Mail Settings: You must change your email settings in your email

Polar Communications has been working on redesigning our mail system. Some
changes that customers need to be aware of with these changes are the following:
Webmail: You must use or if you have a domain hosted by
Polar, use webmail.domain (i.e. your domain is; your webmail
access is
If you have any old bookmarks or old shortcuts, these may no longer work as they may
point to an old location. The previous address of will no longer
Mail Settings: You must change your email settings in your email client as well
in order to resolve the issues. The server settings are below. Look below for
hosted domain settings
o Incoming Server:
o Outgoing Server:
o Do NOT use Secure Password Authentication (SPA)
o Do NOT use SSL
o Use Port 110 for the Incoming server
o Use Port 25 for the Outgoing server.
Anything else will not work.
Hosted Domain Settings: If you have a domain hosted by Polar, you will need
to adjust your settings as well.
o Incoming Server: pop.yourdomain (i.e. if your
domain is
o Outgoing Server: smtp.yourdomain (i.e. if
your domain is
o Do NOT use Secure Password Authentication (SPA)
o Do NOT use SSL
o Use Port 110 for the Incoming server
o Use Port 25 for the Outgoing server.
If you need assistance changing your settings, please use the below screenshots
to guide to. Screenshots are shown below for:
o Outlook Express
o Microsoft Outlook 2007
o Microsoft Outlook 2010
o Windows Live Mail 2011
If you have any questions or need any assistance, our help desk is available 24 /
7 / 365, they can be reached at 1.888.700.7652.
Outlook Express
Select your account and click Properties
From this window, you need to click
on the Servers tab to verify your
email settings.
After correcting these settings, click
on the Advanced tab to verify the
rest of the settings.
Once finished, hit OK and then
Close. Test your email.
Microsoft Outlook 2007
Once finished, click OK. Click
Next and then click Finish.
Test your email.
Microsoft Outlook 2010
Once you click on
File, click on
Settings. It will
give you a drop
down for Account
Settings again.
Click this to go
find your email
Once finished, click OK. Click Next
and then click Finish.
Test your email.
Windows Live Mail 2011
When you open Windows Live Mail, click on the Accounts tab on the top of the
window and then click the Properties button.
From this window, you need to click
on the Servers tab to verify your
email settings.
After correcting these settings, click
on the Advanced tab to verify the
rest of the settings.
Once finished, hit OK and then go
back to the Home tab. Test your