1 · Adding two-digit numbers 1 Adding two-digit numbers This session is designed to enable learners to: 앫 add tens to a given two-digit number; 앫 add units to a given two-digit number; 앫 add two two-digit numbers correctly. 앫 Sheet 2 – Solution, large enough to show the whole group the completed hexagon and the shaded triangles. 앫 Card set E – Digits 0 to 9. For each learner you will need: 앫 mini-whiteboard, marker and cloth. For each pair or small group of learners you will need: 앫 Card set A – Numbers ending in 4; 앫 Card set B – Numbers ending in 1; 앫 Card set C – Numbers ending in 8; 앫 Card set D – Making a hexagon (three pages); Print each card set on a different colour of card. 앫 Sheet 1 – Template for sums or sheets of squared paper; Optional: 앫 number line from 0 to 100 (not supplied). Ask learners to work in pairs or small groups of three or four. Share out Card set A – Numbers ending in 4 between the groups. It does not matter if each group gets a different number of cards. Write the number ‘14’ on the board. Ask learners to add 10 to this number and explain that the group that has the card with the answer ‘24’ should hold it up and call out ‘24’. Ask them to add on 10 again and find who has the card. Continue until all the cards have been used. Repeat the activity using Card set B – Numbers ending in 1 and and Card set C – Numbers ending in 8. Continue until learners are answering fluently. Note that the numbers on the cards go up nearly to 200 since, when pairs of two-digit numbers are added, the answer can be up to 198. If learners become very confident, you may wish to continue past 200, without cards but writing numbers on the board. Ask learners to spread all the cards they have, from all three sets, in front of them. Then repeat the activity with a different start number (for example 4, 21, 38) and adding 20, 30, and so on. If learners find this difficult, encourage them to add in lots of 10, for example add two lots of 10 as equivalent to adding 20. Alternatively, you may wish to start by sharing out all the cards from Card sets A, B and C so that learners have a wider choice and have to think more about their answers. Ask learners to work in pairs. Give each pair of learners a mini-whiteboard and marker. Write a two-digit number (for example 64) and a single-digit number (for example 2) on the board. Ask learners to add the two numbers together and write the answer on their mini-whiteboard. Ask them to write down anything that helps them do the calculation – for example, some may like to draw part of the number line to help them count on: 64 65 66 Alternatively, you can provide each pair of learners with a number line from 0 to 100, or display it at the front of the room. Repeat for other additions of a single digit until learners are answering fluently. Now ask learners to work in pairs or small groups (up to four per group). Give each pair or group Card set D – Making a hexagon. Point out that each triangle has at least two sides with either a number or an addition sum. Explain that the task is to fit the triangles together to form a hexagon such that adjacent sides of the triangles show the same value. Show Sheet 2 to demonstrate the completed hexagon. Explain that learners should aim to complete the shaded (inner) triangles first, then the outer triangles. Do not show Sheet 2 long enough for learners to ‘spot’ some of the triangles! Learners should work together to complete the hexagon, helping each other through discussion. They can use a mini-whiteboard or a number line if they need to. They may find it helpful to write the answers on the cards, rather than have to remember them, but this will mean that you cannot re-use this set of cards. As you move round the room, listen to learners’ explanations and make a note of any obvious misconceptions that emerge, for whole group discussion at the end of the session. If you notice any mistakes, ask learners to show you how they calculated the answer. Discuss any problems that arose in the hexagon activity. In particular, ask learners to explain how they dealt with ‘53 + 65’ and the other pairs of two-digit numbers. It may be that they ignored them and matched the sides by default, in which case ask them to explain how they think the answer could be reached. Show that there are various possible strategies. If learners cannot work out a strategy for themselves, encourage them to split the second number into two, for example 53 + 65 = 53 + 60 + 5 Practise more examples, using mini-whiteboards. Ask learners to work in pairs. Give each pair of learners Sheet 1 – Template for sums, or some squared paper on which they can draw boxes as follows: + = Using Card set E – Digits 0 to 9, select cards one at a time at random. Call out the digit on each card as you select it. Learners have to write each digit as it is called, in one of the four boxes. The aim is to make the total of the two two-digit numbers as close to 100 as possible. When four digits have been chosen and learners have written their numbers in the boxes, ask learners to add up the total of a neighbouring pair of learners. The pair with the answer closest to 100 is the winner. You can repeat this activity several times, shuffling the pack of cards each time. You may wish to invite learners to select the cards, which you offer fanned out with only the backs of the cards visible. You can repeat the activity with a different target total. If learners find this activity easy, you could extend it by using three digits. 앫 Using mini-whiteboards, ask learners to give an example of two numbers that add up to 67. Write the numbers on the board and discuss them. Ask for more pairs of numbers to make the same total, particularly if learners have ‘played safe’ with answers such as 66 + 1. Alternatively, make some restrictions to encourage the use of two-digit numbers by stating conditions such as ‘Both numbers have to be between 10 and 50’. 앫 Repeat the activity using other target numbers. 앫 If learners find this activity easy: – ask them to find three or more numbers that add up to the given number; or – give a three-digit target number. 앫 All these activities can be adapted to give learners practice in subtraction. Card set A – Numbers ending in 4 24 34 44 74 84 94 124 134 144 174 184 194 54 64 104 154 164 114 Card set B – Numbers ending in 1 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 101 111 121 131 141 151 161 171 181 191 Card set C – Numbers ending in 8 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98 108 118 128 138 148 158 168 178 188 198 Card set D – Making a hexagon (page 1 of 3) + 4 3 8= 31 28 +1 115 64 = 31 + 5 = 28 8= = 1 + +3 = 61 42 + 37 = 48 + 1 = + 2 3 8 = 2 6 + 8 3 = 0 4 29 73 + 7 = 10 104 + 12 32 11 Card set D – Making a hexagon (page 2 of 3) 30 40 35 + 80 = 91 43 41 + 50 = + 3 6 29 1= +6 0= + 1 2 = 0 4 49 80 + 3 8 = 0 5 14 + 10 = + 4 1 = 6 1 24 25 + 10 = 65 31 96 22 Card set D – Making a hexagon (page 3 of 3) 83 25 + 7 = = = 5 6 = 45 64 + 3 5 77 +6 +8 23 + 54 = 78 26 + 2 = 37 = 0 1 51 25 21 + 30 = + 3 3 29 50 1= 3 = 8 + 89 +2 34 36 35 13 – 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sheet 1 – Template for sums + = + = + = + = + = + = + = + = + = + = + = + = + = + = + = + = Sheet 2 – Solution