Life Safety Codes LONG-TERM CARE SURVEY MANUAL PREPARED BY MU NHA CONSULTANT SECTION 2 - LIFE SAFETY CODES Life Safety Codes - This section can be used as a reference for possible K-tag citations and includes checklists for self-assessment. SECTION K-Tags and Definitions Life Safety Code Check List Fire Safety Survey Worksheet for Rating Residents (Form CMS-2786M) Fire Safety Survey Report Medicare-Medicaid (Form CMS-2786R) Fire Safety Survey Report Short Form Medicare-Medicaid (Form CMS-2786S) Fire/Smoke Zone Evaluation Worksheet for Health Care Facilities (Form CMS-2786T) Fire Safety Survey Report - Intermediate Care Facilities for the Mentally Retarded (Small) (Form CMS-2786V) Fire Safety Survey Report - Intermediate Care Facilities for the Mentally Retarded (Large) (Form CMS-2786W) Updated March 2015 PAGE # 2.2-2.3 2.4-2.6 Appendix 2-A Appendix 2-B Appendix 2-C Appendix 2-D Appendix 2-E Appendix 2-F K-TAGS AND DEFINITIONS K011 K012 K014 K015 K016 K017 K018 K019 K020 K021 K022 K023 K024 K025 K027 K028 K029 K031 K032 K033 K034 K036 K037 K038 K039 K040 K041 K042 K043 K044 K045 K046 K047 K048 K049 K050 K051 K052 K053 K054 K055 K056 K059 K060 K061 Common Wall Construction Type Interior Finish for Corridors Interior Finish for Rooms Newly Installed Floor Finish Corridors Separated with Fire Walls Construction of Doors Vision Panels in Corridor Walls Vertical Openings - Fire Walls Doors in Fire Separation Walls Enclosure Doors Serving Exits Smoke Barriers (at least 2 Smoke compartments) Smoke Compartments Smoke Barriers (1/2 Hr Fire Resistance Rating) Doors in Smoke Barriers (20 Min Fire Protection) Doors in Smoke Barriers (34 Inches Wide) Hazardous Areas Separated by Construction Laboratories Employing Flammable Materials Two Acceptable Exits Provided on Each Floor Exit Components - Fire Walls Stairways and Smoke proof Towers Travel Distances to Exits Exit does not have Dead End Exceeding 30 feet Exit Accessible at all Times Width of Aisles or Corridors Exit Access Doors are Swinging Type Sleeping Rooms have Access to Exits At Least Two Exits Keyless Egress Horizontal Exits Illumination of Means of Egress Emergency Lighting One Hour Duration Exit Signs Display Continuous Illumination Written Plan - Fire Drill Evacuation Plan Posted Fire Drills Held at Unexpected Times Fire Alarm Sys to Provide Effective Warning Fire Alarm Tested Monthly Automatic Smoke Detection Sys All Smoke Detectors Inspected and Tested Patient Sleeping Rooms - Outside Windows Auto Sprinkle System of Standard Approved Type Automatic Sprinkler - Water Flow Devices Automatic Sprinkler - Central Fire Alarm Automatic Sprinkler - Main Control Valve 2.2 K062 K063 K064 K065 K066 K067 K068 K069 K070 K071 K072 K073 K074 K075 K076 K077 K078 K080 K081 K082 K083 K103 K104 K105 K106 K107 K108 K109 K118 K144 K147 Automatic Sprinkler - Maintenance Automatic Sprinkler - Water Supply Portable Fire Extinguishers Maintenance of Fire Extinguishers Smoking Regulations are Adopted Air Conditioning and Ventilating Equipment Combustion and Ventilation Air Commercial Cooking Equip. Meets Requirements Fuel Burning Space Heaters Linen and Trash Chutes No Objects Placed to Obstruct Exits or Visibility Nothing of Explosive or Flammable Character Used Flame Retardant Curtains Wastebaskets in Patients rooms are Non-Combustible Nonflammable Medical Gas Systems Medical Gas Systems Anesthetizing Areas and Rooms for Storage Hazardous Areas - Sprinklers Automatic Fire Detection Devices Installed Patients Rooms Separated by Construction Fire Resist Fire Department Response Time is Adequate Interior Walls of Non-Combustible Materials Penetrations of Smoke Barriers Life Support Systems - Egress Life Support Systems - Electrical Require Alarm and Detection Systems Alarms, Emergency Communications Systems Automatic Smoke Detector Elevators and Conveyors Generator Inspection & Load Testing Electrical Wiring & Equipment 2.3 LIFE SAFETY CODE CHECK LIST Mechanical Rooms 1. High/low ventilation and combustion ductwork. 2. All ceiling and wall penetration sealed with fire rated caulking. 3. Doors - Self-closing and latch automatically. 4. Not used for storage. 5. Ceiling installed completely. 6. Fire dampers installed at duct penetrations of walls. 7. No grills or vents in doors. 8. Separated with one-hour fire rated construction to roof deck. Kitchen 1. Doors - Self-closing and latch automatically. 2. Fusible links - On all doors held open. Laundry 1. Dryers enclosed. 2. High/low ventilation and combustion ductwork behind dryers. 3. Doors - Self-closing and latch automatically. Soiled Linen Rooms 1. Doors - Self-closing and latch automatically. 2. Soiled linen receptacle capacity greater than 32 gallons - room shall be separated by one-hour fire rated construction, self-closing automaticallylatching door, and sprinklered. Oxygen Storage 1. Vented to outside. 2. Storage greater than 3000 cu.ft. - Room separated by one-hour fire rated construction and self-closing automatically-latching door. Storage Rooms 1. 50 to 100 sq.ft. - Separated by one-hour fire rated construction and selfclosing automatically-latching door. 2. Greater than 100 sq.ft. - Separated by one-hour fire rated construction, selfclosing automatically-latching door, and sprinklered. Patient Rooms 1. Window or outside door. 2. Window and cubicle curtains flame retardant. 3. No furnishings and decorations of highly-flammable character. 4. Corridor door closes and latches without impediment, gaps, and against jamb. 5. No portable space heaters. 6. Class A or B flame spread rating. Corridors and Exitways 1. Class A or B rating - Walls and ceiling. 2. Continuously maintained free of all obstructions or impediments. 3. Handrails secure and without damage. 4. No items on wall extending out beyond the handrail below seven feet. Stairways 1. One hour fire rated construction - Up to three stories. Four stories or more - Two hour fire rated construction. 2. All penetrations sealed. 3. Self-closing automatically-latching doors. 4. No storage. Exit Lights 1. Illuminated. 2. Signs located to show direction to exit from any point in a corridor - Two directions. 2.4 3. Illuminated by emergency power within ten seconds of loss of normal power. Alcohol-based Hand Rub 1. The corridor is at least six feet wide. 2. The maximum individual fluid dispenser capacity shall be1.2 liters (2 liters in suites of rooms). 3. The dispensers shall have a minimum spacing of four feet from each other. 4. Not more than ten gallons are used in a single smoke compartment outside a storage cabinet. 5. Dispensers are not installed over or adjacent to an ignition source. 6. If the floor is carpeted, the building is fully sprinklered. Smoking Regulations 1. Smoking shall be prohibited in any room, ward or compartment where flammable liquids, combustible gases or oxygen is used or stored in any other hazardous location, and such area shall be posted with signs that read NO SMOKING or shall be posted with the international symbol for no smoking. 2. Smoking by patients classified as not responsible shall be prohibited, except when under direct supervision. 3. Ashtrays of noncombustible material and safe design shall be provided in all areas where smoking is permitted. 4. Metal containers with self-closing cover devices into which ashtrays can be emptied shall be available to all areas where smoking is permitted. Electrical 1. All switch and outlet covers installed. None damaged. 2. Panels installed on all electrical equipment. 3. Three foot clearance on all four sides of main electrical panels. 4. Circuit breaker panels labeled. 5. Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters installed in all outlets - Within six feet of any sink, bathrooms, garages, electrical vehicle charging systems, elevators, wet areas (utility rooms-outlets serving counter tops, janitor closets, dish washing rooms), kitchen (outlets serving counter tops), roof tops, and outdoor outlets. Kitchen Range Hood Fire Suppression System 1. Inspected monthly - Grease buildup on nozzles and ductwork. 2. Inspected annually - Licensed individual. 3. Eight inch shield installed between fryer and stove - on tallest appliance not required if fryer is sixteen inches from stove. Fire Extinguishers 1. Inspect monthly - Proper location, not obstructed, operating instructions on nameplate facing outward, safety seal not broken, unit is full, obvious physical damage, pressure gauge reading in operable range - Document inspections. 2. Annual inspection by licensed individual. Fire Alarm System 1. Annual inspection by licensed individual - Report available. 2. Semi-annually - Visual inspection of fire alarm components. Single Station Smoke Detectors 1. Inspect and test according to manufacturer's instructions; at least monthly. 2. Replace batteries according to manufacturer' instructions; 3. Document testing and maintenance; Sprinkler System 1. Annual inspection by a Licensed individual - Report available. 2. Test tamper and flow switches quarterly - Document. 3. Storage eighteen inches below sprinkler head deflector. 2.5 4. Sprinkler heads free of lint and corrosion, pipes not used for clothes hangers. 5. Sprinkler heads not obstructed. Emergency Generator 1. Annual inspection by licensed individual - Report available. 2. Maintenance scheduled per manufacturer's requirement - Keep log. 3. Monthly recordings of battery electrolyte specific gravity - lead acid batteries- all others weekly recording of battery voltage. 4. Monthly load test (30%) for thirty minutes - Record time and voltage. 5. Switch to emergency power within ten seconds. 6. Outlets connected to emergency power identified by distinctive color unless total building on generator. Fire Drills 1. A drill for each shift during each quarter. 2. At unannounced times, not during shift change, not all on same day, 90% attendance. 3. Do not mix drills and inservices. 4. Document each drill with time, date, shift, procedures used, reactions of staff, and signatures of staff participating. Corridor, Fire, and Smoke Barrier walls Exits All penetrations sealed with fire rated caulking or foam. Check behind service personnel. Maximum half-inch gap around penetrations. 1. Doors open without impediment. 2. Discharge path smooth hard surface. Maximum half-inch elevation between surfaces. If higher, 20:1 ramp. 3. Dual bulb outside light fixture. In General Facility shall be maintained according to all applicable codes. Any renovations or alterations to the facility shall be submitted to OLTC for approval. rev. 05/22/09 2.6 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES CENTERS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERVICES Form Approved OMB No. 0938-0242 FIRE SAFETY SURVEY — 2000 LIFE SAFETY CODE F-1 Worksheet for Rating Residents SIDE 1 Complete one Worksheet for each resident. Read Instruction Manual before filling out this form. Base ratings on commonly observed examples of poor performance. Resident’s Name Rater Facility Date Write any explanatory remarks you may wish to make here: Surveyor (Signature) Title Date Title Date Surveyor ID Fire Authority Official (Signature) According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0938-0242. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 5 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: CMS, Attn: PRA Reports Clearance Officer, 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850. Form CMS-2786M (03/04) Previous Versions Obsolete Appendix 2-A Page 1 Form Approved OMB No. 0938-0242 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES CENTERS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERVICES F-1 COMPLETE OTHER SIDE FIRST Worksheet for Rating Residents SIDE 2 Read Instruction Manual before filling out this form. Base ratings on commonly observed examples of poor performance. F-1A Rating the Resident on the Risk Factors Rating the resident on each of the factors below by checking the one circle in each risk factor that best describes the resident. For the first six factors, write the scores for the circles you checked in the appropriate score boxes in the far right column. For "response to fire drills," write the three checked scores in the large circles. Write the sum of the 3 scores in the large box on the right. SCORE BOXES I. Risk of Resistance (Check only one) II. Impaired Mobility (Check only one) Minimal Risk score = 0 SelfStarting IV. Need for Extra Help (Check only one) V. Response to Instructions (Check only one) VI. Waking Response to Alarm (Check only one) VII. Response to Fire Drills (Without Guidance or Advice from Staff) Slow score = 3 Needs Limited Assistance from 2 Staff score = 1 Response Probable score = 20 score = 20 Needs Full Assistance from 2 Staff score = 40 Requires Considerable Attention/May Not Respond score = 3 score = 10 Response Not Probable score = 0 Initiates and Completes Evacuation Promptly score = 6 score = 30 Requires Supervision Needs Full Assistance or Very Slow Totally Impaired score = 6 score = 0 Follows Instructions score = 20 Needs Limited Assistance Partially Impaired score = 0 Needs at Most One Staff Risk of Strong Resistance score = 6 score = 0 No Significant III. Impaired Consciousness Risk (Check only one) Risk of Mild Resistance score = 6 Yes No score = 0 Chooses and Completes Back-up Strategy Yes Stays at Designated Location Yes score = 8 No score = 0 + score = 4 No score = 0 + score = 6 F-1B Finding the ResIdent’s Overall Need For AssIstance Compare the numbers in the 7 score boxes you have filled in. Take the one highest score from the score boxes and write it in this box: Form CMS-2786M (03/04) Previous Versions Obsolete SUM OF THESE THREE ITEMS EVACUATION ASSISTANCE SCORE Page 2 Appendix 2-A FIRE SAFETY SURVEY REPORT CRUCIAL DATA EXTRACT (TO BE USED WITH CMS-2786 FORMS) PROVIDER NUMBER FACILITY NAME SURVEY DATE K1 K6 * K4 K3 DATE OF PLAN APPROVAL MULTIPLE CONSTRUCTION TOTAL NUMBER OF BUILDINGS ____________ NUMBER OF THIS BUILDING LSC FORM INDICATOR ____________ 12 13 14 15 ASC Form 2000 EXISTING 2000 NEW SMALL (16 BEDS OR LESS) K8: 1 PROMPT 2 SLOW 3 IMPRACTICAL LARGE K8: ICF/MR Form 2786V, W, X 2000 EXISTING 2786V, W, X 2000 NEW 16 17 SELECT NUMBER OF FORM USED FROM ABOVE *K9: 7 PROMPT 8 SLOW 9 IMPRACTICAL ENTER E – SCORE HERE (Check if K29 or K56 are marked as not applicable in the 2786 M, R, T, U, V, W, X and Y.) K29: 4 PROMPT 5 SLOW 6 IMPRACTICAL APARTMENT HOUSE K8: * K7 BUILDING WING FLOOR APARTMENT UNIT COMPLETE IF ICF/MR IS SURVEYED UNDER CHAPTER 21 Health Care Form 2786R 2000 EXISTING 2786R 2000 NEW 2786U 2786U A B C D K5: K56: e.g. 2.5 FACILITY MEETS LSC BASED ON (Check all that apply) A1. (COMP. WITH ALL PROVISIONS) A2. A3. (ACCEPTABLE POC) FACILITY DOES NOT MEET LSC B. A4. (WAIVERS) A5. (FSES) (PERFORMANCE BASED DESIGN) K0180 A. FULLY SPRINKLERED B. PARTIALLY SPRINKLERED (All required areas are sprinklered) (Not all required areas are sprinklered) C. NONE (No sprinkler system) * MANDATORY Form CMS-2786M (03/04) Previous Versions Obsolete Page 3 Appendix 2-A 2000 CODE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES CENTERS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERVICES FIRE SAFETY SURVEY REPORT 2000 CODE - HEALTH CARE Medicare – Medicaid 1. (A) PROVIDER NUMBER 1. (B) MEDICAID I.D. NO. K1 K2 Form Approved OMB Exempt PART I — Life Safety Code, New and Existing PART IV — Waiver Recommendation Form Identifying information as shown in applicable records. Enter changes, if any, alongside each item, giving date of change. 2. (A) MULTIPLE CONSTRUCTION (BLDGS) 2. NAME OF FACILITY 2. (B) ADDRESS OF FACILITY (STREET, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE) A. (All required areas are sprinklered) A. BUILDING ________________ B. WING ________________ C. FLOOR ________________ MEDICARE MEDICAID Partially Sprinklered B. (Not all required areas are sprinklered) None C. K3 3. SURVEY FOR Fully Sprinklered (No sprinkler system) K0180 4. DATE OF SURVEY DATE OF PLAN APPROVAL K4 K6 SURVEY UNDER 5. 2000 EXISTING 6. 2000 NEW K7 5. SURVEY FOR CERTIFICATION OF 1. HOSPITAL 2. SKILLED/NURSING FACILITY 4. ICF/MR UNDER HEALTH CARE IF “2” OR “5” ABOVE IS MARKED, CHECK APPROPRIATE ITEM(S) BELOW 1. ENTIRE FACILITY 2. 6. BED COMPOSITION a. TOTAL NO. OF BEDS IN THE FACILITY ______ 7. A. B. IF DISTINCT PART OF HOSPITAL, IS HOSPITAL ACCREDITED? a. c. NUMBER OF SKILLED BEDS CERTIFIED FOR MEDICARE _____ HOSPICE YES b. NO d. NUMBER OF SKILLED BEDS CERTIFIED FOR MEDICAID ______ e. NUMBER OF NF or ICF/MR BEDS CERTIFIED FOR MEDICAID_______ THE FACILITY MEETS, BASED UPON (CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES) 1. K9 3. DISTINCT PART OF (SPECIFY) __________________________________ b. NUMBER OF HOSPITAL BEDS CERTIFIED FOR MEDICARE ____ 5. COMPLIANCE WITH ALL PROVISIONS 2. ACCEPTANCE OF A PLAN OF CORRECTION 3. RECOMMENDED WAIVERS 4. FSES 5. PERFORMANCE BASED DESIGN THE FACILITY DOES NOT MEET THE STANDARD SURVEYOR (Signature) TITLE OFFICE DATE TITLE OFFICE DATE SURVEYOR ID K10 FIRE AUTHORITY OFFICIAL (Signature) Form CMS-2786R (02/2013) Appendix 2-B Page 1 Name of Facility 2000 CODE ID PREFIX MET NOT MET N/A REMARKS PART I - LSC REQUIREMENTS - Items in italics relate to the FSES BUILDING CONSTRUCTION K11 If the building has a common wall with a nonconforming building, the common wall is a fire barrier having at least a two hour fire resistance rating constructed of materials as required for the addition. Communicating openings occur only in corridors and shall be protected by approved self-closing fire doors with at least 1½ hour fire resistance rating,,,, K12 2000 EXISTING Building construction type and height meets one of the following:,,, 1 I (443), I (332), II (222) Any Height 2 II (111) One story only (non-sprinklered). 3 II (111) Not over three stories with complete automatic sprinkler system. 