इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ” “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru IS 9974-1 (1981): High pressure sodium vapour lamps, Part 1: General requirements and tests [ETD 23: Electric Lamps and their Auxiliaries] “!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda “Invent a New India Using Knowledge” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह” है” ह Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS : 9974 ( Part I ) - 1981 Indian Standard SPECIFICATION HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM PART I GENERAL ( Reaffirmed 2002 ) FOR VAPOUR REQUIREMENTS LAMPS AND TESTS ( Second Reprint OCTOBER 1996 ) UDC 621.327.532 0 Copyright 1982 BUREAU MANAK Gr3 OF INDIAN BHAVAN, STANDARDS 9 BAHADUR SHAH NEW DELHI 110002 ZAFAR MARG January 1982 IS I 9974 ( Part I ) - 1981 Indian Standard SPECIFICATION FOR HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOUR LAMPS PART I GENliRAL REQUIREMENTS AND TESTS Electric Lamps and Accessories Sectional Committee, ETDC lz%ahan Smu 23 Repesenting V. A. KRISHNAXURTRY Central Public Works Department, New Delhi Membrrs SURVEYOROF WORKE ( ELEO )-I ( A~~ernaIe to Shri V. A. Krishnamurthy ) Bajaj Electricals Ltd, Bombay SEE1 G. K .hTHAL S~nr R. K. KAFE ( Al!tmat~) SHRI S. R. ANAND Sylvania & Laxman Ltd, Nr.w D&i SHRI C. W. PATWA~DHAN ( Alrarnare) Directorate General SHBI R. S. AROBA of Supplies Disposala, New Delhi SRRI S. KIUSHNA (Alternate ) SHBI G. BHATTACHARYA National Test House, Calcutta SRRI M. P. WALV~FKAR ( Aflernots ) SHRI N. S. CHAR1 Crompton Grcavea Ltd, Bombay SHRI R. DAB GUPTA ( Aftertie ) SHRI P. K. CHATTERJEE Electric Lamp Manufacturers ( India) Pvt Ltd, Calcutta SHRI M. M. BANDYOPADHYAY ( Ahnate ) Da S. N. DEIN~RA The Miniature Bulb Industries ( India) Pvt Ltd, Dehra Dun SERI V. S. CHEIBBAB ( Altemute ) DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER Ports Jr Telegraphs Department, Ministry of Communication, Jabalpur DIVISIONAL EN~~EEB ( Altmatr ) SHRI A. N. GHOSH Development Commissioner, Small Scale Industries, New Delhi CDR M. M. KAILA Naval Headquartera, Ministry of Defence LT G. K. DHAWAN ( Alternab ) SHRI G. L. KESWANI Directorate General of Technical Department, New Delhi SHBI D. D. RAJDEV ( Alternate ) Q i&pjht 1982 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS This publication ir protected under the In&n C+yrigh, Act ( XIV of 1957 ) and reproduction in whole or in part by any meana except with written permission of the publisher shall be deemed to be an infringement of copyright under the said Act. IS:9974(PartI)-1981 ( Continued from page 1 ) Saar Mmtbers B. H. MHAT~E Rqw.rcnting Bombay Electric Supply and Transport taking, Bombay Under- SHI:I R. V. S. RAO (Alkmat~) LT-Car. S. S. MOHANTY Ministry of Defence ( DGI ) M~J V. B. DESIIMU~CH (Alternate ) SHI~I B. P. 0. PAX Electric Lamp and Component Manufacturers’ Association of India, Bangalore GP CAPT G. MUKHERJEE ( Ahmak) SHM H. 0. P.aNDtSY Directorate of Technical Development & Production ( Air ), Ministry of Defence SIIKI J. M. REWALLIWA~ ( Altcrnatc) SHRI S. C R.4sroar Hindustan Machine Tools Ltd, Bangalore SHRX k. AUOIJSTINE ( Ai~ernale ) SHRI K. V. S. Rau The Bengal Electric Lamp Works Ltd, Calcutta SHICI N. B. RAY ( Altcrnafs ) SII~I N. 13.R.<Y Indian Lamp Factories Association, Calcutta SHRI K. K. ROHATCI Binsy Electricals & Appliances Pvt Ltd, Calcutta SlllU S. BIIATTACHARY.4 (Alternate ) Pradip Lamp Works, Patna SHRI V. P. ROHATQI SHIU AJIT K. ROHATOI (Ahmafr) Piece Electronics & Electricala Ltd. Bombay SHI~I S. R~~YCHOUD~L~RY SHIU M. AI.BRRT ( AItcrnate) Natir;Li Physical Laboratory ( CSIR), New SHRI K. S. SAIWA SHRI P. SHARAN GUPTA S~r~cr S. C. KHER (Alternate) Auto Limps Ltd, Faridabad Railway Board, Ministry of Railways SHIU R. P. SRIV.