The following steps may help you to fill out the FotCM application in

The following steps may help you to complete the FotCM application in a proper manner. This will
ensure the FotCM committee’s evaluation of your participation and truthfulness. If the application is
incomplete, it will be rejected.
All information needs to be written in a clear and comprehensive manner. Please do not capitalize every
word or use lower case letters in the same way.
Go to:
And click on the embedded link for Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind Online Membership Application
Form. A new form will open in a new window or tab of your browser.
When a new page opens up, it will show a list of items to be filled in.
The first four fields (last name, first name, middle name, and maiden name) need to be entered.
Then, you enter your date of birth and place of birth. The date format should be followed by Month,
Day, and Year. For example, 01/31/1980.
Also, please check that your gender is shown correctly.
All contact information and current address need to be completed.
If your mailing address is the same as your current address, you can leave this section blank.
Please note that your mailing address is not the same as your e-mail address (this will be filled in the
Forum Information section below). It is the address where you wish to receive letters, etc.
Please leave the “State” (= Province) field blank if it is not required in your country for the mail to be
The fields “Address 1” and “Address 2” are usually used for a street name, building number, apartment
number, P.O. Box, etc. It is not for different addresses (current/mailing).
ZIP Code is the same as Postal Code.
Emergency Contact information needs to be completed. It is for your safety in case something happens
to you or we lose contact with you. However, you can leave it blank if you do not have any trusted
person around whom we could contact and ask about your well-being or whereabouts.
Names of Friends, Family Members in PC
This field is included with the names of your friends and/or family members that are currently members
of FotCM. “PC” stands for “PaleoChristianity”. If none of your friends or family members are in PC, leave
this field blank.
EDUCATION -> this field includes all education background that you have. You can also include any skills.
OCCUPATION -> this field tells us what you do for living.
EMPLOYER -> this field is your employer. If you are self-employed, note it in this field.
Marital Status helps us to understand your current living situation and past church history, if applicable.
Times Married is how many times you were married. If you were never married, leave this field blank.
# of Long Term Relationships refers to the long-term relationships you have been in.
Previous Religious/Churches – if you attended a church previously, or practiced a different religion,
complete this field.
Family members in your current household – fill this field with each person’s name, birthday, and
relationship to you. If you live alone, leave this field blank.
Forum Information helps us to evaluate your forum participation. Your registered e-mail and the name
you use on the forum is required. Other fields are needed to get to know you better. The more details
provided, the more helpful it is to evaluate your participation and admission.
Be sure to check all information for accuracy or anything you may have missed.
For future reference, please note our contact e-mail below. If you are planning or are in process of
moving to another location, please send updated information to This applies
to any other changes in status, including marriage or education.