© 1969 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. A METHOD FOR CALCULATING RESONANT FREQUENCIES, MODE STRVCTURE AND FIELD FLATNESS IN AN ALVAREZ TYPE LINAC CAVITY R. L. Gluckstern+, University of Massachusetts, and M. J. Lee, R. Chasman and H. K. Peterson Brookhaven National Laboratory Amherst Summary The method of Walkinshaw, Sahel and Outram has been extended to cavities consisting of drift tube loaded cells with varying lengths in order to determine the field flatness and sensitivity to errors for the various modes of a realistic linac. A computational program has been written which gives the resonant frequency and field pattern for a multi-cell cavity with arbitrary drift tube lengths and gap The object of the study is to lengths. obtain the following information: 1) Mode structure and resonant frequencies of a cavity consisting of several identical cells in order to obtain the dis2) Sensitivity of the persion curve. field flatness to dimensional errors for 3) Mode structhe zero and n/2 modes. ture and field flatness for a cavity consisting of several cells with differing Results of these geometrical parameters. computations are presented and discussed. are corrected by "ttuners" which are adjusted to yield the desired fields, along the lines suggested by the above analogues. When the (conceptual) end walls on each cell are removed, the varying geometry will cause a readjustment of the field patterns. No reliable estimate of this effect has yet been made. In the such effects have been hidden in past, the construction imperfections and are removed by tuners. However, the advent of compensated* structures provides multicell cavities that are insensitive to construction errors. This property also brings with it the inability to correct any undesired field patterns by tuners. The purpose of this work is to present a method for determining the field pattern for a multi-cell assembly of tuned cells of varying geometry. The method also permits the study of the effect of tuning errors. In addition, one can examine these sensitivities for compensated structures by studying the effect of errors on the 7r/2 mode. A further by-product of the method is that it permits a study of the dispersion curves for several of the bands which occur in an accelerating structure. Introduction The conventional procedure for obtaining the proper parameters to resonate a multi-cell linac cavity in a mode which provides a desired accelerating field pattern is the following: cell parameters are deter1) Single mined, either by computation1 or by modeling, to provide resonance at a given frequency. 2) The lengths of adjacent cells are adjusted so that a particle moving at synchronous phase through the fields of each cell will gain the necessary energy to remain in step. 3) The multi-cell cavity is then taken to be an assembly of these single cells without end walls. By analogy with the properties of a tapered wave guide, or a wave guide filled with a medium whose dielectric constant varies with axial distance, or a chain of coupled the field variation resonant circuits, is expected to vary with axial distance Any imperfections in the desired way. which cause perturbations of the field Model The structure to be analyzed is shown in Figure 1. In analogy with the method of Walkinshaw, Sahel and Outramj, one considers the field within the drift tube radius r=a to be independent of z and determined by the single parameter En in the ns gap. The electric field in the n!& gap is then Jo(kr) EZ = En Jo0 where k = w/c with the magnetic field given in terms of En by Maxwell's equations. The axial electric field in the region between the drift tube radius r=a, and the wave guide 340 radius r=b is expanded in the mnsn form Hna(m) Fo(kr) EZ = f oFo(ka) m t Cf cos lm (2) m7rsL mng mwR sin "sin -%x = cosdtcos~ 8g2/m2T2gngF. and sn is the distance from of the cavity to the center gap with length g,. (8) the end wall of the ng where Yo(Kmb) Fo(Kmr) = Yo(Kmr) - Jo(Kmr) J0 m Here F1kmr) = Yl(Krnr) - J1(Kmr) Yo(Kma) Jo0 (9) Gl(umr) = Kl(u,r) t Il(umr) Ko(l-lma) I0 m , (10) (3) Go(l-lmr) = Ko(limr) - Io(umr) Kohmb) m 0 m c for (F) gives (4) F. - k* = urn2 ) 0 one now forms the PnR(k)E n = EQ to the L = 1,2,...N form (11) vector and Our model is not expected to work for those cases where the electric field is not approximately uniform in each gap. This shows up in the numerical work by an inability to obtain solutions for those modes where the electric field is