Pre and post-visit activities Our Earth, Sun and seasons Vocabulary List Pre-visit Adult Education at Scienceworks Activity 1: A model of the Earth and Moon Activity 2: Day and night on Earth Activity 3: Diurnal motion Activity 4: Reasons for the seasons Activity 5: A model showing the path of the Sun Post-visit Activity 6: Science and the seasons (Certificate I) Activity 7: Some days are really longer than others (Certificate II) Activity 8: The angle of light makes a difference Activity 9: People shadows Activity 10: Using shadows to tell the time Activity 11: Making your own equatorial sundial Activity 12: Researching the seasons and culture Our Earth, Sun and seasons These activities are designed to familiarise Certificate I and II students with the concepts and vocabulary they will encounter when they visit Scienceworks to see the Spinning Out planetarium show, and to reinforce and extend their knowledge afterwards. You may need to modify or extend some of the ideas presented to best suit the needs of your students or student groups. Students should become familiar with the following words and their meanings, particularly those used in the planetarium show synopsis and on-site activities, before they visit Scienceworks. 1 Vocabulary list - Our Earth, Sun and seasons Adult Education at Scienceworks Our Earth, Sun and seasons Words Activities Words Activities constellation (in) contrast convinced extreme orbit remote property roughly (six months) transforms use her imagination zodiac Show Synopsis correspond Activity 6 absorbed combined motion reflected Activity 7 cast, casts a shadow Activity 8 casts a shadow give some indication of Activity 9 diameter elliptical relative sizes Activity 1 Activity 10 axis illuminate imaginary line simulate rotate tilted with reference to Activity 2 diurnal rotation Activity 3 decrease hemisphere increase intense, intensity simulates the source Activity 4 altitude ancient axis cast shadows compensate dial ecliptic elliptical equinox face gnomon occurs originated outskirts referred to; zero reference solstice tilted universal apparent path equinox solstice Activity 5 benefit mankind Activity 11 2 Activity 1: A model of the Earth and Moon Background information This activity demonstrates the relative sizes of the Earth and Moon, and the distance between them. The Moon is our nearest neighbour. It orbits the Earth following an elliptical path and therefore the distance between the Moon and the Earth varies from about 350 000 km to 400 000 km. On average the Moon is 385 000 km away and while this at first seems like a large distance, the Moon is Adult Education at Scienceworks very close to Earth compared to the planets in our Solar System. The diameter of the Moon is about 3 500km which means that the face of the Moon is roughly the same breadth as Australia. The Earth has a diameter of approximately 12 800 km. The Moon is a little less than a quarter the diameter and approximately one-fiftieth the volume of the Earth. What you need • a handful of modelling clay, plasticine or play-dough • ruler • calculator What you do Part A – Estimating the relative size of the Earth and the Moon 1. Collect a hand f ul of c l a y. 2. D ivide the c l ay into t wo balls ( or s phe r es ) s o that one represents the s i ze of the Moon when c o m pa r ed to the other ball whi c h represents the Our Earth, Sun and seasons s i ze of the Ea r th ( no hint s allowed ) . 3. Co mm ent on the di ff e r en c es of the m odel s ea c h g r oup has m ade. 4. R e c o m bine the t wo balls or s phe r es into one lu m p of c l ay again. 5. D ivide the lu m p of c l ay into 50 pie c es of app r o x i m ately equal s i ze. 6. C hoo s e one pie c e then r e c o m bine the other 49 into a s i ngle c hun k . 7. R oll ea c h pie c e into the s hape of a ball s o that they end up wi th t wo spheres. You now have an app r o x i m ate sc ale m odel of the Ea r th and the Moon, with the small ball (made of one piece) representing the Moon and the large ball (made of 49 pieces) representing the Earth. 3 P a r t B – E s tim a ting the di s t a n c e b e t w ee n the E a r t h a nd the M oon 8. P r edi c t how f ar apa r t their m odel Moon and Ea r t h s hould be to represent the Moon-Earth distance. 9. H old the Moon up to the Ea r t h and t r y to vi s uali s e how f ar a way the Moon s hould be. When you r ea c h a agreement , then m ea s u r e th e di s t an c e. 10. Note: T he a c tual Moon - Ea r t h s epa r ation is about 30 Earth diameters. 