025951 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES NASSAU COUNTY, NEW YORK # Agenda ror the Meeting or October 13, 1994 Salisbury Center--8iOO g.m. I. DETERMINATION OF A QUORUM AND CALL TO ORDER II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES October 6, 1994 III. COM MU NlCAnONS IV. ITEMS FOR ACTION A. Facilities B. Finance 1. Approyal of Resolution for RentAl Aareement As required by St:Clion 1950 (4y) of the Education Law. the Bonrd is asked to approve a resolution pcnaining to the following rental agreement (copy attached): \ Ho.. Description L&ssor Period AmOUDl 94195-003 Automobile for Driver Education Country Ford. Inc. lW14I946130J95 $2.925 2. AuthoriZAtion (or Additional Expenditures from Existini: Blanket Purcbosc A~n:cmeDlS (BPAs) In accordance with the attached correspondence. the Board is asked to authoril.e additional expenditures from existing blanket pun:hase agreements as indicated below: Description 93/94-029 REBID General Safety & Asbestos 10114194Removal Supplies (Cooperative BPA) 1113195 All Arts & Crafts Supplies 10114194(Cooperative BPA) 6/30195 $5,000 TOTAL: $7,.500 94/95-019 3. -< B;riod Nil. Byd~et AmQunt 67.500 Adjystments--Ratification (under $5Q.OOO} In accordance with Board Policy No. 3160 "Budget Adjustments." the Board is asked to ratify the budget adjustment for the month of October 1994, as listed on the attached schedule. and to authorize the District Superintendent or his designee to reflect such budget adjustment in the accounts and records of the Board. ) Agenda--October 13, 1994 ( 2 4. AUthorization for PettY Cash Funds In accordance with the attached memorandum, the Board is asked to authorize changes in custodianships to the petty cash funds for the Division of Special Education and the Division of Instructional Programs and Services. \ C. Personnel 1. Personnel Actions Repon The Board is asked to approve the appointments. salary adjusunents. tenure appointments. leaves of absence, and resignations. as detailed in the attached Personnel Actions Repon. D. V. Other ITEMS FOR INFORMATION A. Facilities B. Fmance C. Personnel D. Other VI. SUPERINTENDENTS INFORMAnON REPORT (Attached to Cover) VII. REPORT OF COUNSEL vln. AUDIENCE TO VISITORS <LIMITEP m I HOUB> IX. OLD BUSINESS X. NEW BUSINESS XI. ADJOURNMENT US:tfo Attachments 2sxlo - -------~------~ Page 1 of 1 02595:3 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY RESOLUTION FOR RENTAL AGREEMENT RA #94{95-003 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of cooperative Educational Services of Nassau county authorizes the purchasing Agent to enter into a rental agreement with country Ford Ino. in the amount of $2,925 for the period of October 14, 1994 thru June 30, 1995 for the rental of a 1995 Ford Taurus. This vehicle is to be used for Driver Education at the Special Education Division's Career Development Center. A special oonsideration is given to educational agencies for a vehicle used in Driver Education courses. The rental fee of $2,925 (including maintenance) is much less than the purchase price of approximately $16,113 plus maintenance. Therefore, such an agreement is in the best financial interest of the BOCES and the educational requirements of its stUdents. 10/13/94 bd. T mtg. 5 : -:a: :,' ;: 4 o BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM October 3, 1994 TO: Dr. Ira J. Singer FROM: William P. Rafter SUBJECT: Authorization for Additional Expenditures from an Existing BPA 193/94-029 REBID General Safety & Asbestos Removal Supplies (Cooperative BPA) 1~~ G\. It is recommended, as approved by Counsel, that the Board--at the October 13, 1994 Board Heeting--approve additional expenditures totalling $5,000 to provide BOCES with additional general safety and asbestos removal supplies for the period of 10/14/94 thru 1/13/95. vendor Dival Safety Equipment, Inc. Eastco Industrial Safety Corp. Presto Sales & Service Travers Tool Company $1,000 3,550 300 TOTAL: ~5,OOQ WPR:qp 10/13/94 bd. mtq. l~Q Page 2 of 2025955 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY .I INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM October 3, 1994 TO: Dr. Ira J. Singer FROM: William P. Rafter SUBJECT: Authorization for Additional Expenditures from an Existing SPA #94/95-019 All Arts & Crafts Supplies (Cooperative SPA) It is recommended, as approved by counsel, that the Board--at the October 13, 1994 Board Meeting--approv8 additional expenditures totalling $67,500 to provide BOCES with additional art and craft supplies for the period 10/14/94 thru 6/30/95. Vandor ] 1 i • Amount A'S Ceramic Supermarket Adam Art Center Beckley Cardy Company Ceramic Supply of NY & NJ Dick Blick East Island School & Art Supply Nasco National Otfice & School supply New England School Supply Orange Front Paint Supply, Inc. S&S Arts , Crafts TOR Educational Supply Co., Inc. $ 5,900 TOTAL: $67,500 WPR:gp 10/13/94 bd. mtq. '. ZTT i5i T . J 6,250 250 1,400 6,850 5,750 7,000 12,850 14,450 2,400 2,900 1,500 ) o ~ -....... " /' " Page 1012 ,- l BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS BY OBJECT OF EXPENSE t t' OCTOBER 1994 (l)cgcae) in Obied of EIE!''''' Ccldc DaKoIiptioa Amomat COSERIBUDGET , 708 Dclcriptioo Central Officc - Code 1200 Equipmcal $10,200 1..00 CoaInctDal DIPS 1_ ($10.200) IReaIlocabQII of budget 1iDe items for the palposc of purcbasiD3 • copy machiDo. o ~~ Board Meeting October 13, 1994 ~~ \jJ ~ I\...J (".'1 ", V /' /' \ .. ,:,~ "." '''-I ''''''_: ~ I >. ,-~ ---~---.-- .. - 0259'$7 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY INTEROFFICE MEMO October 3, 1994 TOI Dr. Ira J. Singer PROHI William 1>. Rafter SUBJECT. Authorization for Petty Cash Funda ~ ~ It ia recommended that the Board, at the October 13 Board Heeting, authorize the following. DIVISION -FROM -TO Inatructional Program. & Servicea. ~ Bilingual Education Technical Assistance Center Ca~en Project Support Program Closed (Grant ended as of 8/31/94.) Vazqueztel1 Ellie Paiewonaky-Clickman Special Education. Elementary Pr~gram Amal School WPRadm Arlene Bernltain Lorraine Graham ) G y ..~, o ~j ,'. / o PB'JlSa..RI. ACTXOKS October 13~ I. r 1"" Per.onnel Matter. • T.,ching and Adr#pi.tratm: Re,ci"ion(,): BE 1:'1' RESOLVED that the following per.OIUl8l .ctiona t.k.n 011 oet.cber 6~ 1994 &2:. hereby J:• • ciDdlcb •• Iltmination of Po,itiop(,): Hllwh,r Po.ition/Tegur. Art. pin,log R•••og 4 • Guidance Counselor Special Subject - Occ:upaticoal Bduc:atioo Decline in Enrollment School Counseling and Guidance • One incumbent will be transferred to a position in the DiviaiOll of Special BducatiOll. Termination(,): o BYl Bff.ct!,.. bY Lehecka, Charles 11/04/94 LaDgtb of StEVie. .. Years TtRun4 Yes A•• lqgllAt/Loc.tiopIDlyi.lop 8 •••08 School Guidance Counselor - Blimination of Position Baldwin Harbor Park - 6 Hootbs 29 Days Special Education •• See page C1 for revised footnote. ADDITIONAL Page Al m Cl; u o G - -- ...... ., .