilet Compartments
10 21 16.13
10 21 16.16
10 21 16.19
10 21 16.23
10 21 16.40
Metal Shower and Dressing Compartments
Plastic-Laminate-Clad Shower and Dressing Compartments
Plastic Shower and Dressing Compartments
Particleboard Shower and Dressing Compartments
Stone Shower and Dressing Compartments
10 21 23.13
10 21 23.16
Cubicle Curtains
Cubicle Track and Hardware
10 21 16
10 21 23
10 22 00
10 22 13
10 22 16
10 22 19
Shower and Dressing Compartments
Wire Mesh Partitions
Folding Gates
Demountable Partitions
10 22 19.13
10 22 19.23
10 22 19.33
10 22 19.43
10 22 19.53
10 22 23
Demountable Metal Partitions
Demountable Wood Partitions
Demountable Plastic Partitions
Demountable Composite Partitions
Demountable Gypsum Partitions
Portable Partitions, Screens, and Panels
10 - 2
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 10 – Specialties
November 2004
10 22 23.13
10 22 23.23
Wall Screens
Movable Panel Systems
10 22 26.13
10 22 26.23
10 22 26.33
10 22 26.43
Accordion Folding Partitions
Coiling Partitions
Folding Panel Partitions
Sliding Partitions
10 22 26
Operable Partitions
10 25 00
Service Walls
10 26 00
Wall and Door Protection
10 25 13
10 25 16
10 26 13
10 26 16
Corner Guards
Bumper Guards
10 26 16.13
10 26 16.16
Bumper Rails
Protective Corridor Handrails
10 26 23.13
Impact Resistant Wall Protection
10 26 23
10 26 33
10 28 00
10 28 13
Protective Wall Covering
Door and Frame Protection
Toilet, Bath, and Laundry Accessories
Toilet Accessories
10 28 13.13
10 28 13.19
10 28 13.53
10 28 13.63
Commercial Toilet Accessories
Healthcare Toilet Accessories
Security Toilet Accessories
Detention Toilet Accessories
10 28 16.13
Residential Bath Accessories
10 28 19.16
10 28 19.19
Shower Doors
Tub Doors
10 28 23.13
10 28 23.16
Built- In Ironing Boards
Clothes Drying Racks
10 28 16
10 28 19
10 28 23
10 30 00
Patient Bed Service Walls
Modular Service Walls
Bath Accessories
Tub and Shower Doors
Laundry Accessories
10 31 00
Manufactured Fireplaces
10 32 00
Fireplace Specialties
10 35 00
10 31 13
10 31 16
10 32 13
10 32 16
10 32 19
10 32 23
10 32 26
10 35 13
10 35 23
10 40 00
Manufactured Fireplace Chimneys
Manufactured Fireplace Forms
Fireplace Dampers
Fireplace Inserts
Fireplace Screens
Fireplace Doors
Fireplace Water Heaters
Heating Stoves
Cooking Stoves
10 41 00
Emergency Access and Information Cabinets
10 43 00
Emergency Aid Specialties
10 41 13
10 41 16
Fire Department Plan Cabinets
Emergency Key Cabinets
10 - 3
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 10 – Specialties
November 2004
10 43 13
10 43 16
10 44 00
10 44 13
Fire Protection Specialties
Fire Extinguisher Cabinets
10 44 13.53
Security Fire Extinguisher Cabinets
10 44 16.13
10 44 16.16
Portable Fire Extinguishers
Wheeled Fire Extinguisher Units
10 44 16
10 44 33
10 44 43
10 50 00
Defibrillator Cabinets
First Aid Cabinets
Fire Extinguishers
Fire Blankets and Cabinets
Fire Extinguisher Accessories
10 51 00
10 51 13
10 51 16
10 51 23
10 51 26
Metal Lockers
Wood Lockers
Plastic -Laminate-Clad Lockers
Plastic Lockers
10 51 26.13
10 51 33
10 51 43
10 51 53
10 55 00
10 55 13
Recycled Plastic Lockers
Glass Lockers
Wire Mesh Storage Lockers
Locker Room Benches
Postal Specialties
Central Mail Delivery Boxes
10 55 13.13
Cluster Box Units
10 55 23.13
10 55 23.16
10 55 23.19
Apartment Mail Boxes
Mail Box Directories
Mail Box Key Keepers
10 55 16
10 55 19
10 55 23
10 55 26
10 55 33
10 55 36
10 55 91
10 56 00
10 56 13
Mail Collection Boxes
Receiving Boxes
Mail Boxes
Parcel Lockers
Data Distribution Boxes
Package Depositories
Mail Chutes
Storage Assemblies
Metal Storage Shelving
10 56 13.13
10 56 13.16
10 56 13.19
10 56 13.23
End-Panel-Support Metal Storage Shelving
Post-and-Shelf Metal Storage Shelving
Post-and-Beam Metal Storage Shelving
Cantilever Metal Storage Shelving
10 56 19.13
Recycled Plastic Storage Shelving
10 56 26.13
10 56 26.23
Manual Mobile Storage Shelving
Motorized Mobile Storage Shelving
10 56 16
10 56 19
10 56 23
10 56 26
10 56 29
Fabricated Wood Storage Shelving
Plastic Storage Shelving
Wire Storage Shelving
Mobile Storage Shelving
Storage Racks
10 - 4
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 10 – Specialties
November 2004
10 56 29.13
10 56 29.16
10 56 29.19
10 56 29.23
10 56 29.26
10 56 29.29
10 56 29.33
10 56 33
10 57 00
10 57 13
10 57 23
Mercantile Storage Assemblies
Wardrobe and Closet Specialties
Hat and Coat Racks
Closet and Utility Shelving
10 57 23.13
10 57 23.16
10 57 23.19
10 57 33
10 60 00
10 70 00
Flow Storage Racks
Pallet Storage Racks
Movable-Shelf Storage Racks
Stacker Storage Racks
Cantilever Storage Racks
Drive-In Storage Racks
Drive-Through Storage Racks
Wire Closet and Utility Shelving
Plastic-Laminate-Clad Closet and Utility Shelving
Wood Closet and Utility Shelving
Closet and Utility Shelving Hardware
10 71 00
10 71 13
Exterior Protection
Exterior Sun Control Devices
10 71 13.13
10 71 13.19
10 71 13.23
10 71 13.26
10 71 13.29
10 71 13.43
Exterior Shutters
Rolling Exterior Shutters
Coiling Exterior Shutters
Decorative Exterior Shutters
Side-Hinged Exterior Shutters
Fixed Sun Screens
10 71 16.13
10 71 16.16
Demountable Storm Panels
Movable Storm Panels
10 71 16
Storm Panels
10 73 00
Protective Covers
10 74 00
Manufactured Exterior Specialties
10 75 00
10 73 13
10 73 16
10 73 23
10 73 26
10 73 33
10 73 43
10 74 13
10 74 23
10 74 26
10 74 29
10 74 33
10 74 43
10 74 46
10 75 13
10 75 16
10 75 19
10 75 23
10 80 00
Car Shelters
Walkway Coverings
Transportation Stop Shelters
Exterior Clocks
Below-Grade Egress Assemblies
Window Wells
Automatic Flagpoles
Ground-Set Flagpoles
Nautical Flagpoles
Wall-Mounted Flagpoles
10 81 00
Pest Control Devices
10 - 5
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 10 – Specialties
November 2004
10 81 13
10 81 16
10 81 19
Bird Control Devices
Insect Control Devices
Rodent Control Devices
10 82 00
Grilles and Screens
10 83 00
Flags and Banners
10 86 00
10 88 00
Security Mirrors and Domes
10 82 13
10 82 23
10 83 13
10 83 16
10 90 00
Exterior Grilles and Screens
Interior Grilles and Screens
10 - 6
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 11 – Equipment
November 2004
11 00 00 EQUIPMENT
11 01 00
Operation and Maintenance of Equipment
11 05 00
11 06 00
Common Work Results for Equipment
Schedules for Equipment
11 01 10
11 01 15
11 01 20
11 01 30
11 01 40
11 01 50
11 01 56
11 01 60
11 01 65
11 01 70
11 01 80
11 01 90
11 06 10
11 06 15
Schedules for Vehicle and Pedestrian Equipment
Schedules for Security, Bank, and Detention Equipment
11 06 15.13
Teller and Service Equipment Schedule
11 06 40.13
Foodservice Equipment Schedule
11 06 70.13
Healthcare Equipment Schedule
11 06 20
11 06 30
11 06 40
11 06 50
11 06 60
11 06 65
11 06 70
11 06 80
11 06 90
11 08 00
11 10 00
Operation and Maintenance of Vehicle and Pedestrian Equipment
Operation and Maintenance of Security, Bank, and Detention Equipment
Operation and Maintenance of Commercial Equipment
Operation and Maintenance of Residential Equipment
Operation and Maintenance of Foodservice Equipment
Operation and Maintenance of Educational and Scientific Equipment
Operation and Maintenance of Observatory Equipment
Operation and Maintenance of Entertainment Equipment
Operation and Maintenance of Athletic and Recreational Equipment
Operation and Maintenance of Healthcare Equipment
Operation and Maintenance of Collection and Disposal Equipment
Operation and Maintenance of Other Equipment
Schedules for Commercial Equipment
Schedules for Residential Equipment
Schedules for Foodservice Equipment
Schedules for Educational and Scientific Equipment
Schedules for Entertainment Equipment
Schedules for Athletic and Recreational Equipment
Schedules for Healthcare Equipment
Schedules for Collection and Disposal Equipment
Schedules for Other Equipment
Commissioning of Equipment
11 11 00
Vehicle Service Equipment
11 12 00
Parking Control Equipment
11 11 13
11 11 19
11 11 23
11 11 26
11 12 13
11 12 16
11 12 23
11 12 26
Compressed-Air Vehicle Service Equipment
Vehicle Lubrication Equipment
Tire-Changing Equipment
Vehicle-Washing Equipment
Parking Key and Card Control Units
Parking Ticket Dispensers
Parking Meters
Parking Fee Collection Equipment
11 12 26.13
11 12 33
11 13 00
Parking Fee Coin Collection Equipment
Parking Gates
Loading Dock Equipment
11 - 1
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 11 – Equipment
November 2004
11 13 13
11 13 16
11 13 16.13
11 13 16.23
11 13 16.33
Loading Dock Seals
Loading Dock Shelters
Loading Dock Rail Shelters
11 13 19.13
11 13 19.23
11 13 19.26
11 13 19.33
Loading Dock Levelers
Stationary Loading Dock Lifts
Loading Dock Truck Lifts
Loading Dock Truck Restraints
11 13 23.13
11 13 23.16
11 13 23.19
11 13 23.23
Portable Dock Lifts
Portable Dock Ramps
Portable Dock Bridges
Portable Dock Platforms
11 13 19
11 13 23
11 13 26
11 14 00
11 14 13
Stationary Loading Dock Equipment
Portable Dock Equipment
Loading Dock Lights
Pedestrian Control Equipment
Pedestrian Gates
11 14 13.13
11 14 13.16
11 14 13.19
Portable Posts and Railings
Rotary Gates
11 14 16.19
Money-Changing Machines
11 14 26.13
Pedestrian Coin Fare Collection Equipment
11 14 43.13
Electronic Detection and Counting Systems
11 14 16
11 14 26
11 14 43
11 14 53
11 15 00
Loading Dock Bumpers
Loading Dock Seals and Shelters
Money-Changing Equipment
Pedestrian Fare Collection Equipment
Pedestrian Detection Equipment
Pedestrian Security Equipment
11 16 00
Vault Equipment
11 17 00
Teller and Service Equipment
11 18 00
Security Equipment
11 19 00
Detention Equipment
11 16 13
11 16 16
11 16 23
11 17 13
11 17 16
11 17 23
11 17 33
11 17 36
11 18 13
11 18 16
11 18 23
11 19 13
11 19 16
11 20 00
Safe Deposit Boxes
Vault Ventilators
Teller Equipment Systems
Automatic Banking Systems
Money Handling Equipment
Money Cart Pass-Through
Package Transfer Units
Deal Drawers
Gun Ports
Valuable Material Storage
Detention Pass-Through Doors
Detention Gun Lockers
11 21 00
11 21 13
11 21 23
Mercantile and Service Equipment
Cash Registers and Checking Equipment
Vending Equipment
11 - 2
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 11 – Equipment
November 2004
11 21 23.13
11 21 33
11 21 43
11 21 53
Vending Machines
Checkroom Equipment
Weighing and Wrapping Equipment
Barber and Beauty Shop Equipment
11 22 00
11 23 00
Refrigerated Display Equipment
Commercial Laundry and Dry Cleaning Equipment
11 24 00
Maintenance Equipment
11 25 00
Hospitality Equipment
11 26 00
Unit Kitchens
11 27 00
Photographic Processing Equipment
11 28 00
Office Equipment
11 29 00
Postal, Packaging, and Shipping Equipment
11 23 13
11 23 16
11 23 19
11 23 23
11 23 26
11 23 33
11 23 43
11 24 13
11 24 16
11 24 19
11 24 23
11 25 13
11 26 13
11 26 16
11 26 19
11 27 13
11 27 16
11 28 13
11 28 16
11 28 19
11 28 23
11 29 23
11 29 33
11 29 55
11 30 00
Dry Cleaning Equipment
Drying and Conditioning Equipment
Finishing Equipment
Commercial Ironing Equipment
Commercial Washers and Extractors
Coin-Operated Laundry Equipment
Hanging Garment Conveyors
Floor and Wall Cleaning Equipment
Housekeeping Carts
Vacuum Cleaning Systems
Window Washing Systems
Registration Equipment
Metal Unit Kitchens
Wood Unit Kitchens
Plastic -Laminate-Clad Unit Kitchens
Darkroom Processing Equipment
Film Transfer Cabinets
Self-Contained Facsimile Machines
Packaging Equipment
Shipping Equipment
Postal Equipment
11 31 00
Residential Appliances
11 33 00
Retractable Stairs
11 31 13
11 31 23
11 40 00
Residential Kitchen Appliances
Residential Laundry Appliances
11 41 00
Food Storage Equipment
11 42 00
11 43 00
Food Preparation Equipment
Food Delivery Carts and Conveyors
11 41 13
11 41 23
11 41 26
Refrigerated Food Storage Cases
Walk-In Coolers
Walk-In Freezers
11 - 3
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 11 – Equipment
November 2004
11 43 13
11 43 16
Food Delivery Carts
Food Delivery Conveyors
11 44 00
Food Cooking Equipment
11 46 00
Food Dispensing Equipment
11 47 00
11 48 00
Ice Machines
Cleaning and Disposal Equipment
11 44 13
11 44 16
11 46 13
11 46 16
11 46 19
11 48 13
11 50 00
Commercial Ranges
Commercial Ovens
Bar Equipment
Service Line Equipment
Soda Fountain Equipment
Commercial Dishwashers
11 51 00
11 51 13
11 51 16
11 51 19
11 51 23
Library Equipment
Automated Book Storage and Retrieval Systems
Book Depositories
Book Theft Protection Equipment
Library Stack Systems
11 51 23.13
11 52 00
11 52 13
Metal Library Shelving
Audio-Visual Equipment
Projection Screens
11 52 13.13
11 52 13.16
11 52 13.19
Fixed Projection Screens
Portable Projection Screens
Rear Projection Screens
11 52 16.13
11 52 16.16
11 52 16.19
11 52 16.23
11 52 16.26
Movie Projectors
Slide Projectors
Overhead Projectors
Opaque Projectors
Video Projectors
11 52 16
11 52 19
11 53 00
11 53 13
Players and Recorders
Laboratory Equipment
Laboratory Fume Hoods
11 53 13.13
11 53 16
11 53 19
11 53 23
11 53 33
11 53 43
11 53 53
Recirculating Laboratory Fume Hoods
Laboratory Incubators
Laboratory Sterilizers
Laboratory Refrigerators
Emergency Safety Appliances
Service Fittings and Accessories
Biological Safety Cabinets
11 55 00
Planetarium Equipment
11 56 00
Observatory Equipment
11 57 00
11 59 00
Vocational Shop Equipment
Exhibit Equipment
11 55 13
11 55 16
11 56 13
11 56 16
11 56 19
11 56 23
Planetarium Projectors
Planetarium Pendulums
Telescope Mounts
Telescope Drive Mechanisms
Telescope Domes
11 - 4
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 11 – Equipment
November 2004
11 60 00
11 61 00
Theater and Stage Equipment
11 62 00
Musical Equipment
11 61 13
11 61 23
11 61 33
11 61 43
11 62 13
11 62 16
11 62 19
11 65 00
11 66 00
11 66 13
11 66 23
Athletic Equipment
Exercise Equipment
Gymnasium Equipment
11 66 23.13
11 66 23.23
11 66 23.33
11 66 23.43
11 66 23.53
11 66 23.56
Basketball Equipment
Volleyball Equipment
Interior Tennis Equipment
Interior Track and Field Equipment
Wall Padding
Mat Storage
11 66 53.13
Batting/Golf Cages
11 66 43
11 66 53
11 67 00
11 67 13
11 67 23
11 67 33
11 67 43
Interior Scoreboards
Gymnasium Dividers
Recreational Equipment
Bowling Alley Equipment
Shooting Range Equipment
Climbing Walls
Table Games Equipment
11 67 43.13
11 67 43.23
Pool Tables
Ping-Pong Tables
11 67 53.13
11 67 53.23
Video Games
Pinball Machines
11 67 53
11 68 00
11 68 13
11 68 16
11 68 23
Game Room Equipment
Play Field Equipment and Structures
Playground Equipment
Play Structures
Exterior Court Athletic Equipment
11 68 23.13
11 68 23.23
11 68 23.33
Exterior Basketball Equipment
Exterior Volleyball Equipment
Tennis Equipment
11 68 33.13
11 68 33.23
11 68 33.33
11 68 33.43
Football Field Equipment
Soccer and Field Hockey Equipment
Baseball Field Equipment
Track and Field Equipment
11 68 33
11 68 43
11 70 00
Acoustical Shells
Folding and Portable Stages
Rigging Systems and Controls
Stage Curtains
Athletic Field Equipment
Exterior Scoreboards
11 71 00
11 72 00
11 72 13
Medical Sterilizing Equipment
Examination and Treatment Equipment
Examination Equipment
11 - 5
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 11 – Equipment
November 2004
11 72 53
Treatment Equipment
11 73 00
11 74 00
11 75 00
11 76 00
11 77 00
11 78 00
Patient Care Equipment
Dental Equipment
Optical Equipment
Operating Room Equipment
Radiology Equipment
Mortuary Equipment
11 79 00
Therapy Equipment
11 78 13
11 78 16
11 78 19
11 80 00
11 82 00
11 82 13
11 82 19
11 82 23
11 82 26
11 82 29
11 90 00
Mortuary Refrigerators
Crematorium Equipment
Mortuary Lifts
Solid Waste Handling Equipment
Solid Waste Bins
Packaged Incinerators
Recycling Equipment
Waste Compactors and Destructors
Composting Equipment
11 91 00
Religious Equipment
11 92 00
Agricultural Equipment
11 93 00
Horticultural Equipment
11 91 13
11 92 13
11 92 16
11 92 19
11 92 23
11 93 13
11 93 16
11 93 19
11 93 23
11 93 26
11 93 29
11 93 33
Stock Feeders
Stock Waterers
Agricultural Waste Clean-Up Equipment
Hydroponic Growing Systems
Potting Machines
Flat Fillers
Soil Mixers
11 - 6
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 12 – Furnishings
November 2004
12 01 00
Operation and Maintenance of Furnishings
12 05 00
Common Work Results for Furnishings
12 06 00
Schedules for Furnishings
12 01 10
12 01 20
12 01 30
12 01 40
12 01 50
12 01 60
12 01 90
12 05 13
12 06 10
12 06 20
Schedules for Art
Schedules for Window Treatments
12 06 20.13
Window Treatment Schedule
12 06 30.13
Manufactured Casework Schedule
12 06 40.13
Furnishings Schedule
12 06 30
12 06 40
12 06 50
12 06 60
12 06 90
12 08 00
12 10 00
Operation and Maintenance of Art
Operation and Maintenance of Window Treatments
Operation and Maintenance of Casework
Operation and Maintenance of Furnishings and Accessories
Operation and Maintenance of Furniture
Operation and Maintenance of Multiple Seating
Operation and Maintenance of Other Furnishings
Schedules for Casework
Schedules for Furnishings and Accessories
Schedules for Furniture
Schedules for Multiple Seating
Schedules for Other Furnishings
Commissioning of Furnishings
12 11 00
12 12 00
Wall Decorations
12 14 00
12 17 00
Art Glass
12 19 00
Religious Art
12 11 13
12 11 16
12 11 23
12 11 26
12 11 33
12 12 13
12 12 16
12 12 19
12 12 23
12 12 26
12 14 13
12 14 16
12 14 19
12 14 23
12 17 13
12 17 16
Photo Murals
Sculptured Brick Panels
Brick Murals
Ceramic Tile Murals
Trompe l'oeil
Commissioned Paintings
Framed Paintings
Framed Prints
Wall Hangings
Carved Sculpture
Cast Sculpture
Constructed Sculpture
Relief Art
Etched Glass
Stained Glass
12 - 1
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 12 – Furnishings
November 2004
12 20 00
12 21 00
12 21 13
Window Blinds
Horizontal Louver Blinds
12 21 13.13
12 21 13.23
12 21 13.33
Metal Horizontal Louver Blinds
Wood Horizontal Louver Blinds
Plastic Horizontal Louver Blinds
12 21 16.13
12 21 16.23
12 21 16.33
Metal Vertical Louver Blinds
Wood Vertical Louver Blinds
Plastic Vertical Louver Blinds
12 21 16
12 21 23
12 21 26
Vertical Louver Blinds
Roll-Down Blinds
Black-Out Blinds
12 22 00
Curtains and Drapes
12 23 00
12 24 00
Interior Shutters
Window Shades
12 25 00
Window Treatment Operating Hardware
12 22 13
12 22 16
12 24 13
12 24 16
12 25 13
12 30 00
Drapery Track and Accessories
Roller Window Shades
Pleated Window Shades
Motorized Drapery Rods
12 31 00
Manufactured Metal Casework
12 32 00
Manufactured Wood Casework
12 34 00
Manufactured Plastic Casework
12 35 00
Specialty Casework
12 31 16
12 32 13
12 32 16
12 34 16
12 35 17
12 35 25
12 35 30
Manufactured Metal Sandwich Panel Casework
Manufactured Wood-Veneer-Faced Casework
Manufactured Plastic -Laminate-Clad Casework
Manufactured Solid-Plastic Casework
Bank Casework
Hospitality Casework
Residential Casework
12 35 30.13
12 35 30.23
12 35 30.43
Kitchen Casework
Bathroom Casework
Dormitory Casework
12 35 50.13
12 35 50.53
12 35 50.56
Educational Casework
Library Casework
Built- In Study Carrels
12 35 53.13
12 35 53.16
12 35 53.19
12 35 53.23
Metal Laboratory Casework
Plastic-Laminate-Clad Laboratory Casework
Wood Laboratory Casework
Solid-Plastic Laboratory Casework
12 35 33
12 35 50
12 35 53
12 35 59
12 35 70
Utility Room Casework
Educational/Library Casework
Laboratory Casework
Display Casework
Healthcare Casework
12 - 2
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 12 – Furnishings
November 2004
12 35 70.13
12 35 70.16
12 35 70.19
12 35 70.74
12 35 91
12 36 00
12 36 13
12 36 16
12 36 19
12 36 23
Religious Casework
Concrete Countertops
Metal Countertops
Wood Countertops
Plastic Countertops
12 36 23.13
Plastic-Laminate-Clad Countertops
12 36 61.13
12 36 61.16
12 36 61.19
Cultured Marble Countertops
Solid Surfacing Countertops
Quartz Surfacing Countertops
12 36 40
12 36 53
12 36 61
12 40 00
Hospital Casework
Nurse Station Casework
Exam Room Casework
Dental Casework
Stone Countertops
Laboratory Countertops
Simulated Stone Countertops
12 41 00
Office Accessories
12 42 00
Table Accessories
12 41 13
12 42 13
12 42 16
Desk Accessories
12 42 16.13
12 42 26.13
12 42 19
12 42 23
12 42 26
12 43 00
12 43 13
Table Linens
Portable Lamps
12 43 13.13
12 43 13.16
12 43 13.19
12 44 00
12 44 13
Bath Furnishings
Bath Linens
12 44 13.13
12 44 13.16
12 44 16
12 45 00
12 45 13
12 46 00
12 46 13
12 46 16
12 46 19
12 46 23
12 46 26
12 46 29
12 46 33
Bath Mats
Bath Towels
Shower Curtains
Bedroom Furnishings
Bed Linens
12 45 13.13
12 45 13.16
12 45 16
Desk Lamps
Table Lamps
Floor Lamps
Furnishing Accessories
Ash Receptacles
Decorative Crafts
Decorative Screens
Waste Receptacles
12 - 3
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 12 – Furnishings
November 2004
12 48 00
12 48 13
Entrance Floor Mats and Frames
12 48 13.13
12 48 13.16
Entrance Floor Mats
Entrance Floor Mat Frames
12 48 43.13
Chair Mats
12 48 53.13
12 48 53.16
Oriental Rugs
12 48 16
12 48 19
12 48 23
12 48 26
12 48 43
12 48 53
12 50 00
Rugs and Mats
Entrance Floor Grilles
Entrance Floor Gratings
Entrance Floor Grids
Entrance Tile
Floor Mats
12 51 00
12 51 16
Office Furniture
Case Goods
12 51 16.13
12 51 16.16
12 51 16.19
Metal Case Goods
Wood Case Goods
Plastic-Laminate-Clad Case Goods
12 51 19.13
12 51 19.16
Lateral Filing Cabinets
Vertical Filing Cabinets
12 51 19
12 51 83
Filing Cabinets
Custom Office Furniture
12 52 00
12 53 00
Retail Furniture
12 54 00
Hospitality Furniture
12 55 00
Detention Furniture
12 56 00
Institutional Furniture
12 52 13
12 52 19
12 52 23
12 52 70
12 52 83
12 53 83
12 54 13
12 54 16
12 54 83
12 55 13
12 55 16
12 55 19
12 55 23
12 55 26
12 55 83
12 56 33
12 56 39
12 56 43
12 56 51
Upholstered Seating
Office Seating
Healthcare Seating
Custom Seating
Custom Retail Furniture
Hotel and Motel Furniture
Restaurant Furniture
Custom Hospitality Furniture
Detention Bunks
Detention Desks
Detention Stools
Detention Tables
Detention Safety Clothes Hooks
Custom Detention Furniture
Classroom Furniture
Dormitory Furniture
Library Furniture
12 56 51.13
12 56 51.16
12 56 51.19
12 56 52
Book Shelves
Study Carrels
Index Card File Cabinets
Audio-Visual Furniture
12 - 4
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 12 – Furnishings
November 2004
12 56 53
12 56 70
12 56 83
Laboratory Furniture
Healthcare Furniture
Custom Institutional Furniture
12 57 00
Industrial Furniture
12 58 00
Residential Furniture
12 57 13
12 57 16
12 57 83
12 58 13
Couches and Loveseats
12 58 13.13
12 58 16.13
Reclining Chairs
12 58 29.13
12 58 33.13
12 58 16
12 58 19
12 58 23
12 58 26
12 58 29
12 58 33
12 58 36
12 58 83
12 59 00
12 59 13
12 59 16
12 59 19
12 59 23
12 59 83
12 60 00
Welding Benches
Welding Screens
Custom Industrial Furniture
Residential Chairs
Dining Tables and Chairs
Coffee Tables
Entertainment Centers
Custom Residential Furniture
Systems Furniture
Panel-Hung Component System Furniture
Free-Standing Component System Furniture
Beam System Furniture
Desk System Furniture
Custom Systems Furniture
12 61 00
Fixed Audience Seating
12 62 00
Portable Audience Seating
12 63 00
Stadium and Arena Seating
12 64 00
12 65 00
12 66 00
Booths and Tables
Multiple-Use Fixed Seating
Telescoping Stands
12 67 00
Pews and Benches
12 68 00
Seat and Table Assemblies
12 61 13
12 61 16
12 62 13
12 62 16
12 62 19
12 63 13
12 63 23
12 66 13
12 66 23
12 67 13
12 67 23
12 68 13
12 70 00
Upholstered Audience Seating
Molded-Plastic Audience Seating
Folding Chairs
Interlocking Chairs
Stacking Chairs
Stadium and Arena Bench Seating
Stadium and Arena Seats
Telescoping Bleachers
Telescoping Chair Platforms
Pedestal Tablet Arm Chairs
12 - 5
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 12 – Furnishings
November 2004
12 80 00
12 90 00
12 92 00
Interior Planters and Artificial Plants
12 93 00
Site Furnishings
12 92 13
12 92 33
12 92 43
12 93 13
12 93 23
12 93 33
12 93 43
Interior Artificial Plants
Interior Planters
Interior Landscaping Accessories
Bicycle Racks
Trash and Litter Receptors
Manufactured Planters
Site Seating and Tables
12 93 43.13
12 93 43.53
Site Seating
Site Tables
12 - 6
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 13 – Special Construction