not concentrated in the gaps. This difficulty can probably be removed by taking one additional parameter to describe the first harmonic of the axial electric field within each gap. ‘- Numerical Results and Discussion A computer program has been written to perform the calculations represented by Eq. (11) and the auxiliary Equations (12), (71, (81, (3), (41, (91, (10). In particular, one calculates Det A for a given choice of frequency and then searches for those values of frequency for Since some of the which Det A vanishes. resonant frequencies of a long cavity are reasonably close together, high accuracy is required in the calculation (of the order of one part per million for various This components like Bessel functions). is achieved in Eq. (7) by cutting off the sum at a relatively high value of m, after which an asymptotic form is used for high m, permitting the analytic evaluation of the remaining sum to m = m. fol- (6) where +iH (m) m=l nR in matrix = gR P&kc) - dnR (12) z For our model the resonant frequencies are determined by the vanishing of the determinant of A and the relative field strengths EL aren#ien determined by Eq.(ll). (5) /dvE' it can be shown in general th$t q2 will be a minimum, and equal to k, , where w /27i = k c/2rr is the correct resonant q2 fPequencyO In our case, we consider to be a function of our choice of k and the individual En. It can be shown that q2 will be a minimum, subject to the var iation of k and each En, if the average magnetic field on each side of the r=a boundary of each gap is equal. We therefore impose this condition as the means of determining the proper values of k and En in our model. These conditions lead lowing system of linear N cell cavity of length (6) AnR (k) quantity q2 = /dv(Vx?)2 Eq. C AnQ(k)ER = 0 R where E Iz is a column The magnezc field and radial electric field are given in terms of f, by Maxwell's equations. The coefficients fm are expressed as a linear combination of E, at r=a. of the En by continuity If Rewriting (7) The program has been applied study the following three specific blems: 341 to pro- Dispersion Curves for Uniform Structures gap tube termination) calculation was performed and the effect on field flatness of moving in an end wall was studThe result of a 10% shortening of ied. the gap of the last cell is to lower the resonant freauencv by 0.11% and to perturb the average field by the amount given in Table I. One cell calculations were performed for a cell geometry corresponding to 6 = .4 and f fi 800 MC, for both half drift tube and half gap terminations. From these one finds both the zero mode and TI mode frequencies5 which are plotted were in Figure 2. These calculations then repeated for both two-cell and fiveand by examining 1) the cell cavities, presence or absence of solutions of Det A = 3 in a given frequency range, 2) the relative values of En and 3) the resultant field configuration, one can infer the These points are phase change per cell. also shown in Figure 2 and suggest the dispersion curves which are drawn connecting these points. Table Gap No. 0 The three dotted lines shown are the dispersion curves for the TM51 and TMo2 modes in an unloaded wave guide and the lowest coaxial TM mode (apart from TEN) in a cavity loaded by a central conducting post whose radius is equal to that The lowest band (and of the drift tube. possibly the next higher band) in our calculation can be understood as the equivalent TKol wave guide mode loaded by drift tubes which are expected to depress the frequency since they remove primarily Iiowever , it should be electric field. pointed out that the R mode resonance on the curve at % 1000 MC does not occur in our calculation and the modes adjacent tc the 71 mode may not be reliably since the assumption cf uniestimated, form field in the gap is of questionFor this for these modes. able validity the calculations are being modireason, fied to include a second term in the gap represenzing the possibility of a nonuniform gap field. The second MC can very likely perturbation on the frequency of by to be raised coaxial post to AE g for O-mode 0 m for 5 - mode 0 1 .02% -O.ClX 2 . 