--., V ..:~ ,..,... r I I o BOARD OP COOPDA1'IVB m1JCAftOllAL SBRVlC3S 01' ••8aU ,.~ ,I r I October 13, 199. PJraonpel Mattera - Xe.cbigg apd Idr'pi.trati. . : I. Iltpinatiop of Po,itiopf,': BI IT RESOLVED that the following po.ltloaa be .li.ia.ted at tbe clo•• of d-.r, October 20, 1994: !Jueh·r 1 * Po,itioglTtDUE' A;91 Dlri'loa 8g'99 Teacher - Auto Body/ Trade Subject - Automotive Special Bc.tucatioa Decline in Bnrollment Special Bduc:atiaa Reduction Industries - Auto Body 1 ** Teacher - Education of with Handicapping Conditions/Bducation of Speech and Hearing Handicapped ~ildren in Related Services o * Incumbent is retiring and vill not ** Incumbent will be transferred into be replaced. an existing vacancy. ADDITIONAL I Page 81 fl' v ~ '~ f G •• .,.~.J r i. o 1"'.... r ! BOI.1lD 01' COOPD.A.'nVB ImUCATXOIIAL SDVXCIIS a. D&SAO CUUW"J:X i October 13. 1:. r 19'" P.r'0p9.l Matt.r• • T.,ehipg ap4 A4IIipi'tE.ti,,: Eltainatiop of Po.itlop(.): BE IT RESOLVED that the following po.ltloaa be .lS.la.ted at the 010.. of dW,r, aov..b.r 3, 1"4: Humber ". Po.itiQD/Tenurt ArIa Din,iog RU'on Guidance Counselor • Special Subject School counseling ancf Guidance Occupatiooal Education Decline in Enrollment o • One incumbent will be appointed to a vacant poaition in bar fcmaer title, teacher of special education, at the Barly Childhood Center effecti va November I, 1994. Two iD~.abents vi11 be traDafened to guidance vacancies in the Division of Special Education effective November 1. 1994. ADDITIONAL Page Cl = ~o o G \'~ r ,.-- (' o BOARD OF COOPBRA'rrvE BDtJCM"IODL SDVICBS 01' DSSAU COUJi'fi PBRSOIIIiIBL ACnOllS October 13. 199. P,r,oDD,l Matt,r. - teaching ape! Me'pi'tratiD: I. A. Tenure Areal 0 I Bff~ctlve Certification Tenure ~ Dat,") Statu. ~ Progr. Blake-Neale, Shirlene 09/01/94 06/30/95 Non-tenured Area certified NIA Part-time Visiting Lecturer CUltural Arts Center (Formerly Part-time Visiting Lecturer) Annual $27.00 per hour Reappointment Coffey, Michael 09/01/94 06/30/95 Non-tenured Area Certified N/A Part-time Visiting Lecturer Music • CUltural Arts Center (Fo~rly Part-time Visiting Lecturer) Annual $29.00 per hour Reappointment Goetz, Jan 09/01/94 06/30/95 Non- tenured Area Certification Pending RIA Part-time Visiting Lecturer CUltural Arts Center (Fo~rly Part-time Visiting Lecturer) On Loeb, Hortense 09/01/94 - Non-tenured Area Certified RIA Part-time Visiting Lecturer Dance - CUltural Arts Center (Formerly Part-time Visiting Lecturer) Annual 06/30/95 Dance - C9"I!9nt Call Comp.n.ation $26.00 per hour $38.00 per hour Reappointment D~ Page 1 () ~ ! n Q ," ., \':t u /"'-- ,I'" o BOARD 01' COOPEU.'l'I:VB EDUCArIOJIIL SDV:ICU OP D ssm COUJIT!' PBRSOII8&L AC'l'IOliS October U. 19'" P.r.onn.l Matt.r. - T.aghipg and Maipi.tratin: I. A. Appoiptm.pt«.) - pivl.lop of IPltrugt10gal Proqraaleeryic•• : Ttnurt Arta/ HIM McAuley, Marie McKean, John 0 Certification Statu. 09/01/94 06/30/95 Non-tenured Area Certified Ttnur. ba Proa'· M/A Part-time ISL Instructor Itinerant (Formerly Part-time Adult Educator) CQP9pt CO'lPJ)ep.atiog Annual $26.70 per hour * Reappointment Part-time Visiting Lecturer Acting - Cultural Arts Center (Formerly Part-time Visiting Lecturer) On Call K/A part-time Visiting Lecturer Art - Cultural Arts Center (Formerly Part-time Visiting Lecturer) Annual $29.00 per hour Reappointment NIA Part-time Visiting Lecturer Poetry - Cultural Arts Center (Formerly Part-time Visiting Lecturer) on Call 10/01/94 • 06/30/95 Nan-tenured Area· Certified K/A Raff, Rae 09/01/94 06/30/95 Non- tenured Area Certified Slaughter, Adele 10/01/94 06/30/95 Non-tenured Area • Certified I I Eff.ctive pat.(.) * Subject to negotiations. Page 2 o $25.00 per hour tI I I $28.00 per Mur II L . y ~.J G e . __ ~ /' BOU.D OP COOPDATXVB BDtJCA.TXOIQL SDVXC2S o. DSDU couw.ti PDSOIIIII. ACU08S OCtober 13. 19'" P.r,opn.l lCatt.r, • Telchipg l:. B. apeS '''''pi'tpti".: Apoointmept',) - Mult ProqrM - Diyi'ioa of OCcvpatiORAl Idqcltioa: Tenure IIIH Dudley, Geraldine Kratter, Nancy Areal Bffective Certlficatiac '1'em1re pat, I,) Statui RaY. R/A 09/23/94 - Non-tenured Area - 06/30/95 Certified 10/01/94 Non- tenured Area 06/30/95 Certified 'rOQ'. Part-time Instructor Clinica.l - Adult LPR rIa.HU Tech/Westbury N/A Part-time Adult Educator Workplace Literacy • Sid Tools CqMIDt CoIIp.p•• tiog Adult Enrollment $30.00 per hour 400 hours $12,000.00 maximum Increased Enrol1ment $18.00 per hour 200 hours $3,600.00 maximum Page 3 L .G '-, y - .. ~~.J :i j )J; r' (- ~ o 8CWU) or COO'DATnB BDOCATIOBL sanc:a 0'1 DSSAU COtDlTl' , PBRSOIIWBL AC'f'I0JrS October I. 13,. 19'. ',r,oM,l Hatt,r, - 'leachipg apd 'daiAi,trat!.": c. Aopoiptatnt (,) - Divi,ion of Special IducatlOA: Tenur. Area/ BIH Bff.ctive pat.l,) Goodman, Barbara 09/26/9" C.rtificat1OD Tuw:e Statu' RAY. II'OqIM Education of Children with 03/23/'7 Teacbe~ Handicapping * • General Special Education - Bce •• - Jericho (Formerly 1'e.IIIporary Teacher) Reinstate ment Increased Enrollment B/A Temporary Teacber - Replacement for Fanny Schneider Conditions General Special Bducation Certified Rachlin, 0 • Amy 0'/28/'" 06/30/95 Non-tenured Area certified COPtpt .* - General Special. Education BCC Jericho (Formerly Substitute Teacber) ~,at1OQ $31,039.00 ••• per annum $33,.3'.00 ••• per annum • Served four months and three days probation prior to excessing • •• Nassau County funded program . • ** Subject to negotiations. 0 Page ... '\, ,,!' ~~I • \' o r r' o BOARD OF COOPDATI'IB EDUCATlODL SDVJeu OF usaav Cuwrn " October 13, 199. x. "E.onp,l Natt'E' - ft.chipq ap4 D. l4etni.~tlyts A;po!Ptmapt.· Sub.titytt TtachtE(,): Data IIIH 'fftcti.,. Geller t Sharyn 09/23/9. - 09/06/95 o • Subject to negotiations. Page 5 v COB:HtA.atigg $63.00 per day * ~. G . _.. y=~~ /M" ,r" BOAR.D OP COOPD.ATrVE BDOCA'nODL Sl:RVICBS 01' DSSAU Cw.rx PDSOIIIl'KL AC'l'I0IIS October 13. 19" P,r.cmp.l Matt,r. - l,achiD; aa4 Malai.t"ti": I. B. Appointmept«,)· Cop,ultapt,: CQMSQLtAMTS • Offic. of the pi'trict SuperiptlPdept: I patti,) !II!!!!. S((.etiYl Kurz, Shirley 10/01/9. - 06/30/95 I AI,iSDlMllt Deve19plD8n~ ~ Data I CQIR1IDlatiou Proceaaing' a 793 Plan • Office of IDstitutioaal Research , Bvaluatioa I r $350.00 per day 20 days $7,000.00 maximum o e Page 6 L .G \\,I - . __~.J /"""'" ~ ! o BOARD OP COOPDA'l'rVB BDUCA'nOllAL SDVICBS OF .IUAU Cuua:a:z October 13. 1994 ""OMil Matt". • Teachipg t.Rd AdaiRi.tntiD: I. E. APpointaept (,) • COIl,ultut,: COMSULTA!JTS • COOR.ratiD ana Proqrp (CAP) • Dlrt,iRR of IgtJpgtiqgal Proa"" ap4 SVyic•• : II!H ,ef.ctiye Pat.