November 2004
13 01 00
Operation and Maintenance of Special Construction
13 05 00
13 06 00
Common Work Results for Special Construction
Schedules for Special Construction
13 08 00
Commissioning of Special Construction
13 01 10
13 01 11
13 01 12
13 01 13
13 01 14
13 01 18
13 01 20
13 01 21
13 01 23
13 01 30
13 01 40
13 01 49
13 01 50
13 01 51
13 01 52
13 01 53
13 06 10
13 06 20
13 06 30
13 06 40
13 06 50
13 08 10
13 08 11
13 08 12
13 08 13
13 08 14
13 08 18
13 08 20
13 08 21
13 08 23
13 08 30
13 08 40
13 08 50
13 10 00
Operation and Maintenance of Special Facility Components
Operation and Maintenance of Swimming Pools
Operation and Maintenance of Fountains
Operation and Maintenance of Aquariums
Operation and Maintenance of Amusement Park Structures and Equipment
Operation and Maintenance of Ice Rinks
Operation and Maintenance of Special Purpose Rooms
Operation and Maintenance of Controlled Environment Rooms
Operation and Maintenance of Planetariums
Operation and Maintenance of Special Structures
Operation and Maintenance of Integrated Construction
Operation and Maintenance of Radiation Protection
Operation and Maintenance of Special Instrumentation
Operation and Maintenance of Stress Instrumentation
Operation and Maintenance of Seismic Instrumentation
Operation and Maintenance of Meteorological Instrumentation
Schedules for Special Facility Components
Schedules for Special Purpose Rooms
Schedules for Special Structures
Schedules for Integrated Construction
Schedules for Special Instrumentation
Commissioning of Special Facility Components
Commissioning of Swimming Pools
Commissioning of Fountains
Commissioning of Aquariums
Commissioning of Amusement Park Structures and Equipment
Commissioning of Ice Rinks
Commissioning of Special Purpose Rooms
Commissioning of Controlled Environment Rooms
Commissioning of Planetariums
Commissioning of Special Structures
Commissioning of Integrated Construction
Commissioning of Special Instrumentation
13 11 00
13 11 13
13 11 23
13 11 33
13 11 43
13 11 46
Swimming Pools
Below-Grade Swimming Pools
On-Grade Swimming Pools
Elevated Swimming Pools
Recirculating Gutter Systems
Swimming Pool Accessories
13 - 1
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 13 – Special Construction
November 2004
13 11 49
13 11 53
13 11 56
Swimming Pool Cleaning Equipment
Movable Pool Bulkheads
Movable Pool Floors
13 12 00
13 13 00
13 14 00
Amusement Park Structures and Equipment
13 17 00
Tubs and Pools
13 18 00
Ice Rinks
13 19 00
Kennels and Animal Shelters
13 12 13
13 12 23
13 14 13
13 14 16
13 14 23
13 17 13
13 17 23
13 17 33
13 18 13
13 18 16
13 19 13
13 19 16
13 20 00
Exterior Fountains
Interior Fountains
Water Slides
Wave Generating Equipment
Amusement Park Rides
Hot Tubs
Therapeutic Pools
Whirlpool Tubs
Ice Rink Floor Systems
Ice Rink Dasher Boards
Kennel Enclosures and Gates
Kennel Feeding Devices
13 21 00
Controlled Environment Rooms
13 22 00
13 23 00
13 24 00
Office Shelters and Booths
Special Activity Rooms
13 26 00
13 27 00
Fabricated Rooms
13 21 13
13 21 16
13 21 23
13 21 26
13 21 29
13 21 48
13 24 16
13 24 26
13 24 66
13 27 16
13 27 53
Clean Rooms
Hyperbaric Rooms
Insulated Rooms
Cold Storage Rooms
Constant Temperature Rooms
Sound-Conditioned Rooms
Steam Baths
Athletic Rooms
Modular Fire Vaults
Security Vaults
13 27 53.13
13 27 53.16
13 28 00
13 28 13
13 28 16
13 28 19
13 28 26
13 28 33
13 28 66
Modular Concrete Security Vaults
Modular Metal-Clad Laminated Security Vaults
Athletic and Recreational Special Construction
Indoor Soccer Boards
Safety Netting
Arena Football Boards
Floor Sockets
Athletic and Recreational Court Walls
Demountable Athletic Surfaces
13 - 2
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 13 – Special Construction
November 2004
13 30 00
13 31 00
13 31 13
Fabric Structures
Air-Supported Fabric Structures
13 31 13.13
13 31 13.16
13 31 23
13 31 33
Single- Walled Air-Supported Structures
Multiple- Walled Air-Supported Structures
Tensioned Fabric Structures
Framed Fabric Structures
13 32 00
Space Frames
13 33 00
Geodesic Structures
13 34 00
Fabricated Engineered Structures
13 32 13
13 32 23
13 33 13
13 34 13
Metal Space Frames
Wood Space Frames
Geodesic Domes
Glazed Structures
13 34 13.13
13 34 13.16
13 34 13.19
13 34 13.23
13 34 13.26
Swimming Pool Enclosures
13 34 16.13
13 34 16.53
13 34 23.13
13 34 23.16
13 34 23.19
13 34 23.23
Portable and Mobile Buildings
Fabricated Control Booths
Fabricated Dome Structures
Fabricated Substation Control Rooms
13 34 16
13 34 19
13 34 23
13 34 56
13 36 00
13 36 13
Grandstands and Bleachers
Metal Building Systems
Fabricated Structures
Metal Towers
13 36 13.13
13 36 23
13 40 00
Steel Towers
Wood Towers
13 42 00
13 42 25
13 42 33
13 42 43
13 42 63
Building Modules
Hospitality Unit Modules
Apartment Unit Modules
Dormitory Unit Modules
Detention Cell Modules
13 42 63.13
13 42 63.16
Precast- Concrete Detention Cell Modules
Steel Detention Cell Modules
13 44 00
13 48 00
Modular Mezzanines
Sound, Vibration, and Seismic Control
13 49 00
Radiation Protection
13 48 13
13 48 23
13 48 53
13 48 63
13 49 13
13 49 16
13 49 19
Manufactured Sound and Vibration Control Components
Fabricated Sound and Vibration Control Assemblies
Manufactured Seismic Control Components
Fabricated Seismic Control Assemblies
Lead Sheet
Lead Bricks
Lead-Lined Materials
13 - 3
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 13 – Special Construction
November 2004
13 49 19.13
13 49 23
13 50 00
Lead-Lined Lath
Modular Shielding Partitions
13 51 00
13 52 00
13 53 00
13 53 13
13 53 23
Stress Instrumentation
Seismic Instrumentation
Meteorological Instrumentation
Solar Instrumentation
Wind Instrumentation
13 60 00
13 70 00
13 80 00
13 90 00
13 - 4
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 14 – Conveying Equipment
November 2004
14 01 00
14 01 10
Dumbwaiter Rehabilitation
14 01 20.71
Elevator Rehabilitation
14 01 30.71
Escalators and Mov ing Walks Rehabilitation
14 01 40.71
Lifts Rehabilitation
14 01 30
14 01 40
14 01 70
14 01 80
14 01 90
14 05 00
14 06 00
14 06 10
14 06 20
Operation and Maintenance of Elevators
Operation and Maintenance of Escalators and Moving Walks
Operation and Maintenance of Lifts
Operation and Maintenance of Turntables
Operation and Maintenance of Scaffolding
Operation and Maintenance of Other Conveying Equipment
Common Work Results for Conveying Equipment
Schedules for Conveying Equipment
Schedules for Dumbwaiters
Schedules for Elevators
14 06 20.13
Elevator Equipment Schedule
14 06 40.13
Lift Schedule
14 06 30
14 06 40
14 06 70
14 06 80
14 06 90
14 08 00
14 08 10
14 08 20
14 08 30
14 08 40
14 08 70
14 08 80
Schedules for Escalators and Moving Walks
Schedules for Lifts
Schedules for Turntables
Schedules for Scaffolding
Schedules for Other Conveying Equipment
Commissioning of Conveying Equipment
Commissioning of Dumbwaiters
Commissioning of Elevators
Commissioning of Escalators and Moving Walks
Commissioning of Lifts
Commissioning of Turntables
Commissioning of Scaffolding
14 11 00
14 12 00
14 14 00
14 20 00
Operation and Maintenance of Dumbwaiters
14 01 10.71
14 01 20
14 10 00
Operation and Maintenance of Conveying Equipment
Manual Dumbwaiters
Electric Dumbwaiters
Hydraulic Dumbwaiters
14 21 00
Electric Traction Elevators
14 24 00
Hydraulic Elevators
14 21 13
14 21 23
14 21 33
14 21 43
14 24 13
14 24 23
Electric Traction Freight Elevators
Electric Traction Passenger Elevators
Electric Traction Residential Elevators
Electric Traction Service Elevators
Hydraulic Freight Elevators
Hydraulic Passenger Elevators
14 - 1
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 14 – Conveying Equipment
November 2004
14 24 33
14 24 43
Hydraulic Residential Elevators
Hydraulic Service Elevators
14 26 00
14 27 00
Limited-Use/Limited-Application Elevators
Custom Elevator Cabs
14 28 00
Elevator Equipment and Controls
14 27 13
14 28 13
14 28 16
14 28 19
Custom Elevator Cab Finishes
Elevator Doors
Elevator Controls
Elevator Equipment
14 28 19.13
14 28 19.16
14 30 00
14 31 00
14 32 00
14 33 00
14 33 13
14 33 16
14 40 00
Elevator Safety Equipment
Elevator Hoistway Equipment
Moving Walks
Moving Ramps
Motorized Ramps
Powered Ramps
14 41 00
People Lifts
14 42 00
Wheelchair Lifts
14 43 00
Platform Lifts
14 44 00
14 45 00
Sidewalk Lifts
Vehicle Lifts
14 41 13
14 41 16
14 42 13
14 42 16
14 43 13
14 43 16
Counterbalanced People Lifts
Endless-Belt People Lifts
Inclined Wheelchair Lifts
Vertical Wheelchair Lifts
Orchestra Lifts
Stage Lifts
14 50 00
14 60 00
14 70 00
14 71 00
Industrial Turntables
14 72 00
Hospitality Turntables
14 73 00
Exhibit Turntables
14 74 00
Entertainment Turntables
14 71 11
14 72 25
14 73 59
14 74 61
14 80 00
Vehicle Turntables
Restaurant Turntables
Display Turntables
Stage Turntables
14 81 00
Suspended Scaffolding
14 82 00
Rope Climbers
14 81 13
14 81 16
14 81 19
Beam Scaffolding
Carriage Scaffolding
Hook Scaffolding
14 - 2
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 14 – Conveying Equipment
November 2004
14 82 13
14 82 16
14 83 00
14 83 13
Manual Rope Climbers
Powered Rope Climbers
Elevating Platforms
Telescoping Platform Lifts
14 83 13.13
14 83 13.16
14 83 16
14 83 19
14 84 00
14 84 13
14 84 23
14 90 00
Electric and Battery Telescoping Platform Lifts
Pneumatic Telescoping Platform Lifts
Scissor Lift Platforms
Multi-Axis Platform Lifts
Powered Scaffolding
Window Washing Scaffolding
Window Washing Hoists
14 91 00
Facility Chutes
14 92 00
Pneumatic Tube Systems
14 91 13
14 91 23
14 91 33
14 91 82
Coal Chutes
Escape Chutes
Laundry and Linen Chutes
Trash Chutes
14 - 3
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 21 – Fire Suppression
November 2004
21 01 00
Operation and Maintenance of Fire Suppression
21 05 00
Common Work Results for Fire Suppression
21 06 00
Schedules for Fire Suppression
21 07 00
Fire Suppression Systems Insulation
21 08 00
21 09 00
Commissioning of Fire Suppression
Instrumentation and Control for Fire-Suppression Systems
21 01 10
21 01 20
21 01 30
21 05 13
21 05 16
21 05 19
21 05 23
21 05 29
21 05 33
21 05 48
21 05 53
21 06 10
21 06 20
21 06 30
21 07 16
21 07 19
21 10 00
Operation and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire-Suppression Systems
Operation and Maintenance of Fire-Extinguishing Systems
Operation and Maintenance of Fire-Suppression Equipment
Common Motor Requirements for Fire-Suppression Equipment
Expansion Fittings and Loops for Fire-Suppression Piping
Meters and Gages for Fire-Suppression Systems
General-Duty Valves for Water-Based Fire-Suppression Piping
Hangers and Supports for Fire-Suppression Piping and Equipment
Heat Tracing for Fire-Suppression Piping
Vibration and Seismic Controls for Fire-Suppression Piping and Equipment
Identification for Fire-Suppression Piping and Equipment
Schedules for Water-Based Fire-Suppression Systems
Schedules for Fire-Extinguishing Systems
Schedules for Fire-Suppression Equipment
Fire-Suppression Equipment Insulation
Fire-Suppression Piping Insulation
21 11 00
Facility Fire-Suppression Water-Service Piping
21 12 00
Fire-Suppression Standpipes
21 13 00
Fire-Suppression Sprinkler Systems
21 11 16
21 11 19
21 12 13
21 12 16
21 12 19
21 12 23
21 12 26
21 13 13
21 13 16
21 13 19
21 13 23
21 13 26
21 13 29
21 13 36
21 13 39
21 20 00
Facility Fire Hydrants
Fire-Department Connections
Fire-Suppression Hoses and Nozzles
Fire-Suppression Hose Reels
Fire-Suppression Hose Racks
Fire-Suppression Hose Valves
Fire-Suppression Valve and Hose Cabinets
Wet-Pipe Sprinkler Systems
Dry-Pipe Sprinkler Systems
Preaction Sprinkler Systems
Combined Dry-Pipe and Preaction Sprinkler Systems
Deluge Fire-Suppression Sprinkler Systems
Water Spray Fixed Systems
Antifreeze Sprinkler Systems
Foam -Water Systems
21 21 00
Carbon-Dioxide Fire-Extinguishing Systems
21 - 1
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 21 – Fire Suppression
November 2004
21 21 13
21 21 16
Carbon-Dioxide Fire-Extinguishing Piping
Carbon-Dioxide Fire-Extinguishing Equipment
21 22 00
Clean-Agent Fire-Extinguishing Systems
21 23 00
Wet-Chemical Fire-Extinguishing Systems
21 24 00
Dry-Chemical Fire-Extinguishing Systems
21 22 13
21 22 16
21 23 13
21 23 16
21 24 13
21 24 16
21 30 00
Clean-Agent Fire-Extinguishing Piping
Clean-Agent Fire-Extinguishing Equipment
Wet-Chemical Fire-Extinguishing Piping
Wet-Chemical Fire-Extinguishing Equipment
Dry-Chemical Fire-Extinguishing Piping
Dry-Chemical Fire-Extinguishing Equipment
21 31 00
Centrifugal Fire Pumps
21 32 00
Vertical-Turbine Fire Pumps
21 33 00
Positive-Displacement Fire Pumps
21 31 13
21 31 16
21 32 13
21 32 16
21 33 13
21 33 16
21 40 00
Electric-Drive, Centrifugal Fire Pumps
Diesel-Drive, Centrifugal Fire Pumps
Electric -Drive, Vertical-Turbine Fire Pumps
Diesel-Drive, Vertical-Turbine Fire Pumps
Electric -Drive, Positive-Displacement Fire Pumps
Diesel-Drive, Positive-Displacement Fire Pumps
21 41 00
21 41 13
21 41 16
21 41 19
21 41 23
21 41 26
21 41 29
Storage Tanks for Fire-Suppression Water
Pressurized Storage Tanks for Fire-Suppression Water
Elevated Storage Tanks for Fire-Suppression Water
Roof-Mounted Storage Tanks for Fire-Suppression Water
Ground Suction Storage Tanks for Fire-Suppression Water
Underground Storage Tanks for Fire-Suppression Water
Storage Tanks for Fire-Suppression Water Additives
21 50 00
21 60 00
21 70 00
21 80 00
21 90 00
21 - 2
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 22 – Plumbing
November 2004
22 00 00 PLUMBING
22 01 00
Operation and Maintenance of Plumbing
22 05 00
Common Work Results for Plumbing
22 06 00
Schedules for Plumbing
22 01 10
22 01 30
22 01 40
22 01 50
22 01 60
22 05 13
22 05 16
22 05 19
22 05 23
22 05 29
22 05 33
22 05 48
22 05 53
22 05 73
22 05 76
22 06 10
Operation and Maintenance of Plumbing Piping and Pumps
Operation and Maintenance of Plumbing Equipment
Operation and Maintenance of Plumbing Fixtures
Operation and Maintenance of Pool and Fountain Plumbing Systems
Operation and Maintenance of Laboratory and Healthcare Systems
Common Motor Requirements for Plumbing Equipment
Expansion Fittings and Loops for Plumbing Piping
Meters and Gages for Plumbing Piping
General-Duty Valves for Plumbing Piping
Hangers and Supports for Plumbing Piping and Equipment
Heat Tracing for Plumbing Piping
Vibration and Seismic Controls for Plumbing Piping and Equipment
Identification for Plumbing Piping and Equipment
Facility Drainage Manholes
Facility Drainage Piping Cleanouts
Schedules for Plumbing Piping and Pumps
22 06 10.13
Plumbing Pump Schedule
22 06 30.13
Domestic Water Heater Schedule
22 06 40.13
Plumbing Fixture Schedule
22 06 12
22 06 15
22 06 30
22 06 40
22 06 50
22 06 60
Schedules for Facility Potable Water Storage
Schedules for General Service Compressed-Air Equipment
Schedules for Plumbing Equipment
Schedules for Plumbing Fixtures
Schedules for Pool and Fountain Plumbing Systems
Schedules for Laboratory and Healthcare Systems
22 07 00
Plumbing Insulation
22 08 00
22 09 00
Commissioning of Plumbing
Instrumentation and Control for Plumbing
22 07 16
22 07 19
22 10 00
Plumbing Equipment Insulation
Plumbing Piping Insulation
22 11 00
22 11 13
22 11 16
22 11 19
22 11 23
Facility Water Distribution
Facility Water Distribution Piping
Domestic Water Piping
Domestic Water Piping Specialties
Domestic Water Pumps
22 - 1
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 22 – Plumbing
November 2004
22 11 23.13
22 11 23.23
22 11 23.26
22 11 23.29
22 11 23.33
22 11 23.36
22 12 00
22 12 13
22 12 16
22 12 19
22 12 23
Facility Potable-Water Storage Tanks
Facility Roof-Mounted, Potable-Water Storage Tanks
Facility Elevated, Potable-Water Storage Tanks
Facility Ground-Mounted, Potable-Water Storage Tanks
Facility Indoor Potable-Water Storage Tanks
22 12 23.13
22 12 23.16
22 12 23.23
22 12 23.26
22 13 00
22 13 13
22 13 16
22 13 19
Domestic- Water Packaged Booster Pumps
Close-Coupled, In-Line, Sealless Centrifugal Domestic- Water Pumps
Close-Coupled, Horizontally Mounted, In-Line Centrifugal Domestic- Water Pumps
Close-Coupled, Vertically Mounted, In-Line Centrifugal Domestic-Water Pumps
Separately Coupled, In-Line Centrifugal Domestic- Water Pumps
Separately Coupled, Horizontally Mounted, In-Line Centrifugal Domestic- Water Pumps
Facility Steel, Indoor Potable- Water Storage Pressure Tanks
Facility Steel, Indoor Potable- Water Storage Non-Pressure Tanks
Facility Plastic, Indoor Potable- Water Storage Pressure Tanks
Facility Plastic, Indoor Potable- Water Storage Non-Pressure Tanks
Facility Sanitary Sewerage
Facility Sanitary Sewers
Sanitary Waste and Vent Piping
Sanitary Waste Piping Specialties
22 13 19.13
22 13 19.23
22 13 19.26
22 13 19.33
22 13 19.36
Sanitary Drains
Fats, Oils, and Grease Disposal Systems
Grease Removal Devices
Backwater Valves
Air-Admittance Valves
22 13 29.13
22 13 29.16
22 13 29.23
22 13 29.33
Wet-Pit-Mounted, Vertical Sewerage Pumps
Submersible Sewerage Pumps
Sewerage Pump Reverse-Flow Assemblies
Sewerage Pump Basins and Pits
22 13 43.13
22 13 43.16
Facility Dry-Well Packaged Sewage Pumping Stations
Facility Wet- Well Packaged Sewage Pumping Stations
22 13 23
22 13 26
22 13 29
22 13 33
22 13 36
22 13 43
22 13 53
22 14 00
22 14 13
22 14 16
22 14 19
22 14 23
22 14 26
Sanitary Waste Interceptors
Sanitary Waste Separators
Sanitary Sewerage Pumps
Packaged, Submersible Sewerage Pump Units
Packaged, Wastewater Pump Units
Facility Packaged Sewage Pumping Stations
Facility Septic Tanks
Facility Storm Drainage
Facility Storm Drainage Piping
Rainwater Leaders
Sump Pump Discharge Piping
Storm Drainage Piping Specialties
Facility Storm Drains
22 14 26.13
22 14 26.16
22 14 26.19
Roof Drains
Facility Area Drains
Facility Trench Drains
22 14 29.13
22 14 29.16
22 14 29.19
Wet-Pit-Mounted, Vertical Sump Pumps
Submersible Sump Pumps
Sump-Pump Basins and Pits
22 14 29
22 14 33
22 14 36
22 15 00
Sump Pumps
Packaged, Pedestal Drainage Pump Units
Packaged, Submersible, Drainage Pump Units
General Service Compressed-Air Systems
22 - 2
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 22 – Plumbing
November 2004
22 15 13
22 15 16
22 15 19
General Service Compressed-Air Piping
General Service Compressed-Air Valves
General Service Packaged Air Compressors and Receivers
22 15 19.13
22 15 19.16
22 15 19.19
22 15 19.23
22 20 00
22 30 00
General Service Packaged Reciprocating Air Compressors
General Service Packaged Liquid-Ring Air Compressors
General Service Packaged Rotary-Screw Air Compressors
General Service Packaged Sliding-Vane Air Compressors
22 31 00
Domestic Water Softeners
22 32 00
Domestic Water Filtration Equipment
22 31 13
22 31 16
22 32 13
22 32 16
22 32 19
22 32 23
22 32 26
Residential Domestic Water Softeners
Commercial Domestic Water Softeners
Domestic -Water Bag-Type Filters
Domestic -Water Freestanding Cartridge Filters
Domestic-Water Off-Floor Cartridge Filters
Domestic -Water Carbon Filters
Domestic -Water Sand Filters
22 32 26.13
22 32 26.16
22 32 26.19
22 33 00
22 33 13
Domestic- Water Circulating Sand Filters
Domestic- Water Multimedia Sand Filters
Domestic- Water Greensand Filte rs
Electric Domestic Water Heaters
Instantaneous Electric Domestic Water Heaters
22 33 13.13
22 33 13.16
Flow-Control, Instantaneous Electric Domestic Water Heaters
Thermostat- Control, Instantaneous Electric Domestic Water Heaters
22 33 30.13
22 33 30.16
22 33 30.23
22 33 30.26
Residential, Small-Capacity Electric Domestic Water Heaters
Residential, Storage Electric Domestic Water Heaters
Residential, Collector-to-Tank, Solar-Electric Domestic Water Heaters
Residential, Collector-to-Tank, Heat- Exchanger-Coil, Solar-Electric Domestic Water Heaters
22 33 36.13
22 33 36.16
Commercial Domestic Water Electric Booster Heaters
Commercial Storage Electric Domestic Water Heaters
22 33 30
22 33 33
22 33 36
22 34 00
22 34 13
22 34 30
Residential, Electric Domestic Water Heaters
Light-Commercial Electric Domestic Water Heaters
Commercial Domestic Water Electric Booster Heaters
Fuel-Fired Domestic Water Heaters
Instantaneous, Tankless, Gas Domestic Water Heaters
Residential Gas Domestic Water Heaters
22 34 30.13
22 34 30.16
22 34 30.19
Residential, Atmospheric, Gas Domestic Water Heaters
Residential, Direct- Vent, Gas Domestic Water Heaters
Residential, Power-Vent, Gas Domestic Water Heaters
22 34 36.13
22 34 36.16
22 34 36.19
22 34 36.23
22 34 36.26
22 34 36.29
Commercial, Atmospheric, Gas Domestic Water Heaters
Commercial, Power-Burner, Gas Domestic Water Heaters
Commercial, Power-Vent, Gas Domestic Water Heaters
Commercial, High-Efficiency, Gas Domestic Water Heaters
Commercial, Coil-Type, Finned-Tube, Gas Domestic Water Heaters
Commercial, Grid-Type, Finned-Tube, Gas Domestic Water Heaters
22 34 46.13
Large-Capacity, Oil-Fired Domestic Water Heaters
22 34 36
22 34 46
22 34 56
22 35 00
Commercial Gas Domestic Water Heaters
Oil-Fired Domestic Water Heaters
Dual-Fuel-Fired Domestic Water Heaters
Domestic Water Heat Exchangers
22 - 3
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 22 – Plumbing
November 2004
22 35 13
Heating-Fluid-in-Coil, Instantaneous Domestic Water Heat Exchangers
Domestic- Water-in-Coil, Instantaneous Domestic Water Heat Exchangers
Heating-Fluid-in-U-Tube-Coil, Instantaneous Domestic Water Heat Exchangers
22 35 23.13
22 35 23.16
Circulating, Compact Domestic Water Heat Exchangers
Circulating, Storage Domestic Water Heat Exchangers
22 35 29.13
22 35 29.16
Noncirculating, Compact Domestic Water Heat Exchangers
Noncirculating, Storage Domestic Water Heat Exchangers
22 35 23
22 35 29
22 35 36
22 35 39
22 35 43
22 40 00
Instantaneous Domestic Water Heat Exchangers
22 35 13.13
22 35 13.16
22 35 13.19
Circulating, Domestic Water Heat Exchangers
Noncirculating, Domestic Water Heat Exchangers
Domestic Water Brazed-Plate Heat Exchangers
Domestic Water Frame-and-Plate Heat Exchangers
Domestic Water Heat Reclaimers
22 41 00
Residential Plumbing Fixtures
22 42 00
Commercial Plumbing Fixtures
22 43 00
Healthcare Plumbing Fixtures
22 45 00
Emergency Plumbing Fixtures
22 46 00
Security Plumbing Fixtures
22 41 13
22 41 16
22 41 19
22 41 23
22 41 26
22 41 36
22 41 39
22 42 13
22 42 16
22 42 19
22 42 23
22 42 26
22 42 29
22 42 33
22 42 36
22 42 39
22 42 43
22 43 13
22 43 16
22 43 19
22 43 23
22 43 39
22 43 43
22 45 13
22 45 16
22 45 19
22 45 23
22 45 26
22 45 29
22 45 33
22 45 36
Residential Water Closets, Urinals, and Bidets
Residential Lavatories and Sinks
Residential Bathtubs
Residential Shower Receptors and Basins
Residential Disposers
Residential Laundry Trays
Residential Faucets, Supplies, and Trim
Commercial Water Closets, Urinals, and Bidets
Commercial Lavatories and Sinks
Commercial Bathtubs
Commercial Shower Receptors and Basins
Commercial Disposers
Shampoo Bowls
Wash Fountains
Commercial Laundry Trays
Commercial Faucets, Supplies, and Trim
Healthcare Water Closets
Healthcare Sinks
Healthcare Bathtubs and Showers
Healthcare Shower Receptors and Basins
Healthcare Faucets
Healthcare Plumbing Fixture Flushometers
Emergency Showers
Eyewash Equipment
Self-Contained Eyewash Equipment
Personal Eyewash Equipment
Eye/Face Wash Equipment
Hand-Held Emergency Drench Hoses
Combination Emergency Fixture Units
Emergency Fixture Water-Tempering Equipment
22 - 4
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 22 – Plumbing
November 2004
22 46 13
22 46 16
22 46 39
22 46 43
22 46 53
22 47 00
22 47 13
22 47 16
22 47 19
22 47 23
22 50 00
Security Water Closets and Urinals
Security Lavatories and Sinks
Security Faucets, Supplies, and Trim
Security Plumbing Fixture Flushometers
Security Plumbing Fixture Supports
Drinking Fountains and Water Coolers
Drinking Fountains
Pressure Water Coolers
Water-Station Water Coolers
Remote Water Coolers
22 51 00
Swimming Pool Plumbing Systems
22 52 00
Fountain Plumbing Systems
22 51 13
22 51 16
22 51 19
22 51 23
22 52 13
22 52 16
22 52 19
22 52 23
22 60 00
Swimming Pool Piping
Swimming Pool Pumps
Swimming Pool Water Treatment Equipment