4 III (211) 5 V (111) 6 IV (2HH) 7 II (000) 8 III (200) 9 V (000) Not over two stories with complete automatic sprinkler system. Not over one story with complete automatic sprinkler system. Building contains fire treated wood. Give a brief description, in REMARKS, of the construction, the number of stories, including basements, floors on which patients are located, location of smoke or fire barriers and dates of approval. Complete sketch or attach small floor plan of the building as appropriate. Form CMS-2786R (02/2013) Appendix 2-B Page 2 Name of Facility 2000 CODE ID PREFIX K12 MET NOT MET N/A REMARKS 2000 NEW Building construction type and height meets one of the following:,, 1 I (443), I (332), II (222) Any height with complete automatic sprinkler system 2 II (111) Not over three stories with complete automatic sprinkler system 3 III (211) 4 V (111) 5 IV (2HH) 6 II (000) 7 III (200) 8 V (000) Not over one story with complete automatic sprinkler system. Not Permitted Building contains fire treated wood. Give a brief description, in REMARKS, of the construction, the number of stories, including basements, floors on which patients are located, location of smoke or fire barriers and dates of approval. Complete sketch or attach small floor plan of the building as appropriate. K103 Interior walls and partitions in buildings of Type I or Type II construction shall be noncombustible or limited-combustible materials., (Indicate N/A for existing buildings using listed fire retardant treated wood studs within non-load bearing one-hour rated partitions.) Form CMS-2786R (02/2013) Appendix 2-B Page 3 Name of Facility 2000 CODE ID PREFIX MET NOT MET N/A REMARKS INTERIOR FINISH K14 2000 EXISTING Interior finish for means of egress, including exposed interior surfaces of buildings such as fixed or movable walls, partitions, columns, and ceilings has a flame spread rating of Class A or Class B. Interior finishes existing before December 17, 2010 that are applied directly to wall and ceilings with a thickness of less than ½8 inch shall be permitted to remain in use without flame spread rating documentation. 10.2,,, NFPA TIA 00-2 Indicate flame spread rating/s _________ 2000 NEW Interior finish for means of egress, including exposed interior surfaces of buildings such as fixed or movable walls, partitions, columns, and ceilings has a flame spread rating of Class A or Class B. Lower half of corridor walls, not exceeding 4ft in height, may have a Class C flame spread rating. 10.2,,, NFPA TIA 00-2 Indicate flame spread rating/s_________ K15 2000 EXISTING Interior finish for rooms and spaces not used for corridors or exitways, including exposed interior surfaces of buildings such as fixed or movable walls, partitions, columns, and ceilings has a flame spread rating of Class A or Class B. (In fully-sprinklered buildings, flame spread rating of Class C may be continued in use within rooms separated in accordance with 19.3.6 from the exit access corridors.), Indicate flame spread rating/s_________ 2000 NEW Interior finish for rooms and spaces not used for corridors or exitways, including exposed interior surfaces of buildings such as fixed or movable walls, partitions, columns, and ceilings has a flame spread rating of Class A or Class B. (Rooms not over 4 persons in capacity may have a flame spread rating of Class A, Class B, or Class C)., Indicate flame spread rating/s_________ Form CMS-2786R (02/2013) Appendix 2-B Page 4 Name of Facility 2000 CODE ID PREFIX K16 MET NOT MET N/A REMARKS 2000 EXISTING Newly installed interior floor finish complying with 10.2.7 shall be permitted in corridors and exits if Class I. In smoke compartments protected throughout by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system in accordance with, no interior floor finish requirements shall apply. CORRIDOR WALLS AND DOORS K17 2000 EXISTING Corridors are separated from use areas by walls constructed with at least ½ hour fire resistance rating. In fully sprinklered smoke compartments, partitions are only required to resist the passage of smoke. In non-sprinklered buildings, walls extend to the underside of the floor or roof deck above the ceiling. (Corridor walls may terminate at the underside of ceilings where specifically permitted by Code. Charting and clerical stations, waiting areas, dining rooms, and activity spaces may be open to corridor under certain conditions specified in the Code. Gift shops may be separated from corridors by non-fire rated walls if the gift shop is fully sprinklered.),,, If the walls have a fire resistance rating, give rating _________ if the walls terminate at the underside of a ceiling, give a brief description in REMARKS, of the ceiling, describing the ceiling throughout the floor area. 2000 NEW Corridor walls shall form a barrier to limit the transfer of smoke. Such walls shall be permitted to terminate at the ceiling where the ceiling is constructed to limit the transfer of smoke. No fire resistance rating is required for the corridor walls.,,, Form CMS-2786R (02/2013) Appendix 2-B Page 5 Name of Facility ID PREFIX K18 2000 CODE MET NOT MET N/A REMARKS 2000 EXISTING Doors protecting corridor openings in other than required enclosures of vertical openings, exits, or hazardous areas shall be substantial doors, such as those constructed of 13/4 inch solid-bonded core wood, or capable of resisting fire for at least 20 minutes. Clearance between bottom of door and floor covering is not exceeding 1 inch. Doors in fully sprinklered smoke compartments are only required to resist the passage of smoke. There is no impediment to the closing of the doors. Hold open devices that release when the door is pushed or pulled are permitted. Doors shall be provided with a means suitable for keeping the door closed. Dutch doors meeting are permitted. Door frames shall be labeled and made of steel or other materials in compliance with Roller latches are prohibited by CMS regulations in all health care facilities. Show in REMARKS, details of doors, such as fire protection ratings, automatic closing devices, etc. 2000 NEW Doors protecting corridor openings shall be constructed to resist the passage of smoke. Clearance between bottom of door and floor covering is not exceeding 1 inch. There is no impediment to the closing of the doors. Hold open devices that release when the door is pushed or pulled are permitted. Doors shall be provided with positive latching hardware. Dutch doors meeting are permitted. Roller latches shall be prohibited. Show in REMARKS, details of doors, such as fire protection ratings, automatic closing devices, etc. K19 Vision panels in corridor walls or doors shall be fixed window assemblies in approved frames. (In fully sprinklered smoke compartments, there are no restrictions in the area and fire resistance of glass and frames.) In other than smoke compartments containing patient bedrooms, miscellaneous opening are permitted in vision panels or doors provided the aggregate area of the opening per room does not exceed 20 in.2 and the opening is installed in bottom half of the wall (80 in.2 in fully sprinklered buildings).,,, Form CMS-2786R (02/2013) Appendix 2-B Page 6 Name of Facility 2000 CODE ID PREFIX MET NOT MET N/A REMARKS VERTICAL OPENINGS K20 2000 EXISTING Stairways, elevator shafts, light and ventilation shafts, chutes, and other vertical openings between floors are enclosed with construction having a fire resistance rating of at least one hour. An atrium may be used in accordance with 8.2.5,, If all vertical openings are properly enclosed with construction providing at least a two hour fire resistance rating, also check this box. If enclosures are less than required, give a brief description and specific location in REMARKS. 2000 NEW Stairways, elevator shafts, light and ventilation shafts, chutes, and other vertical openings between floors are enclosed with construction having a fire resistance rating of at least two hours connecting four stories or more. (One hour for single story building and buildings up to three stories in height.) An atrium may be used in accordance with, 8.2.5, If enclosures are less than required, give a brief description and specific location in REMARKS. K21 Doors in an exit passageway, stairway enclosure, horizontal exit, smoke barrier or hazardous area enclosure are self-closing and kept in the closed position, unless held open by as release device complying with that automatically closes all such doors throughout the smoke compartment or entire facility upon activation of: (a) The required manual fire alarm system and (b) Local smoke detectors designed to detect smoke passing through the opening or a required smoke detection system and (c) The automatic sprinkler system, if installed,,,, Door assemblies in vertical openings are of an approved type with appropriate fire protection rating. Boiler rooms, heater rooms, and mechanical equipment rooms doors are kept closed. Form CMS-2786R (02/2013) Appendix 2-B Page 7 Name of Facility ID PREFIX 2000 CODE MET NOT MET N/A REMARKS Describe method used in REMARKS SMOKE COMPARTMENTATION AND CONTROL K23 2000 EXISTING Smoke barriers shall be provided to form at least two smoke compartments on every sleeping room floor for more than 30 patients., 2000 NEW Smoke barriers shall be provided to form at least two smoke compartments on every floor used by inpatients for sleeping or treatment, and on every floor with an occupant load of 50 or more persons, regardless of use. Smoke barriers shall also be provided on floors that are usable, but unoccupied., K24 The smoke compartments shall not exceed 22,500 square feet and the travel distance to and from any point to reach a door in the required smoke barrier shall not exceed 200 feet., Detail in REMARKS zone dimensions including length of zones and dead end corridors. K25 2000 EXISTING Smoke barriers shall be constructed to provide at least a one half hour fire resistance rating and constructed in accordance with 8.3. Smoke barriers shall be permitted to terminate at an atrium wall. Windows shall be protected by fire-rated glazing or by wired glass panels and steel frames. 8.3,, 2000 NEW Smoke barriers shall be constructed to provide at least a one hour fire resistance rating and constructed in accordance with 8.3. Smoke barriers shall be permitted to terminate at an atrium wall. Windows shall be protected by fire-rated glazing or by wired glass panels in approved frames. 8.3,, K26 Space shall be provided on each side of smoke barriers to adequately accommodate the total number of occupants in adjoining compartments., Form CMS-2786R (02/2013) Appendix 2-B Page 8 Name of Facility 2000 CODE ID PREFIX K27 MET NOT MET N/A REMARKS 2000 EXISTING Doors in smoke barriers have at least a 20 minute fire protection rating or are at least 13/4 inch thick solid bonded core wood. Non-rated protective plates that do not exceed 48 inches from the bottom of the door are permitted. Horizontal sliding doors comply with Doors shall be self-closing or automaticclosing in accordance with Swinging doors are not required to swing with egress and positive latching is not required.,, 2000 NEW Doors in smoke barriers have at least a 20 minute fire protection rating or are at least 13/4 inch thick solid bonded core wood. Nonrated protective plates that do not exceed 48 inches from the bottom of the door are permitted. Horizontal sliding doors comply with Swinging doors shall be arranged so that each door swings in an opposite direction. Doors shall be self-closing and rabbets, bevels or astragals are required at the meeting edges. Positive latching is not required.,, K28 2000 EXISTING Door openings in smoke barriers shall provide a minimum clear width of 32 inches (81 cm) for swinging or horizontal doors. 2000 NEW Door openings in smoke barriers are installed as swinging or horizontal doors shall provide a minimum clear width as follows: Provider Type Swinging Doors Horizontal Sliding Doors Hospitals and Nursing Facilities 41.5 inches (105 cm) 83 inches (211 cm) Psychiatric Hospitals and Limited Care Facilities 32 inches (81 cm) 64 inches (163 cm) Form CMS-2786R (02/2013) Appendix 2-B Page 9 Name of Facility 2000 CODE ID PREFIX K104 MET NOT MET N/A REMARKS Penetrations of smoke barriers by ducts are protected in accordance with 8.3.5. Dampers are not required in duct penetrations of smoke barriers in fully ducted HVAC systems where a sprinkler system in accordance with 18/19.3.5 is provided for adjacent smoke compartments., Hospitals may apply a 6-year damper testing interval conforming to NFPA 80 & NFPA 105. All other health care facilities must maintain a 4-year damper maintenance interval. 8.3.5 Describe any mechanical smoke control system in REMARKS. HAZARDOUS AREAS K29 2000 EXISTING One hour fire rated construction (with 3/4 hour fire-rated doors) or an approved automatic fire extinguishing system in accordance with 8.4.1 and/or protects hazardous areas. When the approved automatic fire extinguishing system option is used, the areas shall be separated from other spaces by smoke resisting partitions and doors. Doors shall be self-closing and non-rated or field-applied protective plates that do not exceed 48 inches from the bottom of the door are permitted. Area a. Boiler and Fuel-Fired Heater Rooms c. Laundries (greater than 100 sq feet) d. Repair Shops and Paint Shops e. Laboratories (if classified a Severe Hazard - see K31) f. Combustible Storage Rooms/Spaces (over 50 sq feet) g. Trash Collection Rooms i. Soiled Linen Rooms Automatic Sprinkler Separation N/A Describe the floor and zone locations of hazardous areas that are deficient in REMARKS. Form CMS-2786R (02/2013) Appendix 2-B Page 10 Name of Facility 2000 CODE ID PREFIX MET NOT MET N/A REMARKS Area a. Boiler and Fuel-Fired Heater Rooms c. Laundries (greater than 100 sq feet) d. Repair, Maintenance and Paint Shops e. Laboratories (if classified a Severe Hazard - see K31) f. Combustible Storage Rooms/Spaces (over 50 and less than 100 sq feet) g. Trash Collection Rooms i. Soiled Linen Rooms m. Combustible Storage Rooms/Spaces (over 100 sq feet) Area L. Gift Shop storing hazardous quantities of combustibles Form CMS-2786R (02/2013) Automatic Sprinkler Separation N/A Automatic Sprinkler Separation N/A Appendix 2-B Page 11 Name of Facility 2000 CODE ID PREFIX K211 MET NOT MET N/A REMARKS Where Alcohol Based Hand Rub (ABHR) dispensers are installed: The corridor is at least 6 feet wide The maximum individual fluid dispenser capacity shall be 1.2 liters (2 liters in suites of rooms) The dispensers shall have a minimum spacing of 4 ft from each other Not more than 10 gallons are used in a single smoke compartment outside a storage cabinet. Dispensers are not installed over or adjacent to an ignition source. If the floor is carpeted, the building is fully sprinklered., CFR 403.744, 418.110, 460.72, 482.41, 483.70, 485.623 EXITS AND EGRESS K22 Access to exits shall be marked by approved, readily visible signs in all cases where the exit or way to reach exit is not readily apparent to the occupants. Doors, passages or stairways that are not a way of exit that are likely to be mistaken for an exit have a sign designating “No Exit”. 7.10,, K32 Not less than two exits, remote from each other, are provided for each floor or fire section of the building. Not less than one exit from each floor or fire section shall be a door leading outside, stair, smoke-proof enclosure, ramp, or exit passageway. Only one of these two exits may be a horizontal exit. Egress shall not return through the zone of fire origin.,,, K33 2000 EXISTING Exit enclosures (such as stairways) are enclosed with construction having a fire resistance rating of at least one hour, are arranged to provide a continuous path of escape, and provide protection against fire or smoke from other parts of the building.,,, If all vertical openings are properly enclosed with construction providing at least a two hour fire resistance rating, also check this box. If enclosures are less than required, give a brief description and specific location in REMARKS. Form CMS-2786R (02/2013) Appendix 2-B Page 12 Name of Facility ID PREFIX 2000 CODE MET NOT MET N/A REMARKS 2000 NEW Exit enclosures (such as stairways) in buildings four stories or more are enclosed with construction having a fire resistance rating of at least two hours, are arranged to provide a continuous path of escape, and provide a protection against fire and smoke from other parts of the building. In all buildings less than four stories, the enclosure is at least one hour.,,,, If enclosures are less than required, give a brief description and specific location in REMARKS. K34 Stairways and smokeproof enclosures used as exits are in accordance with 7.2.,,, K35 The capacity of required mean of egress is based on its width, in accordance with 7.3. K36 Travel distance (exit access) to exits are measured in accordance with 7.6. • Room door to exit ≤ 100 ft (≤ 150 ft sprinklered) • Point in room or suite to exit ≤ 150 ft (≤ 200 ft sprinklered) • Point in room to room door ≤ 50 ft • Point in suite to suite door ≤ 100 ft 18.2.6, 19.2.6 K37 2000 EXISTING Existing dead-end corridors shall be permitted to be continued to be used if it is impractical and unfeasible to alter them so that exists are accessible in not less than two different directions from all points in aisles, passageways, and corridors. 2000 NEW Every exit and exit access shall be arranged so that no corridor, aisle or passageway has a pocket or dead-end exceeding 30 feet. K38 Exit access is so arranged that exits are readily accessible at all times in accordance with 7.1. 18.2.1, 19.2.1 K39 2000 EXISTING Width of aisles or corridors (clear and unobstructed) serving as exit access shall be at least 4 feet. Form CMS-2786R (02/2013) Appendix 2-B Page 13 Name of Facility ID PREFIX 2000 CODE MET NOT MET N/A REMARKS 2000 NEW Width of aisles or corridors (clear and unobstructed) serving as exit access in hospitals and nursing homes shall be at least 8 feet. In limited care facility and psychiatric hospitals, width of aisles or corridors shall be at least 6 feet., K40 2000 EXISTING Exit access doors and exit doors used by health care occupants are of the swinging type and are at least 32 inches in clear width. An exception is provided for existing 34-inch doors in existing occupancies. 