(,) AI,iagMDt COIIpep•• tioo Bartnicki, Debra 08/01/94 - 09/15/94 Home & career Studies • Objective 'I PAI'1Ilingdale $436.20 maximum Performance Contract Cacciutto, Franklin 09/15/94 • 06/15/95 English/Language Arts • Qbdective 12 - Bast Meadow Performance Contract $1,400.00 maximum cava, Margaret 07/01/94 • 09/30/94 Foreign laDguage. - Objective '4 • Rockville Centre $117.00 per clay 3 clays $351.00 maximum o Costanzo, Jayne 07/01/94 - 09/01/94 Art an4 Coyle-Malizia, Joseph 07/01/9. - 09/30/9. Interdisciplinary Studies - Objective 124 Rockville Centre MUsic - Objective 12 - Syosset $119.45 per day 3 days $358.35 maximum $117.00 per day 4 days $468.00 maximum Ct Page 7 "" l~ . G '1 t: • ~ w= .J r ~. o I'~" ;r"'·'· Bcwt.D OP COOP~IVB 1tD0CAn0llAL SDVIOtS 0.- .aSUD C01D1!1 October 13# 19'" I. Per,oDPel Matter, - Teachipg apeS Adldp# ,tnt1... : E. ARpo!PtMpt (I) - Coplultutl: COMStlLTMTS - Cooperative Ar.a proqry o (CAr) - Dlyl.loa of Io'tnct1cul PI'oft_ aa4 sun;•• : !IIH Iff.ctly. Dattl.) AI·lqgMpt Bschmann, Janet 09/15/94 - 06/15/95 Interdisciplinary Studies - Objective 13 Bast Headov Goldberg I Karen 09/15/94 - 10/15/94 Mathematics - Objective 13 - Manhasset Performance Contract $425.00 maximum Hughes, Jim 08/01/94 - 10/15/94 Social Studies - Objective 112 P.umingdale Performance Contract $163.12 maximum Kaufman, Andrea 09/15/94 - 06/15/95 English/Language Arts - Objective Meadow Lang, Deborah 08/01/94 - 09/15/94 Coap.g.atioa '2 - Bast Social Studies - Objective 19 - Parmingdale Performance Contract $1,250.00 maximum Performance Contract $174.48 maximum Page 8 I G f " ~ • J 0 ... ........ 4 ('" ,/ o BCWtD 0,. COOPDA'rIVB BDUCAftODL SlRVICU 01' JDSSAU COUIl'rf PDSOW.c.. ACrXOIfS October 13# 19" P.r'OM.1 Natt.r. • Teachipg am! A4aiDi'tr.tiD: I. B. Appointm.pt'.) • Cop.ultyt.: CQ)JSQL'l'NI'l'S • Coop,rativ, An' Proqna ICAP) • Ptyt.toa of IpItnctiOQll b'ocrnu lad Ben'q•• : BIH 'ffeetlY' Dat,l,) M,lqRMpt CQIIRG.atlon Luhrs, Margret 07/01/94 - 09/30/94 English/Language Arts - Objective 111 - $87.24 per day Farmingdale 4 days $348.96 maximum t· : Ii t McAleer, Kathy o 07/01/94 - 10/01/94 Interdisciplinary Studies - otdective 17 Bast Meadow Perfo~ce Contract $1,400.00 maximum Nickel, Janet 07/01/94 - 10/01/94 Science - Objective 16 - Ba8t Headow Performance Contract $1,400.00 maximum Ober, Irene 09/15/94 - 10/15/94 HathetMtica - Objective 13 • Manhasset Performance Contract $500.00 maximum Pisani, Maria 07/01/94 - 09/30/94 Science - Objective '13 - Rockville Centre $117.00 per day 4 days $468.00 maximum e Page 9 - o G \\ I~' .1 r ,I' ~ ;i ., 0 8CWU) OP COO'DATIVB BDDCU'IOBL aa.ncu OJ' DSDO comrrr I t I rI' Octcbar 13. 19'. I, I. 'er'opnel Matter, • Teaching apd A4I'p"tritiyt: E. AppoigtPltPt e,l • Con,ultagt': CQHSULTNf'l'S - Coopt[ltive Arta Proqrg (CAP) - Div1.1oa of IpIt;nqt1cmal b'oaJHI IR4 SernCl': ~ Iffeetiy! Pat,(,) AI,iqRMDt CompeD,atioa Pun, Wendy 08/01/94 - 09/30/94 Technology - Objective '1 - Farmingdale Performance Contract $216.15 maximum Santer, Richard 07/01/94 - 10/01/94 Science - Objective '14 - Bast Meadow Performance Contract $1,400.00 maximum Sponenberg, Stephen 07/01/94 - 09/01/94 Science - Objective '7 - Syosset $119.45 per day 3 clays $358.35 maximum o Wagner, Kimberley 09/15/94 - 06/15/95 English/Language Arts - Objective 12 - Ba..at Meadow Zoller, Judy 07/01/94 - 09/30/94 Social Studies - Objective ,7 - Manhasset Performance Contract $1,250.00 maximum $75.00 per day 5 clays $375.00 maximum c Page 10 v G " ~.I o ,< (-- o r BO.U.D OP COOP~ BDOCAT%OIt&L SJDtV:ICBS 0.- DSS&t1 COUJtr:r Octaber I. 13~ 199. P.r.opn.l Hatt.r. • T"ch1DQ apd AdIIlpi.tr'J;iD: B. Appointm.nt(.) • COP.ult;ant.: CONSULTANTS - Divi.ion of In.trucJ;iona l frogr ••• tp4 StryiCl': Nas. aff.etiYl pat,«.) COIIp,u'ltion AI·iCDIMIIJ; ,\ Ajello, Elaine Braechi, Antonia 08/29/9. • 09/29/9. 08/29/94 - 09/29/94 1 day Implementation Progru $83.74 maximum i Attendance at curriculum Integration $83.74 per day 2 days $1E;7.48 maximum 1 Workshops - Port Waahington - Compact Implementation Program Bush, Sheila 10/01/94 - 01/30/95 Enrichment Consultant - Great Beck/HAnhaaaet/BOCBS Parent Child Camilleri, Gerard Cline, Starr 10/01/94 - 12/31/94 10/01/94 • 10/31/9. $83.74 per day $100.00 per day Home Program o ~ ae curriculum IDtegration Workshop - Port Washington . CQIIpact ~eendance 15 days $1 500.00 # lnaervice Course - -Tomorrow's Tools nUl1dmnm Today-Adventures in Hulti Nadia- - Valley Stream - Cooperative Stalf Development $50.00 per hour 15 hours $750.00 maximum lnaervice Course • -1neegraeing G&T Mbdelsw $200.00 per day • Gifted and Talented Program 1 day $200.00 Page 11 u maximum G ,- ~ o -----" r-- #"., o BOUJ) OP COOPBR.ATIVB BDUCA'1"lODL S&RVlCU O. DSSAtJ comrn PDSOIIDL AC"n0llS October I. 13, 19'. P.r'onn.l Matt.r, - Ttaehipq apd MP'pi,tratlD: E. Appointm.ntl,) - Con,u\tlAt,: CQlJSUL'l'Nf'l'S - Divi'iOP of In.truetiogal ProqrMl apd Strriee.: BIH Eff.etive pat.l,) AI,ismMQt C9"P1IR,atiog Cohn, Sheryl Ann 08/29/94 - 09/29/94 ~teDdance at CUrriculum Integration Workshops - Port Waabington - Caapact Implementation Progr_ $83.14 per day Couture, Lynn 08/29/94 • 09/29/94 2 ~ I days $161.48 maxilllUlft Attendance at CUrriculum Integration Workshops - Port Waahington - Caapact l.aIpleme.ntaticn Program 2 days I I $83.14 per day $161.48 maximum Dyer, Audrey 10/01/94 - 01/30/95 Bnrichment Ccnsultant - Great Neck/H&nhasaet/BOCIS Parent Child Home Program $100.00 per day 15 days $1,500.00 maximum 'Fisher, Helene 09/01/94 - 12/31/94 Inaervice Course - -AD Interdisciplinary Approach to Family Living/Sexual Education/Aids Education" • Roslyn - $40. 00 per hour 8 hours $320.00 maximum I Cooperative Staff DevelopaleDt Frezza, Yiotta 09/01/94 • 09/30/94 Inaervic:e Course - "Independent Study for tbe Gifted- - Gifted and Talented Program $200.00 per day 1 day $200.00 maximum e Page 12 v t\ , , ~. G ~. 0 _ ." -$o=c:...rI_ ".-. ~ o " BCWlO or COOPDA'I'IVB IDOC.U'lODL SIaVlCU 01' D.SSAO' COUftI October 13. 199" P,r'OPA,l Matt,r, - 'J'tlchiaq apd Adaipi,q.tiD: I. B. Appointment',) - Coa.ultant.: COMSQLTAMTS - pivi.ioa of Xp.trvctiopal o 'roar'" aa4 Stryic•• : !l!U .ffectiy! Plt,(,) AI.iCIDMAt CoIIpglatioa Glass, Mildred 10/01/94 - 12/31/94 Inaervice Course - -Bverything You Ever Wanted to JCnow About 'Mhol. LanguageValley Stream - COOperative St~f Deve lopment $50.00 per hour 15 hours $750.00 maximum Goldstein, Doris 10/01/9. - 11/10/94 Community Liaison _ Reeds Assessment Parent Group Leader - Great Neck/Manhasset/SOCBS Parent Child Hcme Program $150.00 per day 13 days $1,950.00 maximum Jones, Rosanne 08/29/94 - 09/29/94 Attendance at CUrriculum Integration Workshop - Port Washington - Ccapact Implementation Program 1 day $83.74 maximum Kipnis, Lois Kirschenbaum, Marcia 11/01/94 - 12/03/94 08/29/9. - 09/29/9. $83.74 per day Workshop Leader - ·Creative Dramatics- Herric:.kIJ - Arta in Bducation Performance Contract Attendance at CUrriculum I.DtegTation Workshops - Port Washington - Caapact Implementation Program $83.74 per day 2 days $167.48 maximum $625.00 maximum o Page 13 f\ G ~ • ~. 0 -"'y=; \' /"" o BOARD OJI' COOPER.&TrVE BDUCJ.TZc..aL s:u:ncu OW DSSlD COUJI'!! Oct:Obtr 13. 199. P,rlonn,l "'tt,rl - Telebfpq apd I.fpl.tntl".: I. B. Appo!PtMpt (,) - Cop.ultaptl: CONSQLTANTS - Divi.iop of Inltruetiogal 'roqr'" HIH Itt.et!. . D,t.