Citing Sources - APA Style (American Psychological Association) Information and Examples Ivy Tech Community College Northwest Northwest Libraries Note: Students should also comply with documentation requirements and expectations set by individual instructors that might supplement or depart from this guide. Citing Sources APA Style (December 2011) Page 1 Credit: Northwest Ivy Tech Libraries wish to acknowledge the work of North Central, Lafayette, and East Central Ivy Tech Libraries in enhancing the original documentation produced by Southwest. Sources consulted for this guide: Basics of APA style tutorial. (2009). APA style. Retrieved from American Psychological Association website: basics-tutorial.aspx American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, D.C.: Author. Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL), 24 August 2009. Online Writing Lab. Retrieved from http:// NoodleTools Issues of Ethics Academic Integrity and Plagiarism APA Style: In-text Citations and References In-text Citations and Basic Works Cited Formats Format for Citing Library Subscribed Databases AccessScience Biography Resource Center EBSCOhost databases Encyclopedia Britannica Health and Wellness Resource Center NetLibrary (ebooks) Opposing Viewpoints ProQuest databases Website or Online Periodical (not a subscribed database) Print Resources: Book with One Author Book with Two to Seven Authors Book: Edited and Book: Collection of Essays Encyclopedia Government Document: Testimony before Congress Journal: One Author and Journal: Multiple Authors Magazines: No Author Newspapers: No Author Audio Recording and Radio Broadcast Audio Speech Online Blog Radio Broadcast TV: News Broadcast TV: Series episode Motion Picture Title page for APA References list for APA Citing Sources APA Style (December 2011) 3 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8-9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 14 Page 2 Issues of Ethics Academic Integrity: Ivy Tech Community College is committed to academic integrity in all its practices. Cheating on papers, tests, or other academic works is a violation of College rules. No student shall engage in behavior that, in the judgment of the instructor of the class, may be construed as cheating. This may include, but is not limited to, plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty such as the acquisition without permission of tests or other academic materials and/or distribution of these materials and other academic work. This includes students who aid and abet, as well as those who attempt such behavior. Cases of student misconduct and/or lack of academic integrity are to be referred to the chief academic officer or chief student affairs officer. A student who violates the rules and regulations of the College may be subject to disciplinary actions which may include, but not limited to, the following: verbal reprimand; restitution for damages; restriction of privileges; failure of the assignment or course; withdrawal from a course, program or the College for the remainder of the semester or term; suspension from the College; dismissal from the College; student may appeal for reinstatement. Plagiarism: Much of your college education will involve learning what others have written and then integrating those ideas into your own thinking; however, in academic writing any ideas or words not credited to another are assumed to be those of the author. Plagiarism occurs when you fail to give credit for ideas not original to you. What must be acknowledged? Any direct quotation. The exact words quoted must be placed in quotation marks. Paraphrases and summaries of others’ ideas and/or words which provide background information, present facts not commonly known, and explain various positions on your topic. If an author presents an arguable assertion that may or may not be true, cite the source. Statistics, charts, tables, and graphs from any source. Credit all graphic material even if you create the graph. The College considers the purchase of research papers or the employment of a person or agency to prepare such papers to be plagiarism. In addition, though you may get help in writing your paper, there are limits to the amount of help you can honestly receive. Others may read your paper and point out weaknesses, but they must not rewrite the paper for you. A problem can also occur if you submit the same paper for more than one course. Discuss the assignment with your current instructor. Citing Sources APA Style (December 2011) Page 3 APA Style: References and In-Text Citations In-Text Citation Format (citing a source within your paper) APA If the author is named in the signal phrase, include the year of publication in parentheses and a page reference at the end to refer to a specific passage: According to Smithson (1999), a computer expert and university professor, “People, not computers, will create Millennium Mania” (p. 23). If the author is unnamed in the sentence, provide the name, date and page number at the end: One computer expert and university professor claims “people, not computers, will create Millennium Mania” (Smithson, 1999, p. 23). Basic References Formats At the end of your paper, list the cited sources using a style and format chosen by your instructor. The APA (American Psychological Association) style refers to this list as References. Use these basic citation forms as a guideline, and then examine the citation examples that follow. If your source does not provide a particular piece of information, skip it and move on to the next piece of your citation. Remember, too, that you cite sources to give credit to their authors and to provide your readers with enough information to locate that source for further consideration. Refer to pages 180-215 of the APA handbook (6th ed.). APA—References Format (Book) Author, A. (Publication date). Title of work. City: Publisher. APA—References Format (Periodical) Author, A. