081 – NORWEGIAN OIL AND GAS RECOMMENDED GUIDELINES FOR REMOTE PIPE HANDLING OPERATIONS Translated version Norwegian Oil and Gas Association recommended guidelines for remote pipe handling operations No. 081 Established: 30.04.03 Revision no. 5 Date revised: 03.06.2015 Page: 2 Preface This guideline is supported by the Norwegian Oil and Gas Drilling Managers Forum, the Norwegian Shipowners’ Association (NSA) and the Petroleum Safety Authorities (PSA). Furthermore the Norwegian Oil and Gas Operations Committee has recommended this guideline, and it has been approved by Norwegian Oil and Gas general director. This Norwegian Oil and Gas guideline has been prepared with the broad-based participation of interested parties in the Norwegian petroleum industry, and they are owned by the Norwegian petroleum industry, represented by Norwegian Oil and Gas. Norwegian Oil and Gas is responsible for administration of these guidelines. Norwegian Oil and Gas Association Vassbotnen 1, Sandnes P.O. Box 8065 4068 Stavanger, Norway Tel.: + 47 51 84 65 00 Fax: + 47 51 84 65 01 Web site: www.norskoljeoggass.no E-mail: firmapost@norog.no Norwegian Oil and Gas Association recommended guidelines for remote pipe handling operations No. 081 Established: 30.04.03 Revision no. 5 Date revised: 03.06.2015 Page: 3 Table of contents 1 OBJECTIVES.................................................................................................................................. 4 2 ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................................................ 5 3 HIGHLIGHTING CHANGES TO A GUIDELINE .................................................................. 6 4 DISTRIBUTION LIST ................................................................................................................... 7 5 VALIDITY...................................................................................................................................... 7 6 TASK DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................... 7 7 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................................... 8 8 PROCEDURE FOR APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION ........................................................ 9 9 MARKING OF EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................... 10 PURPOSE............................................................................................................................. 10 9.2 EXAMPLES OF EQUIPMENT TO BE MARKED .......................................................... 10 9.3 RENTED EQUIPMENT ..................................................................................................... 10 10 9.1 GUIDELINES FOR FILLING IN THE MATRIX ................................................................ 11 10.1 HEADING .............................................................................................................................. 11 10.2 TABLE ..................................................................................................................................... 11 10.3 FOOTER .................................................................................................................................. 12 11 ATTACHMENTS.................................................................................................................... 13 11.1 ATTACHMENT 1: DEVIATION MATRIX........................................................................ 13 11.2 ATTACHMENT 2: REMOTE OPERATED EQUIPMENT FAILURES .......................... 24 11.3 ATTACHMENT 3: PULLING DEFORMED OR IMPAIRED PIPES .............................. 25 11.4 ATTACHMENT 4: FAILURE IN ANTI-COLLISION SYSTEM ....................................... 25 Norwegian Oil and Gas Association recommended guidelines for remote pipe handling operations No. 081 Established: 30.04.03 Revision no. 5 Date revised: 03.06.2015 Page: 4 1 OBJECTIVES This document describes the guidelines and routines for Norwegian Oil and Gas/NSA members in order to establish a practical implementation of PSAs requirements set forth in the Facilities regulations and the Activities Regulations, with regards to remote pipe handling operations. The intention of this document is to establish a common understanding of what is realistic to achieve for existing drilling and well intervention units with respect to safe remote pipe handling operations, in order to meet the intentions set forth in PSAs regulations, with available proven equipment. The guideline must be considered together with the entire regulations. This shall apply for, however not limited to, the framework regulations regarding principles for risk reduction. The framework regulations regarding general requirements for material and information, the framework regulations regarding exemptions and the Management Regulations regarding handling of non-conformances. New