Chapter 8 Insulators Semiconductors Conductors Superconductors What is electrical conductivity? 1 Electrical Conductivity When the band is not completely full, the electrons close to the Fermi surface can easily be promoted to nearby empty levels. As a result, they are mobile, and can move relatively freely through the solid. The substance is an electronic conductor. One way of seeing that this is so is to think of the individual orbitals in a band as being standing waves. As we saw when discussing the real and complex representations of atomic p orbitals (Section 1.4), standing waves can be regarded as superpositions of traveling waves corresponding to motion in opposite directions. In the absence of a potential difference, the two directions of travel are degenerate and are equally populated up to the Fermi level. (Fig. 3.28a) However, when a potential difference is applied, electrons tralveling in the opposite direction, and the two sets of orbitals are no longer equally populated (Fig. 3.28b). Consequently, there are now more electrons traveling in one direction that in the other, and an electric current flows through the solid. Fig. 3.28 Another way of representing the bands is to draw the orbitals for motion to the right and motion to the left separately. (a) In the absence of a potential difference applied across the metal, the corresponding orbitals are degenerate. However, when a field is applied, (b) one 'half band' has a lower energy than the other. it is more heavily populated, and the net result is a f|ow of electrons. 2 FIGURE 12.6 Density-of-states diagrams for electrons moving to the left (upper curves) and to the right (lower curves). (a) The diagram for a metal wire in the absence of an electric held. (b) The diagram for a metal wire subjected to an electric filed; + at the left end, and - at the right end. When the temperature of a metal is increased, lattice irregularities become more pronounced because of increased atomic vibrations. These irregularities scatter the electrons, thus reducing the electrical conductivity. This effect of temperature on conductivity may also be explained in terms of MO theory. In a highly regular metal, the electron orbitals extend for great distances through the lattice, and the electrons are highly mobile because of the delocalization. The introduction of irregularities increases the amount of localized bonding and hence decreases the conductivity. 3 The electrical conductivity of a filled band is zero because, in such a band, the number of electrons moving in one direction must always be equal to the number moving in the opposite direction. Even though application of an electric field can shift the relative positions of the left-moving and right-moving bands on the energy scale, because each band is full it is impossible for electrons to spill out of the higher-energy band into the lower-energy band. For this reason one might expect an alkaline-earth metal such as calcium, which has a filled valence s shell in the free atomic state, to be a nonconductor. However, at the interatomic distances found in this metal, the valence s and p bands overlap, as shown in Fig 12.7. Consequently the density-of-states diagram is as shown in Fig. 12.8, and the metal exhibits typical metallic electrical conductivity. Li Li Ca Ca 2s 2s Ef a half-filled band a fully-filled band FIGURE 12.8 Density of states as a function of energy for an alkalineearth metal such as calcium. FIGURE 12.7 The valence band of an alkaline-earth metal such as calcium-The dashed line indicates the equilibrium internuclear distance in me actual metal. 4 Fig. 13.1. Dependence on internuclear separation of sodium atomic levels. Notice how as r decreases the collection of s and p orbitals broaden into bands. At the equilibrium internuclear distance (ro) the s and p bands overlap. 5 In general, the energetic relationship of the energy bands of a solid material and how many electrons are contained in each has an extremely important bearing on the properties of the system. If the highest occupied band (the valence band) is full then the solid is and insulator or semiconductor, depending on whether the energy gap, Eg, (the band gap) between the valence band and the lowest empty band (conduction band) is respectively large or small (13.4). If the valence band is only partially full, or full and empty bands overlap, then a typical metal results. In the notation used in 13.4 weimply that all the electrons in the occupied levels are paired. The case of 13.5 where the band is full of unpaired electrons gives rise to a magnetic insulator. The energetic considerations that control the stability of the alternatives 13.5 and 13.6 are very similar indeed to those used in Section 8.8 to view high and low spin arrangements in molecules. Fig. 3.29 A typical density of states in a metal Fig. 3.29 A density of states typical of a semimetal 6 Insulators If enough electrons are present to fill a band completely, and there is a considerable energy gap before an empty orbital becomes available (Fig. 3.34), the substance is an insulators. In an NaCl crystal, for instance, the N Cl- ions are nearly in contact and their 3s and 3p valence orbitals overlap to form a narrow band of 4N levels. The electronegativity of chlorine is so much greater than that of sodium that the chlorine band lies well below the sodium band, and the band gap is about 7 eV. A total of 8N electrons are to be accommodated (7 from each chlorine atom, one from each sodium atom). These enter the lower chlorine band, fill it, and leave the sodium band empty. Since kT ≈ 0.03 eV at room temperature, electrons cannot easily be promoted into empty orbitals. We normally think of an ionic or molecular solid as consisting of discrete ions or molecules, yet according to the picture we have just described it appears that they should be regarded as having a band structure. The two pictures can be reconciled in much the same way as we showed that a delocalized bonding description of discrete molecules is virtually equivalent to a description in terms of localized bonds. In this case, it is possible to show that a full band is equivalent to a sum of localized electron densities. In NaCl, a full band built from Cl orbitals