The net flow of electrons and holes in a semiconductor will generate currents. The process by which these charged particles move is called transport. In this chapter we will consider the two basic transport mechanisms in a semiconductor crystal: drift the movement of charge due to electric fields, and diffusion the flow of charge due to density gradients. The carrier transport phenomena are the foundation for finally determining the current-voltage characteristics of semiconductor devices. We will implicitly assume that, though there will be a net flow of electrons and holes due to the transport processes, thermal equilibrium will not be substantially disturbed. 1 Carrier Drift Carrier Drift An electric field applied to a semiconductor will produce a force on electrons and holes so that they will experience a net acceleration and net movement, provided there are available energy states in the conduction and valence bands. This net movement of charge due to an electric field is called drift. The net drift of charge give, rise to a drift current. 1.1 Drift Current Density Drift Current Density If we have a positive volume charge density ρ moving at an average drift velocity vd , the drift current density is given by Jdrf = ρvd (1) where J is in units of A/cm2 . If the volume charge density is due to positively charged holes, then Jp|drf = epvdp where Jp|drf is the drift current density due to holes and vdp is the average drift velocity of the holes. equation of motion of a positively charged hole in the presence of an electric field is (2) The F = m∗p a = eE (3) where e is the magnitude of the electronic charge, a is the acceleration, E is the electric field, and m∗p is the effective mass of the hole. If the electric field is constant, then we expect the velocity to increase linearly with time. However, charged particles in a semiconductor are involved in collisions with ionized impurity atoms and with thermally vibrating lattice atoms. These collisions, or scattering events, alter the velocity characteristics of the particle. As the hole accelerates in a crystal due to the electric field, the velocity increases. When the charged particle collides with an atom in the crystal, for example, the particle loses most or all of its energy. The particle will again begin to accelerate and gain energy until it is again involved in a scattering process. This continues over and over again. Throughout this process the particle will gain an average drift velocity which, for low electric fields, is directly proportional to the electric field. We may then write vdp = µp E (4) where µp is the proportionality factor and is called the hole (ohmic) mobility. The mobility is an important parameter of the semiconductor since it describes how well a particle will move due to an electric field. 1 The unit of mobility is usually expressed in terms of cm2 /(Vs). By combining Equations (2) and (4), we may write the drift current density due to holes as Jp|drf = (ep)vdp = eµp pE (5) The drift current due to hole, is in the same direction as the applied electric field. The same discussion of drift applies to electrons: Jn|drf = ρvdn = (−en)vdn (6) where Jn|drf is the drift current density due to electrons and vdn is the average drift velocily of electrons. The net charge density of electrons is negative. to the electric field for small fields. The average drift velocity of an electron is also proportional However, since the electron is negatively charged, the net motion of the electron is opposite to the electric field direction. We can then write vdn = −µn E (7) where µn is the electron mobility and is a positive quantity. Equation (6) may be written as Jn|drf = (−en)(−µn E) = enµn E (8) The conventional drift current due to electrons is also in the same direction as the applied electric field even though the electrons movement is in the opposite direction. Electron and hole mobilities are functions of temperature and doping concentration. Table 1 shows some typical mobility values at T = 300 K for low doping concentrations. Silicon Gallium arsenide Germanium µn (cm2 /Vs) 1350 8500 3900 µp (cm2 /Vs) 480 400 1900 Table 1: Typical mobility values at T = 300 K and low doping concentrations. Since both electrons and holes contribute to the drift current, the total drift current density is the sum at the individual electron and hole drift current densities: Total Drift Current Density Jdrf = e(nµn + pµp )E 1.2 (9) Mobility Effects Mobility Effects Equation 3 related the acceleration of a hole to a force such as an electric field. We may write this equation as dv = eE (10) dt where v is the velocity of the particle due to the electric field and does not include the random thermal velocity. If we assume that the effective mass and electric field are constants, then we may integrate Equation (10) and obtain eEt v= ∗ (11) mp F = m∗p where we have assumed the initial drift velocity to be zero. Figure 1 shows a schematic model of the random thermal velocity and motion of a hole in a semiconductor with zero electric field. There is a mean time between collisions which may be denoted by τcp . If a small electric field (E-field) is applied as indicated in Figure 1b, there will be a net drift of the hole in the direction of the E-field, and the net drift velocity will be a small perturbation on the random thermal velocity, so the time between collisions will not be altered appreciably. If we use the mean time between collisions τcp 2 C HAP T E R 5 Cruner Transport po l€nomena .' . . . . ... . ;, .., ,.., 3 - E fleld (h} (a } Figure 1: SOl Typical randomr.mdon\ behavior h<!hav\or of a hole in of a semiconductor (a) without an electric field and (b) Figure ITypical a hole in a sem,condUClOf (a) without an with an , electric field. clcotric field .nd (b) with an electric field. .J, in place of the time t in Equation (11) then the mean peak velocity just prior to a collision or scattering event applied as indicated in Figure 5.1b. there will is: be a net drift of the hole in the directioo eτcp vd|peak = (12) of the E··field. and the net drift velocity willm∗be Ea small pel1urbation on the random p Ihermal "elocily, so the time between collisions will not be altered appreciably. If'>t The average drift velocity is one half the peak value so that we can write use the mean time between collisions tt'l ' in place of the time I in Equacion (5.111 1 eτcp hvd ito = ,tcollision E (13) {hen [he mean peak velocity just prior or scattering eVent is 2 m∗ p (-"".Ill;-, ) However, the collision process is not as simple as this model, but is statistical in nature. (5.123) udlpcak E In a more accurate model including the effect of a statistical distribution, the factor 1/2 in Equation (13) does not appear. The hole mobility is then given by = mobility TheHole average drift velocity is one half Ihevpeakeτvalue so that we Can write µp = The same analysis applies to electrons: dp E = cp m∗p (} =,.I(er"")E -.Vd ... (14) (5.12b) Ill, ) Electron mobility eτcn However. the collision process is notvdn =simple a1i (his mode1, but is statistical ill (15) µn = E m∗n nature. In a more accurate model including the effect of a statistical factor inisEquation (5.12b) doe, not appear. hole mobility isscattering Ihen given by where τcn the mean time between collisions for an electron.The There are two collision or mechanisms that dominate in a semiconductor and affect the carrier mobility: phonon or lattice scattering, and ionized impurity scattering. UII" (5.1l) The atoms in a semiconductor crystal have a certain amount of thermal energy at temperatures above absolute zero that causes the atoms to randomly vibrate about E their lattice position within the crystal. The lattice vibrations cause a disruption in the perfect periodic potential function. A perfect periodic potential Thein same analysis applies e)ec,rons: Ihus we can through write the electron mobility as a solid allows electrons to movetounimpeded or with no scattering the crystal. But the thermal vibrations cause a disruption of the potential function, resulting in an interaction between the electrons or holes and the vibrating lattice atoms. (5.14) This lattice scattering is also referred to as phonon scattering. Since lattice scattering is related to the thermal motion of atoms, the rate at which the scattering occurs is a function of temperature. If we denote µL as the thermal mobility that would be observed if only lattice scattering existed, then the where r is thestates mean between collisions for an electron. scattering theory thattime to first order −3/2 µL ∝ Tmechanism!'. (16) There :ire two or scattering that dominate in a semicool ·" duclor and affect the t arrier mobility: phonon or lauice 3 purity scattering. and in> Mobility that is due to lattice scattering increases as the temperature decreases. Intuitively we expect the lattice vibrations to decrease as the temperature decreases, which implies that the probability of a scattering event also decreases, thus increasing mobility. Figure 2 shows the temperature dependence of electron and hole mobilities in silicon. - In lightly doped semiconductors, lattice scattering dominates and the carrier mobility decreases with temperature as we have discussed. 