End User Guide - Registration - Cook County E-File

End User’s Guide
Electronic Filing
Rev: August 2014
This end user’s guide has been skillfully created by smarTECH.net through meetings with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County and
Online Information Services.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 9
Registration .......................................................................................................................... 10
New User Registration ......................................................................................................... 10
Account Type Selection........................................................................................................ 11
ARDC Number Retrieval ....................................................................................................... 12
Verification Code Entry ........................................................................................................ 13
Registration Information ..................................................................................................... 14
Registration Confirmation ................................................................................................... 16
Email Confirmation .............................................................................................................. 17
Account Verification ............................................................................................................ 18
Log In .................................................................................................................................... 19
Registered User Login .......................................................................................................... 19
Home Page ........................................................................................................................... 20
Fee Schedule ........................................................................................................................ 21
Clerk’s Fee Schedule ............................................................................................................ 21
Convenience Fee .................................................................................................................. 22
Electronic Payment Fee ....................................................................................................... 23
Email..................................................................................................................................... 24
Email Notifications ............................................................................................................... 24
VII. My Account .......................................................................................................................... 25
My Account Menu ............................................................................................................... 25
VIII. Last 50 Filings ....................................................................................................................... 26
Last 50 Filings ....................................................................................................................... 26
Search a Filing by Litigant’s Name ....................................................................................... 27
Search a Filing by Name ....................................................................................................... 27
Name Search Results ........................................................................................................... 28
Search a Filing by Case Number ........................................................................................... 29
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Search by Case Number ....................................................................................................... 29
Update Account ................................................................................................................... 30
Update Account Links .......................................................................................................... 30
Update Personal Information .............................................................................................. 31
Change Email Address.......................................................................................................... 32
Change Password ................................................................................................................. 33
Change Alternative Emails ................................................................................................... 34
Credit Card Administrator.................................................................................................... 35
Credit Card Administrator (cont’d) ...................................................................................... 36
Credit Card Administrator (cont’d) ...................................................................................... 37
Credit Card Administrator (cont’d) ...................................................................................... 38
Credit Card Administrator (cont’d) ...................................................................................... 39
Updating Stored Credit Card Procedures ............................................................................ 40
Updating Stored Credit Card Procedures (cont’d)............................................................... 41
Updating Stored Credit Card Procedures (cont’d)............................................................... 42
Updating Stored Credit Card Procedures (cont’d)............................................................... 43
Updating Stored Credit Card Procedures (cont’d)............................................................... 44
Updating Stored Credit Card Procedures (cont’d)............................................................... 45
Updating Stored Credit Card Procedures (cont’d)............................................................... 46
Select Recurring Party Type ................................................................................................. 47
Create Individual Recurring Party ........................................................................................ 48
Create Business Recurring Party .......................................................................................... 49
Update Additional Cook County Attorney Codes ................................................................ 50
Update Additional Cook County Attorney Codes – Search Attorney .................................. 51
Update Additional Cook County Attorney Codes – Confirmation ....................................... 52
Add Electronic Service ......................................................................................................... 53
XII. Payment History................................................................................................................... 54
Payment History for all Cases Filed ..................................................................................... 54
Payment History Search Results .......................................................................................... 55
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Payment History Details Link ............................................................................................... 56
XIII. Initiate Individual Complaint................................................................................................ 57
Initiate Individual Complaint ............................................................................................... 57
Initiate Individual Complaint (cont’d) .................................................................................. 58
Case Information Type ......................................................................................................... 59
Case Information Type (cont’d) ........................................................................................... 60
Case Information Type (cont’d) ........................................................................................... 61
Add Plaintiff ......................................................................................................................... 62
Add Plaintiff Confirmation ................................................................................................... 63
Defendant’s Service Type .................................................................................................... 64
Add Defendant ..................................................................................................................... 65
Document Type .................................................................................................................... 66
Upload Complaint Document .............................................................................................. 67
View Complaint Document .................................................................................................. 68
Filing Summary..................................................................................................................... 69
Filing Fees Summary ............................................................................................................ 70
File and Pay Filing Fees ........................................................................................................ 71
Alternate Payment Screen ................................................................................................... 72
Enter One-Time Payment .................................................................................................... 73
Stored Payment ................................................................................................................... 74
Credit Card Receipt .............................................................................................................. 75
eFile Receipt ......................................................................................................................... 76
Home Page with Case .......................................................................................................... 77
Bulk File Complaints............................................................................................................. 78
Bulk File Case Initiation – Step 1 .......................................................................................... 79
Bulk File Case Initiation – Step 2 .......................................................................................... 80
Bulk File Case Initiation – Step 2 (cont’d) ............................................................................ 81
Bulk File Case Initiation – Step 3 – Add Parties ................................................................... 82
Bulk File Case Initiation – Step 3 – Add Parties (cont’d)...................................................... 83
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Bulk File Case Initiation – Step 3 – Add Parties (cont’d)...................................................... 84
Bulk File Case Initiation – Step 4 – Upload Documents ....................................................... 85
XIV. Filing an Appeal .................................................................................................................... 86
File an Appeal....................................................................................................................... 86
File an Appeal (cont’d) ......................................................................................................... 87
Upload Document(s) ............................................................................................................ 88
XV. Motion Scheduling ............................................................................................................... 89
Motion Scheduling ............................................................................................................... 89
Schedule Queue – Cases that have yet to be given a Scheduled Date ............................... 91
Schedule Motion – Selection of a Motion Scheduled Date ................................................. 93
Scheduled Motion – Selection of Next Available Motion Scheduled Date ......................... 94
Scheduled Results – Scheduled Receipt .............................................................................. 95
Schedule Queue – Return to the Motion Filed Screen ........................................................ 96
Schedule Queue – Cases that have been Scheduled for a Specific Date ............................ 97
Schedule Queue – Cases that have both Scheduled and not Scheduled cases .................. 98
Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 1 ........................................................................... 99
Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 1 (cont’d) ............................................................ 100
Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 1 (cont’d) ............................................................ 101
Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 1 (cont’d) ............................................................ 102
Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 2 ......................................................................... 103
Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 3 ......................................................................... 104
Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 3 (cont’d) ............................................................ 105
Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 3 (cont’d) ............................................................ 106
Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 3 (cont’d) ............................................................ 107
Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 4 ......................................................................... 108
Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 4 (cont’d) ............................................................ 109
Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 4 (cont’d) ............................................................ 110
Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 5 ......................................................................... 111
Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 5 (cont’d) ............................................................ 112
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 5 (cont’d) ............................................................ 113
Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 5 (cont’d) ............................................................ 114
Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 5 (cont’d) ............................................................ 115
Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 5 (cont’d) ............................................................ 116
Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 5 (cont’d) ............................................................ 117
Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 5 (cont’d) ............................................................ 118
Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 5 (cont’d) ............................................................ 119
Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 5 (cont’d) ............................................................ 120
Search Case Number .......................................................................................................... 121
Verify Case Information ..................................................................................................... 122
Choose Party(s) to File Appearance ................................................................................... 124
Upload Document(s) .......................................................................................................... 125
Review Appearance Summary ........................................................................................... 126
Review Filing Fees .............................................................................................................. 127
Payment Screen ................................................................................................................. 128
Credit Card Receipt ............................................................................................................ 129
eFile Receipt ....................................................................................................................... 130
XVI. Filing a Pleading ................................................................................................................. 131
File a Pleading .................................................................................................................... 131
Bulk Pleadings - Third Party Complaint ............................................................................. 132
Bulk Pleadings - Third Party Complaint (cont’d) ................................................................ 133
Bulk Pleadings - Third Party Complaint - Step 1 ................................................................ 134
Bulk Pleadings - Third Party Complaint - Step 2 ................................................................ 135
Bulk Pleadings - Third Party Complaint - Step 3 ................................................................ 136
Bulk Pleadings - Third Party Complaint - Step 4 ................................................................ 137
Bulk Pleadings - Third Party Complaint - Step 4 (cont’d)................................................... 138
Bulk Pleadings - Third Party Complaint - Step 5 ................................................................ 139
Bulk Pleadings - Third Party Complaint - Step 5 (cont’d)................................................... 140
Bulk Pleadings - Third Party Complaint - Step 5 (cont’d)................................................... 141
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Bulk Pleadings - Third Party Complaint - Step 5 (cont’d)................................................... 142
Bulk Pleadings - Alias Summons ........................................................................................ 143
Bulk Pleadings - Alias Summons - Step 2 ........................................................................... 144
Bulk Pleadings - Alias Summons - Step 3 ........................................................................... 145
Bulk Pleadings - Alias Summons - Step 4 ........................................................................... 146
Bulk Pleadings – Alias Summons - Step 4 (cont’d) ............................................................. 147
Bulk Pleadings – Alias Summons - Step 4 (cont’d) ............................................................. 148
Bulk Pleadings – Alias Summons - Step 4 (cont’d) ............................................................. 149
Bulk Pleadings – Alias Summons - Step 4 (cont’d) ............................................................. 150
Bulk Pleadings – Alias Summons - Step 5 .......................................................................... 151
Bulk Pleadings – Alias Summons - Step 5 (cont’d) ............................................................. 152
Bulk Pleadings – Alias Summons - Step 5 (cont’d) ............................................................. 153
Bulk Pleadings – Alias Summons - Step 5 (cont’d) ............................................................. 154
Bulk Pleadings – General Filings ........................................................................................ 155
Bulk Pleadings – General Filings - Step 1 and 2 ................................................................. 156
Bulk Pleadings – General Filings - Step 2 (cont’d) ............................................................. 157
Bulk Pleadings – General Filings - Step 3 ........................................................................... 158
Bulk Pleadings – General Filings - Step 4 ........................................................................... 159
Bulk Pleadings – General Filings - Step 4 (cont’d) ............................................................. 160
Bulk Pleadings – General Filings - Step 4 (cont’d) ............................................................. 161
Bulk Pleadings – General Filings - Step 4 (cont’d) ............................................................. 162
........................................................................................................................................... 162
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Electronic Filing (eFiling) provides an opportunity for attorneys or self-represented litigants to
efficiently upload and file court documents with the Circuit Court of Cook County through the
Internet using a standard web browser.
Attorneys, as well as the individual registered to file documents, can access previously filed
documents through the website. Additionally, motions may be filed and scheduled on
electronically filed cases.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
All users must register before electronically filing a case.
New User Registration
Figure 1: Registration Screen
As a new user, click on the “Register” text link to register as a new user or as a selfrepresented litigant.
A valid email address is required for registration.
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Account Type Selection
Figure 2: Account (User) Type Selection Screen
Select from the two account type options:
o Attorney
o Representing Yourself (Pro Se)
If registering as an attorney, a 7-digit ARDC (Attorney Registration Disciplinary
Commission) number is required (i.e., Attorney Registration & Disciplinary Commission).
o If unaware of your ARDC number, click on the link next to the ARDC field.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
ARDC Number Retrieval
Figure 3: ARDC Retrieval Screen
A pop-up will appear with the contact information for ARDC retrieval.
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Verification Code Entry
Figure 4: Verification Code Screen
Enter the verification code. Note: It is case sensitive.
Click on the Next button to proceed.
Field Name
Account (User) Type
Verification Code
Enter Verification Code
This field differentiates between an attorney and a pro-se filer.
This is a unique number assigned to each attorney from the Illinois Attorney
Registration and Disciplinary Commission.
A captcha is a type of test used to ensure that the response is not generated
by a computer.
Enter the captcha as seen on the screen. It is case sensitive. This code is
used to prevent hackers from gaining access to the system.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Registration Information
Figure 5: Registrant Information Screen
Field Name
User ID
Retype Email
Retype Password
Create a unique sequence of characters as to identify oneself when logging
into the system. User ID is a one-minimum and eight-maximum character
Enter an electronic mail address where you wish to receive email
Retype email address to confirm the email was not typed in incorrectly.
To prevent other people from using your account via your user ID, create a
password. Passwords must be six-characters with at least one number. A
password allows you and only you to access the computer system through
your user ID.
Retype password to confirm the password was not typed in incorrectly.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Enter the first name as it appears on the attorney’s ARDC card. If pro se,
enter the First, Middle and Last name.
A suffix provides additional information about the person. Enter the suffix
that follows a person’s full name.
Enter the location of the home or office.
Terms & Conditions
Enter the 10 digit number assigned by the local phone company.
This field is optional; enter the 10 digit fax number assigned by the local
phone company.
Enter the law firm associated with.
Enter the email addresses of individual(s) that you would want to receive a
copy of email notifications received from the court.
Select the checkbox referencing agreement and review of the specifications
and provisions provided by the court in using the electronic filing
It is required to acknowledge the terms and conditions.
As an optional benefit, individuals may be copied (cc:) as to inform them of any notices
sent by the court.
Note: Correspondence will be sent as email notifications for all transactions concerning
your cases.
Click on the Next button to proceed.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Registration Confirmation
Figure 6: Registration Confirmation Screen
A notice appears and confirmation email is sent.
To confirm your registration, click on the confirmation link contained within the email
sent by the Clerk of the Circuit Court, subject Cook County eFile User Registration.
Note: One cannot login to the eFiling system, until this step is completed.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Email Confirmation
Figure 7: Email Confirmation Example
The above is an example of the confirmation email sent by the Clerk of the
Circuit Court’s Office.
Confidential eFiling information will be displayed on this notification.
Click on the link at the bottom of the message to confirm registration.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Account Verification
Figure 8: Account Verification Screen
Verify the account information.
Note: Print this page for your records.
Click Complete the Registration button to finalize registration.
o One more link that appears, Click here to begin eFiling, will direct you to the
eFile website.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Registered User Login
Figure 9: Registered User Login Screen
Enter User ID and Password to login.
