Print of the PAPER VC3.48, 16th EPVSEC, Glasgow, May 2000 18 TYPES OF PV MODULES UNDER THE LENS D. Chianese, N. Cereghetti, S. Rezzonico and G. Travaglini LEEE-TISO, CH-Testing Centre for PV-modules University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) CP 110, CH - 6952 Canobbio Phone: +41 91 / 940 47 78, Fax: +41 91 / 942 88 65 Internet:, E-mail: ABSTRACT: At the Testing Centre for photovoltaic components (TISO-LEEE) the modules, chosen among the ones most frequently used in the PV power grid connected plants in Switzerland, undergo a series of tests in order to verify their characteristics, reliability, medium and long-term performance and high voltage reliability. The most important aspect of the tests is to compare energy output of modules exposed in identical real outdoor conditions. The aim of these tests is to answer the questions which need to be posed when planning a PV plant. At the moment of purchase 1/3 of the modules are no longer under guarantee, while after a year of exposure under real environmental conditions and at MPP, 2/3 of the modules have a power which is lower than the limit stated in the guarantee. Not only do the amorphous-Silicon modules undergo initial degradation, but also a number of crystalline-Silicon modules show significant degradation. Comparison between c-Si modules exposed to different high voltage conditions demonstrate that, in the short term, a correlation between the degradation observed and the voltage applied does not exist Keywords: Energy Rating - 1: Degradation - 2: Qualification and testing - 3: 1. INTRODUCTION The nominal electrical parameters supplied by the manufacturers normally refer to typical parameters recorded during the manufacture of the modules which use specific or even calculated measurements. Project planners and installers are increasingly asked to provide production and behaviour estimates for the systems they install, in particular when they involve Solar Grants and Contracting. They therefore ask the following questions: 1. Is the electrical data supplied by the manufacturers useful for our purpose? 2. Do the modules degrade over time? In what way? 3. Is there a difference in energy production (Wh/Wp) between the different types of modules? 4. What is the actual energy output of the different modules? 5. Does the high voltage between frame and cells of a module in a plant influence its efficiency? In order to answer such questions the LEEE-TISO testing centre for PV components has, since 1991, carried out systematic tests, under real operating conditions, on the most important modules currently on the market ([1] to [5]). At Lugano-Trevano, the modules for each cycle of tests are exposed on stands tilted at 45° and 7° south of azimuth and kept at maximum power point (MPP). Each module is equipped with a Maximum Power Tracker adapted for its power range. In more recent times, 18 modules divided into two cycles with 11 (cycle 5) and 7 (cycle 6) modules respectively have been test. They were selected from those most commonly found on the market or which had interesting innovations. In order to guarantee impartiality and neutrality regarding measurements, the modules were purchased anonymously unknown to the manufacturer. Two examples for each kind of module were acquired. Figure 1: View of the LEEE-TISO test facility with the 18 modules under the lens. 2. TESTING PROCEDURE During normal testing procedures [1], the electrical characteristics of the modules were measured, at regular intervals, at standard test condition (STC) at the ESTI laboratory of the Joint Research Centre in Ispra (I) as described in the following table: Table I: Pn P0 P6 P12 Electrical measurements during the tests. Registration of data of manufacturers Before exposure: electrical behaviour @STC Exposure under real environmental conditions at MPP during 1 YEAR After 6 months: electrical behaviour @STC Exposure under real environmental conditions at MPP for the next 6 month. After 12 months: final tests @STC Print of the PAPER VC3.48, 16th EPVSEC, Glasgow, May 2000 3. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MODULES 3.1 Initial Power P0 The results of the measurements carried out at LEEETISO show real initial power@STC of the modules (P0) differ from the nominal power of the manufacturer (Pn) (see table II,1st column). This is not surprising since the nominal value Pn is a mean indicative value, while the value of each single module should fall within the variance of the production parameters. What is surprising is that, even before exposure, a 1/3 of the modules were under the minimum limit of the guarantee (-10%). The technology used (mono or poly-crystalline or amorphous-silicon) has no bearing on the failure to respect limits. This means that either the manufacturers don’t know the variance with respect to their products or their system of measurement differs from from the World PV Scale (WPVS) [13], adopted by JRC at ISPRA where measurements @STC were carried out. 3.2 Initial degradation and high voltage tests PV solar modules with c-Si cells also show a degradation in performance when exposed to light at real operating conditions ([1] to [5]). During the first periods of measurements, the modules were exposed to real environmental conditions at MPP and with high voltage at 1.2kV applied between the frame and the active part of the module. In order to separate voltage effect on initial photodegradation, a test on a sample of 6 identical modules (c-Si) exposed at different voltages (0, 300Vdc, 600Vdc, 900Vdc, 1200Vdc, 1800Vdc) was carried out. The results demonstrated that no short-term correlation exists between the voltage applied and degradation (see figure 2). 101 0V 300V 600V 900V 1200V 1800V 100 99 98 97 Table II: Difference between nominal power (Pn) and measured power (P0, P6, P12) of module type tested (average of two modules). Modules no longer under guarantee, before and after one year of exposure, on dark background. ∆P (%) Type of module CYCLE 5 CYCLE 6 n -7.3 -2.2 -3.1 -4.3 -10.7 -7.2 n.a. -1.1 -5.5 -6.9 n.a. -0.9 -3.0 0.0 1.6 -6.8 -6.7 -3.4 -1.6 -0.4 -1.9 -2.2 -0.5 -1.0 n.a. 0.3 0.0 -3.2 n.a. -0.3 -1.8 -1.7 -3.9 -0.2 -1.4 -1.1 95 94 93 92 1/6/98 ∆P0-n ∆P6-0 ∆P12-6 ∆P12-0 ∆P12- -4.7 BP580 1.4 GPV75M -13.1 KC80 -10.8 MST43MV 4.4 PWX500 -13.6 SDZ34-10 -4.1 SF75 -13.7 SP75 -3.2 Sunslates Q -18.4 US64 R n.a. ASI16-2300 -8.4 H800A -8.5 I55 -13.1 M30-16GEGK -15.0 PL800 -6.5 RSM100 -6.8 SFM36Bx -7.9 ASE-50-PWX 96 -8.8 -2.6 -4.9 -6.4 -11.1 -8.1 0.3 -0.8 -5.5 -9.6 n.a. -1.2 -4.8 -1.7 -2.4 -7.0 -8.0 -4.5 -13.1 -1.3 -17.3 -16.5 -7.2 -20.6 -3.8 -14.4 -8.5 -26.4 -18.6 -10.8 -12.9 -14.5 -17.0 -13.1 -14.3 -12.0 Q average of 6 modules without significant reduction of power; R value of P12 measured by manufacturer. Bold type : Significant difference. Measurement error @STC: absolute ± 2.4% of P0; repetitivity ± 0.85% of P6 e P12 with respect to P0. In cycle 6, an old generation ASI16-2300 module, with 17 years of outdoor exposure, was installed for comparison with new generation modules. 25/9/98 19/1/99 15/5/99 8/9/99 2/1/00 Figure 2: Degradation of Pm, measured @STC and normalised, for 6 modules exposed under different voltage conditions. Degradation of these modules is mainly due to a reduction of Isc (from –5.5% to –7.5%) whilst Voc and Fill Factor (FF) didn’t undergo any significant changes (-1.8% and +0.6% respectively). In the new measurement procedures, applied to cycles 5 and 6, PV modules are not submitted to high voltage but only to normal operating conditions at MPP. Photodegradation in the performance of the modules when exposed to light (table II, 2nd column) was also observed in cycles 5 and 6. As reported also by other authors [9,10,11], during the first hours of exposure initial degradation occurs; this is principally linked to a decrease of carrier lifetime in the bulk material. Part of this degradation also occurs if the modules are stored in the dark over a time of some weeks, but final stable module efficiency after photodegradation is equal even after predegradation in the dark [9]. Storage time and subsequent predegradation of the modules purchased is not known so the initial P0 value could correspond to the power of the m-Si modules which have undergone the degradation described above. However, apart from the predegradation discussed above, significant degradation can not only be seen in 11 c-Si modules out of 15 (table II, 3rd column: ∆P6-0 ), but also over the whole period in 13 c-Si modules out of 15 (table II, 4rd column: ∆P12-0 ) In the standard modules with c-S cells, the average reduction after one year of exposure was –4.8% peaking at -9.6% Print of the PAPER VC3.48, 16th EPVSEC, Glasgow, May 2000 a-Si 120 110 a-Si cycle 5 cycle 6 P0/Pn (%) P6/Pn (%) P12/Pn (%) 1.00 0.909 0.901 0.884 -40% 0.868 0.865 0.862 0.857 0.852 0.849 -35% 0.809 0.80 0.686 100 -24.6% 0.60 PR Relative difference 90 -25% -20% 80 0.40 70 0.20 -15% -11.1% 60 0.00 Figure 3: -30% Power ratio of measured value (P0, P6, P12) vs. nominal power. 