(I) ap4 Strwict.: All igpMg t CqIIp'RIAtioa i Kani tee, Georgia o 08/29/94 - 09/29/94 ~. Attendance at CUrriculum Integration Workshop - Port Washington - Compact Implementation Program 1 day $83.74 per day $83.74 maximum Kreisman, Susan 09/01/94 - 12/31/94 I.nservice Course • -Building More Authentic Assessments- - Valley Stream - Cocperative Staff Development $50.00 per hour 15 hours $750.00 maximum Levine, Bsther 10/01/94 - 12/31/94 IDBervice Course . -Educational Research & Dissemination- - Part I - Valley Stream . Cooperative Staff Development $50.00 per hour 15 hours $750.00 maximum Levine, Bsther 10/01/94 - 12/31/94 InBervice Course - -Bducational Research & Dissemination- • Part I I . Valley Stream • Cooperative Staff Development $50.00 per hour 15 hours $750.00 maximum Levine, Bsther 09/01/94 - 12/31/94 IDBervice Course - -Collaborative Consultation: Integrating The Special Education Child Into Tbe Mainstream Classroom Through Motivation and Cooperative Learning Strategies- - Valley Stream - Cooperative Staff Development $50.00 per hour 15 hours $750.00 maximum g Page 14 .;i - , CD o :.l '-", r- o ,,- /""',~ BCWlD OF COOPa&rXVB IlDUCA.TIODL PBRSODJ:L saancu '., 01' BSSAD COOJI'I'I .acnou OCtober 13, 1"" I. P'E'ODD.l Hatt,;. - Ttlchlaq aad ldp!a1'tratlye; B. Appointmept l.) • Con.ultant.: COlfSULTW'S - Pivision of Instrueetlop.al and Semgl.: III!Ml 'ff,eetlY' pat,l,) AI,iClQMDt CC!W)'D··tion Hann, Kenny 10/03/9. - 12/31/9. lnaervice Course - -Developing an Integrated Social Studies CUrriculum- Island Trees - Cooperative Staff $50.00 per hour 15 hours $750.00 maximum Matricardi, Lenora 09/01/94 - 10/01/9. Attendance at Handa On Inclusion Workshop • Port VaabingtOD - Compact 1mplementation Program $167.48 per day Mauer, Ruth o rroax... 10/03/9. - 12/31/94 lnaervice Course· -Whole Language Elementary- - Roslyn - Cooperativa Staff ~ II 1 day $167.48 maximum Development $60.00 per hour 15 hours $900.00 maximum Miller, Harold 10/01/94 - 12/31/94 Inaervice Course - -Hicroaoft Works I- Valley Stream - Cooperative Staff DevelODDl8Dt $50.00 per hour 15 hours $750.00 maximum Miller, Harold 10/01/9. • 12/31/94 lnaervice Course - -Ilicrosoft Works I I · Valley Stream - Cooperative Staff DevelopmeDt $50.00 per hour 15 hours $750.00 maximum e Page 15 \,,'1' o t • ~ _......_-"- - -------- .. ~~ I I.'J '~ ,f~ "'; ~ r ~ r" o BOARD 01' COOPERA'rIVB BDUCAUODL saVIC&S 01' D.SS.l1J COW!I PD.SQIIMBI· ~0IrS Octobe' I. 13, 1"" f.rlonn.l Matt.rl - T.achipg apd Jdldpi.tratiD: B. AppointMpt (I) - CoplultfAtl: CONSULTANTS - Diviliop of Ipltructiopal ';ogr'" apd SUyis;e': H!g Eff.ctive Dat,(,' AalicmMDt COIIp.p.atioa Newman, Michael 10/01/94 - 12/31/94 Inservice Course - -IDtrcductian to the $50.00 per hour 15 hours $750.00 maximum ISacintoab Computer- - Val.lay Stream Cooperative statf Develcpment O'Donnell, Patricia 08/29/94 - 09/29/94 Attendance at CUrriculum Integration Workshop - Port: Wasbingtan - Compact Implementation Program 1 day $83.74 per day $83.74 maximum Pappace, Haria 08/29/94 - 09/29/94 Attendance at CUrriculum Integration Workshops - Port Vaahingtan - Caupact Implementation Program $83.74 per day 2 days $167.48 maximum Pittman, Helena 11/18/94 - 12/18/94 Workshop Leader - -Author Visit- - Roslyn Arts in Bducation $700.00 1 day $700.00 Rosado, Bvelina 08/29/94 - 09/29/94 per day maximum Attendance at CUrriculUZil Integration $83.74 per day Workshop - Port Washington - Caapact Implementation Program 1 clay $83.74 maximum e Page 16 l, ~ ...., o G '. o t". (' .1 " ""-" it jJ BOUD OP COOPERATIVE KDOCA'1'IODL SDVIC&S OF psau COmft! PD.SOIOIEL AC'n0llS October 13, 199. Per'OMel Matter. - '1'eacbipq and AdPipi.tratiD: I. B. Appointaent e.) - Con.ult:t.pt.: CONSULTANTS - Divi.ion of Ip.trvctioptl Proaraat 194 Itryle•• s -- 'ffeetiv. Pltt(') AI.iqpept Co!!p.g.atiog Schwartzman, Joan 09/15/94 - 12/31/94 Inservice Course - ·Practic:u. in Integrated Studies - • Grade 5 - Herrick - Cocperati ve Staff Developaent $100.00 per hour 1.7 hours $1,700.00 maximum Shontz, William 09/23/94 - 10/23/94 PerfOra:wlC8 - -Anhml Tales- - Great Reck Arts in Bducation $600.00 per day 1. day $600.00 maximum Turner, Michael 10/01/94 - 12/31/94 Inservice Course - -The Darkaess of Man's Heart: ~e Holocaust - - Valley Stream - $50.00 per hour 1.5 hours $750.00 maximum Cooperative Staff Development o Wasserman, Susan 10/01/94 - 12/31/94 Inservice Course - -T-SAGB - Teachers Study of Global Environment- - Valley Stream COCIperati va Staff Deve19pllleDt Werter, Carole 08/29/94 - 09/29/94 Attendance at Curriculum Integration Workshop • Port Washington - Compact Implementation Program Page 17 u $50.00 per hour 15 hours $750.00 maximum $83.74 per day 1. day $93.74 maximum • o r r' 8QUU) (' 01" COOPDAn:VB BDUQ'l'XOIIIL sancu 01' DSSAO' COUWli October 13, 199. :I. Per&oppel Hatter. - "1'eachlaq tRd l4eigi'qatiD: B. AppoiPta.nt t.) - Cop.ultyt.: CONSULTANTS - Divi.iop of :Ip.tructiopal "oar'" Date',' I!!H Bffectiye Wright, Lisa 04/01/95 • 04/30/95 lAd StrviCl': AI·iqpMpt Compg.atiOR Inaervice Course • ·Identi~iC!&tiQD " Program DevelopmeDt for the Gi~ted· Gifted and Talented Program $375.00 per day Page 18 v 1 day $375.00 maximum L .G ·'~ ~.J e .. __ .,,-.... f ~ o 8OHl) OF COOPDATnB BDUCATZOII&L SDVZC&S W BSSAD CUWITI :~ ~ ~! October 13. 1994 P.r'OQRIl Jlattlr. - Teachipg ape! Jdllipi.trati. . : I. B. Appointment (.) - COD.ultlDt. : COKSQLTAlJTS - Language proqrau - pivi.iop of Ip'trvqtiopal proq;p' apcI llniqe': BY!. Bff,ctiye pat",) .\I.icmMpt COIIp.p.atiOD i I.. , Lowinger, Rhoda Suarez, Frank 09/26/94 - 06/30/95 09/17/94 - 06/30/95 Correction of RCT'./Tr&D81atiCDI Chine.e language Provide training for the "Hispanic Youth Leader.hip Conference- - BBTAC * I $30.00 per scoring 20 scorings $600.00 :naximum I I $100.00 per day 20 days $2,000.00 maximum o * State funded program. Page 19 ,,.1._',,, e f ~ _ .. G o -.