drilling unit projects, upgrades and replacement projects should have the objective to reduce the extent of manual pipe handling operations even further than described in this document. Norwegian Oil and Gas Association recommended guidelines for remote pipe handling operations No. 081 Established: 30.04.03 Revision no. 5 2 ABBREVIATIONS DMF - Drilling Managers Forum HTV - Horizontal to vertical PSA - Petroleum Safety Authority NSA - Norwegian Shipowners Association OC -Operations Committee M -Manual operation R - Remote operation NA - Not Applicable Date revised: 03.06.2015 Page: 5 Norwegian Oil and Gas Association recommended guidelines for remote pipe handling operations No. 081 Established: 30.04.03 Revision no. 5 Date revised: 03.06.2015 Page: 6 3 HIGHLIGHTING CHANGES TO A GUIDELINE All references in the guideline 081 concerning specific paragraphs to Petroleum Safety Authority are removed. Preface is made general and do not include working group with names who has prepared the revision work. Section 4 – The guideline is made public on the Norwegian oil and gas web-site and will not be distributed. Section 5 – The document is valid from 01.07.2015 Section 7 - Manual operations as a result of equipment failure can be regarded as training. Section 9 is changed from “Colour coding of equipment” to “ Marking of equipment”. All colour coding is removed from this document. The equipment shall be marked properly and be easy to identify and correspond with the documentation. Equipment that is not marked shall not be used. Section 10 – Heading – Performed date is included. Attachment 11.1 Deviation matrix – No 9 Non Magnetic DC, reference R2 is included (same comment as for no. 2 DC). Refer to attachment 3 for deformed or impaired pipes regarding no. 11 Casing and nr. 12 Non magnetic Casing Norwegian Oil and Gas Association recommended guidelines for remote pipe handling operations No. 081 Established: 30.04.03 Revision no. 5 Date revised: 03.06.2015 Page: 7 4 DISTRIBUTION LIST This document will be available on Norwegian Oil and Gas web site www.norskoljeoggass.no. The Document is named “Norwegian Oil and Gas/NR-081 Recommended guidelines for remote pipe handling operations”. 5 VALIDITY This document is valid from 1st July 2015. 6 TASK DEFINITIONS The intention of this document is to give the Norwegian Oil and Gas/NSA member companies a practical description of guidelines and routines on how to implement PSAs requirement set forward in the facility regulation and the activity regulation. This document is based on the following documentation: Identification of all relevant remote operated sub operations and associated handling routes from original position on deck until it has been secured at the rotary table, ref. definition in facilities regulations. Analysis of each sub operation, with indication that operation can be conducted safely with the available remote operated field proven equipment. Identified realistic operational status (R=Remote operated, M=Manual operated or NA=Not applicable) for each sub-operation and handling sequence. Pipe handling related to hydraulic well operations (CT or Snubbing) is not considered in this document. Norwegian Oil and Gas Association recommended guidelines for remote pipe handling operations No. 081 Established: 30.04.03 Revision no. 5 Date revised: 03.06.2015 Page: 8 7 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS The following procedure: All pipe handling that can be remotely operated shall be handled in this manner as long as this improves the overall safety level. IF manual handling is chosen, regardless of possible remote handling solutions, a documented risk assessment SHALL be established. Remote operations shall be performed from a safe position away from exposed area. Each installation shall, on an individual basis, define the safe area (Red Zone). Handling procedures shall be established for all planned manual pipe handling operations marked ”M” in the matrix. These procedures must be based on risk analysis (HAZID). HAZID shall be repeated at least every 3 years and in relation to changes that will affect the pipe handling. HAZID shall be stored in a way that makes it available on the Rig. HAZID shall be conducted in accordance to ISO 17776. For planned manual operations, the rig specific handling procedures must be examined before the manual operation starts. For none planned manual operation, ref. Equipment failure or other (Attachment 2 and 4), a Safe Job Analyzes must be carried out before the operation starts. The manufacturer's user manual shall be available and examined before the equipment is used. This guideline together with rig specific matrix and manual procedures shall be readily available for the users at all times. Any pipe handling operation not covered in this document is not considered relevant with regards to the PSA requirements in facility regulation and activity regulation. Such