Defining Course Components

Defining Course Components – effective fall 2010
Each course is comprised of one or more components—different instructional modes or meeting types—such as labs,
studios, lectures, and seminars.
A course can have more than one component. However, all components must be scheduled.
The primary component is the always the graded component.
A class in which an individual student is provided an opportunity for original study or investigation in a
major or field of specialization on a more autonomous basis. Normally a contract or plan is used and
supervised by faculty and/or practitioners.
Integrated lecture/lab is a class that has some lecture and some hands-on components but do not
require a separate time like a traditional lab. Scheduled like a lecture.
Primarily used in educational technology, computer science, technology, and engineering.
ABOR: “At least fifteen (15) contact hours of recitation, lecture, discussion, testing or evaluation,
seminar, or colloquium, as well as a minimum of thirty (30) hours of student homework is required for
each unit of credit.”
The hands-on, workshop component of a class usually held in a laboratory. The laboratory time is
separate from the lecture although it is often associated to a lecture(s).
Primarily used in science and engineering.
ABOR: “Laboratory courses require a minimum of forty-five (45) contact hours per unit of credit.”
A traditional method of instruction in which students are taught a subject by a member of the faculty.
ABOR: “At least fifteen (15) contact hours of recitation, lecture, discussion, testing or evaluation,
seminar, or colloquium, as well as a minimum of thirty (30) hours of student homework is required for
each unit of credit.”
Structured practical experience in a professional program, supervised by a practitioner and/or faculty
member with whom the student works closely. Internships and student teaching fit into this category.
These classes are often held off campus at a professional location.
The practicum component should also be used for internships and field studies courses.
ABOR: “Each unit of internship or practicum must require a minimum of forty-five (45) contact hours
per unit of credit.”
Recitations are small interactional meetings that combine formal presentations, review, and
interaction between the students and an instructor. These are small interactional meetings and are
usually combined with a lecture as the primary component. Recitations are often lead by teaching
assistants (TAs) or graduate assistants (GAs) to supplement a lecture. TAs/GAs review the lecture,
expand on the concepts, and usually allow for question/answer time.
The recitation component should also be used for courses previously categorized as discussion (also
known as break-outs).
ABOR: “At least fifteen (15) contact hours of recitation, lecture, discussion, testing or evaluation,
seminar, or colloquium, as well as a minimum of thirty (30) hours of student homework is required for
each unit of credit.”
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Updated: 08/27/2010
Under the supervision of a faculty member or group of faculty, student conducts research that is
expected to lead to a specific project such as dissertation, thesis, report, or publication. Assignments
might include data collection, experimental work, data analysis, or preparation of a manuscript. This
component is appropriate to use for continuing registration, dissertation, thesis, individualized
instruction, research, etc.
A small class emphasizing discussion, presentations by students, and written research papers.
ABOR: “At least fifteen (15) contact hours of recitation, lecture, discussion, testing or evaluation,
seminar, or colloquium, as well as a minimum of thirty (30) hours of student homework is required for
each unit of credit.”
A hands-on workshop component of design and the arts courses.
ABOR: “Studios must involve at least thirty (30) contact hours and at least fifteen (15) hours of
homework for each unit of credit.”
ABOR Policy # 2-206 regarding Academic Credit can be found at: Manual/2-206-Academic Credit.pdf
ABOR Definition of a Unit of Credit: An hour of work is the equivalent of fifty (50) minutes of class time (often called
a "contact hour") or sixty (60) minutes of independent study work. A minimum of forty-five (45) hours of work by each
student is required for each unit of credit. Ordinarily, a course must cover a one (1) week period for every unit of credit
given. During summer sessions, however, six (6) units of credit may be given over a five week (5) period.
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Updated: 08/27/2010