If the password is forgotten, click on the Forgot Password link within the login box.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Figure 10: Home Page Screen
After logging in, the first page displayed is the Home Page.
o This page will display the last five filings and emails for the user logged in.
On the right side of the navigation bar, there are the following three links:
o Fee Schedule
o Email
o My Account
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Clerk’s Fee Schedule
Figure 11: Fee Schedule Screen
The fee schedule link directs the User to the Clerk’s website and displays all related
filing fees.
The fee schedule is a list of statutory fees that the Clerk’s Office must charge for filings
and services.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Convenience Fee
Figure 12: Convenience Fee Screen
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Electronic Payment Fee
Figure 13: Electronic Payment Fee Screen
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
To view Email Notifications click on the following Navigation Bar link: Email.
Email Notifications
Figure 14: Email Notifications Screen
The email link tracks all email notifications sent to the Filer’s personal email address
from the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s Office.
Subject line describes the email.
The case number is the number assigned to a case once it has been approved by the
Clerk’s Office. This case number is a number in which the Clerk’s office tracks a
case through the court system.
This is the date and time the case was accepted by the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s Office.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
To view My Account menu, click on the following Navigation Bar links: My Account
My Account Menu
Figure 15: My Account Menu Screen
The following options appear under the My Account Menu Screen:
o Last 50 Filings
o My Filings
 Search Name
 Search Case
o Update Account
o Payment History
o eFile Receipt History
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
To view My Account menu, click on the following Navigation Bar links: My Account > Last 50
Last 50 Filings
Figure 16: Last 50 Filings Screen
The link tracks the last 50 cases filed.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
To search a filing by party name click on the following Navigation Bar links: My Account > My
Filings > Search Name.
Search a Filing by Name
Figure 17: Search Filing by Name Screen
This feature allows users to search the database by name for cases that have been
electronically filed by the user name.
Enter Party Name and choose party.
Click on the Search button to get search results.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Name Search Results
Figure 18: Name Search Results Screen
Case Number
Party Type
The name of the person one is trying to locate a case number for.
This is the Division/District where the case was filed.
This is the number stamped on the document when a filing has been
accepted by the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s Office. Each case filed is given
a unique number. The case number consists of the following format: Year
of filing, the Division/District where the case was filed, and a six-digit
number (012345).
This field identifies the role of party in the case. The party type identifies
whether the name you are searching for is either the Plaintiff or Defendant
in the case.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
To search a filing by case number, click on the following Navigation Bar links:
My Account > My Filings > Search Case.
Search by Case Number
Figure 19: Search Filing by Case Number Screen
This feature allows the user to search the database for specific case numbers filed by
the filer.
Enter a Case Number and select the total number of case results to display per page.
Click on the Search button to get search results.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
To view the Update Account links below, click on the following Navigation Bar links:
My Account > Update Accounts.
Update Account Links
Figure 20: Links Screen
This link will lead you to the update region were you can change any of the following account
information on:
Update Personal Information
Change Email Address
Change Password
Change Alternative Emails
Change UserID
Recurring Parties
Update Additional Cook County Attorney Codes
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Update Personal Information
Figure 21: Update Personal Information Screen
The user may update any information that might have changed due to, but not limited
to: a change of work location, a change in fax number, or phone number, etc.
The following personal information can be updated:
o First Name
o Middle Name
o Last Name
o Address
o Phone & Fax numbers
o Firm Name
o Firm User Type
Click the Submit button to store the updated information.
Click the Cancel button to terminate any changes.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Change Email Address
Figure 22: Change Email Address Screen
Enter an updated email address.
It is imperative that the filer’s email address is active. Without the current email
address, the filer will not receive case information notifications. (This lack of notification
can result in your case being dismissed by the courts.)
Click on the Submit button to save changes.
Click on the Cancel button to terminate changes.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Change Password
Figure 23: Change Password Screen
Occasionally, the user may want to change his/her password for security reasons. To
achieve this, the user will key in his/her current password. This is used to inform the
system that the user is you. You will then key in a completely different password and
then retype the new password to confirm that they are exact.
Click on the Submit button to save changes.
Click on the Cancel button to terminate changes.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Change Alternative Emails
Figure 24: Change Alternative Emails Screen
The Carbon Copy feature allows other users (such as an assistant, paralegal, etc.) to
have email notifications sent to them from the court.
This function allows the filer to change any of the carbon copy recipients.
Click on the Submit button to save changes.
Click on the Cancel button to terminate changes.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Credit Card Administrator
Figure 25: Credit Card Administrator Screen
To create a New Stored Credit Card Procedure Account, the administrator will log into
the eFile system. They will then go to the My Account drop down and select Update
Account to proceed to the next screen.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Credit Card Administrator (cont’d)
Figure 26: Credit Card Administrator Screen (cont’d)
The administrator will then select Manage Personal Payment Accounts and click on the
icon to proceed to the next screen.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Credit Card Administrator (cont’d)
Figure 27: Credit Card Administrator (cont’d) Screen
The administrator will now be required to enter the valid credit card information
including the full name and billing address of the credit card holder. The filer will also
need to add a valid phone number email address and a nickname for the credit card.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Credit Card Administrator (cont’d)
Figure 28: Credit Card Administrator (cont’d) Screen
Once the information has been completed, the administrator will then proceed to click
the Add button to proceed.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Credit Card Administrator (cont’d)
Figure 29: Credit Card Administrator (cont’d) Screen
At this point, the Administrator can proceed to add additional credit cards by selecting
and clicking on the Add a New Payment Method or select and click on the Done button
which will return the Administrator to the home page
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Updating Stored Credit Card Procedures
Figure 30: Updating Stored Credit Card Procedures Screen
At the Home Page the Administrator will select My Account and scroll down and click
on Update Account.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Updating Stored Credit Card Procedures (cont’d)
Figure 31: Updating Stored Credit Card Procedures (cont’d) Screen
The Administrator will then click on Manage Personal Payment Accounts to update,
edit or delete an attorney from the Credit Card Account.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Updating Stored Credit Card Procedures (cont’d)
Figure 32: Updating Stored Credit Card Procedures (cont’d) Screen
The system will bring the Administrator to the Update Screen where they can Update or
Delete a user form the Stored Credit Card Payment account.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Updating Stored Credit Card Procedures (cont’d)
Figure 33: Updating Stored Credit Card Procedures (cont’d) Screen
The Administrator will add the Attorney’s valid ARDC Number as well as the Attorney’s
last name that is using the account and then click the Search button.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Updating Stored Credit Card Procedures (cont’d)
Figure 34: Updating Stored Credit Card Procedures (cont’d) Screen
The system will return the Attorney’s Full Name with their ARDC Number.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Updating Stored Credit Card Procedures (cont’d)
Figure 35: Updating Stored Credit Card Procedures (cont’d) Screen
The administrator will click the Check Box if they agree that the Attorney is correct. The
administrator will then click the Confirm button.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Updating Stored Credit Card Procedures (cont’d)
Figure 36: Updating Stored Credit Card Procedures (cont’d) Screen
The system will return to the Administrator the New Credit Card User, along with all the
other users of the card.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Select Recurring Party Type
Figure 37: Select Party Type Screen
Select the Recurring Parties link to create a List of Litigants frequently represented for
various cases.