1% +o.c275 3 .2% +0.16% 5% 5 1% -o.gg?a 6 3% -1.24% The same end-wall perturbation was also applied f'or the n/2-mode, causing a frequency shift cf ru 0.01% and a field perturbation shown as the last column The n/2-mode appears to be in Table II. more stable to errors. as is recognized by those2 who advocate an equivalent n/2-mode configuration by using resonant coupling via stems, posts, side cavities, etc. Effect of Non-Uniform Flatness Structure on Field We have also made a preliminary study of the effect of assembling tuned cells of differing geometry (such as in a drift tube linac) on the field flatness. The first calculations for a 5 cell cavity (representing 5 consecutive cells near B = .087 in the BML 200 Kev linac) showed extremely small non-uniformity. This effect was then exaggerated by placing together in a cavity widely The results are separated linac cells. analyzed to determine the dependence of field non-uniformity on both the change in cell geometry (or B) in adjacent cells and the number of cells in the cavity. These results are given in Table II as a function of both the number of cells and the change in B between adjacent cells. zero mode shown at 1842 be understood as a the coaxial mode, since this mode is expected cutting slots in the allow for the gaps. It is clear from the above that the method provides a means of calculating the dispersion curves and field patterns for the bands of widest interest in an aximuthally symmetric uniform accelerating structure. Sensitivity I to Errors A preliminary investigation of the sensitivity to errors has been carried out for both the lowest mode (zero mode at 798 MC) and the n/2 mode at 874 MC. (with half For the zero mode, a 6 cell 342 Table N (cell II Af F- 18 ,% .0036% 3 36% .0175% 3 54% .OJO2% 18% 18% .oo46% .0051% 7 around AE E-(end to end) to cell) 3 5 (centered The results in Table II can write approximately It is possible to proximate dependences (111) by assuming that between adjacent cells ment of The equivalent an amount proportional tive length difference cells, Since the cells length this results in of suggest that 1.2% CL, - E/N .gE (end to end) .022 .OOll ,025 1.8% -020 2.1% .017 40016 2.7% 4.7% one .029 about dispersion curves, sensitivity to and non-uniform geometry for a errors, cavity consisting of many cells. The results should provide a firmer foundation for the analysis of these effects via circuit chains, since our model inherently contains the influence of adjacent bands. understand the apin Eqs. (13) and removal of the walls requires readjustcell boundary by to 6$/R, the relabetween the two are of different a cell detuning Foo",notes -- K ~~- .0014 .0014 .0014 (9 G-- n %KiE 'n ' 6% 6 = .087) and References 66 E;ntl ' ntl to the left and right of the read'usted boundary between the nth and n+lS i! cell. The average frequency change fcr the entire cavity is then an average of Eqs. (15) and (16) over the cavity, which is then proportional to (8a/B)2, as Lndicated by the results in the Table II as represented by Eq. (14). w * Work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Atomic Ene-rgy Commission. t &Supported by the Ilational Science Poundation. 1. See for example, Young, Christian, Edwards, Mills, Swenson and van Bladel, Proceedings of the International Conference on Sector Focussed Cyclotrons and Meson Factories, CERN 1963, CERN 63-19, p. 372 (1963). 2. Swenson, Knapp, Potter and Schneider Proceedings of the 6th International Coljference on High Energy Accelerators, Cambridge, Mass., p. 167 (1967); S. T. Giordano and J. Hannwacker, Proceedings of the 1968 Proton Linac Conference Brookhaven, ENL 50120 (c-54) p. 565 (ig68). 3. Walkinshaw, Sabel and Outram, AERE Report T/M 104 (1954). 4. In the case of a structure terminated by half cells, the sum over n runs from 0 to N, with the first and last terms reduced by a factor 2. 5. The T-mode resonances occur only for the half gap tube termination, as required by the boundary ccnditions at the cell walls. Equations (15) and (16) also indicate that results in adjacent cells tend to compensate for one another, except for the first and last cells, where one has frequency perturbations proportional to This is well known to cause a + 66/B. Field tilt proportional tc the product of the detuning and the number of cells, in agreement with Eq. (13). These results can be extrapolated to the first cavity of the BNL 200 MeV linac. The result is a predicted field tilt of t I%, which is unlikely to affect the dynamics in a serious way. In summary, the model presented is capable of yielding relevant information 343 Fig. 1. Idealized Alvarez-Type Tube Structure I 0 I I PHASE Fig. 2. I SHWT Drift I 2r J PER CELL Resonant Frequencies and Dlspersion Curves for Uniform Structure (Dotted Lines are Dispersion Curves for Unloaded Guides) 344