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, xx, pp-pp. doi:xxxxxxxxxx If no doi (digital object identifier) number is available and the article was retrieved online, include the homepage URL for the journal, newspaper or magazine. Retrieved from http://www. General Notes American Psychological Association (APA) APA requires in-text citations (author’s last name, year, and page) for quotations; when paraphrasing or referring to an idea contained in another work, authors are encouraged to provide a reference location (page or ¶ number). APA alphabetizes sources on a double-spaced References page. APA places the author and the date of publication at the beginning of the entry. APA does not capitalize all words in book and article titles but does capitalize titles of magazines and journals. APA initializes the authors’ first names. APA does not underline, italicize or put quotes around the titles of shorter works such as found in journal or magazine articles. Indent all lines after the first line of a citation. This is called a hanging indentation. APA does not abbreviate months. Citing Sources APA Style (December 2011) Page 4 Format for Citing Library Subscribed Databases Ivy Tech Community College Library Subscribed Databases This guide makes a distinction between online resources that are research databases subscribed to by Ivy Tech Community College Northwest and all other web- or Internetbased resources. These subscribed databases offer full-text journals, magazines, newspapers, and books and can be accessed from regional Virtual Library start pages onand off-campus. To access Library resources log into Campus Connect and select the Library tab. References--Citation Examples Format for Citing Library Subscribed Databases: Use the same basic APA format previously shown with the additional information as shown. APA basic citation format. In [work], doi: or Retrieved from database homepage url. APA style for electronic references requires the use of the doi number when available. When not available the journal homepage is the second choice. Third choice is the database homepage. Your instructor may wish for you to include the specific database name and access number (if provided) in addition to or in lieu of the doi number or homepage urls. If you use NoodleTools all your citation information is saved including the specific database source even if it does not appear in the citation. Examples for library subscribed databases also include a possible alternative without doi or homepage urls. Where available the persistent link for the library database is used for the url. Please remember that you must follow the directions of your instructor when compiling your citations. AccessScience APA--References Format: MacCracken, M.C. (n.d.). Climate change impacts. In McGraw-Hill’s accessscience encyclopedia of science and technology online. doi:10.1036/1097-8542.YB020155 APA In-Text Citation: (MacCracken, n.d.) APA No DOI or URL MacCracken, M.C. (n.d.). Climate change impacts. In McGraw-Hill’s accessscience encyclopedia of science and technology online. Retrieved from AccessScience database. Citing Sources APA Style (December 2011) Page 5 Biography In Context APA--References Format Joseph Kennedy. (1999). In Encyclopedia of world biography supplement (Vol. 19). Retrieved from APA In-Text Citation: (Joseph Kennedy, 1999) APA No DOI or URL Joseph P. Kennedy. (1999). In Encyclopedia of world biography supplement (Vol. 19). Retrieved from Biography Resource Center database. (K1631007277) EBSCOhost (a service offering a number of databases) APA--References Format Jeffrey, R. W., & French, S. A. (1998, February). Epidemic obesity in the United States: Are fast foods and television viewing contributing? American Journal of Public Health, 88(2), 277-280. Retrieved from ect=true&db=aph&AN=450468&site=ehost-live APA In-Text Citation (Jeffrey & French, 1998, p. 278) APA No DOI or URL Jeffrey, R.W., & French, S.A. (1998, February). Epidemic obesity in the United States: Are fast foods and television viewing contributing? American Journal of Public health, 88(2), 277-280. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database. (450468) APA--References Format Diabetes mellitus. (2011). In Encyclopaedia britannica online. Retrieved from b/article-9001565 APA In-Text Citation (Diabetes mellitus, 2011) APA No DOI or URL Diabetes mellitus. (2011). In Encyclopaedia britannica online. Retrieved from Encyclopaedia Britannica Online database. Citing Sources APA Style (December 2011) Page 6 Health and Wellness Resource Center APA--References Format Pfeifer, M. A. (2001, June). Eye care: Catching problems early. Diabetes Forecast, 54(6), 10. Retrieved from Servlet/HWRC/hits?docNum=A74571061&tcit APA In-Text Citation (Pfeifer, 2001, p.10) APA No DOI or URL Pfeifer, M.A. (2001, June). Eye care: Catching problems early. Diabetes Forecast, 54(6), 10. Retrieved from Health & Wellness Resource Center database. (A74571061) EBSCO ebooks (apply this example to ebrary and Books 24X7) APA—References Format Bell, E., Haas, L., & Sells, L. (Eds.). (1995). From mouse to mermaid: The politics of film, gender, and culture. Retrieved from db=nlebk&AN=614&site=ehost-live&ebv=1&ppid=pp_COVER APA In-Text Citation (Bell, Haas, & Sells, 1995) APA No DOI or URL Bell, E., Haas, L., & Sells, L. (Eds.). (1995). From mouse to mermaid: The politics of film, gender, and culture. Retrieved from EBSCO ebooks database. Opposing Viewpoints In Context APA—References Format Rentschler, W. H. (2000). The prison system does not work. In B. J. Grapes (Ed.), Current Controversies Series: Prisons. Retrieved from ovic/ViewpointsDetailsPage…..EJ3010059210 APA In-Text Citation (Rentschler, 2000) APA No DOI or URL Rentschler, W. H. (2000). The prison system does not work. In B. J. Grapes (Ed.), Current Controversies Series: Prisons. Retrieved from Opposing Viewpoints In Context database. (EJ3010059210) Citing Sources APA Style (December 2011) Page 7 ProQuest APA--References Format Koca, C. (2009, Spring). Gender interaction in coed physical education: A study in Turkey. Adolescence, 44(173), 165-186. Retrieved from docview/195939409?accountid=41043 APA In-Text Citation (Koca, 2009, p. 170) APA No DOI or URL Koca, C. (2009, Spring). Gender interaction in coed physical education: A study in Turkey. Adolescence, 44(173), 165-186. Retrieved from ProQuest Research Library database. (1676404851) Citation Examples for Other Internet-based Resources Advice for URLS (website addresses) For resources from websites, use the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) as it appears in the address box of the browser. It should begin with “http:” For in-text citations, use the page numbers provided if the article is given as an image of the original (e.g., in .pdf format). Provide paragraph numbers if available. If no page or paragraph numbers are available, omit them; do not use page numbers from printouts. Document or information from a website APA—References Format Rolfe, J. (n.d.). Letter of John Rolfe, 1614. In Virtual Jamestown. Retrieved from Virginia Center for Digital History, University of Virginia website: APA—In-Text Citation (Rolfe, n.d.) An article in an online magazine (not a subscribed database) APA—References Format Boutin, P. (2003, June 23). Flipping the switch: Linux’s new popularity may hurt Apple more than Microsoft. Slate. Retrieved from APA In-Text Citation (Boutin, 2003) Citing Sources APA Style (December 2011) Page 8 An article in an online journal (not a subscribed database) APA—References Format Rajimehr, R., & Tootell, R.B.H. (2009, September 8). Does retinotopy influence cortical folding in primate visual cortex? Journal of Neuroscience, 29(36), 11149-11152. Doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1835-09.2009 APA In-Text Citation: (Rajimehr & Tootell, 2009) Books: One Author APA--References Format Author, A. (Year). Title of book. Location: Publisher. Tompkins, J. (1992). West of everything: The inner life of westerns. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. APA In-Text Citation (Tompkins, 1992) Books: Two to Five Authors APA--References Format: Author, A., & Authoress, E. (Year). Title. Location: Publisher. Rico, B., & Mano, S. (1991). American mosaic: Multicultural readings in context. Boston, MA: Houghton. APA In-Text Citation: (Rico & Mano, 1991) Books: Edited APA--References Format Editor, E., & Editor, E. (Eds.). (Year). Title. Location: Publisher. Hornblower, S. & Spawforth, A. (Eds.). (1998). Oxford companion to classical civilization. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. APA In-Text Citation (Hornblower & Spawforth, 1998) Collection of Essays APA--References Format Author(s). Date. Article title. Book Editors. Book title. Pages. City: Publisher. Cowan, F. J., Myerscough, E. A., & Smith, D. A. (1992). The death penalty should be imposed on juvenile murderers. In M.D. Biskup & C. P. Cozic (Eds.), Current controversies: Youth violence (pp. 221-226) San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press. APA In-Text Citation (Cowan, Myerscough, & Smith, 1992, p. 222) Citing Sources APA Style (December 2011) Page 9 Encyclopedia APA--References Format Author, A. (Year). Entry title. Encyclopedia title (ed., Vol., pp.). City: Publisher. Cloos, M. (2004). Plate tectonics. In World book encyclopedia (pp.561-565). Chicago, IL: Worldbook. APA In-Text Citation (Cloos, 2004, p. 562) Government Documents: Testimony in Congress APA--References Format Testimony, Hearing or Minutes Title. Number of Congress. Session of Congress. (Year). (Name of Person Testifying – if applicable). RU486: The import ban and its effect on medical research: Hearings on regulation, business opportunities, and energy of the house committee on small business, 101st Cong. 35 (1990) (Testimony of Ronald Chesemore). APA In-Text Citation (RU486: The Import, 1990) Journal: One Author APA--References Format Knecht, M. (2003, June/July). Cell phones in the stacks. American Libraries, 34(6), 68-69. APA In-Text Citation (Knecht, 2003) Journal: Two to Five Authors APA--References Format Authors’ Last Names with First Initial. (Year). Article title. Journal title volume (Series), Pages. Hermes, B., Deakin, K., Lee, K., & Robinson, S. (2009, June). Suicide risk assessment. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing, 47(6), 44-49. Doi:10.3928/02793695-20090428-03 APA In-Text Citation (Hermes, Deakin, Lee, & Robinson, 2009) Magazines: No Author APA--References Format Article title. (Date). Magazine title volume, Pages. Dishwashers. (2009, August). Consumer Reports, 37-39. APA In-Text Citation: (Dishwashers, 2009) Citing Sources APA Style (December 2011) Page 10 Newspapers: No Author APA--References Format Article Title. Date. Newspaper Title, Pages. Picasso recovered in Iraq raid. (2009, August 27). Chicago Tribune, p. 18. APA In-Text Citation (Picasso recovered in Iraq raid, 2009, p. 18) Audio Recording APA--References Format: Composer, C. (Copyright date). Song title. [Recorded by artist if different than writer]. On Recording Title. [Recording Medium]. Location: Label. (Recording date if different than copyright date). McCain, E. (1997). I’ll be. On Misguided Roses [CD]. New York, NY: Atlantic. APA In-Text Citation: (McCain, 1997) Audio Speech Online APA—References Format: Recorder (Speaker). (Recording date). Title. [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from King, M.L., Jr. (Speaker). (1963, August 28). I have a dream [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from APA In-Text Citation: (King, 1963) Blog APA—References Format: Online name. (Date). Re: Blog title [Web log message]. Retrieved from (complete url). Example is a comment made in response to the original message. Cat. (2009, September 9). Re: The future of libraries, with or without books [Web log comment]. Retrieved from / comment.g?blogID=7833882&postID=3877315497043658027&isPopup=true APA In-Text Citation: (Cat, 2009) Citing Sources APA Style (December 2011) Page 11 Radio Broadcast APA--References Format Writer’s Last Name, First initial. (Writers) & (Director). (Broadcast Year). Series Title [Radio series]. Place of Broadcast: Network. Magliozzi, T., & Magliozzi, R., & Smith, J. (Director). (1999). Car talk [Radio series]. New York, NY: National Public Radio. APA In-Text Citation (Magliozzi & Magliozzi, 1999) TV: News Broadcast APA--References Format Producer’s Last Name, First initial. (Executive Producer). Director’s last name, First initial (Director). (Broadcast Year). Broadcast Title. Place of Broadcast: Network. Fowler, C. (Director). (2009). CBS 2 morning news [Television series]. Chicago, IL: WBBM. APA In-Text Citation (Fowler, 2009) TV: Series Episode APA--References Format Episode Writer’s Last Name, First name initial (Writer) & Director’s last name and first initial (Director). (Year of Broadcast). Episode title [Television series episode]. In Producer’s First initial and last name (Producer), Series Title. Place of Broadcast: Name of Network. Bernstein, J (Writer), & O’Hara, T. (Director). (2005). Doppelganger [Television series episode]. In D. P. Bellisario (Producer), NCIS. New York, NY: CBS Broadcasting. APA In-Text Citation (Bernstein, 2005) Motion Picture APA--References Format Last name, first initial (Producer), & last name, first initial (Director). (Year). Title [Motion picture]. Location: Studio. Heyman, D., & Barron, D. (Directors), & Yates, D. (Director). (2009) Harry Potter and the half-blood prince [Motion picture]. United States: Warner Bros. Pictures. APA In-Text Citation (Heyman & Barron, 2009) Citing Sources APA Style (December 2011) Page 12 Running head: APES AND LANGUAGE (position the running head at the top flush left of the paper as part of the header) Page number is positioned flush top right Apes and Language: Position the title, byline and affiliation in the upper half of the page A Review of the Literature Shirley Knot University of XXXX Note: Students should also comply with documentation requirements and expectations set by individual instructors that supplement or depart from this sample cover sheet. Examples include the Running head and information in addition to the Title, Byline and College. Citing Sources APA Style (December 2011) Page 13 DIABETES MELLITUS (positioned as part of the header flush left) Page number positioned flush right as part of header References Bloomgarden, Z. T. (2002, February). Treatment issues in type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care, 25(2), doi: 10.2337/diacare.25.2.390 Pfeifer, M. A. (2001, June). Eye care: Catching problems early. Diabetes Forecast, 54(6), 10. Retrieved from 8&ste=6&prod=HWRC&docNum=A74571061 Seiffge-Krenke, I. (2001). Diabetic adolescents and their families: Stress, coping, and adaptation. Retrieved from lib/ivytech/docDetail.action?docID=10005717 Shapiro, L. (1998, July 13). In sugar we trust. Newsweek, 81(2), 72-74. Williams, S. R. (1995). Basic nutrition and diet therapy. St. Louis, MO: Mosby. Please note: Your instructor may wish for you to include the specific database name (ProQuest, PsycARTICLE, etc.) in your citation in lieu of or in addition to the doi number, journal homepage url or database url. The date retrieved is no longer part of the citation. Citing Sources APA Style (December 2011) Page 14