-. .... ~ (" o" /''-'. BCWlD 0.. COOPBRAnvE BDOCA'nOUL SD.VIC&S 01' DSSAIJ COml'll October I. 13, 19'" P.r.ooo.l Matt.ra - Tt.ebipg us! Aaipi.tntiD: B. Appointaept(.) - COQIultJAt.: CQNSOL'1'AI'l'S - Divi.ion of Sp.ei.l Idve.tion: I!g Ifl.etlY' pat,(.) M.iqp"pt Cowptn.atiop Chapin, cathleen 12/03/94 - 12/10/94 WorkBbop Leader - III SUc:ce••ful Learning: Teaching With DiJllenaioaa of Learning- Wantagh - SBTRC • $40.00 per hour lS hours $600.00 maximum Coco, Eugene 10/22/94 - 10/29/94 WorkBhop Leader - IIICreating Classrooms for Authors lll - Wantagh - SBTRC • $40.00 per hour 15 hours $600.00 maximum Crane, Rochelle 12/06/94 Workshop Leader - -Death of a Dream Parants' Feeling When There is a Child With A Disability- - Plainedge - SBTRC • $40.00 per hour 2.50 hours $100.00 maximum Fernandez, 10/15/94 - 11/05/94 Workshop Leader - ·CUltural Diversity: Approaches to Learning- • Wantagh - SBTRC • $40.00 per hour 30 hours $1,200.00 maximum 10/01/94 - 10/31/94 Workshop Leader - ·Staff Development Iff • Co-sponsored with the College of Rev Nev Rochelle - SBTRC • $40.00 per hour 30 hours $1,200.00 maximum . ~ o Roy Kaminsky, Stanley * State funded program. o ~ Page 20 '" l. . G :~' -.c=~.J r' ,,-"" " o BOUD OP COOPD.I.!'IVB mtrCAUOlWi savxcu OP D.BSAU COUftf PDSOIDI'Bt· AC'T%OIIS October 13, 199 .. J:. P"'OMIl ",tt.,. • B'ehm; aP4 Ma!.pi. tE. tiD = B. Appoiptmtntf.) - Cog.ultaAt.: CONSQLTANTS - Divi.i on of Splei.l ldueatiop: D.ttl.) I!!H l'f,etiY' Kaminsky, Stanley 04/29/95 - 06/03/95 Kupperman, Deborah 10/15/94 - 11/05/9. AI·iqRMpt COIIQ9D.atiOD Workabop Leader - -Project/Program $40.00 per hour Management- - Co-apoasored with the 30 College of Nev Rochelle - SB'TRC • $1,200.00 maximum Workshop Leader - ·Pricele88 Projects for $40.00 per hour Educators: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching Dsing Bnricbment Projects- - lS hours $600.00 maximum i l , hours I Wantagh - SBTRC • Haber Jr., William 09/01/94 - 06/23/95 o Perform services as electronic technician working with switches and adaptive deviceo for severely physically involved students - $90.00 per day 40 days $3,600.00 maximum Carman Road •• Peters, Waverlyn * State funded program. •• Federally funded program. Page 21 09/24/94 - 10/29/9. Workshop Leader - -Administration and Management in Special Bducaeion- Co-apoosorod with the College at Hew Rochelle - SBTRC • $40.00 per hour 30 hour. $1;200.00 maximum o ;... • • .~ o o (""'".,. r~ ~ BOU.D 01' COOP~ EDOCAna.u. SDVICU Of' DSSAU Cooa'fi October 13, 1994 :I. r.r.onnt1 ",tttr• • t ••qh1pq aBC! a1"pl.tratlD: F. Appoiptll.nt, - MditiQAll AI,iqptpt,: Eff.ctive l!Aa It!,ISUJMRt pe'qriptloa Ahiyon, Vicki 10/12/94 1.0/26/94 loJorkshop Leader - • Introductiaa to Sign Language: Level 1.. SBTRC • - Special Bducatioa Teacher - 1.1./02/94 • 1.2/12/94 Workshop Leader • .. IDtroductioa to Sign l:.nguage: Level 2" SBTRC • - Special Bducatioa Teacher - 1.1./28/94 01/09/95 Workshop Leader • • IDtroduccioa to Sign Language: Level 3- SBTRC • - Special Bduc&tioa T_cher • 12/14/94 • 12/21/94 Workshop Leader - .. Introduction to Sign Language: Level 4- SBTRC • - Special Education Teacher • Special Bducation Ahiyon, Vicki Ahiyon, Vicki 0 •• Board M.lqp=pt kM lIB Ahiyon, vicki Special. Bduc:atiaa Special Bduc:ation Special Bduc:atica * State funded program. C9IIp9p•• tioa $40.00 per hour 15 hours $600.00 maximum , r $40.00 per hour 15 hours $600.00 maximum $40.00 per hour 15 hours $600.00 maximum $40.00 per hour 15 hours $600.00 maxilll\Dft e Page 22 v . -.. w-~~ La· ~~ r M oh /_. BOARD or COOPDAnvB BDUCAnOlllL SDncu 01' DSS.lU commr ~ PDSOMMItI. .&CT'X0IlS October I. 13, 19'. 'er.cmpel Matte;. - Teachipg ap4 Adalp.i.Wt1n: r. Appoiptmept. - Additional At.igpaept.: Effective Board ana If.!U ~ AI.1Q1P1fRt Pt.srriptlop Cappadona, James 10/04/94 10/05/94 Overnight Supervision e&umsett - Vision Impaired students - Special Bduc:aticm Teac:ber - $75.00 per night Special EdueatiOl'1 1 night Workshop Leader -Health-Related Issues and Registered ProfessiORAl Nurse 1Datructiooal programs/Services $40 • 00 per hour 15 hour" $600.00 maximum Teacher - $40.00 per hour 15 hours $600.00 maximum catanzano, Linda 10/17/94 11/14/94 M'iS!P"Pl CCIIp.p.Aticm $75.00 maximum First Aid for Educators- SETRC .. - Special Education Cronk, Richard o 10/12/94 11/09/94 Workshop Leader - -Electronic Publishing for the Educator- - Special Education SBTRC .. - Special Bducation Czaplicki, Nancy 09/01/9' 06/30/95 Supervis& student field trips Cultural Arts Center Instructional Programs/Services * State funded program. ** Based on 1/200th annual salary and subject to negotiatiODB. Page 23 Part-time Teacher (.7) • InstructiooaJ. Programs/Services $32.98 per hour ** 60 hours $1,978.80 maximum <:) ~ ~ o " r- .t " ,r""' it () i.l BOARD OF COOPBRA'l"IVB mt1Cl.TJ:OD.L SUV1C&S 01" DSSA11 COUiii'! OCtober 13, 1994 I. Per.cmpel Matter. - Teaching ,. • aM "sPiRi.tntiD: ARPolpta.pt. - A441tloa,l AIp.1QDMDt.: Effective 0 • Board ana IJHI. ~ g.iQUMDt pe.qiptiog. Czaplicki, Nancy 09/01/94 06/30/95 Testing/Proctoring/Additiooal teaching days - Hath/Spanish Cultural Arts Center Instructional Programs/services Part-time Teacher (.7) Instructicaal Programs/Services Dudley, Geraldine 09/26/94 06/30/95 Part-time Teacher - Health Occupations - Tech Prep Long Beach - Occupational Bducation Part-time Instructor Occupaticaal Bducation $29.63 per hour 270 hours $8,000.10 maximum Fraser, Bridget 10/11/94 10/14/94 Overnight Supervision - Prost Valley· Rosemary JCennedy School students - Special Bducation Sc:bool Social Worker Special Education $75.00 per night 3 nights $225.00 maxilll'Uln Garxy, Barbara 09/01/94 06/30/95 Supervise student field trips CUltural Arts Center Instructional Programs/Services * Based on 1/200th annual salaxy AI,igpMpt Half-time Teacher IDstructional Programs/Services COIIp1m'ltiop ,.--- - - - - r-- ----- .. -.I 1 40 half days I ! $30.59 per hour • 60 hours $1,835.40 maximum and subject to aegotiatioaa. e Page 24 () o G ~ o 1"- I'''' (' I! BOARD OF COOPERA"J.'X'VB BDUCA'l"XOUL SBRnCBS 01' DSSAU pJDtSOJDmL CUUJI"X'S ~OJIS October 13. 1994 I. ""opp,l Mitt". - T'lchipa &p4 Adatpi.tratl!l: P. Appointatnt. - Additional AI.ignaent.: Bffective 8oaJ:'d bY ~ AI.igmaept Pt'qriptiog .h,icmMpt .IrM eo.plD.atiog Garry, Barbara 09/01/94 06/30/95 Teseing/Proceoring/Addieiooal teaching days • Social Studt••• Half-time Teacher lDItructiooal Programs/Services $99.42 per ha1f dayw 40 half days $3,976.80 maximum Part-time Teacher (.8) - $26.75 per hour * 10 hours $267.50 maximum CUltural Arts Center Instructional programs/Services Harkin, Mary 09/08/94 06/23/~5 Conduct after school consultations/audiological Special Bducation evaluations/FH equipment issues Hearing Impaired - Special Education Harris, Carol 10/11/94 10/14/94 o Overnight Supervision- Frost Valley - Rosf!1'DU'Y Kennedy School students - Special Teacher - $75.00 per night Special Bducation 3 nights r I I $225.00 maximum Bducation Herlands, Robert 10/18/94 12/13/94 Teacher - Workshop Leader - -Introduc-tioa to Video for Educators· - Special Bducation SBTRC •• - Special Bducation * Based on 1/200th annual salary ** State funded program. $40.00 per hour 30 hours $1,200.00 maximum and subject to negotiatiOll8. o Page 25 o o G _ . . .",. II 'c" ,~ r" o BOARD 0,. COO'DATIVZ KDOCATIODL SDVZC.lS 0,. DSSAU I comrn OCtober 13, 199 .. I. f'Z"ODD.l Hatt.[. - Teacblng agel A4algl.tntl": P. ARpolntpl.nt. - Mdltlopal AI.lemMAt.: I!H Kelly, Arline Kooper, Rebecca Nicholas, Jessica 01 Bff.ctive ba 11/01/9. 12/06/9. 