11. C al c ulate how long this di s t an c e would be in your m odel and and pla c e your Moon at that di s t an c e. Adult Education at Scienceworks Our Earth, Sun and seasons 4 Activity 2: Day and night on Earth Background information It takes the Earth approximately 24 hours to spin once on its axis. The Earth’s axis can be thought of as an imaginary line that runs through the North and South Poles. The Earth’s axis is tilted 23.5 degrees to the vertical. As the Earth turns, half the Earth faces the Sun and experiences day-time and half is in shadow and experiences night-time. The line that separates day and night is called the terminator . The imaginary line that separates the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere is called the Equator. Adult Education at Scienceworks Our Earth, Sun and seasons The time it takes for the Earth to spin around once with reference to a distant star is called a sidereal day and is always 23 hours, 56 minutes and four seconds long. This means that the star Sirius for example would return to the same position in our sky after 23 hours, 56 minutes and four seconds. The length of a solar day measures day length with reference to the Sun. The solar day can vary depending on where you are on Earth and the time of year. On average, the solar day is about four minutes longer than a sidereal day. This is because as the Earth turns on its axis, it also moves around the Sun. During summer at the South Pole the Sun circles the sky and never sets. It is daytime continuously for (approximately) six months. During winter the Sun never rises and it is constant night-time for (approximately) the next six months. 5 The following activity uses a model to simulate day and night as the Earth rotates on its axis. The questions help the students identify the terminator and understand how day occurs at different times depending on where you live on Earth. The activity follows a teacher demonstration using a globe of the Earth to help the students. Teacher Demonstration What you need Adult Education at Scienceworks • globe of the Earth • Blu Tak • small cardboard figures • lamp without shade • access to a darkened space What you do 1. In a darkened room turn on the shadeless lamp and illuminate the globe. Identify the lit and unlit sides of the globe. 2. Ask the students to point out the countries experiencing day and those experiencing night. 3. Using Blu Tak attach three small cardboard figures to the globe; one on Australia, one on Greece and one on Malaysia for example. Ask the students to watch their shadows change as the Earth rotates. (i.e sunrise, noon, sunset and night). Ask the students to watch the Australian figure and to call out the part of the day it is experiencing as the Earth rotates. What is the Greek figure experiencing whilst the Australian is experiencing morning? Our Earth, Sun and seasons 4. Identify the north, south, east and west directions. Stick labels on the walls if necessary. 5. Demonstrate the movement of the Earth from west to east. 6. Identify the ‘terminator’ – the imaginary line that separates day and night. 7. Model the rotation of the Earth that represents one solar day (24 hours). 6 Student Activity What you need • polystyrene ball • ice-cream stick or skewer • torch • pen • globe What you do Adult Education at Scienceworks 1. The polystyrene ball is used to represent the Earth. Mark the ball with a broken line dividing the ball in half. This line will represent the equator. 2. Mark in the position of Australia, Melbourne and Perth with a pen. (The globe can be used for reference.) 3. Identify north, south, east and west. 4. Push the ice-cream stick through the polystyrene ball to represent the imaginary axis running through the North and South Pole. 5. Get help and show the direction the Earth turns (from west to east) with the axis slightly tilted. 6. Switch the torches on while the room is darkened. Now simulate the Earth turning with your model and try to answer the following questions. Questions 1. What happens to the shadow across Australia when Earth turns once? 2. Find the terminator . What is it and how does it move? 3. Who experiences day-time first, Melbourne or Perth? Our Earth, Sun and seasons Optional Ensure the model has a tilt. 4. Look down on your model from the North Pole and turn the Earth once. What do you notice about the day-time and night-time here? 5. Look up on your model from the South Pole and turn the Earth once. What do you notice about the day-time and night-time here? 7 Activity 3: Diurnal motion Background information The Earth spins once every 24 hours resulting in day and night. This rotation causes the stars, (including the Sun), to appear to rise in the east and set in the west. Some stars travel in a large arc across the sky, then disappear below the horizon. Other stars never ‘set’ below the horizon but trace a circle in the sky. The centre of these circles is a point called the South Celestial Pole. This part of the sky is directly above the South Pole of our Earth. That is, if you stood at the South Pole, Adult Education at Scienceworks the South Celestial Pole would be directly overhead and the stars would seem to be rotating clockwise around