2000 NEW Exit access doors and exit doors used by health care occupants are of the swinging type and are at least 41.5 inches in clear width. Doors in exit stairway enclosures shall be no less than 32 inches in clear width. In psychiatric hospitals or limited care facilities (e.g.,ICF/MD providing medical treatment) doors are at least 32 inches wide. K41 All sleeping rooms have a door leading to a corridor providing access to an exit or have a door leading directly to grade. One room may intervene in accordance with, If doors lead directly to grade from each room, check this box. K42 Any patient sleeping room or suite of rooms of more than 1,000 sq. ft. has at least 2 exit access doors remote from each other., K43 Patient room doors are arranged such that the patients can open the door from inside without using a key. Special door locking arrangements are permitted in facilities.,,, If door locking arrangement without delay egress is used indicate in REMARKS, K44 Horizontal exits, if used, are in accordance with 7.2.4., K47 Exit and directional signs are displayed in accordance with 7.10 with continuous illumination also served by the emergency lighting system., (Indicate N/A in one story existing occupancies with less than 30 occupants where the line of exit travel is obvious.) Form CMS-2786R (02/2013) Appendix 2-B Page 14 Name of Facility 2000 CODE ID PREFIX K72 MET NOT MET N/A REMARKS Means of egress shall be continuously maintained free of all obstructions or impediments to full instant use in the case of fire or other emergency. No furnishings, decorations, or other objects shall obstruct exits, access thereto, egress there from, or visibility thereof shall be in accordance with 7.1.10. 18.2.1, 19.2.1 ILLUMINATION K45 Illumination of means of egress, including exit discharge, is arranged so that failure of any single lighting fixture will not leave the area in darkness. Lighting system shall be either continuously in operation or capable of automatic operation without manual intervention. 18.2.8, 19.2.8, 7.8 K46 Emergency lighting of at least 1½ hour duration is provided automatically in accordance with 7.9., K105 2000 NEW (INDICATE N/A FOR EXISTING) Buildings equipped with or requiring the use of life support systems (electro-mechanical or inhalation anesthetics) have illumination of means of egress, emergency lighting equipment, exit, and directional signs supplied by the Life Safety Branch of the electrical system described in NFPA 99., (Indicate N/A if life support equipment is for emergency purposes only). EMERGENCY PLAN AND FIRE DRILLS K48 There is a written plan for the protection of all patients and for their evacuation in the event of an emergency., K50 Fire drills include the transmission of a fire alarm signal and simulation of emergency fire conditions. Fire drills are held at unexpected times under varying conditions, at least quarterly on each shift. The staff is familiar with procedures and is aware that drills are part of established routine. Responsibility for planning and conducting drills is assigned only to competent persons who are qualified to exercise leadership. Where drills are conducted between 9:00 PM and 6:00 AM a coded announcement may be used instead of audible alarms., Form CMS-2786R (02/2013) Appendix 2-B Page 15 Name of Facility 2000 CODE ID PREFIX MET NOT MET N/A REMARKS FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS K51 A fire alarm system is installed with systems and components approved for the purpose in accordance with NFPA 70, National Electric Code and NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code to provide effective warning of fire in any part of the building. Fire alarm system wiring or other transmission paths are monitored for integrity. Initiation of the fire alarm system is by manual means and by any required sprinkler system alarm, detection device, or detection system. Manual alarm boxes are provided in the path of egress near each required exit. Manual alarm boxes in patient sleeping areas shall not be required at exits if manual alarm boxes are located at all nurse’s stations. Occupant notification is provided by audible and visual signals. In critical care areas, visual alarms are sufficient. The fire alarm system transmits the alarm automatically to notify emergency forces in the event of fire. The fire alarm automatically activates required control functions. System records are maintained and readily available. 18.3.4, 19.3.4, 9.6 K52 A fire alarm system required for life safety shall be, tested, and maintained in accordance with NFPA 70 National Electric Code and NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Code and records kept readily available. The system shall have an approved maintenance and testing program complying with applicable requirement of NFPA 70 and 72.,, K155 Where a required fire alarm system is out of service for more than 4 hours in a 24-hour period, the authority having jurisdiction shall be notified, and the building shall be evacuated or an approved fire watch shall be provided for all parties left unprotected by the shutdown until the fire alarm system has been returned to service. K53 2000 EXISTING (INDICATE N/A FOR HOSPITAL AND FULLY SPRINKLERED NURSING HOMES) In an existing nursing home, not fully sprinklered, the resident sleeping rooms and public areas (dining rooms, activity rooms, resident meeting rooms, etc) are to be equipped with single station battery-operated smoke detectors. There will be a testing, maintenance and battery replacement program to ensure proper operation. CFR 483.70 Form CMS-2786R (02/2013) Appendix 2-B Page 16 Name of Facility ID PREFIX 2000 CODE MET NOT MET N/A REMARKS 2000 NEW (NURSING HOME AND EXISTING LIMITED CARE FACILITIES) An automatic smoke detection system is installed in all corridors. (As an alternative to the corridor smoke detection system on patient sleeping room floors, smoke detectors may be installed in each patient sleeping room and at smoke barrier or horizontal exit doors in the corridor.) Such detectors are electrically interconnected to the fire alarm system. K109 2000 EXISTING LIMITED CARE FACILITIES (INDICATE N/A FOR HOSPITALS OR NURSING HOMES) An automatic smoke detection system is installed in all corridors with detector spacing no further apart than 30 ft on center in accordance with NFPA 72. (As an alternative to the corridor smoke detection system on patient sleeping room floors, smoke detectors may be installed in each patient sleeping room and at smoke barrier or horizontal exit doors in the corridors.) Such detectors are electrically interconnected to the fire alarm system. Smoke Detection System Corridors Rooms Bath K54 All required smoke detectors, including those activating door hold-open devices, are approved, maintained, inspected and tested in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. Give a brief description, in REMARKS of any smoke detection system which may be installed. K55 2000 EXISTING Every patient sleeping room shall have an outside window or outside door. Except for newborn nurseries and rooms intended for occupancy for less than 24 hours. 19.3.8 2000 NEW Every patient sleeping room shall have an outside window or outside door. The allowable sill height shall not exceed 36 inches (91 cm) above the floor. Windows are not required for recovery rooms, newborn nurseries, emergency rooms, and similar rooms Form CMS-2786R (02/2013) Appendix 2-B Page 17 Name of Facility 2000 CODE ID PREFIX MET NOT MET N/A REMARKS intended for occupancy for less than 24 hours. Window sill height for limited care facilities shall not exceed 44 inches (112 cm) above the floor. 18.3.8 K60 Initiation of the required fire alarm systems shall be by manual fire alarm initiation, automatic detection, or extinguishing system operation.,, AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS K56 2000 EXISTING Where required by section 19.1.6, Health care facilities shall be protected throughout by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system in accordance with section 9.7. Required sprinkler systems are equipped with water flow and tamper switches which are electrically interconnected to the building fire alarm. In Type I and II construction, alternative protection measures shall be permitted to be substituted for sprinkler protection in specific areas where State or local regulations prohibit sprinklers. 19.3.5,, NPFA 13 2000 NEW There is an automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with NFPA13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, with approved components, device and equipment, to provide complete coverage of all portions of the facility. Systems are equipped with waterflow and tamper switches, which are connected to the fire alarm system. In Type I and II construction, alternative protection measures shall be permitted to be substituted for sprinkler protection in specific areas where State or local regulations prohibit sprinklers. 18.3.5, K154 Where a required automatic sprinkler system is out of service for more than 4 hours in a 24-hour period, the authority having jurisdiction shall be notified, and the building shall be evacuated or an approved fire watch system be provided for all parties left unprotected by the shutdown until the sprinkler system has been returned to service. A. Date sprinkler system last checked and necessary maintenance provided. _______________________________ Form CMS-2786R (02/2013) Appendix 2-B Page 18 Name of Facility 2000 CODE ID PREFIX MET NOT MET N/A REMARKS B. Show who provided the service. _______________________ C. Note the source of water supply for the automatic sprinkler system. ___________________________________ (Provide, in REMARKS, information on coverage for any non-required or partial automatic sprinkler system.) K61 Automatic sprinkler system supervisory attachments are installed and monitored for integrity in accordance with NFPA 72, and provide a signal that sounds and is displayed at a continuously attended location or approved remote facility when sprinkler operation is impaired., NFPA 72 K62 Automatic sprinkler systems are continuously maintained in reliable operating condition and are inspected and tested periodically. 18.7.6, 19.7.6, 4.6.12, NFPA 13, NFPA 25, 9.7.5 K63 Required automatic sprinkler systems have an adequate and reliable water supply which provides continuous and automatic pressure., NFPA 13 K64 Portable fire extinguishers shall be installed, inspected, and maintained in all health care occupancies in accordance with, NFPA 10., SMOKING REGULATIONS K66 Smoking regulations shall be adopted and shall include not less than the following provisions: 18.7.4, 19.7.4, 8-6.4.2 (NFPA 99) (1) Smoking shall be prohibited in any room, ward, or compartment where flammable liquids, combustible gases, or oxygen is used or stored and in any other hazardous location, and such area shall be posted with signs that read NO SMOKING or shall be posted with the international symbol for no smoking. Exception: In facilities where smoking is prohibited and signs are prominently placed at all major entrances, secondary signs that prohibit smoking in use areas are not required. (Note: This exception is not applicable to medical gas storage areas.) 8- (NFPA 99) Form CMS-2786R (02/2013) Appendix 2-B Page 19 Name of Facility ID PREFIX 2000 CODE MET NOT MET N/A REMARKS Form CMS-2786R (02/2013) Appendix 2-B Page 20 Name of Facility ID PREFIX MET NOT MET (4) K160 2000 CODE N/A REMARKS Existing flue-fed incinerators shall be sealed by fire resistive construction to prevent further use. 2000 EXISTING Elevators comply with the provision of 9.4. Elevators are inspected and tested as specified in A17.1, Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators. Fire Fighter’s Service is operated monthly with a written record. Existing elevators conform to ASME/ANSI A17.3, Safety Code for Existing Elevators & Escalators. All existing elevators, having a travel distance of 25 ft or more above or below the level that best serves the needs of emergency personnel for fire fighting purposes, conform with Firefighter’s Service Requirements of ASME/ANSI A17.3. 9.4.2, 9.4.3, 19.5.3 (Includes firefighters service phase I key recall and smoke detector automatic recall, firefighters service phase II emergency in-car key operation, machine room smoke detectors, and elevator lobby smoke detectors.) 2000 NEW Elevators comply with the provision of 9.4. Elevators are inspected and tested as specified in A17.1, Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators. Fire Fighter’s Service is operated monthly with a written record. New elevators conform to ASME/ANSI A17.1, Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators, including Fire Fighter’s Service Requirements. 9.4.2, 9.4.3, 18.5.3 (Includes firefighters service phase I key recall and smoke detector automatic recall, firefighters service phase II emergency in-car key operation, machine room smoke detectors, and elevator lobby smoke detectors.) K161 2000 EXISTING Escalators, dumbwaiters, and moving walks comply with the provisions of 9.4. All existing escalators, dumbwaiters, and moving walks conform to the requirements of ASME/ANSI A17.3, Safety Code for Existing Elevators and Escalators. 19.5.3, Form CMS-2786R (02/2013) Appendix 2-B Page 21 Name of Facility ID PREFIX 2000 CODE MET NOT MET N/A REMARKS Newly introduced upholstered furniture shall meet the char length and heat release criteria specified when tested in accordance with the methods cited in 10.3.2 (2) and 10.3.3,, Newly introduced mattresses shall meet the char length and heat release criteria specified when tested in accordance with the method cited in 10.3.2 (3) and 10.3.4., Newly introduced upholstered furniture and mattresses means purchased since March, 2003. K75 Soiled linen or trash collection receptacles shall not exceed 32 gal (121 L) in capacity. The average density of container capacity in a room or space shall not exceed .5 gal/ft2 (20.4 L/m2). A Form CMS-2786R (02/2013) Appendix 2-B Page 22 Name of Facility 2000 CODE ID PREFIX MET NOT MET N/A REMARKS capacity of 32 gal (121 L) shall not be exceeded within any 64-ft2 (5.9-m2) area. Mobile soiled linen or trash collection receptacles with capacities greater than 32 gal (121 L) shall be located in a room protected as a hazardous area when not attended., LABORATORIES K31 Laboratories employing quantities of flammable, combustible, or hazardous materials that are considered a severe hazard shall be protected in accordance with NFPA 99. (Laboratories that are not considered to be severe hazard shall meet the provision of K29.),, Chapter 10 (NFPA 99) K136 Procedures for laboratory emergencies shall be developed. Such procedures shall include alarm actuation, evacuation, and equipment shutdown procedures, and provisions for control of emergencies that could occur in the laboratory, including specific detailed plans for control operations by an emergency control group within the organization or a public fire department in accordance with 10- (NFPA 99),, K131 Emergency procedures shall be established for controlling chemical spills in accordance with 10- (NFPA 99) K132 Continuing safety education and supervision shall be provided, incidents shall be reviewed monthly, and procedures reviewed annually shall be in accordance with 10- (NFPA 99). K133 Fume hoods shall be in accordance with 5-4.3, 5-6.2 (NFPA 99). K134 Where the eyes or body of any person can be exposed to injurious corrosive materials, suitable fixed facilities for quick drenching or flushing of the eyes and body shall be provided within the work area for immediate emergency use. Fixed eye baths designed and installed to avoid injurious water pressure shall be in accordance with 10-6 (NFPA 99). K135 Flammable and combustible liquids shall be used from and stored in approved containers in accordance with NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code, and NFPA 45, Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals. Form CMS-2786R (02/2013) Appendix 2-B Page 23 Name of Facility ID PREFIX 2000 CODE MET NOT MET N/A REMARKS Storage cabinets for flammable and combustible liquids shall be constructed in accordance with NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible liquids Code, 4-3 (NFPA 99), 10-7.2.1 (NFPA 99) MEDICAL GASES AND ANESTHETIZING AREAS K76 Medical gas storage and administration areas shall be protected in accordance with NFPA 99, Standard for Health Care Facilities. (a) Oxygen storage locations of greater than 3,000 cu.ft. are enclosed by a one-hour separation. (b) Locations for supply systems of greater than 3,000 cu.ft. are vented to the outside. 4- (NFPA 99), 8- (NFPA 99),, K77 Piped in medical gas, vacuum and waste anesthetic gas disposal systems comply with NFPA 99, Chapter 4. K78 Anesthetizing locations shall be protected in accordance with NFPA 99, Standard for Health Care Facilities. (a) Shutoff valves are located outside each anesthetizing location and arranged so that shutting off one room or location will not affect others. (b) Relative humidity is maintained equal to or great than 35% 4- and 5-4.1.1 (NFPA 99),, Medical gas warning systems shall be in accordance with NFPA 99, Standard for Health Care Facilities. (a) Master alarm panels are in two separate locations and have audible and visible signals. (b) There are high/low alarms for +/- 20% operating pressure. This section shall be in accordance with NFPA 99, 4- (c) Where a level 2 gas system is used, one alarm panel that complies with 4-,b,c,d and with 4-,5 shall be permitted. 4-4.1 (NFPA 99) exception No. 4. K140 4- (NFPA 99) K141 Medical gas storage areas shall have a precautionary sign, readable from a distance of 5 ft, that is conspicuously displayed on each door or gate of the storage room or enclosure. The sign shall include the following wording as a minimum: CAUSION, OXIDIZING GAS(ES) STORED WITHIN, NO SMOKING.,, 8- (NFPA 99) Form CMS-2786R (02/2013) Appendix 2-B Page 24 Name of Facility ID PREFIX 2000 CODE MET NOT MET K142 All occupancies containing hyperbaric facilities shall comply with NFPA 99, Standard for Health Care Facilities, Chapter 19. K143 Transferring of liquid oxygen from one container to another shall be accomplished at a location specifically designated for the transferring that is as follows:: (a) separated from any portion of a facility wherein patients are housed, examined, or treated by a separation of a fire barrier of 1-hour fire-resistive construction; and (b) the area that is mechanically ventilated, sprinklered, and has ceramic or concrete flooring; and (c) in an area that is posted with signs indicating that transferring is occurring, and that smoking in the immediate area is not permitted in accordance with NFPA 99 and Compressed Gas Association. 