D IMENSIONAL IN F O R M AATION TION 1 OF 4 -PERFORMANCE AREA - (See Drawings: D1 and D2) Proscenium W idth: 46 Feet Proscenium Height: 20 Feet Overall Stage W idth: 106 Feet Stage Depth: Apron Nose to Back W all: 59 Feet Curtain Line to Back W all: 43 Feet Stage to Grid Height: 42 Feet APRON W idth: Depth (Plaster Line to Nose): 46 Feet 16 Feet ORCHESTRA PIT Dimension (maximum): 12' x 34' Operation: Manual Flooring: The pit floor has been tiered to improve conductor sightlines to the stage area. Tier 1 is 6'-8" below stage level; Tier2is7'-8" below stage level. NOTE: Civic Hall does not have a hydraulically operated pit lift; therefore, a request to lower the pit cover requires a minimum of three weeks notice. Also, the user group is responsible for labor expense incurred in the lowering of the pit cover and its return to stage level following the event. WING AREA Stage-Right and Left: Clear Space Height: Stage-Right: Stage-Left: 30' x 43' Variable from 18 to 42 feet 42 Feet -MAIN BEAM / CAT WA L K - (See Drawing: D2) Length: 80 Feet W idth: 4 Feet Height Above Stage Floor: 29 Feet Beam to Stage Opening: 34 Feet -ORCHESTRA SHELL(For Standard Placement, Options, and Sizing, See Drawing: D3) 380 Hub Etchison Parkway, Richmond, Indiana 47374 Phone: (765) 973-3348 or 973-3350 2 OF 4 DRAWING # D1 DIMENSIONAL INFORMATION: DRAWING # D1 FIRST FLOOR PLAN 3 OF 4 DRAWING # D2 DIMENSIONAL INFORMATION: DRAWING # D2 SECOND FLOOR PLAN AND SECTION VIEW 4 OF4 D3 ORCHESTRA SHELL DRAWING # DIMENSIONAL INFORMATION: 38'-2" \C C C C C 28'-6" C FULL SHELL POSITION C EILING SECTION 3 B 19'-0" B TW O-THIRDS SHELL POSITION C EILING SECTION 2 ON E-THIRD SHELL POSITION A 10'-6" A C EILING SECTION 1 46'-0" KEY: DRAWING # D3 A B C 21' SIDE PANEL 19' SIDE PANEL 17' SIDE PANEL