this point. In Melbourne, the South Celestial Pole is at an angle of (approximately) 38 degrees, Melbourne’s latitude. From southern Australia, stars like those that make up the Southern Cross, never set but are always visible in our sky and can be seen rotating around the South Celestial Pole. Teacher demonstration What you need • black umbrella • white circular stickers What you do 1. Open up a black umbrella 2. On the inside of the umbrella, label or identify the centre or turning point of the umbrella (above the shaft) which will model the South Celestial Pole. 3. Stick the white circular stickers in the appropriate positions to represent the Our Earth, Sun and seasons Southern Cross and the star Canopus as shown in the diagram below. These stars are always above the horizon in Southern Australia throughout the year. (Refer to the diagram.) 4. Hold the umbrella at approximately 38 degrees to the horizontal and turn the umbrella once slowly in a clockwise direction. This models diurnal motion from Southern Australia (24 hours). 5. Hold the umbrella so that the South Celestial Pole is directly above your head. Turn the umbrella once slowly. This models diurnal motion at the South Pole for one day (24 hours). 8 Student Activity What you need • polystyrene ball • ice-cream stick or skewer • torch • pen • globe What you do Adult Education at Scienceworks 1. The polystyrene ball is used to represent the Earth. Mark the ball with a broken line dividing the ball in half. This line will represent the equator. 2. Mark in the position of Australia, Melbourne and Perth with a pen. (The globe can be used for reference.) 3. Identify north, south, east and west. 4. Push the ice-cream stick through the polystyrene ball to represent the imaginary axis running through the North and South Pole. 5. Get help and show the direction the Earth turns (from west to east) with the axis slightly tilted. 6. Switch the torches on while the room is darkened. Now simulate the Earth turning with your model and try to answer the following questions. Questions 1. What happens to the shadow across Australia when Earth turns once? 2. Find the terminator . What is it and how does it move? 3. Who experiences day-time first, Melbourne or Perth? Our Earth, Sun and seasons Optional Ensure the model has a tilt. 4. Look down on your model from the North Pole and turn the Earth once. What do you notice about the day-time and night-time here? 5. Look up on your model from the South Pole and turn the Earth once. What do you notice about the day-time and night-time here? 9 Activity 4: Reasons for the seasons on Earth Background information The Earth orbits the Sun in a slightly elliptical path. This means that sometimes the Earth is slightly closer to the Sun than other times but this does not explain why we have seasons. If this was the case then the north and south hemispheres would experience the same seasons at the same time of the year. This does not happen. When it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere, it is winter in the Southern Adult Education at Scienceworks Hemisphere (and vise-versa) and when it is autumn in the Northern Hemisphere it is spring in the Southern Hemisphere (and vice-versa). The two hemispheres experience opposite seasons. The seasons are mainly caused by the Earth’s tilt. As the Earth travels around the Sun, it remains tilted (23.5 degrees) in the same direction so that sometimes the top half of the Earth is pointing toward the Sun while at times it points away. During our summer, the Southern Hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun. Therefore light from the Sun is more intense and is more effective at heating the ground than during winter when the Sun’s rays are more spread out. The Sun is also in the sky longer during summer allowing more time for warming and less time for cooling the Earth. Half way between the times when the Earth is pointing toward or away from the Sun, both hemispheres get almost equal amounts of sunlight. These times are what we call spring and autumn. The following activity simulates how the Earth orbits the Sun with its North Pole always tilted at 23.5 degrees. It should be noted that the tilt of the Earth is the Our Earth, Sun and seasons reason that the north and south hemispheres experience opposite seasons. What you need • balloon • felt tipped pen • straw • sticky tape What you do 1. Blow up a balloon to a diameter of approximately 25 cm. This will represent the Earth. 10 2. With a felt tipped pen, mark the North Pole, South Pole, the position of Australia, Europe and the Equator. Adult Education at Scienceworks 3. Cut the straw in half. 4. Make three cuts on one end of the straw forming tabs. (See diagram) 5. Stick this straw onto the balloon at the North Pole to represent an imaginary axis. 6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to represent an imaginary axis at the South Pole. 7. Choose a light source in the classroom that will represent the Sun. 8. C i r c le the light s ou r c e wi th the m odel, k eeping the a x is at the North Pole slightly tilted as they circle all the way around the source. 