8- (NFPA 99) N/A REMARKS ELECTRICAL AND EMERGENCY POWER K106 Hospitals and inpatient hospices with life support equipment have an Type I Essential Electric System, and nursing homes have a Type II ESS that are powered by a generator with a transfer switch and separate power supply in accordance with NFPA 99. 12-3.3.2, 13-, 16-3.3.2 (NFPA 99) K107 Required alarm and detection systems are provided with an alternative power supply in accordance with NFPA 72.,, K108 2000 NEW (INDICATE N/A FOR EXISTING) Power for Alarms, emergency communication systems, and illumination of generator set locations are in accordance with essential electrical system of NFPA 99. K144 Generators inspected weekly and exercised under load for 30 minutes per month and shall be in accordance with NFPA 99 and NFPA 110. 3-4.4.1 and 8-4.2 (NFPA 99), Chapter 6 (NFPA 110) K145 The Type I EES is divided into the critical branch, life safety branch and the emergency system and Type II EES is divided into the emergency and critical systems in accordance with 3-, 3-5.2.2 (NFPA 99) Form CMS-2786R (02/2013) Appendix 2-B Page 25 Name of Facility ID PREFIX 2000 CODE MET NOT MET K146 The nursing home/hospice with no life support equipment shall have an alternate source of power separate and independent from the normal source that will be effective for minimum of 11/2 hour after loss of the normal source 3-6. (NFPA 99) K147 Electrical wiring and equipment shall be in accordance with National Electrical Code. 9-1.2 (NFPA 99) 18.9.1, 19.9.1 K130 Miscellaneous List in the REMARKS sections, any items that are not listed previously, but are deficient. This information, along with the applicable Life Safety Code or NFPA standard citation, should be included on Form CMS-2567. Form CMS-2786R (02/2013) N/A Appendix 2-B REMARKS Page 26 Name of Facility 2000 CODE PART IV RECOMMENDATION FOR WAIVER OF SPECIFIC LIFE SAFETY CODE PROVISIONS For each item of the Life Safety code recommended for waiver, list the survey report form item number and state the reason for the conclusion that: (a) the specific provisions of the code, if rigidly applied, would result in unreasonable hardship on the facility, and (b) the waiver of such unmet provisions will not adversely affect the health and safety of the patients. If additional space is required, attach additional sheet(s). PROVISION NUMBER(S) JUSTIFICATION K84 Surveyor (Signature) Title Office Date Fire Authority Official (Signature) Title Office Date Form CMS-2786R (02/2013) Appendix 2-B Page 27 FIRE SAFETY SURVEY REPORT CRUCIAL DATA EXTRACT (TO BE USED WITH CMS-2786 FORMS) FACILITY NAME PROVIDER NUMBER SURVEY DATE K1 K6 * K4 K3 DATE OF PLAN APPROVAL MULTIPLE CONSTRUCTION TOTAL NUMBER OF BUILDINGS ____________ NUMBER OF THIS BUILDING LSC FORM INDICATOR ____________ 12 13 Health Care Form 2786R 2000 EXISTING 2786R 2000 NEW 14 15 2786U 2786U ASC Form 2000 EXISTING 2000 NEW 16 17 ICF/MR Form 2786V, W, X 2000 EXISTING 2786V, W, X 2000 NEW SMALL (16 BEDS OR LESS) K8: 1 PROMPT 2 SLOW 3 IMPRACTICAL LARGE K8: 7 PROMPT 8 SLOW 9 IMPRACTICAL ENTER E – SCORE HERE (Check if K29 or K56 are marked as not applicable in the 2786 M, R, T, U, V, W, X and Y.) *K9: 4 PROMPT 5 SLOW 6 IMPRACTICAL APARTMENT HOUSE SELECT NUMBER OF FORM USED FROM ABOVE K29: BUILDING WING FLOOR APARTMENT UNIT COMPLETE IF ICF/MR IS SURVEYED UNDER CHAPTER 21 K8: * K7 A B C D K5: K56: e.g. 2.5 FACILITY MEETS LSC BASED ON (Check all that apply) A1. (COMP. WITH ALL PROVISIONS) A2. (ACCEPTABLE POC) FACILITY DOES NOT MEET LSC B. A3. A4. (WAIVERS) K0180 A. FULLY SPRINKLERED A5. (FSES) B. PARTIALLY SPRINKLERED (All required areas are sprinklered) (Not all required areas are sprinklered) (PERFORMANCE BASED DESIGN) C. NONE (No sprinkler system) * MANDATORY Form CMS-2786R (02/2013) Page 28 Appendix 2-B 2000 CODE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES CENTERS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERVICES FIRE SAFETY SURVEY REPORT SHORT FORM Medicare – Medicaid Form Approved OMB No. 0938-0242 1. (A) PROVIDER NUMBER 1. (B) MEDICAID I.D. NO. K1 K2 Identifying information as shown in applicable records. Enter changes, if any, alongside each item, giving date of change. 2. NAME OF FACILITY 2. (A) MULTIPLE CONSTRUCTION (BLDGS) 2. (B) ADDRESS OF FACILITY (STREET, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE) A. A. BUILDING ________________ B. WING ________________ C. FLOOR ________________ B. MEDICARE C. None (No sprinkler system) K0180 4. DATE OF SURVEY Partially Sprinklered (Not all required areas are sprinklered) K3 3. SURVEY FOR Sprinklered Fully (All required areas are sprinklered) SHORT FORM CHECK HERE MEDICAID K4 SURVEY UNDER 5. 2000 EXISTING 2000 NEW K5 5. SURVEY FOR CERTIFICATION OF 1. K8 HOSPITAL 2. SKILLED/NURSING FACILITY IF “2” OR “3” ABOVE IS MARKED, CHECK APPROPRIATE ITEM(S) BELOW 1. ENTIRE FACILITY 2. 3. DISTINCT PART OF (SPECIFY)_____________________________ IF DISTINCT PART OF HOSPITAL, IS HOSPITAL ACCREDITED BY JCAHO/AOA? a. YES b. NO 6. BED COMPOSITION a. TOTAL NO. OF BEDS IN THE FACILITY b. NUMBER OF HOSPITAL BEDS CERTIFIED FOR MEDICARE c. NUMBER OF SKILLED BEDS CERTIFIED FOR MEDICARE d. NUMBER OF SKILLED BEDS CERTIFIED FOR MEDICAID K9: FOR STATE AGENCY USE ONLY A. The facility MEETS based upon: I HAVE CONDUCTED A FIRE SAFETY SCREENING USING THE SHORT FORM: The facility meets all of the items on the form. B. The facility does not meet all of the items on the form. C. A complete fire safety survey is recommended. A. Compliance with all provisions Acceptance of a Plan of Correction 3. Recommended waivers. 1. 2. B. K9 SURVEYOR (Signature) e. NUMBER OF ICF BEDS CERTIFIED FOR MEDICAID The facility DOES NOT MEET THE STANDARD. TITLE OFFICE DATE TITLE OFFICE DATE 8. SURVEYOR I.D. NO K10 REVIEW AUTHORITY OFFICIAL (Signature) According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0938-0242. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 5 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to CMS, Attn: PRA Reports Clearance Officer, 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850. Form CMS-2786S (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-C Page 1 Name of Facility 2000 CODE ID PREFIX MET NOT MET N/A REMARKS CORRIDOR WALLS AND DOORS K18 2000 EXISTING Doors protecting corridor openings in other than required enclosures of vertical openings, exits, or hazardous areas shall be substantial doors, such as those constructed of 13/4 inch solid-bonded core wood, or capable of resisting fire for at least 20 minutes. Doors in fully sprinklered smoke compartments are only required to resist the passage of smoke. There is no impediment to the closing of the doors. Doors shall be provided with a means suitable for keeping the door closed. Dutch doors meeting are permitted. Roller latches are prohibited by CMS regulations in all health care facilities. Show in REMARKS, details of doors, such as fire protection ratings, automatic closing devices, etc. 2000 New Doors protecting corridor openings shall be constructed to resist the passage of smoke. Doors shall be provided with positive latching hardware. Dutch doors meeting are permitted. Roller latches shall be prohibited. Show in REMARKS, details of doors, such as fire protection ratings, automatic closing devices, etc. K22 Access to exits shall be marked by approved, readily visible signs in all cases where the exit or way to reach exit is not readily apparent to the occupants. VERTICAL OPENINGS K20 2000 EXISTING Stairways, elevator shafts, light and ventilation shafts, chutes, and other vertical openings between floors are enclosed with construction having a fire resistance rating of at least one hour. An atrium may be used in accordance with, If all vertical openings are properly enclosed with construction providing at least a two hour fire resistance rating, also check this box. Form CMS-2786S (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-C Page 2 Name of Facility ID PREFIX 2000 CODE MET NOT MET N/A REMARKS If enclosures are less than required, give a brief description and specific location in REMARKS. 2000 NEW Stairways, elevator shafts, light and ventilation shafts, chutes, and other vertical openings between floors are enclosed with construction having a fire resistance rating of at least two hours connecting four stories or more. (One hour for single story building and sprinklered buildings up to three stories in height.) An atrium may be used in accordance with If enclosures are less than required, give a brief description and specific location in REMARKS. SMOKE COMPARTMENTATION AND CONTROL K23 2000 EXISTING Smoke barriers shall be provided to form at least two smoke compartments on every sleeping room floor for more than 30 patients., 2000 NEW Smoke barriers shall be provided to form at least two smoke compartments on every floor used by inpatients for sleeping or treatment, and on every floor with an occupant load of 50 or more persons, regardless of use. Smoke barriers shall also be provided on floors that are usable, but unoccupied., K28 2000 EXISTING Door openings in smoke barriers shall provide a minimum clear width of 32 inches (81 cm) for swinging or horizontal doors. Vision panels are of fire-rated glazing or wired glass panels and steel frames., Form CMS-2786S (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-C Page 3 Name of Facility 2000 CODE ID PREFIX MET NO MET N/A REMARKS 2000 NEW Door openings in smoke barriers are installed as swinging or horizontal doors shall provide a minimum clear width as follows: Provider Type Swinging Doors Horizontal Sliding Doors Hospitals and Nursing Facilities 41.5 inches (105 cm) 83 inches (211 cm) Psychiatric Hospitals and Limited Care Facilities 32 inches (81 cm) 64 inches (163 cm) Vision panels of fire-rated glazing or wired panels in approved frames are provided for each door., HAZARDOUS AREA K29 2000 EXISTING One hour fire rated construction (with 3/4 hour fire-rated doors) or an approved automatic fire extinguishing system in accordance with 8.4.1 and/or protects hazardous areas. When the approved automatic fire extinguishing system option is used, the areas shall be separated from other spaces by smoke resisting partitions and doors. Doors shall be self-closing and non-rated or field-applied protective plates that do not exceed 48 inches from the bottom of the door are permitted. Area Automatic Sprinkler a. Boiler and Fuel-Fired Heater Rooms c. Laundries (greater than 100 sq feet) d. Repair Shops and Paint Shops e. Laboratories (if classified a Severe Hazard - see K31) f. Combustible Storage Rooms/Spaces (over 50 sq feet) g. Trash Collection Rooms i. Soiled Linen Rooms Separation N/A Describe the floor and zone locations of hazardous areas that are deficient in REMARKS. Form CMS-2786S (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-C Page 4 Name of Facility 2000 CODE ID PREFIX MET NO MET N/A REMARKS 2000 NEW Hazardous areas are protected in accordance with 8.4. The areas shall be enclosed with a one hour fire-rated barrier, with a 3 /4 hour fire-rated door, without windows (in accordance with 8.4). Doors shall be self-closing or automatic closing in accordance with Area Automatic Sprinkler a. Boiler and Fuel-Fired Heater Rooms c. Laundries (greater than 100 sq feet) d. Repair, Maintenance and Paint Shops e. Laboratories (if classified a Severe Hazard - see K31) f. Combustible Storage Rooms/Spaces (over 50 and less than 100 sq feet) g. Trash Collection Rooms i. Soiled Linen Rooms m.Combustible Storage Rooms/Spaces (over 100 sq feet) Separation N/A Describe the floor and zone locations of hazardous areas that are deficient in REMARKS. K30 Gift shops shall be protected as hazardous areas when used for storage or display of combustibles in quantities considered hazardous. Non-rated walls may separate gift shops that are not considered hazardous, have separate protected storage and that are completely sprinkled. Gift shops may be open to the corridor if they are not considered hazardous, have separate protected storage, are completely sprinklered and do not exceed 500 square ºfeet., Area L. Gift Shop storing hazardous quantities of combustibles Automatic Sprinkler Separation N/A 18.2.6, 19.2.6 K211 2000 EXISTING Where Alcohol Based Hand Rub (ABHR) dispensers are installed: The corridor is at least 6 feet wide The maximum individual fluid dispenser capacity shall be 1.2 liters (2 liters in suites of rooms) The dispensers shall have a minimum spacing of 4 ft from each other Not more than 10 gallons are used in a single smoke compartment outside a storage cabinet. Dispensers are not installed over or adjacent to an ignition source. If the floor is carpeted, the building is fully sprinklered., CFR 482.41, 483.70, 483.623 Form CMS-2786S (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-C Page 5 Name of Facility 2000 CODE ID PREFIX K211 MET NO MET N/A REMARKS 2000 NEW Where Alcohol Based Hand Rub (ABHR) dispensers are installed: The corridor is at least 6 feet wide The maximum individual fluid dispenser capacity shall be 1.2 liters (2 liters in suites of rooms) The dispensers shall have a minimum spacing of 4 ft from each other Not more than 10 gallons are used in a single smoke compartment outside a storage cabinet. Dispensers are not installed over or adjacent to an ignition source. If the floor is carpeted, the building is fully sprinklered., CFR 482.41, 483.70, 483.623 EXISTS AND EGRESS K38 Exit access is so arranged that exits are readily accessible at all times in accordance with 7.1. 18.2.1, 19.2.1 K39 2000 EXISTING Width of aisles or corridors (clear and unobstructed) serving as exit access shall be at least 4 feet. 2000 NEW Width of aisles or corridors (clear and unobstructed) serving as exit access in hospitals and nursing homes shall be at least 8 feet. In limited care facility and psychiatric hospitals, width of aisles or corridors shall be at least 6 feet., K40 2000 EXISTING Exit access doors and exit doors used by health care occupants are of the swinging type and are at least 32 inches in clear width. 2000 NEW Exit access doors and exit doors used by health care occupants are of the swinging type, with openings of at least 41.5 inches wide. Doors in exit stairway enclosures shall be no less than 32 inches in clear width. In ICFs/MR, doors are at least 32 inches wide. Form CMS-2786S (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-C Page 6 Name of Facility 2000 CODE ID PREFIX K43 MET NO MET N/A REMARKS Patient room doors are arranged such that the patients can open the door from inside without using a key. Special door locking arrangements are permitted in health facilities., If door locking arrangement without delay egress is used indicate in REMARKS, ILLUMINATION AND EMERGENCY POWER K45 Illumination of means of egress, including exit discharge, is arranged so that failure of any single lighting fixture (bulb) will not leave the area in darkness. 18.2.8, 19.2.8, 7.8 K47 2000 EXISTING Exit and directional signs are displayed in accordance with 7.10 with continuous illumination also served by the emergency lighting system. (Indicate N/A in one story buildings with less than 30 occupants where the line of exit travel is obvious.) 2000 NEW Exit and directional signs are displayed with continuous illumination also served by the emergency lighting, system in accordance with 7.10. K105 2000 NEW (INDICATE N/A FOR EXISTING) Buildings equipped with or requiring the use of life support systems (electro-mechanical or inhalation anesthetics) have illumination of means of egress, emergency lighting equipment, exit, and directional signs supplied by the Life Safety Branch of the electrical system described in NFPA 99.,,, (Indicate N/A if life support equipment is for emergency purposes only). Form CMS-2786S (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-C Page 7 Name of Facility 2000 CODE ID PREFIX MET NO MET N/A REMARKS EMERGENCY PLAN AND FIRE DRILLS K48 There is a written plan for the protection of all patients and for their evacuation in the event of an emergency., K50 Fire drills are held at unexpected times under varying conditions, at least quarterly on each shift. The staff is familiar with procedures and is aware that drills are part of established routine. Responsibility for planning and conducting drills is assigned only to competent persons who are qualified to exercise leadership. Where drills are conducted between 9:00 PM and 6:00 AM a coded announcement may be used instead of audible alarms., FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS K51 2000 EXISTING A fire alarm system with approved component, devices or equipment installed according to NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code to provide effective warning of fire in any part of the building. Activation of the complete fire alarm system shall be by manual fire alarm initiation, automatic detection or extinguishing system operation. Pull stations in patient sleeping areas, may be omitted provided that manual pull stations are within 200 ft of nurse’s stations. Pull stations are located in the path of egress. Electronic or written records of tests shall be available. A reliable second source of power must be provided. Fire alarm systems shall be in accordance with NFPA 72, and records of maintenance kept readily available. There shall be annunciation of the fire alarm system to an approved central station. 19.3.4, 9.6 2000 NEW A fire alarm system with approved component, devices or equipment installed according to NFPA 72, to provide effective warning of fire in any part of the building. Activation of the complete fire alarm system shall be by manual fire alarm initiation, automatic detection or extinguishing system operation. Pull stations are located in the path of egress. Electronic or written records of tests shall be available. A reliable second source of power must be provided. Fire alarm systems shall be maintained in accordance with NFPA72, and records of maintenance kept readily available. There shall be remote annunciation of the fire alarm system to an approved central station. 