2017 National Scout Jamboree FAQ Jamboree website www.bsajambree.org Terminology used: - Participant = Youth or adult program participants - Adult = Council contingent adult leader - Staff = Approved Jamboree staff members, regardless of age Marketing materials Q: What marketing information is available and when can we access it? A: All available marketing materials are available at http://www.summitbsa.org/events/jamboree/council-toolkit/. There are posters, flyers, and promotional videos available for download. Fees Council Fee structure & payment schedule can be found at http://www.summitbsa.org/events/jamboree/participants/ . Staff Fee structure & payment schedule can be found at http://www.summitbsa.org/events/jamboree/volunteers/. Applications Q: Does staff have a deadline in order to register? A: For the purpose of ordering credentials, we are requesting that all staff be registered by March 31, 2017. Q: How do girls who are currently not old enough to join Venturing and so are not currently registered with the BSA apply for the Jamboree? A: They should contact their local council and have their name placed on a separate registration list maintained at the local council. Once the council has approved their participation the council will reserve a place for them in their contingent. The individual must then submit their application when they reach the age in which they are eligible to join Venturing. Q: My scout will not be old enough to attend the jamboree. Can any exceptions be made to the age requirements? A: No, we are not able to make any exceptions to the age requirements in any capacity. Q: How do adult leaders and youth participants pay their jamboree fees? A: Contact your council directly for their payment preferences and payment schedule. Q: How do staff volunteers pay their jamboree fees? A: They pay online via their staff application. Q: What size are council contingents? A: Council contingents are made up of a combination of troops and Venture crews. Troops must contain 36 youth and 4 adult leaders. Venture crews must contain ten persons, at least one of which must be a last updated 8/27/2015 2017 National Scout Jamboree FAQ leader. Q: What are leader requirements? A: All participant qualifications, including leader qualifications can be found at http://www.summitbsa.org/events/jamboree/participants/. Q: Does a Venture "patrol" require two adults or one? A: That is up to the council. A Venture crew traveling independently must meet the 2-deep leadership requirement. If traveling with a troop and its leaders, a Venture Crew can consist of nine Venturers and one adult. In this case the 2-deep leadership requirement will be met when the Jamboree crew is formed on site and four council crews are combined to form the Jamboree crew. Q: If our council brings more than one crew, will they be placed in the same Jamboree crew? A: We do try our best to ensure that council crews are placed together when possible. Q: When will a Council Guide be published? A: late 2015 Q: When will a staff guide be published? A: late 2015 Q: Can international scouts from the World Scout Organization attend the 2017 National Scout Jamboree? A: Yes. Participation of international Scouts is coordinated through the BSA International Office. Q: If I have questions about the 2019 World Scout Jamboree, who do I contact? A: Refer to http://2019wsj.org/ for information on the 2019 WSJ. Camperships Q: What camperships will be available and how does one apply? A: Campership applications will be available in January 2016. Contact your Regional Jamboree Coordinator for specific campership questions. The contact information for the four regional coordinators can be found on our website under the council resources tab. Q: Where should campership applications be submitted? A: Campership applications should be sent to your Regional Coordinator. The contact information for the four regional coordinators can be found on our website under the council resources tab. Q: Can adult leaders and staff apply for camperships? A: Camperships are for youth participants only. Staff issues Q: Where can I find a job description for my position? A: It is available on the following webpage: http://www.summitbsa.org/events/jamboree/volunteers/. If you don’t find your position listed, talk to your Jamboree Area Lead or Team Lead. Q: How can I edit my staff application or make a payment on my staff fees? last updated 8/27/2015 2017 National Scout Jamboree FAQ A: Go to http://www.summitbsa.org/events/jamboree/jamboree-registration/ and click the ‘Edit an Existing Reservation’ link. You will need your registration code that was provided in your confirmation email to access the application. Q: How do I become a part of Jamboree leadership? A: Send an email to 2017jamboree@scouting.org to check on available opportunities. Q: What is the refund policy for staff applicants? A: The refund policy is available at the following link: http://www.summitbsa.org/events/jamboree/volunteers/ Uniform Q: When will Class A's be required to be worn? A: Field uniforms are required on arrival and departure days as well as during religious services. Q: What is the appropriate uniform for Venture Scouts? A: The green field shirt and gray pants available through the Supply Catalogue Patches Q: What patch trading procedures will be in place for this Jamboree? A: Guidelines for patch trading will be provided in the summer of 2016. Q: Has the patch design been announced? A: Yes. The patch is on our website on the council resources page. Q: What patches will be supplied and when? A: In the case of staff members: The first patch is provided once a completed application with deposit is received. A second patch is provided once final payment has been received. Patches are