\STAV.4 SIII<I S. B. MATHUR (Allenrule) Directorate General of Mines Safety.I. Dhanbad SHlU v. c. VEllMA SRRI B. K. SHARA N ( A/tern&c ) Director General, IS1 (Ex-ojicio Member) SIC,31S. P. S:\CHDF.V, Director ( Elec tech ) SCCdWy SHRI SUKH BIR SINQE Assistant Panel for High Pressu:e Director ( Elec tech), Sodium Vapour IS1 Lamps, ETDC 23/P12 Convener !?.HRIK. S. National Physical Delhi SARMA Members SERI P. K. CHATTERJEE a Electric Lamps Laboratory ( CSIR ), New Manufacturers ( India ) Pvt Ltd, Calcutta SARI M. M. BAN DYOPADEYAY ( Altcrnats ) Genelec Ltd, Calcutta SH~I J. R. PARI SHRI S. K. NEOOI ( Akrrua~s ) Bengal Electric Lam Works Ltd, Salcbtta SHRI K. V. S. R&o Organization, P Standards Research Design SHRI R. P. SRIVA~TAVA Lucknow SHRI S. B. M~TEU~ ( Alrrmak ) Piece Electronics & Electricals Ltd, Bombay SHRI VIJAY KIRPAL SHRI R. K. BAJPAI (Al&mate) 2 IS19974 (PartI)- Indian Standard SPECIFICATION FOR HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOUR LAMPS PART I GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND TESTS 0. FOREWORD 0.1 This Indian Standard ( Part I ) was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution on 23 September 1981, after the draft finalized by the Electric Lamps and Accessories Sectional (I’ommittee had been approved by the Electrotechnical Division Council. 0.2 This standard has been prepared to cover electrical characteristics sodium vapour lamps. for starting and operation of high pressure Additional informatiop for purposes of design of ballasts, luminaires and ignitors, where essential has also been incorporated. It is hoped that at a later stage it shall be possible to prepare a more detailed standard which will state requirements necessary for safety together with test conditions and procedures for complete testing of these lamps. 0.3 This standard consists of the following two parts: Part I Part II General requirements and tests; and Standard lamp data sheets. 0.3.1 This standard standard. shall be read in conjunction with Part II of this 0.4 In the preparation of this standard assistance has been derived from IEC Pub-662 (19801 High pressure sodium vapour lamps, issued by the International Electrotechnical Commission. 0.5 This life expectancy and nominal lumen output of high pressure sodium vapour lamps are under consideration by the committee and would be added at a later date as and when sufficient data are available. However, for the purpose of guidance, the nominal life of such lamps may be taken as 5 000 hours. 0.6 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated, 3 IS:9974(PartI)-1981 expressing the result of a test, shall be rounded off in accordance with The number of significant places retained in the rounded IS : 2-1960*. off value should be the same as that of the specified vnlue in this standard. 1. SCOPE 1.1 This standard ( Part I ) specifies the electrical characteristics for lamp with or without inrernal starters operating on 250 V together with information for ballast, ignitors where essential, and luminaires for design purposes in respect of high pressure sodium vnpour lamps. 2. TERMINOLOGY 2.0 For the purpose 2.1 Rated of this standard, Wattage - the following The wattage marked definitions on the lamps. 2.2 Calibration Current - The value of the current calibration and control of the reference ballast are based. 2.3 Reference use: Ballast a) in testing - A special inductive on type ballast standard for testing ballasts; ihe designed for and c) in the selection of reference lamps. It is essentially by a stable voltage,current ratio which is relatively by variations in current, temperature and magnetic Warm-up Current - Lamp after ignition of the lamp arc. 2.5 SON Lamps - Ovoid shaped with diffusing powder coating. high current 2.7 SON-T Lamps - Tubular shaped lamps without any coating, that is, clear. off numerical high ( revised). values 4 measured pressure shaped high 2.6 SON-C Lamps -Ovoid lamps without any coating, that is, clear. *Rules for rounding