[QueryID:4]Give the most expensive pizzas from each country of origin. The following steps may be helpful in formulating the query for the problem: 1. Mapping the data items required to the column names in the DB country of origin ⇒ country most expensive pizzas from each country of origin ⇒ each country of origin may have a number of pizzas and the most expressive pizza can be found by using MAX(price) 2. Interpret the row selection condition No specific row selection condition is needed 3. Identify the table(s) needed, which contains all the data items used in 1) and 2) menu table 4. Group result or individual result An aggregate function MAX() is used for the groups of pizzas from each country of origin ⇒ group result, Group By is needed. Grouping by column is country. Since all the country groups are considered, no Having clause is needed. Note: It is a common practice to eliminate the rows with the grouping by column value being NULL by adding the condition: country is not NULL as row selection condition 5. Using the template: SELECT <list of columns or expressions including aggregate function> FROM <list of tables or join operations> WHERE <row selection condition > GROUP BY < list of grouping columns > ©H.Y Lu 2008