operations must carried out in accordance with relevant lifting and material handling requirements as described in NORSOK R-002/R-003 and other relevant parts of PSA regulation. Existing internal procedures for manual pipe handling operations must be updated in the rig specific matrix on a continuous basis. Personnel directly involved in pipe handling operations shall have competency as outlined by activity regulation (lifting operations) and attachment B in NORSOK R-003. Simulator training is recommended where relevant and possible. Training should include emergency operation of handling equipment. In order to maintain experience with manual operations, traceable and documented training of personnel shall be performed on a regular basis; ref. activity regulation regarding organisation and competence. Documentation e.g., can be documented directly in daily drilling report. Each organization defines the need for training. The training shall be based on possible failures in existing remote operated pipe handling equipment on installation. A minimum frequency for training should be once per offshore period (14 days). The training should be intensified based on changes in personnel / crew composition, the competence of the crew and introduction of new equipment. Manual Norwegian Oil and Gas Association recommended guidelines for remote pipe handling operations No. 081 Established: 30.04.03 Revision no. 5 Date revised: 03.06.2015 Page: 9 operations as a result of equipment failure can be regarded as training, reference are made to attachment 2. A failure of the anti collision system shall be treated in accordance with attachment 4. Equipment being used shall at all times have updated operating instructions and documentation according to current regulation. 8 PROCEDURE FOR APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION The companies shall have a dynamic approach to the requirements in the Activity Regulations and the Facility Regulation in order to implement as soon as possible, reference to the Framework HSE regulation regarding ”continuous improvement” and risk reduction principles. It is emphasised that all of the PSA regulation shall be followed meaning that the companies are responsible for being in compliance with the regulation with reference to the Framework HSE regulation regarding prudent activities. Norwegian Oil and Gas/NSA members shall verify the rig status in connection with every rig operation and identify all non-conformances related to the requirements established in this document. Each company should adapt the guidelines in Attachment 2, 3 and 4 to own organisation. Application shall not be sent to PSA regarding exception from the Activity Regulations and the Facility Regulation. Potential deviations from this guideline shall be considered within the company. Norwegian Oil and Gas Association recommended guidelines for remote pipe handling operations No. 081 Established: 30.04.03 Revision no. 5 Date revised: 03.06.2015 Page: 10 9 MARKING OF EQUIPMENT Marking must be performed in such a way that there will be no conflict or confused with other relevant marking. 9.1 PURPOSE That the combination of equipment to the different dimensions is correct Increase efficiency during assembling Marking is to prevent mismatch of handling equipment and tubulars. However, each individual is responsible for ensuring that equipment has the correct labelling/tagging or markings required, and according to corresponding documentation, before equipment is put in operation. The equipment shall be marked properly and be easy to identify and correspond with the documentation. 9.2 EXAMPLES OF EQUIPMENT TO BE MARKED Elevators Inserts for multirange elevators Slips Inserts for multirange slips Lifting subs 9.3 RENTED EQUIPMENT Equipment delivered by Service companies/rental companies shall be documented and marked (labelled) in a format recognizable to the user. Equipment which is not marked shall not be used. Norwegian Oil and Gas Association recommended guidelines for remote pipe handling operations No. 081 Established: 30.04.03 Revision no. 5 Date revised: 03.06.2015 Page: 11 10 GUIDELINES FOR FILLING IN THE MATRIX 10.1 HEADING Norwegian Oil and Gas - 081 recommended guidelines for remote pipe handling operations Rig: Performed date: dd.mm.yyyy Rig name Turn/Twist (paie assy) Stabbing Slips Setback/Rotary HTV Equipment CW to drill floor No Pipe deck to CW 10.2 TABLE Description of non conformances and compensated measures in addition to general requirements, see section 6. Compensating measures: Drill bits shall preferably be put Req.