EUROPEAN TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRICAL POWER Euro. Trans. Electr. Power 2005; 15: 109–121 Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/etep.39 Optimized conductors for XLPE cables with a large cross-section Udo Fromm*,y Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt, D-80297 München, Germany SUMMARY The focus of this article is the determination of the AC resistance of cable conductors. A simple routine measurement method to measure the AC resistance of complete cable drums is described. An optimization method based on model-simulations and measured values is provided. Copyright # 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. key words: AC resistance; optimized conductors; XLPE cables; skin effect; measurement method; high voltage cables 1. INTRODUCTION The current rating of HVAC (high-voltage alternating current) cables depends strongly on the AC resistance of the conductor. The AC resistance Rac exceeds the DC resistance Rdc due to the skineffect: the AC current in the conductor generates an alternating magnetic field. This field induces a voltage opposing the current in the centre and enhancing the current near the surface of the conductor. The losses caused by the skin effect can be reduced by the use of segmented conductors. This was suggested for the first time by Humphreys Milliken [1] in combination with insulated conductor strands (Figure 1(a)). In a segmented conductor the strands are arranged on layers. The pitch of the strands of each layer causes every strand to change its path between the centre and the surface of the conductor. This leads to loops formed by strands in adjacent layers (Figure 1(b)). The loop current is determined by the induced voltage Uind and by the loop impedance. Conductors with unidirectional layers have a lower induced voltage than conductors with contra-directional layers [2]. Therefore the AC losses can be reduced by using unidirectional layers for uninsulated strands. When insulated strands are used the additional AC losses are minimized. When neglecting the losses due to the proximity effect, the international standard [3] defines a skin effect factor ys as follows: ys ¼ Rac 1 Rdc *Correspondence to: Udo Fromm, Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt, D-80297 München, Germany. y E-mail: Copyright # 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ð1Þ 110 U. FROMM Figure 1. Milliken conductor (a) as patented [1], (b) loop formed by the conductor strands of two adjacent layers. For solid conductors with a circular cross-section the skin effect factor ys can exactly be calculated: " # xs ð1Þ3=4 I0 ðxs ð1Þ3=4 Þ 1 ys ¼ Re 2 I1 ðxs ð1Þ3=4 Þ ð2Þ rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 20 f xs ¼ Rdc ð3Þ where There are many papers on AC resistance of conductors for oil impregnated cables. Improved conductor designs are based on enamelled strands [1,4], layer insulation [5–7] or dynamically balanced conductors [8]. On the other hand, the conductor strands of XLPE (cross-linked polyethylene) cables are not oil impregnated which is reported to significantly enhance the AC resistance [2]. The compression forces on the conductor are higher for XLPE cables due to the high shrinking stress of the extruded insulation. This leads to a decreased contact resistance between the conductor strands, which causes higher AC losses as compared to oil impregnated cables [9]. Many published data were derived from measurements on non-insulated conductors, so that they poorly represent the real situation in XLPE cables. The aims of the paper are: 1. Model investigations to study the influence of selected design parameter 2. Presentation of a simple conductor optimization method 3. Description of a simple method to measure the AC conductor resistance. 2. THE MODEL In the literature there are a number of papers describing a network model of the segmented conductor [4,10,11]. A similar approach is used here. The aim is to determine the influence of the design parameter: Copyright # 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Euro. Trans. Electr. Power 2005; 15:109–121 OPTIMIZED CONDUCTORS FOR XLPE CABLES 111 Figure 2. Network model. * * * * number of wires per segment number of segments number of insulated wires per segment the inner radius ri of a hollow conductor on the AC resistance of the conductor. These results are discussed with respect to cost considerations. The model describes a hollow conductor with an outer radius ra and an inner radius ri . The strands are modelled as current paths with a resistance per length R, a self-inductance per length L, and with a mutual inductance to the other strands, see Figure 2. The conductor consists of a number of