Swimming Pool Equipment Controls
Fountain Piping
Fountain Pumps
Fountain Water Treatment Equipment
Fountain Equipment Controls
22 61 00
22 61 13
Compressed-Air Systems for Laboratory and Healthcare Facilities
Compressed-Air Piping for Laboratory and Healthcare Facilities
22 61 13.53
22 61 13.70
22 61 13.74
Laboratory Compressed-Air Piping
Healthcare Compressed-Air Piping
Dental Compressed-Air Piping
22 61 19.53
22 61 19.70
22 61 19.74
Laboratory Compressed-Air Equipment
Healthcare Compressed-Air Equipment
Dental Compressed-Air Equipment
22 61 19
22 62 00
22 62 13
Compressed-Air Equipment for Laboratory and Healthcare Facilities
Vacuum Systems for Laboratory and Healthcare Facilities
Vacuum Piping for Laboratory and Healthcare Facilities
22 62 13.53
22 62 13.70
22 62 13.74
Laboratory Vacuum Piping
Healthcare, Surgical Vacuum Piping
Dental Vacuum Piping
22 62 19.53
22 62 19.70
22 62 19.74
Laboratory Vacuum Equipment
Healthcare Vacuum Equipment
Dental Vacuum and Evacuation Equipment
22 62 19
22 62 23
22 63 00
22 63 13
Vacuum Equipment for Laboratory and Healthcare Facilities
Waste Anesthesia-Gas Piping
Gas Systems for Laboratory and Healthcare Facilities
Gas Piping for Laboratory and Healthcare Facilities
22 63 13.53
22 63 13.70
Laboratory Gas Piping
Healthcare Gas Piping
22 63 19.53
22 63 19.70
Laboratory Gas Storage Tanks
Healthcare Gas Storage Tanks
22 63 19
22 66 00
22 66 53
Gas Storage Tanks for Laboratory and Healthcare Facilities
Chemical-Waste Systems for Laboratory and Healthcare Facilities
Laboratory Chemical-Waste and Vent Piping
22 - 5
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 22 – Plumbing
November 2004
22 66 70
22 66 83
Healthcare Chemical-Waste and Vent Piping
Chemical-Waste Tanks
22 66 83.13
22 66 83.16
22 67 00
22 67 13
Chemical- Waste Dilution Tanks
Chemical- Waste Neutralization Tanks
Processed Water Systems for Laboratory and Healthcare Facilities
Processed Water Piping for Laboratory and Healthcare Facilities
22 67 13.13
22 67 13.16
22 67 13.19
Distilled- Water Piping
Reverse-Osmosis Water Piping
Deionized- Water Piping
22 67 19.13
22 67 19.16
22 67 19.19
Distilled- Water Equipment
Reverse-Osmosis Water Equipment
Deionized- Water Equipment
22 67 19
Processed Water Equipment for Laboratory and Healthcare Facilities
22 70 00
22 80 00
22 90 00
22 - 6
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 23 – Heating, Ventilating, & Air-Conditioning
November 2004
23 01 00
23 01 10
23 01 20
23 01 30
Operation and Maintenance of HVAC Systems
Operation and Maintenance of Facility Fuel Systems
Operation and Maintenance of HVAC Piping and Pumps
Operation and Maintenance of HVAC Air Distribution
23 01 30.51
HVAC Air Duct Cleaning
23 01 60.71
Refrigerant Recovery/Recycling
23 01 50
23 01 60
23 01 70
23 01 80
23 01 90
Operation and Maintenance of Central Heating Equipment
Operation and Maintenance of Central Cooling Equipment
Operation and Maintenance of Central HVAC Equipment
Operation and Maintenance of Decentralized HVAC Equipment
Diagnostic Systems for HVAC
23 05 00
Common Work Results for HVAC
23 06 00
Schedules for HVAC
23 05 13
23 05 16
23 05 19
23 05 23
23 05 29
23 05 33
23 05 48
23 05 53
23 05 63
23 05 66
23 05 93
23 06 10
23 06 20
Common Motor Requirements for HVAC Equipment
Expansion Fittings and Loops for HVAC Piping
Meters and Gages for HVAC Piping
General-Duty Valves for HVAC Piping
Hangers and Supports for HVAC Piping and Equipment
Heat Tracing for HVAC Piping
Vibration and Seismic Controls for HVAC Piping and Equipment
Identification for HVAC Piping and Equipment
Anti-Microbial Coatings for HVAC Ducts and Equipment
Anti-Microbial Ultraviolet Emitters for HVAC Ducts and Equipment
Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing for HVAC
Schedules for Facility Fuel Service Systems
Schedules for HVAC Piping and Pumps
23 06 20.13
Hydronic Pump Schedule
23 06 30.13
23 06 30.16
23 06 30.19
23 06 30.23
HVAC Fan Schedule
Air Terminal Unit Schedule
Air Outlet and Inlet Schedule
HVAC Air Cleaning Device Schedule
23 06 50.13
Heating Boiler Schedule
23 06 60.13
23 06 60.16
Refrigerant Condenser Schedule
Packaged Water Chiller Schedule
23 06 70.13
23 06 70.16
Indoor, Central-Station Air-Handling Unit Schedule
Packaged Outdoor HVAC Equipment Schedule
23 06 80.13
23 06 80.16
23 06 80.19
Decentralized Unitary HVAC Equipment Schedule
Convection Heating and Cooling Unit Schedule
Radiant Heating Unit Schedule
23 06 30
23 06 50
23 06 60
23 06 70
23 06 80
23 07 00
23 07 13
Schedules for HVAC Air Distribution
Schedules for Central Heating Equipment
Schedules for Central Cooling Equipment
Schedules for Central HVAC Equipment
Schedules for Decentralized HVAC Equipment
HVAC Insulation
Duct Insulation
23 - 1
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 23 – Heating, Ventilating, & Air-Conditioning
November 2004
23 07 16
23 07 19
23 08 00
23 09 00
23 09 13
HVAC Equipment Insulation
HVAC Piping Insulation
Commissioning of HVAC
Instrumentation and Control for HVAC
Instrumentation and Control Devices for HVAC
23 09 13.13
23 09 13.23
23 09 13.33
23 09 13.43
23 09 23
23 09 33
23 09 43
23 09 53
23 09 93
23 10 00
Actuators and Operators
Sensors and Transmitters
Control Valves
Control Dampers
Direct-Digital Control System for HVAC
Electric and Electronic Control System for HVAC
Pneumatic Control System for HVAC
Pneumatic and Electric Control System for HVAC
Sequence of Operations for HVAC Controls
23 11 00
Facility Fuel Piping
23 12 00
Facility Fuel Pumps
23 13 00
Facility Fuel-Storage Tanks
23 11 13
23 11 16
23 11 23
23 11 26
23 12 13
23 12 16
23 13 13
Facility Fuel-Oil Pumps
Facility Gasoline Dispensing Pumps
Facility Underground Fuel-Oil, Storage Tanks
23 13 13.13
23 13 13.16
23 13 13.19
23 13 13.23
23 13 13.33
Double- Wall Steel, Underground Fuel-Oil, Storage Tanks
Composite, Steel, Underground Fuel-Oil, Storage Tanks
Jacketed, Steel, Underground Fuel-Oil, Storage Tanks
Glass-Fiber-Reinforced-Plastic, Underground Fuel-Oil, Storage Tanks
Fuel-Oil Storage Tank Pumps
23 13 23.13
23 13 23.16
23 13 23.19
23 13 23.23
23 13 23.26
Vertical, Steel, Aboveground Fuel-Oil, Storage Tanks
Horizontal, Steel, Aboveground Fuel-Oil, Storage Tanks
Containment- Dike, Steel, Aboveground Fuel-Oil, Storage Tanks
Insulated, Steel, Aboveground Fuel-Oil, Storage Tanks
Concrete-Vaulted, Steel, Aboveground Fuel-Oil, Storage Tanks
23 13 23
23 20 00
Facility Fuel-Oil Piping
Facility Gasoline Piping
Facility Natural-Gas Piping
Facility Liquefied-Petroleum Gas Piping
Facility Aboveground Fuel-Oil, Storage Tanks
23 21 00
23 21 13
Hydronic Piping and Pumps
Hydronic Piping
23 21 13.13
23 21 13.23
23 21 13.33
Underground Hydronic Piping
Aboveground Hydronic Piping
Ground-Loop Heat-Pump Piping
23 21 23.13
23 21 23.16
23 21 23.19
23 21 23.23
In-Line Centrifugal Hydronic Pumps
Base-Mounted, Centrifugal Hydronic Pumps
Vertical-Mounted, Double-Suction Centrifugal Hydronic Pumps
Vertical-Turbine Hydronic Pumps
23 21 23
23 21 29
23 22 00
23 22 13
Hydronic Pumps
Automatic Condensate Pump Units
Steam and Condensate Piping and Pumps
Steam and Condensate Heating Piping
23 - 2
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 23 – Heating, Ventilating, & Air-Conditioning
November 2004
23 22 13.13
23 22 13.23
Underground Steam and Condensate Heating Piping
Aboveground Steam and Condensate Heating Piping
23 22 23.13
23 22 23.23
Electric-Driven Steam Condensate Pumps
Pressure-Powered Steam Condensate Pumps
23 22 23
Steam Condensate Pumps
23 23 00
Refrigerant Piping
23 24 00
Internal-Combustion Engine Piping
23 25 00
HVAC Water Treatment
23 23 13
23 23 16
23 23 19
23 23 23
23 24 13
23 24 16
23 25 13
23 25 16
23 25 19
23 25 23
23 30 00
Refrigerant Piping Valves
Refrigerant Piping Specialties
Refrigerant Safety Relief Valve Discharge Piping
Internal-Combustion Engine Remote-Radiator Coolant Piping
Internal-Combustion Engine Exhaust Piping
Water Treatment for Closed-Loop Hydronic Systems
Water Treatment for Open Hydronic Systems
Water Treatment for Steam System Feedwater
Water Treatment for Humidification Steam System Feedwater
23 31 00
23 31 13
HVAC Ducts and Casings
Metal Ducts
23 31 13.13
23 31 13.16
23 31 13.19
Rectangular Metal Ducts
Round and Flat- Oval Spiral Ducts
Metal Duct Fittings
23 31 16.13
23 31 16.16
23 31 16.19
23 31 16.26
Fibrous-Glass Ducts
Thermoset Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Ducts
PVC Ducts
Concrete Ducts
23 31 16
23 31 19
Nonmetal Ducts
HVAC Casings
23 32 00
Air Plenums and Chases
23 33 00
Air Duct Accessories
23 32 13
23 32 33
23 32 36
23 32 39
23 32 43
23 32 48
23 33 13
Fabricated, Metal Air Plenums
Air-Distribution Ceiling Plenums
Air-Distribution Floor Plenums
Air-Distribution Wall Plenums
Air-Distribution Chases Formed by General Construction
Acoustical Air Plenums
23 33 13.13
23 33 13.16
23 33 13.19
23 33 13.23
23 33 19
23 33 23
23 33 33
23 33 43
23 33 46
23 33 53
23 34 00
23 34 13
Volume-Control Dampers
Fire Dampers
Smoke-Control Dampers
Backdraft Dampers
Duct Silencers
Turning Vanes
Duct-Mounting Access Doors
Flexible Connectors
Flexible Ducts
Duct Liners
Axial HVAC Fans
23 - 3
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 23 – Heating, Ventilating, & Air-Conditioning
November 2004
23 34 16
23 34 23
23 34 33
23 35 00
23 35 13
23 35 16
Centrifugal HVAC Fans
HVAC Power Ventilators
Air Curtains
Special Exhaust Systems
Sawdust Collection Systems
Engine Exhaust Systems
23 35 16.13
23 35 16.16
Positive-Pressure Engine Exhaust Systems
Mechanical Engine Exhaust Systems
23 36 00
Air Terminal Units
23 37 00
Air Outlets and Inlets
23 36 13
23 36 16
23 37 13
23 37 16
23 37 23
Constant-Air-Volume Units
Variable-Air-Volume Units
Diffusers, Registers, and G rilles
Fabric Air Distribution Devices
HVAC Gravity Ventilators
23 37 23.13
23 37 23.16
23 37 23.19
23 38 00
23 38 13
Ventilation Hoods
Commercial-Kitchen Hoods
23 38 13.13
23 38 13.16
23 38 16
23 40 00
HVAC Gravity Dome Ventilators
HVAC Gravity Louvered-Penthouse Ventilators
HVAC Gravity Upblast Ventilators
Listed Commercial-Kitchen Hoods
Standard Commercial-Kitchen Hoods
Fume Hoods
23 41 00
Particulate Air Filtration
23 42 00
Gas-Phase Air Filtration
23 43 00
Electronic Air Cleaners
23 41 13
23 41 16
23 41 19
23 41 23
23 41 33
23 41 43
23 41 46
23 42 13
23 42 16
23 42 19
23 43 13
23 43 16
23 43 23
23 50 00
Panel Air Filters
Renewable-Media Air Filters
Washable Air Filters
Extended Surface Filters
High-Efficiency Particulate Filtration
Ultra-Low Penetration Filtration
Super Ultra-Low Penetration Filtration
Activated-Carbon Air Filtration
Chemically-Impregnated Adsorption Air Filtration
Catalytic-Adsorption Air Filtration
Washable Electronic Air Cleaners
Agglomerator Electronic Air Cleaners
Self-Contained Electronic Air Cleaners
23 51 00
23 51 13
Breechings, Chimneys, and Stacks
Draft Control Devices
23 51 13.13
23 51 13.16
23 51 13.19
23 51 16
23 51 19
23 51 23
23 51 33
Draft-Induction Fans
Vent Dampers
Barometric Dampers
Fabricated Breechings and Accessories
Fabricated Stacks
Gas Vents
Insulated Sectional Chimneys
23 - 4
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 23 – Heating, Ventilating, & Air-Conditioning
November 2004
23 51 43
Flue-Gas Filtration Equipment
23 51 43.13
23 51 43.16
23 52 00
23 52 13
23 52 16
Gaseous Filtration
Particulate Filtration
Heating Boilers
Electric Boilers
Condensing Boilers
23 52 16.13
23 52 16.16
Stainless-Steel Condensing Boilers
Aluminum Condensing Boilers
23 52 33.13
23 52 33.16
23 52 33.19
Finned Water-Tube Boilers
Steel Water-Tube Boilers
Copper Water-Tube Boilers
23 52 39.13
23 52 39.16
Scotch Marine Boilers
Steel Fire-Tube Boilers
23 52 19
23 52 23
23 52 33
23 52 39
Pulse Combustion Boilers
Cast-Iron Boilers
Water-Tube Boilers
Fire-Tube Boilers
23 53 00
Heating Boiler Feedwater Equipment
23 54 00
23 53 13
23 53 16
23 54 13
23 54 16
Boiler Feedwater Pumps
Electric -Resistance Furnaces
Fuel-Fired Furnaces
23 54 16.13
23 54 16.16
23 55 00
23 55 13
Fuel-Fired Heaters
Fuel-Fired Duct Heaters
23 55 13.13
23 55 13.16
Oil-Fired Duct Heaters
Gas-Fired Duct Heaters
23 55 33.13
23 55 33.16
Oil-Fired Unit Heaters
Gas-Fired Unit Heaters
23 55 23
23 55 33
23 56 00
23 56 13
Gas-Fired Radiant Heaters
Fuel-Fired Unit Heaters
Solar Energy Heating Equipment
Heating Solar Collectors
23 56 13.13
23 56 13.16
23 56 13.19
23 56 16
23 57 00
23 57 13
23 57 16
23 57 19
23 57 33
Heating Solar Flat- Plate Collectors
Heating Solar Concentrating Collectors
Heating Solar Vacuum-Tube Collectors
Packaged Solar Heating Equipment
Heat Exchangers for HVAC
Steam-to-Steam Heat Exchangers
Steam-to-Water Heat Exchangers
Liquid-to-Liquid Heat Exchangers
23 57 19.13
23 57 19.16
23 60 00
Gas-Fired Furnaces
Oil-Fired Furnaces
Plate-Type, Liquid- to-Liquid Heat Exchangers
Shell-Type, Liquid-to-Liquid Heat Exchangers
Direct Geoexchange Heat Exchangers
23 61 00
23 61 13
Refrigerant Compressors
Centrifugal Refrigerant Compressors
23 61 13.13
23 61 16
Non-Condensable Gas Purge Equipment
Reciprocating Refrigerant Compressors
23 - 5
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 23 – Heating, Ventilating, & Air-Conditioning
November 2004
23 61 19
23 61 23
Scroll Refrigerant Compressors
Rotary-Screw Refrigerant Compressors
23 62 00
Packaged Compressor and Condenser Units
23 63 00
Refrigerant Condensers
23 64 00
Packaged Water Chillers
23 62 13
23 62 23
23 63 13
23 63 23
23 63 33
23 64 13
Packaged Air-Cooled Refrigerant Compressor and Condenser Units
Packaged Water-Cooled Refrigerant Compressor and Condenser Units
Air-Cooled Refrigerant Condensers
Water-Cooled Refrigerant Condensers
Evaporative Refrigerant Condensers
Absorption Water Chillers
23 64 13.13
23 64 13.16
23 64 16
23 64 19
23 64 23
23 64 26
23 65 00
23 65 13
Centrifugal Water Chillers
Reciprocating Water Chillers
Scroll Water Chillers
Rotary-Screw Water Chillers
Cooling Towers
Forced-Draft Cooling Towers
23 65 13.13
23 65 13.16
23 65 16
23 65 23
23 65 33
23 70 00
Direct-Fired Absorption Water Chillers
Indirect- Fired Absorption Water Chillers
Open-Circuit, Forced-Draft Cooling Towers
Closed-Circuit, Forced-Draft Cooling Towers
Natural-Draft Cooling Towers
Field-Erected Cooling Towers
Liquid Coolers
23 71 00
23 71 13
Thermal Storage
Thermal Heat Storage
23 71 13.13
23 71 13.16
23 71 13.19
23 71 13.23
Room Storage Heaters for Thermal Storage
Heat-Pump Boosters for Thermal Storage
Central Furnace Heat- Storage Units
Pressurized- Water Thermal Storage Tanks
23 71 19.13
23 71 19.16
23 71 19.19
23 71 19.23
23 71 19.26
Internal Ice-on-Coil Thermal Storage
External Ice-on-Coil Thermal Storage
Encapsulated-Ice Thermal Storage
Ice-Harvesting Thermal Storage
Ice-Slurry Thermal Storage
23 71 16
23 71 19
Chilled-Water Thermal Storage
Ice Storage
23 72 00
Air-to-Air Energy Recovery Equipment
23 73 00
Indoor Central-Station Air-Handling Units
23 72 13
23 72 16
23 72 19
23 72 23
23 73 13
23 73 23
23 73 33
Heat-Wheel Air-to-Air Energy-Recovery Equipment
Heat-Pipe Air-to-Air Energy-Recovery Equipment
Fixed-Plate Air-to-Air Energy-Recovery Equipment
Packaged Air-to-Air Energy-Recovery Units
Modular Indoor Central-Station Air-Handling Units
Custom Indoor Central-Station Air-Handling Units
Indoor Indirect Fuel-Fired Heating and Ventilating Units
23 73 33.13
23 73 33.16
23 73 39
23 74 00
Indoor Indirect Oil-Fired Heating and Ventilating Units
Indoor Indirect Gas-Fired Heating and Ventilating Units
Indoor, Direct Gas-Fired Heating and Ventilating Units
Packaged Outdoor HVAC Equipment
23 - 6
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 23 – Heating, Ventilating, & Air-Conditioning
November 2004
23 74 13
23 74 23
Packaged, Outdoor, Central-Station Air-Handling Units
Packaged, Outdoor, Heating-Only Makeup-Air Units
23 74 23.13
23 74 23.16
23 74 33
Packaged, Direct-Fired, Outdoor, Heating-Only Makeup-Air Units
Packaged, Indirect-Fired, Outdoor, Heating-Only Makeup-Air Units
Packaged, Outdoor, Heating and Cooling Makeup Air-Conditioners
23 75 00
Custom-Packaged Outdoor HVAC Equipment
23 76 00
Evaporative Air-Cooling Equipment
23 75 13
23 75 23
23 75 33
23 76 13
23 76 16
23 76 19
23 80 00
Custom -Packaged, Outdoor, Central-Station Air-Handling Units
Custom -Packaged, Outdoor, Heating and Ventilating Makeup-Air Units
Custom -Packaged, Outdoor, Heating and Cooling Makeup Air-Conditioners
Direct Evaporative Air Coolers
Indirect Evaporative Air Coolers
Combined Direct and Indirect Evaporative Air Coolers
23 81 00
23 81 13
23 81 16
23 81 19
Decentralized Unitary HVAC Equipment
Packaged Terminal Air-Conditioners
Room Air-Conditioners
Self-Contained Air-Conditioners
23 81 19.13
23 81 19.16
23 81 23
23 81 26
23 81 43
23 81 46
23 82 00
23 82 13
23 82 16
23 82 19
23 82 23
23 82 26
23 82 29
23 82 33
23 82 36
23 82 39
Computer-Room Air-Conditioners
Split-System Air-Conditioners
Air-Source Unitary Heat Pumps
Water-Source Unitary Heat Pumps
Convection Heating and Cooling Units
Valance Heating and Cooling Units
Air Coils
Fan Coil Units
Unit Ventilators
Induction Units
Finned-Tube Radiation Heaters
Unit Heaters
23 82 39.13
23 82 39.16
23 82 39.19
23 83 00
23 83 13
23 84 00
23 84 13
23 84 16
23 84 19
23 90 00
Cabinet Unit Heaters
Propeller Unit Heaters
Wall and Ceiling Unit Heaters
Radiant Heating Units
Radiant-Heating Electric Cables
23 83 13.16
23 83 16
23 83 23
23 83 33
Small-Capacity Self-Contained Air-Conditioners
Large-Capacity Self- Contained Air-Conditioners
Radiant- Heating Electric Mats
Radiant-Heating Hydronic Piping
Radiant-Heating Electric Panels
Electric Radiant Heaters
Humidity Control Equipment
Indoor Pool and Ice-Rink Dehumidification Units
23 - 7
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 25 – Integrated Automation
November 2004
25 01 00
Operation and Maintenance of Integrated Automation
25 05 00
Common Work Results for Integrated Automation
25 01 10
25 01 20
25 01 30
25 01 90
25 05 13
25 05 26
25 05 28
Operation and Maintenance of Integrated Automation Network Equipment
Operation and Maintenance of Integrated Equipment
Operation and Maintenance of Integrated Automation Instrumentation and Terminal Devices
Diagnostic Systems for Integrated Automation
Conductors and Cables for Integrated Automation
Grounding and Bonding for Integrated Automation
Pathways for Integrated Automation
25 05 28.29
25 05 28.33
25 05 28.36
25 05 28.39
25 05 48
25 05 53
Hangers and Supports for Integrated Automation
Conduits and Backboxes for Integrated Automation
Cable Trays for Integrated Automation
Surface Raceways for Integrated Automation
Vibration and Seismic Controls for Integrated Automation
Identification for Integrated Automation
25 06 00
Schedules for Integrated Automation
25 08 00
Commissioning of Integrated Automation
25 06 11
25 06 12
25 06 13
25 06 14
25 06 30
25 10 00
Schedules for Integrated Automation Network
Schedules for Integrated Automation Network Gateways
Schedules for Integrated Automation Control and Monitoring Network
Schedules for Integrated Automation Local Control Units
Schedules for Integrated Automation Instrumentation and Terminal Devices
25 11 00
Integrated Automation Network Devices
25 12 00
Integrated Automation Network Gateways
25 13 00
Integrated Automation Control and Monitoring Network
25 14 00
Integrated Automation Local Control Units
25 15 00
Integrated Automation Software
25 11 13
25 11 16
25 11 19
25 12 13
25 12 16
25 12 19
25 12 23
25 13 13
25 13 16
25 13 19
25 14 13
25 14 16
25 14 19
25 14 23
25 15 13
25 15 16
Integrated Automation Network Servers
Integrated Automation Network Routers, Bridges, Switches, Hubs, and Modems
Integrated Automation Network Operator Workstations
Hardwired Integration Network Gateways
Direct-Protocol Integration Network Gateways
Neutral-Protocol Integration Network Gateways
Client-Server Information/Database Integration Network Gateways
Integrated Automation Control and Monitoring Network Supervisory Control
Integrated Automation Control and Monitoring Network Integration Panels
Integrated Automation Control and Monitoring Network Interoperability
Integrated Automation Remote Control Panels
Integrated Automation Application-Specific Control Panels
Integrated Automation Terminal Control Units
Integrated Automation Field Equipment Panels
Integrated Automation Software for Network Gateways
Integrated Automation Software for Control and Monitoring Networks
25 - 1
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 25 – Integrated Automation
November 2004
25 15 19
25 20 00
25 30 00
25 31 00
25 32 00
25 33 00
25 34 00
25 35 00
25 35 13
25 35 16
25 35 19
25 35 23
25 35 26
25 36 00
25 36 13
25 36 16
25 36 19
25 36 23
25 36 26
25 36 29
25 37 00
25 38 00
25 40 00
25 50 00
Integrated Automation Software for Local Control Units
Integrated Automation Instrumentation and Terminal Devices for Facility
Integrated Automation Instrumentation and Terminal Devices for Conveying
Integrated Automation Instrumentation and Terminal Devices for Fire-Suppression
Integrated Automation Instrumentation and Terminal Devices for Plumbing
Integrated Automation Instrumentation and Terminal Devices for HVAC
Integrated Automation Actuators and Operators
Integrated Automation Sensors and Transmitters
Integrated Automation Control Valves
Integrated Automation Control Dampers
Integrated Automation Compressed Air Supply
Integrated Automation Instrumentation and Terminal Devices for Electrical
Integrated Automation Power Meters
Integrated Automation KW Transducers
Integrated Automation Current Sensors
Integrated Automation Battery Monitors
Integrated Automation Lighting Relays
Integrated Automation UPS Monitors
Integrated Automation Instrumentation and Terminal Devices for Communications
Integrated Automation Instrumentation and Terminal Devices for Electronic Safety
and Security Systems
25 51 00
25 52 00
25 53 00
25 54 00
25 55 00
25 56 00
25 57 00
25 58 00
Integrated Automation Control of Facility Equipment
Integrated Automation Control of Conveying Equipment
Integrated Automation Control of Fire-Suppression Systems
Integrated Automation Control of Plumbing
Integrated Automation Control of HVAC
Integrated Automation Control of Electrical Systems
Integrated Automation Control of Communications Systems
Integrated Automation Control of Electronic Safety and Security Systems
25 60 00
25 70 00
25 80 00
25 90 00
25 91 00
Integrated Automation Control Sequences for Facility Equipment
25 - 2
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 25 – Integrated Automation
November 2004
25 92 00
25 93 00
25 94 00
25 95 00
25 96 00
25 97 00
25 98 00
Integrated Automation Control Sequences for Conveying Equipment
Integrated Automation Control Sequences for Fire-Suppression Systems
Integrated Automation Control Sequences for Plumbing
Integrated Automation Control Sequences for HVAC
Integrated Automation Control Sequences for Electrical Systems
Integrated Automation Control Sequences for Communications Systems
Integrated Automation Control Sequences for Electronic Safety and Security
25 - 3
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 26 – Electrical
November 2004
26 01 00
26 01 10
26 01 20
26 01 26
26 01 30
26 01 40
26 01 50
Operation and Maintenance of Electrical Systems
Operation and Maintenance of Medium -Voltage Electrical Distribution
Operation and Maintenance of Low-Voltage Electrical Distribution
Maintenance Testing of Electrical Systems
Operation and Maintenance of Facility Electrical Power Generating and Storing Equipment
Operation and Maintenance of Electrical and Cathodic Protection Systems
Operation and Maintenance of Lighting
26 01 50.51
26 01 50.81
26 05 00
26 05 13
Luminaire Relamping
Luminaire Replacement
Common Work Results for Electrical
Medium -Voltage Cables
26 05 13.13
26 05 13.16
Medium-Voltage Open Conductors
Medium-Voltage, Single- and Multi-Conductor Cables
26 05 19.13
Undercarpet Electrical Power Cables
26 05 19
26 05 23
26 05 26
26 05 29
26 05 33
26 05 36
26 05 39
26 05 43
26 05 46