09/08/94 06/23/95 10/04/94 10/05/9. Board AI.lemMg!; p•• qiptlog AI·ismMRt Workshop Leader - -bemining the Signs, Symptocu and Syndromes: What Do the Testa Tell Os- - SBTRC • Special Education School Psychologist Special Bducation Arg CompeD.at1on Conduct after school Teacher consultations/audiological Special Bducatioo evaluations/FiN equipment isaues Hearing ~aired - Special Bducation $45.64 per hour •• 10 hours $456.40 maximum Overnight Supervision • Caumaett • Vision lquUred students • Special Education $75.00 per night 1 night $75.00 maximum Teacher· Special Kducatioo i I $40.00 per hour 15 hours $600.00 maximum i I! I, I I I I I ! Siefert, Frances 09/01/94 06/30/95 Supervise student field trips CUltural Arts Center Instructional Programs/Services Teacher Inat.ructional Prog'C"&1U/Servicea Balf-t~ ! $25.15 per hour •• 60 hours $1,509.00 maximum • State funded program. ** Based on 1/200th annual salary and subject to negotiatiooa. o Page 26 "'" o G ~ r- ,r" (" o BOARD OF COOPERAIfIVI: mUCAUODL S&RV1CU OF IUSSAV COtll1'ft PDSOWMal. AC'l"IQRS October 13. U94 I. Per'annel Matter. - Teachigg an4 P. A4elPi.trttk!l: Appoigt:l!.nt. - Additional AI.icmatpt.: Bff.ctive Boud. IIH!l ~ AI.iggaept P"cr1ptlop Siefert, Frances 09/01/94 . 06/30/95 Testing/Proctoring/~tioaal 09/01/94 . 06/30/95 Supervise student field trips CUltural Arts Center Instructional Programs/Services 09/01/94 06/30/95 Testing/Proctoring/Additional teaching days • English • CUltural Arts Center Instructional Programs/Services Van Brink, Louise Van Brink, Louise o Van Den Essen, Louis 08/30/94 . 09/01/94 teaching days • Math • Cultural Arts Center Instructional Programs/Services arM Half-time Teacher Instructional Programa/Services $81.75 per half day* 40 half days $3,270.00 maximum Part-time Teacher (.6) • $26.64 per hour • 60 hours $1,598.40 maximum Instructional Programs/Services Part-time Teacher (.6) • Instructional Programs/Services Bilingual student intake Nassau Tech/Westbury - Comptp.ltlog AI.lmwpt $86.60 per half day. 40 half days $3,464.00 maximum School Guidance Counselor Occupational Education Occupational Education * Based on 1/200th annual salary and subject to negotiatioas. I Page 27 u l , ~ \\ :1 o , .G . 0 . 'j -......... ------/ r " /~- I; BOARD OP COOPDA'nV'B EDtK!A'fiODL SDVIaB OJP DSSAU p~ comrrr AC'rI0IIS ~ October 13, 1994 fer.cmp.el Matter, - te,ehipg apeS MIIiqi.tnt.iD: 1:. P. Appoiptp.pt. - M4itiOMl AI.i91Hllllt.: HAM. Bffective I!aa As.iqgatpt pe.cript.iop Board AI.igprpt AIM Copapep.atlop Weber, Mary Bllen 09/19/94 01/31/95 Part-time Teacher Introduction to OCcupations OCcupational Education Half-time Teacher Occ:upational Education $23.98 per hour • 100 hours $2,398.00 maximum Zimmerman, Michele 09/01/94 06/30/95 Supervise student field trips CUltural Arts Center Instructional Programs/Services Part-time Teacher (.8) In8tructional Programs/Services $30.59 per hour • 60 hours $1,835.40 maximum Zimmerman, Michele 09/01/94 06/30/95 Testing/Proctoring/Additional Part-time Teacher (.8) In8tructional Programs/Services $99.42 per half day· 40 half days $3,976.80 maximum * teaching days - Bngliah/Prench Cultural Arts Center Instructional Programs/Services Based on 1/200th annual salary and subject to negotiations. Page 28 <::) I· _ 11 .... -o. f ,,-- ,r'"' o Bo.&I.D 01' COOPDAT%VB I:D1JC.AnODL SDV'lCU 0.. BSSAD CUUK.l'1 PDSOR'DL ACnOitS "\ OCtcber 13, 1ft. I. P,r'onn,l G. Hatt.r. - T••chlnq apd MejDl.tntl,..: Salary 141u.t:Mnt(.) : Bffect!". !IIH ~ Sloan, Bryna 09/01/94 AI.1qRMIRtID1yi.iQA TeacherCArman Road - CUftat .I.cIju.t,cS salan: • laluy • $38,152.00 per annum $45,264.00 •• Movement fran per annum Level II to Special Bducaeioa colquhoun, Jeanmarie Coviello, Christine Fischer, Sharon 09/01/94 09/01/94 01/01/95 o R···on Level I I I TeacherAmes Special Educatioa $58,788.00 per annum TeacherPem Place Special Bducatioa $48,069.00 per annum $59,730.00 per a.nnum Canpletion of 12 academic credits TeacherHearing ~red $49,038.00 per annum Movement fran Level II to Level I I I $38.152:.00 $45 .. 264.00 •• per annum per annum Movement fran Level II to Level III $32,368.00 per armum $33,310.00 Completion of per annum 12 academic credits Saw Hill • Special Educatioa Friesleben, Diane * ** 09/01/94 Teacher· eCA - Rosemary Kennedy Center Special Bducation Subject to negotiations. Minimum of the range. I Page 29 v ~ f ~-. ~) o o G _ .......... J r "I ~ r' BOARD 0' COOPERATIVE EDuc:AftOlmL n:anc:u 0' DSSAD CotDIZI PDSOIOlBL ACTlOU October 13. 19" ""OMIl Hatt". - "',cbiM apeS a4ll'al,tntl".; I. G. S.lary M1u.tMpt(,) : Iff.ctl".. Cm:XeDt Stlgy • Adj WI ta4 Balvy • Teacher - $45,264.00 ace ** - Jericho - per annum $46,206.00 per annum of 12 academic credits BAH ~ AI' icmMpt/Piri'iop Hakanson, Donna 09/01/94 Special Education R",OQ Canple~ion Laufer, Harriet 09/01/94 Teacher Hearing Xmpaired HeVey Special Bducation $50,796.00 per annum $51,738.00 per annum Canpletion of 12 academic C%'eclits Lee, Bileen 09/01/94 Teacher BCC •• - Jericho Special Bducatioa $59,467.00 per an:num $61,378.00 per annum Movement frau Level III to Level IVA and Canpletion of 12 academic credits Linden-Torres, Jody 09/01/94 Teacher Hearing Wantagh Special $43,814,00 per &am.I1II $45,264.00 --- Movement fran Level II to Level III 01 Impaired Education • Subject to negotiations • •• Nassau County funded program. • *. Minimum of the range. per annum ~ e Page 30 "" ~ y :1 • (9 -.rr=~.J r" o I ....·'~ BOARD OF COOPBRATrVI: BD1JC&TXODL BUVXC&S W DSSA1J CuuJns OCtcbu 13, 1". I. ""OM,l Matt.r, - ,..Icbiqq G. ap4 a_' pi.tatiD: Salary A41u'tpeDtf,): J!IH aff.ct!". l!Aa ,.,icmMAt/Dlyi.igq Meyer I Hope B. 09/01/94 Teacher· Pern PlAce - CU:.aent Adju.t.c! Salary • Salary • $45,264.00 per an:num $46,206.00 per annum B.a,op i I ! r I Special Bclucatioo Turk, Karen 09/01/94 Taacber· carman R.olId Special Bducatioo I $45,264.00 $46,206.00 per a.rmum per annum Caupletion of 12 academic I credits o * Subject to negotiations. Page 31 I • ~~ \'~ .• =.r:c~.J r II o ,;"r BOARD OF COOPBIlATrVE BIJUCA'1':IOIDL S&kVXC&S a. ussm CUUIt.t'¥ PBRSOIIDL AcrIORS October 13. 1994 I. P"'Oppll Matt", - 'bach1pq ape! """ai'tratiD: B. Tepure: Bff,cti... AnI lIB bb. Bpun Grossane, James 12/16/94 Assistant principal - Eagle Avenue - Special Education Special Education Program Assistant - OUtdoor Education Salisbury Center rnstructional Programs/Services Program Assistant Traumatic Brain Injury CAl:1DaD Road Special Bducation James, Carolann Maher-Maxwell, Nancy 12/20/94 12/16/94 Locatiop/Diy!,iqa I I e Page 32 f. "- • O.-J -"w=" /""' o BCWtD OP COOPBRAIJ.'IW Ja)UCAftOD.L SD.VlCU OP IIISSAU comrrr October 13, 1" • • TBNORE - Dr. James Grossane It is with great pleasure that I recommend Dr. James Grossane, Assistant Principal in the Division of Special Education, for appointment to tenure. Dr. Grossane is an outstanding administrator and supervisor. His invol vement in every aspect of the program in the Bagle Avenue School is noteworthy. o Dr. Grossane' s greatest strength is his ability to remain focused on students' needs despite intensive program demands. His ability to handle any given erisis si tuation and at the same time address the needs of the staff is commendable. Despite the intense challenge on any given day, he always performs at the highest level. Some of the significant contributions chat Dr. Groaaane baa made include curriculum projects in the areas of speech, social studies, science and whole language, and staff development projects such as workshops on Attention Deficit Disorders and Tourette's Syndrome, whole language and inclusion. In addition, Dr. Grossane bas been instrumental in addressing state and school district mandates within the program. Dr. Grossana works well both individually and as a member of the educational team. He is highly talented, sensitive and diligent and accepts his responsibilities readily. It is my pleasure to reccaaend Dr. Grossane for tenure as Assistant Principal for Special Education. I, Page 33 ~ . i,.' ..... G 1 "'" ~ ,\ ;, ,~ o .