= Require 1 Bit together onshore, before arrival M M NA M NA NA ment M at the rig. This to reduce the number of manual operations offshore. Rig Procedures; Sequence in an Level that realistically can operation, Report the rig specific procedures be achieved (for available e.g. from here. Rig specific procedures are pipe deck to required for manual pipe handling cat walk operations. If in compliance with equipment)). M = manual operation remote operation requirement, there NA= Not applicable R = remote operated will be no need for rig specific manual The rig procedures according to this document (risk analysis - HAZID). R1 = R1 reference specific level R = new change in regarding Rig specific conditions are also listed requirement to Remote own in this column. operation in 2009 equipment (compared to the 2006 revision) Norwegian Oil and Gas Association recommended guidelines for remote pipe handling operations No. 081 Established: 30.04.03 Revision no. 5 Date revised: 03.06.2015 Page: 12 10.3 FOOTER Document no and name Revision no: x Fill in revision no Rev. date: xx.xx.xx Page: x of xx x Page no Fill in revision date Norwegian Oil and Gas recommended guidelines for remote pipe handling operations No. 081 Established: 30.04.03 Revision no. 5 Date revised: 16.03.2015 Page: 13 11 ATTACHMENTS 1 HTV Setback/Rotary Slips M M NA M NA NA Description of non conformances and compensating measures in addition to general requirements. Make/Break CW to Drill floor Req Pipe deck to CW No Equipment Stabbing/guiding 11.1 ATTACHMENT 1: DEVIATION MATRIX M Drill Bit Rig M = manual operation, NA = Not Applicable, R = Remote Operation, Compensating Measures: Drill bits shall preferably be installed onshore, before arrival the rig, in order to reduce manual operations offshore. Procedure no: R1 Operation Req 2 R R R1 R1 R1 R R DC can be performed manually when the DC have a total length of less than 300 m (does not apply for modified Drill Collars). DC with recess for elevator and slips to be used during remote operation, otherwise a slips type elevator shall be used. Rig Procedure no; R1 Manual operation when lift subs are installed on DC joint on CatWalk. 3 Lifting Sub for Req NA NA M NA NA M R1 Lift sub length adjusted to the rigs equipment shall preferably be installed and prepared onshore. DC and BHA Rig Procedure no; Norwegian Oil and Gas Association’s recommended guidelines for remote pipe handling operations Date revised: 16.03.2015 Page: 14 Description of non conformances and compensating measures in addition to general requirements. Make/Break Stabbing/guiding Revision no. 5 Slips Setback/Rotary HTV No Equipment CW to Drill floor Established: 30.04.03 Pipe deck to CW No. 081 M = manual operation, NA = Not Applicable, R = Remote Operation, Compensating Measures: Norwegian Oil and Gas/NSA members must influence suppliers to deliver Req 4 R R R R M R R JAR be delivered with lifting sub with length fitted to rig equipment. Rig Procedure no: Req NA NA NA NA 5 JAR with recess for elevator. If this is not possible, the Jar shall, if possible, M1 NA NA Dog-collar Rig M1 Use of Manuel Dog-collar clamp shall be limited. Remote operated Dogcollar shall be used when longer lengths of the same dimensions are run. Procedure no: R1 Every rig must ensure that proper length of X/O’s suitable for remote Req 6 X/O M M M M M M R1 operation is being used. New XO’s shall have a design that makes it possible for remote operation during make/break. X/O adjusted to the equipment shall preferably be prepared and assembled onshore. Rig Procedure no: Norwegian Oil and Gas Association’s recommended guidelines for remote pipe handling operations Date revised: 16.03.2015 Page: 15 Description of non conformances and compensating measures in addition to general requirements. Make/Break Stabbing/guiding Revision no. 5 Slips Setback/Rotary HTV No Equipment CW to Drill floor Established: 30.04.03 Pipe deck to CW No. 081 M = manual operation, NA = Not Applicable, R = Remote Operation, Compensating Measures: R1 On new builds, upgrading or replacement of Iron Roughneck, a system that handles stabilizers / hole openers remotely shall preferably be chosen. 7 Stabilizers / Req M M M M M M R1 Stabilizers shall be designed in a way that makes it possible to part/split them with the Iron Roughneck. Holeopener Stabilizers with removable rings must be avoided. Rig Procedure no; R1 Manual operation is allowed if string weight is less then recommendation from the equipment supplier, R2 All types of pipe, DP - DC etc. which has been exposed for "over torque” Req 8 R R R R R1 R R2 and can not be broken with remote operated equipment, can be broken manually, see Attachment 3. DP, HWDP Thin walled pipes can be made up manually (TLC, thin walled tubes etc.) All standard operations shall be remote operated. Rig Procedure no; Norwegian Oil and Gas Association’s recommended guidelines for remote pipe handling operations Date revised: 16.03.2015 Page: 16 Description of non conformances and compensating measures in addition to general requirements. Make/Break Stabbing/guiding Revision no. 5 Slips Setback/Rotary HTV No Equipment CW to Drill floor Established: 30.04.03 Pipe deck to CW No. 081 M = manual operation, NA = Not Applicable, R = Remote Operation, Compensating Measures: R1 Manuel operation is permitted where a magnet is still in use.On new builds, upgrading or replacement of pipe deck cranes, a system that handles non-magnetic pipes, shall be selected. 