Engineering Reference - Equations VSWR to RSLdB Voltage Reflection Coefficient Z -Z Γ = Z r + Zo r o where: RSLdB = 20Log ( ) VSWR-1 VSWR+1 Γ = reflection coefficient Zr = impedance at reflection Zo = characteristic impedance (typically 50Ω) 1 Impedance Z = R±jX = = Z0 1 + Γ Y 1-Γ Admittance Y = G±jX = ( ) ( ) Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) 1 = Y0 1 - Γ Z 1+Γ VSWR = r = 1 + Γ 1 - Γ ( ) 2 Pr =Γ = r - 1 r+1 Pi 2 Pt =1-Γ = 4r 2 Pi (r + 1) RSLdB to VSWR (( ) ) (( ) ) 10 VSWR = 2 10 RSL dB 20 RSL dB 20 where: r = VSWR Γ = reflection coefficient Pr = reflected power Pi = incident power Pt = transmitted power +1 -1 Material Parameters at 20°C Table 1.1 Nonmetals ε″ at frequency ε′ , εr, at frequency Material µr 60 10 6 1010 Nylon Plexiglas Polyethylene Teflon (22°C) 1 1 1 1 3.60 3.45 2.26 2.10 3.14 2.76 2.26 2.10 2.80 2.50 2.26 2.10 60 106 0.018 0.022 0.064 0.104 (<0.0002) (<0.005) 1010 (V/inch) 0.0110 0.0050 0.005 0.004 400 990 1200 1500 Metals Material µr εr Silver Copper Aluminum Brass 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 σ( /m) 6.17 5.8 3.72 1.6 x x x x 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 Depth of penetration δ for plane waves (m) 0.064/√ f 0.066/√ f 0.083/√ f 0.013/√ f All specifications are subject to change without notice Kathrein Inc., Scala Division Post Office Box 4580 Medford, OR 97501 (USA) Phone:(541) 779-6500 Fax:(541) 779-3991 Engineering Reference - Equations Characteristic Impedance of Free Space √ ηo = where: Effective Aperature Related to Gain of Antenna µo εo = 120πΩ = 377Ω µo Aem = = free space permeability = 4.0π x 10-7(H/m) = free space permitivity εo G= −9 = ( ) 10 (F/m) 36π λ2 G 4π 4πA em λ2 Watts to dBm 1 c = √µoεo = propagation velocity = 2.997925 x 108 m/s (≅ 3 x 108 m/s) In free space the wavelength is: c λ= f dBw = 10 log10(Power Watts) dBm = (10 log10(Power Watts))+30 dBw to Watts For a nonmagnetic dielectric: λ c λd = f ε = o √ r √ εr where: εr is relative dielectric from Table 1.1 Watts = 10 (dBw 10 ) ( dBw+30 10 ) Milliwatts = 10 dBm to Watts Characteristic Impedance of Coaxial Line a ( ) √ µε b Zo = 138 log10 a (dBm 10 ) Milliwatts = 10 r b Friis Transmission Equation 2 ( ) where: Pr = received power Pt = transmitted power R = separation distance λ Voltage Gain/Loss to dB dB(gain/loss) = 20Log10(Gain or Loss) dBm to Volts/µVolts ( ) ( ) Volts = Log10-1 dBm-13 20 λ GG t r 4πR µVolts = Log10-1 dBm-107 20 dBw to Volts/µVolts 2 ( ) 4πR ( dBm-30 10 ) r where: a = inner diameter b = outer diameter µr = relative permeability (usually = 1) εr = permitivity (dielectric constant) as given in Table 1.1 Pr = Pt Watts = 10 = free space loss Using effective areas A A Pr = et er Pt λ 2R ( ) ( ) Volts = Log10-1 dBw-17 20 µVolts = Log10-1 dBw-137 20 All specifications are subject to change without notice Kathrein Inc., Scala Division Post Office Box 4580 Medford, OR 97501 (USA) Phone:(541) 779-6500 Fax:(541) 779-3991 Engineering Reference - Equations Quarter Wave Matching Radio Horizon (in miles) Z = √ZoZL H = √2 (Tx)½ (Rx)½ where: Z = line impedance Zo = desired input impedance ZL = given load impedance where: H = horizon Tx = transmit height in feet Rx = receive height in feet Noise Factor F= Gain of Parabolic Antenna Pno SNRIN = = GAPni SNROUT () Te -1 To πD G = 10 logK λ 2 ( ) where: G = parabolic antenna gain K = eff L 55% D = diameter in feet λ = wavelength in feet Noise Figure NF = 10LogF Cascade Noise Factor Beamwidth of Parabolic Antenna F -1 F3-1 F = F1 + 2 + +… GA1 GA1GA1 Ψ= Freespace Path Loss 70 λ D where: L = 96.6 + 20 log(d) + 20 log(f) Ψ = beamwidth D = diameter in feet λ = feet where: L = freespace path loss d = distance in miles f = frequency in GHz Directive Antenna Gain G = 41253 . θ φ theoretical G = 32400 . θ φ corrected for efficiencies where: G = directive antenna gain θ = horizontal beamwidth φ = vertical beamwidth All specifications are subject to change without notice Kathrein Inc., Scala Division Post Office Box 4580 Medford, OR 97501 (USA) Phone:(541) 779-6500 Fax:(541) 779-3991 Engineering Reference - Equations 0 2πL = 10 λ Normalized Directivity, dB -2 -4 2π L = 100 λ -6 Cos θ -8 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Scan Angle From Broadside, θ Reprinted from “Microwave Scanning Antennas”, edited by R. C. Hansen, Vol. 1, p. 20, published by Peninsula Publishing, Los Altos, California. Courtesy of R. C. Hansen All specifications are subject to change without notice Kathrein Inc., Scala Division Post Office Box 4580 Medford, OR 97501 (USA) Phone:(541) 779-6500 Fax:(541) 779-3991 Engineering Reference - Equations Beam Broadening Versus Sidelobe Ratio 1.7 1.6 Taylor one-parameter distribution Beam Broadening 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 10 20 30 40 50 Sidelobe Ratio, dB Courtesy of Dr. R. C. Hansen All specifications are subject to change without notice Kathrein Inc., Scala Division Post Office Box 4580 Medford, OR 97501 (USA) Phone:(541) 779-6500 Fax:(541) 779-3991