Technical University of Kosice Faculty of Civil Engineering

Technical University of Kosice
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Visiting address:
Head of the Institute of
Architectural Engineering
Application Deadline:
Tuition and Fees:
Student Population:
Student service/activities:
Admission Requirements:
Stavebn? fakulta Technickej
univerzity v Kosicia
Vysokoskolsk? 4
042 00 Kosice
Slovak Republic
GPS coords:
Dusan Katunsky
00421 55 602 4157
00421 55 633 3303
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Technical
University of Kosice
The Civil Engineering Faculty, as a part of
the Technical University of Kosice in
Slovakia was established in 1976
(February 20, 1977).? In 2010 CEF has
celebrated 33th anniversary. Within the
further development of educational and
Prof. Ing. PhD. Dusan Katunsky
research process it has the stable position
between the TUKE faculties. Faculty has
accreditation in two research areas:? in the
field 05 design, engineering, technology
and water management with the grade A-,
Deadline for sending Applications is the end of June.?The Beginning of Academic Year is
and in the field 10 Environmental Science
September 1st. Enrolment takes place several days before the courses start.
and Ecology, with the grade B. The Civil
Tuition fees for academic year 2010/2011:
Engineering Faculty is authorized to
perform the bachelor, master and doctoral
Fee for bachelor program is 4500 euro per year.?Fee for master program is 5500 euro per
study within four branches: Architectural
year.?Fee for doctoral program is 7000 euro per year.
Engineering, Structural Engineering, Civil
Our university is in the very pleasant situation of being able to accommodate all foreign students Engineering and Environmental
Engineering. The faculty is authorized to
in dormitories. However, some of them need to be modernized. Some accommodations at the
perform habilitation and inauguration within
Student Hall of Residence at Jedl?kova street, which is one of the newest dormitories. Every
these branches. The study programs are
student has a furnished room with access to a kitchen, a bathroom and recreational space.
oriented to Architectural Engineering,
Guest students are requested to strictly observe the rules of the house and to show some
Building Design, Indoor Sciences, Theory,
courtesy towards their fellow students. The average rate for a twin-bed furnished room is 70
Analysis and Design of Structures, Traffic
Euro/ month. The student canteen serves breakfast, lunch and dinner during the whole week.
There are several bistros and bars which serve food and refreshments at low prices in the area and Environmental Engineering, as
of the university campus. Students staying at the Hall of Residence are registered at the Police Technology, Economics and Management
in Civil Engineering. The strategy of faculty
for foreigners, so pay attention to the visa requirements.
education development is based on
present needs of Slovak Civil Engineering
as well as on present foreign trends. The
The Technical University of Košice was founded in 1952, but its roots must be sought
crucial research-educational units of the
much deeper in the past.?The true birth of the Košice Technical College came on 8th
faculty are: Institute of Structural
July 1952, when the Czechoslovak Government issued Directive No.30/1952 Statutes setting
Engineering, Institute of Building and
up three faculties, namely the Faculties of Heavy Engineering, Mining and Metallurgy. These
Environmental Engineering and Institute of
were joined in 1969 by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and in 1978 by the Faculty of Civil
Civil Engineering Technology Economics
and Management. The institutes consist of
involved departments and laboratories.
16000 students (8500 Bachelor, 4000 Master, 500 PhD) 0 % foreign
They together co-provide the study
900 Staff members (900 full-time and approx. 0 visiting lectures and critics)
program in their specific study branch as
well as they provide research and scientific
work in related professional areas.
Nowadays more than 1100 full time
Applicants from foreign countries will be admitted without any examination on the basis of
students study at the Civil Engineering
credentials certifying completion of preparatory studies:?
Faculty. During its existence the faculty
- The requirement for the bachelor and master degree courses is a High School/Secondary? ?
has graduated more than 5 thousands
School Graduation Certificate, and sufficient English for English speaking courses.?
three hundred engineers. The quality high
- The requirement for the PhD. courses Is the Master graduation certificate.
level education is confirmed by positive
professional acceptation. A lot of
graduates are known leading personalities
of Civil Engineering.
Master of Science
4 terms
Master of Science [Architectural and Indoor Engineering] (120 ECTS)
Bachelor of Science
8 terms
Bachelor of Science [Architectural and Indoor Engineering] (0 ECTS)
PhD Course
8 terms
PhD Course [Architectural and Indoor Engineering] (0 ECTS)
EAAE Guide to European Architecture Schools: SK-03 - Page 1
Research Activities
The Faculty of Civil Engineering project
activities in R&D 2010 were except for the
classic line of basic research supported by
the two projects OPR & D Research
Center for Excellent Advanced Integrated
Building Structures, Materials and
Technologies (4 million EUR). Within the
operational program Research and
Development the faculty obtained 2 other
Bachelor Programme
The graduates of bachelor programme in
Architectural and Indoor Engineering
are proficient in using mathematical and
scientific principles to develop materials
into systems that meet current demands.
They focus on green building design and
are able to coordinate engineering systems
in buildings, take care of primary needs
such as structural architecture, indoor
architecture, heat and air conditioning,
ventilation, acoustics and lights. Graduates
of this programme are well prepared to
pursue further education at master level.
Architectural and Indoor Engineering
graduates focus on building architecture,
indoor architecture, building and indoor
materials, structures, heating, ventilating
and air conditioning, acoustics, lighting and
management. The TUKE Master of
Architectural and Indoor Engineering
degree was created to meet the diverse
needs of the building industry. The
engineering of buildings is a large field,
with many positions in all areas of
Architectural and Indoor Engineering,
particularly in design sustainable, green
and smart buildings. The graduates work
closely with architects.
Theory of Architectural and Indoor
? - Duration of study: 4 years
? - This programme is oriented towards
students who need to develop more
knowledge about buildings. Students are
expected to have educational backgrounds
in disciplines such as architecture, building
engineering, indoor engineering and
structural engineering. The programme
covers the basic aspects of architectural
and indoor engineering: building materials,
indoor sciences, building structures, green
buildings and smart indoor technologies. A
graduate of this programme has the ability
to clearly formulate and solve a scientific
problem in the area of sustainable
architecture and environmental indoor
design. The doctoral study is for
architectural and indoor engineers who
wish to be prepared for future scientific
EAAE Guide to European Architecture Schools: SK-03 - Page 2
projects aimed at the knowledge and
technologies transfer from research and
development into practice:?Architectural,
Structural, Technological and Economical
Aspects Designed for Energy Efficient