9. Notice that s o m eti m es the top half of the Ea r t h is pointing toward the Sun and sometimes it is pointing away. 10. Model and discuss what would happen if the Earth circled the Sun straight up and down with no tilt. Our Earth, Sun and seasons Optional • Identify the positions when it is summer, winter, autumn and spring in Australia. Discuss why. • Identify the positions when it is summer, winter, autumn and spring in Europe. Discuss why. 11 Activity 5 : A Model sho wing the path of the Sun The following activity represents the apparent path of the Sun on four special occasions of the year in the Southern Hemisphere. • Path (a) – Summer Solstice (December 22), when the Southern Hemisphere has the longest day and shortest night of the year. • Path (b) – Autumn and Spring Equinox (March 22 and September 23), when the Southern Hemisphere has the length of day and night approximately equal. Adult Education at Scienceworks • Path (c) – Winter Solstice (June 22), when the Southern Hemisphere has the shortest day and the longest night of the year. What you need • A4 m a s t er c opy of m odel • cardboard • glue • protractor • pipe cleaners • sticky tape • stanley knife What you do 1. Reduce the size of the master copy of the model so that two models fit onto one A4 sheet. 2. Glue the A4 sheet onto cardboard. 3. Carefully cut out the model along the dotted lines outlining path (a), (b) and Our Earth, Sun and seasons (c) using a stanley knife. 4. Fold the ends of path (c) along the thick black lines so that it remains tilted at an angle that approximates 28 degrees. You may want to use a protractor to measure the angle. 5. Fold the ends of path (b) along the thick black lines so that it remains tilted at an angle that approximates 52 degrees. You may want to use a protractor to measure the angle. 6. Fold the ends of path (a) along the thick black lines so that it remains tilted at an angle of approximately 75 degrees. You will need to wrap sticky-tape around the ends of this path so that it is supported at this angle. 12 A model showing the path of the sun 13 Activity 6: Science and the seasons Certificate I What you need • Research facilities Question 1 How does knowledge and understanding about the seasons benefit mankind? (eg. farming, gardening. etc.) Adult Education at Scienceworks Our Earth, Sun and seasons 14 Activity 7 : Some days are really longer than others Background information The shortest day of the year, the Winter Solstice, is around June 22. This day has the least amount of daylight hours. The Sun rises in the north-east, stays low in the sky and sets in the north-west. The longest day of the year, the Summer Solstice, is around December 22. This day has the greatest amount of daylight hours. The Sun rises in the south-east, moves high into the sky, then sets in the south-west. Adult Education at Scienceworks The seasons in the Southern Hemisphere are: • Summer: December, January and February • Autumn: March, April and May • Winter: June, July and August • Spring: September, October and November You can view a current colour map of the Earth showing the day and night regions at What you need • pen and paper • sunrise and sunset times (for Melbourne), you can get these from a newspaper or from the Melbourne Planetarium web site: Our Earth, Sun and seasons Note: sunrise and sunset times for any location in the world can be obtained from: What you do 1. Calculate the day length, in hours and minutes, of the Summer Solstice and the Winter Solstice. 2. Now do the same for the days of the Equinoxes. 3. Calculate day length for some other days. 4. Discuss the path of the Sun at different times of the year. 15 Optional Ask student students to: • Calculate day length every fortnight for the year and draw a bar graph using this information (Day length versus fortnight, primary students). • Calculate day length for every day of the year and graph this information using excel (Day length versus day, secondary students). Questions 1. Describe the shape of the graph. 2. How many weeks are there where the day length: Adult Education at Scienceworks 3. (i) is below 12 hours? (ii) is more than 12 hours? Does the graph correspond with the longest day being around December 22, and the shortest being around June 22? Our Earth, Sun and seasons 16 Some days are really longer than others Adult Education at Scienceworks Questions Our Earth, Sun and seasons 1. Colour in the different sections of the graph showing the different seasons in a year. 2. Describe the shape of the graph. 3. How does the amount of daylight in a day change from winter to summer? 