segments. Each segment consists of a number of layers. Every layer consists of a number of strands (Figure 2). Within the layers there are the individual strands with the radius r0 : sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ra2 ri2 r0 ¼ n ns ð4Þ Every strand has the resistance per metre: R¼ r02 ð5Þ 0 8 ð6Þ and the self-inductance per metre: L¼ The i-th strand is mutually coupled to the j-th strand by the mutual inductance M. Owing to symmetry the model describes one segment only, e.g. the length of the inductance matrix is equal to the number of strands per segment n. For the determination of the inductance matrix see Section 2.1. The voltages Copyright # 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Euro. Trans. Electr. Power 2005; 15:109–121 112 U. FROMM across a length of the conductor strands and the currents in the strands can be described as vectors U and I with: 0 1 0 1 i1 u1 B .. C B .. C B . C B.C B C B C C B ij C u and I ¼ ð7Þ U¼B B jC B C B .. C B .. C @ . A @.A un in where uj is the voltage per metre across the j-th strand and ij is the current through the j-th strand. Then the voltage current relations can be written as the matrix equation: U ¼ ðR þ j ! M Þ I ð8Þ Then the current distribution can be calculated assuming a given voltage drop (e.g. uj ¼ 1 V=m): I ¼ ðR þ j ! MÞ1 U ð9Þ Then the AC resistance can be calculated: Pn 2 R j¼1 ij Rac ¼ P ns n 2 j¼1 ij ð10Þ The ratio of AC resistance and DC resistance is a characteristic parameter of a conductor: ys ¼ Rac 1 Rdc ð11Þ R n ns ð12Þ where Rdc ¼ 2.1. Determination of the inductance matrix For the determination of the mutual inductance matrix two cases are distinguished: 2.1.1. Inter-strand resistance within a layer is zero. In this case the layer within a segment behaves like a solid metallic body. The strands are treated as line-like current paths in parallel to the conductor axis. The elements of this inductance matrix M are (see Figure 3): Mi;k ¼ ns X 0 a¼1 Copyright # 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 8 þ 0 la r0 ln 2 r0 ð13Þ Euro. Trans. Electr. Power 2005; 15:109–121 113 OPTIMIZED CONDUCTORS FOR XLPE CABLES Figure 3. The inductance matrix of a conductor segment. Influence of the number of segments. 2.1.2. Inter-strand resistance of all strands within a layer is infinite. This simulates the case when all strands within a layer are insulated (e.g. use of enamelled wires). Owing to the regular strand arrangement within a layer, every strand of the layer carries the same current. This is taken into account in the model by creating a modified inductance matrix M . First a matrix ML is derived from the inductance matrix M. The elements of ML are the self-inductances of the strands of the considered layer and the mutual inductances between the strands of the considered layer (see Figure 4). A modified matrix ML is derived from the matrix ML . The relation between ML and ML is explained by the following. Owing to the helical arrangement of all strands of the same layer the mutual inductance to the neighbouring strand is equal for all strands within this layer: ML1 ¼ ML1;2 ¼ ML2;3 ¼ ¼ MLs;1 s X 1 MLs;1 þ ¼ MLk1;k s k¼2 ! ð14Þ Figure 4. Construction of the modified inductance matrix. Copyright # 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Euro. Trans. Electr. Power 2005; 15:109–121 114 U. FROMM The same reasoning applies for the mutual inductance between the strands with one strand in-between: ! s X 1 MLs1;1 þ MLs;2 þ ML2 ¼ ML1;3 ¼ ML2;4 ¼ . . . MLs;2 ¼ ð15Þ MLk2;k s k¼3 It can be generalized: MLm ¼ ML1;1þm ¼ ML2;2þm ¼ ¼ MLs;m m s X 1 X ¼ MLsmþp;p þ MLkm;k n p¼1 k¼mþ1 ! ð16Þ The part ML of the inductance matrix M is then replaced by ML so that the modified inductance matrix M is created. 2.2. Model verification In order to verify the network model a solid cylindrical conductor is simulated as shown in Figure 5 (inter-strand resistance is zero). The current density S is plotted across the conductor radius. The simulation is compared to the analytical solution (based on Bessel function): SðrÞ ¼ I p I0 ðqrÞ 2 ra I1 ðqrÞ ð17Þ where ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi qp ffiffiffiffiffiffiffi q¼ 1 2f 0 = Figure 5. Current density as a function of the radius for a solid cylindrical conductor. Copyright # 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Euro. Trans. Electr. Power 2005; 15:109–121 OPTIMIZED CONDUCTORS FOR XLPE CABLES 115 The network model has its maximum at the radius of the centre of the outer wires, which is half a layer thickness less than the conductor radius, see Figure 5. Otherwise the agreement seems acceptable. 