9 Non Magnetic Req R1 R R2 R2 R2 R R DC R2 Operation can be performed manually when the DC have a total length of less than 300 m (does not apply for modified Drill Collars). DC with recess for elevator and slips to be used during remote operation, otherwise a slips type elevator shall be used. Rig Procedure no; R1 Manual operation is allowed if no inserts are available in the market for pipes <3 ½ ”. R2 Manual operation is allowed if string weight is less then recommendation from equipment supplier. 10 DP < 3 ½” Req R R M R 1 R 2 R 3 R R3 Manual stabbing/guiding/centring can only be accepted in special cases; if the remote operated equipment cannot be adjusted to the correct dimension. On new build, upgrading or replacement of remote operated equipment, solutions that make remote operations possible shall be selected. Norwegian Oil and Gas Association’s recommended guidelines for remote pipe handling operations Date revised: 16.03.2015 Page: 17 Description of non conformances and compensating measures in addition to general requirements. Make/Break Stabbing/guiding Revision no. 5 Slips Setback/Rotary HTV No Equipment CW to Drill floor Established: 30.04.03 Pipe deck to CW No. 081 Rig M = manual operation, NA = Not Applicable, R = Remote Operation, Compensating Measures: Procedure no; R1 Manual equipment can be used when the weight of the string is less then the recommendation from the supplier of the remote operated equipment. Req 11 R2 R2 R R R1 R R2 Casing Rig R2 Manuel handling of casing > 20” The casing shall be filled from a suitable arrangement through the topdrive, such that work in red zone is avoided. Ref. attachment 3, deformed or impaired pipes. Procedure no; R1 Manual operation is permitted only where magnets still are being used. R2 Manual equipment can be used when the weight of the string is less then 12 Non Magnetic Req R1 R R R R2 R R the recommendation from the supplier of the remote operated equipment. On new builds, upgrading or replacement of equipment, a system that Casing makes remote operation possible shall be selected. Ref. attachment 3, deformed or impaired pipes. Rig Procedure no; Norwegian Oil and Gas Association’s recommended guidelines for remote pipe handling operations Date revised: 16.03.2015 Page: 18 Description of non conformances and compensating measures in addition to general requirements. Make/Break Stabbing/guiding Revision no. 5 Slips Setback/Rotary HTV No Equipment CW to Drill floor Established: 30.04.03 Pipe deck to CW No. 081 M = manual operation, NA = Not Applicable, R = Remote Operation, Compensating Measures: R1 Applies only for make / break of lift subs, otherwise a manual slips type elevator shall be used. 13 Slick Casing / Req R R R1 NA R R2 R R2 Manual installation of Stabbing Guide can be accepted where it can lead Liners to damage to seal area /threads. Rig Procedure no; R1 Centralizers shall preferably be installed onshore. Manual handling can be done if no other type of centralizer will work with the pipe handling Req NA NA NA NA NA NA 14 R1 Centralizers equipment. On new builds, upgrading or replacement of equipment, a system that makes remote operation possible shall be selected. Rig Procedure no; Short pipes and XO’s can be handled manually. Req R R R R R R M WO Riser <20” 15 Procedure no; Rig Norwegian Oil and Gas Association’s recommended guidelines for remote pipe handling operations Established: 30.04.03 16 Page: 19 Slips Stabbing/guiding Make/Break M M M R M M NA to general requirements. M = manual operation, NA = Not Applicable, R = Remote Operation, Compensating Measures: and Slip Joint > 20” Rig Req 17 Setback/Rotary Req HTV Marin Risers Date revised: 16.03.2015 Description of non conformances and compensating measures in addition CW to Drill floor No Equipment Revision no. 5 Pipe deck to CW No. 081 Procedure no; M M NA M M M R BOP Test Tool Rig Procedure no; R1 Perforating guns shall not be handled with magnet cranes. 18 Perforating Req R1 R R NA R R R Perforating guns built for remote operation shall be used, unless specific requirements to function is not available in the market. Guns Rig Procedure no ; With reference to XO, current manual handling of fishing equipment can be accepted. This is not a standard operation. Req 19 M M M M M M M Fishing A Safe Job Analyses (SJA) shall be performed before releasing the fish on Equipment deck. Procedure no; Rig Norwegian Oil and Gas Association’s recommended guidelines for remote pipe handling operations 20 Stabbing/guiding NA NA NA NA Make/Break R1 Slips Page: 20 to general requirements. Protectors Rig M = manual operation, NA = Not Applicable, R = Remote Operation, Compensating Measures: R1 On new builds, upgrading or replacement