3 The temperature dependence of mobility is proportional to T −n . The inserts in the figure show that the parameter n is not equal to 3/2 as the first-order scattering theory predicted. However, mobility does increase as the temperature decreases. 5000 1000 4000 • N" Nf) = • 100 I "'" "'" I I I I I I N• • I Off'! Nt>"' 10" ,' A: ' = 10\(1 I JO I4 T IIXlIl 2000 I N... - 10\1 111M ? :> '".., . , tV" - 1\ 2000 •• 1000 , II NO . :> ""§ 10 11 500 !VA 100 ,t N" ". U) 19 I UI::<I Nt) == lOll! IIIIII I 11111111 No . 10 19 JW L UK) r • 2<10 N ., 10u(u\ ' I 1m Ill() 50 - 50 J='iguno S. 2 I ( ;, 1 I '" .. lIl ,-,rc .1. u J: \ " I' 10 50 100 )50 - 50 200 o 50 100 7 ("0 T( OC} (a) ( b} ;11111 ( h i h<\k II I1.hi l il i\·.. i ll .. .' , ... ";'''11, ... , ''; . • .. j, ... , . " . _-' _ 200 J I I SIIQ lell ll i 1'I K} 150 200 •••••• Figure 2: (a) Electron and (b) hole mobilities in silicon versus temperature for various doping concentrations. Insert show temperature dependence for almost intrinsic silicon. The second interaction mechanism affecting carrier mobility is called ionized impurity scattering. We have seen that impurity atoms are added to the semiconductor to control or alter its characteristics. These impurities are ionized at room temperature so that a coulomb interaction exists between the electrons or holes and the ionized impurities. This coulomb interaction produces scattering or collisions and also alters the velocity characteristics of the charge carrier. If we denote µI as the mobility that would be observed if only ionized impurity scattering existed, then to first-order we have T +3/2 µI ∝ (17) NI where NI = Nd+ + Na− is the total ionized impurity concentration. If temperature increases, the random thermal velocity of carriers increases thus reducing the time the carrier spends in the vicinity of the ionized impurity center. The less time spent in the vicinity of a coulomb force, the smaller the scattering effect and the larger the expected value of µI . If the number of ionized impurity centers increases, then the probability of a carrier carrier encountering an ionized impurity center increases, implying a smaller value of µI . Figure 3 is a plot of electron and hole mobilities in germanium, silicon, and gallium arsenide at T = 300 K as a function of impurity concentration. These curves are of mobility versus ionized impurity concentration NI . As the impurity concentration increases, the number of impurity scattering centers increases, thus reducing mobility. If τL is the mean time between collisions due to lattice scattering, then dt/τL is the probability of 4 15 • 1 Carrier Drift 181 104 I {}' 10:: t !, . 10' ". :> ;;- E I(}' :E :>:= 10' 10' Impuril)' concemration (em-.l ) Figure 5.3 1Electron amI hule mobiJi(ics versus im»urity concentr.ui(ms for germanium. silicon. and gallium Figure 3: Electron and hole mobilities versus impurity concentrations for germanium, silicon, and gallium arsenide 31 T = 300 K . arsenide at T = 300 K. fFromSu (121.) TEST YOUR UNDERSTANDING a lattice scattering event occurring in a differential time dt. ES.J (a} Using FigufC 5.2. find the cl<."Clron Jtlobilil)' for (i) N,t = J().1 cm- J . l ' = }5(fC Likewise, if τI is the mean time collisions toFind ionized scattering, then dt/τI is the probability and between (;i) N" = 10" em-·' . T = due O' C. (u) Ihe holeimpurity mobililies for (i) N" = lO"c,.-'. T = SO' C; and (ii) N"in=the 10" em-' . T = ISO"C. of an ionized impurity scattering event occurring differential time dt. If these two scattering processes (s·"" probability UJ'OOo- (!I ) 's'N,W' (il (q) :S'N" UJ OOS 1- (!II 'S'N,W' 00, <!J (/J) '<UV) are independent, then the total of aOS\:scattering event occurring in the differential time dt is the sum ESA Using F'iRurc 5.3. determine the eleclroll and holt mobilities in (0) silicon fOf of the individual events or ,vol = JOI5 N" =: 0: (b) siti.:-on lOii cm- ). Nfl == 5 X 10 1t! cm- 3 ; dt for dtNil = dt (18) (e) silicon for Nd = tO I6 COl-;', N<,4= = 10" + ern ); and (d) fur τ τL '" ',I (p) IV_ = N" = 10" cm- '. ["N, 'UJOLZ "τI"'I'OOSt :01£ '" d" any 'OOR '"scattering NTI (,) '00£ '"event. - n 'OOL '" " ,I (q) :OR1> = ,In 'OS£I '" "71 (u) ·suv] where τ is the mean time between Comparing Equation (18) with the definitions of mobility given by Equations (14) or (15), we can write If r" is the mean ti me between collisions Jue to lattice scattering. then ,II Ir, is Matthiessen rule the probability of a lattice scattering event occurring in a differentia l time dt. Likewise. if rl is the mean time between due to ionized impurity scattering, 1 1 1 = + µ µI µL (19) where µI is the mobility due to the ionized impurity scattering process and µL is the mobility due to the lattice scattering process. The parameter µ is the net mobility with two or more independent scattering mechanisms, the inverse mobilities add which means that the net mobility decreases. 1.3 Conductivity Conductivity The drift current density, given by Equation (9), may be written as Jdrf = e(nµn + pµp )E = σE (20) where σ is the conductivity of the semiconductor material. The conductivity is given in units of (Ω cm)−1 and is a function of the electron and hole concentrations and mobilities. We have just seen that the mobilities are functions of impurity concentration: conductivity, then is a somewhat complicated function of impurity concentration. The reciprocal of conductivity is resistivity, which is denoted by ρ and is given in units of (Ω cm). We can write the formula for resistivity as 5 Resistivity ρ= 1 1 = σ e(µn n + µp p) (21) Figure 4 is a plot of resistivity as a function of impurity concentration in silicon, germanium, gallium arsenide, and gallium phosphide at T = 300 K. Obviously, the curves are not linear functions of Nd or Na because of mobility effects. If we have a bar of • Impurity conctnlration (cm-') 10" f"igure 5.41 versus impurity concentration at T =:: 300 K in (a) ilicon and {b) gennaJ)i urn. gallium ;)rscllide. and gaJHum phosphide. rF"""S", {12/.J Figure 4: Resistivity versus impurity concentration at T = 300 K in (a) silicon and (b) germanium, gallium j 163 arsenide, and gallium phosphide. semiconductor material as shown in Figure 5 with a voltage applied that produces a current then we can write J= I A (22) E= V L (23) and We can now rewrite Equation (20) as or V I =σ A L L ρL V = I= I = RI σA A (24) (25) Equation (25) is Ohm’s law for a semiconductor. The resistance is a function of resistivity, or conductivity, as well as the geometry of the semiconductor. If we consjder, for example, a p-type semiconductor with an acceptor doping Na (Nd = 0) in which Na ni , and if we assume that the electron and hole mobilities are of the same order of magnitude, then the conductivity becomes σ = e(µn n + µp p) ≈ eµp p (26) If we also assume complete ionization, then Equation (26) becomes σ ≈ eµp Na ≈ 6 1 ρ (27) CHAPT.R 5 Carcier TransportPheoomel'..a Figure 5.515:Bar Figure Barofof semiconductor matedal material as aa resistor. resistor. We can now rewrite Equation (5.19) as The conductivity and resistivity of an extrinsic semiconductor are a function primarily of the majority carrier parameters. We may plot the carrier concentration and conductivity of a semiconductor as a function of temperature for a particular doping concentration. Figure 6 shows the electron concentration and conductivity of silicon as a function of6inverse for . 1 Catemperature ier Orift the case when Nd = 1015 cm−1 . In the midtemperature range, or extrinsic range, as shown, we have complete or 500 300 J( 10 11 r-"1:' , T(K) 200 100 75 Equation (S.22b) is OhmI,'s law for a semiconductor. The resistance is a function 01 I I'esisti vity, or conductivity. as well as the geometry of the semiconductor. I 16 If we a p-Iype semiconductor with10an, acceptor doping 10 fOr example. : Nn(Nd = 0) in which Nil » Ilj, and if we assume thut the electron and hole mobili· .§ orderII of magnitude. then the conductivity becomes ties are of the same I ...... 10'" I ............ 1.0 c: I (5.23) " ' I ionization. ' If we also <lssume complete thcn Equation (5.23) becomes '\ I, ' " '.' , I 0.1 I , The conduc{\vity and resistivity of an cx,trlnsic semiconductor are a functiOI\ priI Ilj I marily of (he majority carrier parameters. I We may plot the carrier concentration and conductivity of a emiconductor as I {uncti on of temperature for a paJ'licular doping concentration. Figure 5.6 shows the electron concentration and conductivity of si licon as a funclion of inverse temperature Figureconcentration 5.6 1Eleclron concenlration and conductivity versus l conductivity versus inverse temperature for silicon. 