which lamps; b) as a comparison 2.4 Lamp 15 seconds shall apply: sodium pressure pressure characterized uninfluenced surroundings. between vapour sodium sodium 5 to lamps vapour vapour 3. GENERAL 3.1 Lamps which comply with this standard when operated with a ballast and an ignitor shall start and operate satisfactorily between 92 percent and 106 percent rated supply voltage and at temperatures down to -40°C. 4. LAMP DIMENSIONS 4.1 The lamp dimensions sh::ll comply with t.he requirements the relevant lamp data sheet in Part II of this standard. given in 5. MARKING 5.1 The lamps shall be distinctly information: and indelibly marked with the following a) Mark of originThis may take the form of a trade-mark, manufacturer’s mark or the name of the responsible seller; b) Rated wattage; c) Country of manufacture; d) Lamp designation e) Rated voltage or voltage range. 6. LAMP the (for example, SOS-T, SON-C, etc); and CAPS 6.1 The dimensions of the IX0 capson tllc firlish!:d lamp sh~li comply with the requirements given in IS : 9900 (Part III)- 1981’~. The dimensions of the caps shall be checked with the ‘Go’ and ‘So-Go’ gauges of lamp caps as specified in IS : 9900 (Part IV)-1981 t. 6.2 The shells of the caps may be made of any stlitable material the caps are ordinarily resistant to atmosp!lc;-ic: corrosion. 7. TEST REQUIREMENTS FOR LAMP STARTING, AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTZCS provided WARM-UP 7.1 The for the tests for lamp starting, lamp operating conditions ;lre that the lamps should be warm-up and electrical characteristics operated in a horizontal position in free air and at an ambient temperature of 25 f 5”C, on ii 50 Hz sinusoid;11 power supply using the specified reference ballitst. *Specification for high lamp caps. @pccificntion for -gauges of lamp caps. pressure mwcury mercury v:lpt,~r I.uJI~>: I’art III Ditnensiona of vapour 5 I;rmps: Part IV ‘Go’ xnd ‘No-Go’ IS:9974(PartI)-1991 7.2 Lamp Starting Test 7.21 Lam@ with External Star& - The pulse characteristics specified on the relevant lamp data sheet are measured at the lamp holder terminals with the normal circuit connected and the lamp removed from the lamp holder. The wave shape of the pulse and the interpretation of its principal parameters are illustrated in Fig. 1. The peak value of the pulse height is measured voltage level of the open circuit voltage (see Fig. 1). 0 VOLTAGE from the zero LEVEL A = Pulse -- height as specified on the lamp data sheet. B = II 2 x the test voltage ( rms ) ( aa specified on the lamp data ahcct ). C = A minus B. D = 90 percent of A. E 5- 30 percent of C. ‘I; = Rise time ( as specified in the lamp data sheet ). I , = Duration time ( as specified in the lamp data sheet ). FIG. I WAVESHAPE OF VOLTAGE PULSE FOR LAMP STARTING TEST Subsequent peaks of the same pulse shall not exceed this value. 50 percent of The circuit connections for lamp starting are to be such that the pulse is applied to the lamp through the eyelet terminal of the cap and with the shell substantially at earth potential. 7.2.2 Lamps witi Internal Starter -The test volt in the relevant lamp data sheet. The starting 6 hall be as indicated measured from the IS : 8874 ( Part I ) - 1981 inatant the internal. starter has opened value in the relevant lamp data sheet. shall not exceed the maximum NOTE - Reignition time lamps with internal iqnitl!r may take about 20 minutes to reignite when switched on immediatelv after being switched off. Lamps with or without internal starter when used wkh cxternn\ starter shall rs:rtrike within 5 seconds. 7.3 Lamp Worm-Up Test 7.3.1 Lamps shall have been aged for a minimum suitable production ballast and cooled for a minimum to the test. of 10 h using a of one hour prior 7.3.2 The 5:oltage at the lamp terminals shall reach a minimum of 50 V in a time not exceeding that specified on the rele\.ant lamp data sheet. 