4. Cross out the wrong word in bold in the following sentences: (i) During summer, the days are longer and the nights are longer/shorter in Australia. (ii) During winter, the days are shorter and the nights are longer/shorter in Australia. 17 Activity 8 : The angle of light makes a difference (A) Background information When combined with the Earth’s motion around the Sun, the tilt of the Earth (23.5 degrees) causes the seasons. There are two factors that work together to make summer hot and winter cool. Firstly, during summer the Southern Hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun. Therefore light from the Sun is more intense and is more effective at heating the ground than during winter when the Sun’s rays are more Adult Education at Scienceworks spread out. Secondly, the Sun travels a longer path across the sky. It rises in the south-east and sets in the south-west. This means that the Sun is in our sky longer, reaching a higher altitude and therefore has more time to heat the ground and less time for cooling it. Approximate dates of the equinoxes and solstices in Melbourne. Autumn March 22 Equinox Sun lies on the day and night Maximum celestial equator are equal in altitude of the – rises due east length Sun at and sets due west midday: 51 degrees Winter Solstice Spring Equinox Our Earth, Sun and seasons Summer June 22 September 23 December 22 Solstice Sun is furthest shortest day, Maximum north – rises in longest night altitude of the the north-east Sun at and sets in the midday: north-west 28 degrees Sun lies on the day and night Maximum celestial equator are equal in altitude of the – rises due east length Sun at and sets due midday: west 52 degrees Sun is furthest longest day, Maximum south – rises in shortest night altitude of the the south-east Sun at and sets in the midday: south-west 75 degrees The following activity deals with the first effect that causes the seasons, the intensity of sunlight. 18 As the Earth orbits the Sun, the angle of sunlight varies. This is modelled in the activity using a torch and graph paper. Students will see that moving the torch at different angles changes the surface area of the beam. Furthermore, since the same amount of light is given off by the torch, an increase in surface area causes a decrease in intensity. In order to complete this activity a grasp of measuring surface area is required. Surface area is the amount of two-dimensional space an object takes up. One way of measuring it is by counting up squares on graph paper. If the units are 1cm x 2 1cm, then the unit of the surface area measured is centimetres squared or cm . Adult Education at Scienceworks 2 Students can use graph paper to calculate surface area in cm . To simplify the measurement of surface area for students, the surface area can be measured by counting how many dots a certain space takes up. Extension information Seasons at the Equator and the Poles The intensity of sunlight varies according to where you are on Earth. The Sun is almost always directly overhead at the Equator. This means that light from the Sun covers a small surface area. At other places further north or south of the Equator, the angle of the Sun decreases, spreading the sunlight over a larger surface area. The light also travels a greater distance through the atmosphere and more of the light is absorbed or reflected before it reaches the ground. Places further north or south of the Equator do not experience temperatures as hot as places closer to the Equator. In addition, the Sun is always up for 12 hours at the Equator so generally the year is divided into the wet season and the dry season. The seasons are more extreme at the Poles. The North and South Poles experience Our Earth, Sun and seasons (almost) 6 months of continuous daylight followed by (almost) 6 months of darkness. The Sun does not come up at the South Pole during the whole of winter. At the South Pole, winter begins on March 22 and ends on September 23. The Sun peeps up from the snow on September 23 and summer begins. At the North Pole the opposite happens. 19 What you need • A4 sheet of graph paper (or dotted paper) • torch • 30 cm ruler • sticky tape • cardboard protractor • glue What you do 1. Stick the outline of the protractor (provided) onto cardboard and cut it out when Adult Education at Scienceworks it is dry. 2. Lay a sheet of graph paper (or dotted paper) on a flat bench. Place the beam of the torch 15cm along the ruler and fix it together with sticky tape. (Make sure that the torch can be easily switched on and off once it is fixed to the ruler.) 3. Stand the ruler, with torch attached, upright above the graph paper. 4. Switch the beam on. Count the squares (or dots) that the beam covers at this distance. Record this in a table. This angle represents the Sun’s rays at midday at the Equator, when the Sun is directly overhead. 