Select the Type of Litigant from the drop-down menu item.
o Business
o Individual
o Government
o Other
Based on the Type of Litigant selected, the information on screen will change slightly.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Create Individual Recurring Party
Figure 38: Enter Individual Information Screen
Enter the following fields for Individual and Other Party Types:
o First Name
o Middle Name
o Last Name
o Suffix
o Address
o Phone
o Email
Click on the Save Party button to store party information.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Create Business Recurring Party
Figure 39: Enter Business Information Screen
Enter the following fields for Business and Government Party Types:
o Name
o Address
o Phone
o Email
Once party information has been saved, the name will be displayed on the right side of
the screen. There is no limit to the amount of litigants that may be added.
These parties can be chosen at any time for a case, if filed.
Parties can be deleted by clicking on the Red X next to the name.
Click the Save Party button to store party.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Update Additional Cook County Attorney Codes
Figure 40: Update Additional Cook County Attorney Codes Screen
Enter the Attorney’s 7-digit ARDC (Attorney Registration Disciplinary Commission)
Click the Add Cook County Attorney Code button to store.
If unaware of the ARDC number, click on the Look Up Attorney link next to the ARDC
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Update Additional Cook County Attorney Codes – Search Attorney
Figure 41: Update Additional Cook County Attorney Codes – Search Attorney Screen
In the Attorney Name field enter:
o Last Name
o First Name
Select No. of Records to Display
Click Search Attorney button to display all the attorneys that meet the search criteria.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Update Additional Cook County Attorney Codes – Confirmation
Figure 42: Update Additional Cook County Attorney Codes Confirmation Screen
Once the ARDC information has been added, the Attorney Name will be displayed to
the right of the ARDC code. There is no limit to the number of attorneys that may be
These attorneys can be chosen at any time for a case, if filed
Attorneys can be deleted by clicking on the Red X next to the name
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Add Electronic Service
Figure 43: Add Electronic Service Screen
This feature allows the user to consent to receiving electronic service through the
eFiling System for all their eFiled cases.
Select the “I Consent to Receiving Electronic Service” button.
Once the consent has been made, any change requests must be made in person to the
Clerk’s Office Law Division in Room 801 of the Richard J. Daley Center, 50 W.
Washington Street, Chicago, IL.
Click the Submit button to complete the consent.
Click on the Cancel button to terminate request.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
To view the Payment History of all the cases filed, click on the following Navigation Bar links:
My Account > Payment History.
Payment History for all Cases Filed
Figure 44: Payment History Screen
The Payment History Screen displays all payments made for cases charged to filer’s
account. This is very useful for accounting and bookkeeping purposes.
Enter the Start and End Dates and Case Number
Click on the Search button to get search results
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Payment History Search Results
Figure 45: Payment History Search Results Screen
Case Number
Date Filed
The case was filed in a specific area of jurisdiction.
This is the division where the case was filed. The Division could be the Municipal Division, Law
Division, Suburban Municipal Division, etc.
This is the number stamped on the document when a filing has been accepted
by the Clerk of the Circuit Court’s Office. Each case filed is given a unique number. The case
number consists of the following format: Year of filing, the Division where the case was filed,
and a six digit number (012345).
The total dollar amount of the filing fees charged per case.
The Style is case name or title of the case.
The date the case was accepted by the Clerk’s Office or the date the case was submitted.
Click on the link to view the Credit Card Receipt which displays a specific breakdown of fees.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Payment History Details Link
Figure 46: Payment History Details Link Screen
Credit Card Receipt displays the filing fees in more detail.
Each case filed has additional add on fees that are charged to the filer statutorily. To
inform the filer of these charges, they are itemized with a grand total of the filing.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
To initiate a new eFile individual complaint, click on the Complaint link.
Initiate Individual Complaint
Figure 47: Initiate Individual Complaint Screen
Select Complaint and the system will take you to the following screen.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Initiate Individual Complaint (cont’d)
Figure 48: Individual Complaint Filing Screen (cont’d)
The system will display the Division and District where cases may be filed.
As an example, this guide will demonstrate filing a case for the First District for the Law
Click on Next to display the complaint initiation screen.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Case Information Type
Figure 49: Case Information Type Screen
Select the Case Type from the drop-down options. For the purpose of this example,
we’ll choose, Breach of Contract.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Case Information Type (cont’d)
Note: Condemnation complaints may not be filed using the eFile System. Documents related to
this case type must be filed in person, in the conventional manner at the Richard J. Daley
Center, Room 801.
Figure 50: No eFiling for Case Information Type (cont’d) Screen
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Case Information Type (cont’d)
Figure 51: Case Information Type Screen
Once a Case Type is selected, there is the option to select a Jury Demand. This can be a
6-person jury, 12-person jury, or none.
In the Ad Damnum field, enter the amount sought in the case. If the Ad Damnum is not
known, check box: Exceeds $30,000. This informs the system that the minimal
$30,000.00 jurisdictional requirement for the First District Law Division is met.
Select an Attorney Code from the drop down menu; or enter a new Attorney Code.
Click on the Next button to proceed.
(Note: the jurisdictional amount for Law Division case filed within the Suburban
Municipal Districts is in excess of $100,000.)
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Add Plaintiff
Figure 52: Add Plaintiff(s) Screen
Choose Party Type from the drop-down options, or enter a new Party Type.
If an Individual is selected, enter in the First, Middle and Last name.
If a Business or Government party type is selected, only the company name will be
Click the Save Plaintiff button to store the plaintiff information.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Add Plaintiff Confirmation
Figure 53: Add Plaintiff(s) Confirmation Screen
Each Litigant created will be displayed on the right side of the screen. There is no limit
to the amount of litigants to be filed.
Number of Plaintiffs is displayed on the lower right side of the screen.
Litigants can be deleted by clicking on the Red X next to the name.
Click Next to add Defendant(s).
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Defendant’s Service Type
Figure 54: Defendant’s Service Type Screen
Choose Service Type to serve Defendant. There is an option to have the summons
delivered to the Sheriff’s Office with associated fees.
Fill in all the required fields which have an asterisk (*). Field information may vary
depending on the party type chosen.
Each Litigant created will be displayed on the right side of the screen. There is no limit
to the amount of Litigants that may be added.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Add Defendant
Figure 55: Add Defendant Screen
Once the information is entered for the Defendant, click on the Save Defendant button.
Note: If the summons service type is selected for the Defendant, it is necessary to
provide their address of residence.
Click on the Next button to continue.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Document Type
Figure 56: Upload Document Type Screen
Select Document Type to upload.
Note: The cover sheet and summons are automatically generated.
Click the Browse button to retrieve the document to be uploaded.