6: Electron and forFigure the case when Nd remperalure = 10 15 cm-· In the midtemperature range. or extri nsic range, io\'crse for. .o;ilicon. as shown, we fAfter have Sr. cl)rllplete ' " 12}. ) ionization-lhe elec[n)1l l:oncentradon remains essenionization the constant. electron concentration remains essentially constant.of tempcC'dture so the conductil'ity tially However, the mObility is a function However, the mobility is a function of temperature so the conductivity varies with temperature in this range. varies with temperature in this range. At higherincreases temperatures. the to intrinsic carrier con- conAt higher temperatures, the intrinsic carrier concentration and begins dominate the electron centration as well as the conductivity. centration increases and begins to dominate the electron concentration as well as the conductivity. In the lower temperature range, freeze-oUi begins to occur; the electron 7 decreasing temperarure. concentration and conductivity decrease with In the lower temperature range, freeze-out begins to occur; the electron concentration and conductivity decrease with decreasing temperature. For an intrinsic material, the conductivity can be written as σi = e(µn + µp )ni (28) The concentrations of electrons and holes are equal in an intrinsic semiconductor, so the intrinsic conductivity includes both the electron and hole mobility. Since, in general. the electron and hole mobilities are not equal, the intrinsic conductivity is not the minimum value possible at a given temperature, 1.4 Velocity Saturation Velocity Saturation So far in our discussion of drift velocity, we have assumed that mobility is not a function of electric field, meaning that the drift velocity will increase linearly with applied electric field. The total velocity of a particle is the sum of the random thermal velocity and drift velocity. At T = 300 K, the average random thermal energy is given by 1 3 3 2 mvth = kT = (0.0259) = 0.03885 eV 2 2 2 (29) This energy translates into a mean thermal velocity of approximately 107 cm/s for an electron in silicon. If we assume an electron mobility of µn = 1350cm2 /(Vs) in low doped silicon, a drift velocity of 105 cm/s, or 1 percent of the thermal velocity, is achieved if the applied electric field is approximately 75 V/cm. This applied electric field does not appreciably alter the energy of the electron. Figure 7 is a plot of average drift velocity as a function of applied electric field for electrons and holes in silicon, gallium arsenide, and germanium. At low electric fields. there is a linear variation of velocity with electric field, the slope of the drift velocity C HA P T . R 15where Ca!rier Transport Pheoorna'1a versus electric field curve is the mobility. The behavior of the drift velocity of carriers at high electric fields e i!'2 H)T <: :§ " lU' " 'E 0 ElcctriC field (V/cm) Carrierdrifl velo<:ity versus eleclric field for Figure 7: Carrier driftFigure velocity5.71 versus electric field for high-purity silicon, germanium, and gallium arsenide. high-purilY silicon. and gallium ( F",,,, 05" (/1/.) deviates substantially from the linear relationship observed at low fields. The drift velocity of electrons in silicon, for example, saturates at approximately 107 cm/s at an electric field of approximately 30 kV/cm. This energy translates into a mean thermal velocity of approximately 10' cmls foran 2/V-s in low· If the drift velocity of a charge carrier saturates, then the drift current also and becomes electron in silicon. Jf we asSume an electron mobility of ttl' density J350 cmsaturates independent of the applied electric field. The drift velocity versus electric field characteristic doped silicon. a drift velocity of lOS cmh, or I percent of the thermal velocity, i,of gallium arsenide is more complicated than for silicon or germanium. = nchievcd if the applied electric field is approximately 75 V/cm . This applied elecuk field doe< not appreciably alter the energy of Ihe electron. 8 Figure 5.7 is a plot of average drift velocity as a function of appl ied eiectric field for electrons and holes in silicon. gallium arsenide. and germanium. At low eJectO: At low fields, the slope of the drift velocity versus E-field is constant and is the low-field electron mobility, which is approximately 8500 cm2 /(Vs) for gallium arsenide. The low-field electron mobility in gallium arsenide is much larger than in silicon. electron drift velocity in gallium arsenide reaches a peak and then decreases. As the field increases, the A differential mobility is the slope of the vd versus E curve at a particular point on the curve and the negative slope of the drift velocity versus electric field represents a negative differential mobility. The negative differential mobility produces a negative differential resistance; this characteristic is used in the design of oscillators. The negative differential mobility can be understood by considering the E versus k diagram for gallium arsenide, which is shown again in Figure 8. The density of states effective mass of the electron in the lower valley is m∗n = 0.067m0 . The small effective mass leads to a large mobility. 5 . 2 Csnie.- Oitfusitln As the E-field increases, the energy of the electron increases O:IA:; Conduction 5.8 field I Encrgy-bnnd Figure 8: Carrier drift velocity versus electric for high-purity silicon, germanium, and gallium arsenide. for gall ium arsenide showing the upper \'ulley and lower valley in and the electron can be scattered into the upper valley, where the density of states effective mass is 0.55m0 . the conducliull hallu. The larger effective mass in the upper valley yields a smaller mobility. (From S!e / 13/.) This intervalley transfer mechanism results in a decreasing average drift velocity of electrons with electric field, or the negative differential mobility characteristic. The negati ve diffcrcntialillobility can be understood by considering the £ versus 2 kCarrier Diffusion diagram for galliull1 arsenide, which is shown agai n in I'igure 5.8. The density of states effective mass of the electron in the lower valley is III:' = 0.0671110. The small Carrier Diffusion effective mass leads to a large mobility. As the E-ficld increases, the energy of the There is a second mechanism that can induce a current in a semiconductor. electron increases and the electron Can be scauered into the upper valley. where the We may consider a classic physics example in which a container, as shown in Figure 9, is divided into two parts density of statcs effecti ve mass is 0.55/110' The larger effecti ve mass in Ihe upper by a membrane. a .gas "maller mobility. mechanism resuhs in n devalley The left side yields contains molecules at a particularintervalley temperature rransfer and the right side is initially empty. creasing average velocity of electrons withsoelectric lield, the negati ve differThe gas molecules are indrift continual random thermal motion that, when the or membrane is broken, the gas enlialflow mobility molecules into the right side of the. container. • 5.2 ICARRIER DIFFUSION9 TaR!5 Carrier Transpon Ph&rtOma......a 170 • •• •., • •• •• • 1 1 I • 1 . . -0 Figure 9: Container divided by a membrane with gas molecules on one side. Figure 5.91 Container divided by a Olen'lbraJle with Diffusion is the process whereby particles flow from a region of high concentration toward a region of low concentration. gas molecules on one side. If the gas molecules were electrically charged, the net flow of carriers would result in a diffusion current. CHAPTaR!5 Carrier Transpon Ph&rtOma......a 2.1 Diffusion Current Density • •• •., • • •• To begin to understand the diffusion process•in •a semiconductor, we will consider a simplified analysis. Diffusion Current Density 1 1 I • 1 . . -0 Assume that an electron concentration varies in one dimension as shown in Figure 10. The temperature is assumed to be uniform so that average thermal velocity of electrons is independent of Figure 5.91the Container x. divided by a Olen'lbraJle with gas the molecules on of oneelectrons side. To calculate the current, we will determine net flow per unit time per unit area crossing the plane x = 0. If the distance l shown in Figure 10 is the mean-free path of an electron, that is, the average n(+ I) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - n(+ I) 11(0) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- -- - - 11(0) - - - - - - - - - - --- -- - - - II( - I) II( - I) .( = -I ;t =0 .( = +1 .,-- Figure S.10 l Electron concentration versus distance. Figure 10: Electron concentration versus distance. .,-- the gascollisions molecules were the distance nel ftow an of celectron moving to distance an concentrdtion. electron travels If between (l = vth τelectrically the average, cn ), then on charged, .( = ;t in a diffusion currenl. the right at would x = −lresult and electrons moving to the left at x = +l will cross the x = 0 plane. -I =0 .( = +1 One half of the electrons at x = −l will be traveling to the right or at any instant of time and one half of the electrons at 5.2.1 x = +l will be traveling to the Density left at any given time. The net rate of electron flow, Fn , in the +x Diffusion Current direction at x = 0 is given by To begi n to understand Ihe diffusion process in " semiconductor, we will consider 1 1 1 Fn Assume = n(−l)v − electron n(+l)vthconcentration = vth [n(−l)varies − n(+l)] (30) th an simplified analysis. that in one dimensi 2 2 2 Figure S.10 l Electron concentration versus distance. shown in Figure S.l O. The temperature is assumed to be uniform so that the al'e thennal velocity of electrons is independen 10t of x. To calculate the current, we will tennine the net flow of electrons per unit time per unit atea crossing the plane. x = 0.1f the distance / shown in Figure S.l is the mean-free path of an trdtion. If the gas molecules were electrically charged, the nel ftow of a If we expand the electron concentration in a Taylor series about x = 0 keeping only the first two terms, then we can write Equation (30) as 1 dn dn Fn = vth n(0) − l − n(0) + l (31) 2 dx dx which becomes Fn = −vth l dn dx (32) Each electron has a charge (−e), so the current is J = −eFn = +evth l dn dx (33) The current described by Equation (33) is the electron diffusion current and is proportional to the spatial derivative, or density gradient, of the electron concentration. The diffusion of electrons from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration produces a flux of electrons flowing in the negative x direction for this example. Since electrons have a negative charge, the conventional current direction is in the positive x direction. 