7.4 Lamp Electrical Characteristics teristics shall comply with the requirements data sheet. ‘~IIc lamp electrical characgiven in the relevant lamp 7.4.1 Ageing -Before the initial readings cre taken, tile lamp shall be subjected to ageing for 100 h. This operation may be carried out on R production ballast. 8. INFORMATION FOR BALLAST AND IGNITOR DESIGN 8.0 The following requirements except for 8.5 shzll be nict o\.er the range of 91! to 106 percent of the rated voltage of the* b:~!l;~st. For 8.5, the range ballast. is 95 to 103 percent of the r:ited 8.1 Open Circuit Voltage -Minimum 198 v. 8.2 Starting Pulse vol~agc ;50 of the Hz) shall be Characteristics S.2.1 An ignitor shall lamp starting rms voltage start lamps which comply with the specified test. 8.22 The pulse height shall comply with the requirernents for ballast design information on the relevant lamp data shL_t, when tneasurcd at the lampholder terminals with the normal circuit connected nnd :he lamp removed from the lampholder. account shall be taken of pulse 8.2.3 In designing an ignitor, attenuation due to the cable. The ballast specification shall require the ignitor to be provided with information concerning thu maximum value IS:9974(PartI)-1981 of capacitance lamp starting. consistent with achieving the specified requirements for, 0.2.4 Gemral Guidance In general, the requirements in 8.2.1 will be met by a positive pulse of 2.8 kV peak having a width of 1 IQ at 2.5 kV. For satisfactory performance the pulse should occur within the phase range 60-90 electrical degrees of the open-circuit voltage. NOTE - These values are provisional and are under consideration. Where the pulse repetition rate is less than one per cycle, the pulse width may have to be increased. lamp warm-up current shall be b3 Lamp Warm-Up Current -The measured within the range of 5 to 15 s after the ignition of the lamp arc, and shall comply with the values specified on the relevant lamp data sheet. 8.4 Current Crest Factor - The current crest factor shall not exceed 1.8 during lamp warm-up and operation. The crest factor shall be measured on a lamp having a voltage within f 5 V of the specified nominal lamp voltage. 8.5 Lamp Designers Operating Limits for the Information of Ballast Each of the data sheets given in Part II shows a diagram of the lamp voltage and lamp wattage limits within which the lamp The minimum. voltage limit (left-hand side of the should be operated. diagram) is the characteristic curve of a lamp whose voltage at rated wattage is the minimum considered acceptable. - The maximum voltage limit (right-hand side of diagram) is the characteristic curve having a voltage high enough to allow for a lamp with: a) maximum zero-hour voltage, b) voltage rise during life, and c) maximum voltage rise due to anclosure in a luminaire. The wattage limit lines (top and bottom of the diagram) are chosen with regard to the effect of lamp wattage on performance factors, such as initial light output, lumen maintenance. lamp Iife, lamp warm-up, etc. For a ballast to meet the lamp operating requirements, its characteristic curve, at any supply voltage between 95 .percent and 105 percent of rated voltage, must intersect each of the lamp voltage 8 ---.-- IS : 9974 ( Part I ) - 1981 limit lines at points between the wattage limit lines and must remain between the wattage limit lines throughout full range of lamp voltage. A ballast characteristic is preferred such that the lamp wattage attains .a maximum below the maximum lamp voltage limit and then decreases as the lamp voltage increases beyond this point. The lamp wattage obtained with a lamp of nominal voltage, when measured on a ballast at rated voltage, shall not vary by more than f 7.5 percent from that measured on the specified reference ballast. Lamp operating limits and a typical ballast characteristic are given as part of each lamp data sheet. 