0.0% -0.9% -2.8% -10% -6.7% -5.8% -6.3% -4.5% -4.9% -5.2% -5% 0% Energy production (cycle 5) with respect to the power measured (Peff.). Figure 4: 1.00 After a year of exposure 13 modules out of 17 were found to be outside the limits of the guarantee (figure 3 and table II, 5rd column: ∆P12-n ). In the case of PV plants the modules should be substituted or partially reimbursed by the manufacturer. In practice, however, it is still difficult for the consumer to verify the real power of the modules. 0.856 PR 0.807 0.788 0.80 -40.4% Relative difference -45% -40% 0.776 0.752 0.746 0.746 0.740 0.732 -35% 0.677 -30% 0.60 0.510 -20.8% 0.40 -13.5% -12.1% -12.8% -12.8% 0.20 -5.7% -7.9% -14.5% -25% -20% -15% -9.2% -10% -5% 4. ENERGY RATINGS Two modules of different types but of equal power can have different levels of energy production even though exposed in the same way, at the same time and under the same metereological conditions. The principal parameters which influence energy production are the temperature coefficients, behaviour at low irradiation, spectral response and reflections [10] [11]. 0.00 0.0% Figure 5: Energy production (cycle 5) with respect to the manufacturer’s given nominal value. (Pn). 1.0 -20% 0.874 0.868 0.853 0.850 0.807 0.8 PR -7.7% 0.2 -2.4% 0.0% -10% -8.4% -5% -2.8% -0.8% 0% Energy production (cycle 6) with respect to the power measured. Figure 6: 1.0 PR 0.8 -15% Relative difference 0.4 0.0 -17.3% 0.801 0.723 0.6 4.1 Technical comparison Figures 4 and 6 show energy ratings in the form of Performance Ratio (PR) calculated on the basis of real measured power values (Peff.=(P6+P12)/2) for cycles 5 and 6 respectively. The relative percentage differences in energy production of the different types of modules are calculated with respect to the first module on the left. In this type of comparison, the SDZ34-10, Sunslates and M30-16GEGK modules are at a disadvantage. They are designed to be laid on a sloping roof and therefore the test conditions (open rack) do not respect their real operating conditions. Moreover, during cycle 5 a Sunslates tile broke while another lost half its power; for this reason the relative difference reached 24.6%. Energy comparisons between cycle 5 modules and cycle 6 modules are not possible in that they took place in two different periods under different metereological conditions. Energy ratings calculated using Peff. refer therefore to a technical comparison of the different types of modules tested. The US64 module has the highest PR (calculated only with P12 measured by the manufacturer) and bearing in mind its characteristics at high temperatures, should have even better values in warm areas of the world; 0% 0.764 0.754 0.750 Relative difference 0.747 0.709 -19.9% 0.702 -20% -15% 0.612 0.6 -7.2% 0.4 -1.3% Figure 7: -10% -5% 0.2 0.0 -8.1% 0.0% -1.9% -2.2% 0% Energy production (cycle 6) with respect to the manufacturer’s given power value. Print of the PAPER VC3.48, 16th EPVSEC, Glasgow, May 2000 unfortunately, however, the manufacturer’s nominal power is much lower than the actual figures (see chap.4.2). From a technical point of view, the production differences for standard modules reach a maximum of 8.4%. 4.2 Consumer viewpoint comparison Figures 5 and 6 represent energy ratings in the form of Performance Ratio calculated on the basis of nominal power (Pn) declared by the manufacturer for the cycle 5 modules and for the period 1998-1999, that is to say for a one year period after the first four months of expusure during which initial degradation of power took place (important for the a-si modules) as well as for cycle 6 (May 1998 - May 1999). This graph shows energy production for the powers actually purchased by the consumers, which, for the most part, as seen in chapter 3, are below the limits of the guarantee. The relative differences as a percentage of energy production of the various types of modules are calculated with respect to the first