3. SIMULATION RESULTS 3.1. Impact of the segment structure For the model simulations a segment structure, as shown in Figure 6, was assumed. This structure was described as a concentric structure in Reference [11]. The following cases were simulated: * * * * * no insulated strand (behaviour like a metallic tube) outer layer consists of insulated strands outer two layers consist of insulated strands outer three layers consist of insulated strands all strands are insulated The impact of the number of segments on ys is shown in Figure 7. It is shown, that ys can be remarkably reduced by using insulated strands. As reported in Reference [11] only marginal gains can Figure 6. Wire arrangement within the simulated segment. Figure 7. The ys -dependence on the fraction of insulated wires for various segment numbers (ri ¼ 6 mm, ra ¼ 30 mmÞ: Copyright # 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Euro. Trans. Electr. Power 2005; 15:109–121 116 U. FROMM Figure 8. The AC resistance of a conductor as a function of the inner conductor radius for different numbers of insulated strands (ra ¼ 30 mm, 6 segments, 91 strands in 6 layers, 20 C). be achieved by enhancing the number of segments and this only when using a high percentage of insulated strands. 3.2. Impact of the inner radius In a cylindrical conductor with a large diameter most of the current flows near the conductor surface due to the skin depth of about 1 cm for copper at a frequency of 50 Hz. In the centre the current density is low but the current has the opposite direction than when near the surface. Therefore the AC conductor resistance does decrease somewhat for increased ri (up to about 15 mm at ra ¼ 30 mm) in the model simulation without insulated strands, see Figure 8. For further enlarged ri the AC resistance does increase. This means that the AC resistance has a minimum for a certain ri . This minimum clearly appears in the model simulations for the conductor without strand insulation and for a conductor with an outer insulated layer. An estimated function for the minimum AC resistance as mentioned above is indicated in Figure 8. A perfect segmental conductor leads to an almost even current distribution across the whole conductor area so that the skin effect factor ys is close to zero. Then an increased ri would also increase the AC resistance and no local minimum of the AC resistance exists. This can be seen for the simulation results with three insulated layers and in the case of a complete strand insulation in Figure 8. Figure 9 shows the same information as Figure 8 with the difference that the skin effect factor ys is provided at the y-axis instead of the AC resistance. The value of ys contains information about the use of the conductor material. A high skin effect factor ys indicates a poor conductor design. For ys ¼ 0 the conductor material is used best. Copyright # 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Euro. Trans. Electr. Power 2005; 15:109–121 OPTIMIZED CONDUCTORS FOR XLPE CABLES 117 Figure 9. The skin effect factor ys as a function of the inner conductor radius for different numbers of insulated strands (ra ¼ 30 mm, 6 segments, 91 strands in 6 layers, 20 C). 4. DESIGN OF AN OPTIMIZED CONDUCTOR Cost considerations show that the use of enamelled strands [12] is too expensive compared to the positive effect of enhanced current carrying capacity. Therefore a practical segmental conductor will probably have a low-cost insulation system within the segments like layer insulation [5–7] or low-cost strand insulation [13–15]. In order to extrapolate the model simulations to practicable segment constructions it is assumed that Figures 8 and 9 can be generalized. Any construction with a Rac ðri ¼ 0Þ and a ys ðri ¼ 0Þ follows the same function Rac ðri Þ or ys ðri Þ. Then the optimization procedure is as follows: (i) Rac is measured for a given ri and ra . (ii) Based on a simulation as shown in Figure 8 an optimized ri is chosen. (iii) The expected ys of the optimized conductor can be taken from Figure 9. A verifying measurement can be used to check the accurateness of the first assumption. 