9. INFORMATION FOR LUMINAIRE DESIGN NOTE - This information refers to the luminaire design checks necessary to ensure that conditions in the luminarie do not cause premature failure of lamps complying with this specification. These checks do not constitute lamp requirements. 9.1 .Voltage Increase at Lamp Terminah - With a lamp operated on a reference ballast at its rated voltage, the voltage at lamp terminals shall not increase by more than the value specified on the relevant lamp data sheet when the lamp is transferred from stabilised operation in free al% to stabilised operation in the luminaire. 9.2 Lamp Envelope Temperatures -The lamp envelope ratures, when measured at any point, shall not exceed 400°C. 9.3 Permissible Cap Temperatures cap shall not exceed the following: - The temperature tempeof lamp Cemented lamp cap.. . . . . . . .2 10°C maximum. Mechanically fixed lamp cap... . . . . . .25O”C, maximum. NOTE- The limitations in are limitations imposed by the general, if the luminaire calues that the voltage rise limitation 9.2 and 9.3 must be regarded with caution. These lamp materials, but it must be understood that in a lamp to reach these temperatures, it is probable in 9.1 will be exceeded. 9 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS Hwdquartors: Manak Bhavan, Q Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, NEW DELHI 110002 Telephones: 323 0131,323 6375,323 9402 Fax : 91 113234062,Ql 113239399 Contra/ Laboratory Telegrams : Manaksanstha (CommontoaUDffbes) Telephone : Plot No. 20/Q, Site IV, Sahihahad Industrial Area, Sahibahad 201010 0-77 00 32 Regional ofBc.8: Central : Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah i&far Marg, NEW DELHI 110002 32376 17 *Eastern : 1114 CtTScheme VII M, V.I.P. Road, Maniktola, CALCUTTA 700054 337 66 62 Northern : SC0 335-336, Sector 34-4 CHANOIGARH 160022 603643 Southern : C.I.T. Campus, IV Cross Road, MADRAS 600113 23523 15 tWestern : Manakalaya, EQ, Behind Marol Telephone Exchange, Andheri (East), MUMBAI 400093. 632 82 95 Bnnch OUlcoa:: ‘Pushpak’, Nurmohamed Shaikh Marg, Khanpur, AHMEDABAD 360001 5501346 SPeenya Industrial Area, 1st Stage, Bangalore-Tumkur Road, BANGALORE 560056 639 48 55 Gangotri Complex, 5th Fbor. Bhadbhada Road, T.T. Nagar, BHDPAL 462003 554021 Plot No. 6263. Unit VI, Ganga Nagar, BHUBANESHWAR 751001 403627 Kataiiathir Buildings, 670 Avinashi Road, COIMBATDRE 641037 21 01 41 Plot No. 43, Sector 16 A, Mathura Road, FARIDABAD 121001 6-26 66 01 Savkri Complex, 116 G.T. Road, GHAZtABAD 201001 6-71 19 96 53/5 Ward No.29, R.G. Barua Road, 5th By-lane, GUWAHATi 761003 541137 5-5-566. L.N. Gupta Marg. Nampally Station Road, HYDERABAD 500001 20 10 63 E-52, Chitaranjan Marg, C-Scheme, JAIPUR 302001 372925 117/416 B, Sarvodaya Nagar, KANPUR 206005 Seth Bhawan. 2nd Floor, Behind LUCKNOW 226001 Leela 21 6676 Cinema. Naval Kishore Road, Patliputra Industrial Estate, PATNA 600013 23 26 23 05 T.C. No. 14/1421, University P. 0. Palayam, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM Inspcffon 2389 695034 621 17 Offices (With Sale Point) : Pushpanjali, 1st Floor, 205-A, West High Court Road, Shankar Nagar Square, NAGPUR 440010 52 51 71 institutionof Engineers (India) Building 1332 Shivaji Nagar, PUNE 411005 323635 ‘Sales Dffice is at 5 Chowringhee Approach, P.O. Princep Skeet, CALCUTTA 700072 27 10 65 tSales Office is at Novefty Chambers, Grant Road, MUMBAI 400007 308 65 26 *Sales Dffice is at ‘F’ Block, Unity Building, Narashtmaraja Square, BANGALORE 560002 222 3971 Printedat Simca PrintingPress, Delhi, India AMENOMENT NO. 1 APftIt 1986 TO IS:9574(Part 1).1981 PART 1 SPECIFICATION FOR HIGH PRESSURE SODIL! VAPOUR LAWS ENERAL REQUIREtENTSAND TESTS (Rzge 7, clause 7.2.2, note) - Delete. . (GTDC 23) &trd at Slmco Rlntinq Prere. Ddhl, India AMEtiMENTNO. 