26 05 48
26 05 53
26 05 73
26 06 00
26 06 10
26 06 20
Low-Voltage Electrical Power Conductors and Cables
Control-Voltage Electrical Power Cables
Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems
Hangers and Supports for Electrical Systems
Raceway and Boxes for Electrical Systems
Cable Trays for Electrical Systems
Underfloor Raceways for Electrical Systems
Underground Ducts and Raceways for Electrical Systems
Utility Poles for Electrical Systems
Vibration and Seismic Controls for Electrical Systems
Identification for Electrical Systems
Overcurrent Protective Device Coordination Study
Schedules for Electrical
Schedules for Medium -Voltage Electrical Distribution
Schedules for Low-Voltage Electrical Distribution
26 06 20.13
26 06 20.16
26 06 20.19
26 06 20.23
26 06 20.26
Electrical Switchboard Schedule
Electrical Panelboard Schedule
Electrical Motor-Control Center Schedule
Electrical Circuit Schedule
Wiring Device Schedule
26 06 50.13
26 06 50.16
Lighting Panelboard Schedule
Lighting Fixture Schedule
26 06 30
26 06 40
26 06 50
26 08 00
26 09 00
26 09 13
26 09 23
26 09 26
26 09 33
Schedules for Facility Electrical Power Generating and Storing Equipment
Schedules for Electrical and Cathodic Protection Systems
Schedules for Lighting
Commissioning of Electrical Systems
Instrumentation and Control for Electrical Systems
Electrical Power Monitoring and Control
Lighting Control Devices
Lighting Control Panelboards
Central Dimming Controls
26 - 1
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 26 – Electrical
November 2004
26 09 33.13
26 09 33.16
Multichannel Remote-Controlled Dimmers
Remote-Controlled Dimming Stations
26 09 36.13
26 09 36.16
Manual Modular Dimming Controls
Integrated Multipreset Modular Dimming Controls
26 09 43.13
26 09 43.16
Digital-Network Lighting Controls
Addressable Fixture Lighting Control
26 09 36
26 09 43
26 09 61
26 10 00
Modular Dimming Controls
Network Lighting Controls
Theatrical Lighting Controls
26 11 00
26 12 00
Medium-Voltage Transformers
26 13 00
Medium-Voltage Switchgear
26 18 00
Medium-Voltage Circuit Protection Devices
26 11 13
26 11 16
26 12 13
26 12 16
26 12 19
26 13 13
26 13 16
26 13 19
26 18 13
26 18 16
26 18 19
26 18 23
26 18 26
26 18 29
26 18 33
26 18 36
26 18 39
26 20 00
Primary Unit Substations
Secondary Unit Substations
Liquid-Filled, Medium -Voltage Transformers
Dry-Type, Medium -Voltage Transformers
Pad-Mounted, Liquid-Filled, Medium -Voltage Transformers
Medium -Voltage Circuit Breaker Switchgear
Medium -Voltage Fusible Interrupter Switchgear
Medium -Voltage Vacuum Interrupter Switchgear
Medium -Voltage Cutouts
Medium -Voltage Fuses
Medium -Voltage Lightning Arresters
Medium -Voltage Surge Arresters
Medium -Voltage Reclosers
Medium -Voltage Enclosed Bus
Medium -Voltage Enclosed Fuse Cutouts
Medium -Voltage Enclosed Fuses
Medium -Voltage Motor Controllers
26 21 00
26 22 00
Low-Voltage Overhead Electrical Power Systems
Low-Voltage Transformers
26 23 00
Low-Voltage Switchgear
26 24 00
Switchboards and Panelboards
26 25 00
26 26 00
26 27 00
Enclosed Bus Assemblies
Power Distribution Units
Low-Voltage Distribution Equipment
26 22 13
26 22 16
26 22 19
26 23 13
26 24 13
26 24 16
26 24 19
26 27 13
26 27 16
26 27 19
Low-Voltage Distribution Transformers
Low-Voltage Buck-Boost Transformers
Control and Signal Transformers
Paralleling Low-Voltage Switchgear
Motor-Control Centers
Electricity Metering
Electrical Cabinets and Enclosures
Multi-Outlet Assemblies
26 - 2
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 26 – Electrical
November 2004
26 27 23
26 27 26
26 27 73
Indoor Service Poles
Wiring Devices
Door Chimes
26 28 00
Low-Voltage Circuit Protective Devices
26 29 00
Low-Voltage Controllers
26 28 13
26 28 16
26 29 13
Enclosed Switches and Circuit Breakers
Enclosed Controllers
26 29 13.13
26 29 13.16
26 29 23
26 30 00
Across- the-Line Motor Controllers
Reduced-Voltage Motor Controllers
Variable-Frequency Motor Controllers
26 31 00
26 32 00
26 32 13
Photovoltaic Collectors
Packaged Generator Assemblies
Engine Generators
26 32 13.13
26 32 13.16
26 32 16
26 32 19
26 32 23
26 32 26
26 32 29
26 32 33
Diesel-Engine-Driven Generator Sets
Gas-Engine-Driven Generator Sets
Steam-Turbine Generators
Hydro-Turbine Generators
Wind Energy Equipment
Frequency Changers
Rotary Converters
Rotary Uninterruptible Power Units
26 33 00
Battery Equipment
26 35 00
Power Filters and Conditioners
26 36 00
Transfer Switches
26 33 13
26 33 16
26 33 19
26 33 23
26 33 33
26 33 43
26 33 46
26 33 53
26 35 13
26 35 16
26 35 23
26 35 26
26 35 33
26 35 36
26 35 43
26 35 46
26 35 53
26 36 13
26 36 23
26 40 00
Battery Racks
Battery Units
Central Battery Equipment
Static Power Converters
Battery Chargers
Battery Monitoring
Static Uninterruptible Power Supply
Chokes and Inductors
Electromagnetic -Interference Filters
Harmonic Filters
Power Factor Correction Equipment
Slip Controllers
Static-Frequency Converters
Radio-Frequency-Interference Filters
Voltage Regulators
Manual Transfer Switches
Automatic Transfer Switches
26 41 00
26 41 13
Facility Lightning Protection
Lightning Protection for Structures
26 - 3
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 26 – Electrical
November 2004
26 41 13.13
26 41 16
26 41 19
26 41 23
Lightning Protection for Buildings
Lightning Prevention and Dissipation
Early Streamer Emission Lightning Protection
Lightning Protection Surge Arresters and Suppressors
26 42 00
Cathodic Protection
26 43 00
Transient Voltage Suppression
26 42 13
26 42 16
26 43 13
26 50 00
Passive Cathodic Protection for Underground and Submerged Piping
Passive Cathodic Protection for Underground Storage Tank
Transient-Voltage Suppression for Low-Voltage Electrical Power Circuits
26 51 00
Interior Lighting
26 52 00
26 53 00
26 54 00
26 55 00
Emergency Lighting
Exit Signs
Classified Location Lighting
Special Purpose Lighting
26 56 00
Exterior Lighting
26 51 13
26 55 23
26 55 29
26 55 33
26 55 36
26 55 53
26 55 59
26 55 61
26 55 63
26 55 70
26 56 13
26 56 16
26 56 19
26 56 23
26 56 26
26 56 29
26 56 33
26 56 36
26 56 68
Interior Lighting Fixtures, Lamps, And Ballasts
Outline Lighting
Underwater Lighting
Hazard Warning Lighting
Obstruction Lighting
Security Lighting
Display Lighting
Theatrical Lighting
Detention Lighting
Healthcare Lighting
Lighting Poles and Standards
Parking Lighting
Roadway Lighting
Area Lighting
Landscape Lighting
Site Lighting
Walkway Lighting
Flood Lighting
Exterior Athletic Lighting
26 60 00
26 70 00
26 80 00
26 90 00
26 - 4
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 27 – Communications
November 2004
27 01 00
Operation and Maintenance of Communications Systems
27 05 00
Common Work Results for Communications
27 01 10
27 01 20
27 01 30
27 01 40
27 01 50
27 05 13
Operation and Maintenance of Structured Cabling and Enclosures
Operation and Maintenance of Data Communications
Operation and Maintenance of Voice Communications
Operation and Maintenance of Audio-Video Communications
Operation and Maintenance of Distributed Communications and Monitoring
Communications Services
27 05 13.13
27 05 13.23
27 05 13.33
27 05 13.43
27 05 13.53
Dialtone Services
T1 Services
DSL Services
Cable Services
Satellite Services
27 05 28.29
27 05 28.33
27 05 28.36
27 05 28.39
Hangers and Supports for Communications Systems
Conduits and Backboxes for Communications Systems
Cable Trays for Communications Systems
Surface Raceways for Communications Systems
27 05 26
27 05 28
27 05 43
27 05 46
27 05 48
27 05 53
Grounding and Bonding for Communications Systems
Pathways for Communications Systems
Underground Ducts and Raceways for Communications Systems
Utility Poles for Communications Systems
Vibration and Seismic Controls for Communications Systems
Identification for Communications Systems
27 06 00
Schedules for Communications
27 08 00
Commissioning of Communications
27 06 10
27 06 20
27 06 30
27 06 40
27 06 50
27 10 00
Schedules for Structured Cabling and Enclosures
Schedules for Data Communications
Schedules for Voice Communications
Schedules for Audio-Video Communications
Schedules for Distributed Communications and Monitoring
27 11 00
Communications Equipment Room Fittings
27 13 00
Communications Backbone Cabling
27 11 13
27 11 16
27 11 19
27 11 23
27 11 26
27 13 13
Communications Entrance Protection
Communications Cabinets, Racks, Frames and Enclosures
Communications Termination Blocks and Patch Panels
Communications Cable Management and Ladder Rack
Communications Rack Mounted Power Protection and Power Strips
Communications Copper Backbone Cabling
27 13 13.13
Communications Copper Cable Splicing and Terminations
27 13 23.13
Communications Optical Fiber Splicing and Terminations
27 13 33.13
Communications Coaxial Splicing and Terminations
27 13 23
27 13 33
27 13 43
Communications Optical Fiber Backbone Cabling
Communications Coaxial Backbone Cabling
Communications Services Cabling
27 - 1
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 27 – Communications
November 2004
27 13 43.13
27 13 43.23
27 13 43.33
27 13 43.43
27 13 43.53
Dialtone Services Cabling
T1 Services Cabling
DSL Services Cabling
Cable Services Cabling
Satellite Services Cabling
27 15 00.16
27 15 00.19
27 15 00.23
27 15 00.39
27 15 00.43
27 15 00.46
27 15 00.49
27 15 00.53
Voice Communications Horizontal Cabling
Data Communications Horizontal Cabling
Audio-Video Communications Horizontal Cabling
Patient Monitoring and Telemetry Communications Horizontal Cabling
Nurse Call and Intercom Communications Horizontal Cabling
Paging Communications Horizontal Cabling
Intermediate Frequency/Radio Frequency Communications Horizontal Cabling
Antennas Communications Horizontal Cabling
27 15 00
27 15 13
27 15 23
27 15 33
27 15 43
27 16 00
27 16 13
27 16 16
27 16 19
27 20 00
Communications Horizontal Cabling
Communic ations Copper Horizontal Cabling
Communications Optical Fiber Horizontal Cabling
Communications Coaxial Horizontal Cabling
Communications Faceplates and Connectors
Communications Connecting Cords, Devices and Adapters
Communications Custom Cable Assemblies
Communications Media Converters, Adapters, and Transceivers
Communications Patch Cords, Station Cords, and Cross Connect Wire
27 21 00
Data Communications Network Equipment
27 22 00
Data Communications Hardware
27 24 00
Data Communications Peripheral Data Equipment
27 25 00
Data Communications Software
27 21 13
27 21 16
27 21 26
27 21 29
27 21 33
27 22 13
27 22 16
27 22 19
27 22 23
27 22 26
27 22 29
27 24 13
27 24 16
27 24 19
27 24 23
27 24 26
27 24 29
27 25 13
27 25 16
27 25 19
27 25 23
27 25 26
27 25 29
27 25 33
Data Communications Firewalls
Data Communications Routers, CSU/DSU, Multiplexers, Codec’s, and Modems
Data Communications Network Management
Data Communications Switches and Hubs
Data Communications Wireless Access Points
Data Communications Mainframes
Data Communications Storage and Backup
Data Communications Servers
Data Communications Desktops
Data Communications Laptops
Data Communications Handhelds
External Drives
Audio-Video Devices
Virtual Reality Equipment
Disaster Recovery Equipment
Virus Protection Software
Application Suites
Email Software
Graphics/Multimedia Software
Customer Relationship Management Software
Operating System Software
Database Software
27 - 2
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 27 – Communications
November 2004
27 25 37
27 25 39
27 26 00
27 26 13
27 26 16
27 26 19
27 26 23
27 26 26
27 30 00
Virtual Private Network Software
Internet Conferencing Software
Data Communications Programming and Integration Services
Web Development
Database Development
Application Development
Network Integration Requirements
Data Communications Integration Requirements
27 31 00
Voice Communications Switching and Routing Equipment
27 32 00
Voice Communications Telephone Sets, Facsimiles and Modems
27 33 00
Voice Communications Messaging
27 34 00
Call Accounting
27 35 00
Call Management
27 31 13
27 31 23
27 32 13
27 32 16
27 32 23
27 32 26
27 32 29
27 32 36
27 33 16
27 33 23
27 33 26
27 34 13
27 34 16
27 35 13
27 35 16
27 35 19
27 35 23
27 40 00
PBX/ Key Systems
Internet Protocol Voice Switches
Telephone Sets
Wireless Transceivers
Elevator Telephones
Ring-Down Emergency Telephones
Facsimiles and Modems
TTY Equipment
Voice Mail and Auto Attendant
Interactive Voice Response
Facsimile Servers
Toll Fraud Equipment and Software
Telemanagement Software
Digital Voice Announcers
Automatic Call Distributors
Call Status and Management Displays
Dedicated 911 Systems
27 41 00
27 41 13
27 41 16
Audio-Video Systems
Architecturally Integrated Audio-Video Equipment
Integrated Audio-Video Systems and Equipment
27 41 16.25
27 41 16.28
27 41 16.29
27 41 16.51
27 41 16.61
27 41 16.62
27 41 16.63
27 41 19
27 41 23
27 42 00
27 42 13
27 42 16
27 42 19
Integrated Audio-Video Systems and Equipment for Restaurants and Bars
Integrated Audio-Video Systems and Equipment for Conference Rooms
Integrated Audio-Video Systems and Equipment for Board Rooms
Integrated Audio-Video Systems and Equipment for Classrooms
Integrated Audio-Video Systems and Equipment for Theaters
Integrated Audio-Video Systems and Equipment for Auditoriums
Integrated Audio-Video Systems and Equipment for Stadiums and Arenas
Portable Audio-Video Equipment
Audio-Video Accessories
Electronic Digital Systems
Point of Sale Systems
Transportation Information Display Systems
Public Information Systems
27 - 3
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 27 – Communications
November 2004
27 50 00
27 51 00
27 51 13
Distributed Audio-Video Communications Systems
Paging Systems
27 51 13.13
Overhead Paging Systems
27 51 23.20
27 51 23.30
27 51 23.50
27 51 23.63
27 51 23.70
Commercial Intercommunications and Program Systems
Residential Intercommunications and Program Systems
Educational Intercommunications and Program Systems
Detention Intercommunications and Program Systems
Healthcare Intercommunications and Program Systems
27 51 16
27 51 19
27 51 23
Public Address and Mass Notification Systems
Sound Masking Systems
Intercommunications and Program Systems
27 52 00
Healthcare Communications and Monitoring Systems
27 53 00
Distributed Systems
27 52 13
27 52 16
27 52 19
27 52 23
27 53 13
27 53 16
27 53 19
Patient Monitoring and Telemetry Systems
Telemedicine Systems
Healthcare Imaging Systems
Nurse Call/Code Blue Systems
Clock Systems
Infrared and Radio Frequency Tracking Systems
Internal Cellular, Paging, and Antenna Systems
27 60 00
27 70 00
27 80 00
27 90 00
27 - 4
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 28 – Electronic Safety & Security
November 2004
28 01 00
28 01 10
Operation and Maintenance of Electronic Safety and Security
Operation and Maintenance of Electronic Access Control and Intrusion Detection
28 01 10.51
28 01 10.71
Maintenance and Administration of Electronic Access Control and Intrusion Detection
Revisions and Upgrades of Electronic Access Control and Intrusion Detection
28 01 30.51
28 01 30.71
Maintenance and Administration of Electronic Detection and Alarm
Revisions and Upgrades of Electronic Detection and Alarm
28 01 40.51
28 01 40.71
Maintenance and Administration of Electronic Monitoring and Control
Revisions and Upgrades of Electronic Monitoring and Control
28 01 20
28 01 30
28 01 40
28 05 00
28 05 13
Operation and Maintenance of Electronic Surveillance
Operation and Maintenance of Electronic Detection and Alarm
Operation and Maintenance of Electronic Monitoring and Control
Common Work Results for Electronic Safety and Security
Conductors and Cables for Electronic Safety and Security
28 05 13.13
28 05 13.16
28 05 13.19
28 05 13.23
CCTV Communications Conductors and Cables
Access Control Communications Conductors and Cables
Intrusion Detection Communications Conductors and Cables
Fire Alarm Communications Conductors and Cables
28 05 28.29
28 05 28.33
28 05 28.36
28 05 28.39
Hangers and Supports for Electronic Safety and Security
Conduits and Backboxes for Electronic Safety and Security
Cable Trays for Electronic Safety and Security
Surface Raceways for Electronic Safety and Security
28 05 26
28 05 28
28 05 48
28 05 53
Grounding and Bonding for Electronic Safety and Security
Pathways for Electronic Safety and Security
Vibration and Seismic Controls for Electronic Safety and Security
Identification for Electronic Safety and Security
28 06 00
Schedules for Electronic Safety and Security
28 08 00
Commissioning of Electronic Safety and Security
28 06 10
28 06 20
28 06 30
28 06 40
28 10 00
Schedules for Electronic Access Control and Intrusion Detection
Schedules for Electronic Surveillance
Schedules for Electronic Detection and Alarm
Schedules for Electronic Monitoring and Control
28 13 00
28 13 13
28 13 16
28 13 19
28 13 26
28 13 33
Access Control
Access Control Global Applications
Access Control Systems and Database Management
Access Control Systems Infrastructure
Access Control Remote Devices
Access Control Interfaces
28 13 33.16
28 13 33.26
28 13 33.33
28 13 33.36
28 13 43
28 13 53
Access Control Interfaces to Access Control Hardware
Access Control Interfaces to Intrusion Detection
Access Control Interfaces to Video Surveillance
Access Control Interfaces to Fire Alarm
Access Control Identification Management Systems
Security Access Detection
28 - 1
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 28 – Electronic Safety & Security
November 2004
28 13 53.13
28 13 53.16
28 13 53.29
28 13 53.23
28 16 00
28 16 13
28 16 16
28 16 19
28 16 33
Intrusion Detection
Intrusion Detection Control, GUI, and Logic Systems
Intrusion Detection Systems Infrastructure
Intrusion Detection Remote Devices and Sensors
Intrusion Detection Interfaces
28 16 33.13
28 16 33.16
28 16 33.23
28 16 33.33
28 16 33.36
28 16 43
28 16 46
28 20 00
Security Access Metal Detectors
Security Access X-Ray Equipment
Security Access Sniffing Equipment
Security Access Explosive Detection Equipment
Intrusion Detection Interfaces to Remote Monitoring
Intrusion Detection Interfaces to Access Control Hardware
Intrusion Detection Interfaces to Access Control System
Intrusion Detection Interfaces to Video Surveillance
Intrusion Detection Interfaces to Fire Alarm
Perimeter Security Systems
Intrusion Detection Vehicle Control Systems
28 23 00
Video Surveillance
28 26 00
Electronic Personal Protection Systems
28 23 13
28 23 16
28 23 19
28 23 23
28 23 26
28 23 29
28 26 13
28 26 16
28 26 19
28 26 23
28 30 00
Video Surveillance Control and Management Systems
Video Surveillance Monitoring and Supervisory Interfaces
Digital Video Recorders and Analog Recording Devices
Video Surveillance Systems Infrastructure
Video Surveillance Remote Positioning Equipment
Video Surveillance Remote Devices and Sensors
Electronic Personal Safety Detection Systems
Electronic Personal Safety Alarm Annunciation and Control Systems
Electronic Personal Safety Interfaces to Remote Monitoring
Electronic Personal Safety Emergency Aid Devices
28 31 00
28 31 13
28 31 23
28 31 33
Fire Detection and Alarm
Fire Detection and Alarm Control, GUI, and Logic Systems
Fire Detection and Alarm Annunciation Panels and Fire Stations
Fire Detection and Alarm Interfaces
28 31 33.13
28 31 33.16
28 31 33.23
28 31 33.26
28 31 33.33
28 31 33.43
Fire Detection and Alarm Interfaces to Remote Monitoring
Fire Detection and Alarm Interfaces to Access Control Hardware
Fire Detection and Alarm Interfaces to Access Control System
Fire Detection and Alarm Interfaces to Intrusion Detection
Fire Detection and Alarm Interfaces to Video Surveillance
Fire Detection and Alarm Interfaces to Elevator Control
28 31 53.13
28 31 53.23
28 31 53.33
28 31 53.43
Fire Alarm Pull Stations
Fire Alarm Level Detectors Switches
Fire Alarm Flow Switches
Fire Alarm Pressure Sensors
28 31 63.13
Fire Alarm Horns and Strobes
28 31 43
28 31 46
28 31 49
28 31 53
28 31 63
28 32 00
Fire Detection Sensors
Smoke Detection Sensors
Carbon-Monoxide Detection Sensors
Fire Alarm Initiating Devices
Fire Alarm Integrated Audio Visual Evacuation Systems
Radiation Detection and Alarm
28 - 2
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 28 – Electronic Safety & Security
November 2004
28 32 13
28 32 23
28 32 33
28 32 43
Radiation Detection and Alarm Control, GUI, and Logic Systems
Radiation Detection and Alarm Integrated Audio Evacuation Systems
Radiation and Alarm Detection Sensors
Radiation and Alarm Dosimeters
28 33 00
Fuel -Gas Detection and Alarm
28 34 00
Fuel-Oil Detection and Alarm
28 35 00
Refrigerant Detection and Alarm
28 33 13
28 33 23
28 33 33
28 34 13
28 34 23
28 34 33
28 35 13
28 35 23
28 35 33
28 40 00
Fuel-Gas Detection and Alarm Control, GUI, and Logic Systems
Fuel-Gas Detection and Alarm Integrated Audio Evacuation Systems
Fuel-Gas Detection Sensors
Fuel-Oil Detection and Alarm Control, GUI, and Logic Systems
Fuel-Oil Detection and Alarm Integrated Audio Evacuation Systems
Fuel-Oil Detection Sensors
Refrigerant Detection and Alarm Control, GUI, and Logic Systems
Refrigerant Detection and Alarm Integrated Audio Evacuation Systems
Refrigerant Detection Sensors
28 46 00
28 46 13
28 46 16
28 46 19
28 46 23
28 46 26
28 46 29
Electronic Detention Monitoring and Control Systems
Hard-Wired Detention Monitoring and Control Systems
Relay-Logic Detention Monitoring and Control Systems
PLC Electronic Detention Monitoring and Control Systems
Computer-Based Detention Monitoring and Control Systems
Discreet-Logic Detention Monitoring and Control Systems
Discreet-Distributed Intelligence Detention Monitoring and Control Systems
28 50 00
28 60 00
28 70 00
28 80 00
28 90 00
28 - 3
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 31 – Earthwork
November 2004
31 00 00 EARTHWORK
31 01 00
31 01 10
31 01 20
31 01 40
31 01 50
31 01 60
31 01 62
Maintenance of Earthwork
Maintenance of Clearing
Maintenance of Earth Moving
Maintenance of Shoring and Underpinning
Maintenance of Excavation Support and Protection
Maintenance of Special Foundations and Load Bearing Elements
Maintenance of Driven Piles
31 01 62.61
Driven Pile Repairs
31 01 63.61
Bored and Augered Pile Repairs
31 01 70.61
Tunnel Leak Repairs
31 01 63
31 01 70
31 05 00
31 05 13
31 05 16
31 05 19
Maintenance of Bored and Augered Piles
Maintenance of Tunneling and Mining
Common Work Results for Earthwork
Soils for Earthwork
Aggregates for Earthwork
Geosynthetics for Earthwork
31 05 19.13
31 05 19.16
31 05 19.19
31 05 23
31 06 00
31 06 10
31 06 20
Cement and Concrete for Earthwork
Schedules for Earthwork
Schedules for Clearing
Schedules for Earth Moving
31 06 20.13
31 06 20.16
Trench Dimension Schedule
Backfill Material Schedule
31 06 60.13
31 06 60.16
Driven Pile Schedule
Caisson Schedule
31 06 40
31 06 50
31 06 60
31 06 70
31 08 00
31 09 00
31 09 13
Schedules for Shoring and Underpinning
Schedules for Excavation Support and Protection
Schedules for Special Foundations and Load Bearing Elements
Schedules for Tunneling and Mining
Commissioning of Earthwork
Geotechnical Instrumentation and Monitoring of Earthwork
Geotechnical Instrumentation and Monitoring
31 09 13.13
Groundwater Monitoring During Construction
31 09 16.13
31 09 16.23
31 09 16.26
Foundation Performance Instrumentation
Driven Pile Load Tests
Bored and Augered Pile Load Tests
31 09 16
31 10 00
Geotextiles for Earthwork
Geomembranes for Earthwork
Geogrids for Earthwork
Special Foundation and Load Bearing Elements Instrumentation and Monitoring
31 11 00
31 12 00
31 13 00
31 13 13
31 13 16
Clearing and Grubbing
Selective Clearing
Selective Tree and Shrub Removal and Trimming
Selective Tree and Shrub Removal
Selective Tree and Shrub Trimming
31 - 1
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 31 – Earthwork
November 2004
31 14 00
31 14 13
Soil Stripping and Stockpiling
31 14 13.13
31 14 13.16
31 14 13.23
Soil Stripping
Soil Stockpiling
Topsoil Stripping and Stockpiling
31 14 16.13
31 14 16.16
Sod Stripping
Sod Stockpiling
31 14 16
31 20 00