of equipment; A system that enables remote operation of tubulars (without protectors), shall be selected. Procedure no; Req NA NA NA 21 Date revised: 16.03.2015 Description of non conformances and compensating measures in addition Setback/Rotary Req NA NA Revision no. 5 HTV No Equipment CW to Drill floor Established: 30.04.03 Pipe deck to CW No. 081 F NA NA NA Mud Bucket Rig Procedure no; R1 On new builds, upgrading or replacement of equipment, a system that Req 22 Dope . NA NA NA R1 NA NA NA makes remote operation possible, shall be selected. Casing and tubing shall be doped onshore prior to shipping offshore. Rig Procedure no; Every rig has to research and find the proper length for Pup Joints suitable Req 23 M M M M F M R for remote operation or Pup Joints must be replaced to fit rig equipment. This must be documented. DP Pup Joints Procedure no; Rig Norwegian Oil and Gas Association’s recommended guidelines for remote pipe handling operations Established: 30.04.03 Setback/Rotary Slips Stabbing/guiding Make/Break Casing/Tubing Req HTV 24 Date revised: 16.03.2015 Page: 21 Description of non conformances and compensating measures in addition CW to Drill floor No Equipment Revision no. 5 Pipe deck to CW No. 081 R R R R R1 R R to general requirements. and Pup Joints Rig M = manual operation, NA = Not Applicable, R = Remote Operation, Compensating Measures: R1 Manual equipment can be used when the weight of the string is less then the recommendation from the supplier of the remote operated equipment. Procedure no; R1 Assemblies that are too long for remote operated handling, can be Non magnetic 25 handled manually. Manual operation is allowed where magnets are still in Req R1 R R R R2 R R Casing/Tubing use. R2 Manual equipment can be used when the weight of the string is less then the recommendation from the supplier of the remote operated equipment. and Pup Joints Rig Procedure nr; Sensitive completion components which can be damaged of remote Req 26 M R R R R M M Screens operated equipment can be operated manually. In that case, a HAZID shall be performed. SJA shall be performed before the operation starts. Rig Procedure no; 2 7/8" and 3 1/2" string shall be standardized to fit remote operated rig Req 27 Inner string R R M M M M M equipment. If the joint cannot be racked in the derrick in a safe way, the joints must be laid down (remote operated). Rig Procedure no; Norwegian Oil and Gas Association’s recommended guidelines for remote pipe handling operations Established: 30.04.03 28 29 Make/Break Completion Req Stabbing/guiding Rig Slips Equipment Setback/Rotary Req HTV Lateral Well Date revised: 16.03.2015 Page: 22 Description of non conformances and compensating measures in addition CW to Drill floor No Equipment Revision no. 5 Pipe deck to CW No. 081 M M M M M M M to general requirements. M = manual operation, NA = Not Applicable, R = Remote Operation, Compensating Measures: Operations which can be remotely operated shall be remotely operated. Procedure no; M M M M M R1 M R1 For equipment which can be made up for remote operation, operation shall be remotely operated. Equipment Rig Procedure no; Equipment and components which can be damaged by using remote Double 30 Req M R M R R M M Production operated equipment can be manually handled. A HAZID shall be prepared and a SJA executed prior to start of operation. Tubing Rig Procedure no; Equipment and components which can be damaged by using remote MWD / 31 Req . Mud Motors operated equipment can be manually handled. Equipment should be fit for R R R R M M M remote operation and lifting sub should be avoided. For lifting sub, see item #3. Rig Procedure no; Norwegian Oil and Gas Association’s recommended guidelines for remote pipe handling operations Established: 30.04.03 32 HTV Setback/Rotary Slips Stabbing/guiding Make/Break Coil Tubing Req Page: 23 M M M M M M M to general requirements. M = manual operation, NA = Not Applicable, R = Remote Operation, Compensating Measures: BHA’s shall if possible be prepared and made up onshore. Operations that can be remotely operated shall be remotely operated. BHA’s Rig 33 Date revised: 16.03.2015 Description of non conformances and compensating measures in addition CW to Drill floor No Equipment Revision no. 5 Pipe deck to CW No. 081 False Rotary Procedure no; Req NA NA NA R R R R Pipe that normally shall be remotely operated shall also be operated remotely by use of false rotary table. Table Rig Procedure no; R1 If the iron roughneck is not designed to function as a “back up” tong, a 34 Drilling with Req Pup Joint / . manually rig tong can be used. Procedure(s) shall be worked out. NA NA NA R R R R1 On new builds, upgrading or replacement of equipment, a system that makes remote operation possible shall be selected. Drilling Stand Rig Procedure no; R1 If the weight of the string is less then recommended from the equipment 35 Casing/Liner Req R R R R R1 R R