172 C HAP T E R one-dimensional 5 Carriet Transportflux Phenomel"la Figure 11a shows these and current directions. We may write the electron diffusion , c, / - E' 5: S:i I c. I Ele<tron nil' Elet.'lfOJl ", c, g, z_ Gj: CUfTCnt ta) , ..".. 0.' I e, c /- .. >tole n", Hole di(tusion t BI current dc::maty 5: c' :t', "( b) Figure S.l1l (a) Diffusion of electrons due 10 a density Figure 11: (a) Diffusion of electrons to a density gradient. (b) Diffusion of holes due to a density gradient. gradienl. due (b) Diffusion of holes due lO a densi ty gradient current densityfofor this one-dimensionalcase, caseThe in the form Dp is cal.led the hole diffllsim. <'01 r the one-dimensional parameter ' "ielll, has units of cm2 /s, and is a positive quantity, If the hole density gradient Electron diffusion current density comes negati ve, the hole diffusion cutTCnt density will be in the positive x direcri , dn Jnx|dif = eDn dx EXAMPLE 5,4 1 Objective (34) where Dn is called the electron diffusion coefficient, has units of cm2 /s, and is a positive quantity. To calculate the diffusion current density given'l dcnsicy gradien!. If the electron density gradient becomes negative, the electron diffusion current density will be in the negative thai. an in an n-Iype gaHium arsenide semiconductor 3t T = 300 K. the eJec x direction. Figure 11b shows example of a hole concentration as a function of distance in a semiconductor. concentration linearly from I x 10"1 to 7 X 10 11 em -l over a distance orO.10 em.e The diffusion of holes, from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration produces a flux of cuialc the diffusion current density if the electron diffusion coerficient is 0,. = 225 em!/.., holes in the negative x direction. Solution charged particles, the conventional diffusion current density is also in the negative x Since holes are• positively The diffusion current density is givenis by direction. The hole diffusion current density proportional to the hole density gradient and to the electronic charge, so we may write dn D l!.n J,, 'di/ = eD" e /1 dx = (1.6 x Ax 10- ")(225) ( 11 _ 7XIOI7) -I X-JOI8 -=-=--=' 0,10 , Alem- Hole diffusion current density Jpx|dif = −eDp dp dx (35) for the one-dimensional case. The parameter Dp is called the hole diffusion coefficient and has units of cm2 /s, and is a positive quantity. If the hole density gradient becomes negative, the hole diffusion current density will be in the positive x direction. 2.2 Total Current Density Total Current Density We now have four possible independent current mechanisms in a semiconductor. These components are electron drift and diffusion currents and hole drift and diffusion currents. The total current density is the sum of these four components, or, for the one-dimensional case, dn dp − eDp dx dx (36) J = enµn E + epµp E + eDn ∇n − eDp ∇p (37) J = enµn E + epµp E + eDn This equation may he generalized to three dimensions as The electron mobility gives an indication of how well an electron moves in a semiconductor as a result of the force of an electric field. The electron diffusion coefficient gives an indication of how well an electron moves in a semiconductor as a result of a density gradient. The electron mobility and diffusion coefficient are not independent parameters. Similarly, the hole mobility and diffusion coefficient are not independent parameters. The relationship between mobility and the diffusion coefficient will be developed in the next section. The expression for the total current in a semiconductor contains four terms. Fortunately in most situations, we will only need to consider one term at anyone time at a particular point in a semiconductor. 3 Graded Impurity Distribution Graded Impurity Distribution In many semiconductor devices there may be regions that are nonuniformly doped. We will investigate how a nonunifomly doped semiconductor reaches thermal equilibrium and, from this analysis, we will derive the Einstein relation, which relates mobility and the diffusion coefficient. 3.1 Induced Electric Field Induced Electric Field Consider a semiconductor that is nonuniformly doped with donor impurity atoms. If the semiconductor is in thermal equilibrium, the Fermi energy level is constant through the crystal so the energy-band diagram may qualitatively look like that shown in Figure 12 The doping concentration decreases as x increases in this case. There will be a diffusion of majority carrier electrons from the region of high concentration to the region of low concentration, which is in the +x direction. The flow of negative electrons leaves behind positively charged donor ions. The separation of positive and negative charge induces an electric field that is in a direction to oppose the diffusion process. When equilibrium is reached, the mobile carrier concentration is not exactly equal to the fixed impurity concentration and the induced electric field prevents any further separation of charge. In most cases of interest, the 12 ------------------- E,. -- --- _------- E" ----- --E,. Figure S.12 1Energy-band diagram with ror a nonuniform donor impurity Figure 12: Energy-band diagram for a semiconductor in thermal equilibrium concentration. a scmiconlim:to r in thermal equilibrium wilh a nonuniform donnr impurity concentration. space charge induced by this diffusion process is a small fraction of the impurity concentration thus the mobile carrier concentration is not too different from the impurity dopant density. The electric potential φ is related to electron potential energy by the charge −e: 1 φ = + (EF − EF i ) e (38) The electric field for the one-dimensional situation is defined as Ex = − 1 dEF i dφ = dx e dx (39) If the intrinsic Fermi level changes as a function of distance through a semiconductor in thermal equilibrium, an electric field exists in the semiconductor. If we assume a quasi-neutrality condition in which the electron concentration is almost equal to the donor impurity concentration, then we can still write EF − EF i n0 = ni exp ≈ Nd (x) (40) kT Solving for EF − EF i we obtain EF − EF i = kT ln Nd (x) ni (41) The Fermi level is constant for thermal equilibrium so when we take the derivative with respect to x we obtain − kT dNd (x) dEF i = dx Nd (x) dx The electric field can then be written, combining Equations (42) and (39), as kT 1 dNd (x) Ex = − e Nd (x) dx (42) (43) Since we have an electric field, there will be a potential difference through the semiconductor due to the nonuniform doping. 3.2 The Einstein Relation The Einstein Relation 13 If we consider the nonunifornly doped semiconductor represented by the energy band diagram shown in Figure 12 and assume there are no electrical connections so that the semiconductor is in thermal equilibrium, then the individual electron hole currents must be zero. We can write Jn = 0 = enµn Ex + eDn dn dx (44) If we assume quasi-neutrality so that n ≈ Nd (x), then we can rewrite Eqution (44) as Jn = 0 = eµn Nd (x)Ex + eDn dNd (x) dx (45) Substituting the expression for the electric field from Equation (43) into Equation (45), we obtain kT 1 dNd (x) dNd (x) 0 = −eµn Nd (x) + eDn e Nd (x) dx dx (46) Equation (46) is valid for the condition Dn kT = µn e (47) The hole current must also be zero in the semiconductor. From this condition we can show that Dp kT = µp e (48) Dp kT Dn = = µn µp e (49) Combining Equations (47) and (48) gives Einstein Relations The diffusion coefficient and mobility are not independent parameters. This relation between the mobility and diffusion coefficient, given by Equation (49), is known as the Einstein relation. Table 2 shows the diffusion coefficient values at T = 300 K corresponding to the mobilities listed in Table 1 for silicon, gallium arsenide, and germanium. Silicon Gallium arsenide Germanium µn 1350 8500 3900 Dn 35 220 101 µp 480 400 1900 Dp 12.4 10.4 49.2 Table 2: Typical mobility and diffusion coefficient values at T = 300 K and low doping concentrations. Mobility is given in units of (cm2 /Vs) and diffusion coefficient in units of (cm2 /s). The relation between the mobility and diffusion coefficient givenn by Equation (49) contains temperature. It is important to keep in mind that the major temperature effects are a result of lattice scattering and ionized impurity scattering processes. As the mobilities are strong functions of temperature because of the scattering processes, the diffusion coefficients are also strong functions of temperature. The specific temperature dependence given in Equation (49) is a small fraction of the real temperature characteristic. 