Earth Stripping and Stockpiling
Sod Stripping and Stockpiling
31 21 00
31 21 13
Off-Gassing Mitigation
Radon Mitigation
31 21 13.13
Radon Venting
31 21 16.13
Methane Venting
31 21 16
31 22 00
31 22 13
31 22 16
Methane Mitigation
Rough Grading
Fine Grading
31 22 16.13
Roadway Subgrade Reshaping
31 22 19.13
Spreading and Grading Topsoil
31 22 19
31 23 00
31 23 13
31 23 16
Finish Grading
Excavation and Fill
Subgrade Preparation
31 23 16.13
31 23 16.16
31 23 16.26
Structural Excavation for Minor Structures
Rock Removal
31 23 23.13
31 23 23.23
31 23 23.33
31 23 23.43
Flowable Fill
31 23 19
31 23 23
31 23 33
Trenching and Backfilling
31 24 00
31 25 00
Erosion and Sedimentation Controls
31 24 13
31 24 16
31 25 13
31 25 23
31 25 53
31 25 63
31 30 00
Roadway Embankments
Railway Embankments
Erosion Controls
Rock Barriers
Sedimentation Controls
Rock Basins
31 31 00
31 31 13
Soil Treatment
Rodent Control
31 31 13.16
31 31 13.19
31 31 13.23
31 31 13.26
31 31 16
Rodent Control Bait Systems
Rodent Control Traps
Rodent Control Electronic Syste ms
Rodent Control Repellants
Termite Control
31 - 2
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 31 – Earthwork
November 2004
31 31 16.13
31 31 16.16
31 31 16.19
Chemical Termite Control
Termite Control Bait Systems
Termite Control Barriers
31 31 19.13
Chemical Vegetation Control
31 31 19
31 32 00
31 32 13
Vegetation Control
Soil Stabilization
Soil Mixing Stabilization
31 32 13.13
31 32 13.16
31 32 13.19
31 32 13.23
31 32 13.26
Asphalt Soil Stabilization
Cement Soil Stabilization
Lime Soil Stabilization
Fly-Ash Soil Stabilization
Lime-Fly-Ash Soil Stabilization
31 32 16.13
Polymer Emulsion Soil Stabilization
31 32 19.13
31 32 19.16
31 32 19.19
31 32 19.23
Geogrid Soil Stabilization
Geotextile Soil Stabilization
Geogrid Layer Separation
Geotextile Layer Separation
31 32 23.13
31 32 23.16
Cementitious Pressure Grouting Soil Stabilization
Chemical Pressure Grouting Soil Stabilization
31 32 36.13
31 32 36.16
31 32 36.19
31 32 36.23
31 32 36.26
Driven Soil Nailing
Grouted Soil Nailing
Corrosion-Protected Soil Nailing
Jet-Grouted Soil Nailing
Launched Soil Nailing
31 32 16
31 32 19
31 32 23
31 32 33
31 32 36
Chemical Treatment Soil Stabilization
Geosynthetic Soil Stabilization and Layer Separation
Pressure Grouting Soil Stabilization
Shotcrete Soil Slope Stabilization
Soil Nailing
31 33 00
Rock Stabilization
31 34 00
Soil Reinforcement
31 33 13
31 33 23
31 33 26
31 33 33
31 33 43
31 34 19
Rock Bolting and Grouting
Rock Slope Netting
Rock Slope Wire Mesh
Shotcrete Rock Slope Stabilization
Vegetated Rock Slope Stabilization
Geosynthetic Soil Reinforcement
31 34 19.13
31 34 19.16
Geogrid Soil Reinforcement
Geotextile Soil Reinforcement
31 34 23.13
Geosynthetic Fiber Soil Reinforcement
31 34 23
31 35 00
31 35 19
Fiber Soil Reinforcement
Slope Protection
Geosynthetic Slope Protection
31 35 19.13
31 35 19.16
31 35 19.19
Geogrid Slope Protection
Geotextile Slope Protection
Slope Protection with Mulch Control Netting
31 35 23.13
31 35 23.16
31 35 23.19
Cast-In-Place Concrete Slope Paving
Precast Concrete Slope Paving
Concrete Unit Masonry Slope Paving
31 35 23
31 35 26
Slope Protection with Slope Paving
Containment Barriers
31 - 3
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 31 – Earthwork
November 2004
31 35 26.13
31 35 26.16
31 35 26.23
31 36 00
31 36 13
31 36 19
Gabion Boxes
Gabion Mattresses
31 36 19.13
31 37 00
31 37 13
31 37 16
Vegetated Gabion Mattresses
Machined Riprap
Non-Machined Riprap
31 37 16.13
31 37 16.16
31 37 16.19
31 40 00
Clay Containment Barriers
Geomembrane Containment Barriers
Bentonite Slurry Trench
Rubble-Stone Riprap
Concrete Unit Masonry Riprap
Sacked Sand-Cement Riprap
31 41 00
31 41 13
31 41 16
Timber Shoring
Sheet Piling
31 41 16.13
31 41 16.16
Steel Sheet Piling
Plastic Sheet Piling
31 41 19.13
Aluminum Hydraulic Shoring
31 41 19
31 41 23
31 41 33
31 43 00
31 43 13
Metal Hydraulic Shoring
Pneumatic Shoring
Trench Shielding
Concrete Raising
Pressure Grouting
31 43 13.13
31 43 13.16
31 43 16
31 43 19
Concrete Pressure Grouting
Polyurethane Pressure Grouting
Compaction Grouting
Mechanical Jacking
31 45 00
Vibroflotation and Densification
31 46 00
Needle Beams
31 48 00
31 45 13
31 45 16
31 46 13
31 48 13
31 48 19
31 48 23
31 48 33
31 50 00
Cantilever Needle Beams
Underpinning Piers
Bracket Piers
Jacked Piers
Micropile Underpinning
31 51 00
Anchor Tiebacks
31 52 00
31 53 00
Cribbing and Walers
31 54 00
Ground Freezing
31 51 13
31 51 16
31 52 13
31 52 16
31 52 19
31 53 13
Excavation Soil Anchors
Excavation Rock Anchors
Sheet Piling Cofferdams
Timber Cofferdams
Precast Concrete Cofferdams
Timber Cribwork
31 - 4
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 31 – Earthwork
November 2004
31 56 00
31 56 13
Bentonite Slurry Walls
31 56 13.13
31 56 13.16
31 56 13.19
31 56 13.23
31 56 13.26
31 56 13.29
Soil-Bentonite Slurry Walls
Cement- Bentonite Slurry Walls
Slag-Cement-Bentonite Slurry Walls
Soil-Cement-Bentonite Slurry Walls
Pozzolan-Bentonite Slurry Walls
Organically-Modified Bentonite Slurry Walls
31 56 16.13
Soil-Attipulgite Slurry Walls
31 56 16
31 56 19
31 56 23
31 56 26
31 60 00
Slurry Walls
Attipulgite Slurry Walls
Slurry-Geomembrane Composite Slurry Walls
Lean Concrete Slurry Walls
Bio-Polymer Trench Drain
31 62 00
31 62 13
Driven Piles
Concrete Piles
31 62 13.13
31 62 13.16
31 62 13.19
31 62 13.23
31 62 13.26
Cast- in-Place Concrete Piles
Concrete Displacement Piles
Precast Concrete Piles
Prestressed Concrete Piles
Pressure-Injected Footings
31 62 16.13
31 62 16.16
31 62 16.19
Sheet Steel Piles
Steel H Piles
Unfilled Tubular Steel Piles
31 62 23.13
31 62 23.16
Concrete-Filled Steel Piles
Wood and Cast- In-Place Concrete Piles
31 62 16
31 62 19
31 62 23
31 63 00
31 63 13
31 63 16
31 63 19
Steel Piles
Timber Piles
Composite Piles
Bored Piles
Bored and Augered Test Piles
Auger Cast Grout Piles
Bored and Socketed Piles
31 63 19.13
Rock Sockets for Piles
31 63 23.13
31 63 23.16
Bored and Belled Concrete Piles
Bored Friction Concrete Piles
31 63 26.13
31 63 26.16
Fixed End Caisson Piles
Concrete Caissons for Marine Construction
31 63 29.13
31 63 29.16
Uncased Drilled Concrete Piers
Cased Drilled Concrete Piers
31 63 23
31 63 26
31 63 29
31 63 33
Bored Concrete Piles
Drilled Caissons
Drilled Concrete Piers and Shafts
Drilled Micropiles
31 64 00
31 66 00
Special Foundations
31 64 13
31 64 16
31 64 19
31 64 23
31 64 26
31 64 29
Box Caissons
Excavated Caissons
Floating Caissons
Open Caissons
Pneumatic Caissons
Sheeted Caissons
31 - 5
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 31 – Earthwork
November 2004
31 66 13
31 66 16
Special Piles
Special Foundation Walls
31 66 16.13
31 66 16.23
31 66 16.26
31 66 16.33
31 66 16.43
31 66 16.46
31 66 16.53
31 66 16.56
31 66 19
31 68 00
31 68 13
31 70 00
Anchored Foundation Walls
Concrete Cribbing Foundation Walls
Metal Cribbing Foundation Walls
Manufactured Modular Foundation Walls
Mechanically Stabilized Earth Foundation Walls
Slurry Diaphragm Foundation Walls
Soldier-Beam Foundation Walls
Permanently-Anchored Soldier-Beam Foundation Walls
Refrigerated Foundations
Foundation Anchors
Rock Foundation Anchors
31 71 00
Tunnel Excavation
31 72 00
Tunnel Support Systems
31 73 00
Tunnel Grouting
31 74 00
Tunnel Construction
31 75 00
Shaft Construction
31 77 00
Submersible Tube Tunnels
31 71 13
31 71 16
31 71 19
31 72 13
31 72 16
31 73 13
31 73 16
31 74 13
31 74 16
31 74 19
31 75 13
31 75 16
31 77 13
31 77 16
31 77 19
Shield Driving Tunnel Excavation
Tunnel Excavation by Drilling and Blasting
Tunnel Excavation by Tunnel Boring Machine
Rock Reinforcement and Initial Support
Steel Ribs and Lagging
Cement Tunnel Grouting
Chemical Tunnel Grouting
Cast-in-Place Concrete Tunnel Lining
Precast Concrete Tunnel Lining
Shotcrete Tunnel Lining
Cast-in-Place Concrete Shaft Lining
Precast Concrete Shaft Lining
Trench Excavation for Submerged Tunnels
Tube Construction (Outfitting Tunnel Tubes)
Floating and Laying Submerged Tunnels
31 80 00
31 90 00
31 - 6
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 32 – Exterior Improvements
November 2004
32 01 00
32 01 11
Operation and Maintenance of Exterior Improvements
Paving Cleaning
32 01 11.51
32 01 11.52
32 01 11.53
Rubber and Paint Removal from Paving
Rubber Removal from Paving
Paint Removal from Paving
32 01 13.61
32 01 13.62
Slurry Seal (Latex Modified)
Asphalt Surface Treatment
32 01 16.71
32 01 16.72
32 01 16.73
32 01 16.74
32 01 16.75
Cold Milling Asphalt Paving
Asphalt Paving Reuse
In Place Cold Reused Asphalt Paving
In Place Hot Reused Asphalt Paving
Heater Scarifying of Asphalt Paving
32 01 17.61
32 01 17.62
Sealing Cracks in Asphalt Paving
Stress-Absorbing Membrane Interlayer
32 01 19.61
32 01 19.62
Sealing of Joints in Rigid Paving
Patching of Rigid Paving
32 01 26.71
32 01 26.72
32 01 26.73
32 01 26.74
32 01 26.75
Grooving of Concrete Paving
Grinding of Concrete Paving
Milling of Concrete Paving
Concrete Overlays
Concrete Paving Reuse
32 01 29.61
32 01 29.62
32 01 29.63
Partial Depth Patching of Rigid Paving
Concrete Paving Raising
Subsealing and Stabilization
32 01 90.13
32 01 90.16
32 01 90.19
32 01 90.23
32 01 90.26
32 01 90.29
32 01 90.33
Amending Soils
Topsoil Preservation
Tree and Shrub Preservation
32 01 13
32 01 16
32 01 17
32 01 19
32 01 23
32 01 26
32 01 29
32 01 30
32 01 80
32 01 90
32 05 00
32 05 13
32 05 16
32 05 19
Flexible Paving Surface Treatment
Flexible Paving Rehabilitation
Flexible Paving Repair
Rigid Paving Surface Treatment
Base Course Reconditioning
Rigid Paving Rehabilitation
Rigid Paving Repair
Operation and Maintenance of Site Improvements
Operation and Maintenance of Irrigation
Operation and Maintenance of Planting
Common Work Results for Exterior Improvements
Soils for Exterior Improvements
Aggregates for Exterior Improvements
Geosynthetics for Exterior Improvements
32 - 1
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 32 – Exterior Improvements
November 2004
32 05 19.13
32 05 19.16
32 05 19.19
32 05 23
32 05 33
32 06 00
32 06 10
Cement and Concrete for Exterior Improvements
Common Work Results for Planting
Schedules for Exterior Improvements
Schedules for Bases, Ballasts, and Paving
32 06 10.13
Pedestrian Walkway Schedule
32 06 30.13
Retaining Wall Schedule
32 06 80.13
Irrigation Piping Schedule
32 06 90.13
Planting Schedule
32 06 30
32 06 80
32 06 90
32 08 00
32 10 00
Geotextiles for Exterior Improvements
Geomembranes for Exterior Improvements
Geogrids for Exterior Improvements
Schedules for Site Improvements
Schedules for Irrigation
Schedules for Planting
Commissioning of Exterior Improvements
32 11 00
32 11 13
Base Courses
Subgrade Modifications
32 11 13.13
32 11 13.16
Lime-Treated Subgrades
Bituminous-Treated Subgrades
32 11 16.13
32 11 16.16
Sand-Clay Subbase Courses
Aggregate Subbase Courses
32 11 23.13
32 11 23.23
Sand-Clay Base Courses
Base Course Drainage Layers
32 11 26.13
32 11 26.16
32 11 26.19
Plant Mix Asphaltic Base Courses
Road Mix Asphaltic Base Courses
Bituminous-Stabilized Base Courses
32 11 29.13
Lime-Fly Ash-Treated Base Courses
32 11 33.13
Portland Cement- Stabilized Base Courses
32 11 36.13
32 11 36.16
32 11 36.19
Lean Concrete Base Courses
Plain Cement Concrete Base Courses
Hydraulic Cement Concrete Base Courses
32 11 16
32 11 23
32 11 26
32 11 29
32 11 33
32 11 36
32 12 00
32 12 13
Subbase Courses
Aggregate Base Courses
Asphaltic Base Courses
Lime Treated Base Courses
Cement-Treated Base Courses
Concrete Base Courses
Flexible Paving
Preparatory Coats
32 12 13.13
32 12 13.16
32 12 13.19
32 12 13.23
32 12 16
Tack Coats
Asphaltic Tack Coats
Prime Coats
Asphaltic Prime Coats
Asphalt Paving
32 - 2
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 32 – Exterior Improvements
November 2004
32 12 16.13
32 12 16.16
32 12 16.19
32 12 16.23
32 12 16.26
32 12 16.29
32 12 16.33
32 12 16.36
Plant-Mix Asphalt Paving
Road-Mix Asphalt Paving
Cold-Mix Asphalt Paving
Reinforced Asphalt Paving
Fiber-Modified Asphalt Paving
Polymer-Modified Asphalt Paving
Granulated Rubber-Modified Asphalt Paving
Athletic Asphalt Paving
32 12 19.13
32 12 19.16
32 12 19.19
Road-Mix Asphalt Paving Wearing Courses
Resin-Modified Asphalt Paving Wearing Courses
Porous Friction Asphalt Paving Wearing Courses
32 12 36.13
32 12 36.16
32 12 36.19
32 12 36.23
Asphaltic Seal and Fog Coats
Coal Tar Seal Coats
Coal Tar Seal Coats with Unvulcanized Rubber
Fuel-Resistant Sealers
32 12 19
32 12 33
32 12 36
32 12 43
32 12 73
32 13 00
32 13 13
Asphalt Paving Wearing Courses
Flexible Paving Surface Treatments
Seal Coats
Porous Flexible Paving
Asphalt Paving Joint Sealants
Rigid Paving
Concrete Paving
32 13 13.13
32 13 13.16
32 13 13.19
32 13 13.23
Exposed Aggregate Concrete Paving
Power-Compacted Concrete Paving
Prestressed Concrete Paving
Concrete Paving Surface Treatment
32 13 16.13
32 13 16.16
32 13 16.19
32 13 16.23
Patterned Concrete Paving
Roller-Compacted Concrete Paving
Imprinted Concrete Paving
Stamped Concrete Paving
32 13 73.13
32 13 73.16
32 13 73.19
Fuel-Resistant Concrete Paving Joint Sealants
Field-Molded Concrete Paving Joint Sealants
Compression Concrete Paving Joint Sealants
32 13 16
32 13 73
32 14 00
32 14 13
Decorative Concrete Paving
Concrete Paving Joint Sealants
Unit Paving
Precast Concrete Unit Paving
32 14 13.13
32 14 13.16
32 14 13.19
32 14 16
32 14 23
32 14 26
32 14 29
32 14 40
32 14 43
Interlocking Precast Concrete Unit Paving
Precast Concrete Unit Paving Slabs
Porous Precast Concrete Unit Paving
Brick Unit Paving
Asphalt Unit Paving
Wood Paving
Recycled-Rubber Paving
Stone Paving
Porous Unit Paving
32 15 00
Aggregate Surfacing
32 16 00
Curbs and Gutters
32 15 13
32 15 40
32 16 13
Cinder Surfacing
Crushed Stone Surfacing
Concrete Curbs and Gutters
32 - 3
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 32 – Exterior Improvements
November 2004
32 16 13.13
32 16 13.16
32 16 13.19
32 16 13.23
32 16 13.26
32 16 13.29
Cast-In-Place Concrete Curbs and Gutters
Cast-In-Place Concrete Curbs
Cast-In-Place Concrete Gutters
Precast Concrete Curbs and Gutters
Precast Concrete Curbs
Precast Concrete Gutters
32 16 40.13
Manufactured Stone Curbs
32 16 19
32 16 40
32 17 00
32 17 13
Paving Specialties
Parking Bumpers
32 17 13.13
32 17 13.16
32 17 13.19
32 17 13.23
32 17 13.26
Metal Parking Bumpers
Plastic Parking Bumpers
Precast Concrete Parking Bumpers
Rubber Parking Bumpers
Wood Parking Bumpers
32 17 23.13
32 17 23.23
32 17 23.33
Painted Pavement Markings
Raised Pavement Markings
Plastic Pavement Markings
32 17 23
32 17 26
32 18 00
32 18 13
32 18 16
Pavement Markings
Tactile Warning Surfacing
Athletic and Recreational Surfacing
Synthetic Grass Surfacing
Synthetic Resilient Surfacing
32 18 16.13
Playground Protective Surfacing
32 18 23.13
32 18 23.16
32 18 23.19
32 18 23.23
32 18 23.26
32 18 23.29
32 18 23.33
32 18 23.36
32 18 23.39
32 18 23.43
32 18 23.53
32 18 23.56
32 18 23.59
Baseball Field Surfacing
Natural Baseball Field Surfacing
Synthetic Baseball Field Surfacing
Field Sport Surfacing
Natural Field Sport Surfacing
Synthetic Field Sport Surfacing
Running Track Surfacing
Natural Running Track Surfacing
Synthetic Running Track Surfacing
Recreational Court Surfacing
Tennis Court Surfacing
Natural Tennis Court Surfacing
Synthetic Tennis Court Surfacing
32 18 23
32 20 00
32 30 00
Asphalt Curbs
Stone Curbs
Athletic Surfacing
32 31 00
32 31 13
Fences and Gates
Chain Link Fences and Gates
32 31 13.23
32 31 13.26
32 31 13.29
32 31 13.33
32 31 13.53
32 31 16
32 31 19
32 31 23
32 31 26
Recreational Court Fences and Gates
Tennis Court Fences and Gates
Tennis Court Wind Breaker
Chain Link Backstops
High-Security Chain Link Fences and Gates
Welded Wire Fences and Gates
Decorative Metal Fences and Gates
Plastic Fences and Gates
Wire Fences and Gates
32 - 4
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 32 – Exterior Improvements
November 2004
32 31 29
32 32 00
32 32 13
32 32 16
32 32 19
32 32 23
Wood Fences and Gates
Retaining Walls
Cast-in-Place Concrete Retaining Walls
Precast Concrete Retaining Walls
Unit Masonry Retaining Walls
Segmental Retaining Walls
32 32 23.13
32 32 23.16
32 32 26
32 32 29
32 32 34
32 32 36
32 32 43
32 34 00
32 35 00
32 35 13
32 35 16
Segmental Concrete Unit Masonry Retaining Walls
Manufactured Modular Walls
Metal Crib Retaining Walls
Timber Retaining Walls
Reinforced Soil Retaining Walls
Gabion Retaining Walls
Soldier-Beam Retaining Walls
Fabricated Bridges
Screening Devices
Screens and Louvers
Sound Barriers
32 40 00
32 50 00
32 60 00
32 70 00
32 71 00
32 72 00
32 80 00
Constructed Wetlands
Wetlands Restoration
32 82 00
32 84 00
Irrigation Pumps
Planting Irrigation
32 86 00
Agricultural Irrigation
32 84 13
32 84 23
32 90 00
Drip Irrigation
Underground Sprinklers
32 91 00
32 91 13
Planting Preparation
Soil Preparation
32 91 13.13
32 91 13.16
32 91 13.19
32 91 13.23
32 91 13.26
Planting Soil Mixing
Structural Soil Mixing
Planting Beds
32 91 16.13
32 91 16.16
32 91 16.19
Blanket Planting Soil Stabilization
Mat Planting Soil Stabilization
Netting Planting Soil Stabilization
32 91 19.13
Topsoil Placement and Grading
32 91 16
32 91 19
32 92 00
32 92 13
32 92 16
32 92 19
Planting Soil Stabilization
Landscape Grading
Turf and Grasses
32 - 5
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 32 – Exterior Improvements
November 2004
32 92 19.13
32 92 19.16
Mechanical Seeding
Hydraulic Seeding
32 92 26.13
32 92 23
32 92 26
32 93 00
32 94 00
Planting Accessories
32 96 00
32 93 13
32 93 23
32 93 33
32 93 43
32 94 13
32 94 16
32 94 33
32 94 43
32 94 46
32 96 13
32 96 23
32 96 33
32 96 43
Ground Covers
Plants and Bulbs
Landscape Edging
Landscape Timbers
Tree Grates
Tree Grids
Ground Cover Transplanting
Plant and Bulb Transplanting
Shrub Transplanting
Tree Transplanting
32 - 6
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 33 – Utilities
November 2004
33 00 00 UTILITIES
33 01 00
33 01 10
33 01 20
33 01 30
Operation and Maintenance of Utilities
Operation and Maintenance of Water Utilities
Operation and Maintenance of Wells
Operation and Maintenance of Sewer Utilities
33 01 30.13
33 01 30.16
33 01 30.51
33 01 30.52
33 01 30.61
33 01 30.62
33 01 30.71
33 01 30.72
Sewer and Manhole Testing
TV Inspection of Sewer Pipelines
Maintenance of Sewer Utilities
Pond and Reservoir Maintenance
Sewer and Pipe Joint Sealing
Manhole Grout Sealing
Rehabilitation of Sewer Utilities
Relining Sewers
33 01 50.51
33 01 50.71
Cleaning Fuel-Storage Tanks
Lining of Steel Fuel-Storage Tanks
33 01 50
33 01 60
33 01 70
33 01 80
33 05 00
33 05 13
Operation and Maintenance of Fuel Distribution Lines
Operation and Maintenance of Hydronic and Steam Energy Utilities
Operation and Maintenance of Electrical Utilities
Operation and Maintenance of Communications Utilities
Common Work Results for Utilities
Manholes and Structures
33 05 13.13
Manhole Grade Adjustment
33 05 16.13
33 05 16.53
Precast Concrete Utility Structures
Rebuilding Utility Structures
33 05 23.13
33 05 23.16
33 05 23.19
33 05 23.23
33 05 23.26
33 05 23.29
Utility Horizontal Directional Drilling
Utility Pipe Jacking
Utility Pipe Ramming
Utility Impact Moling
Cable Trenching and Plowing
33 05 16
33 05 19
33 05 23
33 05 26
33 06 00
33 06 10
33 06 20
33 06 30
33 06 40
Utility Structures
Pressure Piping Tied Joint Restraint System
Trenchless Utility Installation
Utility Line Signs, Markers, and Flags
Schedules for Utilities
Schedules for Water Utilities
Schedules for Wells
Schedules for Sanitary Sewerage Utilities
Schedules for Storm Drainage Utilities
33 06 40.13
33 06 50
33 06 60
33 06 70
33 06 80
33 08 00
33 08 10
33 08 20
Storm Drainage Schedule
Schedules for Fuel Distribution Utilities
Schedules for Hydronic and Steam Energy Utilities
Schedules for Electrical Utilities
Schedules for Communications Utilities
Commissioning of Utilities
Commissioning of Water Utilities
Commissioning of Wells
33 - 1
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 33 – Utilities
November 2004
33 08 30
33 08 40
33 08 50
33 08 60
33 08 70
33 08 80
33 09 00
33 09 10
33 09 20
33 09 30
33 09 40
33 09 50
33 09 60
33 09 70
33 09 80
33 10 00
Commissioning of Sanitary Sewerage Utilities
Commissioning of Storm Drainage Utilities
Commissioning of Fuel Distribution Utilities
Commissioning of Hydronic and Steam Energy Utilities
Commissioning of Electrical Utilities
Commissioning of Communications Utilities
Instrumentation and Control for Utilities
Instrumentation and Control for Water Utilities
Instrumentation and Control for Wells
Instrumentation and Control for Sanitary Sewerage Utilities
Instrumentation and Control for Storm Drainage Utilities
Instrumentation and Control for Fuel Distribution Utilities
Instrumentation and Control for Hydronic and Steam Energy Utilities
Instrumentation and Control for Electrical Utilities
Instrumentation and Control for Communications Utilities
33 11 00
Water Utility Distribution Piping
33 12 00
Water Utility Distribution Equipment
33 11 13
33 11 16
33 11 19
33 12 13
Public Water Utility Distribution Piping
Site Water Utility Distribution Piping
Fire Suppression Utility Water Distribution Piping
Water Service Connections
33 12 13.13
33 12 16
33 12 19
33 12 23
33 12 33
33 13 00
33 16 00
33 16 13
Disinfecting of Water Utility Distribution
Water Utility Storage Tanks
Aboveground Water Utility Storage Tanks
33 16 13.13
33 16 13.16
33 16 16
33 16 19
33 20 00
Water Supply Backflow Preventer Assemblies
Water Utility Distribution Valves
Water Utility Distribution Fire Hydrants
Water Utility Pumping Stations
Water Utility Metering
Steel Aboveground Water Utility Storage Tanks
Prestressed Concrete Aboveground Water Utility Storage Tanks
Underground Water Utility Storage Tanks
Elevated Water Utility Storage Tanks
33 21 00
Water Supply Wells
33 22 00
33 23 00
33 24 00
Test Wells
Extraction Wells
Monitoring Wells
33 25 00
33 26 00
33 29 00
Recharge Wells
Relief Wells
Well Abandonment
33 21 13
33 21 16
33 24 13
33 30 00
Public Water Supply Wells
Irrigation Water Wells
Groundwater Monitoring Wells
33 31 00
33 31 13
Sanitary Utility Sewerage Piping
Public Sanitary Utility Sewerage Piping
33 - 2
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 33 – Utilities
November 2004
33 31 16
33 32 00
33 32 13
Industrial Waste Utility Sewerage Piping
Wastewater Utility Pumping Stations
Packaged Utility Lift Stations
33 32 13.13
Packaged Sewage Lift Stations, Wet Well Type
33 32 16.13
Packaged Sewage Grinder Pumping Units
33 32 16
33 32 19
Packaged Utility Wastewater Pumping Stations
Public Utility Wastewater Pumping Stations
33 33 00
Low Pressure Utility Sewerage
33 34 00
Sanitary Utility Sewerage Force Mains
33 36 00
Utility Septic Tanks
33 39 00
Sanitary Utility Sewerage Structures
33 33 13
33 33 16
33 34 13
33 36 13
33 36 16
33 36 33
33 39 13
33 39 23
33 40 00
Sanitary Utility Sewerage
Combined Utility Sewerage
Sanitary Utility Sewerage Inverted Siphons
Utility Septic Tank and Effluent Wet Wells
Utility Septic Tank Effluent Pumps
Utility Drainage Field
Sanitary Utility Sewerage Manholes, Frames, and Covers
Sanitary Utility Sewerage Cleanouts
33 41 00
Storm Utility Drainage Piping
33 42 00
33 41 13
33 42 13
Public Storm Utility Drainage Piping
Pipe Culverts
33 42 13.13
Public Pipe Culverts
33 42 16.13
33 42 16.16
Precast Concrete Culverts
Cast- in-Place Concrete Culverts
33 42 16
33 44 00
33 44 13
Concrete Culverts
Storm Utility Water Drains
Utility Area Drains
33 44 13.13
33 44 19.13
33 44 19.16
33 44 19.19
In-Line Utility Storm Water Filters
Catch Basin Insert Utility Storm Water Filters
Utility Oil and Gas Separators
33 44 16
33 44 19
33 45 00
33 46 00
33 46 13
Utility Trench Drains
Utility Storm Water Treatment
Storm Utility Drainage Pumps
Foundation Drainage
33 46 13.13
33 46 13.16
Foundation Drainage Piping
Geocomposite Foundation Drainage
33 46 16.13
33 46 16.16
33 46 16.19
Subdrainage Piping
Geocomposite Subdrainage
Pipe Underdrains
33 46 19.13
33 46 19.16
