Gateway Instructional Guide: Completing Quizzes

Gateway Instructional Guide:
Completing Quizzes
Instructional Guide: Completing Quizzes
Step-by-Step Guide to Completing Quizzes
Online quizzes and/or examinations are a regular aspect of CHA Learning courses. This
introductory guide will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to complete a
quiz or examination on the Gateway. For the remainder of this document, the terms quiz
and examination will be used interchangeably. Please note that this is a generic
instructional guide, it does not reflect actual course content.
Please read the instructions carefully. If you need assistance, please contact your
Program Coordinator.
Step One: Access the Gateway
a) To access your program on the student Gateway, please log in to the CHA
website at We suggest to all students that they bookmark this
website for easy access. In the top right hand corner of the home page, select
‘Customer Login’ and enter your login information.
© 2013 Canadian Healthcare Association. All rights reserved.
Instructional Guide: Completing Quizzes
b) Enter your login information. If you cannot remember your password, click ‘Lost
your password?’ and follow the on-screen prompts. If you continue to experience
difficulties, contact your Program Coordinator.
c) Once logged into your account, navigate to ‘My Courses’ located in the top-right
corner of the page.
© 2013 Canadian Healthcare Association. All rights reserved.
Instructional Guide: Completing Quizzes
d) Once on the My Courses pages, click on the link to access your program on The
Gateway. Once in the Gateway, click on the title of your program to access the
program home page.
e) Once on the Gateway home page, click on the title of your course to enter the
course main page.
Step Two: Access the Quiz or on the Gateway
a) Locate and select the desired quiz icon.
© 2013 Canadian Healthcare Association. All rights reserved.
Instructional Guide: Completing Quizzes
Step Three: Review any Important Quiz Information and Begin the Attempt
a) Prior to attempting the quiz, please review the information on the quiz screen
carefully, paying careful attention to time limits, marks allocated, and attempts
allowed. To begin the quiz, click ‘Attempt quiz now’.
b) If you are allowed more than one attempt at a quiz, a confirmation pop-up will
appear. Select ‘Start attempt’.
© 2013 Canadian Healthcare Association. All rights reserved.
Instructional Guide: Completing Quizzes
Step Four: Complete the Quiz
a) As each quiz question appears on the screen, read the question carefully and
select the correct response(s). Once the question is complete, click ‘Next’ to
continue to the next question.
b) Once you have completed all of the questions, you will be brought to the
Summary of Attempt screen. This screen will show you the status of each
question in the quiz, whether questions have been fully answered or not. If you
are fully satisfied with your responses, click ‘Submit all and finish’. If not, click
‘Return to attempt’ to review and adjust your responses.
© 2013 Canadian Healthcare Association. All rights reserved.
Instructional Guide: Completing Quizzes
Step Five: Review your Results
Please note that not all quizzes will allow students to review results.
a) Once you have submitted the quiz, you will be provided with results. This screen
will show when the quiz was started and completed, the time taken to complete
the quiz, the marks received, the final grade, as well as feedback on whether or
not the quiz was successfully completed, it applicable. The screen will also
provide feedback on specific responses, showing right and wrong answers.
Correct responses are highlighted in green in the quiz navigation pane whereas
incorrect responses are highlighted in red; partially correct responses are
highlighted in yellow.
b) To review quiz results after the fact, enter the quiz again as initially done. A
summary of previous attempts will show your quiz attempt(s), grades(s), and
your feedback for each attempt. If you have attempted the quiz more than once,
your average grade will be listed. Click ‘Review’ to review the attempt in more
© 2013 Canadian Healthcare Association. All rights reserved.
Instructional Guide: Completing Quizzes
Step Six: Re-Attempting a Quiz
Please note that not all quizzes will allow students to re-attempt the quiz.
a) If applicable, students may re-attempt a quiz to achieve a higher score. To reattempt a quiz, follow the same steps to access the quiz as initially done. When
entering the quiz instruction screen, a summary of previous attempts will be
included and results can be reviewed. To re-attempt a quiz, click ‘Re-attempt
quiz’. Complete the quiz in the same way as the original attempt.
b) Once the attempt has been submitted, access the quiz screen to review the
overall grade based on numerous attempts.
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Instructional Guide: Completing Quizzes
Useful Functionalities
Quiz Navigation
In the top-left corner of the quiz screen there is a Quiz Navigation section. If at any time
you wish to go to a specific question, click on the number of the question. To go to the
final page to submit your attempt, click ‘Finish attempt’.
Answered questions will turn grey in the navigation pane whereas unanswered or
incomplete answers will remain white.
© 2013 Canadian Healthcare Association. All rights reserved.
Instructional Guide: Completing Quizzes
Flag Questions
Each question can be flagged, which allows the student to revisit the question prior to
submitting the quiz. To flag a question, click ‘Flag question’ in the pane to the left of the
question text.
Once a question has been flagged, a red flag will appear on the question number in the
quiz navigation pane. To remove the flag, go to the question and select ‘Remove flag’.
If a question is still flagged when the student enters the summary of attempt, a red flag
will appear beside the question number. Click on the flagged question number to enter
the question.
If you have any questions about completing quizzes on the Gateway, please contact
your Program Coordinator at for assistance.
© 2013 Canadian Healthcare Association. All rights reserved.