mailed on a monthly basis. In the case of council contingent members (troops and crews): One patch per member is provided to the council once their initial contingent deposit is received. Patches are distributed by the local council. A second patch per member is provided once the final council payment is received. Patch placement link http://www.scoutstuff.org/media/content/docs/pdfs/34283.pdf Equipment Q: What flags will be provided to Council Jamboree units? A: One American flag will be provided. Q: Can we bring our own skateboards and/or bikes? A: No. Only Summit equipment can be used during the Jamboree Q: Will chairs be provided or can we bring them? A: No chairs will be provided. You can bring one folding chair as personal equipment if desired; however, chairs are not allowed in the stadium during shows. Q: What type tents are being provided? Can we get a sample for our contingent training? last updated 8/27/2015 2017 National Scout Jamboree FAQ A: Tents are expected to be similar to those used in 2013. When available, one participant tent will be provided to each council with a registered contingent. Q: How many staff to a tent? A: Four, two “bunkcots” per tent. Q: How many adult leaders to a tent? A: Two Q: What personal gear are we required to bring? A: A packing list will be available in the 2017 Planning Guide. The guide will be available in late 2015. Q: Can I bring more than one bag to the Jamboree? A: Yes, if you can carry everything yourself in one trip. Remember, participants just need to bring personal gear. Q: Will a duffle bag be supplied this Jamboree? If so, what size will it be? A: There are no current plans to provide a duffle although that is still being considered depending on budget restrictions. Q: What troop/crew equipment is being provided? A: A complete list will be provided in the Council Planning Guide to be provided in late 2015. Q: Can we have propane lanterns in camp? A: No. Only battery operated lanterns are allowed. Q: Will recharging be available for CPAP machines? A: If an individual requires a CPAP machine it is their responsibility to obtain and take care of the machine. The individual assumes responsibility for the equipment. All CPAP machines must be batterypowered since no electricity will be available in the subcamps or staff sites. Q: How do we order a Troop Jamboree flag? A: Troop flags will be orderable through BSA Supply. A link to the order form will be provided when it is available. Q: Do we need Troop T-Shirts? A: Troop T-shirts are not required, but you are certainly welcome to have them. Q: Can we use Summit logos for contingent t-shirts? A: Use of BSA licensed trademarks must be coordinated with BSA Licensing – contact info licensing@scouting.org. Q: When will the 2017 Jamboree Merchandise Catalog be available? A: The release date will be announced in 2016. Food Q: What feeding model will be used for the Jamboree? A: A grocery model is anticipated similar to that used in many World Scout Jamborees. Details will be provided at a later date. last updated 8/27/2015 2017 National Scout Jamboree FAQ Q: What dietary accommodations are being made? A: Under the grocery model, each unit will have the ability to select appropriate grocery items to meet the needs of their contingent members. Q: Where can we find menus for the Jamboree? A: Menus and recipe information availability will be announced at a later date. Q: What will be the dining procedures for participants and staff, including those staff living in subcamps? A: Dining for participants will be in their camps as has been the tradition in all National Scout Jamborees. Staff members are fed centrally. Q: Will special occasion cakes be available for those who have birthdays at NJ? A: A special occasion cake will be issued to all units on one day of the Jamboree. Its purpose is to allow all special events occurring during the Jamboree to be celebrated on that day. Q: Will nutritional values be on the food provided? A: Yes, just as you would see in a grocery store. Handicapped support Q: What provisions will be made, if any, for mobility constrained individuals? A: Mobility constrained individuals will be housed in a base camp with provisions for such individuals. Specific questions can be referred to 2017Jamboree@scouting.org. News coverage Q: Will there be, in Troop Home Town News Correspondence and activities for them, as in previous Jamborees? A: Yes, closer to the 2017 Jamboree information will be available on our website. Q: Will there be daily newspapers as in the past national jamborees? A: Yes. However, it will all be electronic at the 2017 Jamboree. Q: Will volunteers with the contingent be able to participate in jamboree adventure activities (ex. zip lines)? A: Leaders will not participate in the adventure activities however they are free to visit exhibit areas throughout Summit Center. Medical issues Q: What process will be used for the submission of health forms? A: Instructions on health form submission will be provided at a later date. Q: How are medications handled? A: This process will be outlined in the 2017 Planning Guide. The guide will be available in late 2015. Q: Will physical restrictions be applicable this Jamboree: A: Refer to www.BSAJamboree.org under the qualifications tab. Transportation Q: Is travel by rail available? last updated 8/27/2015 2017 National Scout Jamboree FAQ A: Travel and shuttle information is currently not available. The information should be available in early 2016. Q: What Shuttle service is available for staff? A: Travel and shuttle information is currently not available. The information should be available in early 2016. Q: Can we get help in arranging our council contingent bus transportation? A: Travel and shuttle information is currently