6. Keeping the torch at this distance, move the ruler (with the torch attached) and change the angle of the torch to 75 degrees. This angle represents the Sun’s rays in mid-summer at midday in Melbourne. 7. Count the squares (or dots) that the beam covers now. Record this value in the table. 8. Change the angle to 28 degrees and again count and record the number of squares (or dots) the beam covers. This angle represents the Sun’s rays in mid-winter at midday in Melbourne. Our Earth, Sun and seasons 20 The protractor Adult Education at Scienceworks Our Earth, Sun and seasons 21 The angle of light makes a difference (B) Introduction The angle at which light is directed can affect how much heat is felt. In the following activity, you will see how the brightness of the light changes when a torch shines on paper at different angles. At the Equator, the Sun is almost always at 90 degrees (at midday) all year round. In Melbourne, the Sun never reaches that high. The highest angle that the Sun reaches in mid-summer at midday is 75 degrees. In spring and autumn, the maximum altitude the Sun reaches is 52 degrees and in mid-winter, the Adult Education at Scienceworks Sun reaches only about 28 degrees. Count how many dots or squares the light takes up at the different angles and record your values in the table below. (a) (b) (c) Angle of torch Representing the Sun Surface area at a distance of 15 cm at midday (number of dots or squares) 90 degrees Equator 75 degrees mid-summer in Melbourne 52 degrees mid-autumn/mid-spring in Our Earth, Sun and seasons Melbourne 28 degrees mid-winter in Melbourne Questions 1. How does the angle change the (surface area or) amount of space the beam takes up on the paper? 2. How does the activity demonstrate why it is easier to get sunburnt in summer than in winter? Optional 3. Find out the altitude the Sun reaches at the North and South Pole during a year. 22 Activity 9 : People shadows Background information Our own shadows are created when our body blocks sunlight. Since the Sun appears to move across the sky during the day, our shadows change shape. The time of day when shadows are shortest is when the Sun is due north. Shadows disappear all together when the Sun is directly overhead. In Melbourne the Sun is never directly overhead. The only areas of Australia that have the Sun directly overhead during the summer are north of the Tropic of Capricorn. Adult Education at Scienceworks What you need • coloured chalk What you do 1. G o out s i de to an open a s phalt/ c on c r ete a r ea. W o r k in pai r s and ta k e it in tu r n to s tand in a S c a r e c r ow po s ition whil s t the pa r tner t r a c es a r ound the s hadow u s ing c olou r ed c hal k . 2. Pla c e a s i gn r eque s ting that no-one r ub s o f f the c halk du r ing the day . 3. Return to the same position just before lunch and again in the afternoon. Ea c h ti m e the s tand in the s a m e po s ition and u s e a di ff e r ent c olou r ed pie c e of c halk to t r a c e the s hado w. L abel the different coloured shadows to indicate which shadow is cast in the morning and which shadow was cast in the afternoon. 4. Di sc u s s what happened to the s hado ws and list any s ugge s tions you have to explain the different size and direction. Our Earth, Sun and seasons 5. You could r epeat this exercise f or c o m pa r i s on on other ( s unn y) da ys and d i sc u ss your results . 23 Activity 10 : Using shadows to tell the time Background information Shadows were once used to give some indication of time using only a stick and its shadow. The Sun is at its highest point in the sky around midday or the middle of the day. This is when the casts the shortest shadow. When the Sun is close to the horizon, it casts a long shadow. Adult Education at Scienceworks The maximum altitude of the Sun varies throughout the year. In Melbourne, the Sun reaches a maximum altitude of 75 degrees in summer. The Sun rises in the southeast and sets in the south-west making the days long and the nights short. During winter the Sun is much lower and the maximum altitude it reaches in Melbourne is only 28 degrees. The Sun rises in the north-east and sets in the north-west and the days are short while the nights are long. Always ensure that students are warned never to look directly at the Sun. What you need • access to an open asphalt or concrete area • watch • new pencils • large sheets of cartridge paper • plasticine • coloured chalk Our Earth, Sun and seasons What you do 1. On the centre of a large piece of cartridge paper stand a pencil in a vertical position using a piece of plasticine. 2. Take the paper outside to an open asphalt/concrete area. Trace around the edge of the paper and the base of the plasticine in case it moves out of place. On each side of the paper write or draw an orientation landmark such as shelter shed, playground etc. This will enable the students to return the shadow stick to the same position for each reading. 