Underslab Drainage Piping
Geocomposite Underslab Drainage
33 46 16
33 46 19
33 46 23
Subdrainage Piping
Underslab Drainage
Drainage Layers
33 - 3
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 33 – Utilities
November 2004
33 46 23.16
33 46 23.19
33 46 26
33 46 33
33 47 00
33 47 13
Geotextile Subsurface Drainage Filtration
Retaining Wall Drainage
Ponds and Reservoirs
Pond and Reservoir Liners
33 47 13.13
33 47 13.53
Pond Liners
Reservoir Liners
33 47 16.13
33 47 16.53
Pond Covers
Reservoir Covers
33 47 19.13
33 47 19.16
33 47 19.23
33 47 19.33
Water Distribution Ponds
Water Retainage Reservoirs
Cooling Water Ponds
Fire-Protection Water Ponds
33 47 26.13
33 47 26.16
33 47 26.19
Stabilization Ponds
Retention Basins
Leaching Pits
33 47 16
33 47 19
33 47 23
33 47 26
33 49 00
33 49 13
33 49 23
33 50 00
Gravel Drainage Layers
Geosynthetic Drainage Layers
Pond and Reservoir Covers
Water Ponds and Reservoirs
Sanitary Sewerage Lagoons
Storm Drainage Ponds and Reservoirs
Storm Drainage Structures
Storm Drainage Manholes, Frames, and Covers
Storm Drainage Water Retention Structures
33 51 00
Natural-Gas Distribution
33 52 00
Liquid Fuel Distribution
33 51 13
33 51 33
33 52 13
Natural-Gas Piping
Natural-Gas Metering
Fuel-Oil Distribution
33 52 13.13
33 52 13.23
Fuel-Oil Piping
Fuel-Oil Pumps
33 52 16.13
33 52 16.23
Gasoline Piping
Gasoline Pumps
33 52 19.13
33 52 19.23
Diesel Fuel Piping
Diesel Fuel Pumps
33 52 43.13
33 52 43.16
33 52 43.19
33 52 43.23
Aviation Fuel Piping
Aviation Fuel Connections
Aviation Fuel Grounding
Aviation Fuel Pumps
33 52 16
33 52 19
33 52 43
33 56 00
33 56 13
33 56 16
33 56 43
Gasoline Distribution
Diesel Fuel Distribution
Aviation Fuel Distribution
Fuel-Storage Tanks
Aboveground Fuel-Storage Tanks
Underground Fuel-Storage Tanks
Aviation Fuel-Storage Tanks
33 56 43.13
33 56 43.16
33 56 53
Aboveground Aviation Fuel-Storage Tanks
Underground Aviation Fuel-Storage Tanks
Compressed Gases Storage Tanks
33 - 4
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 33 – Utilities
November 2004
33 60 00
33 61 00
Hydronic Energy Distribution
33 63 00
Steam Energy Distribution
33 61 13
33 61 23
33 61 33
33 63 13
33 63 23
33 63 33
33 70 00
Underground Hydronic Energy Distribution
Aboveground Hydronic Energy Distribution
Hydronic Energy Distribution Metering
Underground Steam and Condensate Distribution Piping
Aboveground Steam and Condensate Distribution Piping
Steam Energy Distribution Metering
33 71 00
33 71 13
Electrical Utility Transmission and Distribution
Electrical Utility Towers
33 71 13.13
33 71 13.23
33 71 13.33
Precast Concrete Electrical Utility Towers
Steel Electrical Utility Towers
Wood Electrical Utility Towers
33 71 16.13
33 71 16.23
33 71 16.33
Precast Concrete Electrical Utility Poles
Steel Electrical Utility Poles
Wood Electrical Utility Poles
33 71 19.13
Electrical Manholes and Handholes
33 71 23.13
33 71 23.16
33 71 23.23
Suspension Insulators
Post Insulators
33 71 26.13
33 71 26.16
33 71 26.23
33 71 26.26
Capacitor Banks
Coupling Capacitors
Current Transformers
Potential Transformers
33 71 36.13
Overhead Extra-High-Voltage Wiring
33 71 39.13
33 71 39.23
33 71 39.33
Overhead High-Voltage Wiring
Underground High-Voltage Wiring
Underwater High-Voltage Wiring
33 71 49.13
33 71 49.23
33 71 49.33
Overhead Medium-Voltage Wiring
Underground Medium-Voltage Wiring
Underwater Medium-Voltage Wiring
33 71 73.33
Electric Meters
33 71 16
33 71 19
33 71 23
33 71 26
33 71 36
33 71 39
33 71 49
33 71 53
33 71 73
33 71 83
33 72 00
33 72 13
33 72 23
Electrical Utility Poles
Electrical Underground Ducts and Manholes
Insulators and Fittings
Transmission and Distribution Equipment
Extra-High-Voltage Wiring
High-Voltage Wiring
Medium -Voltage Wiring
Direct-Current Transmission
Electrical Utility Services
Transmission and Distribution Specialties
Utility Substations
Deadend Structures
Structural Bus Supports
33 72 23.13
Bus Support Insulators
33 72 26.13
33 72 26.16
Aluminum Substation Bus Assemblies
Copper Substation Bus Assemblies
33 72 26
33 72 33
Substation Bus Assemblies
Control House Equipment
33 - 5
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 33 – Utilities
November 2004
33 72 33.13
33 72 33.16
33 72 33.23
33 72 33.26
33 72 33.33
33 72 33.36
33 72 33.43
33 72 33.46
33 72 43
Substation Control Panels
Power-Line Carriers
Substation Metering
Raceway and Boxes for Utility Substations
Cable Trays for Utility Substations
Substation Backup Batteries
Substation Converter Stations
Substation Control Wiring
33 73 00
Utility Transformers
33 75 00
High-Voltage Switchgear and Protection Devices
33 77 00
Medium-Voltage Utility Switchgear and Protection Devices
33 79 00
Site Grounding
33 73 13
33 73 23
33 75 13
33 75 16
33 75 19
33 75 23
33 75 36
33 75 39
33 75 43
33 77 13
33 77 16
33 77 19
33 77 23
33 77 26
33 77 33
33 77 36
33 77 39
33 77 53
33 79 13
Air High-Voltage Circuit Breaker
Oil High-Voltage Circuit Breaker
Gas High-Voltage Circuit Breaker
Vacuum High-Voltage Circuit Breaker
High-Voltage Utility Fuses
High-Voltage Surge Arresters
Shunt Reactors
Air Medium-Voltage Circuit Breaker
Oil Medium -Voltage Circuit Breaker
Gas Medium -Voltage Circuit Breaker
Vacuum Medium -Voltage Circuit Breaker
Medium -Voltage Utility Fusible Interrupter Switchgear
Medium -Voltage Utility Cutouts
Medium -Voltage Utility Fuses
Medium -Voltage Utility Surge Arresters
Medium -Voltage Utility Reclosers
Site Improvements Grounding
33 79 13.13
Electric Fence Grounding
33 79 16.13
33 79 16.16
Communications Tower Grounding
Antenna Tower Grounding
33 79 19.13
33 79 19.16
Electrical Utilities Grounding
Communications Utilities Grounding
33 79 83.13
33 79 83.16
33 79 83.23
33 79 83.33
33 79 83.43
Grounding Wire, Bar, and Rod
Chemical Rod
Conductive Concrete
Earth Grounding Enhancement
Deep Earth Grounding
33 79 93.13
33 79 93.16
Lightning Strike Counters
Lightning Strike Warning Devices
33 79 16
33 79 19
33 79 23
33 79 83
33 79 93
33 80 00
Liquid-Filled Utility Transformers
Dry-Type Utility Transformers
Tower Grounding
Utilities Grounding
Utility Substation Grounding
Site Grounding Conductors
Site Lightning Protection
33 81 00
33 81 13
Communications Structures
Communications Transmission Towers
33 - 6
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 33 – Utilities
November 2004
33 81 16
33 81 19
33 81 23
33 81 26
33 81 29
33 81 33
33 82 00
33 82 13
Communications Distribution
Copper Communications Distribution Cabling
33 82 13.13
Copper Splicing and Terminations
33 82 23.13
Optical Fiber Splicing and Terminations
33 82 33.13
Coaxial Splicing and Terminations
33 82 23
33 82 33
33 82 43
33 82 46
33 82 53
33 83 00
33 83 13
33 83 16
33 83 19
33 83 23
33 90 00
Antenna Towers
Communications Utility Poles
Aerial Cable Installation Hardware
Communications Underground Ducts, Manholes, and Handholes
Communications Vaults, Pedestals and Enclosures
Communications Blowers, Fans, and Ventilation
Optical Fiber Communications Distribution Cabling
Coaxial Communications Distribution Cabling
Grounding and Bonding for Communications Distribution
Cable Pressurization Equipment
Cleaning, Lubrication and Restoration Chemicals
Wireless Communications Distribution
Laser Transmitters and Receivers
Microwave Transmitters and Receivers
Infrared Transmitters and Receivers
UHF/VHF Transmitters and Antennas
33 - 7
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 34 – Transportation
November 2004
34 01 00
34 01 13
34 01 23
Operation and Maintenance of Transportation
Operation and Maintenance of Roadways
Operation and Maintenance of Railways
34 01 23.13
34 01 23.81
34 01 33
34 01 43
Track Removal and Salvage
Track Crosstie Replacement
Operation and Maintenance of Airfields
Operation and Maintenance of Bridges
34 05 00
Common Work Results for Transportation
34 06 00
Schedules for Transportation
34 08 00
Commissioning of Transportation
34 05 13
34 05 23
34 05 33
34 05 43
34 06 13
34 06 23
34 06 33
34 06 43
34 08 13
34 08 23
34 08 33
34 08 43
34 10 00
Common Work Results for Roadways
Common Work Results for Railways
Common Work Results for Airports
Common Work Results for Bridges
Schedules for Roadways
Schedules for Railways
Schedules for Airfields
Schedules for Bridges
Commissioning of Roadways
Commissioning of Railways
Commissioning of Airfields
Commissioning of Bridges
34 11 00
34 11 13
Rail Tracks
Track Rails
34 11 13.13
34 11 13.23
Light Rail Track
Heavy Rail Track
34 11 16.13
34 11 16.16
34 11 16.19
In-Track Butt- Welded Track Rail
Pressure- Welded Track Rail
Thermite- Welded Track Rail
34 11 23.13
34 11 23.16
34 11 23.23
34 11 23.26
Ballasted Special Track Rail
Direct-Fixation Track
Running Rail
Precurved Running Rail
34 11 26.13
34 11 26.16
Track Rail Ballast
Track Rail Subballast
34 11 16
34 11 19
34 11 23
34 11 26
34 11 29
34 11 33
Welded Track Rails
Track Rail Joints
Special Trackwork
Ballasted Track Rail
Embedded Track Rail
Track Cross Ties
34 - 1
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 34 – Transportation
November 2004
34 11 33.13
34 11 33.16
34 11 33.19
Concrete Track Cross Ties
Timber Track Cross Ties
Resilient Track Cross Ties
34 11 36.13
Direct-Fixation Fasteners
34 11 39.13
Fiberglass Track Collector Pans
34 11 36
34 11 39
34 11 93
Track Rail Fasteners
Track Collector Pans
Track Appurtenances and Accessories
34 12 00
34 13 00
34 14 00
Cable Transportation
34 12 13
34 12 16
34 12 19
34 12 23
34 12 63
34 13 13
34 14 13
34 14 19
34 14 26
34 14 33
34 14 39
34 14 46
34 14 53
34 20 00
Elevated Monorails
On-Grade Monorails
Below-Grade Monorails
Maglev Monorail
Monorail Track
Inclined Railway
Aerial Tramways
Surface Lifts
Ropeway Tows
Cable Car Systems
34 21 00
34 21 13
34 21 16
Traction Power Distribution
High Power Static Frequency Converters
Traction Power Substations
34 21 16.13
34 21 16.16
AC Traction Power Substations
DC Traction Power Substations
34 21 19.13
34 21 19.16
34 21 19.23
AC Traction Power Switchgear
DC Traction Power Switchgear
Frequency Changer
34 21 19
34 21 23
Traction Power Switchgear
Traction Power Transformer-Rectifier Units
34 23 00
Overhead Traction Power
34 24 00
Third Rail Traction Power
34 23 13
34 23 16
34 23 23
34 24 13
34 24 16
34 24 19
34 30 00
34 40 00
Traction Power Poles
Overhead Cable Suspension
Overhead Traction Power Cables
Bottom-Contact Third Rail
Side-Contact Third Rail
Top-Contact Third Rail
34 41 00
34 41 13
34 41 16
34 41 23
Roadway Signaling and Control Equipment
Traffic Signals
Traffic Control Equipment
Roadway Monitoring Equipment
34 - 2
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 34 – Transportation
November 2004
34 42 00
34 42 13
Railway Signals
34 42 13.13
34 42 13.16
General Railway Signal Requirements
Signal Solid State Coded Track Circuits
34 42 23.13
34 42 23.16
34 42 23.19
34 42 23.23
Mainline Train Control Room Equipment
Yard Train Control Room Equipment
Integrated Control Equipment
Interlocking Railway Control Equipment
34 42 16
34 42 19
34 42 23
34 42 26
34 42 29
34 42 33
34 42 36
34 43 00
34 43 13
Train Control Wires and Cables
Vital Interlocking Logic Controllers
Railway Control Equipment
Rail Network Equipment
Station Agent Equipment
Yard Management Equipment
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
Airfield Signaling and Control Equipment
Airfield Signals
34 43 13.13
34 43 13.16
Airfield Runway Identification Lights
Airfield Runway and Taxiway Inset Lighting
34 43 16.13
34 43 16.16
34 43 16.19
34 43 16.23
34 43 16.26
34 43 16.29
34 43 16.33
34 43 16.36
Microwave Airfield Landing Equipment
Instrument Airfield Landing Equipment
Airfield Visual-Approach Slope Indicator Equipment
Airfield Short- Approach Lighting Equipment
Airfield Omni-Directional-Approach Lighting Equipment
Airfield Low-Intensity -Approach Lighting Equipment
Airfield High-Intensity -Approach Lighting Equipment
Airfield Precision-Approach Path Indicator Equipment
34 43 23.13
34 43 23.16
Automatic Weather Observation Equipment
Airfield Wind Cones
34 43 26.13
34 43 26.16
34 43 26.19
Airfield Lighting Control Equipment
Airfield Lighting PLC Control Equipment
Airfield Lighting Regulator Assembly
34 43 16
34 43 19
34 43 23
34 43 26
34 48 00
34 48 13
34 48 16
34 50 00
Railway Signaling and Control Equipment
Airfield Landing Equipment
Airfield Traffic Control Tower Equipment
Weather Observation Equipment
Airfield Control Equipment
Bridge Signaling and Control Equipment
Operating Bridge Signals
Operating Bridge Control Equipment
34 52 00
34 52 16
Vehicle Fare Collection
Vehicle Ticketing Equipment
34 52 16.13
Vehicle Ticket Vending Machines
34 52 26.13
34 52 26.16
Vehicle Coin Fare Collection Equipment
Vehicle Electronic Fare Collection Equipment
34 52 26
34 52 33
34 54 00
34 54 16
Vehicle Fare Collection Equipment
Vehicle Fare Gates
Passenger Fare Collection
Passenger Ticketing Equipment
34 - 3
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 34 – Transportation
November 2004
34 54 16.13
34 54 16.16
34 54 16.23
Passenger Ticket Vending Machines
Passenger Addfare Machines
Passenger Intermodal Transfer Machines
34 54 26.13
34 54 26.16
Passenger Coin Fare Collection Equipment
Passenger Electronic Fare Collection Equipment
34 54 26
34 54 33
34 60 00
34 70 00
Passenger Fare Collection Equipment
Passenger Fare Gates
34 71 00
34 71 13
Roadway Construction
Vehicle Barriers
34 71 13.13
34 71 13.16
34 71 13.19
34 71 13.26
34 71 13.29
Vehicle Median Barriers
Vehicle Crash Barriers
Vehicle Traffic Barriers
Vehicle Guide Rails
Vehicle Barrier Fenders
34 71 19.13
34 71 19.16
Fixed Vehicle Delineators
Flexible Vehicle Delineators
34 71 16
34 71 19
Impact Attenuating Devices
Vehicle Delineators
34 72 00
Railway Construction
34 73 00
Airfield Construction
34 72 13
34 72 16
34 73 13
34 73 16
Railway Line
Railway Siding
Aircraft Tiedowns
Airfield Grounding
34 73 16.13
34 73 19
34 73 23
34 73 26
34 75 00
34 75 13
Aircraft Static Grounding
Jet Blast Barriers
Manufactured Airfield Control Towers
Manufactured Helipads
Roadway Equipment
Operable Roadway Equipment
34 75 13.13
Active Vehicle Barriers
34 76 00
Railway Equipment
34 77 00
Transportation Equipment
34 76 13
34 77 13
Passenger Loading Bridges
34 77 13.13
34 77 13.16
34 77 13.23
Fixed Aircraft Passenger Loading Bridges
Movable Aircraft Passenger Loading Bridges
Ship Passenger Loading Bridges
34 77 16.13
34 77 16.16
34 77 16.19
Baggage Scanning Equipment
Baggage Scales
Baggage Conveying Equipment
34 77 16
34 80 00
Roadway Crossing Control Equipment
Baggage Handling Equipment
34 81 00
34 81 13
34 81 16
34 81 19
34 81 23
Bridge Machinery
Single-Swing Bridge Machinery
Double-Swing Bridge Machinery
Cantilever Bridge Machinery
Lift Bridge Machinery
34 - 4
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 34 – Transportation
November 2004
34 81 26
34 82 00
34 82 13
Bridge Vibration Dampers
34 82 13.13
34 82 13.16
Visco Elastic Bridge Vibration Dampers
Tuned-Mass Bridge Vibration Dampers
34 82 19.13
Bridge Pier Ice Shields
34 82 19
34 90 00
Sliding Bridge Machinery
Bridge Specialties
Bridge Pier Protection
34 - 5
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 35 – Waterway & Marine Construction
November 2004
35 01 00
35 01 30
35 01 40
Operation and Maintenance of Waterway and Marine Construction
Operation and Maintenance of Coastal Construction
Operation and Maintenance of Waterway Construction
35 01 40.92
Preservation of Water Courses
35 01 50.71
Channel Excavation, Cleaning and Deepening
35 01 50
35 01 70
Operation and Maintenance of Marine Construction
Operation and Maintenance of Dams
35 05 00
Common Work Results for Waterway and Marine Construction
35 06 00
Schedules for Waterway and Marine Construction
35 08 00
Commissioning of Waterway and Marine Construction
35 05 30
35 05 40
35 05 50
35 05 70
35 06 30
35 06 40
35 06 50
35 06 70
35 08 30
35 08 40
35 08 50
35 08 70
35 10 00
Common Work Results for Coastal Construction
Common Work Results for Waterway Construction
Common Work Results for Marine Construction
Common Work Results for Dams
Schedules for Coastal Construction
Schedules for Waterway Construction
Schedules for Marine Construction
Schedules for Dams
Commissioning of Coastal Construction
Commissioning of Waterway Construction
Commissioning of Marine Construction
Commissioning of Dams
35 11 00
Signaling and Control Equipment for Waterways
35 12 00
Marine Signaling and Control Equipment
35 11 13
35 11 53
35 12 13
Signaling Equipment for Waterways
Control Equipment for Waterways
Marine Signaling Equipment
35 12 13.13
35 12 33
35 12 53
35 13 00
35 13 13
35 13 53
35 20 00
Lighthouse Equipment
Marine Navigation Equipment
Marine Control Equipment
Signaling and Control Equipment for Dams
Signaling Equipment for Dams
Control Equipment for Dams
35 20 13
Hydraulic Fabrications
35 20 13.13
35 20 13.16
35 20 13.19
35 20 13.23
35 20 13.26
35 20 16
Hydraulic Bifurcation Panels
Hydraulic Bulkheads
Hydraulic Manifolds
Hydraulic Penstocks
Hydraulic Trashracks
Hydraulic Gates
35 - 1
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 35 – Waterway & Marine Construction
November 2004
35 20 16.13
35 20 16.19
35 20 16.26
35 20 16.33
35 20 16.39
35 20 16.46
35 20 16.53
35 20 16.59
Hydraulic Spillway Crest Gates
Hydraulic Head Gates
Hydraulic Sluice Gates
Hydraulic Miter Gates
Hydraulic Sector Gates
Hydraulic Tainter Gates and Anchorages
Hydraulic Vertical Lift Gates
Hydraulic Closure Gates
35 20 19.13
35 20 19.23
Hydraulic Butterfly Valves
Hydraulic Regulating Valves
35 20 23.13
35 20 23.23
35 20 23.33
Mechanical Dredging
Hydraulic Dredging
Integrated Dredging and Dewatering
35 20 19
35 20 23
35 30 00
35 31 00
35 31 16
Shoreline Protection
35 31 16.13
35 31 16.16
35 31 16.19
35 31 16.23
35 31 16.40
Concrete Seawalls
Segmental Seawalls
Steel Sheet Piling Seawalls
Timber Seawalls
Stone Seawalls
35 31 19.13
35 31 19.16
35 31 19.36
35 31 19.40
Sacked Cement- Sand Revetments
Concrete Unit Masonry Revetments
Gabion Revetments
Stone Revetments
35 31 23.13
35 31 23.16
Rubble Mound Breakwaters
Precast Breakwater Modules
35 31 26.13
35 31 26.16
35 31 26.36
35 31 26.40
Concrete Jetties
Concrete Unit Masonry Jetties
Gabion Jetties
Stone Jetties
35 31 29.13
35 31 29.16
35 31 29.26
35 31 29.36
35 31 29.40
Concrete Groins
Concrete Unit Masonry Groins
Steel Groins
Gabion Groins
Stone Groins
35 31 19
35 31 23
35 31 26
35 31 29
35 32 00
35 32 13
Artificial Reefs
Scrap Material Artificial Reefs
35 32 13.13
35 32 13.19
35 32 13.33
Scrap Concrete Artificial Reefs
Scrap Steel Artificial Reefs
Sunken Ship Artificial Reefs
35 32 16.13
35 32 16.19
Constructed Concrete Artificial Reefs
Constructed Steel Artificial Reefs
35 32 16
35 40 00
Hydraulic Valves
Constructed Artificial Reefs
35 41 00
35 41 13
Landside Levee Berms
35 - 2
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 35 – Waterway & Marine Construction
November 2004
35 41 13.13
35 41 13.16
35 41 16
35 41 19
35 42 00
35 42 13
Levee Cutoff Trenches
Levee Relief Wells
Waterway Bank Protection
Piling Bank Protection
35 42 13.19
35 42 13.23
35 42 13.26
Steel Sheet Piling Bank Protection
Timber Piling Bank Protection
Plastic Piling Bank Protection
35 42 53.16
35 42 53.19
35 42 53.40
Concrete Unit Masonry Wall Bank Protection
Segmental Wall Bank Protection
Stone Wall Bank Protection
35 42 29
35 42 34
35 42 35
35 42 36
35 42 37
35 42 53
35 43 00
35 43 29
35 43 34
35 43 35
35 43 36
35 43 37
35 43 53
Grout-Bag Bank Protection
Soil Reinforcem ent Bank Protection
Slope Protection Bank Protection
Gabion Bank Protection
Riprap Bank Protection
Wall Bank Protection
Waterway Scour Protection
Grout-Bag Scour Protection
Soil Reinforcement Scour Protection
Slope Protection Scour Protection
Gabion Scour Protection
Riprap Scour Protection
Wall Scour Protection
35 43 53.13
35 43 53.16
35 43 53.40
35 49 00
35 49 13
Concrete Unit Masonry Wall Scour Protection
Segmental Wall Scour Protection
Stone Wall Scour Protection
Waterway Structures
35 49 13.13
35 49 13.16
Concrete Floodwalls
Masonry Floodwalls
35 49 23.13
35 49 23.23
Concrete Waterway Locks
Piling Waterway Locks
35 49 23
35 50 00
Stability Landside Levee Berms
Seepage Landside Levee Berms
Waterway Locks
35 51 00
35 51 13
Floating Construction
Floating Piers
35 51 13.23
35 51 13.26
35 51 23
Floating Wood Piers
Floating Plastic Piers
35 52 00
Offshore Platform Construction
35 53 00
Underwater Construction
35 52 13
35 52 23
35 52 33
35 53 23
35 53 33
35 53 43
35 53 53
35 53 63
Fixed Offshore Platform Construction
Semi-Submersible Offshore Platform Construction
Floating Offshore Platform Construction
Underwater Harbor Deepening
Underwater Pipeline Construction
Underwater Foundation Construction
Underwater Structures Construction
Underwater Waterproofing
35 - 3
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 35 – Waterway & Marine Construction
November 2004
35 59 00
35 59 13
Marine Fenders
35 59 13.13
35 59 13.16
35 59 13.19
Prestressed Concrete Marine Fender Piling
Resilient Foam-Filled Marine Fenders
Rubber Marine Fenders
35 59 23.13
35 59 23.16
35 59 23.19
Mooring Buoys
Anchor Pendant Buoys
Navigation Buoys
35 59 29.13
35 59 29.16
35 59 29.19
Quick-Release Mooring Hooks
Laser Docking Systems
35 59 33.13
35 59 33.16
35 59 33.19
35 59 33.23
Cast-Steel Marine Bollards and Cleats
Cast-Iron Marine Bollards and Cleats
Stainless-Steel Marine Bollards and Cleats
Plastic Marine Bollards and Cleats
35 59 93.13
35 59 93.16
35 59 93.19
Marine Chain
Marine Shackles
Marine Chain Tensioners
35 59 23
35 59 29
35 59 33
35 59 93
35 60 00
35 70 00
Marine Specialties
Mooring Devices
Marine Bollards and Cleats
Marine Chain and Accessories
35 71 00
Gravity Dams
35 72 00
Arch Dams
35 73 00
Embankment Dams
35 74 00
Buttress Dams
35 79 00
Auxiliary Dam Structures
35 71 13
35 71 16
35 71 19
35 72 13
35 73 13
35 73 16
35 74 13
35 79 13
Concrete Gravity Dams
Masonry Gravity Dams
Rockfill Gravity Dams
Concrete Arch Dams
Earth Embankment Dam
Rock Embankment Dams
Concrete Buttress Dams
Fish Ladders
35 79 13.13
Concrete Fish Ladders
35 80 00
35 90 00
35 - 4
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 40 – Process Integration
November 2004
40 01 00
Operation and Maintenance of Process Integration
40 05 00
Common Work Results for Process Integration
40 01 10
40 01 20
40 01 30
40 01 40
40 05 13
Common Work Results for Process Piping
40 05 13.13
40 05 13.16
40 05 13.19
40 05 13.23
40 05 13.33
40 05 13.43
40 05 13.53
40 05 13.63
40 05 13.73
40 05 13.76
40 05 13.93
Steel Process Piping
Lined or Internally-Coated Steel Process Piping
Stainless-Steel Process Piping
Aluminum Alloys Process Piping
Brass, Bronze, Copper, and Copper Alloys Process Piping
Nickel and Nickel Alloys Process Piping
Ductile, Malleable, and Cast Iron Alloys Process Piping
Titanium and Titanium Alloys Process Piping
Plastic Process Piping
Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic and Resins Process Piping
Other Metals Process Piping
40 05 23.13
40 05 23.16
40 05 23.19
40 05 23.33
40 05 23.43
40 05 23.73
40 05 23.93
Carbon Steel Process Valves
Low and Intermediate Alloy Steel Process Valves
Stainless-Steel Process Valves
Brass and Iron Process Valves
Nickel and Nickel Alloys Steel Process Valves
Plastic and Plastic Lined Process Valves
Other Metals Process Valves
40 05 23
40 06 00
40 06 10
40 06 20
40 06 30
40 06 40
40 10 00
Operation and Maintenance of Gas and Vapor Process Piping
Operation and Maintenance of Liquids Process Piping
Operation and Maintenance of Solid and Mixed Materials Piping and Chutes
Operation and Maintenance of Process Piping and Equipment Protection
Common Work Results for Process Valves
Schedules for Process Integration
Schedules for Gas and Vapor Process Piping
Schedules for Liquids Process Piping
Schedules for Solid and Mixed Materials Piping and Chutes
Schedules for Process Piping and Equipment Protection
40 11 00
Steam Process Piping
40 12 00
Compressed Air Process Piping
40 13 00
Inert Gases Process Piping
40 11 13
40 11 16
40 11 19
40 11 23