is equivalent to a collection of discrete Cl- ions, As with molecules, the delocalized band picture is needed for description of spectra where processes involve one electron at a time such as photoelectron spectra and X-ray spectra. The density of state diagram for an insulator looks like that in Fig. 12.10, in which the high-energy empty band corresponds to nonbonding or antibonding levels. Sometimes it is possible to convert such a material into a metallic conductor by the application of high pressure (for example, 100 kbars). From Fig. 12.11 it can be seen that, if the interatomic distance is sufficiently reduced by increased pressure, the bands will overlap, yielding a density-of-states diagram similar to that of calcium (Fig. 12.8). In Table 12.4 the electrical resistivities of the elements of the first long row of the periodic table are listed. The metals with partially filled d bands generally have higher resistivities than other metals such as K, Ca, Cu 7 Figure 12.10 Density of states as a function of energy for an insulator . Figure 12.11 The bands of an insulator which can be converted into a metal by high pressure. 8 3.6 Semiconduction The characteristic physical property of a semiconductor is that its electrical conductivity increase strongly with temperature. at room temperature, conductivities of semiconductors are typically intermediate between those of metals and insulator (in the region of 103 Scm-1). The dividing line between insulator and semiconductors is a matter of the size of the band gap, and even diamond is now being considered as a promising semiconductor material. The actual value of the conductivity is and unreliable criterion because, as its temperature is increased, a given substance may have a low, intermediate, or high conductivity. the band gap and conductivity that are taken as indicating semiconduction rather than insulation depend on the application being considered. Fig. 3.20 The variation of the electrical conductivity of a substance with temperature. 9 Intrinsic semiconductors In an intrinsic semiconductor, the band gap is so small that the Fermi distribution results in some electrons populating the empty upper band (Fig. 3.35). This introduces negative carriers into the upper level and positive holes into the lower and the solid is conducting. The upper band is broader than the lower, more localized band. A semiconductor at room temperature is generally much less strongly conducting than a conventional metal because only electrons and holes in the exponentially decaying tail of the Fermi distribution are active as charge carriers. The strong temperature dependence follows from the exponential Bolzmannlike temperature dependence of the electron population in the Fig 3.35 In an intrinsic semiconductor, the band gap is so small that the fermi distribution results in some electrons populating the empty upper band upper band. We can anticipate that the conductivity of a semiconductor will show an arrhenius-like temperature dependence of the form σ = Ae − E a / kT on account of the exponential dependence of the population of charge carriers. But how is the activation energy related to the band gap Eg ? We can answer this by deciding how E − E F , which appears in the high temperature form of the Fermi-Dirac distribution (eqn 3) depends on Eg. This hinges on knowing the 1 location of the Fermi energy (the energy at which P = ). In a 2 Fig. 7.24 Thermal excitation of electrons in an intrinsic semiconductor. The x's represent electrons and the o' holes. simple picture of the band structure, the Fermi energy is approximately half-way between the upper and lower bands (Fig. 3.36), and the energy of the lowest level of the upper and lower bands (Fig. 3.36), and the energy of the lowest level of the upper band E- is related to EF and Eg by 1 E− − E F = E g 2 It follows that the number of charge carriers in the upper band, and hence the conductivity, is approximately propotional to n∝e − E g / 2 kT 10 Hence, the temperature dependence of the conductivity of a semiconductor can be expected to be Arrhenius-like with an activation energy equal to half the band gap, 1 Ea ≈ E g . This is found to be the case in practice. 2 Example 3.7: Determining the band gap The conductance G of a sample of germanium varied with temperature as indicated below. Estimate the value of E g . T/K G/S 312 354 0.0847 0.429 420 2.86 Answer. Form eqn. 4 we see that the analysis is similar to that used to obtain the activation energy of a chemical reaction. Since the conductance is proportional to the conductivity σ, we can write σ = bG = Ae − Ea / kT Taking logarithms gives ln b + ln G = − Ea / kT therefore, a plot of ln G against 1/T should yield a straight line of slope -Ea/k. The data give a slope of -4.26 × 103, and since k = 8.614 eVK-1, we find Ea = 0.367 eV. Since Eg = 2Ea , this gives Eg = 0.73eV. Exercise. What is the conductance of the sample at 370K? 11 The resistance R of a sample is measured in ohm, Ω. The inverse of the resistance is called the conductance G and is measured in siemens S, where 1 S = 1 Ω-1 . The resistance of a sample increase with its length l and decreases with its cross-sectional area A, and we write R= ρl A where ρ is the resistivity of the substance. The units of resistivity are Ωm. The conductivity σ is the reciprocal of the resistivity, and its units are S m-1 or S cm-1 . Table 12.4 Electrical resistivities at 22°C of the elements of the first long row of the periodic table. Typical band-gap and conductivity values for insulator (diamond,C), semiconductors (Si, Ge), and an " almost metal ", gray tin. It is interesting to consider the trend in electrical conductivity of the tetrahedrally bonded elements of main group IV: C, Si, Ge, and Sn. Diamond is an insulator, silicon and germanium are semiconductors (corresponding to a narrow gap between the filled and empty bands), and tin is a good energy between the atoms on going down the decrease in the covalent bond energy between the atoms on going down the family. The stronger the bonds, the greater the separation between the filled bonding bands and the empty antibonding bands. In diamond, the band gap is high; in tin, the bands actually overlap and cause metallic behavior. 12