supplier, manual operation is allowed. For retrievable BHA, manual operation is allowed. Drilling Rig Procedure no; Norwegian Oil and Gas Association’s recommended guidelines for remote pipe handling operations No. 081 Established: 30.04.03 Revision no. 5 Date revised: 16.03.2015 Page: 24 11.2 ATTACHMENT 2: REMOTE OPERATED EQUIPMENT FAILURES Guideline for Temporary Failure of Remote Operated Pipe Handling Equipment. Failure in remote controlled pipe handling equipment Could immediate YES stop for repair Immediate action for result in loss of manual operation *) Manuel operation until Well control is well control? established. NO YES Could immediate Immediate action for stop for repair result manual operation *) in hole problems or Manual operation until the drill string is inside the casing or possibilities for well damages are damage to the well? eliminated. NO Are spare parts and required personnel available onboard to start the repair? *) Immediate actions prior to manual operation 1) Safe job analysis shall be carried out if there YES Stop for Repair are no procedure / work description available. 2) Procedures for manual pipe handling - is available NO - is known to the involved personnel Carry out operational risk assessment - is used in accordance with current procedures in order to evaluate personnel risk 3) Relevant equipment when manual pipe handling until the equipment is repaired. Carry out - is available compensating measures. - is approved - is maintained YES 4) Report of the reason/incident Is the risk level acceptable? Manual Handling can continue until NO 5) Drilling responsible person onboard informs responsible person onshore Responsible person onshore informs * the equipment is repaired. Stop for repair Each company should adapt guidelines to own organization. Norwegian Oil and Gas Association’s recommended guidelines for remote pipe handling operations No. 081 Established: 30.04.03 Revision no. 5 Date revised: 16.03.2015 Page: 25 11.3 ATTACHMENT 3: PULLING DEFORMED OR IMPAIRED PIPES Guidelines while pulling Deformed or Impaired Pipes out of the hole (No notification to PSA required). Pipes is deformed or impaired Can remote operated YES pipe handling equipment be used Continue POOH according to rig without increasing the specific matrix risk? NO Will available equipment on site be YES suitable to continue the *) Immediate actions prior to manual operation operation in manual? 1) Safe job analysis shall be carried out if ?mode? there are no procedure / work description available. NO 2) Procedures for manual pipe handling Stop operation until suitable equipment is - is available available on site - is known to the involved personnel Carry out operational risk assessment / SJA in accordance with current procedures for manual operation. - is used 3) Relevant equipment - is available Carry out operational risk assessment/SJA based on possibly dropped load/string. - is approved - is maintained YES Is the risk level acceptable? 4) Report the reason/incident Manual handling can beofaccepted until remote operation is normalized and 5)resumed. Drilling responsible person onboard informs responsible person onshore NO Stop operation, implement compensating measures until risk level is acceptable. Each company should adapt guidelines to own organization. Norwegian Oil and Gas Association’s recommended guidelines for remote pipe handling operations No. 081 Established: 30.04.03 Revision no. 5 Date revised: 16.03.2015 Page: 26 11.4 ATTACHMENT 4: FAILURE IN ANTI-COLLISION SYSTEM Guidelines for Temporary Failure of Anti-collision System, Crown Saver and Floor Saver. Failure in anti-collision system. YES Can immediate YES Is failed stop for repair Immediate action equipment result in loss of well control? prior to operation in involved in the by pass mode *) operations? Continue operations in by pass mode until the risk for loosing well control is at an acceptable level NO NO Continue operation YES when failed Can immediate equipment has been Continue operations in stop result in hole parked in a safe position problems or Immediate action damage to the prior to well? operation in by pass mode *) by pass mode until the drill string is inside casing or until the risk for well damage is NO eliminated. YES Are parts and personnel available on board to start Stop for Repair repair? NO *) Immediate actions prior to operation Carry out operational risk 1. Safe job analysis. assessment in accordance with current procedures, for evaluation of personnel risk in connection with anti collision system entirely or 2. Report of the reason/incident 3. Drilling responsible person onboard informs responsible person onshore. partly out of function. The operation can Is the risk level acceptable? NO YES continue with the system Responsible entirely or partly out of person onshore function informs other * Stop for repair Each company should adapt guidelines to own organization.