• -.. -e~.J r r BOARD OP COOPBRAtt'IVB mOCA'fIODL nanc:as 01' DSSAD coal r l'DSODBL .acn:0IIS OCtober 13. ~ 19'. TENURE - Ms. CArolann James It is with great pleasure that I recommend Ma. e&rolann James for tenure as Program Assistant for Outdoor Bducation. Ms. James is thoroughly familiar with all aspects of our program and worked as a part-time and full-time naturalist prior to obtaining her Program Assistant position. o Ms. James is a highly organized creati va professional. She maintains an excellent working relationship with the districts served by our program and has assisted them with the development and expansion of their district plans for environmental education. One of her many responsibilities is the scheduling of all field programs and staff. This requires complex coordination of sites, staff and program equipment with district needs and requests. She is efficient and creative in her approach and is thus able to use program resources to their fullest. Page 34 Ha. James is well liked and respected by the staff and takes a leadership role during staff trainings and administrative planning sessions. She has assisted with tho development of new field program offerings as well as the JASON project and StarLab. HB. James strives to keep abreast of trends in education and new developments in the field of OUtdoor and Environmental Bducation and is a member of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASeD) and tho New York State OUtdoor Bducation Association. Her commitment to the OUtdoor Education program and BOCBS has enabled us to provide the highest level of service to participating districts. It is my pleasure to recommend MS. James for tenure as Progr.ua Assistant - Outdoor Bducation. o m• ':"'2 o ,J \\ 1 o r /",,'" ( ~ ~ BOARD or COOPERATIVE IDUCATIODL SDVICU OJ' DSSA1J comrn PBItSOIDIBL .AC"nOllS October TBN'ORB - Ms. Nancy Haher-Haxwell It is with great pleasure that I Maher-Maxwell, Program Assistant Injury Grant for tenure. Baney - Traumatic Brain During her probationary period, Ms. Maher-Maxwell has been responsible for developing and providing unique services to individuals with traumatic brain injury. Maher-Maxwell has demonstrated excellent interpersonal relationships with various groups and indi viduals who have participated in this grant program. In particular, she has developed an excellent rapport with officials in the N.Y.S. Education Department who have becane dependent upon her input and management of this innovative program. Ms. o 13, 19'" within a variety of facilities including rehabilitation centers, hoapital settings and has provided schools and local school districts and many BOCBS programs within Nassau County. r She understands the procedures of cost control and has managed the $108,000 grant appropriation with prudence and support fran the SED personnel who manage this project. Hs. Haber-Maxwell is highly energetic and CODscientious and accepts constructive criticism as a productive means of improving her performance. She is open-minded to suggestions and has displayed a zest for learning as indicated by enrolling in the New York ODiversity doctoral program. !fa. Haber-Maxwell continues to attend local and national Maher-Maxwell is an indefatigable worker who constantly seeks to learn new skills and techniques. She has become adept in the areas of leadership and staff development. As a result, the TBI evaluation team has become an active resource at the carman Road School. In addition, she has presented lectures and workshops Ms. meetings on the subject of Traumatic Brain Injury and to represent BOCBS in a highly professional manner at all times. It is my pleasure to recommend Ms. Haber-Maxwell for tenure as Program Assistant - Traumatic Brain Injury. m Page 35 '-1 , ! o I\~ ,\ ", ~ ,. G ~.J Ij ~!/ e ...... r- r'- o BCWlD OJ' COOPBRAn:va mDCATIOItlL 81DlVICES (D" DSBIlJ COWl'!'! PBRSOJI'IIEL ACnOilS ~. October 13. 199. I. Per'opP.l JCatt.r• • Te.r,blpq ap4 .It!e#p1'tratiyl: I. L.ave (,) of AblepC;' Without: pay: Eff.cti". BIB ~ Leifer, Ira 09/27/94 09/28/94 JAngth of s.rne. 5 Years 1 lIoDtb TlRurtd jI'i9RIfP t/ Loqatiop/Divi.iop Rtl.M Yes School Psychologist Bagle Avenue Special BducatiOll Religious observance ! II I r Scimone, Thomas 09/21/94 09/23/94, 09/26/94, 09/27/9. o Page 36 < r 6 Years Yes Teacher - Auto Body Raasau Tech/Westbury Occupatiaoal Education Religious observance t. '-- .. ~ ~ -.. ,....."O.J r (" o ~ II BCWlD 01' COOPBRA'1'IVK JmUCAnOUL 8I1lVICJrS ()Jt BSSAD COOI1'fr " PIDlSOIIDL AC'nOliS October 13. II. 19'. "rtonp.l Hatt,r. - 1op-"',ehipqJ A. Rt.iqnatlOQ (.,: Bff.eti". LaDg1:h of 11M ~ Serrie. T&unc! AI.i9R"pt/Loqatiop/piri.ioa Bannon, Barbara 09/01/9' 3 Years Be Part-time Registered Profeaaioaal Nurae Realth/Allied Servicea G.r:eenvale - ln8tructio.oal Programs/Services To accept another position 110 Occupational. Therapiat • Personal. 1 IIonth Shapiro, Rochelle 09/22/9' 2 Weeka B,••OP ~ Provisional carman Road • Special BducatiOll " o Page 37 l~ . e -, ." - .. -=~.J ~ Ifi o BOU.D OJP COOPBRA~ £DUCAnOUL SDVIC38 01' RISSAU CftI"IUIII· PasoaBL ACnOllS October 13 _ 19" xx. P,r'onn,l Matt,r, B. lop-T,.c;hW: Appoiptmeptl,) - Cla"ified: Bffecti".. 2'Uu.&'e J!IH pat' (,) b.tS AI,iqgweptlLoeltiopfpiyi.iop IDeS Rapq. Balijepalli, Surya 09/19/94 lI/A P.C. Applicatiooa Specialist I I Provisional - Salisbury Center Business Services $35,000.00 Cluster ·C Range 10 Salaxy. Clu.t.r Chmil, Barbara 10/01/94 lI/A Registered Professional Nurse Health/Allied Services Rosemary Kemledy Center Instructiooal Programs/Services Replacement for Haryrose DelluJuio $24,440.00 Cluster I Range a Kennedy, Denise [°9719/94' lI/A Teacher Aide Hearing Impaired/Vision Impaired Bethpage Special Education Replacement for Patricia Garrigan (Formerly Substitute Typist/Clerk) $14,100.00 Cluster I Range 4 Marchese, Adele 10/11/94 04/11/95 Stenographer Rassau Tech/carle Place Occupational Bducation Replacement for lfaryann Humphrey $20,280.00 Cluster C Range " Marchese, Barbara 10/01/94 04/03/95 Stenographer Rosem&:ry Kennedy School • Special Bducation (Formerly Stenographer - Provisional) $20,280.00 Cluster C Range 4. o ... o I REVISED Page 38 " L .