4 The Hall Effect The Hall Effect The Hall effect is a consequence of the forces that are exerted on moving charges by electric and magnetic fields. The Hall effect is used to distinguish whether a semiconductor is n-type or p-type and to measure the majority carrier concentration and majority carrier mobility. 14 The Hall effect device is used to experimentally measure semiconductor parameters. The force on a particle having a charge q and moving in a magnetic field is given by F = qv × B (50) where the cross product is taken between velocity and magnetic field so that the force vector is perpendicular to both the velocity and magnetic field. Figure 13 illustrates the Hall effect. A semiconductor with a current I, placed in a magnetic field perpendicular to the current. In this case, the magnetic field is in the z direction. 178 C HAP T E R 5 Carri9l' Transport Phenomena Electrons and holes flowing in the semiconductor will experience a force as indicated in the figure. Figure 5.131 Geol1letry for measuring the HaJI effect. Figure 13: Geometry for measuring the Hall effect. The force on a partic1e having a charge q and moving in a magnetic field is The force on bothgiven electrons by and holes is in the (−y) direction. F=qv x !J of positive charge on the y(5.46) In a p-type semiconductor (p0 > n0 ), there will be a buildup = 0 surface of the semiconductor and, in an n-type semiconductor (n0 > p0 ), there will be a buildup of negative charge on the where the cross product is la.ken between velocity and magnetic field so that rhe force y = 0 surface. This net charge induces an electric field in the y-direction as shown in the figure. vector is perpendicular to both the velocity and magnetic field. In steady state, the magnetic force willthe be Hall exactly balanced by the induced field Figure 5.field 13 illustrates effect. A semiconductor withelectric a current I, force. in a magnetic field perpendicular to the current. In this case. the magnetic fiehl This balance mayplaced be written as is in the z direction. Electrons andq(E + vflowing F= × B) =ill0 the semiconductor will experi· (51) ence a force as indicated in the figure. The force on both eleClrOIlS and hules is in the (- y) direction. In a p·typ. semiconductor (Po > "0). there will be a buildup of po;. qEy = qvx Bz itive charge on the y = 0 surface of the semiconductor and, in an n-type semiconducior (110in>the Po). there will isbecalled a buildup of negati The induced electric field y-direction the Hall charge on rhe ." = 0 surf"". This nCt charge induces an electric field in the y-dinection as shown in the figure. In The Hall field produces a voltage across the semiconductor which is called the Hall voltage. steady state. the magnetic field force will be exactl y balanced by the indnced electric We can write field force. This balallce may be writlen as which becomes (52) VH = +EH W (53) (s,47a) F = q(E + v x 81 = 0 where EH is assumed whichpositive becomesin the +y-direction and VH is positive with the polarity shown. In a p-type semiconductor in which holes are the majority carrier, the Hall voltage will be positive as defined in Figure 13. (5.41b) In an n-type semiconductor it will be negative. The induced electric field in the y-direc!;on is called !he Hall lield. The Hall fiehl The polarity of the Hall voltage is used to determine wether an extrinsic semiconductor is n-type or p-type. produces a voltage ,lcross the semiconduClor which is ("lied the H(lfl voltage. Wec311. Substituting Equation (53) into Equation (52) gives write VH = vx W Bz 15 (5.48) (54) For a p-type semiconductor we can write vdx = Jx Ix = ep (ep)(W d) (55) where e is the magnitude of the electronic charge. Combining Equations (54) and (55) we have VH = Ix Bz epd (56) or, solving for the hole concentration p= Ix Bz edVH (57) The majority carrier hole concentration is determined from the current, magnetic field and Hall voltage. For an n-type semiconductor the Hall voltage is given by VH = − so that electron concentration is n=− Ix Bz end Ix Bz edVH (58) (59) Note that the Hall voltage is negative for the n-type semiconductor, therefore the electron concentration determined from Equation (59) is actually a positive quantity. Once the majority carrier concentration has been determined, we can calculate the low-field majority carrier mobility. For à p-type semiconductor we can write Jx = epµp Ex (60) The current density and electric field can be converted to current and voltage so that Equation (60) becomes epµp Vx Ix = Wd L (61) Ix L epVx W d (62) The hole mobility is then given by µp = Similarly for an n-type semiconductor, the low-field electron mobility is determined from µn = 5 Ix L enVx W d (63) Carrier Generation and Recombination Carrier Generation and Recombination Generation is the process whereby electrons and holes are created, and recombination is the process whereby electrons and holes are annihilated. Any deviation from thermal equilibrium will lend to change the electron and hole concentrations in a semiconductor. A sudden increase in temperature, for example, will increase the rate at which electrons and holes are thermally generated so that their concentrations will change with time until new equilibrium values are reached. An external excitation, such as light (a flux of photons), can also generate electrons and holes, creating a nonequilibrium condition. To understand the generation and recombination processes, we will first consider direct band-to-band generation and recombination and then, later, the effect of allowed electronic energy states within the bandgap, referred to as impurity or recombination centers. 16 electron and hole. Since the net can·jer concentrations are independent of time in thennal equili brium. the race at which electrons and holes a re gencwted and the rate at which they recombine must be equal. The generatiun and recomb ination 5.1 The Semiconductor in Equilibrium are schemati cally , hoWII in Figure 6. 1. The Semiconductor in Equilibrium Let GIIO are and Gpo be the thermaJ ..gcllcrat ioJ1 r:'ltes of I! lec.:tnms and Electrons continually being thermally excited from the valence band into the conduction band by the random of the thermal of process. tive ly,nature given in un)\:-' #/cm·1 -s. For the dire ct ba nd-tO·band gene rati (m. the electrons At the same time, electrons moving randomly through the crystal in the conduction band may come in close and holes are created in pairs, so we have that proximity to holes and ”fall” into the empty states in the valence band. This recombination process annihilates both the electron and hole. Since the net carrier concentrations are independent of time in thermal equilibrium, the rate at which electrons and holes are generated and the rate(6.1) at which they recombine must be equal. The generation and recombination processes are schematically shown in Figure 14. '. e e- -rr---------:: . -Ir--- Electron-h(llc f:,. EleClrl)n-hnlc ,<comb;,,''';ol> E:, -, Figure 14: Electron-hole generation and recombination. Figure fl. I I Eleclron-hole ge llt!ratioll and rccu lilhimu ion, Let Gn0 and Gp0 be the thermal-generation rates of electrons and holes, respectively, given in units of cm−3 s−1 . For the direct band-to-band generation, the electrons and holes are created in pairs, so we must have that Gn0 = Gp0 (64) Let Rn0 and Rp0 be the recombination rates of electrons and holes, respectively, for a semiconductor in thermal equilibrium, again given in units of cm−3 s−1 . In direct band-to-band recombination, electrons and holes recombine in pairs, so that Rn0 = Rp0 (65) In thermal equilibrium. the concentrations of electrons and holes are independent of time: therefore, the generation and recombination rates are equal: Gn0 = Gp0 = Rn0 = Rp0 5.2 (66) Excess Carrier Generation and Recombination Excess Carrier Generation and Recombination Additional notation is introduced in this chapter. Table 3 lists some of the more pertinent symbols used throughout the chapter. Other symbols will be defined as we advance through the chapter. Electrons in the valence band may be excited into the conduction band when, for example, high-energy photons are incident on a semiconductor. When this happens, not only is an electron created in the conduction band, but a hole is created in the valence band; thus an electron-hole pair is generated. 