EMC MyService360 Personalized data. Actionable insights. ESSENTIALS • Geospatial maps that show how service activities are trending across your EMC portfolio • Real-time analysis of code levels across the install base, including the ability to drill down at a system level • Parts replacement tracking visualizations that demonstrate which parts are being used at which locations and at what time period BUSINESS CHALLENGES EMC knows that a Modern Data Center requires a Modern Customer Service Experience. MyService360™ is a new service-centric online dashboard that gives you deep visibility into the health and wellness of your EMC environment. It’s a new feature of EMC Online Support that provides visually compelling and intuitive ways to get personalized views of your global environments and service experience, powered by the EMC Data Lake™. SERVICE DESCRIPTION For all EMC customers, especially those with large install bases, MyService360 will modernize and simplify the customer service experience. The advanced visualizations deliver: • Improved IT health and risk management • Increased efficiencies from a simplified, unified services experience • Transparency and actionable intelligence across the global install base and product silos MyService360 is available to all customers who are registered with EMC Online Support and includes analysis of code levels, connectivity status, health and risk scoring, service activity views by site, incident management, and much more—all at no additional cost if you have a maintenance contract with EMC. SERVICE OVERVIEW SUPPORT TO MEET YOUR BUSINESS NEEDS A ONE-STOP-SHOP FOR SERVICE INFORMATION In the past, IT professionals have had to pull service and support information from many different locations—code level status from one place and parts replacement data from another. MyService360 solves that time-consuming dilemma and enables you to focus on contributing what matters to the business. Key benefits include: • Analysis of code levels: analyze how much of your install base is up to code and drill down at a system level. • Health and risk scoring: review this section regularly to further your proactive and predictive service experience with key health and risk indicators. • Service activity views by site: drill into various sites to understand which service activities require your attention most and what type of action is required. • Incident management: investigate proactive trending data to learn from service incident patterns. • Much more: log in and explore the many other features available in MyService360. And know that there’s also a lot more being planned for the future. When it comes to the potential of the EMC Data Lake, we’re just getting started. A BETTER WAY TO “MANAGE UP” The advanced data visualizations in MyService360 look amazing. But it goes much further than that. With so much personalized, actionable data at your fingertips, you’ll be well equipped to drive conversations and contribute to informed, data-driven decision making with management. With MyService360 you’ll be able to present at a high level (product family or site level) or at a system level. Put simply, EMC is committed to your success. CONTACT US To learn more about how EMC products, services, and solutions can help solve your business and IT challenges, contact your local representative or authorized reseller, visit www.emc.com, and explore and compare products in the EMC Store. ABOUT EMC GLOBAL SERVICES EMC Global Services accelerates the software-defined enterprise through world-class technical expertise and service capabilities that deliver well-run hybrid clouds, empower ITaaS providers, and enable new digital-era applications. Our 16,000+ services experts worldwide, plus global network of partners, have the skills, knowledge, and experience organizations need to get the maximum value from their EMC technology investments—with an unending commitment to an exceptional total customer experience through service excellence. EMC2, EMC, Data Lake, MyService360, and the .EMC logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of EMC Corporation in the United States and other countries. © Copyright 2016 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. Published in the USA. 04/16 H15047 EMC believes the information in this document is accurate as of its publication date. The information is subject to change without notice.