2 JANUARY1988 To IS:9974(Part 11-1981 SPECIFICATION FOR HIGH PRESSIJRESODIUM VAPODR LAMPS PART1 GENEMLBEQU IIWUINTSANDTESTS (Page 5, clause 5.1) - Add the following in the end: 'f) The rated lumen output. Note - The manufacturer may declare a.higher value of rated lumen output than the minimum specified in the standard. Due to limitation of space on lamps this information_ may, however, be marked on the carton only.' (ETDC 23) PrInted at Simco Printing Prom* Delhi. India AMENDMENT NO. 3 DECEMBER 1988 TO IS : 9974 ( Part 1 ) - 1981 SPECIFICATION FOR HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOUR LAMPS PART 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ( Page 4, clause 2.7 ) ‘2.8 Test Insert the following AND TESTS new clauses after 2.7 Quantities 2.8.1 Inspection Test Quantity ( ZZ-Q) - The for the purpose of determining the acceptability mechanical and physical requirements. , number of lamps selected of a batch as to marking, - The number of lamps selected 2.8.2 Rating Test Qrlantity ( RTQ) for the purpose of determining the acceptability of a batch as to initial readings. 2.8.3 Life Test Quantity ( LTQ) - The number of lamps selected for the purpose of determining the acceptability of a batch as to life performance.’ ( Page 5, clause 4 ) ‘4. MECHANICAL 4.1 Lamp requirements standard. Substitute AND Dimensions - given the in the following PHYSICAL for the existing clause: REQUIREMENTS The lamp dimensions shall comply with the relevant lamp data sheet in Part 2 of this 4.2 Glass Bulb - Glass bulbs detrimental to service. of the lamps shall be free from defects 4.3 Caps 4.3.1 The dimensions of the E40 caps on the finished lamp shall comply with the requirements given in IS : 9900 ( Part 3 )-1981*. The dimensions of the caps shall be checked with the ‘GO’ and ‘No-Go’ gauges of lamp caps as spycified in IS : 9900 ( Part 4 )-1981t. 4.3.2 The shells of the caps may be made of any suitable material provided the caps are ordinarily resistant to atmospheric corrosion. 4.3.3 The cap shall be so constructed that it withstands the torsion test specified ( Part I )-1981:. and attached to the bulb in Appendix A of IS : 9900 4.3.4 Znsulation Resistance - The insulation resistance between the shell of the bayonet cap and the contact shall be not less than 50 megohms. Measurement shall be made one minute after the application of a dc voltage of 500 V. Prior to test, the external surface of the insulation of the cap shall be wiped with a dry cloth. In case the insulation resistance, after first measurement, is found to be insufficient, the lamps shall be stored in a warm, dry atmosphere for a week and then retested for insulation.’ ( Ptige 5, clause 5.1 ) ‘5.1.1 The lamps Insert the following may also be marked new clause after 5.1: with the Standard Mark. NOTE- The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The Standard Mark ‘on products covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have been produced to comply with the requirements of that standard under a well-defined system of inspection, testing and quality control which is devised and supervised by BIS and operated by the producer. Standard marked products are also continuouslv checked by BIS for conformitv to that standard as a further safeguard. Details of conditions under which a iicence for the use of Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or producrrs, may be obtained from the Bureau of Indian Standards ’ ( Pup 5, clause 6 ) - ‘6. SELECTION 6.1 Method Substitute OF LAMPS of Selection specified in the following manner such as to ensure 6.1.1 The selectidn as follows: the following FOR TESTS for the existing ( SAMPLING Claude: ) - The inspection and rating test quantities clauses shall be selected in a mutually agreed proper representation of the batch. of lamps for individual batches should be made a) Up lo atzn including 8 containers per batch - orrt of every container an equal number of lamps ( or a+ near to equal as possible ) shall be selected at random i.n order to obtain the 8 lamps required. h) Over 8 containers per batch - out of 8 containers, evenly distributed over the whole batch, one lamp shall be selected at random from each container to obtain the 8 lamps required. 