not available. The information should be available in early 2016. Q: Can one bus do two drop offs (i.e., one complete troop of 40 at one location and a crew of 10 at another)? A: Yes: Busses can be routed to multiple locations. Parking Q: What will the parking situation be like for adult staff arriving individually by car? A: Staff personal vehicles will be parked in dead storage. A shuttle from the parking area to the Summit site will be provided for staff members. Q: If a council drives their own bus or van, will parking be provided? A: Yes. There will be a dead storage area for parking council owned vehicles. Commercial buses must make their own arrangements for parking. Technology Q: What technology is available on site? A: Cell coverage is available throughout most of the site. Wi-fi coverage is available in base camps, Summit Center and selected other sites. Q: Will a Smart phone app be available and if so, what operating systems are required and what will it provide? A: An app is under development. Information on its content and accessibility will be provided at a later date. Q: Will there be STEM-focused activities during the Jamboree? A: Yes. Follow www.BSAJamboree.org for more information as it becomes available. Schedule & Program Q: What is the Jamboree schedule? A: Follow www.BSAJamboree.org for more information as it becomes available. Q: What merit badges will be offered this Jamboree? A: A list will be available early 2017. Q: What if our troop/crew wants to go white water rafting? A: Procedures for selecting white water rafting will be published in the Council Planning Guide. Q: Can small councils pick up Venture Patrols other Councils have dropped? A: If you are interested in taking a Venture patrol contact the registrar at 2017jamboree@scouting.org. last updated 8/27/2015 2017 National Scout Jamboree FAQ General information Q: How do I ensure I have the most current information on the Jamboree? A: Follow www.BSAJamboree.org. Q: Is there a Jamboree Facebook page? Standalone web site? A: The website is www.bsajamboree.org and the Facebook page is http://www.facebook.com/TheBechtelSummit. Q: Where can we find the webinar schedule? A: Applicable council and staff leadership are informed of webinar schedules as they are identified. Q: Where can we find a map of the Jamboree site? A: The Jamboree site configuration is still being finalized. Maps will be published when available in 2016. Q: Is there any information regarding day visitors, visitor costs, etc.? A: Visitor information including cost will be available in late 2016. Q: What is the difference between attending as a day visitor and attending as a participant? A: Visitors are restricted to Summit Center areas during published visitor hours. Participants have access to all program venues and activities throughout the site. Q: Can a parent, family member, or family friend visit a participant while they are attending the Jamboree? A: Yes. Anyone attending the Jamboree as a visitor must purchase a visitor pass to gain access to the site. Visitors are restricted to Summit Center areas only. Family members can meet their Scout/Venturer participants in Summit Center. Q: When will final troop numbers be assigned? A: We anticipate sending out troop numbers early in 2017. Q: Will there be a separate Staff Guide? A: Yes. We expect it to be available by late 2015. Q: Will there be any requirements similar to Boy Scout first class to prepare the Venture Scouts for the Jamboree? A: No; but they should have a swim test prior to arrival. A basic camp skills session is also highly recommended for Venturers that do not normally camp. Q: Can an adult older than 21 years old fill the 3rd assistant Scoutmaster position. A: The 3rd ASM requirements state they must be between the ages of 18 and 21. Q: What is the situation for laundry? Will there be facilities available? A: Laundry facilities will be available for staff because of the extended period they are required to be on site. These facilities will be pay-as-you-go. For participants, there will be no facilities. Washing will have to be done in buckets which will be supplied. last updated 8/27/2015 2017 National Scout Jamboree FAQ Q: What are the Jamboree Youth Protection requirements? A: As in previous Jamborees, adult leader and staff Youth Protection training must have been completed within one year of July 19, 2017. Adult leaders complete the appropriate Youth Protection training for their unit. Staff members complete both troop and Venturing youth protection training. Training can be found at: http://www.scouting.org/Training/YouthProtection.aspx. Q: What is the check-in process for staff and contingents? A: This process will be outlined on our website by April 2017. Q: Can troop/crew leaders split the Jamboree period? A: Leaders cannot split the week. The split option is only available for staff. Q: What address should we use while at the Jamboree? A: Refer to the Council Planning Guide available late 2015. Q: How would 18-20-year old youth get their YPT cards? A: They need to take the on-line Youth Protection Training. The certificate of completion will suffice in lieu of a card. http://www.scouting.org/Training/YouthProtection.aspx Q: Will our entire contingent be able to camp together? A: One of the objectives of the Jamboree is to give Scouts an opportunity to meet Scouts from other parts of the country. As a result, council troops are likely to be assigned to different areas of the Jamboree. Venturing crews all camp in the same base camp. If a council contingent send multiple Venturing crews, we will consolidate the crews into a single Jamboree Venturing Crew whenever possible. Q: Will all contingents from the same region camp in the same base camp? A: No. last updated 8/27/2015