All documents must be in a PDF format.
Click on the Upload Document button to attach and save the document to this case.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Upload Complaint Document
Figure 57: Upload Document(s) Screen
Each document uploaded will be displayed on the bottom of the screen.
There is no limit to the amount of documents that can be uploaded.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
View Complaint Document
Figure 58: View Document Screen
Attachments can be viewed by clicking under the title link for the document.
Documents can also be deleted by clicking on the Red X (see previous screen).
Select the Next button to proceed.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Filing Summary
Figure 59: Filing Summary Screen
Review the case information.
Click the Next button to proceed.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Filing Fees Summary
Figure 60: Filing Fees Summary Screen
Review the case filing fees.
Click the Next button to proceed.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
File and Pay Filing Fees
Figure 61: File and Pay Filing Fees Screen
This screen will display, unless you have stored procedures
Select Payment option (enter one-time payment information or select a stored payment
Select Payment Type (credit card or ACH).
Enter Billing Information: First name, last name, address, city, state, zip code.
The Billing Reference is a feature used for internal operations, such as case number or
client name.
Select credit card type.
Enter credit card number.
Enter expiration date.
Enter CVV2/CID number.
Click Pay button.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Alternate Payment Screen
Figure 62: Alternate Payment Screen
Select One-time Payment or Stored Payment
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Enter One-Time Payment
Figure 63: Enter One-Time Payment Screen
Select Payment Option from the drop down
Select credit card
Select billing reference (optional)
Select Pay, or cancel if you want to review the case
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Stored Payment
Figure 64: Stored Payment Screen
Select payment option (enter One-time Payment information or select a Stored
Payment option)
Select Payment Type (credit card or ACH).
Enter billing information: First name, last name, address, city, state, zip code.
The Billing Reference is a feature used for internal operations, such as case number or
client name.
Select credit card type.
Enter credit card number.
Enter expiration date.
Enter CVV2/CID number.
Click Pay button.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Credit Card Receipt
Figure 65: Credit Card Receipt Screen
Review the credit card receipt.
Click the Continue button to proceed.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
eFile Receipt
Figure 66: eFile Receipt Screen
Review and print the eFile receipt for your records.
Click on the Continue button to finalize the electronic filing and submission to the
Clerk’s Office.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Home Page with Case
Motion Scheduling service available Monday – Friday (8:30am -11:59pm), excluding court
Figure 67: Home Page with Case Screen
After the filing transaction is complete, the system redirects to the home page. The
case will appear as one of the five most recently filed cases.
A case number and status of the case will be added once it has been accepted by the
Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Bulk File Complaints
Figure 68: Bulk File Complaints Screen
Select File Bulk Complaint and system will send you to the next screen.
The Bulk Filing module is available for the Chancery Division as well as First Municipal
Civil and Municipal Divisions 2-6.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Bulk File Case Initiation – Step 1
Figure 69: Bulk File Case Initiation - Step 1 Screen
The filer will select a Division Type and District
Civil Division is located in Districts 1-6
Chancery is only located In District 1
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Bulk File Case Initiation – Step 2
Figure 70: Bulk File Case Initiation - Step 2 Screen
The filer will select the Case Type.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Bulk File Case Initiation – Step 2 (cont’d)
Figure 71: Bulk File Case Initiation - Step 2 (cont’d) Screen
The filer will select a Jury Type
Select Cook County Attorney Code
The filer enters Foreclosure Address Information
Enter Property Pin Number (can be multiple pin numbers)
Select whether or not system will create a Non-record Claimants and Unknown Owner
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Bulk File Case Initiation – Step 3 – Add Parties
Figure 72: Bulk File Case Initiation - Step 3 – Add Parties Screen
The filer will select a Party Type, which will be plaintiff.
Choose your party from your stored reoccurring parties, or go to Party Category and
choose either one of the following: Business, Individual, Government or Other.
Fill in the information.
Once information is entered, select Save Party.
You may continue adding Plaintiffs by repeating the previous steps.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Bulk File Case Initiation – Step 3 – Add Parties (cont’d)
Figure 73: Bulk File Case Initiation - Step 3 – Add Parties (cont’d) Screen
The filer will select Party Type, Defendant
Select Service Type, either Sheriff or Private Process Server
If Sheriff, the system will prompt the filer to select the summons to be delivered to the
Sheriff by the Clerk or by the Filer.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Bulk File Case Initiation – Step 3 – Add Parties (cont’d)
Figure 74: Bulk File Case Initiation - Step 3 – Add Parties (cont’d) Screen
Select a Party from reoccurring party, or
Select a party category from one of the following: Business, Individual, Government or
Once the information is entered, select Save Party.
You may continue adding Defendants by repeating the previous steps.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Bulk File Case Initiation – Step 4 – Upload Documents
Figure 75: Bulk File Case Initiation - Step 4 – Upload Documents Screen
The filer will upload Document Type – Complaint.
Once document has been located, select Upload Document.
Depending on the complaint type chosen, the filer needs to upload additional
supporting documents. Please select from the drop down list, which documents are
required and upload.
Once uploaded, select Upload Document button.
Once all documents are loaded, select Add Complaint.
The filer will then notice on the top right-hand corner, the complaint summary box, the
total number of cases has increased by one case.
Please note that in Bulk Filing, the Case Type, the Attorney Code, and the Plaintiff stays
stagnant until the filer changes.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
To file an Appeal, click on the following links: Appeal.
File an Appeal
Figure 76: Filing an Appeal Screen
Select the Division from the drop down options and enter the Case Number.
Click Find Case.
The case details will be displayed on the bottom of the screen.
Click Next to continue.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
File an Appeal (cont’d)
Figure 77: Filing an Appeal (cont’d) Screen
Select the Attorney Code from the drop down options and enter a new attorney code.
Select the party or parties.
Click Next to continue.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Upload Document(s)
Figure 78: Upload Document Screen
Click the choose Document Type dropdown arrow to display the types of appeals an
attorney can file when representing a defendant.
Select an Appeal Type.
Upload document. Uploaded documents will be displayed on the bottom of the screen.
Click Next to continue.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
All users must register before electronically scheduling a motion.
Motion Scheduling
Figure 79: Home Page
On the Home Page move the cursor to motions. A drop box will appear with File Motion
and Schedule Motion options. Select Scheduling Motion.
Note: Select this option for cases that have already had the supporting documents filed.
To File a Motion, please refer to the Filing Pleading section of this guide.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Field Name
This field displays where the case resides
This field displays the area of law that the case is
being heard. In this example it is Law Division.
Case Number
This is the case number stamped on the document
when a filing has been accepted by the Clerk of the
Circuit Court’s Office. Each case filed is given a
unique number. The case number consists of the
following format: Year of filing, the Division where
the case was filed, and a six-digit number
Ad Damnum
This is the monetary value placed on the case
at time of filing
This informs the user of the type of action that
was last filed.
This column displays the date that the last
action occurred on.