6.2 Inspection Test Quantity shall consist of 8 lamps. ( ITQ) - Inspection 6.3 Rating Test Quaatity ( RTQ) -G Rating of 6 lamps, shall be selected at random from passed the inspection tests. test quantity test quantity consisting the lamps which have 6.4 Life Test Quantity ( LTQ ) - F ram the lamps which have passed rating test, they shall be selected at random a L?‘<)_ of 4 lamps. ( Page 5, @t-notes ‘$Specilication ,tesrs.’ ) - Insert fur high preswre the folIoyin: mercury 2 vapour foot-note lanlps: in the end: Part 1 Requirements 2nd ( Page 9, clause 9.3 ) - ‘10. REQUIREMENTS PERFORMANCE Add the following AND new clause after 9.3: CONDITIONS OF TEST FOR LIFE including the ageing period of 100 10.1 After 5 000 hours operation, hours, the lumen maintenance shall not be less than the value indicated below: a) For lamps up to and including 400 W 80 percent. 10.2 ‘The life test shall be carried out on an ac supply with a declared frequency of 50 Hz which shall be the rated frequency of the ballast. The test voltage shall be equal to the rated voltage of the ballast f 1 percent. commercial For life testing, differing by more than 3 percent The life test shall be made and 50°C. ballasts with electrical parameters not from the reference ballast can be used. at an ambient The momentary fluctuations during the test shall not exceed f2 10.2.1 Switching ‘on’ and test shah be switched ‘off’ period consisting of $ hour included in calculating the far as possible, shall be done 11. CONDITIONS of the percent temperature between test voltage and in each case. 15°C frequency switching ‘of’ during l;fd test - Lamps on life after every 74 hours of burning, each ‘off’ duration. The ‘off’ period shall not be The life test, as number of burning hours. continuously. OF COMPLIANCE - A batch shall be considered as conforming 11.1 General Conditions to this standard if the requirements contained in 11.2, 11.3 and 11.4 are fulfilled. If the batch fails to satisfy the requirements of any of these clauses, it shall be deemed not to comply with the standard. II.2 Mechanical, Physical and Marking Requirements - A batch shall be considered to,comply with the requirements of 4 and 5, if the limits given below: number of lamps failin g does not exceed qualifying Qualifying a) For any single requirement b) For all requirements togcthcr 1 2 taken 3 Limit 11.3 Lamp Starting, Warm-up and Electrical Characteristica 11.3.1 A batch shall be considered to comply with the requirementr of lamp starting, warm-up and electrical characteristics if the number of lamps failing does not exceed the qualifying limits given below: @al;fring Limit 1 a) For any single requirement b) For all requirements taken together 2 11.4 Lumen Maintenmce - A batch shall be considered to comply with the requirtments of life if the total num&r of lamps having lives shorter than 5 000 hours, together with those failing to meet the requirements of lumen maintenance given in 10.1does not exceed the qualifying limits given below: Qualifittg Lift Test @anti9 Limit 1 4 ( ETDC 23 ) 4 Printed at Slmco Prlnting Press, Delhi. India AMENDMENT NO. 4 MARCH 2007 TO IS 9974 (PART 1) :1981 SPECIFICATION FOR HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM VAPOUR LAMPS PART 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND TESTS (Page 7, clause 7.4.1) — Insert the following new subclause after 7.4.1: ‘7.4.2 Rated luminous flux of the lamps shall not be less than the value shown on the relevant lamp data sheet of Part 2 of this standard. The initial luminous flux of individual lamp shall not be less than ninetytwo percent of the rated luminous flux.’ ● (ET 23) Reprogmphy Unit, B[S, New Delhi, India , ...