5. THE MEASUREMENT OF THE 50 HZ CONDUCTOR RESISTANCE There are basically two different methods to determine the AC conductor resistance. First the calorimetric method. This method is based on the measurement of temperature differences due to the conduction losses [10,16]. Calorimetric methods are time consuming. Second, there are the electric resistance measurement methods [2,16–20]. These methods are based on the measurement of the conductor current and the determination of the voltage contribution in phase with this current. All Copyright # 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Euro. Trans. Electr. Power 2005; 15:109–121 118 U. FROMM electric methods depend very much on the absence of external magnetic fields or non-linear magnetic materials. The presented results are achieved with an electric method. Voltage and current were recorded with a digitizer with a high sampling frequency ( > 1 MSa/s). The complex values of voltage and current are the 50 Hz component of the sample data. Using the Fourier transform these values are: pffiffiffi ns 2X V¼ vr e2iðr1Þp=ns ns r¼1 ð18Þ The AC resistance can easily be calculated: Rac ¼ jU j cos ðargðUÞ argðIÞÞ jI j ð19Þ This method can also be used for routine measurements of the AC resistance, see Figure 10. The current is injected into the conductor on one end of the cable. At the other end of the cable the conductor and the screen are shorted. The return current flows in the screen. Therefore there is no increase of the AC resistance due to the current in the conductor of the neighbouring turn (proximity effect). The magnetic field by the current in the conductor is compensated by the magnetic field of the current in the screen. The voltage drop across the cable can be measured and the AC resistance can be determined. The phase resolution is affected by the sample rate. Assuming a sampling error of 1 sample the phase resolution is ’ ¼ 2 f SR ð20Þ Figure 10. Principle for the Rac measurement on a delivery length [20]. Copyright # 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Euro. Trans. Electr. Power 2005; 15:109–121 OPTIMIZED CONDUCTORS FOR XLPE CABLES 119 Figure 11. The probability distributions of the measured AC resistances as functions of the sample rate (2500 mm2 cross-section). Therefore a minimal resolution of 0.1 requires a sample rate of 180 kSa/s. The finer the resolution, the lower the spread between individual measurements as demonstrated in Figure 11. For practical AC resistance measurements on power cables a sample rate of 1 MSa/s or higher seems to be sufficient. 6. CONCLUSIONS A method to optimize the conductor of XLPE cables with a large cross-section is described in detail. Further, a simple measurement method is presented to determine the AC resistance of cable conductors. This method can be used for routine measurements on complete cable drums. 7. LIST OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS 7.1. Symbols a f i ii j k la n ns index variable frequency index variable current within the i-th strand index variable index variable distance between the i-th strand of the segment a and the k-th strand number of strands per segment number of segments per conductor Copyright # 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Euro. Trans. Electr. Power 2005; 15:109–121 120 ns p ra ri r0 s ui vr xs ys I0 I1 L Mi;k Rac Rdc R S SR V ’ 0 I M M ML ML U U. FROMM number of recorded samples number of recorded periods outer conductor radius inner conductor radius strand radius number of strands per layer voltage per length along the i-th strand digitized time signal, and parameter to calculate the skin effect factor ys defined in Equation (3) skin effect factor Bessel function of the first kind of the 0th order Bessel function of the first kind of the 1st order self-inductance of a strand per length mutual inductance between the i-th strand and the k-th strand per length AC resistance DC resistance strands resistance per length complex current density sample rate complex rms value of the voltage or the current of the base frequency phase resolution magnetic permittivity of vacuum resistivity of the conductor material current vector inductance matrix modified inductance matrix inductance matrix for the strands within a layer modified inductance matrix for the strands within a layer taking into account the strand insulation voltage vector 7.2. Abbreviations HVAC XLPE high-voltage alternating current cross-linked polyethylene REFERENCES 1. Milliken H. Electrical Cable. Patent Publication 1933; US 1904162. 2. Ball EH, Maschio G. The AC resistance of segmental conductors as used in power cables. IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems 1968; 87:1143–1148. 3. International Standard. Electric cables—Calculation of the current rating—Part 1–1.2001, IEC 60287–1-1, Edition 1.2, 2001–11. 4. Matsuura K, Kihara T, Yokoyama H, Moriyama Y, Miyazaki T, Itho T. Development of calculation method for AC resistance of power cable conductors with individually insulated strands. Electrical Engineering in Japan 1983; 103:47–56. 5. Sugiyama K, Hayashida K. Inter-layer insulated Milliken type conductor with low skin effect for power cables. Hitachi Review 1981; 30:51–54. Copyright # 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Euro. Trans. Electr. Power 2005; 15:109–121 OPTIMIZED CONDUCTORS FOR XLPE CABLES 121 6. Sugiyama K. 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