17 Symbol n0 , p 0 CHAPTER 8 Definition Thermal equilibrium electron and hole concentrations (independent of time and also usually position) n, p Total electron and Excess C3frle;S in hole concentrations (may be functions of time and/or position) δn = n − n0 Excess electron and hole concentrations δp = p − p0 (may be functions of time and/or position) gn0 , gp0 Excess electron and hole generation rates Rn0 , Rp0 Excess electron and hole recombination rates τn0 , τp0 Excess minority carrier electron and hole lifetimes where /1<) and Po are the thernlal-equilibrium and b/l and J" are the excess electron and hole concentrations. Figure 6.2 .,hows the excess electron-hole generation process and the resulting carrier concentrations. The external force has Table 3: Relevant notation used in this chapter. pcnurbed the equilibrium condition sO that the semiconductor is 11 0 longer in thermal equilibrium. We may note from Equations (6.5a) and (6.5b) that. in a nooequilibrium ·The . additional ) holes con dIlIon. np .t. -relectrons noP{) =andni . created are called excess electrons and excess holes. The excess electrons and holes are generated by an external force at a particular rate. A 0 generation of exc.ess dectrons and ho1es win n()t cause a cont\llual Let gn be the generation rate of excess electrons and gp0 be that of excess holes. buildup ofgeneration the carrier concentrations. As ca'eband-to-band of thermal equilibrium. an ele<:- I These rates also have units of cm−3 s−1 , soin for the the direct generation, the excess electrons andthe holesconduction are also created band in pairs may "fall down" into the valence band. leadillg to tile ' tron in gn0 = gp0 (67) process of "M;ess electron-hole recombination. Figure 6.3 show' this pr<)cess. Tile ! When excess electrons and holes are created, the concentration of electrons in the conduction band and of holes recombination for exC esS their clecuons is denoted by R;, and for excess holes by in the valence rate band increase above thermal-equilibrium values: Both parameters hnve units of #/cm' -s. nThe excess electrons and holes recombine in = n0 + δn (68) pairs. so the recombinarion rares must be equal, \Ve can then write and p = p0 + δp (69) (6.6) where n0 and p0 are the thermal-equilibrium concentrations, and δn and δp are the excess electron and hole concentrations. Figure 15 shows the excess electron-hole generation process and the resulting carrier concenIn the:: direct recombination that we are considering. the re<.·ombj· trations. nationTheoccurs Ihus. Ihe prObability ofthe ansemiconductor eleclron and externalspontaneously; force has perturbed the equilibrium condition so that is nohule longer recombinin thermal ing isequilibrium. constant with time. The rate at which electrons recombine must be proportional We may note from Equations (68) and (69) that, in a nonequilibrium condition np 6= n0 p0 = n2i + E,. + ... + + +, o/> Creationof of excess electron and hole by FigureFigure 6.21 15: Creation CXl'CSS electron anddensities hole densitie.s photons. A steady-state generation of excess electrons and holes will not cause a continual buildup of the carrier concentrations. As in the case of thermal equilibrium, an electron in the conduction band may ”fall down” into the valence band, leading to the process of excess electron-hole recombination. 18 - - E._ photons. - - + + +, E._ E•. Figure 16: Recombination of excess carriers reestablishing thermal equilibrium. Figure 6.31 Recombination of excess carriers reestablishing thermal equilibrium. Figure 16 shows this process. The recombination rate for excess electrons is denoted by Rn0 and for excess holes by Rp0 . Both parameters have units of cm−3 s−1 . The excess electrons and holes recombine in pairs, so the recombination rates must be equal: Rn0 = Rp0 (70) In the direct band-to-band recombination that we are considering, the recombination occurs spontaneously: thus the probability of an electron and hole recombinating is constant with time. The rate at which electrons recombine must be proportional to the electron concentration and must also be proportional to the hole concentration. If there are no electrons or holes, there can be no recombination. concentration can be written as dn(t) = αr n2i − n(t)p(t) dt where n(t) = n0 + δn(t) et p(t) = p0 + δp(t). The net rate of change in the electron (71) The first term, αr n2i , in Equation (71) is the thermal-equilibrium generation rate. Since excess electrons and holes are created and recombine in pairs, we have that δn(t) = δp(t). Excess electron and hole concentrations are equal so we can simply use the phrase excess carriers to mean either. The thermal-equilibrium parameters, n0 and p0 , being independent of time, Equation (71) becomes d(δn(t)) = αr n2i − (n0 + δn(t))(p0 + δp(t)) dt = −αr δn(t) [(n0 + p0 ) + δn(t)] (72) Equation (72) can easily be solved if we impose the condition of low-level injection. Low-level injection puts limits on the magnitude of the excess carrier concentration compared with the thermal equilibrium carrier concentrations. In an extrinsic n-type material, we generally have n0 p0 and in an extrinsic p-type material, we generally have p0 n0 material. Low-level injection means that the excess carrier concentration is much less than the thermal equilibrium majority carrier concentration. Conversely, high-level injection occurs when the excess carrier concentration becomes comparable to or greater than the thermal equilibrium majority carrier concentrations. 19 If we consider a p-type material (p0 n0 ) under low-Ievel injection (δn(t) p0 ), then Equation (72) becomes d(δn(t)) = −αr p0 δn(t) dt (73) The solution is an exponential decay from the initial excess concentration δn(t) = δn(0)e−αr p0 t = δn(0)e−t/τn0 (74) where τn0 = (αr p0 )−1 and is constant for low-level injection. Equation (74) describes the decay of excess minority carrier electrons so that τn0 is often referred to as the excess minority carrier Iifetime. The recombination rate, which is defined as a positive quantity, of excess minority carrier electrons can be written, using Equation (72), as Rn0 = −d(δn(t)) δn(t) = +αr p0 δn(t) = dt τn0 (75) For the direct band-to-band recombination, the excess majority carrier holes recombine at the same rate, so that for the p-type material Excess recombination rates in p-type material Rn0 = Rp0 = δn(t) τn0 (76) In the case of an n-type material (n0 p0 ) under low-level injection (δn(t) n0 ), the decay of minority carrier holes occurs with a time constant τp0 = (αr n0 )−1 , where τp0 is referred to as the excess minority carrier lifetime. The recombination rate of the majority carrier electrons will be the same as that of the minority carrier holes, so we have Excess recombination rates in n-type material Rn0 = Rp0 = δn(t) τp0 (77) The generation rates of excess carriers are not functions of electron or hole concentrations. In general, the generation and recombination rates may be functions of the space coordinates and time. 6 Characteristics of Excess Carriers Characteristics of Excess Carriers The generation and recombination rates of excess carriers are important parameters, but how the excess carriers behave with time and in space in the presence of electric fields and density gradients is of equal importance. The excess electrons and holes do not move independently of each other, but they diffuse and drift with the same effective diffusion coefficient and with the same effective mobility. This phenomenon is called ambipolar transport. The question is what is the effective diffusion and what is the effective mobility that characterizes the behavior of these excess carriers. The final results show that, for an extrinsic semiconductor under low injection the effective diffusion coefficient and mobility parameters are those of the minority carrier. 20 of holes in the differentiaJ yolume! elemcm with (jme. If we generJlJize to a men<ional hole flux, then the right side of Equation (6.16) I\lay be wrill : FirV:} • I ., I I ,.. ... L _ ____ ... ",-,- '- - ---""- / .t -f 7 - - -- .11· . dr F'lgurt: 6.4 1Differential volume showing Figure 17: Differential volume showing x component of the hole-particle flux. x component of the hole-pJlrticie flux. 6.1 Continuity Equation Continuity Equation Figure 17 shows a differential volume element in which a one-dimensional hole-particle flux is entering the differential element at x and is leaving the element at x + dx. + The parameter Fpx is the hole-particle flux, or flow, and has units of number of holes/cm2 s. For the x component of the particle current density shown, we may write + + Fpx (x + dx) = Fpx (x) + + ∂Fpx dx ∂x (78) + (x) where the differential length dx is small so that only the first two This equation is a Taylor expansion of Fpx terms in the expansion are significant. The net increase in the number of holes per unit time within the differential volume element due to the xcomponent of hole flux is given by + + ∂Fpx ∂p + dxdydz = Fpx (x) − Fpx (x + dx) dydz = − dxdydz ∂t ∂x (79) + + If Fpx (x) > Fpx (x + dx), for example, there will be a net increase in the number of holes in the differential yolume element with time. If we generalize to a three-dimensional hole flux, then the right side of Equation (79) + + may be written as −∇Fpx dxdydz where ∇Fpx is the divergence of the flux vector. We will limit ourselves to a one-dimensional analysis. The generation rate and recombination rate of holes will also affect the hole concentration in the differential volume. The net increase in the number of holes per unit time in the differential volume element is then given by ∂Fp+ p ∂p dxdydz = − dxdydz + gp dxdydz − dxdydz ∂t ∂x τpt (80) where p is the density of holes. The first term on the right side of Equation (80) is the increase in the number of holes per unit time due to the hole flux, the second term is the increase in the number of holes per unit time due to the generation of holes, and the last term is the decrease in the number of holes per unit time due to the recombination of holes. 