This column displays the date that the last
action occurred on.
This is a unique number given to each filing. It
is used to identify an individual document
This informs the filer the status of the filing.
“Pending” informs the filer the document has
not been accepted by the Clerk’s office.
“Accepted” indicates that the case was
received by the Clerk’s Office.
Filed Date
Filed Date
Tracer Number
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Schedule Queue – Cases that have yet to be given a Scheduled Date
Figure 80: Motion Filed Screen
This screen will then display all cases that have the supporting documents electronically
filed, but have yet to have a motion scheduled. Please note that the Radio button has
the Not Scheduled button highlighted. The cases listed DO NOT display Scheduled Date,
Time and Call Number.
Please select the case you wish to schedule and click on the Schedule hyperlink.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Field Name
This field displays where the case resides
This field displays the area of law that the case is
being heard. In this example it is Law Division.
Case Number
This is the case number stamped on the document
when a filing has been accepted by the Clerk of the
Circuit Court’s Office. Each case filed is given a
unique number. The case number consists of the
following format: Year of filing, the Division where
the case was filed, and a six-digit number
Motion Type
This informs the user of the type of motion
that was filed.
This is the date that was selected to have the
motion heard on the judge’s calendar.
This is the time that was given for the case to
be heard on the judge’s calendar.
This displays the sequence in which the case
will be head on the judge’s motion call.
This is the calendar that the case was
randomized to upon filing of the case.
The filer will “Click” on this icon to begin the
process to have the case hear on a motion call.
Scheduled Date
Call Number
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Schedule Motion – Selection of a Motion Scheduled Date
Figure 81: Select Date for a Scheduled Motion Screen
The system returns with the summary of the case selected. At the Enter a Schedule
Date box, please click the calendar icon to select a date.
After selecting a date click the Search button.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Scheduled Motion – Selection of Next Available Motion Scheduled Date
Figure 82: Return of Judge Schedule of Dates for Scheduling of Motions Filing Screen
The system will return the next three (3) court dates that the judge has available on
his/her calendar.
From the available court dates displayed, please choose from one of the available dates
provided by the system and click the Request Schedule Date button.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Scheduled Results – Scheduled Receipt
Figure 83: Receipt of the Scheduling of a Motion Screen
The system then returns with the receipt of the scheduling of the Motion date. Please
note that the system displays on the receipt the confirmation of the New scheduled
Date, Scheduled Time and the Schedule Call (the sequence in which the case will be
If you click the “Continue” button the system returns you to the original screen to
Schedule another motion.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Schedule Queue – Return to the Motion Filed Screen
Figure 84: Motion Filed Screen
The system now returns to the original Screen and will allow you to select another one
to Schedule a motion.
If you are finished, please click on the “Home” button or Log-off the system.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Schedule Queue – Cases that have been Scheduled for a Specific Date
Figure 85: Motion Scheduled Screen
The screen displays all cases that have a scheduled motion. Note the Radio Button is on
Scheduled. Each case displays the Scheduled Date, Time and Call Number.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Schedule Queue – Cases that have both Scheduled and not Scheduled cases
Figure 86: Motion Filed and Scheduled Screen
The screen displays all cases where motion schedule activity has occurred or not both
scheduled and non-scheduled cases. Note the Radio button is on Both. Those cases that
have NOT been scheduled do not display the Scheduled Date, time or Call Number.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 1
Figure 87: Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 1 Screen
At the Home Page the filer will select the Motion Queue, and in the Drop Down select
Bulk File Motion
This option is only available for the Chancery Division and the Civil Municipal Divisions 16
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 1 (cont’d)
Figure 88: Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 1 (cont’d) Screen
The filer is now at the Bulk File Motion screen and will select the Division that the case
will be filed in.
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Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 1 (cont’d)
Figure 89: Bulk File Motion – Step 1 (cont’d) Screen
Bulk Filing is allowed for Chancery District 1, for the 1st Municipal Civil Division, and the 5
Suburban Civil Divisions.
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PAGE 101
Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 1 (cont’d)
Figure 90: Bulk File Motion – Step 1 (cont’d) Screen
The filer will enter a valid Division Case Number consisting of the entire century and
year, the division indicator “CH” for Chancery or “M1” for District 1 Civil., “M2” for
District 2 Civil etc. and click Search.
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PAGE 102
Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 2
Figure 91: Bulk File Motion Screen – Step 2 Screen
The system will return with case information for the case entered. The filer will enter
their valid 5 digit Attorney Code Number and select the Party filing the motion.
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PAGE 103
Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 3
Figure 92: Bulk File Motion Screen – Step 3 Screen
The filer will choose a Document Type from the drop down menu.
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Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 3 (cont’d)
Figure 93: Bulk File Motion – Step 3 (cont’d) Screen
Once the appropriate Document Type has been selected, the filer will click on the
Document Type and browse their hard drive for the correct PDF that contains the
Document. The filer will then upload the Document to the eFile system.
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PAGE 105
Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 3 (cont’d)
Figure 94: Bulk Filing Motion Screen – Step 3 (cont’d)
The filer has the ability to add any additional information in the description box to
further explain the motion. This information is exclusively for the attorney’s record; it is
not part of the official record.
After input, click Upload Document button.
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Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 3 (cont’d)
Figure 95: Bulk File Motion Screen – Step 3 (cont’d)
Once the motion PDF has been uploaded, the document will appear in the window to the
right. The filer now has a choice to continue to upload exhibits and other supporting
documents or continue to Step 4 to schedule the motion for a certain date.
If the filer decides that any document that is uploaded is incorrect, they can click on the
Red X to delete the document and repeat the procedure in Step 3.
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PAGE 107
Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 4
Figure 96: Bulk File Motion Screen – Step 4
The filer will request the date that they want the motion to be scheduled. The system
will verify against the judge’s schedule and return with either the requested date or a
date that is the closest to the date requested. The filer MUST also select whether the
case will be scheduled to be heard by the Calendar Judge or the Presiding Judge, and if
the Motion Class is either a Default or Contested (*This applies only to the Chancery
Division of the Circuit Court.)
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PAGE 108
Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 4 (cont’d)
Figure 97: Bulk File Motion Screen – Step 4 (cont’d)
The filer can now proceed to add the Pleading. Please note, in the upper righthand
corner of the screen, the Bulk File Summary Screen has 9 Pleading in the total. When this
pleading is added the total will change.
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PAGE 109
Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 4 (cont’d)
Figure 98: Bulk File Motion Screen – Step 4 (cont’d)
The Pleading has been added to the Summary Queue, and please note the total number
is now 10.
The system will keep a running total of all documents uploaded until ready to file with
the Clerk’s office.
The filer can now repeat the process for as many motions as needed.
When the filer is ready to submit to the Clerk’s office, please click the “View Summary”
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
PAGE 110
Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 5
Figure 99: Bulk File Motion Screen – Step 5
The filer can now review the cases in the File Summary Queue for submission to the
Clerk’s office.