18.3.4, 9.6 Form CMS-2786S (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-C Page 8 Name of Facility ID PREFIX 2000 CODE MET K52 A fire alarm system required for life safety shall be installed, tested, and maintained in accordance with NFPA 70 National Electrical Code and NFPA 72. The system shall have an approved maintenance and testing program complying with applicable requirement of NFPA 70 and 72. K155 Where a required fires alarm system is out of service for more than 4 hours in a 24-hour period, the authority having jurisdiction shall be notified, and the building shall be evacuated or an approved fire watch shall be provided for all parties left unprotected by the shutdown until the fire alarm system has been returned to service. K53 2000 EXISTING (INDICATE N/A FOR HOSPITALS AND FULLY SPRINKLERED NURSING HOMES) In an existing nursing home, not fully sprinklered, the resident sleeping rooms and public areas (dining rooms, activity rooms, resident meeting rooms, etc) are to be equipped with single station battery-operated smoke detectors. There will be a testing, maintenance and battery replacement program to ensure proper operation. CFR 483.70 NO MET N/A REMARKS 2000 NEW (NURSING HOME AND EXISTING LIMITED CARE FACILITIES) An automatic smoke detection system is installed in all corridors. (As an alternative to the corridor smoke detection system on patient sleeping room floors, smoke detectors may be installed in each patient sleeping room and at smoke barrier or horizontal exit doors in the corridor.) Such detectors are electrically interconnected to the fire alarm system. Form CMS-2786S (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-C Page 9 Name of Facility 2000 CODE ID PREFIX K109 MET NO MET N/A REMARKS 2000 EXISTING LIMITED CARE FACILITIES (INDICATE N/A FOR HOSPITALS OR NURSING HOMES) An automatic smoke detection system is installed in all corridors, with detector spacing no further apart than 30 ft on center in accordance with NFPA 72. (As an alternative to the corridor smoke detection system on patient sleeping room floors, smoke detectors may be installed in each patient sleeping room and at smoke barrier or horizontal exit doors in the corridors.) Such detectors are electrically interconnected to the fire alarm system. Smoke Detection System Corridors Rooms Bath AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS K56 2000 EXISTING Where required by section 19.1.6, Health care facilities shall be protected throughout by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system in accordance with section 9.7. Required sprinkler systems are equipped with water flow and tamper switches which are electrically interconnected to the building fire alarm. 19.3.5, NPFA 13 2000 NEW When required by construction type, there is an automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with NFPA13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, with approved components, device and equipment, to provide complete coverage of all portions of the facility. Systems are equipped with waterflow and tamper switches, which are connected to the fire alarm system. 18.3.5. A. Date sprinkler system last checked and necessary maintenance provided. _______________________________ B. Show who provided the service. _______________________ Form CMS-2786S (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-C Page 10 Name of Facility 2000 CODE ID PREFIX MET K154 Where a required automatic sprinkler system is out of service for more than 4 hours in a 24-hour period, the authority having jurisdiction shall be notified, and the building shall be evacuated or an approved fire watch system be provided for all parties left unprotected by the shutdown until the sprinkler system has been returned to service. K62 Automatic sprinkler systems are continuously maintained in reliable operating condition and are inspected and tested periodically. 18.7.6, 19.7.6, 4.6.12, NFPA 13, NFPA 25, 9.7.5 K64 Portable fire extinguishers shall be provided in all health care occupancies in accordance with, NFPA 10., NO MET N/A REMARKS SMOKING REGULATIONS K66 Smoking regulations shall be adopted and shall include not less than the following provisions: 18.7.4, 19.7.4 (1) Smoking shall be prohibited in any room, ward, or compartment where flammable liquids, combustible gases, or oxygen is used or stored in any other hazardous location, and such area shall be posted with signs that read NO SMOKING or shall be posted with the international symbol for no smoking. (2) Smoking by patients classified as not responsible shall be prohibited, except when under direct supervision. (3) Ashtrays of noncombustible material and safe design shall be provided in all areas where smoking is permitted. (4) Metal containers with self-closing cover devices into which ashtrays can be emptied shall be readily available to all areas where smoking is permitted. Form CMS-2786S (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-C Page 11 Name of Facility 2000 CODE ID PREFIX MET NO MET N/A REMARKS BUILDING SERVICE EQUIPMENT K70 Portable space heating devices shall be prohibited in all health care occupancies. Except it shall be permitted to be used in non-sleeping staff and employee areas where the heating elements of such devices do not exceed 212oF (100oC). 18.7.8, 19.7.8 FURNISHINGS AND DECORATIONS K72 Means of egress shall be continuously maintained free of all obstructions or impediments to full instant use in the case of fire or other emergency. No furnishings, decorations, or other objects shall obstruct exits, access thereto, egress there from, or visibility thereof shall be in accordance with 7.1.10 K74 Draperies, curtains, including cubicle curtains, and other loosely hanging fabrics and films serving as furnishings or decorations in health care occupancies shall be in accordance with provisions of 10.3.1 and NFPA 13 Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems. Except shower curtains shall be in accordance with NFPA 701. Newly introduced upholstered furniture shall meet the criteria specified when tested in accordance with the methods cited in 10.3.2 (2) and 10.3.1. and NFPA 13 LABORATORIES K31 Laboratories employing quantities of flammable, combustible, or hazardous materials that are considered a severe hazard shall be protected in accordance with NFPA 99. (Laboratories that are not considered to be severe hazard shall meet the provision of K29.) Laboratories in Health Care occupancies and medical and dental offices shall be in accordance with NFPA 99, Standard for Health Care Facilities 10.5.1. Form CMS-2786S (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-C Page 12 Name of Facility ID PREFIX 2000 CODE MET K134 Emergency Shower: Where the eyes or body of any person can be exposed to injurious corrosive materials, suitable fixed facilities for quick drenching or flushing of the eyes and body shall be provided within the work area for immediate emergency use. Fixed eye baths designed and installed to avoid injurious water pressure shall be in accordance with NFPA 99, 10.6. K135 Flammable and combustible liquids shall be used from and stored in approved containers in accordance with NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code, and NFPA 45, Standard on Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals. Storage cabinets for flammable and combustible liquids shall be constructed in accordance with NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible liquids Code NFPA 99, 4.3, NO MET N/A REMARKS MEDICAL GASES AND ANESTHETIZING AREAS K76 Medical gas storage and administration areas shall be protected in accordance with NFPA 99, Standard for Health Care Facilities. (a) Oxygen storage locations of greater than 3,000 cu.ft. are enclosed by a one-hour separation. (b) Locations for supply systems of greater than 3,000 cu.ft. are vented to the outside. NFPA 99,,, K141 Non-smoking and no smoking signs in areas where oxygen is used or stored shall be in accordance with,, NFPA 99, K143 Transferring of oxygen shall be: (a) separated from any portion of a facility wherein patients are housed, examined, or treated by a separation of a fire barrier of 1-hour fire-resistive construction; and (b) the area that is mechanically ventilated, sprinklered, and has ceramic or concrete flooring; and (c) in an area that is posted with signs indicating that transferring is occurring, and that smoking in the immediate area is not permitted in accordance with NFPA 99 and Compressed Gas Association. Form CMS-2786S (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-C Page 13 Name of Facility 2000 CODE ID PREFIX MET NO MET N/A REMARKS ELECTRICAL K144 Generators inspected weekly and exercised under load for 30 minutes per month and shall be in accordance with NFPA 99,, NFPA 110, 8.4.2. K146 The nursing home/hospice with no life support equipment shall have an alternate source of power separate and independent from the normal source that will be effective for minimum of 11/2 hour after loss of the normal source NFPA 99, 3.6 K130 Miscellaneous List in the REMARKS sections, any items that are not listed previously, but are deficient. This information, along with the applicable Life Safety Code or NFPA standard citation, should be included on Form CMS-2567. Form CMS-2786S (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-C Page 14 FIRE SAFETY SURVEY REPORT CRUCIAL DATA EXTRACT (TO BE USED WITH CMS-2786 FORMS) PROVIDER NUMBER FACILITY NAME SURVEY DATE * K4 * K4 MULTIPLE CONSTRUCTION TOTAL NUMBER OF BUILDINGS ____________ NUMBER OF THIS BUILDING ____________ LSC FORM INDICATOR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 *K7 BUILDING WING FLOOR APARTMENT UNIT COMPLETE IF ICF/MR IS SURVEYED UNDER CHAPTER 21 2786 A-67 EXISTING A-67 NEW B-73 EXISTING B-73 NEW F-81 EXISTING F-81 NEW C-SHORT H-ASC J, K, L 85-CHAPTER 21 (ICFs/MR ONLY) P-85 EXISTING P-85 NEW 10 11 A B C D SMALL (16 BEDS OR LESS) K8: 1 PROMPT 2 SLOW 3 IMPRACTICAL LARGE K8: 4 PROMPT 5 SLOW 6 IMPRACTICAL APARTMENT HOUSE 7 PROMPT SELECT NUMBER OF FORM USED FROM ABOVE K8: 8 SLOW 9 IMPRACTICAL (Check if not applicable) ENTER E – SCORE HERE K29: K56: K5: e.g. 2.5 *K9: FACILITY MEETS LSC BASED ON: (Check all that apply) A1. (COMP. WITH ALL PROVISIONS) FACILITY DOES NOT MEET LSC: B. A2. A3. (ACCEPTABLE POC) A4. (WAIVERS) (FSES) K0180 A. FULLY SPRINKLERED B. PARTIALLY SPRINKLERED (All required areas are sprinklered) (Not all required areas are sprinklered) C. NONE (No sprinkler system) * MANDATORY Form CMS-2786S (06/07) EF 06/2007 Page 14 Appendix 2-C DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES CENTERS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERVICES Form Approved OMB No. 0938-0242 ZONE __________ OF __________ ZONES FIRE/SMOKE ZONE* EVALUATION WORKSHEET FOR HEALTH CARE FACILITIES 2000 LIFE SAFETY CODE FACILITY BUILDING ZONE(S) EVALUATED PROVIDER/VENDOR NO. DATE OF SURVEY COMPLETE THIS WORKSHEET FOR EACH ZONE. WHERE CONDITIONS ARE THE SAME IN SEVERAL ZONES, ONE WORKSHEET CAN BE USED FOR THOSE ZONES. Step 1: Determine Occupancy Risk Parameter Factors - Use Table 1. A. For each Risk Parameter in Table 1, select and circle the appropriate risk factor value. Choose only one for each of the five Risk Parameters. TABLE 1. OCCUPANCY RISK PARAMETER FACTORS Risk Parameters Risk Factors Values 1. Patient Mobility (M) Mobility Status Mobile Limited Mobility Not Mobile Not Movable Risk Factor 1.0 1.6 3.2 4.5 2. Patient Density (D) No. of Patients 1–5 6–10 11–30 >30 Risk Factor 1.0 1.2 1.5 2.0 3. Zone Location (L) 4. Ratio of Patients to Attendants (T) 5. Patient Average Age (A) Floor 1st 2nd or 3rd 4th to 6th 7th and Above Basements Risk Factor 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.6 Patients Attendant 1–2 1 3–5 1 6–10 1 >10 1 One or More None Risk Factor 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.5 4.0 Age Under 65 Years and Over 1 year 65 Years and Over 1 Year and Younger Risk Factor 1.0 1.2 Step 2: Compute Occupancy Risk Factor (F) - Use Table 2. A. Transfer the circled risk factor values from Table 1 to the corresponding blocks in Table 2. B. Compute F by multiplying the risk factor values as indicated in Table 2. TABLE 2. OCCUPANCY RISK FACTOR CALCULATION M OCCUPANCY RISK Step 3: A. B. C. D L T A F xxxx = Compute Adjusted Building Status (R) - Use Table 2. If building is classified as “NEW” use Table 3A. If building is classified as “Existing” use Table 3B. Transfer the value of F from Table 2 to Table 3A or Table 3B as appropriate. Calculate R. Transfer R to the block labeled R in Table 7 on page 4 of the work sheet. TABLE 3A. (NEW BUILDINGS) F 1.0 x TABLE 3B. (EXISTING BUILDINGS) R F = 0.6 x R = * FIRE/SMOKE ZONE is a space separated from all other spaces by floors, horizontal exIts, or smoke barrIers. SURVEYOR SIGNATURE TITLE DATE FIRE AUTHORITY SIGNATURE TITLE DATE Form CMS-2786T (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-D Page 1 Step 4: Determine Safety Parameter Values - Use Table 4. A. Select and circle the safety value for each safety parameter in Table 4 that best describes the conditions in the zone. Choose only one value for each of the 13 parameters. If two or more appear to apply, choose the one with the lowest point value. TABLE 4. Safety Parameters Safety Parameters Values 1. Construction Floor or Zone First Second Third 4th and Above Combustible Types III, IV, and V 000 -2 -7 -9 -13 NonCombustible Types I and II 111 0 -2 -7 -7 200 -2 -4 -9 -13 211 + 2HH 0 -2 -7 -7 000 0 -2 -7 -9 111 2 2 2 -7 2. Interior Finish (Corridors and Exits) Class C -5(0)f Class B 0(3)f Class A 3 3. Interior Finish (Rooms) Class C -3(1)f Class B 1(3)f Class A 3 None or Incomplete -10(0)a <1/2 hour 0 >1/2 to <1 hour 1(0)a >1 hour 2(0)a No Door <20 min FPR >20 min FPR >20 min FPR and Auto Clos. -10 0 1(0)d 2(0)d 4. Corridor Partitions/Walls 5. Doors to Corridor 6. Zone Dimensions 7. Vertical Openings >100 ft Dead End >50 ft to 100 ft 30 ft to 50 ft -6(0)b -4(0)b -2(0)b Open 4 or More Floors Open 2 or 3 Floors -14 -10 8. Hazardous Areas 9. Smoke Control 10. Emergency Movement Routes No Control Smoke Barrier Serves Zone -5(0)c 0 13. Automatic Sprinklers NOTE: 2(0)e 3(0)e 0 No Manual Fire Alarm No Deficiencies 0 1 Direct Exit(s) 5 Manual Fire Alarm W/O F.D. Conn. W/F.D. Conn 1 2 None Corridor Only Rooms Only Corridor and Habit. Spaces Total Spaces In Zone 0(3)g 2(3)g 3(3)g 4 5 None Corridor and Habit. Space Entire Building 0 8 10 Use (0) where parameter 5 is -10. b Use (0) where parameter 10 is -8. c Use (0) on floor with fewer than 31 patients (existing buildings only) d Use (0) where parameter 4 is -10. Form CMS-2786T (06/07) EF 06/2007 >2 hr 0 3 -2 a For SI units: 1 ft = 0.3048 m <1 hr Multiple Routes W/O Horizontal Horizontal Exit(s) Exit(s) -4 12. Smoke Detection and Alarm 1 Mech. Assisted Systems by Zone Deficient 11. Manual Fire Alarm 0 Enclosed with Indicated Fire Resist. >1 hr to <2 hr Single Deficiency In Zone In Adjacent Zone -6 -2 <2 Routes -8 No Dead Ends >30 ft and Zone Length Is >150 ft 100 ft to 150 ft <100 ft -2(0)c Double Deficiency In Zone Outside Zone -11 -5 222, 332, 433 2 4 4 4 e Use (0) where Parameter 1 is based on first floor zone or on an unprotected type of construction (columns marked “000” or “200”) f Use ( ) if the area of Class B or C interior finish in the corridor and exit or room is protected by automatic sprinklers and Parameter 13 is 0; use ( ) if the room with existing Class C interior finish is protected by automatic sprinklers, Parameter 4 is greater than or equal to 1, and Parameter 13 is 0. g Use this value in addition to Parameter 13 if the entire zone is protected with quick-response automatic sprinklers. Appendix 2-D Page 2 Step 5: Compute Individual Safety Evaluations – Use Table 5. A. Transfer each of the 13 circled Safety Parameter Values from Table 4 to every unshaded block in the line with the corresponding Safety Parameter in Table 5. For Safety Parameter 13 (Sprinklers) the value entered in the People Movement Safety column is recorded in Table 5 as 1/2 the corresponding value circled in Table 4. B. Add the four columns, keeping in mind that any negative numbers deduct. C. Transfer the resulting total values for S1, S2, S3, SG to blocks labeled S1, S2, S3, SG in Table 7 on page 4 of this sheet. TABLE 5. INDIVIDUAL SAFETY EVALUATIONS Containment Safety (S1) Safety Parameters Extinguishment Safety (S2) People Movement Safety (S3) General Safety (S4) 1. Construction 2. Interior Finish (Corr. and Exit) 3. Interior Finish (Rooms) 4. Corridor Partitions/Walls 5. Doors to Corridor 6. Zone Dimensions 7. Vertical Openings 8. Hazardous Areas 9. Smoke Control 10. Emergency Movement Routes 11. Manual Fire Alarm 12. Smoke Detection and Alarm –.. 2 = 13. Automatic Sprinklers S1= Total Value S2= S3= S4= TABLE 6. MANDATORY SAFETY REQUIREMENTS (FOR USE IN HOSPITALS OR NURSING HOMES) Containment (Sa) Zone Location 1st story 2nd or 3rd storyb 4th story or higher Extinguishment (Sb) New Exist. 11 15 18 5 9 9 New 15(12)a 17(14)a 19(16)a People Movement (Sc) Exist. New Exist. 