AMENDED MINUTES Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of

Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Quincy Community Services District held on
February 5, 2015 at 900 Spanish Creek Road, Quincy, California, in Plumas County.
Ruth Jackson, President
Richard Castaldini, Vice-President
James Bequette, Director
Douglas Ely, Director Appeared via telephone
Larry Sullivan, General Manager
Mike Green, General Manager, East Quincy Services District
Jan Klement, Attorney at Law
Katie Gay, Board Secretary
James Wilson, Feather Publishing
Jacqui Harris, Employee
Tom Yagerhofer, Plumas Co. Community Development
Margie Corderman, Plumas Co. Community Development
Denny Churchill, Director
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by President Jackson and it was determined that a quorum was
Director Bequette moved to accept the agenda. Vice-President Castaldini seconded and the motion
carried unanimously. Ayes: Bequette, Castaldini, Churchill, Jackson; Noes: None; Absent: Ely, Jackson,
Director Bequette moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting January 8, 2015. Vice-President
Castaldini seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Ayes: Jackson, Ely, Bequette, Castaldini;
Noes: None; Absent: Churchill
Jacqui Harris reported that she is tentatively planning on leaving the District the end of May. She will have been
with the District ten years at that time.
Attorney Klement reported on his letters regarding the implementation of a reserve policy. He spoke with
CSDA and there is no case law on this subject.
The Board went into closed session at 9:10 a.m.
The Board returned to open session at 9:35 a.m. No action was taken.
Director Bequette moved to approve Exhibit B regarding the tiered water allowances. Director Ely
seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Ayes: Bequette, Ely, Castaldini, Jackson; Noes: None; Absent: Churchill
The Wastewater Treatment Rate Committee will meet February 27, 2015 at 9:00.
Director Bequette moved to approve the new job classification for the Office Manager. Vice-President
Castaldini seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Ayes: Jackson, Ely, Castaldini, Bequette;
Noes: None; Absent: Churchill
Meeting Minutes– February 5, 2015
It was further recommended to review this again after tax season when the new requirements will be assigned
from Mr. Kimmel.
The proposed job classifications were presented. The Board would like General Manager Sullivan to continue
working on the details of the job descriptions.
Mr. Yagerhofer and Ms. Corderman from the Plumas County Community Development Commission presented
the information regarding the income survey. The income survey results were not favorable and Mr. Yagerhofer
is working on getting us the lowest amount that we may have to pay.
Director Ely excused himself from the remainder of the meeting at 10:00 a.m.
Resolution 2015-02 was presented for the Board’s review. A correction was made to the Costs Not Financed.
Vice-President Castaldini moved to approve the resolution as amended. Director Bequette seconded and
the motion carried unanimously. Ayes: Jackson, Bequette, Castaldini; Noes: None; Absent: Ely,
Vice-President Castaldini reported that he will be absent in March.
General Manager Sullivan reported on current operational issues. Staff attended a training from Utility Services
on new technology.
The bills for January were presented.
Director Bequette moved to approve the January bills as presented. Vice-President Castaldini seconded
and the motion carried unanimously. Ayes: Jackson, Bequette, Castaldini; Noes: None; Absent:
Churchill, Ely
The financial statements were presented by Mr. Kimmel. Mr. Kimmel explained that staff is doing a lot of the
detail work and there is a good foundation in place.
Vice-President Castaldini moved to approve the financials for December 2014 as presented. Director
Bequette seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Ayes: Jackson, Bequette, Castaldini; Noes:
None; Absent: Churchill, Ely
There were no violations in December. Mr. Sullivan is moving forward with the boulder vein project with the
prop 50 money.
The Ad-Hoc Committee met with Paul Reuter and discussed the wastewater treatment plant study.
The Board directed staff to move forward with the transfer of $50,000 to the wastewater treatment capital
General Manager Sullivan reported that the Spring Line remains offline.
ADJOURNED: Vice-President Castaldini moved to adjourn the meeting, Director Bequette seconded. The
meeting adjourned at 11:59 a.m.
Ruth Jackson, President
Katie Gay, Board Secretary
Meeting Minutes– February 5, 2015