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PAGE 111
Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 5 (cont’d)
Figure 100: Bulk File Motion Screen – Step 5 (cont’d) Screen
When the filer clicks on the File All, the system will check all the cases to be submitted
for filing with the Clerk’s office; or, the filer may select individual motions to be filed at
this time. See next screen shot for explanation.
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PAGE 112
Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 5 (cont’d)
Figure 101: Bulk File Motion Screen – Step 5 (cont’d) Screen
The filer can also select an individual case to file with the Clerk’s office or to edit/delete.
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PAGE 113
Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 5 (cont’d)
Figure 102: Bulk File Motion Screen – Step 5 (cont’d) Screen
To edit or delete the case from the queue, the filer would hover either icon and click.
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Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 5 (cont’d)
Figure 103: Bulk File Motion Screen – Step 5 (cont’d) Screen
In the edit mode, the screen will return you to the input screen of the case you selected.
The filer can change the litigant filing or the type of document and upload being filed.
Once corrected, the filer will click the Add Pleading button to return to the previous
review queue.
To Delete the filer will click the delete button.
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PAGE 115
Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 5 (cont’d)
Figure 104: Bulk File Motion Screen – Step 5 (cont’d) Screen
To File the cases, select File All and click the Next key.
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PAGE 116
Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 5 (cont’d)
Figure 105: Bulk File Motion Screen – Step 5 (cont’d) Screen
The system will return a summary screen of the fee. The filer will then select the Next
key to continue.
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Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 5 (cont’d)
Figure 106: Bulk File Motion Screen – Step 5 (cont’d) Screen
The filer may select to make a payment using a One-time Payment or select to create a
Stored Payment procedure (see page 74).
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Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 5 (cont’d)
Figure 107: Bulk File Motion Screen – Step 5 (cont’d) Screen
Once payment is made, the system will return with a Bulk Filing Receipt. The filer Should
print this receipt for their records, then proceed to click the Continue key.
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Bulk File Motion and Scheduling – Step 5 (cont’d)
Figure 108: Bulk File Motion Screen – Step 5 (cont’d) Screen
This will now return the filer to the Home page.
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PAGE 120
Search Case Number
Figure 109: Case Lookup Screen
Enter the Case Number in the Case Lookup Box. The Case Number should be keyed in
the following manner: The century and year the case was filed (CCYY), the division code,
and the 6-digit case number. For the purpose of this project, we are using division code
“L” to represent the Law Division.
Click the Find Case button to continue.
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PAGE 121
Verify Case Information
Figure 110: Review Case Information Screen
Verify that information matches the case for which the appearance is being filed.
Click on the Next button to proceed with the filing of the appearance.
The following case information is displayed:
o Case type
o Case filed on behalf of Government Agency
o Party Information
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
PAGE 122
Case Number
Case Type
Party Number
Party Name
Field Name
A unique number assigned to each case filed
with the courts.
The area of law that the case was filed.
The type of complaint filed.
The area of jurisdiction the case was filed.
A unique number assigned to each litigant in
the case.
The name of the litigants involved in the case.
The person that is representing a litigant in the
The location where the litigant resides when
case was filed.
The city the litigant resides when case was
The zip code the litigant resides when case
was filed.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
PAGE 123
Choose Party(s) to File Appearance
Figure 111: Select Party(s) Screen
Select the litigant(s) being represented and for which an appearance is being filed.
Click on the Next button to proceed.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
PAGE 124
Upload Document(s)
Figure 112: Upload Appearance Document Screen
Select the Document Type, upload the document for this pleading in a PDF format, and
enter a description.
Note: There are several types of appearances to choose from, ensure the appropriate
selection is made.
Click the Next button to proceed.
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PAGE 125
Review Appearance Summary
Figure 113: Review Summary Screen
Review the Appearance Information.
Click the Next button to proceed.
Field Name
The name of the document being filed.
The narrative entered by the filer.
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
PAGE 126
Review Filing Fees
Figure 114: Filing Fees and Fee Case Screen
Review the case filing fees.
Click the Next button to proceed.
Field Name
The line item of each filing fee being charged
The dollar amount of the filing fee being
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PAGE 127
Payment Screen
Figure 115: Payment Screen
Select payment type (credit card or ACH).
Enter billing information: First name, last name, address, city, state, zip code.
The “Billing Reference” is a feature used for internal operations, such as case number or
client name.
Select credit card type.
Enter credit card number.
Enter expiration date.
Enter CVV2/CID number.
Click “Pay” button.
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PAGE 128
Credit Card Receipt
Figure 116: Credit Card Receipt Screen
Review credit card receipt and verify the assessed fees.
Click the Continue button to proceed.
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PAGE 129
eFile Receipt
Figure 117: eFile Receipt Screen
Review and print this eFile receipt for your records.
This screen contains a tracer number and summary of the filing.
Click the Continue button to finalize the electronic filing for this appearance.
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PAGE 130
To file a Pleading, click on the following link: Pleadings
File a Pleading
Figure 118: Filing an Appearance Screen
The types of pleadings an attorney can file when representing a defendant are listed
above. To file a pleading, select a Pleading Type.
Click Next to continue.
Note: Repeat the same steps when filing the above Pleadings types
eFiling Help Desk: 312.603.HELP (4357)
PAGE 131
Bulk File Pleadings - Third Party Complaint
Figure 119: Bulk File Pleadings – Third Party Complaint Screen
The filer will hover over the Pleading Queue and the drop down will appear to select
either conventional File Pleadings or File Bulk Pleading. Click on File Bulk Pleading to
advance to the next screen.
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PAGE 132
Bulk File Pleadings - Third Party Complaint (cont’d)
Figure 120: Bulk File Pleadings – Third Party Complaint (cont’d) Screen
The system will advance the filer to the Bulk File Pleading Screen.
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Bulk File Pleadings - Third Party Complaint - Step 1
Figure 121: Bulk File Pleadings Third Party Complaint - Step 1 Screen
The filer will select the document they wish to eFile by using the Pleadings Type drop
down box. The filer can select from various pleadings in which to file.
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Bulk File Pleadings - Third Party Complaint - Step 2
Figure 122: Bulk File Pleadings – Third Party Complaint - Step 2 Screen
The filer selected a 3rd Party Complaint in Step 1. The filer selected the area of law
which is Chancery Division, and clicked the Search button to verify that the case keyed
in is a valid Chancery case.
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Bulk File Pleadings - Third Party Complaint - Step 3
Figure 123: Bulk File Pleadings – Third Party Complaint - Step 3 Screen
The system returned the valid litigants in the case. The filer will select the Litigant they
are representing.
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Bulk File Pleadings - Third Party Complaint - Step 4
Figure 124: Bulk File Pleadings – Third Party Complaint - Step 4 Screen
In this example, the plaintiff, Wells Fargo Bank, is filing a 3rd Party Complaint against
9/5 Bank. The plaintiff will choose the party and the Service Type. The filer has the
option of how the summons is delivered to the sheriff’s office.