on the left. Apart from the Sunslates modules, these differences reach values of up to 20%. This is due to the fact that the nominal powers, which are explicitly used in PR calculations, are, in fact, not ‘contained’ in the modules, as can be seen in the P0/Pn ratio in figure 3. The PWX 500 and ASE-50-PWX-D modules, produced by the same manufacturer but with a different label, have a similar PR with respect to Peff.; but, since Photowatt (PWX500) declares a higher nominal power, there is a difference in production of 8% between the two modules. In cycle 5 the BP580 module shows better performance due to a correct declaration of power. The good energy rating of the old ASI16-2300 module with respect to other cycle 6 modules should be noted: after 18 years of exposure, and with nominal power being equal, this module produces more. 5. CONCLUSIONS The photovoltaic solar modules, produced using crystalline-silicon cells, show a degradation in performance when exposed to light. The initial degradation of c-Si modules takes place during the first period of exposure to light. This is often followed by further degradation during the following months irrespective of the season of exposure. The causes of this further degradation are still being studied. Stabilized power after 12 months of exposure to light is lower than the guarantee limits for 12 out of 17 modules purchased. Definition of nominal power values given by the manufacturers for photovoltaic modules must therefore be revised. Measurement of electrical characteristics for every module which leaves the production line would only partly prevent non-respect of nominal power values since the modules still have to undergo initial photoinduced degradation. Comparison between c-Si modules exposed at different high voltage conditions show that no short-tem correlation exists between initial degradation and voltage applied. The choice of a module for a specific application must not only take into account performance (or power) of a module but also other factors linked to energy rating under different metereological and construction conditions. Measurements show a mean relative difference of PR (Performance Ratio) in an open –rack system tilted at 45° and based on real measured power values, of –4.6%, with a maximum difference of 8.4% (modules which are integrated in the roof as tiles are not taken into consideration). REFERENCES [1] M. Camani, N. Cereghetti, D. Chianese and S. Rezzonico, Comparison and behaviour of PV modules, 2nd World PVSEC, Vienna, July 1998. [2] M. Camani et al.: Tests of reliability on crystalline and amorphous silicon modules, 14th EPVSEC, Barcelona (S), June 1997. [3] M. Camani et al.: Vergleich und Beurteilung der PV Module, 13. PV Symposium, Staffelstein (D), March 1998. [4] M. Camani et al. : Centrale di prova per componenti e sistemi per progetti nel campo della tecnica fotovoltaica, periodo IV: 1994-1996, Final Report. [5] G. Travaglini, N. Cereghetti, D. Chianese, S. Rezzonico e M. Camani; Leistungsverhalten von PV Modulen; Simposio nazionale fotovoltaico, Zürich (CH), November 1999. [6] D. Chianese et al.; Degradation of crystalline silicon modules, Simposio nazionale fotovoltaico 1999, Zürich (CH), November 1999. [7] S. Sterk, K.A. Münzer, S.W. Glunz, Investigation of the Degradation of Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells, 14th EPVSEC, Barcelona (S), July 1997. [8] J. Schmidt, A.G. Aberle, R. Hezel, Investigation of Carrier Lifetime Instabilities in CZ-grown Silicon, 26th IEEE PVSC, Anaheim (US), October 1997. [9] A. Moehlecke et al., Stability Problems in (n)p+pp+ Silicon Solar Cells, 2nd World PVSEC, Wien, 1998. [10] D.L. King, PV Module and Array Performance Characterization Methods for All System Operating Condition, NREL/SNL PV Program Review Meeting, November 1996. [11] Bücher et al. , OPTIMOD project contract n°JOR3CT96-0095. [12] N. Cereghetti et al., Behaviour of Triple Junction a-Si modules, this conference. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This project is financially supported by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy and the AET (Azienda Elettrica Ticinese). The authors would like to extend particular thanks to the staff of the ESTI of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) in Ispra and to Dr Mario Camani.