4 6 6 8(5)a 10(7)a 11(8)a 1 3 3 a. Use ( ) in zones that do not contain patient sleeping rooms. b. For a 2nd story zone location in a sprinklered EXISTING facility, as an alternative to the mandatory safety requirement values set specified in the table, the following mandatory values set shall be permitted to be used: Sa=7, Sb=10, and Sc=7 Form CMS-2786T (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-D Page 3 Step 6: Determine Mandatory Safety Requirement Values - Use Table 6. A. Using the classification of the building (i.e., New or Existing) and the floor where the zone is located circle the appropriate value in each of the three columns in Table 6. B. Transfer the three circled values from Table 6 to the blocks marked Sa, Sb, and Sc in Table 7. C. For each row check “Yes” if the value in the answer block is zero or greater. Check “No” if the value in the answer block is a negative number. TABLE 7. ZONE FIRE SAFETY EQUIVALENCY EVALUATION Containment Safety (S1) minus Mandatory Containment (S ) ≥0 Extinguishment Safety (S2) minus Mandatory Extinguishment (S ) ≥0 People Movement minus Safety (S3) Mandatory People Movement (S ) ≥0 General Safety (S4) Occupancy Risk (R) ≥0 a b minus c -= -= -= -= S1 Sa C S2 Sb E S3 Sc P S4 R G No Yes TABLE 8. FACILITY FIRE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS WORKSHEET Complete one copy of this worksheet for each facility. For each consideration, select and mark the appropriate column. A. Building utilities conform to the requirements of Section 9.1. B. In new facilities only, life-support systems, alarms, emergency communication systems, and illumination of generator set locations are powered as prescribed by and C. Heating and air conditioning systems conform with the air conditioning, heating, and ventilating systems requirements within Section 9.2, except for enclosure of vertical openings, which have been considered in Safety Parameter 7 of Worksheet 4.7.6. D. Fuel-burning space heaters and portable electrical space heaters are not used. E. There are no flue-fed incinerators. F. An evacuation plan is provided and fire drills conducted in accordance with 18.7.1/18.7.2 and 19.7.1/19.7.2. G. Smoking regulations have been adopted and implemented in accordance with 18.7.4 and 19.7.4. H. Draperies, upholstered furniture, mattresses, furnishings, and decoration combustibility is limited in accordance with 18.7.5 and 19.7.5. I. J. K. Fire extinguishers are provided in accordance with the requirements of and Exit signs are provided in accordance with the requirements of and 19.2.10. Emergency lighting is provided in accordance with or 19.2.9. L. Standpipes are provided in all new high rise buildings as required by 18.4.2. Met Not Met Not Applic. CONCLUSIONS 1. All of the checks in Table 7 are in the “Yes” column. The level of fire safety is at least equivalent to that prescribed by the Life Safety Code.* 2. One of more of the checks in Table 7 are in the “No” column. The level of fire safety is not shown by this system to be equivalent to that prescribed by the Life Safety Code.* *The equivalency covered by this worksheet includes the majority of considerations covered by the Life Safety Code. There are a few considerations that are not evaluated by this method. These must be considered separately. These additional considerations are covered in Table 8, the “Facility Fire Safety Requirements Worksheet.” One copy of this separate worksheet is to be completed for each facility. According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0938-0242. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 5 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: CMS, Attn: PRA Reports Clearance Officer, 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850. Form CMS-2786T (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-D Page 4 FIRE SAFETY SURVEY REPORT CRUCIAL DATA EXTRACT (TO BE USED WITH CMS-2786 FORMS) PROVIDER NUMBER FACILITY NAME SURVEY DATE K1 K6 * K4 K3 DATE OF PLAN APPROVAL MULTIPLE CONSTRUCTION TOTAL NUMBER OF BUILDINGS ____________ NUMBER OF THIS BUILDING LSC FORM INDICATOR ____________ 12 13 14 15 ASC Form 2000 EXISTING 2000 NEW SMALL (16 BEDS OR LESS) K8: 1 PROMPT 2 SLOW 3 IMPRACTICAL LARGE K8: ICF/MR Form 2786V, W, X 2000 EXISTING 2786V, W, X 2000 NEW 16 17 SELECT NUMBER OF FORM USED FROM ABOVE *K9: 7 PROMPT 8 SLOW 9 IMPRACTICAL ENTER E – SCORE HERE (Check if K29 or K56 are marked as not applicable in the 2786 M, R, T, U, V, W, X and Y.) K29: 4 PROMPT 5 SLOW 6 IMPRACTICAL APARTMENT HOUSE K8: * K7 BUILDING WING FLOOR APARTMENT UNIT COMPLETE IF ICF/MR IS SURVEYED UNDER CHAPTER 21 Health Care Form 2786R 2000 EXISTING 2786R 2000 NEW 2786U 2786U A B C D K5: K56: e.g. 2.5 FACILITY MEETS LSC BASED ON (Check all that apply) A1. (COMP. WITH ALL PROVISIONS) A2. (ACCEPTABLE POC) FACILITY DOES NOT MEET LSC B. A3. A4. (WAIVERS) A5. (FSES) (PERFORMANCE BASED DESIGN) K0180 A. FULLY SPRINKLERED B. PARTIALLY SPRINKLERED (All required areas are sprinklered) (Not all required areas are sprinklered) C. NONE (No sprinkler system) * MANDATORY Form CMS-2786T (06/07) EF 06/2007 Page 5 Appendix 2-D DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES CENTERS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERVICES 2000 CODE ICFs/MR FIRE SAFETY SURVEY REPORT - 2000 LIFE SAFETY CODE Intermediate Care Facilities for the Mentally Retarded SMALL 1. (A) PROVIDER NO. 1. (B) MEDICAID I.D. NO. K1 K2 Form Approved OMB No. 0938-0242 PART I – Chapter 6 – NFPA 101A – A Procedure for Determining Evacuation Capability PART II – Chapter 32 & 33 – Residential Board & Care Occupancies – Requirements PART III – Chapter 7-101A Fire Safety Evaluation System for Board & Care (Optional) – CMS-2786Y Identifying information as shown in applicable records. Enter changes, if any, alongside each item, giving date of change. 2. NAME OF FACILITY 2. (A) MULTIPLE CONSTRUCTION (BLDGS) 2. (B) ADDRESS OF FACILITY (STREET, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE) A. (All required areas are sprinklered) A. BUILDING ________________ B. WING ________________ C. FLOOR ________________ MEDICARE E-SCORE 4. DATE OF SURVEY DATE OF PLAN APPROVAL Sprinklered Partially (Not all required areas are sprinklered) C. None (No sprinkler system) K4 K6 SURVEY UNDER: 5. MEDICAID E-Score ≤ 1.5 B. K0180 K3 3. SURVEY FOR Fully Sprinklered Level of Evacuation Difficulty Prompt > 1.5 ≤ 5.0 6. 2000 NEW 5. SURVEY FOR CERTIFICATION OF: SMALL FACILITY - LEVEL OF EVACUATION DIFFICULTY (Check one) Slow > 5.0 2000 EXISTING K7 1. Prompt 2. Slow 3. Impractical Impractical K5 K8 6. BED COMPOSITION a. TOTAL NO. OF BEDS IN THE FACILITY e. NUMBER OF ICF/MR BEDS CERTIFIED FOR MEDICAID THE FACILITY MEETS, BASED UPON (check all appropriate boxes): 1. COMPLIANCE WITH ALL PROVISIONS 2. ACCEPTANCE OF A PLAN OF CORRECTION B. THE FACILITY DOES NOT MEET THE STANDARD K9 7. A. SURVEYOR (Signature) 4. FSES 5. PERFORMANCE BASED DESIGN TITLE OFFICE DATE TITLE OFFICE DATE SURVEYOR ID K10 FIRE AUTHORITY OFFICIAL (Signature) According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0938-0242. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 5 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to CMS, Attn: PRA Reports Clearance Officer, 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850. Form CMS-2786V (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-E Page 1 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE FORM (CMS-2786V) SMALL FACILITIES —16 BEDS OR LESS 1. Complete a Worksheet for Rating Residents (CMS-2786M) for each resident in the facility. 2. Complete the first few pages of this form, a Worksheet for Calculating Evacuation Difficulty Score (Chapter 6 NFPA 101A, 2001 Edition). Note: This is the ONLY method permitted to determine Level of Evacuation Difficulty in SMALL facilities. 3. Transfer the E-Score obtained in Scoresheet F2 C (Page 5) to the E-SCORE block on Page 1 of this form. 4. Complete either Chapter 31 or 32 Requirements or the FSES/BC Appendix G - Rating the Building. A. If completing Chapter 31 or 32 Requirements: 1. PROMPT - Complete ONLY the PROMPT section of this form. 2. SLOW - Complete both PROMPT and SLOW sections of this form. 3. IMPRACTICAL - Complete all three sections of this form PROMPT, SLOW and IMPRACTICAL. B. If completing the FSES/BC - Appendix G - Rating The Building 1. You must also complete the Chapter 31 or 32 requirements. An FSES building evaluation cannot be done without completing the usual survey form pages for these Chapters. 2. You may use the FSES Health Care to evaluate the building (Form CMS-2786T), but if you choose to do so, you must also use the LSC Survey Report for Health Care Form CMS-2786R. Form CMS-2786V (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-E Page 2 Worksheet for Calculating Evacuation Difficulty Score (E-Score) F-2 BEFORE FILLING OUT THIS WORKSHEET: • Please read the Instruction Manual. • Make sure you have the completed “Worksheets for Rating Residents” (CMS-2786M) for each resident. • Determine whether the requirements for using the Evacuation Difficulty Index have been satisfied by checking the one box to the left of each question below that shows whether the answer to the question is “YES” or “NO.” Yes No 1. Has a protection plan been developed and written and have all staff members counted in the calculation of E-Scores been trained in its implementation? Yes No 2. Is the total available staff at any given time able to handle the individual evacuation needs of each resident who may be in the residence? Yes No 3. Can every staff member counted in the calculation of E-Scores meaningfully participate in the evacuation of every resident? Yes No 4. Are all staff members counted in the calculation of E-Scores required to remain in the residence with only the exceptions listed in the Instruction Manual? Yes No 5. Were at least twelve fire drills conducted during the year? This worksheet is filled out for the staff “Shift” From ______________________________________ To ______________________________________ (You must fill out this worksheet for the time of day, week, etc., when the ratings for the combination of staff and residents yields the highest E-Score. This period of time will usually be late at night. When it is not obvious which time period has the highest E-Score, complete a separate worksheet for all candidate time periods and use the one having the highest E-Score.) Form CMS-2786V (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-E Page 3 F-2A Finding the Total Resident Score 1. List each resident's name in the scoresheet below. (Scoresheet F-2A) 2. For each resident, transfer the Evacuation Assistance Score (Part F-1B) from his/her Worksheet for Rating Residents (Step 1). 3. Add the Evacuation Assistance Score for all the residents and write the answer in the appropriate space at the bottom of Scoresheet F-2A. Scoresheet F-2A RESIDENT SCORES Evacuation Resident’s Name Assistance Score Resident's Name Evacuation Assistance Score Evacuation Assistance Score Resident's Name Evacuation Assistance TOTAL F-2B Finding the Staff Shift Score 1. In Scoresheet F-2B (below), list the names of staff members who are required to remain in the group home during the time period (shift) specified on the front page of this worksheet. 2. Determine whether the effectiveness of the alarm system is rated as "assured" or "not assured" as explained in the Instruction Manual. 3. Using the appropriate “assured” or “not assured” column in the table below, find each staff member's Promptness of Response Score for the time period specified. Write each staff member's score in the appropriate space in Scoresheet F-2B. 4. Add the staff members’ Promptness of Response Scores and write the total in the appropriate space in Scoresheet F-2B. Scoresheet F-2B STAFF SCORES Staff’s Name Promptness of Response Score Staff's Name Promptness of Response Score PROMPTNESS OF RESPONSE SCORES Alarm Effectiveness Staff Availability Assured Not Assured Standby or asleep 16 2 Immediately available 20 2 Immediately available & close by 20 10 Staff Shift TOTAL NOTE: If the facility is a large residential facility, staff members may be responsible for assisting the residents in a fire/smoke zone, but may also have responsibilities for residents in other fire/smoke zones. See the glossary for Step 2 for the special procedure for assigning Promptness of Response Scores. Form CMS-2786V (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-E Page 4 F-2C Finding the Home's Evacuation Difficulty Score 1. Rate the home on the factor below by checking the circle that best describes the home. Vertical Distance From Bedrooms to Exits Small Facility All BR on floor with direct exits Any BR one floor from exit Any BR two or more floors from exit score = 0.8 score = 1.0 score = 1.2 Large Facility or Apartment score = 1.0 2. Write the score for the category you checked in the appropriate box in Scoresheet F-2C below. 3. Compute the E-Score as show in Scoresheet F-2C: a. Multiply the Resident Score Total by the score for Vertical Distance from Bedrooms to Exits. b. Divide the answer by the Staff Shift Score Total to find the Evacuation Difficulty Score (E-Score). CALCULATION OF E-SCORE Scoresheet F-2C Vertical Distance from Bedrooms to Exits Resident Score Total x Staff Shift Score Total ENTER THIS SCORE on COVER of THIS FORM E-SCORE = 4. Determine and record Level of Evacuation Difficulty appropriate to the Calculated E-Score; use Scoresheet F-2D. Scoresheet F-2D E-Score Level of Evacuation Difficulty ≤ 1.5 Prompt > 1.5 ≤ 5.0 Slow > 5.0 Impractical Form CMS-2786V (06/07) EF 06/2007 Level of Evacuation Difficulty Appendix 2-E Page 5 ID PREFIX SMALL FACILITY PROMPT EVACUATION NO MET MET N/A REMARKS BUILDING CONSTRUCTION No Requirements HAZARDOUS AREAS K29 2000 EXISTING Any hazardous area that is on the same floor as, and is in or abut, a primary means of escape or a sleeping room shall be protected by one of the following means. (a) Protection shall be an enclosure with a fire resistance rating of not less than 1 hour, with a self-closing or automatic closing fire door in accordance with that has a fire protection rating of not less than 3/4 hour. (b) Protection shall be automatic sprinkler protection, in accordance with, and a smoke partition, in accordance with 8.2.4, located between the hazardous area and the sleeping area or primary escape route. Any doors in such separation shall be self-closing or automatic closing in accordance with 2000 NEW Any hazardous area that is on the same floor as, and is in or abut, a primary means of escape or a sleeping room shall be protected by one of the following means: (a) Protection shall be an enclosure with a fire resistance rating of not less than 1 hour, with a self-closing or automatic closing fire door in accordance with 7.2.18 that has a fire protection rating of not less than 3/4 hour. The enclosure shall be protected by an automatic fire detection system connected to the fire alarm system provided in (b) Protection shall be automatic sprinkler protection, in accordance with, and a smoke partition, in accordance with 8.2.4, located between the hazardous area and the sleeping area or primary escape route. Any doors in such separation shall be self-closing or automatic closing in accordance with, Form CMS-2786V (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-E Page 6 ID PREFIX K211 NO MET MET N/A REMARKS 2000 EXISTING Where Alcohol Based Hand Rub (ABHR) dispensers are installed: The corridor is at least 6 feet wide The maximum individual fluid dispenser capacity shall be 1.2 liters (2 liters in suites of rooms) The dispensers shall have a minimum spacing of 4 ft from each other Not more than 10 gallons are used in a single smoke compartment outside a storage cabinet. Dispensers are not installed over or adjacent to an ignition source. If the floor is carpeted, the building is fully sprinklered., CFR 483.70 2000 NEW Where Alcohol Based Hand Rub (ABHR) dispensers are installed: The corridor is at least 6 feet wide The maximum individual fluid dispenser capacity shall be 1.2 liters (2 liters in suites of rooms) The dispensers shall have a minimum spacing of 4 ft from each other Not more than 10 gallons are used in a single smoke compartment outside a storage cabinet. Dispensers are not installed over or adjacent to an ignition source. If the floor is carpeted, the building is fully sprinklered., CFR 483.470 K119 2000 EXISTING Other hazardous areas shall be protected in accordance with by one of the following: (1) An enclosure having a fire resistance rating of not less than 1 /2 hour, with a self-closing or automatic-closing door in accordance with that is equivalent to not less than a 13/4 inch (4.4 cm) thick, solid-bonded wood core construction. (2) Automatic sprinkler protection in accordance with, regardless of enclosure. Form CMS-2786V (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-E Page 7 ID PREFIX NO MET MET N/A REMARKS 2000 NEW Other hazardous areas shall be protected in accordance with by one of the following: (1) An enclosure having a fire resistance rating of not less than 1 /2 hour, with a self-closing or automatic closing door in accordance with that is equivalent of not less than 13/4 inch (4.4 cm) thick, solid-bonded wood core construction and is protected by an automatic fire detection system connected to the fire alarm system provided in (2) Automatic sprinkler protection in accordance with, regardless of enclosure. FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS K51 2000 EXISTING A manual fire alarm system shall be provided in accordance with Section 9.6, Exception No 1: Where there are interconnected smoke detectors meeting the requirements of and there is not less than one manual fire alarm box per floor arranged to continuously sound the smoke detector alarms. Exception No. 2: Other manually activated continuously sounding alarms acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. 2000 NEW A manual fire alarm system shall be provided in accordance with Section 9.6, K155 Where a required fire alarm system is out of service for more than 4 hours in a 24-hour period, the authority having jurisdiction shall be notified, and the building shall be evacuated or an approved fire watch shall be provided for all parties left unprotected by the shutdown until the fire alarm system has been returned to service. Form CMS-2786V (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-E Page 8 ID PREFIX NO MET MET N/A REMARKS SMOKE SYSTEMS K53 2000 EXISTING Approved smoke alarms shall be provided in accordance with These alarms shall be powered from the building electrical system and when activated, shall initiate an alarm that is audible in all sleeping areas. Smoke alarms shall be installed on all levels, including basement but excluding crawl spaces and unfinished attics. Additional smoke alarms shall be installed for living rooms, dens, day rooms, and similar spaces. Exception No 1: Buildings protected throughout by an approved automatic sprinkler system, in accordance with, that uses quick response or residential sprinklers, and protected with approved smoke alarms installed in each sleeping room in accordance with, that are powered by the building electrical system. Exception No. 2: Where buildings are protected throughout by an approved automatic sprinkler system, in accordance with, that uses quick-response or residential sprinklers, with existing battery-powered smoke alarms in each sleeping room, and where, in the opinion of the authority having jurisdiction, the facility has demonstrated that testing, maintenance, and a battery replacement program ensure the reliability of power to smoke alarms. 