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Bulk File Pleadings - Third Party Complaint - Step 4 (cont’d)
Figure 125: Bulk File Pleadings – Third Party Complaint - Step 4 (cont’d) Screen
The filer proceeded to click the Save Party button. The system saved the defendant and
the filer can continue to add defendants to the list or move on to Step 5.
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Bulk File Pleadings - Third Party Complaint - Step 5
Figure 126: Bulk File Pleadings – Third Party Complaint - Step 5 Screen
The filer has proceeded to Step 5 to add the supporting documents. They can choose
from the drop down list and click on Upload Document to upload the selected
Note: the system has already generated the summons as well as the service list.
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Bulk File Pleadings - Third Party Complaint - Step 5 (cont’d)
Figure 127: Bulk File Pleadings – Third Party Complaint - Step 5 (cont’d) Screen
The filer selected the Additional Party Complaint; the filer MUST now upload the
document to the system.
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Bulk File Pleadings - Third Party Complaint - Step 5 (cont’d)
Figure 128: Bulk File Pleadings – Third Party Complaint - Step 5 (cont’d) Screen
The Complaint has been uploaded to the Queue along with the summons and service
list. The filer can now select supporting documents and upload to the system, or click
the Add Pleading button to add the documents to the Pleading Queue.
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Bulk File Pleadings - Third Party Complaint - Step 5 (cont’d)
Figure 129: Bulk File Pleadings – Third Party Complaint - Step 5 (cont’d) Screen
The document has been added to the Bulk File Pleading Summary. Note: In the
previous screen, the Total was 1 Total Added. Now the system displays 2 Total Added.
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Bulk File Pleadings - Alias Summons
Figure 130: Bulk File Pleadings - Alias Summons Screen
This example is a Bulk Filing of an Alias Summons. The filer will select the Division
where the case is currently being heard.
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Bulk File Pleadings - Alias Summons - Step 2
Figure 131: Bulk File Pleadings - Alias Summons - Step 2 Screen
The filer will select the Case and click the Search button.
Note: currently only District 1 has the Alias Summons option.
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Bulk File Pleadings - Alias Summons - Step 3
Figure 132: Bulk File Pleadings - Alias Summons - Step 3 Screen
The system will return to the filer the names of the Litigants involved in the case. The
1st group of names is the names of the litigants filing the Alias. The 2nd group is the
names are those that the Alias will be filed against. The filer will place a check mark
against the names involved. The filer will also add the attorney code.
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Bulk File Pleadings - Alias Summons - Step 4
Figure 133: Bulk File Pleadings – Alias Summons - Step 4 Screen
Once the Party to be served is selected, the system will display the parties name(s) with
a Red Dot. The filer will click on the Red Dot to display the litigant’s service address
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Bulk File Pleadings – Alias Summons - Step 4 (cont’d)
Figure 134: Bulk File Pleadings – Alias Summons - Step 4 (cont’d)
Once the Red Dot has been clicked, it will now become a Green Arrow. The system
returns the current service information from the system. The filer can either update the
information or keep the current information.
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Bulk File Pleadings – Alias Summons - Step 4 (cont’d)
Figure 135: Bulk File Pleadings – Alias Summons - Step 4 (cont’d)
The filer will select Service Type and how the summons is to be served.
Choose service type: Sheriff, Certified Mail or Special Process Service.
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Bulk File Pleadings – Alias Summons - Step 4 (cont’d)
Figure 136: Bulk File Pleadings – Alias Summons - Step 4 (cont’d)
If service type of summons is Sheriff, the Filer must choose if the summons will be
delivered to the Sheriff by the Clerk’s office, or if the Filer will deliver the summons to
the Sheriff.
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Bulk File Pleadings – Alias Summons - Step 4 (cont’d)
Figure 137: Bulk File Pleadings – Alias Summons - Step 4 (cont’d) Screen
Once the litigant has been saved, the Green Arrow will turn to a Green Check Mark.
Please proceed to Step 5.
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Bulk File Pleadings – Alias Summons - Step 5
Figure 138: Bulk File Pleadings – Alias Summons - Step 5
Once the party has been saved, the filer will upload the document that will be attached
to the Alias Summons.
Please note: If attaching original complaint, the complaint will not be stamped.
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Bulk File Pleadings – Alias Summons - Step 5 (cont’d)
Figure 139: Bulk File Pleadings – Alias Summons - Step 5 (cont’d) Screen
The filer will click the Browse button to search for the document. Once selected, the
filer will click the Upload Document button.
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Bulk File Pleadings – Alias Summons - Step 5 (cont’d)
Figure 140: Bulk File Pleadings – Alias Summons - Step 5 (cont’d) Screen
The filer can proceed to upload supporting documents, or add pleading and continue
with filings.
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Bulk File Pleadings – Alias Summons - Step 5 (cont’d)
Figure 141: Bulk File Pleadings – Alias Summons - Step 5 (cont’d)
If completed, the filer can click on the Add Pleading button and repeat process for
additional pleadings.
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PAGE 154
Bulk File Pleadings – General Filings
Figure 142: Bulk File Pleadings – General Pleadings
Unlike the previous two components of Bulk File, General Pleadings are all handled
basically in the same manner.
The filer will select from the drop down list of Pleadings.
Note: Within the Pleading Types drop down menu, there are expanded document types.
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Bulk File Pleadings – General Filings - Step 1 and 2
Figure 143: Bulk File Pleadings – General Pleadings - Step 1 and 2 Screen
The filer selects the Pleading Type and the Division in which to file the document.
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Bulk File Pleadings – General Filings - Step 2 (cont’d)
Figure 144: Bulk File Pleadings – General Pleadings - Step 2 (cont’d) Screen
The filer will select the valid Case Number and click on the Search button.
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Bulk File Pleadings – General Filings - Step 3
Figure 145: Bulk File Pleadings – General Pleadings - Step 3 Screen
The filer will choose a valid Cook Count Attorney Code number and proceed to Step 4.
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Bulk File Pleadings – General Filings - Step 4
Figure 146: Bulk File Pleadings – General Pleadings - Step 4 Screen
The filer will select from the expanded group of answers provided and then proceed to
click the Browse button to select the document.
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Bulk File Pleadings – General Filings - Step 4 (cont’d)
Figure 147: Bulk File Pleadings – General Pleadings - Step 4 (cont’d) Screen
Once document is visible in the Upload Document Window, the filer will then click the
Upload Document Button.
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Bulk File Pleadings – General Filings - Step 4 (cont’d)
Figure 148: Bulk File Pleadings – General Pleadings Step 4 (cont’d) Screen
Once document has been added to the Side Bar, you can repeat the same exercise
selecting supporting documents, if required.
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PAGE 161
Bulk File Pleadings – General Filings - Step 4 (cont’d)
Figure 149: Bulk File Pleadings – General Pleadings Step 4 (cont’d) Screen
Once all supporting documents have been added, the filer will click the Add Pleading
button to complete the filing and continue on to the next filing.
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