FIRE ALARM GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE The most common problems we see and the recommendations to overcome them Abstract – Pre- Talk Focus Sometimes technology can be overpowering We can leverage new learning techniques & technology to keep Canada Fire Safe Abstract – Pre- Talk Focus Life Safety Primary Goals Protect life Ensure appropriate communication Alleviate human suffering and hardship Ensure continuity of operations Abstract – Pre- Talk Focus Fire Alarm Primary Goals – – – – Warn occupants of a fire Prompt immediate action Initiate evacuation movement Allow sufficient time to escape or defend EOL ALARM Abstract – Pre- Talk Focus SKILLS TO ACHIEVE GOALS Analytical & Theoretical Graphic Design and Artistic Understanding of Human Behavior Dr. Guylène Proulx, PhD World Leader On Human Behavior In Fire Emergencies Abstract – Pre- Talk Focus Learning & Improvisation FIND CONNECT INNOVATE REFLECT Abstract – Pre- Talk Focus Indoctrination Cause to believe something…….. To teach somebody a belief or ideology thoroughly and systematically especially with the goal of discouraging independent thought or the acceptance of other opinions Abstract – Pre- Talk Focus The Power of Adjacencies Leverage new ideas from outside industries to solve problems The Power of Adjacencies The Presentation AGENDA What is a GUI? Common Issues Encountered Plan-Design-Build-Operate Building Information Model Intelligent Building Emergency Response What is a Graphical User Interface HEY SECURITY DUDE WAKE UP!!! !!!FIRE ALARM!!! What is a Graphical User Interface A program interface that takes advantage of the computer's graphics capabilities to make the program easier to use GUI History The GUI was first developed at Xerox PARC in 1977 GUI History- Xerox Star The Xerox Star was unique because the researchers carefully designed the computer human interface before they began designing the internal workings of the application How do we know that we have a great GUI? Analogy between a fire alarm system's GUI and a car's steering wheel How do we know that we have a great GUI? The wheel directly binds the driver to the operation and functionality of the vehicle How do we know that we have a great GUI? When driving, a driver should not have to concentrate on the steering wheel How do we know that we have a great GUI? In the same way, the GUI binds the user of the system to the operation and potential of the fire alarm system How do we know that we have a great GUI design? A great GUI design removes the impediment of communication with the fire alarm system GUI workstation and allows the user to work directly on the incident at hand The Presentation AGENDA What is a GUI? Common Issues Encountered Issue: Building Code Non-Compliance Fire Alarm Industry is a Code Driven Industry Multiple Codes and Standards that apply to what we do Issue: Building Code Non-Compliance Code Compliance Issue The Zone delineations provided on the GUI Initiating Device Screens do not comply to the NBC Issue: Building Code Non-Compliance Zoning provides a logical breakdown by building area, making it easier and faster to locate an activated initiating device 2010 National Building Code • Division B – Annunciator and Zone Indication Each floor area so that the area of coverage for each zone in a building that is not sprinklered is not more than 2,000 square metres Issue: Building Code Non-Compliance Incorrect zone delineations in large open areas 2010 NBC Zoning • Division B – Annunciator and Zone Indication Each floor area so that the area of coverage for each zone is neither; more than one storey, nor more than the system area limits specified in NFPA 13 Standard Issue: Building Code Non-Compliance Incorrect Sprinkler Zone layouts per NFPA 13 Incorrectly annunciate location of sprinkler flow switch in lieu annunciating area of sprinkler activation in alarm TRAVEL KEY TO FLOW SWITCH LOCATION Sprinkler Area Of protection sprinkler riser basement sprinkler room Ground Floor 2010 NBC Zoning • Division B Annunciator and Zone Indication Each fire compartment required to have a 2 hr fire separation (e.g. Hydro Vault) Issue: Building Code Non-Compliance Incorrect Vault Zoning Delineations Limited or No Access to Vault so critical descriptions are vague TRAVEL KEY Emergency Procedures for Vault Incidents 26,000 Volt 4000 Ampere Hydro Vault Dielectric PCB Materials 2010 NBC Zoning • Division B Annunciator and Zone Indication Each shaft requiring fire detectors Issue: Building Code Non-Compliance Incorrect Zone Elevator Shaft Nomenclature Incorrectly annunciate location of detection devices regarding activation in either