3. Every hour draw over the shadow of the pencil and mark the time. Continue to mark the shadow every hour until 2.00pm. You should be able to have at least five shadows marked (10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm). 24 Adult Education at Scienceworks 4. At each reading note the position of the Sun using features in the landscape. For example: at ten o’clock the Sun was just above the corner of the shelter shed. 5. After a few readings ask the students to predict the length and direction of the next shadow. 6. Repeat the s a m e a c tivity tomorrow . P r edi c t what you think might happen. Di sc u s s how this c ould be u s ed as a c l o c k . How r eliable is it? Try to e x plain why the s hado ws c hange. 7. The Sun appea r s to m ove but in f a c t it is the Ea r t h that is m oving not the Sun. ( R e f er ba c k to the globe a c tivity if you need a reminder. ) Our Earth, Sun and seasons 25 Activity 11 : Making an equatorial sundial Background information Sundials have been used to tell the time by different societies for more than 5 000 years. The Greek historian Herodotus (484-425 BC) stated that sundials originated with the ancient Chaldeans and Sumerians who lived in Iraq. They used vertical rods on their buildings to cast shadows in order to tell the time and the date, and were the first people to divide the day into 24 hours, the week into seven days and the year into 12 months. Adult Education at Scienceworks There are many different types of sundials. The equatorial sundial is just one example. The equatorial sundial The circular dial plate of the sundial lies parallel to the plane of the Equator. The gnomon, which casts the shadow, passes through the centre of the dial and points towards the South Celestial Pole. Since the Earth rotates once on its axis every 24 hours, covering 360 degrees, the Earth rotates 15 degrees every hour. The hour lines are therefore equally spaced at 15 degree intervals. The gnomon is tilted according to latitude (38 degrees for Melbourne). Our Earth, Sun and seasons As the Earth spins, the Sun appears to move across the sky. During summer, in the Southern Hemisphere, the Sun rises in the south-east and sets in the south-west but during winter, the Sun rises in the north-east and sets in the north-west. In summer, the Sun has to move further to travel across the sky and reaches a higher altitude in the sky than in winter. As a result, the summer shadow of the gnomon lies on the uppermost face of the sundial, while the winter shadow lies on the face underneath the dial plate. 26 The following diagram illustrates the path of the Sun on: (a) The longest day of the year: Summer Solstice which usually occurs on December 22. (b) The two days when the day and night are equal in length: Spring Equinox usually on September 23 and Autumn Equinox usually on March 22. (c) The shortest day of the year: Winter Solstice usually occurs on June 22. Adult Education at Scienceworks On the Autumn Equinox and the Spring Equinox, the Sun rises due east and sets due west. On these days there is no shadow cast on either side of the dial plate. The shadow falls on the edge of the dial plate. Thus the sundial cannot be used to tell the time on these two days of the year. Making clock time equal solar time Our Earth, Sun and seasons Clock time is based on the average Sun time . In order for our sundial to read clock time, we need to take some important factors into account. Time correction The sundial needs to be corrected for two main reasons. We need to compensate for: 1. The path of the Earth around the Sun being elliptical and the fact that the Sun is slightly off centre of this elliptical path. 2. The tilt of the Earth’s axis (23.5 degrees to the plane of the ecliptic). We can use the universal Equation of Time graph to make the necessary correction. 27 The Universal Equation of Time Adult Education at Scienceworks For simplicity, the following correction averages for each month can be used for younger students. Our Earth, Sun and seasons Summer Autumn Winter Spring Dec ( - 5 min) Mar (+ 8 min) Jun (+ 1 min) Sep ( - 5 min) Jan (+ 7 min) Apr (correct) Jul ( + 6 min) Oct ( - 14 min) Feb (+ 14 min) May ( - 3 min) Aug (+ 4 min) Nov (-14 min) Longitudinal correction Longitudinal correction should also be taken into account when adjusting the sundial to read clock time. The Sun rises at different times at different places (or longitudes) around the world. A standard system was developed so time could be referred to universally. The 360 degrees of longitude of the Earth’s circumference is divided into 24 zones, each covering 15 degrees of longitude. (In practice the zones are altered in a few places to better fit the boundaries of the countries and islands.) These zones are called Standard Time Zones. 