40 12 13
40 12 16
40 13 13
40 13 16
40 13 19
40 13 23
Low-Pressure Steam Process Piping
Intermediate-Pressure Steam Process Piping
High-Pressure Steam Process Piping
Condensate Process Piping
Breathing Compressed Air Process Piping
Non-Breathing Compressed Air Process Piping
Argon Process Piping
Carbon-Dioxide Process Piping
Helium Process Piping
Krypton Process Piping
40 - 1
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 40 – Process Integration
November 2004
40 13 26
40 13 29
40 13 33
40 13 93
40 14 00
40 14 13
40 14 16
40 14 19
40 14 23
40 14 26
40 14 29
40 14 33
40 14 36
40 14 39
40 14 43
40 14 49
Neon Process Piping
Nitrogen Process Piping
Xenon Process Piping
Mixed Inert Gases Process Piping
Fuel Gases Process Piping
Blast Furnace Piping
Blue (Water) Fuel Gas Piping
Butane Piping
Carbon-Monoxide Piping
Chlorine Fuel Gas Piping
Coke Oven Gas Piping
Ethane-Gas Piping
Hydrogen Fuel Gas Piping
Liquid Natural-Gas Process Piping
Methylacetylene-Propadiene Fuel Gas Piping
Natural-Gas Process Piping
40 14 49.13
40 14 49.23
40 14 53
40 14 59
40 14 63
40 14 93
Synthetic Natural-Gas Piping
Propane-Air Mixes Fuel Gas Piping
Octane Fuel Gas Piping
Propane Fuel Gas Process Piping
Sewage Fuel Gas Piping
Mixed Fuel Gases Piping
40 15 00
Combustion System Gas Piping
40 16 00
Specialty and High-Purity Gases Piping
40 17 00
Welding and Cutting Gases Piping
40 18 00
Vacuum Systems Process Piping
40 15 13
40 15 16
40 15 19
40 15 23
40 15 26
40 15 29
40 16 13
40 16 16
40 16 26
40 16 29
40 16 33
40 16 36
40 16 39
40 16 43
40 16 46
40 16 49
40 16 53
40 16 56
40 17 13
40 17 16
40 17 19
40 17 23
40 17 26
40 18 13
40 18 16
Combustion Air Piping
Oxygen Combustion System Gas Piping
Flue-Gas Combustion System Piping
Exothermic -Gas Combustion System Piping
Endothermic -Gas Combustion System Piping
Disassociated-Ammonia-Gas Combustion System Piping
Ammonia Gas Piping
Boron Gas Piping
Diborane Gas Piping
Fluorine Gas Piping
Hydrogen Sulfide Gas Piping
Nitrous-Oxide Gas Process Piping
Ozone Gas Piping
Phosphine Gas Piping
Silane Gas Piping
Sulfur-Dioxide Gas Piping
Specialty Gas Mixtures Piping
High-Purity Gas Piping Components
Acetylene Welding and Cutting Piping
Acetylene-Hydrogen Mix Welding and Cutting Piping
Methylacetylene-Propadiene Welding and Cutting Piping
Oxygen Welding and Cutting Piping
Inert Gas Welding and Cutting Piping
Low-Vacuum Systems Process Piping
High-Vacuum Systems Process Piping
40 - 2
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 40 – Process Integration
November 2004
40 20 00
40 21 00
40 21 13
40 21 16
40 21 19
40 21 23
Liquid Fuel Process Piping
Bio Fuels Process Piping
Gasoline Process Piping
Diesel Process Piping
Fuel-Oils Process Piping
40 21 23.13
40 21 23.16
40 21 23.19
40 21 23.23
40 21 23.26
40 21 23.29
No. 2 Fuel-Oil Process Piping
No. 4 Fuel-Oil Process Piping
No. 5 Fuel-Oil Process Piping
No. 6 Fuel-Oil Process Piping
Kerosene Process Piping
Tar Process Piping
40 22 00
Petroleum Products Piping
40 23 00
Water Process Piping
40 24 00
Specialty Liquid Chemicals Piping
40 25 00
Liquid Acids and Bases Piping
40 26 00
Liquid Polymer Piping
40 22 13
40 22 16
40 23 13
40 23 16
40 23 19
40 23 23
40 23 29
40 23 33
40 23 36
40 24 13
40 24 16
40 24 19
40 24 23
40 25 13
40 25 16
40 30 00
Heavy-Fractions Petroleum Products Piping
Light-Fractions Petroleum Products Piping
De-Ionized Water Process Piping
Distilled-Water Process Piping
Process Plant Water Piping
Potable Water Process Piping
Recirculated Water Process Piping
Reverse-Osmosis Water Process Piping
Sanitary Water Process Piping
Alcohol Piping
Gel Piping
Slurries Process Piping
Thixotropic Liquid Piping
Liquid Acids Piping
Liquid Bases Piping
40 32 00
Bulk Materials Piping and Chutes
40 33 00
Bulk Materials Valves
40 34 00
Pneumatic Conveying Lines
40 32 13
40 32 16
40 33 13
40 33 16
40 33 19
40 33 23
40 33 26
40 33 29
40 33 33
40 33 36
40 33 39
40 33 43
40 34 13
40 34 16
Abrasive Materials Piping and Chutes
Nonabrasive Materials Piping and Chutes
Airlock Bulk Materials Valves
Blind Bulk Materials Valves
Butterfly Bulk Materials Valves
Cone Bulk Materials Valves
Diverter Bulk Materials Valves
Double or Single Dump Bulk Materials Valves
Knife and Slide Gate Bulk Materials Valves
Pinch Bulk Materials Valves
Swing Bulk Materials Valves
Specialty Bulk Materials Valves
Dense Phase Pneumatic Conveying Lines
Dilute Phase Pneumatic Conveying Lines
40 - 3
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 40 – Process Integration
November 2004
40 40 00
40 41 00
40 41 13
Process Piping and Equipment Heat Tracing
Process Piping Heat Tracing
40 41 13.13
40 41 13.16
40 41 13.19
40 41 13.23
40 41 13.26
Process Piping Electrical Resistance Heat Tracing
Process Piping Electrical Conductance Heat Tracing
Process Piping Gas Heat Tracing
Process Piping Steam Heat Tracing
Process Piping Thermal Fluids Heat Tracing
40 41 23.13
40 41 23.16
40 41 23.19
40 41 23.23
40 41 23.26
Process Equipment Electrical Resistance Heat Tracing
Process Equipment Electrical Conductance Heat Tracing
Process Equipment Gas Heat Tracing
Process Equipment Steam Heat Tracing
Process Equipment Thermal Fluids Heat Tracing
40 41 23
40 42 00
40 42 13
Process Equipment Heat Tracing
Process Piping and Equipment Insulation
Process Piping Insulation
40 42 13.13
40 42 13.16
40 42 13.19
40 42 13.23
40 42 13.26
Cryogenic Temperature Process Piping Insulation
Low Temperature Process Piping Insulation
Intermediate Temperature Process Piping Insulation
High Temperature Process Piping Insulation
Process Piping Insulation for Specialty Applications
40 42 23.13
40 42 23.16
40 42 23.19
40 42 23.23
40 42 23.26
Cryogenic Temperature Process Equipment Insulation
Low Temperature Process Equipment Insulation
Intermediate Temperature Process Equipment Insulation
High Temperature Process Equipment Insulation
Process Equipment Insulation for Specialty Applications
40 42 23
Process Equipment Insulation
40 46 00
Process Corrosion Protection
40 47 00
40 46 16
40 46 42
40 47 13
40 47 16
40 47 19
40 47 23
40 47 26
40 47 29
Coatings and Wrappings for Process Corrosion Protection
Cathodic Process Corrosion Protection
Silica Refractories
Alumina Refractories
Carbon and Graphite Refractories
Castable Refractories
Rammed Refractories
Refractory Concrete
40 50 00
40 60 00
40 70 00
40 80 00
40 90 00
40 91 00
40 91 13
Primary Process Measurement Devices
Chemical Properties Process Measurement Devices
40 - 4
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 40 – Process Integration
November 2004
40 91 13.13
40 91 13.16
40 91 13.19
40 91 13.23
40 91 13.26
40 91 13.29
Ammonia Process Measurement Devices
Chlorine Process Measurement Devices
Fluoride Process Measurement Devices
Gas Analysis Process Measurement Devices
Gas Chromatograph Process Measurement Devices
pH Level Process Measurement Devices
40 91 16.13
40 91 16.16
40 91 16.19
40 91 16.23
40 91 16.26
40 91 16.29
40 91 16.33
40 91 16.36
40 91 16.39
40 91 16.43
40 91 16.46
Amperes Process Measurement Devices
Capacitance Process Measurement Devices
Conductivity Process Measurement Devices
Inductance Process Measurement Devices
Lumens Process Measurement Devices
Magnetic Field Process Measurement Devices
Electrical Power Process Measurement Devices
Radiation Process Measurement Devices
Electrical Resistance Process Measurement Devices
Ultraviolet Sensors
Voltage Process Measurement Devices
40 91 19.13
40 91 19.16
40 91 19.19
40 91 19.23
40 91 19.26
40 91 19.29
40 91 19.33
40 91 19.36
40 91 19.39
40 91 19.43
Density Process Measurement Devices
Humidity Process Measurement Devices
Mass Process Measurement Devices
Particle Counters Process Measurement Devices
Gas Pressure Process Measurement Devices
Liquid Pressure Process Measurement Devices
Stress/Strain Process Measurement Devices
Temperature Process Measurement Devices
Vapor Pressure Process Measurement Devices
Weight Process Measurement Devices
40 91 23.13
40 91 23.16
40 91 23.19
40 91 23.23
40 91 23.26
40 91 23.29
40 91 23.33
40 91 23.36
40 91 23.39
40 91 23.43
40 91 23.46
40 91 23.49
40 91 23.53
Acceleration Process Measurement Devices
Angle Process Measurement Devices
Color Process Measurement Devices
Count Process Measurement Devices
Distance Process Measurement Devices
Energy Process Measurement Devices
Flow Process Measurement Devices
Level Process Measurement Devices
Physical Resistance Process Measurement Devices
RPM Process Measurement Devices
Time Process Measurement Devices
Turbidity Process Measurement Devices
Velocity Process Measurement Devices
40 91 16
40 91 19
40 91 23
40 92 00
40 92 13
Electromagnetic Process Measurement Devices
Physical Properties Process Measurement Devices
Miscellaneous Properties Measurement Devices
Primary Control Devices
Primary Control Valves
40 92 13.13
40 92 13.16
40 92 13.19
40 92 13.23
40 92 13.26
40 92 13.29
40 92 29
40 92 33
40 92 36
40 92 39
Electrically-Operated Primary Control Valves
Hydraulically-Operated Primary Control Valves
Pneumatically-Operated Primary Control Valves
Pressure-Relief Primary Control Valves
Solenoid Primary Control Valves
Specialty Primary Control Valves
Current-To-Pressure Converters
Self-Contained Flow Controllers
Linear Actuators and Positioners
Self-Contained Pressure Regulators
40 - 5
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 40 – Process Integration
November 2004
40 92 43
40 92 46
40 92 49
40 92 53
40 93 00
40 93 13
Rotary Actuators
Saturable Core Reactors
Variable Frequency Drives
Voltage-To-Pressure Converters
Analog Controllers/Recorders
Analog Controllers
40 93 13.13
40 93 13.16
40 93 13.19
40 93 13.23
40 93 13.26
40 93 23
40 94 00
40 94 13
Chart Recorders
Digital Process Controllers
Digital Process Control Computers
40 94 13.13
40 94 13.16
40 94 13.19
40 94 23
40 94 33
40 94 43
40 95 00
40 95 13
Electronic Analog Controllers
Electro-Hydraulic Analog Controllers
Electro-Pneumatic Analog Controllers
Hydraulic Analog Controllers
Pneumatic Analog Controllers
Host Digital Process Control Computers
Personal Digital Process Control Computers
Personal Digital Assistant Digital Process Control Computers
Distributed Process Control Systems
Human – Machine Interfaces
Programmable Logic Process Controllers
Process Control Hardware
Process Control Panels and Hardware
40 95 13.13
40 95 13.23
Local Process Control Panels and Hardware
Main Process Control Panels and Hardware
40 95 33.13
40 95 33.23
40 95 33.33
Cabled Process Control Networks
Fiber Optic Process Control Networks
Wireless Process Control Networks
40 95 63.13
40 95 63.16
40 95 63.19
Process Control Wireless Transmitters
Process Control Wireless Receivers
Process Control Wireless Repeaters
40 95 73.23
40 95 73.33
40 95 73.43
Process Control Cable
Process Control Conduit, Raceway and Supports
Process Control Junction Boxes
40 95 20
40 95 23
40 95 26
40 95 33
40 95 43
40 95 46
40 95 49
40 95 53
40 95 56
40 95 63
40 95 73
40 96 00
40 96 10
40 96 15
40 96 20
40 96 25
40 96 30
40 96 35
40 96 40
Process Control Display Devices
Process Control Input/Output Modules
Process Control Instrument Air Piping and Devices
Process Control Networks
Process Control Hardware Interfaces
Process Control Mounting Racks and Supports
Process Control Routers
Process Control Switches
Process Control Transformers
Process Control Wireless Equipment
Process Control Wiring
Process Control Software
Process Control Software Architecture
Process Control Software Input/Output Lists
Process Control Software Instrument Lists
Process Control Software Logic Diagrams
Process Control Software Loop Diagrams
Process Control Software Programming
Process Control Software Reports
40 - 6
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 40 – Process Integration
November 2004
40 97 00
40 97 10
40 97 15
40 97 20
40 97 25
40 97 30
Process Control Auxiliary Devices
Process Control Annunciators
Process Control Gages
Process Control Rotameters
Process Control Potentiometers
Process Control Test Equipment
40 - 7
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 41 – Material Processing & Handling Equipment
November 2004
41 01 00
Operation and Maintenance of Material Processing and Handling Equipment
41 06 00
Schedules for Material Processing and Handling Equipment
41 08 00
Commissioning of Material Processing and Handling Equipment
41 01 10
41 01 20
41 01 30
41 01 40
41 01 50
41 01 60
41 06 10
41 06 20
41 06 30
41 06 40
41 06 50
41 06 60
41 08 10
41 08 20
41 08 30
41 08 40
41 08 50
41 08 60
41 10 00
Operation and Maintenance of Bulk Material Processing Equipment
Operation and Maintenance of Piece Material Handling Equipment
Operation and Maintenance of Manufacturing Equipment
Operation and Maintenance of Container Processing and Packaging
Operation and Maintenance of Material Storage
Operation and Maintenance of Mobile Plant Equipment
Schedules for Bulk Material Processing Equipment
Schedules for Piece Material Handling Equipment
Schedules for Manufacturing Equipment
Schedules for Container Processing and Packaging
Schedules for Material Storage
Schedules for Mobile Plant Equipment
Commissioning of Bulk Material Processing Equipment
Commissioning of Piece Material Handling Equipment
Commissioning of Manufacturing Equipment
Commissioning of Container Processing and Packaging
Commissioning of Material Storage
Commissioning of Mobile Plant Equipment
41 11 00
Bulk Material Sizing Equipment
41 12 00
Bulk Material Conveying Equipment
41 11 13
41 11 16
41 11 19
41 11 23
41 11 26
41 11 29
41 11 33
41 11 36
41 11 39
41 11 43
41 11 46
41 11 49
41 11 53
41 11 56
41 12 13
Bulk Material Agglomerators
Bulk Material Air Mill Classifiers
Bulk Material Centrifuges
Bulk Material Crushers
Bulk Material Cyclones
Bulk Material Fluid Bed Separators
Bulk Material Grinders
Bulk Material Homogenizers
Bulk Material Lump Breakers
Bulk Material Mills
Bulk Material Pulverizers
Bulk Material Screens
Bulk Material Shredders
Bulk Material Sieves
Bulk Material Conveyors
41 - 1
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 41 – Material Processing & Handling Equipment
November 2004
41 12 13.13
41 12 13.16
41 12 13.19
41 12 13.23
41 12 13.26
41 12 13.29
41 12 13.33
41 12 13.36
41 12 13.39
41 12 13.43
41 12 13.46
41 12 13.49
41 12 13.53
Airslide Bulk Material Conveyors
Auger Bulk Material Conveyors
Belt Bulk Material Conveyors
Container Bulk Material Conveyors
Drag Chain Bulk Material Conveyors
Hopper Bulk Material Conveyors
Reciprocating Bulk Material Conveyors
Screw Bulk Material Conveyors
Stacking and Reclaim Bulk Material Conveyors
Trough Bulk Material Conveyors
Tube Bulk Material Conveyors
Vibratory Bulk Material Conveyors
Weigh Belt Bulk Material Conveyors
41 12 19.13
41 12 19.16
Dense Phase Pneumatic Conveyors
Dilute Phase Pneumatic Conveyors
41 12 16
41 12 19
41 13 00
41 13 13
41 13 23
Bucket Elevators
Pneumatic Conveyors
Bulk Material Feeders
Bin Activators/Live Bin Bottoms
41 13 23.13
41 13 23.16
41 13 23.19
41 13 23.23
41 13 23.26
41 13 23.29
41 13 23.33
41 14 00
41 14 13
41 14 16
41 14 19
41 14 23
41 14 26
41 14 29
41 14 33
41 14 36
41 20 00
Airlock Bulk Material Feeders
Apron Bulk Material Feeders
Rotary-Valve Bulk Material Feeders
Screw Bulk Material Feeders
Vibratory Bulk Material Feeders
Volumetric Bulk Material Feeders
Weigh Bulk Material Feeders
Batching Equipment
Bag-Handling Batching Equipment
Batch Cars/Transports
Batch Hoppers
Bulk Bag-Handling Batching Equipment
Drum-Handling Batching Equipment
Weigh Scales
41 21 00
41 21 13
41 21 23
Automatic Guided Vehicle Systems
Piece Material Conveyors
41 21 23.13
41 21 23.16
41 21 23.19
41 21 23.23
41 21 23.26
41 21 23.29
41 21 23.33
41 21 23.36
41 21 23.39
41 21 23.43
41 21 23.46
41 21 23.53
41 21 26
Belt Piece Material Conveyors
Container Piece Material Conveyors
Drag-Chain Piece Material Conveyors
Hopper Piece Material Conveyors
Monorail Piece Material Conveyors
Power and Free Piece Material Conveyors
Reciprocating Piece Material Conveyors
Roller Piece Material Conveyors
Vibratory Piece Material Conveyors
Walking-Beam Piece Material Conveyors
Weigh-Belt Piece Material Conveyors
Postal Conveyors
Piece Material Diverter Gates
41 - 2
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 41 – Material Processing & Handling Equipment
November 2004
41 21 29
41 21 33
41 21 36
41 21 39
Piece Material Gravity Slides
Piece Material Transfer Cars
Piece M aterial Turntables
Piece Material Feeders
41 21 39.13
41 22 00
41 22 13
Piece Material Vibratory Feeders
Cranes and Hoists
41 22 13.13
41 22 13.16
41 22 13.19
41 22 13.23
41 22 13.26
41 22 13.29
Bridge Cranes
Gantry Cranes
Jib Cranes
Mobile Cranes
Tower Cranes
Specialty Cranes
41 22 23.13
41 22 23.16
41 22 23.19
41 22 23.23
Fixed Hoists
Portable Hoists
Monorail Hoists
Specialty Hoists
41 22 23
41 22 33
41 23 00
Lifting Devices
41 24 00
Specialty Material Handling Equipment
41 23 13
41 23 16
41 23 19
41 23 23
41 23 26
41 23 29
41 23 33
41 24 13
41 24 16
41 24 19
41 24 23
41 24 26
41 24 29
41 24 33
41 24 36
41 24 39
41 24 43
41 24 46
Spreader Bars/Beams
Aeration Devices
Bin Vibrators
Hydraulic Power Systems
Lubrication Systems
Magnetic Separators
Metal Detectors
Railcar Movers
Sorting Machines
41 24 46.13
41 30 00
Postal Sorting Machines
41 31 00
41 31 13
Manufacturing Lines and Equipment
Manufacturing Lines
41 - 3
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 41 – Material Processing & Handling Equipment
November 2004
41 31 13.13
41 31 13.16
41 31 13.19
41 31 13.23
41 31 13.26
41 31 13.29
41 31 13.33
41 31 13.36
41 31 13.39
41 31 13.43
41 31 13.46
41 31 13.49
41 31 13.53
41 31 13.56
41 31 13.59
41 31 13.63
41 31 16
41 31 19
41 31 23
Assembly Lines
Casting Lines
Coating Lines
Converting Lines
Disassembly Lines
Extrusion Lines
Machining Lines
Molding Lines
Finishing/Painting Lines
Painting Lines
Pickling Lines
Plating Lines
Polishing Lines
Press Lines
Rolling/Calendaring Lines
Web Processing Lines
Pick and Place Systems
Manufacturing-Line Robots
Specialty Assembly Machines
41 32 00
Forming Equipment
41 33 00
Machining Equipment
41 32 13
41 32 16
41 32 19
41 32 23
41 32 26
41 32 29
41 32 33
41 32 36
41 32 39
41 32 43
41 32 46
41 32 49
41 32 53
41 32 56
41 32 59
41 32 63
41 32 66
41 32 69
41 33 13
41 33 16
41 33 19
41 33 23
41 33 26
41 33 29
41 33 33
41 33 36
41 33 39
41 33 43
41 33 46
41 33 53
Bending Equipment
Blow-Molding Equipment
Brake-Forming Equipment
Cold-Forming Equipment
Die-Casting Equipment
Drawing Equipment
Electroforming Equipment
Forging Equipment
Extruding Equipment
Metal-Spinning Equipment
Piercing Equipment
Powder Metal-Forming Equipment
Pressing Equipm ent
Roll-Forming Equipment
Shearing Equipment
Spinning Equipment
Stretching/Leveling Equipment
Swaging Equipment
Automatic Screw Machining Equipment
Boring Equipment
Broaching Equipment
Drilling Equipment
Electro-Discharge Machining Equipment
Grinding Equipment
Hobbing Equipment
Lapping Equipment
Lathe Equipment
Leveling Equipment
Machining Center Equipment
Milling Equipment
41 - 4
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 41 – Material Processing & Handling Equipment
November 2004
41 33 53.13
41 33 53.16
41 33 60
41 33 63
41 33 66
41 33 69
41 33 73
41 33 76
41 33 79
41 34 00
41 34 13
41 34 16
41 34 23
Multi-Axis Machine Equipment
Planing Equipment
Reaming Equipment
Routing Equipment
Sawing Equipment
Shaping Equipment
Threading Equipment
Finishing Equipment
Anodizing Equipment
Barrel Tumbling Equipment
Coating Equipment
41 34 23.13
41 34 23.16
41 34 23.19
41 34 23.23
41 34 23.26
41 34 23.29
41 34 23.33
41 34 26
41 34 36
41 34 46
41 34 49
41 34 53
41 34 56
41 34 59
41 35 00
41 35 13
41 35 33
41 36 13
Diffusion Coating Equipment
Dipping Coating Equipment
Film Coating Equipment
Phosphatizing Coating Equipment
Plasma Coating Equipment
Hardface Welding Coating Equipment
Spray Painting Booth
Deburring Equipment
Electroplating Equipment
Grinding Equipment
Honing Equipment
Lapping Equipment
Shot Peening Equipment
Superfinishing/Polishing Equipment
Dies and Molds
41 35 13.13
41 35 13.16
41 35 13.19
41 35 13.23
41 35 13.26
41 36 00
Horizontal Milling Equipment
Vertical Milling Equipment
Drawing Dies
Extrusion Dies
Press Dies
Rotary Dies
Rule Dies
Assembly and Testing Equipment
41 36 13.13
41 36 13.16
41 36 13.19
Adhesive Applicators
Lubricant Applicators
Sealer Applicators
41 36 19.13
41 36 19.16
41 36 19.19
41 36 19.23
41 36 19.26
41 36 19.29
41 36 19.33
Adhesive Joining Equipment
Arc-Welding Equipment
Brazing Equipment
Resistance- Welding Equipment
Riveting Equipment
Sintering Equipment
Soldering Equipment
41 36 16
41 36 19
41 36 23
Fixtures and Jigs
Joining Equipment
Cutting Equipment
41 - 5
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 41 – Material Processing & Handling Equipment
November 2004
41 36 23.13
41 36 23.16
41 36 23.19
41 36 23.23
Cutting Torches
High-Pressure Water Cutting Equipment
Laser Cutting Equipment
Plasma Cutting Equipment
41 36 26.13
41 36 26.16
41 36 26.19
41 36 26.23
Air Process Tools
Electric Process Tools
Hydraulic Process Tools
Manual Process Tools
41 36 29.13
41 36 29.16
41 36 29.19
41 36 29.23
41 36 29.26
41 36 29.29
41 36 29.33
41 36 29.36
41 36 29.39
41 36 29.43
Gages, Rules, and Blocks
Penetrant Measurement and Testing Equipment
Laser Measurement and Testing Equipment
Magnaflux Measurement and Testing Equipment
Optical Comparators
Radiograph Measurement and Testing Equipment
Surface Tables
Ultrasonic Measurement and Testing Equipment
Test Weigh Scales
41 36 26
41 36 29
41 40 00
Process Tools
Manufacturing Measurement and Testing Equipment
41 41 00
41 41 13
41 41 16
41 41 19
Container Filling and Sealing
Bulk Container Fillers/Packers
Container Cappers
Container Fillers
41 41 19.13
41 41 19.16
41 41 19.19
41 41 23
41 42 00
41 42 13
Container Sealers
Container Packing Equipment
Box Packing Equipment
41 42 13.13
41 42 13.16
Box Makers
Box Packers
41 42 16.13
41 42 16.23
41 42 16.26
41 42 16.29
41 42 16.33
Container Bulk Material Loaders
Truck Bulk Material Loaders
Railcar Bulk Material Loaders
Ship Bulk Material Loaders
Barge Bulk Material Loaders
41 42 16
41 42 19
41 42 23
41 42 26
41 42 29
41 43 00
41 43 13
41 43 16
Bulk Material Loaders
Carton Packers
Carton Sealers
Carton Shrink Wrappers
Carton Stackers
Shipping Packaging
Banding/Strapping Equipment
Barcode Equipment
41 43 16.13
41 43 16.16
41 43 19
41 43 23
41 50 00
Bag Fillers
Box Fillers
Bottle Fillers
Barcode Readers
Barcode Printers
Labeling Equipment
Pallet Stacking/Wrapping Equipment
41 51 00
Automatic Material Storage
41 - 6
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 41 – Material Processing & Handling Equipment
November 2004
41 51 13
41 52 00
41 52 13
Bins and Hoppers
41 52 13.13
41 52 13.23
41 52 13.33
41 52 13.43
41 52 13.53
Fixed Bins and Hoppers
Portable Bins and Hoppers
Bulk Material Containers
Returnable Bins and Hoppers
Throwaway Bins and Hoppers
41 52 16.13
41 52 16.16
41 52 16.19
Concrete Silos
Concrete Masonry Unit Silos
Steel Silos
41 52 19.13
41 52 19.23
41 52 19.33
Horizontal Material Storage Tanks
Vertical Material Storage Tanks
Portable Material Storage Tanks
41 52 16
41 52 19
41 53 00
41 53 13
41 53 16
41 53 19
41 53 23
41 53 26
41 60 00
Automatic Storage/Automatic Retrieval Systems
Bulk Material Storage
Material Storage Tanks
Storage Equipment and Systems
Storage Cabinets
Container Storage Systems
Flat Files
Storage Racks
Mezzanine Storage Systems
41 61 00
Mobile Earth Moving Equipment
41 62 00
41 63 00
General Vehicles
41 64 00
Rail Vehicles
41 61 13
41 61 16
41 61 19
41 61 23
41 61 26
41 61 29
41 61 33
41 62 13
41 62 16
41 62 19
41 62 23
41 62 26
41 62 29
41 63 13
41 63 16
41 63 19
41 63 23
41 63 26
41 63 29
41 64 13
Cement Mixer Trucks
Dump Trucks
Flatbed Trucks
Forklift Trucks
Pickup Trucks
Tank Trucks
Maintenance Vehicles
Utility Vehicles
41 64 13.13
41 64 13.23
41 64 16
41 65 00
Diesel Locomotives
Electric Locomotives
Mobile Railcar Movers
Mobile Support Equipment
41 - 7