elevator shaft or elevator mechanical room 2010 NBC Zoning • Division B Annunciator and Zone Indication Each air handling system required to be equipped with smoke detectors (Duct Smoke Detector) Issue: Building Code Non-Compliance Incorrect Zone AHU Nomenclature Incorrectly annunciate location of Duct Smoke detection and do not include area supply fan is affecting TRAVEL KEY TO Supply Fan Area Duct Smoke Supply Fan Location Serving Critical Lab Areas Alt. Measures Required 2010 NBC Zoning • Division B Annunciator and Zone Indication Each contained use area (e.g. Jail) Issue: Building Code Non-Compliance Incorrect Zone Cell Block Nomenclature Incorrectly annunciate location of Air Sampling Detector Apparatus in lieu of Specific Cell Sampling pipe TRAVEL KEY TO ASD Location VESDA LaserPLUS 88 Cell 22 ALARM ASD Location 2010 NBC Zoning • Division B Annunciator and Zone Indication Each impeded egress zone Special Needs Hospital Issue: Building Code Non-Compliance Incorrect Hospital Secure Zone Nomenclature Incorrectly annunciate location detection devices i.e incorrectly annunciate entire floor in lieu of specific impeded egress zone 2010 NBC Supervisory Indications Issue: Building Code Non-Compliance Incorrect Sprinkler Zone layouts per NFPA 13 Incorrectly annunciate location of sprinkler supervisory valve and not identify area affected by sprinkler impairment TRAVEL KEY TO sprinkler area of coverage sprinkler supervisory valve basement sprinkler room Lab Area currently not provided with sprinkler protection Valve Closed Issue: Auto Cad to Proprietary GUI Program Translation = Poor Graphics Auto Cad transfer to proprietary GUI program = poor quality graphic resolution Issue: No user focus on graphic layouts Devices are blocking room name Issue: No user focus on graphic layouts Inconsistent font sizes and confusing nomenclature Issue: No user focus on graphic layouts Incorrect “Travel Key” destinations The Presentation AGENDA What is a GUI? Common Issues Encountered Plan-Design-Build-Operate Plan-Design-Build-Operate Plan-Design-Build-Operate Life Cycle Phases GUI Performance Specification Provide details - workstation furniture Integrate all of the system activity Provide details regarding 1280 x 850 screen space requirements Outline GUI User Sequences Creating, inputting and programming all graphic drawings, and text messages describing The Presentation AGENDA What is a GUI? Common Issues Encountered Plan-Design-Build-Operate Building Information Model Life Safety Building Information Model A Building Information Model (BIM) is a digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of a facility Life Safety Building Information Management Building Information Model BIM = Structured Information Specific Life Safety BIM The Presentation AGENDA What is a GUI? Common Issues Encountered Plan-Design-Build-Operate Building Information Model Intelligent Building Emergency Response Intelligent Building Emergency Response GUI Intelligent Building Emergency Response EOL ALARM IBER-GUI-Architecture How do we get there? “Heuristics” - Solution “Heuristics” is branch of artificial intelligence, which uses common-sense rules drawn from experience -- to solve problems Heuristic programming” is characterized by programs that are self-learning; they get better with experience “Heuristics” & Alarm Analytics Cloud Computing - Solution Emergency Response Via The Cloud “Cloud Computing” is Internet-based computing, whereby shared resources, software, and information are provided to computers and other devices on demand, like the electricity utility grid Treemapping Solution Treemapping Emergencies Treemapping is a method for displaying tree-structured data by using nested rectangles It’s Already Starting Serial Data Alarm L1D005 Contact ID EIA-232 Smoke Alarm World Wide Web 2nd Fl. Hallway Acct 4321 – XYZ Co. 555 Main St Customer Network Summary We can leverage new learning techniques & technology to keep Canada Fire Safe Analytical & Theoretical Focus Graphic Design and Artistic Skills Understanding of Human Behavior Research Intelligent Building Emergency Response Dr. Guylène Proulx, PhD World Leader On Human Behavior In Fire Emergencies "I truly believe that this kind of work can save lives," she told a CBC reporter in 2000. And then, with unshakable confidence Dr. Proulx added: "That's why I do it." “Great Spirits have often encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds” “Be who you are and say what you feel….Because those that matter don’t mind And those that mind don’t matter” FIRE ALARM GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE Thank You For Your Attention David Sylvester