28 All places within these zones have the same defined clock time based on a set longitude within these zones. The zero reference is taken to be at the Royal Greenwhich Observatory in the outskirts of London. Australia is divided into three Standard Time Zones: Western Standard Time (Western Australia), Central Standard Time (South Australia and Northern Territory) and Eastern Standard Time (Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania). Sydney and Melbourne have the same clock time but Perth and Melbourne have a two-hour difference. Adelaide and Melbourne have only half an hour difference in clock time. Adult Education at Scienceworks Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) is referenced at 150 degrees longitude. Melbourne is located at 145 degrees longitude. This five degree shift translates to an error of 20 minutes between clock time and solar time for Melbourne. In order for the sundial to read clock time, 20 minutes needs to be added to our sundial time in Melbou r ne. ( If the s undial is to be u s ed out s i de of Melbourne s ubt r a c t an additional f our minutes for every one degree longitude east of Melbourne or add an additional four minutes for every one degree west of Melbourne.) Lastly, during summer we move our clocks forward one hour to maximise the length of evening. This means that the sundial will be an hour slow so an hour is added onto the s undial ti m e du r ing da ylight s aving s . In Vi c t o r ia da ylight s aving u s ually begins the last weekend in October and ends the last weekend in March. Finding north using sunrise and sunset times: The sundial is designed so that the gnomon points to the South Celestial Pole along Our Earth, Sun and seasons the north/south line. The Sun will be on the north/south line when the Sun is midway between sunrise and sunset. If you measured the time the Sun was at its highest point (or midway between sunrise and sunset), then you will be able to use the Sun to find due north. Sunrise and sunset times for the year can be printed from the Melbourne Planetarium web site. The following example shows how to calculate the time that the Sun is midway between sunrise and sunset. 29 Example: In the month of May, 2000: Monday 1 st SUNRISE SUNSET 7:01am 5:33pm Monday: 1. Convert the Sunset time to a 24 hour clock by adding 12 hours to the sunset time. 12 hours + 5 hours and 33 minutes = 17hours and 33 minutes Adult Education at Scienceworks 2. Add this to the Sunrise time. 17 hours and 33 minutes + 7 hours and 1 minute = 24 hours and 34 minutes 3. Divide this value by 2. 24 hours and 34 minutes / 2 =12 hours and 17 minutes This means that on Monday May 1, the Sun will be on the north/south line at 12:17pm. This is the time you should position your sundial so that the north face of the dial points north. See the diagram below. Please stress the dangers of looking directly at the Sun. Follow the instructions on the template on the next page to make your sundial. Our Earth, Sun and seasons What you need • A4 template of sundial • A4 piece of cardboard • glue • scissors • piece of stiff cardboard (half an A4 sheet) 30 What you do Students are to: 1. Paste the sundial template onto the cardboard. 2. Cut around the dial following the heavy black line (illustration 1). 3. Fold out the tabs along the dotted lines (illustration 2). 4. Fold the dial plates (north and south circles) back to back and stick them together with glue (illustration 3). 5. Cut the V slot in the centre of the dial with the scissors (illustration 4). 6. Cut out and fold the gnomon (illustration 5). 7. Push the narrow end of the gnomon through the north face of the dial Adult Education at Scienceworks (illustration 6). 8. Stick the tabs at the bottom of the dial to a piece of cardboard to act as a stand. 9. Cut out the table which gives the corrections for each month and stick this somewhere on the stand to be used for reference. 10. Follow the instructions on how to position the sundial so that the north face points towards due north. The gnomon should stand at 90 degrees to the dial face pointing towards the South Celestial Pole (illustration 7). For more activities and information visit: Our Earth, Sun and seasons 31 Adult Education at Scienceworks Our Earth, Sun and seasons 32 Activity 12: Different seasons What you need • Research facilities What to do Go to the following websites and draw diagrams showing how the seasons in the western culture differ from Australian Indigenous seasons. Adult Education at Scienceworks Questions 1 How does science explain the seasons in the modern western culture? Do you have a preference? Why? 2 With refrigeration and transport, we no longer have seasonal food. What difference has this made to our diet and lifestyle? Our Earth, Sun and seasons 33