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 41 – Material Processing & Handling Equipment
November 2004
41 65 13
41 65 16
41 65 19
Mobile Air Compressors
Mobile Generators
Mobile Welders
41 66 00
Miscellaneous Mobile Equipment
41 67 00
Plant Maintenance Equipment
41 66 13
41 66 16
41 66 19
41 66 23
41 67 13
41 67 16
41 67 19
41 67 23
41 67 26
Mobile Boring and Drilling Rigs
Mobile Lifts and Cherrypickers
Mobile Paving Equipment
Mobile Sweepers/Vacuums
Plant Lube Oil System
Plant Fall Protection Equipment
Plant Safety Equipment
Plant Maintenance Tools
Plant Maintenance Washing Equipment
41 70 00
41 80 00
41 90 00
41 - 8
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 42 – Process Heating, Cooling, and Drying Equipment
November 2004
42 01 00
Operation and Maintenance of Process Heating, Cooling, and Drying Equipment
42 06 00
Schedules for Process Heating, Cooling, and Drying Equipment
42 08 00
Commissioning of Process Heating, Cooling, and Drying Equipment
42 01 10
42 01 20
42 01 30
42 06 10
42 06 20
42 06 30
42 08 10
42 08 20
42 08 30
42 10 00
Operation and Maintenance of Process Heating Equipment
Operation and Maintenance of Process Cooling Equipment
Operation and Maintenance of Process Drying Equipment
Schedules for Process Heating Equipment
Schedules for Process Cooling Equipment
Schedules for Process Drying Equipment
Commissioning of Heating Equipment
Commissioning of Cooling Equipment
Commissioning of Drying Equipment
42 11 00
Process Boilers
42 12 00
Process Heaters
42 13 00
Industrial Heat Exchangers and Recuperators
42 14 00
Industrial Furnaces
42 11 13
42 11 16
42 11 19
42 11 23
42 12 13
42 12 16
42 12 19
42 12 23
42 12 26
42 13 13
42 13 16
42 13 19
42 13 23
42 13 26
42 14 13
42 14 16
42 14 19
42 14 23
42 14 26
42 14 29
42 14 33
Low-Pressure Process Boilers
Intermediate-Pressure Process Boilers
High-Pressure Process Boilers
Specialty Process Boilers
Electric Process Heaters
Fuel-Fired Process Heaters
Thermoelectric Process Heaters
Solar Process Heaters
Specialty Process Heaters
Industrial Gas-to-Gas Heat Exchangers
Industrial Liquid-to-Gas/Gas-to-Liquid Heat Exchangers
Industrial Liquid-to-Liquid Heat Exchangers
Industrial Gas Radiation Heat Exchangers
Industrial Solar Radiation Heat Exchangers
Annealing Furnaces
Atmosphere Generators
Industrial Baking Furnaces
Industrial Brazing Furnaces
Industrial Calcining Furnaces
Industrial Heat-Treating Furnaces
Industrial Melting Furnaces
42 14 33.13
42 14 33.16
42 14 33.19
42 14 36
42 14 43
42 14 46
Ceramics and Glass Melting Furnaces
Ferrous Melting Furnaces
Non-Ferrous Melting Furnaces
Primary Refining Furnaces
Reactor Furnaces
Industrial Reheat Furnaces
42 - 1
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 42 – Process Heating, Cooling, and Drying Equipment
November 2004
42 14 53
42 14 56
42 15 00
42 15 13
42 15 16
42 15 19
42 20 00
Industrial Sintering Furnaces
Industrial Vacuum Furnaces
Industrial Ovens
Industrial Drying Ovens
Industrial Curing Ovens
Industrial Specialty Ovens
42 21 00
Process Cooling Towers
42 22 00
Process Chillers and Coolers
42 23 00
Process Condensers and Evaporators
42 21 13
42 21 16
42 22 13
42 22 16
42 22 19
42 22 23
42 22 26
42 23 13
42 23 16
42 23 19
42 30 00
Open-Circuit Process Cooling Towers
Closed-Circuit Process Cooling Towers
Centrifugal Process Chillers and Coolers
Reciprocating Process Chillers and Coolers
Refrigerant Process Chillers and Coolers
Rotary Process Chillers and Coolers
Thermoelectric Process Chillers and Coolers
Process Condensers
Process Cooling Evaporators
Process Humidifiers
42 31 00
Gas Dryers and Dehumidifiers
42 32 00
Material Dryers
42 31 13
42 31 16
42 31 19
42 31 23
42 32 13
42 32 16
42 32 19
42 32 23
42 32 26
42 32 29
42 32 33
42 32 36
42 32 39
42 32 43
Drying Evaporators
Desiccant Equipment
Regenerative Dryers
Refrigerant Dryers
Centrifugal Material Dryers
Conveyor Material Dryers
Flash Material Dryers
Fluid-Bed Material Dryers
Material Roasters
Rotary-Kiln Material Dryers
Spray Material Dryers
Tower Material Dryers
Vacuum Material Dryers
Specialty Material Dryers
42 40 00
42 50 00
42 60 00
42 70 00
42 80 00
42 90 00
42 - 2
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 43 – Process Gas & Liquid Handling, Purification,
& Storage Equipment
November 2004
43 01 00
43 01 10
43 01 20
43 01 30
43 01 40
43 06 00
43 06 10
43 06 20
43 06 30
43 06 40
43 08 00
43 08 10
43 08 20
43 08 30
43 08 40
43 10 00
Operation and Maintenance of Process Gas and Liquid Handling, Purification, and
Storage Equipment
Operation and Maintenance of Gas Handling Equipment
Operation and Maintenance of Liquid Handling Equipment
Operation and Maintenance of Gas and Liquid Hi-Purification Equipment
Operation and Maintenance of Gas and Liquid Storage
Schedules for Process Gas and Liquid Handling, Purification, and Storage
Schedules for Gas Handling Equipment
Schedules for Liquid Handling Equipment
Schedules for Gas and Liquid Hi-Purification Equipment
Schedules for Gas and Liquid Storage
Commissioning of Process Gas and Liquid Handling, Purification, and Storage
Commissioning of Gas Handling Equipment
Commissioning of Liquid Handling Equipment
Commissioning of Gas and Liquid Purification Equipment
Commissioning of Gas and Liquid Storage
43 11 00
43 11 13
Gas Fans, Blowers and Pumps
Gas Handling Fans
43 11 13.13
43 11 13.16
43 11 23
43 11 26
43 11 29
Axial Gas Handling Fans
Centrifugal Gas Handling Fans
Gas Handling Blowers
Gas Handling Jet Pumps
Gas Handling Vacuum Pumps
43 12 00
Gas Compressors
43 13 00
Gas Process Equipment
43 12 13
43 12 16
43 12 19
43 12 23
43 12 26
43 13 13
43 13 16
43 13 19
43 13 23
43 20 00
Centrifugal Gas Compressors
Piston Gas Compressors
Positive Displacement Gas Compressors
Rotary-Screw Gas Compressors
Vane Gas Compressors
Process Gas Blenders
Process Gas Meters
Process Gas Mixers
Process Gas Pressure Regulators
43 21 00
43 21 13
43 21 16
Liquid Pumps
Centrifugal Liquid Pumps
Diaphragm Liquid Pumps
43 - 1
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 43 – Process Gas & Liquid Handling, Purification,
& Storage Equipment
November 2004
43 21 19
43 21 23
43 21 26
43 21 29
43 21 33
43 21 36
43 21 39
43 21 43
43 21 46
43 22 00
43 22 13
43 22 16
43 22 19
43 22 23
43 22 26
43 22 29
43 22 33
43 22 36
43 22 39
43 22 43
Dispensing Liquid Pumps
Drum Liquid Pumps
Gear Liquid Pumps
Metering Liquid Pumps
Piston/Plunger Liquid Pumps
Positive Displacement Liquid Pumps
Submersible Liquid Pumps
Sump Liquid Pumps
Vane Liquid Pumps
Liquid Process Equipment
Liquid Aeration Devices
Liquid Agitators
Liquid Blenders
Liquid Centrifuges
Liquid Deaerators
Drum Handling Liquid Process Equipment
Liquid Emulsifiers
Liquid Evaporators
Liquid Feeders
Liquid Filters
43 22 43.13
43 22 43.16
43 22 43.19
43 22 53
43 22 56
43 22 59
43 22 63
43 22 66
43 30 00
Cyclonic Liquid Filters
Media Liquid Filters
Press Liquid Filters
Liquid Process M eters
Liquid Process Mixers
Liquid Process Pressure Regulators
Liquid Separation Towers
Liquid Weigh Systems
43 31 00
43 31 13
Gas and Liquid Purification Filtration Equipment
Gas and Liquid Purification Filters
43 31 13.13
43 31 13.16
43 31 13.19
43 31 13.23
43 31 13.26
43 31 13.29
43 31 13.33
43 32 00
43 32 13
Activated Carbon-Gas and Liquid Purification Filters
Gas and Liquid Purification Filter Presses
High-Purity Cartridge Gas and Liquid Purification Filters
Membrane Diaphragm Gas and Liquid Purification Filters
Multimedia Gas and Liquid Purification Filters
Pretreatment Cartridge Gas and Liquid Purification Filters
Ultrafilter Units
Gas and Liquid Purification Process Equipment
Gas and Liquid Purification Process Beds
43 32 13.13
43 32 13.16
Anion-Gas and Liquid Purification Process Beds
Cation-Gas and Liquid Purification Process Beds
43 32 39.13
43 32 39.16
Externally Regenerable Gas and Liquid Purification Mixed Beds
In-Situ Regenerable Gas and Liquid Purification Mixed Beds
43 32 23
43 32 26
43 32 29
43 32 33
43 32 36
43 32 39
43 32 53
Gas and Liquid Purification Process Clarifier Systems
Gas and Liquid Purification Decarbonators
Electronic De-Ionization Purification Units
External Regeneration Systems
Mixed-Bed Ion-Exchange Vessels
Gas and Liquid Purification Mixed Beds
Packed-Bed Ion-Exchange Vessels
43 - 2
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 43 – Process Gas & Liquid Handling, Purification,
& Storage Equipment
November 2004
43 32 56
43 32 59
43 32 63
43 32 66
43 32 69
43 32 73
43 32 76
43 40 00
Reverse-Osmosis Purification Units
Gas and Liquid Purification Scrubbers
Ultraviolet Sterilizers
Vacuum Degasifiers
Chemical Feed Systems
Ozonation Equipment
Chlorination Equipment
43 41 00
43 41 13
Gas and Liquid Storage Equipment
Gas and Liquid Pressure Vessels
43 41 13.13
43 41 13.16
43 41 13.19
Ferrous Gas and Liquid Pressure Vessels
Nonferrous Gas and Liquid Pressure Vessels
Fiberglass Gas and Liquid Pressure Vessels
43 41 16.13
43 41 16.16
Horizontal Atmospheric Tanks and Vessels
Vertical Atmospheric Tanks and Vessels
43 41 16
Atmospheric Tanks and Vessels
43 50 00
43 60 00
43 70 00
43 80 00
43 90 00
43 - 3
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 44 – Pollution Control Equipment
November 2004
44 01 00
Operation and Maintenance of Pollution Control Equipment
44 06 00
Schedules for Pollution Control Equipment
44 08 00
Commissioning of Pollution Control Equipment
44 01 10
44 01 20
44 01 40
44 01 50
44 06 10
44 06 20
44 06 40
44 06 50
44 08 10
44 08 20
44 08 40
44 08 50
44 10 00
Operation and Maintenance of Air Pollution Control
Operation and Maintenance of Noise Pollution Control
Operation and Maintenance of Water Treatment Equipment
Operation and Maintenance of Solid Waste Control
Schedules for Air Pollution Control
Schedules for Noise Pollution Control
Schedules for Water Treatment Equipment
Schedules for Solid Waste Control
Commissioning of Air Pollution Control
Commissioning of Noise Pollution Control
Commissioning Water Treatment Equipment
Commissioning Solid Waste Control
44 11 00
44 11 13
44 11 16
44 11 19
44 11 23
44 11 26
44 11 29
Air Pollution Control Equipment
Cyclonic Separators
Industrial Dust Collectors
Air Pollution Filters
Fugitive Dust Control
Air Pollution Control Precipitators
Air Pollution Scrubbers
44 11 29.13
44 11 29.16
44 11 33
44 11 36
44 20 00
Thermal Oxidizers
Vacuum Extraction Systems
44 21 00
44 21 13
Noise Pollution Control Equipment
Noise Abatement Barriers
44 21 13.13
44 21 13.16
44 21 13.19
44 21 23
44 21 26
44 40 00
Dry-Air Pollution Scrubbers
Wet-Air Pollution Scrubbers
Fixed Noise Abatement Barriers
Flexible Noise Abatement Barriers
Portable Noise Abatement Barriers
Noise Pollution Silencers
Frequency Cancellers
44 41 00
44 41 13
Packaged Water Treatment
Packaged Water Treatment Plants
44 41 13.13
44 41 13.16
44 41 13.19
44 42 00
44 42 13
Chemical Packaged Water Treatment Plants
Biological Packaged Water Treatment Plants
Thermal Packaged Water Treatment Plants
General Water Treatment Equipment
Aeration Water Treatment Equipment
44 - 1
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 44 – Pollution Control Equipment
November 2004
44 42 16
44 42 19
44 42 23
44 42 26
44 42 29
44 42 33
44 42 36
44 42 39
44 42 43
44 42 46
44 42 49
44 42 53
44 42 56
44 42 59
44 42 63
44 42 66
44 42 69
44 42 73
44 43 00
44 43 13
American Petroleum Institute Separators
Water Treatment Blowers
Water Treatment Clarifiers
Water Treatment Comminutors
Water Treatment Compressors
Water Treatment Digesters
Water Treatment Dissolved Air Flotation Equipment
Water Treatment Grit Collectors
Water T reatment Induced Air Flotation Equipment
Water Treatment Mixers
Water Treatment Oil/Grease Interceptors
Water Treatment Oil/Water Separators
Water Treatment Pumps
Water Treatment Reactors
Water Treatment Sediment Removal Equipment
Water Treatment Skimmers
Water Treatment Spray Equipment
Water Treatment Tanks/Tank Liners
Water Filtration Equipment
Water Filters
44 43 13.13
44 43 13.16
44 43 13.19
44 43 13.23
44 43 13.26
44 43 23
44 43 26
44 43 29
44 43 33
44 43 36
Bag Water Filters
Cartridge Water Filters
Fabric Water Filters
Multimedia Water Filters
Packaged Water Filters
Water Filter Presses
Rotary-Drum Water Filtration Equipment
Water Filtration Sand
Water Filtration Screens
Vacuum Water Filtration Equipment
44 44 00
Water Treatment Chemical Systems Equipment
44 45 00
Water Treatment Biological Systems Equipment
44 44 13
44 44 16
44 44 19
44 44 23
44 44 26
44 44 29
44 44 33
44 44 36
44 44 39
44 44 43
44 44 46
44 44 49
44 44 53
44 44 56
44 44 59
44 44 63
44 44 66
44 44 69
44 44 73
Water Treatment Chemical Feed Equipment
Water Chlorinators
Water Coagulators
Water Dechlorinators
Dissolved-Solids Water Treatment Equipment
Water Emulsifiers
Water Emulsion Crackers
Water Flocculators
Water Fluoridation Equipment
Water Heavy Metals Treatment Equipment
Water Hydrothermal Equipment
Water Oils Treatment Equipment
Water Oxidation/Reduction Equipment
Water Ozone Equipment
Water pH Adjustment Equipment
Water Polymers Equipment
Water Precipitators
Water Pretreatment Equipment
Water Ultraviolet Radiation Equipment
44 - 2
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 44 – Pollution Control Equipment
November 2004
44 45 13
44 45 16
44 46 00
44 46 13
44 46 16
44 46 19
44 46 23
44 46 26
44 50 00
Water Biofilters
Water Bubble M embrane Diffusers
Sludge Treatment and Handling Equipment for Water Treatment Systems
Sludge Conveyors
Sludge Dewatering Equipment
Sludge Digesters
Sludge Incinerators
Sludge Thickeners
44 51 00
44 51 13
44 51 16
44 51 19
44 51 23
44 51 26
44 51 29
44 51 33
Solid Waste Control Equipment
Solid Waste Compactors
Solid Waste Baling Equipment
Solid Waste Fluffing Equipment
Solid Waste Liquid Extraction Equipment
Solid Waste Containers
Solid Waste Transfer Trailers
Solid Waste Transfer Stations
44 60 00
44 70 00
44 80 00
44 90 00
44 - 3
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 45 – Industry-Specific Manufacturing Equipment
November 2004
45 08 00
45 11 00
Commissioning of Industry-Specific Manufacturing Equipment
Oil and Gas Extraction Equipment
45 13 00
Mining Machinery and Equipment
45 15 00
Food Manufacturing Equipment
45 17 00
Beverage and Tobacco Manufacturing Equipment
45 19 00
Textiles and Apparel Manufacturing Equipment
45 21 00
Leather and Allied Product Manufacturing Equipment
45 23 00
Wood Product Manufacturing Equipment
45 25 00
Paper Manufacturing Equipment
45 27 00
Printing and Related Manufacturing Equipment
45 11 01
Operation and Maintenance of Oil and Gas Extraction Equipment
45 11 06
Schedules for Oil and Gas Extraction Equipment
45 11 10 thru
45 12 99
User Defined Oil and Gas Extraction Equipment
45 13 01
Operation and Maintenance of Mining Machinery and Equipment
45 13 06
Schedules for Mining Machinery and Equipment
45 13 10 thru
45 14 99
User Defined Mining Machinery and Equipment
45 15 01
Operation and Maintenance of Food Manufacturing Equipment
45 15 06
Schedules for Food Manufacturing Equipment
45 15 10 thru
45 16 99
User Defined Food Manufacturing Equipment
45 17 01
Operation and Maintenance of Beverage and Tobacco Manufacturing Equipment
45 17 06
Schedules for Beverage and Tobacco Manufacturing Equipment
45 17 10 thru
45 18 99
User Defined Beverage and Tobacco Manufacturing Equipment
45 19 01
Operation and Maintenance of Textiles and Apparel Manufacturing Equipment
45 19 06
Schedules for Textiles and Apparel Manufacturing Equipment
45 19 10 thru
45 20 99
User Defined Textiles and Apparel Manufacturing Equipment
45 21 01
Operation and Maintenance of Leather and Allied Product Manufacturing Equipment
45 21 06
Schedules for Leather and Allied Product Manufacturing Equipment
45 21 10 thru
45 22 99
User Defined Leather and Allied Product Manufacturing Equipment
45 23 01
Operation and Maintenance of Wood Product Manufacturing Equipment
45 23 06
Schedules for Wood Product Manufacturing Equipment
45 23 10 thru
45 24 99
User Defined Wood Product Manufacturing Equipment
45 25 01
Operation and Maintenance of Paper Manufacturing Equipment
45 25 06
Schedules for Paper Manufacturing Equipment
45 25 10 thru
45 26 99
User Defined Paper Manufacturing Equipment
45 27 01
45 27 06
Operation and Maintenance of Printing and Related Manufacturing Equipment
Schedules for Printing and Related Manufacturing Equipment
45 - 1
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 45 – Industry-Specific Manufacturing Equipment
November 2004
45 27 10 thru
45 28 99
User Defined Printing and Related Manufacturing Equipment
45 29 00
Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing Equipment
45 31 00
Chemical Manufacturing Equipment
45 33 00
Plastics and Rubber Manufacturing Equipment
45 35 00
Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing Equipment
45 37 00
Primary Metal Manufacturing Equipment
45 39 00
Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing Equipment
45 41 00
Machinery Manufacturing Equipment
45 43 00
Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing Equipment
45 45 00
Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing Equipment
45 29 01
Operation and Maintenance of Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing Equipment
45 29 06
Schedules for Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing Equipment
45 29 10 thru
45 30 99
User Defined Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing Equipment
45 31 01
Operation and Maintenance of Chemical Manufac turing Equipment
45 31 06
Schedules for Chemical Manufacturing Equipment
45 31 10 thru
45 32 99
User Defined Chemical Manufacturing Equipment
45 33 01
Operation and Maintenance of Plastics and Rubber Manufacturing Equipment
45 33 06
Schedules for Plastics and Rubber Manufacturing Equipment
45 33 10 thru
45 34 99
User Defined Plastics and Rubber Manufacturing Equipment
45 35 01
Operation and Maintenance of Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing Equipment
45 35 06
Schedules for Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing Equipment
45 35 10 thru
45 36 99
User Defined Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing Equipment
45 37 01
Operation and Maintenance of Primary Metal Manufacturing Equipment
45 37 06
Schedules for Primary Metal Manufacturing Equipment
45 37 10 thru
45 38 99
User Defined Primary Metal Manufacturing Equipment
45 39 01
Operation and Maintenance of Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing Equipment
45 39 06
Schedules for Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing Equipment
45 39 10 thru
45 40 99
User Defined Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing Equipment
45 41 01
Operation and Maintenance of Machinery Manufacturing Equipment
45 41 06
Schedules for Machinery Manufacturing Equipment
45 41 10 thru
45 42 99
User Defined Machinery Manufacturing Equipment
45 43 01
Operation and Maintenance of Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing Equipment
45 43 06
Schedules for Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing Equipment
45 43 10 thru
45 44 99
User Defined Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing Equipment
45 45 01
Operation and Maintenance of Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component
Manufacturing Equipment
Schedules for Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing Equipment
45 45 06
45 45 10 thru
45 46 99
User Defined Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing Equipment
45 47 00
45 47 01
Transportation Manufacturing Equipment
Operation and Maintenance of Transportation Manufacturing Equipment
45 - 2
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 45 – Industry-Specific Manufacturing Equipment
November 2004
45 47 06
Schedules for Transportation Manufacturing Equipment
45 47 10 thru
45 48 99
User Defined Transportation Manufacturing Equipment
45 49 00
Furniture and Related Product Manufacturing Equipment
45 51 00
Other Manufacturing Equipment
45 49 01
Operation and Maintenance of Furniture and Related Product Manufacturing Equipment
45 49 06
Schedules for Furniture and Related Product Manufacturing Equipment
45 49 10 thru
45 50 99
User Defined Furniture and Related Product Manufacturing Equipment
45 51 01
Operation and Maintenance of Other Manufacturing Equipment
45 51 06
Schedules for Other Manufacturing Equipment
45 51 10 thru
45 52 99
User Defined Other Manufacturing Equipment
45 60 00
45 70 00
45 80 00
45 90 00
45 - 3
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 48 – Electrical Power Generation
November 2004
48 01 00
Operation and Maintenance for Electrical Power Generation
48 05 00
48 06 00
Common Work Results for Electrical Power Generation
Schedules for Electrical Power Generation
48 08 00
48 09 00
Commissioning of Electrical Power Generation
Instrumentation and Control for Electrical Power Generation
48 01 10
48 01 70
48 06 10
48 06 70
48 10 00
Operation and Maintenance of Electrical Power Generation Equipment
Operation and Maintenance of Electrical Power Generation Testing
Schedules for Electrical Power Generation Equipment
Schedules for Electrical Power Generation Testing
48 11 00
Fossil Fuel Plant Electrical Power Generation Equipment
48 12 00
Nuclear Fuel Plant Electrical Power Generation Equipment
48 11 13
48 11 16
48 11 19
48 11 23
48 11 26
48 12 13
Fossil Fuel Electrical Power Plant Boilers
Fossil Fuel Electrical Power Plant Condensers
Fossil Fuel Electrical Power Plant Steam Turbines
Fossil Fuel Electrical Power Plant Gas Turbines
Fossil Fuel Electrical Power Plant Generators
Nuclear Fuel Reactors
48 12 13.13
48 12 13.16
48 12 23
48 12 26
48 12 29
48 12 33
Nuclear Fuel Fission Reactors
Nuclear Fuel Fusion Reactors
Nuclear Fuel Electrical Power Plant Steam Generators
Nuclear Fuel Electrical Power Plant Condensers
Nuclear Fuel Electrical Power Plant Turbines
Nuclear Fuel Electrical Power Generators
48 13 00
Hydroelectric Plant Electrical Power Generation Equipment
48 14 00
Solar Energy Electrical Power Generation Equipment
48 13 13
48 13 16
48 14 13
Hydroelectric Power Plant Water Turbines
Hydroelectric Power Plant Electrical Power Generators
Solar Energy Collectors
48 14 13.13
48 14 13.16
48 14 13.19
Amorphous Solar Energy Collectors
Plate Cell Solar Energy Collectors
Vacuum Tube Solar Energy Collectors
48 15 00
Wind Energy Electrical Power Generation Equipment
48 16 00
Geothermal Energy Electrical Power Generation Equipment
48 17 00
Electrochemical Energy Electrical Power Generation Equipment
48 18 00
Fuel Cell Electrical Power Generation Equipment
48 15 13
48 15 16
48 16 13
48 16 16
48 16 19
48 16 23
48 17 13
Wind Energy Electrical Power Generators
Geothermal Energy Heat Pumps
Geothermal Energy Condensers
Geothermal Energy Steam Turbines
Geothermal Energy Electrical Power Generators
Electrical Power Generation Batteries
48 - 1
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
MasterFormat™ 2004 Edition – Numbers & Titles
Div. 48 – Electrical Power Generation
November 2004
48 18 13
48 18 16
48 19 00
48 19 13
48 19 16
48 19 19
48 19 23
48 19 26
Electrical Power Generation Fuel Cells
Hydrogen Control Equipment
Electrical Power Control Equipment
Electrical Power Generation Battery Charging Equipment
Electrical Power Generation Inverters
Electrical Power Generation Solar Tracking Equipment
Electrical Power Generation Transformers
Electrical Power Generation Voltage Regulators
48 20 00
48 30 00
48 40 00
48 50 00
48 60 00
48 70 00
48 71 00
48 71 13
48 71 16
48 71 19
48 71 23
48 71 26
Electrical Power Generation Test Equipment
Electrical Power Generation Corona Test Equipment
Electrical Power Generation Current Test Equipment
Electrical Power Generation Power Test Equipment
Electrical Power Generation Resistance Test Equipment
Elec trical Power Generation Voltage Test Equipment
48 80 00
48 90 00
48 - 2
All contents copyright  2004, The Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada.
All rights reserved.
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