• =. __~.J ("" ,'/"> /"""" c BOI.R.D OP COOP&U.-.ttIW BD1JC:AnOUL SDVICIUI OP RlSS&U ; comr.rr PDSOJIDL ACnOllS " OCtober 13. 1994 xx. P'E'opp,l Matt'EI • lop-THehipgs B. appo1PtltptCI) - Cl••• 11114: .fflctive 'remae lIB PI,., (I) ~ MllqAMt1lcgeatlgplRlyl.loa O'Fee, Mary 10/01/9. R/A Recreation Assistant - Provisional salisbury center Inatructiooal Programs/Services (Por.erly Typist/Clerk) $23,400.00 Cluster C Range 6 Savastano, Michael 09/26/9. R/A Bodily Hygiene Aide - $16,656.00 Cluster I Range carman Road - Special Bducation (Por.erly Teacher Aide) Salaxy. Clu.ter IDeS BUg. Shafran, Debbie 09/29/9. B/A Registered Professional Nurs. (.6) Health/Allied Services Instructional Programa/Servic:es Replacement for Patricia Boland (Pormerly SUbstitute Registered Profeasional Hurae) $14,550.00 Cluster I Range 8 Sica, Terry 10/01/9. 0./03/95 Stenographer westbury - $20,280.00 Cluater C Range " o Computer/CcmaunicatiOll8 Technology Replac:ement for Rosemary Syren o Page 39 . f"-. • G \ •• reO. .J r r'«" I o BCWlD OF COOPDAIJ.'IW l:Doc.a.UOlGL sanc:as OP ItU.U.U ,.~ P.lRSOIIDL .&enQIIS , OCtober 13. 1994 XI. r.r.opp.l latter. - Rop-TtAeb'pq: c. ADpoint;alPt(,) - Sub,titut. apd Put-tiM: 11M Bff.cti". pat,(.) AI.iagaeat/Lgcatiop!Diyi.lop CQllRM·atioa Baratta, Rosemarie 09/21/94 Substitute Teacher Aide $9 .94 per hour Special Bducatioa Carrieri, Lorraine 09/27/')4 Part-time Licensed Practical Burse - $14.23 per hour Teenage Pregnancy Program - seaford Instructioual Programs/Service. 0 Facchiano, Christina 09/21/'). Substitute Teacher Aide Special Education $,).06 per hour Gorman, Jean Harie 09/21/'). Substitute Teacher Aide Special Education $9 .94 per hour Hildebrandt, Clare 09/2')/9. Part-time Typist/Clerk carle Place - $10.32 per hour I I Computer/CcalmmicatiOl18 Technology Replacement for Maureen Hc:Caugb8l'- Page 40 ...., , ~~ ;:--.~. •• « - .. w:~.J ",._c o BO.UtD OJ' COOPDATIVB EDDCA'rXODL SDV'ICBS a. BSSAD C..II_rw PDSORRCt. .l.C'nOllS October II. '" 13, 19'" r,r'onp,l Hatt,r. - lJop-tuchlag: C. Am?ointaent(.) - SUb.tityt. apd 'art-tiM: Bff.cti". pat,f.) IIIH Kateridge, Mary Lent, Theresa Belle ".igRI9Qt/Locltioq/Diyi.iop CORpIJl·ation 0'/21/94 Substitute Teacher Aide Special BducatiOll $9.06 per hour 09/27/94 Substitute Registered Profeaaional Rurae $15 • 00 per hour IDatructiODal Programa/Servicsa Leo, Susan 09/09/94 Part-time Pood Service Helper Bagle Avenue - $6.72 per hour Busineas Service. Replacement for Diane Coaten (Pormerly Substitute Pood Service Helper) Patrick, Helen 09/26/94 Part-time Typi8t/Clerk Pool $10.16 per hour Tempo Perscxmel Roehrig, Brian 09/12/94 Part-time Naturalist ca"m8et~ - $14 .23 per hour Instructional Programs/Services - Replacement for Diane Valentine Page 41 ,, o CD o r- / ....,,' ,r o SOUl) OF COOPDATn'B BD1JCATIOIIAL S&RV'ICU 0.- . . sau COOn! PDSO•• SI, AC'l"Xc:as oetcber 13, 1994 xx. ""ORD,l Hattl2L' c. - loo-T.'chiAq: AppoiPtaeDt(.) - Sub.titut • tACl Pvt-tiM: 11M Bff.ctiVl Oat. (.) AI.iqgllpt/Locltiop/Dlyi.iop COIIp.q.atiOA ;'~ .'lJrP' ' ......... Ronca, Barbara 09/21/9. Part - time Teacher Aide - $9.62 per hour L C4J:man Road - i Special Bducatioo Replacement for JOsephine Lupica (Formerly Substitute Teacher Aide) RUbin, Kerry 09/16/94 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Bducatioo $9.51 per hour Scholes, Alice 09/19/9. Part-time Registered Professional Rurse Greenvale Xnstructioaal Programs/Services Replacement for Barbara Bannon (Formerly Substitute Registered Professional Rurse) $18.08 per hour Skorpanic, Corinne 09/22/9. Part-time Food Service Helper Fern Place - $6.72 per hour o Business Services Replacement for Christine Wessel I Page 42 tv o f'-.. •• e~ e - .. .J (- BOAJlD OF COOPDATrVB BDOCI.T'XOIQL SlDtVXCBS PDSOIIDL a. DSS&U COUMi'i ~cnou ~ October 13. 19" II. Per.oppel Matter. - Iqg-T. .chipq: ... c. Appointment',) - Sub.titute and Part-tilt: Bffecti", P'B") AI.i9P"!Jt/LoqatiggJpiyi.loq co.pep'Atloa , i Wynne, Pay 09/26/94 Part - time Licensed Practical Nurse - $14.23 L per hour i Rosemary JCenDecJy School - I Inatructiooal Progxama/SeX'Vicea e Page 43 L . CD :_.-c:) /"'. ( BCWLD OP COOI'&'RA'l'%VB BDUCA"nODL PDSQI'.I, savxaa 0»' DSSAtJ C01JJt.tI , .&CrItWS October 13, 199. XI. l'eE.ogptl MatteE' - Rop-TtAebipq: D. Appoiptmept (I) - S'.'OAII: Bff.eU.... 111M pa!;.«.! Ward, JCevin 09/16/94 09/30/94 ,..iqpl9DtlLocttiopIPlYi.iop CcaplD·atiOR Seasonal Laborer 5a8sau Tech/carle Place - $6.56 per hour Occupatiooal Education - Replacement for Paul Iriaany (Formerly Seaaaaal Laborer) Page 44 , '\", ',," " ,.•• ,<:.,';.::,.:..,., ~ § ~ • ~ _1ft .. ;J.. ~-~ "X~ :.., 'X -1 -.ti .A.'S 1[S .... • # ,;,... - .- . . ;JO.. .- .,- ~ ~ ... "- .... o ..... . o •t! o r4 8 .. • • t:J ~~::!¥ • e f o . es-=w:::=egg T J15 - 3 >4 TifF I o o ~:~ "P~ ... ~ r--- r ,,.--- o "I! BO.U.D OF COOPDAnvB BDOCATIOUL SlRVIC2S a. USDU COOUft Octcber 13, 1994 II. ,.;,.emp.l Matt.ra F. lop-TAlcblq.q: T.pun (.) : IIIH 1((.etiD Cimino, Robert Caneau, Scott oat. faun ArM Loqatlop/plvl.lop 10/31/9. Audio Visual Tec:lmician Carle Place Computer/Communications Technology 10/31/94 Audio Visual Tedmician Carle Place Computer/COI1I'IlWlications Technology l o o §en. Page 46 v 026007 c. j g l .& .Q 0 0 I I 0 0 . 0 CI\ • 1"4 0 CI) 1ft 1ft I! I; ~ IJ CI\ ..... 0 ..... '" ... G\ ... ....... •• ~ III ~ 0 .. Ii .... ...... ~ G\ R 1ft ..... 0 CI\ 1"4 0 ..... CI\ 0 8 II 0 .. .. CI\ ...... 1"4 0 ...... CI\ 0 . r; I •• i ....~ . ....8 .... C) i • H H i~~¥' , f i o . .-4 .-4 II 0 Dt .,5 U) .. .... U II ~ ) · _ - - - -_ _ _ _- L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • _ _ _~------------M---- . .-.- . . . ,. il26008 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES NASSAU COUNTY, NEW YORK SUPERINTENDENT'S INFORMATION REPORT October 13, 1994 Pro8ram Honors-Office of Information/School Public Relations Service I am pleased to report that the Office of Information and the School Public Relations Service have won a total of seven a\vards in the publications contest sponsored by the New York School Public Relations Association. The awards ceremony will be held during the New York State School Boards Annual Convention later this month. The awards are as follows: Award of Excelleuce: The Nassau BOCES Outdoor and Environmental Education brochure produced by the Office of Information Award of HOllor: The Nassau BOCES CONNECTIONS newsletter, Spring '94 issue, produced by the Office of Information The Project Support videotape, produced by the Office of Information The TeenAge Pregnancy Program videotape, produced by the Office of Information The Malverne School District marketing campaign, produced by the School Public Relations Service • "To Russia With Love," Feature article in Farmingdale newsletter, produced by the School Public Relations Service A'ward of Merit: Malverne Elementary Schools brochure, produced by the School Public Rela tions Service 25Xlo