21 The recombination rate for holes is given by p/τpt , where τpt includes the thermal equilibrium carrier lifetime and the excess carrier lifetime. If we divide both sides of Equation (80) by the differential volume dxdydz, the net increase in the hole concentration per unit time is ∂Fp+ ∂p p =− + gp − ∂t ∂x τpt (81) Equation (81) is known as the continuity equation for holes. Similarly, the one·dimensional continuity equation for electrons is given by ∂n ∂F − n = − n + gn − ∂t ∂x τnt (82) where Fn− is the electron-particle flow, or flux, also given in units of number of electrons/cm2 s. 6.2 Time-Dependent Diffusion Equations Time-Dependent Diffusion Equations We derived previously the hole and electron current densities, which are given, in one dimension, by Jp = eµp pE − eDp ∂p ∂x (83) Jn = eµn nE + eDn ∂n ∂x (84) and If we divide the hole current density by +e and the electron current density by −e, we obtain each particle flux: and Jp ∂p = Fp+ = µp pE − Dp +e ∂x (85) Jn ∂n = Fn− = −µn nE − Dn −e ∂x (86) Taking the divergence of Equations (85) and (86), and substituting back into the continuity Equations (81) and (82) we obtain ∂p ∂(pE) ∂2p p = −µp + Dp 2 + gp − (87) ∂t ∂x ∂x τpt and ∂n ∂(nE) ∂2n n = +µn + Dn 2 + gn − ∂t ∂x ∂x τnt (88) Keeping in mind that we are limited to a onedimensional analysis we can expand the derivatives as ∂p ∂E ∂(pE) =E +p ∂x ∂x ∂x Equations (87) and (88) can be written in the form ∂2p ∂E p ∂p ∂p Dp 2 − µp E +p + gp − = ∂x ∂x ∂x τpt ∂t and ∂2n ∂E n ∂n ∂n Dn 2 + µn E +n + gn − = ∂x ∂x ∂x τnt ∂t (89) (90) (91) Equations (90) and (91) are the time-dependent diffusion equations for holes and electrons, respectively. Since both the hole concentration p and the electron concentration n contain the excess concentrations, Equations (90) and (91) describe the space and time behavior of the excess carriers. The hole and electron concentrations are functions of both the thermal equilibrium and the excess values are given in Equations (69) and (68). 22 The thermal-equilibrium concentrations, n0 and p0 , are not functions of time. For the special case of a homogeneous semiconductor, n0 and p0 are also independent of the space coordinates. Equations (90) and (91) may be written in the form: ∂ 2 (δp) ∂(δp) ∂E p ∂(δp) Dp − µ E + p + gp − = p ∂x2 ∂x ∂x τpt ∂t and Dn ∂(δn) ∂E n ∂(δn) ∂ 2 (δn) + µ E + n + gn − = n ∂x2 ∂x ∂x τnt ∂t (92) (93) Note that the Equations (92) and (93) contain terms involving the total concentrations, p and n, and terms involving only the excess concentrations δp and δn. 7 Ambipolar Transport Ambipolar Transport Originally, we assumed that the electric field in the current Equations (83) and (84) was an applied electric field. This electric field term appears in the time-dependent diffusion equations given by Equations (92) and (93). If a pulse of excess electrons and a pulse of excess holes are created at a particular point in a semiconductor with an applied electric field, the excess holes and electron, will tend to drift in opposite directions. However, because the electrons and holes are charged particles, any separation will induce an internal electric field between the two sets of particles. . PT. R 6 NoneQuilibrium Csrtiers inthe Semcondu{. 1ors This internal electric field willExcess create a force attracting electrons and holes back toward each other. This effect is shown in Figure 18. The electric field term in Equations (92) and (93) is then composed of the ElIl'P , ,+ - : I + Elm I : - : + Figure (•.51 The cre(uion of an internal cicCIric f1ckl ,ISexcess electrons and holes lend In separate. Figure 18: The creation of an internal electric fields as excess electrons and holes tend to separate. externally applied field plus the induced internal field. This E-field may be written as E = Eapp + Eint (94) where E and is theaapplied electric and E holes is the induced internal electric ess electrons pulse of field excess nrc created atfield. a particular point in a sem Since the internal E-field creates a force attracting the electrons and hole, this E-field will hold the pulses of ductor with an applied electric excess electrons and excess holes together. field, the excess holes and electron, will telld The negatively charged electrons and positively charged holes then will drift or diffuse together with a single t in opposite directions. However. because the electrons and holes are charge effective mobility or diffusion coefficient. This separation phenomenon is called diffusion ambipolar transport. icles, any wiambipolar ll ind uce anor internal electric field between the two scts icles. This illlernal electric field will create a force attmcting the electrons a es back toward each o ther. This effecI 23is shown in Figure 6 .5. The electric fie m in Equati ons (6.29) and (6.30) is the n composed of the externally applied fie app int It is possible to show that, in the presence of ambipolar transport the time-dependent diffusion equation becomes D0 ∂ 2 (δn) ∂(δn) ∂(δn) + µ0 E +g−R= 2 ∂x ∂x ∂t where D0 = (95) µn nDp + µp pDn µn n + µp p (96) µn µp (p − n) µn n + µp p (97) and µ0 = and R = Rn = p n = Rp = . τnt τpt (98) Equation (95) is called ambipolar transport equation and describes the behavior of the excess electrons and holes in time and space. The parameter D0 is called the ambipolar diffusion coefficient and µ0 is called the ambipolar mobility. Einstein relation relates the mobility and diffusion coefficient by µp e µn = = Dn Dp kT The (99) Using these relations, the ambipolar diffusion coefficient may be written in the form D0 = Dn Dp (n + p) Dn n + Dp p (100) The ambipolar diffusion coefficient D0 and the ambipolar mobility µ0 are functions of the electron and hole concentrations, n and p, respectively. Since both n and p contain the excess-carrier concentration δn, the coefficient in the ambipolar transport equation are not constants. The ambipolar transport equation, given by Equation (95), then, is a nonlinear differential equation. 7.1 Limits of Extrinsic Doping and Low Injection Limits of Extrinsic Doping and Low Injection The ambipolar transport equation may be simplified and linearized by considering an extrinsic semiconductor and by considering low-level injection. The ambipolar diffusion coefficient, from Equation (100), may be written as D0 = Dn Dp [(n0 + δn) + (p0 + δn)] Dn (n0 + δn) + Dp (p0 + δn) (101) where n0 and p0 are the thermal-equilibrium electron and hole concentrations, respectively, and δn is the excess carrier concentration. If we consider a p-type semiconductor, we can assume that p0 n0 . The condition of low-level injection, or just low injection, means that the excess carrier concentration is much smaller than the thermal-equilibrium majority carrier concentration. For the p-type semiconductor, then, low injection implies that δn p0 . Assuming that n0 p0 and δn p0 , and assuming that Dn and Dp are on the same order of magnitude, the ambipolar diffusion coefficient from Equation (101) reduces to D0 = Dn (102) If we apply the conditions of an extrinsic p-type semiconductor and low injection to the ambipolar mobility, Equation (97) reduces to µ0 = µn (103) It is important to note that for an extrinsic p-type semiconductor under low injection, the ambipolar diffusion coefficient and the ambipolar mobility coefficient reduce to the minority-carrier electron parameter values, which are constant. 24 The ambipolar transport equation reduces to a linear differential equation with constant coefficients. If we now consider an extrinsic n-type semiconductor under low injection, we may assume that p0 n0 and δn n0 . The ambipolar diffusion coefficient reduces to D0 = Dp (104) µ0 = −µp (105) and the ambipolar mobility reduces to The ambipolar parameters again reduce to the minority-carrier values, which are constants. Note that, for the n-type semiconductor, the ambipolar mobility is a negative value. The ambipolar mobility term is associated with carrier drift, therefore, the sign of the drift term depends on the charge of the particle. The equivalent ambipolar particle is negatively charged, as one can see by comparing Equations (93) and (95). If the ambipolar mobility reduces to that of a positively charged hole, a negative sign is introduced as shown in Equation (105). The remaining terms we need to consider in the ambipolar transport equation are the generation rate and the recombination rate. Recall that the electron and hole recombination rates are equal and were given by R = Rn = n p = Rp = τnt τpt (106) where τnt and τpt are the mean electron and hole lifetimes. If we consider the inverse lifetime functions, then 1/τnt is the probability per unit time that an electron will encounter a hole and recombine. Likewise, 1/τpt is the probability per unit time that a hole will encounter an electron and recombine. If we again consider an extrinsic p-type semiconductor under low injection the concentration of majority carrier holes will be essentially constant, even when excess carriers are present. Then, the probability per unit time of a minority carrier electron encountering a majority carrier hole will be essentially constant. Hence τnt = τn , minority carrier electron lifetime, will remain a constant for the extrinsic p-type semiconductor under low injection. Similarly, if we consider an extrinsic n-type semiconductor under low injection, the minority carrier hole lifetime, τpt = τp , wilI remain constant. Even under the condition of low injection, the minority carrier hole concentration may increase by several orders of magnitude. The probability per unit time of a majority carrier electron encountering a hole may change drastically. The majority carrier lifetime, then may change substantially when excess carriers are present. Consider, again, the generation and recombination terms in the ambipolar transport equation. For electrons we may write g − R = gn − Rn = (Gn0 + gn0 ) − (Rn0 + Rn0 ) where Gn0 and terms Rn0 and (107) gn0 are the thermal-equilibrium electron and excess electron generation rates, respectively. The Rn0 are the thermal-equilibrium electron and excess electron recombination rates, respectively. For thermal equilibrium, we have that Gn0 = Rn0 (108) So Equation (107) reduces to g − R = gn0 − Rn0 = gn0 − δn τn (109) δp τp (110) where τn is the excess minority carrier electron lifetime. For the case of holes we obtain g − R = gp0 − Rp0 = gp0 − where τp is the excess minority carrier hole lifetime. generation rate for excess holes. The generation rate for excess electrons must equal the We may then define a generation rate for excess carriers as g 0 , so that gn0 = gp0 = g 0 . 