P2-Topic-1-notes - Greenacre Academy Trust

Topic 1 – Static and current electricity
Static electricity is caused by an electrical (‘electrostatic’) charge building up on
insulating materials – including on you
All atoms contain electrically charged particles called protons and electrons:
o Protons have a positive charge and are found in the nucleus of atoms
o Electrons move around the outside of the atom at different distances from
the nucleus – they are negatively charged
o The positive charges on the protons are balanced by the negative charges
on the electronsatoms have no overall charge
Note: the nucleus also contains neutrons, which have no charge
Generating static electricity:
When two insulating materials are rubbed together, friction is generated and
electrons may be transferred from one material to the other (note: protons can’t be
transferred because they are fixed in the nuclei of atoms):
o The material gaining electrons now has more electrons than protonshas
a negative charge
o The material losing electrons now has more protons than electronshas an
equal positive charge
Objects charged with static electricity can attract or repel each other:
o If the charges on the two objects are different, they will attract each other
o If the charges are the same as each other (i.e both positive or both
negative), the objects repel
If you rub a balloon on a jumper you can get it to stick to a wall – this process is
called charging ‘by induction’ and the charge produced is an induced charge…
Explanation for this:
o When the balloon is rubbed against the jumper, electrons are transferred
from the jumper to the balloonthe balloon becomes negatively charged
o When the balloon is placed against the wall, the electrons in the wall are
repelled by the balloon’s negative charge and move away
o The positive charge left behind on the wall (the ‘induced charge’) attracts
the negative charge on the balloonthe balloon sticks to the wall
Why it’s difficult to charge a conducting material with static electricity:
Insulating materials (e.g a polythene rod) do not conduct electricity…:
o electrons that are transferred cannot move through the material – i.e they
stay close together at the end of the polythene rod
o static charge builds up at the end of the polythene rod
Conducting materials (e.g a metal rod) conduct electricity…:
o electrons that are transferred spread themselves out through the metal
o the extra static charge is difficult to detect
This is why static electricity builds up between insulating materials and not
between conducting materials
Shocks from everyday objects:
You can sometimes build up an electrostatic charge just by walking on a carpet:
o As the shoes rub along the carpet, electrons are transferred from the carpet
to the personperson becomes negatively charged
o If the person then touches a conducting material (e.g metal object), the
person feels a small electric shock as electrons flow from the person,
through the metal object to the earth
o The direction in which electrons flow depends on the charge of the object:
 for a negatively charged object (as in this example), electrons flow
from the earth to the object
 for a positively charged object, electrons flow from the earth to the
The process of electrons flowing from a person to the ground through an object, or
the other way around, is called ‘earthing’
After earthing, the person is discharged (i.e no longer has an electrostatic charge)
Large charges of static electricity can build up on clouds, causing electrons to
flow through the atmosphere between the clouds and the ground (electrons can
flow in either direction…i.e from ground to clouds or from clouds to ground)
This produces the huge spark that we see as lightning
Overcoming the dangers of electrostatic charges:
To reduce the dangers of the build-up of static electricity…
o there needs to be a path between the object with electrostatic charge and
the ground, through which electrons can flow…
 for electrons to flow along it, the ‘path’ must be made of a material
that conducts electricity…in most cases, it’s made of metal
o This earthing process discharges the object and prevents sparks being
E.g refuelling aircraft:
o As fuel flows through a refuelling pipe, static electricity can build up
o The aircraft can also build up a static charge as it flies through the air
o a bonding line (a metal wire) is used to connect the aircraft to the earth
before it is refuelled
o This discharges the aircraft of any electrostatic charge that may have built
upno sparks are produced
A similar problem can occur when tankers deliver fuel to filling stations:
o In this case, the hose used to fill the underground fuel tanks is made of a
conducting materialno sparks are produced
Uses of static electricity:
Static electricity can be useful…
E.g it can be used in electrostatic spray painting to make the spray spread out…:
o The metal spray nozzle is connected to the positive terminal of an
electricity supplydroplets of paint pick up a positive charge
o The positively charged droplets repel each otherspread out
o The object to be painted is given a negative charge
o the paint droplets are attracted to the surface of the object
Note: static electricity is also used in insecticide sprayers
In conducting materials (e.g metals), some of the electrons from each atom are
free to move about - this flow of electrons produces an electric current
In a piece of metal, the free electrons all move round in different directions
When a metal wire is placed in an electrical circuit (it must be a complete circuit),
the cell (battery) pushes the free electrons in one direction around the circuit…
o Cells and batteries supply current that flows in only one direction – this is
called ‘direct current’
Generators produce ‘alternating current’ – i.e electrons change direction many
times each second
Charge and current:
An electric current is the rate of flow of charged particles
o Charge – measured in coulombs (C)
o Current – measured in amperes (or amps, A)
The size of the electric current depends on how much charge is passing a point in
a circuit each second:
o 1 ampere is a flow of 1 coulomb of charge per second
The equation linking charge and current:
o charge (coulombs, C) = current (amps, A) x time (seconds, s)
o Q=Ixt
o I.e the more charge that passes a point in a circuit per second, the greater
the current
o a current of 5A flows for 10s…how much charge has flowed through the
o Charge = 5 x 10 = 50 C
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