2000 NEW Approved smoke alarms shall be provided in accordance with, Smoke alarms shall be installed on all levels, including basements but excluding crawl spaces and unfinished attics. Additional smoke alarms shall be installed for all living areas as defined in 3.3.119. Exception: Smoke alarms shall not be required in buildings protected throughout by an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with K56 2000 EXISTING Where an automatic sprinkler system is installed, for either total or partial building coverage, the system shall be in accordance with Section 9.7, and shall activate the fire alarm system in accordance with The adequacy of the water supply shall be documented to the authority having jurisdiction. Form CMS-2786V (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-E Page 9 ID PREFIX NO MET MET N/A REMARKS Exception No. 1: In prompt evacuation facilities, an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with NFPA 13D, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in One and two Family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes, shall be permitted. Automatic sprinklers shall not be required in closets not exceeding 24 sq. ft. and in bathrooms not exceeding 55 sq. ft., provided that such spaces are finished with lath and plaster or materials providing a 15 minute thermal barrier. Exception No. 2: Not applicable Exception No. 3: In prompt and slow evacuation capability facilities where an automatic sprinkler system is in accordance with NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, automatic sprinklers shall not be required in closets not exceeding 24 sq. ft and in bathrooms not exceeding 55 sq. ft., provided that such spaces are finished with lath and plaster or material providing a 15 minute thermal barrier. Exception No. 4: In prompt and slow evacuation capability facilities up to and including four stories in height, systems in accordance with NFPA 13R, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in Residential Occupancies up to and Including Four Stories in Height, shall be permitted. Exception No. 5: Not applicable Exception No. 6: Initiation of the fire alarm system shall not be required for existing installations in accordance with 2000 NEW Where an automatic sprinkler system is installed, for either total or partial building coverage, the system shall be in accordance with Section 9.7 and shall initiate the fire alarm system in accordance with, The adequacy of the water supply shall be documented to the authority having jurisdiction. Exception No. 1: In prompt evacuation facilities, an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with NFPA 13D, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in One and Two Family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes, shall be permitted. Facilities with more than eight residents shall be permitted. Facilities with more than eight residents shall be treated as two-family dwellings with regard to water supply. Additionally entrance foyers shall be sprinklered. Form CMS-2786V (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-E Page 10 ID PREFIX NO MET MET N/A REMARKS Exception No. 2: Not applicable Exception No. 3: In prompt and slow evacuation capability facilities where an automatic sprinkler system is in accordance with NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, automatic sprinklers shall not be required in closets not exceeding 24 sq. ft and in bathrooms not exceeding 55 sq. ft., provided that such spaces are finished with lath and plaster or material providing a 15 minute thermal barrier. Exception No. 4: In prompt and slow evacuation capability facilities up to and including four stories in height, systems in accordance with NFPA 13R, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in Residential Occupancies up to and Including Four Stories in Height, shall be permitted. Exception No. 5: Not applicable Exception No. 6: Initiation of the fire alarm system shall not be required for existing installations in accordance with K154 Where a required automatic sprinkler system is out of service for more than 4 hours in a 24-hour period, the authority having jurisdiction shall be notified, and the building shall be evacuated or an approved fire watch system be provided for all parties left unprotected by the shutdown until the sprinkler system has been returned to service. A. Date sprinkler system last checked and necessary maintenance provided. _____________________________________________ B. Show who provided the service. __________________________ C. Note the source of the water supply for the automatic sprinkler system._______________________________________________ (Provide, in REMARKS, information on coverage for any non-required or partial automatic sprinkler system.) K144 2000 NEW All facilities shall be protected throughout by an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with, Quick response or residential sprinklers shall be provided. Exception No. 1: In conversions, sprinklers shall not be required in small board and care homes with a rating of prompt evacuation capability and serving eight or fewer residents. Exception No. 2: Standard response sprinklers shall be permitted for use in hazardous areas in accordance with Form CMS-2786V (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-E Page 11 ID PREFIX NO MET MET N/A REMARKS INTERIOR FINISH K14 2000 EXISTING Interior wall and ceiling finish shall be Class A or Class B in accordance with section 10.2, There shall be no requirements for interior floor finish. Exception: Class C interior wall and ceiling finish shall be permitted in prompt evacuation capability facilities. 2000 NEW Interior wall and ceiling finish materials complying with 10.2.3 shall be Class A or Class B. Exception: Class C interior wall and ceiling finish shall be permitted in prompt evacuation capability facilities. SEPARATION OF SLEEPING ROOMS K17 2000 EXISTING The separation walls of sleeping rooms shall be capable of resisting fire for not less than 1/2 hour, which is considered to be achieved if the partitioning is finished on both sides with lath and plaster or materials providing a 15 minute thermal barrier. Sleeping room doors shall be substantial doors, such as those of 13/4 inch thick, solid-bonded wood core construction or other construction of equal or greater stability and fire integrity. Any vision panels shall be fixed fire window assemblies in accordance with or shall be wired glass not exceeding 1296 sq. in. each in area and installed in approved frames., Exception No. 1: In prompt evacuation facilities, all sleeping rooms shall be separated from the escape route by smoke partitions in accordance with 8.2.4. Door closing shall be regulated by Exception No. 2: This requirement shall not apply to corridor walls that are smoke partitions in accordance with 8.2.4 and that are protected by automatic sprinklers in accordance with on both sides of the wall and door. In such instances, there shall be no limitation on the type or size of glass panels. Door closing shall be regulated by Exception No. 3: Sleeping arrangements that are not located in sleeping rooms shall be permitted for nonresident staff members, provided that the audibility of the alarm in the sleeping area is sufficient to awaken staff that might be sleeping. Form CMS-2786V (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-E Page 12 ID PREFIX NO MET MET N/A REMARKS Exception No. 4: In previously approved facilities, where the group achieves an E-score of three or less using the board and care methodology of NFPA 101A. Guide on Alternative Approaches to Life Safety, sleeping rooms shall be separated from escape routes by walls and doors that are smoke resistant. No louvers or operable transoms or other air passages shall penetrate the wall, except properly installed heating and utility installations other than transfer grilles. Transfer grilles shall be prohibited. 2000 NEW The separation walls of sleeping rooms shall be capable of resisting fire for not less than 1/2 hour, which is considered to be achieved if the partitioning is finished on both sides with lath and plaster or materials providing a 15 minute thermal barrier. Sleeping room doors shall be substantial doors, such as those of 13/4 inch thick, solid-bonded wood core construction or other construction of equal or greater stability and fire integrity. Any vision panels shall be fixed fire window assemblies in accordance with or shall be wired glass not exceeding 1296 sq. in. each in area and installed in approved frames. and Exception No. 1: In prompt evacuation capability facilities, all sleeping rooms shall be separated from the escape route by smoke partitions in accordance with 8.2.4. Door closing shall be regulated by Exception No. 2: This requirement shall not apply to corridor walls that are smoke partitions in accordance with 8.2.4 and that are protected by automatic sprinklers in accordance with on both sides of the wall and door. In such instances, there shall be no limitation on the type or size of glass panels. Door closing shall be regulated by Exception No. 3: Sleeping arrangements that are not located in sleeping rooms shall be permitted for nonresident staff members, provided that the audibility of the alarm in the sleeping area is sufficient to awaken staff that might be sleeping. No louvers or operable transoms or other air passages shall penetrate the wall, except properly installed heating and utility installations other than transfer grilles. Transfer grilles shall be prohibited. Form CMS-2786V (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-E Page 13 ID PREFIX K18 NO MET MET N/A REMARKS Doors shall be provided with latches or other mechanisms suitable for keeping the doors closed. No doors shall be arranged to prevent the occupant from closing the door.,,, Doors shall be self-closing or automatic closing in accordance with Exception: Door closing devices shall not be required in buildings protected throughout by an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with and EGRESS K41 Every sleeping room and living area shall have access to a primary means of escape located to provide a safe path of travel to the outside. Where sleeping rooms or living areas are above or below the level of exit discharge, the primary means of escape shall be an interior stair in accordance with and, an exterior stair, a horizontal exit, or a fire escape stair. K120 2000 EXISTING In addition to the primary route, each sleeping room shall have a second means of escape that consists of one of the following: (a) It shall be a door, stairway, passage, or hall providing a way of unobstructed travel to the outside of the dwelling at street or ground level that is independent of and remotely located from the primary means of escape. (b) It shall be a passage through an adjacent nonlockable space, independent of and remotely located from the primary means of escape, to approved means of escape. (c) It shall be an outside window or door operable from the inside without the use of tools, keys, or special effort that provides a clear opening of not less than 5.7 sq. ft. The width shall be not less than 20 inches. The height shall be not less than 24 inches. The bottom of the opening shall be not more than 44 inches above the floor. Such means of escape shall be acceptable where one of the following criteria are met: Form CMS-2786V (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-E Page 14 ID PREFIX NO MET MET N/A REMARKS (1) The window shall be within 20 ft of grade. (2) The window shall be directly accessible to fire department rescue apparatus as approved by the authority having jurisdiction. (3) The window or door shall open onto an exterior balcony. Exception No. 1: If the sleeping room has a door leading directly to the outside of the building with access to grade or to a stairway that meets the requirements of exterior stairs in, that means of escape shall be considered as meeting all the escape requirements for the sleeping room. Exception No. 2: A second means of escape from each sleeping room shall not be required where the facility is protected throughout by approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Exception No. 3: Existing approved means of escape shall be permitted to continue to be used. 2000 NEW In addition to the primary route, each sleeping room in facilities that use Exception No. 1 to shall have a second means of escape that consists of one of the following: (d) It shall be a door, stairway, passage, or hall providing a way of unobstructed travel to the outside of the dwelling at street or ground level that is independent of and remotely located from the primary means of escape. (e) It shall be a passage through an adjacent nonlockable space, independent of and remotely located from the primary means of escape, to approved means of escape. (f) It shall be an outside window or door operable from the inside without the use of tools, keys, or special effort that provides a clear opening of not less than 5.7 sq. ft. The width shall be not less than 20 inches. The height shall be not less than 24 inches. The bottom of the opening shall be not more than 44 inches above the floor. Such means of escape shall be acceptable where one of the following criteria are met: (1) The window shall be within 20 ft of grade. (2) The window shall be directly accessible to fire department rescue apparatus as approved by the authority having jurisdiction. Form CMS-2786V (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-E Page 15 ID PREFIX NO MET MET N/A REMARKS (3) The window or door shall open onto an exterior balcony. Exception: If the sleeping room has a door leading directly to the outside of the building with access to grade or to a stairway that meets the requirements of exterior stairs in, that means of escape shall be considered as meeting all the escape requirements for the sleeping room. K20 2000 EXISTING Interior stairs used as a primary means or escape shall be enclosed with 1/2 hour fire barriers, with all openings equipped with smokeactuated automatic closing or self-closing doors having a fire protection rating comparable to that required for the enclosure. Stairs shall comply with The entire primary means of escape shall be arranged so that it is not necessary for the occupants to pass through a portion of a lower story unless that route is separated from all spaces on that story by construction having not less than a 1/2 hour fire resistance rating. In buildings of construction other than Type II (000), Type III (200), or Type V (000), the supporting construction shall be protected to afford the required fire resistance rating of the supported wall. Exception No. 1: Stairs that connect a story at street level to only one other story shall be permitted to be open to the story that is not at street level. Exception No. 2: Stair enclosures shall not be required in buildings of three or fewer stories that house prompt or slow evacuation capability facilities protected through out by an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with that uses quick response or residential sprinklers. This exception shall be permitted only if a primary means of escape from each sleeping area still exists that does not pass through a portion of a lower floor, unless that route is separated from all spaces on that floor by construction having a 1/2 hour fire resistance rating. Exception No. 3: Stair enclosures shall not be required in buildings of two or fewer stories that house prompt evacuation capability facilities with not more than eight residents and are protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with that uses quick-response or residential sprinklers. Exception No. 2 to shall not be used in conjunction with this exception. The exceptions to shall not be used in conjunction with this exception. Form CMS-2786V (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-E Page 16 ID PREFIX NO MET MET N/A REMARKS Exception No. 4: In buildings of three or fewer stories that house prompt or slow evacuation capability facilities protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with stairs shall be permitted to be open at the topmost story only. The entire primary means of escape of which the stairs are a part shall be separated from all portions of lower stories. 2000 NEW Interior stairs shall be enclosed with 1/2 hour fire barriers, with all openings equipped with smoke-actuated automatic closing or self-closing doors having a fire protection rating comparable to that required for the enclosure. Stairs shall comply with The entire primary means of escape shall be arranged so that it is not necessary for the occupants to pass from all spaces on that story by construction having not less than a 1/2 hour fire resistance rating. In buildings of construction other than Type II (000), Type III (200), or Type V (000), the supporting construction shall be protected to afford the required fire resistance rating of the supported wall. Exception No. 1: Stairs that connect a story at street level to only one other story shall be permitted to be open to the story that is not at street level. Exception No. 2: Stair enclosures shall not be required for prompt and slow evacuation capability facilities in buildings of three or fewer stories that are protected with an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with This exception shall be permitted only if a primary means of escape from each sleeping area still exists that does not pass through a portion of a lower floor, unless that route is separate from all spaces on that floor by construction having a 1/2 hour fire resistance rating. Exception No. 3: Stair enclosures shall not be required in buildings of two or fewer stories that house prompt evacuation capability facilities with not more than eight residents. The exception to shall not be used in conjunction with this exception. Exception No. 1 to shall not be used in conjunction with this exception. Form CMS-2786V (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-E Page 17 ID PREFIX K21 NO MET MET N/A REMARKS, Vertical openings shall be protected so as not to expose a primary means of escape. Vertical openings shall be considered protected if separated by smoke partitions in accordance with 8.2.4 that prevent the passage of smoke from one story to any primary means of escape on another story. Smoke partitions shall have a fire resistance rating on not less than 1/2 hour. Any doors or openings to the vertical opening shall be capable of resisting fire for not less than 20 minutes. Exception: Stairs shall be permitted to be open where complying with Exception no. 2 or Exception No. 3 to, K40 2000 EXISTING Doors or paths of travel to a means of escape shall not be less than 28 inches. Exception: Bathroom doors shall not be less than 24 inches. 