25 We also determined that the minority carrier lifetime is essentially a constant for low injection. Then the term g − R in the ambipolar transport equation may be written in terms of the minority-carrier parameters. The ambipolar transport equation, given by Equation (95), for a p-type semiconductor under low injection then becomes ∂(δn) ∂ 2 (δn) δn ∂(δn) + µn E Dn + g0 − = (111) ∂x2 ∂x τn0 ∂t The parameter δn is the excess minority carrier electron concentration, the parameter τn0 is the minority carrier lifetime under low injection, and the other parameters are the usual minority carrier electron parameters. Similarly for the case of an extrinsic n-type semiconductor under low injection we have Dp ∂ 2 (δp) ∂(δp) δp ∂(δp) + µp E + g0 − = 2 ∂x ∂x τp0 ∂t (112) The parameter δp is the excess minority carrier hole concentration, the parameter τp0 is the minority carrier lifetime under low injection, and the other parameters are the usual minority carrier hole parameters. It is important to note that the transport and recombination parameters in Equations (111) and (112) are those of the minority carrier. Equations (111) and (112) describe the drift, diffusion, and recombination of excess minority carriers as a function of spatial coordinates and time. Recall that we had imposed the condition of charge neutrality; the excess minority carrier concentration is equal to the excess majority carrier concentration. The excess majority carriers, then, diffuse and drift with the excess minority carriers: thus the behavior of the excess majority carrier is determined by the minority carrier parameters. Table 4 summarizes the possible simplifications of the ambipolar transport equation Specification Effect Steady state ∂(δn) ∂(δp) ∂t = 0, ∂t = 0 2 ∂ 2 (δn) (δp) Dn ∂x2 = 0, Dp ∂ ∂x 2 Uniform distribution of excess carriers (uniform generation rate) Zero electric field No excess carrier generation No excess carrier recombination (infinite lifetime) =0 ∂(δp) E ∂(δn) ∂x = 0, E ∂x = 0 0 g =0 δp δn τn0 = 0, τp0 = 0 Table 4: Common ambipolar transport equation simplifications. 7.2 Dielectric Relaxation Time Constant Dielectric Relaxation Time Constant We have assumed in the previous analysis that a quasi-neutrality conditions exists, that is, the concentration of excess holes is balanced by an equal concentration of excess electrons. Suppose that we have a situation as shown in Figure 19, in which a uniform concentration of holes δp is suddenly injected into a portion of the surface of a semiconductor. We will instantly have a concentration of excess holes and a net positive charge density that is not balanced by a concentration of excess electrons. How is charge neutrality achieved and how fast? There are three defining equations to be considered. Poisson’s equation ∇·E= ρ (113) The current equation, Ohm’s law, is J = σE (114) The continuity equation neglecting the effect of generation and recombination is ∇·J=− 26 ∂ρ ∂t (115) '\I - J= - 8t Figure 6.10 \ The injectlon of a concentration of hole... into a Slllall region O1lthe of an n-type Figure 19: The injection of a concentration of holes into a small region at the surface of an n-type semiconductor. The parameter ρ is the net charge density and the initial value is given by e(δp). semiconductor. We will assume that (δp) is uniform over a short distance at the surface. The parameter is the permittivity of the semiconductor. Taking the divergence of Ohm’s law and using Poisson’s equation, we find ∇ · J = σ∇ · E = σρ (116) Substituting Equation (116) into the continuity equation we have σρ ∂ρ dρ =− =− ∂t dt (117) Since Equation (117) is a function of time only, we can write the equation as a total derivative. Equation (117) can be rearranged as dρ σ = ρ=0 dt Equation (118) is a first-order differential equation whose solution is ρ(t) = ρ(0)e−t/τd (118) (119) where σ and is called the dielectric relaxation time constant. τd = 8 (120) Quasi-Fermi Energy Levels Quasi-Fermi Energy Levels The thermal-equilibrium electron and hole concentrations are functions of the Fermi energy level. We can write n0 = ni exp and p0 = ni exp EF − EF i kT EF i − EF kT (121) (122) where EF and EF i are the Fermi energy and intrinsic Fermi energy, respectively, and ni is the intrinsic carrier concentration. Figure 20(a) shows the energy-band diagram for an n-type semiconductor in which EF > EF i . For this case, we may note from Equations (121) and (122) that n0 > ni and p0 < ni as we would expect. Similarly, Figure 20(b) shows the energy-band diagram for a p-type semiconductor in which EF < EF i . 27 (6.853) t----F.r >. - - - - - - - - - - - - - £F gu ----- --------------- £FI -gt' -------------------- - ? e .. -,. .•:--•.-: ,,; , .. •. E· iLi .." . - '" '. - "' ...•- .-. £. . EFt - - - - - - - - - - - - - E,. :.: r f l' (a) Figure 6.1 41 Thcnnal-cqu ilibriultl energY-band diagr.t.mfl f()f (a) n-type Figure 20: Thermal-equilibrium energy-band diagram for (a) n-type semiconductor and (b) p-type semiconducscmicunduc\ur ant! (lJ) P-\)'pe tor. Again we may note from Equations (121) and (122) that n0 < ni and p0 > ni , as we would expect for the p-type material. These results are for thermal equilibrium. If excess carriers are created in a semiconductor, we are no longer in thermal equilibrium and the Fermi energy is strictly no longer defined. However, we may define a quasi-Fermi level for electrons and a quasi-Fermi level for holes that apply for nonequilibrium. If δn and δp are the excess electron and hole concentrations, respectively, we may write: EF n − EF i n0 + δn = ni exp kT and p0 + δp = ni exp EF i − EF p kT (123) (124) where EF n and EF p are the quasi-Fermi energy levels for electrons and holes, respectively. The total electron concentration and the total hole concentration are functions of the quasi-Fermi levels. Figure 21a shows the energy-band diagram with the Fermi energy level corresponding to thermal equilibrium. Figure 21b shows the energy-band diagram under the nonequilibrium condition. Since the majority carrier electron concentration does not change significantly for this low-injection condition, the quasi-Fermi level for electrons is not much different from the thermal-equilibrium Fermi level. The quasi-Fermi energy level for the minority carrier holes is significantly different from the Fermi level and illustrates the fact that we have deviated from thermal equilibrium significantly. Since the electron concentration has increased, the quasi-Fermi level for electrons has moved slightly closer to the conduction band. The hole concentration has increased significantly so that the quasi-Fermi level for holes has moved much closer to the valence band. 28 CHAPT.R 8 N'onequilibfium Excess Carners in SemiConductors O.2984cV tI--------T--------.------'------'" tl t ,,,,-:1,.,,,.,.. , . ;; ----l---------------___ -___ t _________ ===",..!'f! En b •g tE;1 . 1 B .... ... . . w ± 0.29&2 cV 0.2982 eV 10.171) eV .". t. til (a) (b) fIgure 6.15 I (a) 'n1ermal-equilibtium energy-band diagram for N. = 10" cm- 1 and Figure 21: (a) Thermal-equilibrium energy-band diagram for Nd = 1015 cm−3 and n0 = 1010 cm−3 . (b) Quasi10 cm- .1. (b) Quasi-Fermi no· 10 levels forcarriers electrons and holes jf lOll cm -:'I excess Fermi levels for electrons and holes if 1013 cm−3 excess are present. = carriers arc present. increased significantly so that the quasi-Fermi level for hole.' has concenlration moved much closer to Ihe valence band. We will consider the quasi-Fenni energy le\'els agalo when we discuss forv.;ard-blased pn junctions, TEST YOUR UNDERSTANDING £ 6. 10 Silicon.u T ::: 300 K is doped at impurity t:oncentrations of Nil N<,l = 101(, and =- O. Exces.s carriers are generated such th2a\ the steady-stale va\ues are =5 X cm- J . (a) Calculate the thermal equilibrium Fenni level with respect to En. (b) Detennine £1'" and E,.·p with respect 10 En . [AO L69Z'O d" 3 - 1$.'1 A' 98P£'O 1i3 - "'3 (q) 6n = 8p ',\ ' £6.11 = [L.[ ·O = "'3 - J :] (v) " "VI ImpuritycQncenlfat;ons of Nd::: lUI S cm) "md NIJ -::::6 x C\l\- ·l are added to silicon at T 300 K. Excess carriers are generated in the material such that the steady-stale COnCCOlf'dlions are 8n ;: lJp 2 X 10 14 c m - l . (a) Find the ,henna) 29 equilibrium Ftrmi leve l with respect 10 En · (b) Calculate £"11 and F. rp with respect 10 EN· LA' W[£'O JJ3 - " 3 'A. O'>.Z·O= "3 - "<llq) = = =