2000 NEW Doors or paths of travel to means of escape shall be not less than 32 inches. Exception No. 1: Bathroom doors shall be not less than 24 inches. Exception No. 2: In conversions (see, 28 inch doors shall be permitted to continue in use. K121 Winders complying with shall be permitted, K122 Every closet door latch shall be readily opened from the inside in case of an emergency., K123 Every bathroom door shall be designed to allow opening from the outside during an emergency when locked., K43 No door in any means of escape shall be locked against egress when the building is occupied. Exception: Delayed egress locks complying with shall be permitted on exterior doors., If the level of evacuation difficulty is PROMPT, stop here. Form CMS-2786V (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-E Page 18 ID PREFIX NO MET MET N/A REMARKS SMALL FACILITY – SLOW EVACUATION BUILDING CONSTRUCTION K11 2000 EXISTING The facility shall be housed in a building where the interior is fully sheathed with lath and plaster or other material providing a 15 minute thermal barrier, including all portions of bearing walls, bearing partitions, floor construction, and roofs. All columns, beams, girders, and trusses shall be similarly encased or otherwise shall provide not less than a 1/2 hour fire resistance rating. Exception No. 1: Exposed steel or wood columns, girders, and beams (but not joists) located in the basement. Exception No. 2: Buildings of Type I, Type II (2,2,2), Type II (1,1,1), Type III (2,1,1), Type IV, Type V (1,1,1) construction (See 8.2.1) Exception No. 3: Areas protected by approved automatic sprinkler systems in accordance with Exception No. 4: Unfinished, unused, and essentially inaccessible loft, attic, or crawl space. Exception No. 5: Where the facility achieves an E-score of three or less using the board and care occupancies evacuation capability determination methodology of NFPA 101A, Guide on Alternative Approaches to Life Safety. Note: No requirement for New - Chapter 32 INTERIOR FINISH K16 Interior wall and ceiling finish materials in accordance with 10.2 and 10.2.3 shall be Class A or Class B., Form CMS-2786V (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-E Page 19 ID PREFIX NO MET MET N/A REMARKS AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM K145 2000 NEW All facilities shall be protected throughout by an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Quick response or residential sprinklers shall be provided. Exception No. 1: In conversions, sprinklers shall not be required in small board and care homes with a rating of prompt evacuation capability and serving eight or fewer residents. Exception No. 2: Standard response sprinklers shall be permitted for use in hazardous areas in accordance with K56 2000 EXISTING Where an automatic sprinkler system is installed, for either total or partial building coverage, the system shall be in accordance with Section 9.7 and shall activate the fire alarm system in accordance with The adequacy of the water supply shall be documented to the authority having jurisdiction. Exception No. 1: Not Applicable Exception No. 2: In slow and impractical evacuation capability facilities, an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with NFPA 13D, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in one-andtwo-Family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes, with a 30 minute water supply, shall be permitted. All habitable areas and closets shall be sprinklered. Automatic Sprinklers shall not be required in bathrooms not exceeding 55 ft2 (5.1 m2), provided that such spaces are finished with bath and plaster or materials provided a 15 minute thermal barrier. Exception No. 3: In prompt and slow evacuation capability facilities where an automatic sprinkler system is in accordance with NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, automatic sprinklers shall not be required in closets not exceeding 24 sq. ft. and in bathrooms not exceeding 55 sq. ft., provided that such spaces are finished with lath and plaster or material providing a 15 minute thermal barrier. Exception No. 4: In prompt and slow evacuation capability facilities up to and including four stories in height, systems in accordance with NFPA 13R, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in Residential Occupancies up to and Including Four Stories in Height, shall be permitted. Exception No. 5: Not Applicable Form CMS-2786V (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-E Page 20 ID PREFIX NO MET MET N/A REMARKS Exception No. 6: Initiation of the fire alarm system shall not be required for existing installations in accordance with 2000 NEW Where an automatic sprinkler system is installed, for either total or partial building coverage, the system shall be in accordance with Section 9.7 and shall initiate the fire alarm system in accordance with The adequacy of the water supply shall be documented to the authority having jurisdiction. Exception No. 2: In slow and impractical evacuation capability facilities, an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with NFPA 13D, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in one-andtwo Family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes, with a 30 minute water supply, shall be permitted. All habitable areas and closets shall be sprinklered. Facilities with more than eight residents shall be treated as two family dwellings with regard to water supply. Exception No. 3: In prompt and slow evacuation capability facilities where an automatic sprinkler system is in accordance with NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, automatic sprinklers shall not be required in closets not exceeding 24 sq. ft. and in bathrooms not exceeding 55 sq. ft., provided that such spaces are finished with lath and plaster or material providing a 15 minute thermal barrier. Exception No. 4: In prompt and slow evacuation capability facilities up to and including four stories in height, systems in accordance with NFPA 13R, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in Residential Occupancies up to and Including Four Stories in Height, shall be permitted. Exception No. 5: Not Applicable Exception No. 6: Initiation of the fire alarm system shall not be required for existing installations in accordance with EGRESS K32 2000 EXISTING (Only) In slow and impractical evacuation capability facilities, the primary means of escape for each sleeping room shall not be exposed to living areas and kitchens. Exception: Buildings equipped with quick-response or residential sprinklers throughout. Standard response sprinklers shall be permitted for use in hazardous areas in accordance with If the level or evacuation capability is SLOW, stop here. Form CMS-2786V (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-E Page 21 ID PREFIX NO MET MET N/A REMARKS SMALL FACILITY IMPRACTICAL EVACUATION CAPABILITY BUILDING CONSTRUCTION K12 2000 EXISTING Buildings shall be of any construction type in accordance with 8.2.1 other than Type II (000), Type III (200), or Type V (000) construction. Exception: Buildings protected throughout by an approved, supervised automatic sprinkler system in accordance with shall be permitted to be of any type of construction. AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM K56 2000 EXISTING Where an automatic sprinkler system is installed, for either total or partial building coverage, the system shall be in accordance with Section 9.7 and shall activate the fire alarm system in accordance with The adequacy of the water supply shall be documented to the authority having jurisdiction. Exception No. 1: Not Applicable. Exception No. 2: In slow and impractical evacuation capability facilities, an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with NFPA 13D, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in One and Two Family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes, with a 30 minute water supply, shall be permitted. All habitable areas and closets shall be sprinklered. Automatic sprinklers shall not be required in bathrooms not exceeding 55 sq. ft., provided that such spaces are finished with lath and plaster or materials providing a 15 minute thermal barrier. Exception No. 3: Not Applicable. Exception No. 4: Not Applicable. Exception No. 5: In impractical evacuation capability facilities up to and including four stories in height, systems in accordance with NFPA 13R, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in Residential Occupancies up to and Including Four Stories in Height, shall be permitted. All habitable areas and closets shall be sprinklered. Automatic sprinklers shall not be required in bathrooms not exceeding 55 sq. ft., provided that such spaces are finished with lath and plaster or materials providing a 15 minute thermal barrier. Exception No. 6: Initiation of the fire alarm system shall not be required for existing installations in accordance with Form CMS-2786V (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-E Page 22 ID PREFIX NO MET MET N/A REMARKS 2000 NEW Where an automatic sprinkler system is installed, for either total or partial building coverage, the system shall be in accordance with Section 9.7 and shall initiate the fire alarm system in accordance with The adequacy of the water supply shall be documented to the authority having jurisdiction. Exception No. 1: Not Applicable. Exception No. 2: In slow and impractical evacuation capability facilities, an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with NFPA 13D, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in One and Two Family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes, with a 30 minute water supply, shall be permitted. All habitable areas and closets shall be sprinklered. Facilities with more than eight residents shall be treated as two family dwellings with regard to water supply. Exception No. 3: Not Applicable. Exception No. 4: Not Applicable. Exception No. 5: In impractical evacuation capability facilities up to and including four stores in height, systems in accordance with NFPA 13R, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in Residential Occupancies up to and Including Four Stores in Height, shall be permitted. All habitable areas and closets shall be sprinklered. Exception No. 6: Initiation of the fire alarm system shall not be required for existing installations in accordance with VERTICAL OPENINGS K20 Vertical openings shall be protected so as not to expose a primary means of escape. Vertical openings shall be considered protected if separated by smoke partitions in accordance with 8.2.4 that prevent the passage of smoke from one story to any primary means of escape on another story. Smoke partitions shall have a fire resistance rating of not less than a 1/2 hour. Any doors or openings to the vertical opening shall be capable of resisting fire for not less than 20 minutes., Exception: Stairs shall be permitted to be open where complying with Exception No. 2 or Exception No. 3 to and Note: Make sure you have completed PROMPT and SLOW as well as this section. Form CMS-2786V (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-E Page 23 ID PREFIX NO MET MET N/A REMARKS OPERATING FEATURES FOR ALL FACILITIES K46 Utilities shall comply with Section 9.1., K147 The administration of every resident board and care facility shall have in effect and available to all supervisory personnel written copies of a plan for protecting all persons in the event of fire, for keeping persons in place, for evacuating persons to areas of refuge, and for evacuating person from the building when necessary. The plan shall include special staff response, including fire protection procedures needed to ensure the safety of any resident, and shall be amended or revised whenever any resident with unusual needs is admitted to the home. All employees shall be periodically instructed and kept informed with respect to their duties and responsibilities under the plan. Such instruction shall be reviewed by the staff not less than every 2 months. A copy of the plan shall be readily available at all times within the facility. 32.7.1, 33.7.1 K148 Smoking regulations shall be adopted by the administration of board and care occupancies., K149 Where smoking is permitted, noncombustible safety type ashtrays or receptacles shall be provided in convenient locations., K150 New draperies, curtains, and other similar loosely hanging furnishings and decorations in board and care facilities shall be in accordance with provisions of 10.3.1., K151 New upholstered furniture within board and care facilities shall be tested in accordance with the provisions of 10.3.2(1) and 10.3.3. Exception: Upholstered furniture belonging to the resident in sleeping rooms, provided that a smoke alarm is installed in such rooms. Battery-powered single-station smoke alarms shall be permitted., K152 CFR-42-483.470(i) Evacuation Drills (1) The facility must hold evacuation drills at least quarterly for each shift of personnel and under varied conditions to – (i) Ensure that all personnel on all shifts are trained to per form assigned tasks: (ii) Ensure that all personnel on all shifts are familiar with the use of the facility’s emergency and disaster plans and procedures. Form CMS-2786V (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-E Page 24 ID PREFIX NO MET MET N/A REMARKS (2) The facility must – (i) Actually evacuate clients during at least one drill each year on each shift; (ii) Make special provisions for the evacuation of clients with physical disabilities: (iii) File a report and evaluation on each drill: (iv) Investigate all problems with evacuation drills, including accidents and take corrective action: and (v) During fire drills, clients may be evacuated to a safe area in facilities certified under the Health Care Occupancies Chapter of the Life Safety Code. (3) Facilities must meet the requirements of paragraphs (i) (1) and (2) of this section for any live-in and relief staff that they utilize. Form CMS-2786V (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-E Page 25 FIRE SAFETY SURVEY REPORT CRUCIAL DATA EXTRACT (TO BE USED WITH CMS-2786 FORMS) PROVIDER NUMBER FACILITY NAME SURVEY DATE K1 K6 * K4 K3 DATE OF PLAN APPROVAL MULTIPLE CONSTRUCTION TOTAL NUMBER OF BUILDINGS ____________ NUMBER OF THIS BUILDING LSC FORM INDICATOR ____________ 12 13 14 15 ASC Form 2000 EXISTING 2000 NEW SMALL (16 BEDS OR LESS) K8: 1 PROMPT 2 SLOW 3 IMPRACTICAL LARGE K8: ICF/MR Form 2786V, W, X 2000 EXISTING 2786V, W, X 2000 NEW 16 17 SELECT NUMBER OF FORM USED FROM ABOVE *K9: 7 PROMPT 8 SLOW 9 IMPRACTICAL ENTER E – SCORE HERE (Check if K29 or K56 are marked as not applicable in the 2786 M, R, T, U, V, W, X and Y.) K29: 4 PROMPT 5 SLOW 6 IMPRACTICAL APARTMENT HOUSE K8: * K7 BUILDING WING FLOOR APARTMENT UNIT COMPLETE IF ICF/MR IS SURVEYED UNDER CHAPTER 21 Health Care Form 2786R 2000 EXISTING 2786R 2000 NEW 2786U 2786U A B C D K5: K56: e.g. 2.5 FACILITY MEETS LSC BASED ON (Check all that apply) A1. (COMP. WITH ALL PROVISIONS) A2. (ACCEPTABLE POC) FACILITY DOES NOT MEET LSC B. A3. A4. (WAIVERS) A5. (FSES) (PERFORMANCE BASED DESIGN) K0180 A. FULLY SPRINKLERED B. PARTIALLY SPRINKLERED (All required areas are sprinklered) (Not all required areas are sprinklered) C. NONE (No sprinkler system) * MANDATORY Form CMS-2786V (06/07) EF 06/2007 Page 26 Appendix 2-E DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES CENTERS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERVICES 2000 CODE ICFs/MR FIRE SAFETY SURVEY REPORT - 2000 LIFE SAFETY CODE Intermediate Care Facilities for the Mentally Retarded 1. (A) PROVIDER NO. LARGE Form Approved OMB No. 0938-0242 1. (B) MEDICAID I.D. NO. K1 K2 PART I — Figure 6.8 — A Procedure for Determining Evacuation Capability PART II — Chapters 32 & 33 — Residential Board & Care Occupancies — Requirements PART III — Figure 7.5 — Fire Safety Evaluation System for Board & Care (Optional) — CMS-2786T Identifying information as shown in applicable records. Enter changes, if any, alongside each item, giving date of change. 2. (B) ADDRESS OF FACILITY (STREET, CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE A. 2. (A) MULTIPLE CONSTRUCTION 2. NAME OF FACILITY Fully Sprinklered (All required areas are sprinklered) A. BUILDING B. C. C. FLOOR 4. DATE OF SURVEY DATE OF PLAN APPROVAL SURVEY UNDER: K4 K6 K7 9. E–Score Level of Evacuation Difficulty < 1.5 > 1.5 < 5.0 > 5.0 Prompt Slow Impractical 2000 Chapter 32 New Chapter 33 Existing 5. SURVEY FOR CERTIFICATION OF: SMALL FACILITY LEVEL OF EVACUATION DIFFICULTY (check one) 4. Prompt 6. Impractical 5. Slow K8 K5 6. BED COMPOSITION A. TOTAL NO. OF BEDS IN THE FACILITY 7. None (No sprinkler system) K0180 K3 E–Score Partially Sprinklered (Not all required areas are sprinklered) B. WING E. NUMBER OF BEDS CERTIFIED FOR MEDICAID A. THE FACILITY MEETS, BASED UPON (CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES) 1. COMPLIANCE WITH ALL PROVISIONS 2. ACCEPTANCE OF A PLAN OF CORRECTION 4. FSES 5. PERFORMANCE BASED DESIGN B. THE FACILITY DOES NOT MEET THE STANDARDS K9 SURVEYOR (SIGNATURE) TITLE OFFICE DATE TITLE OFFICE DATE SURVEYOR ID K10 FIRE AUTHORITY OFFICIAL (SIGNATURE) According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0938-0242.The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 5 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: CMS, Attn: PRA Reports Clearance Officer, 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850. Form CMS-2786W (06/07) EF 06/2007 Page 1 Appendix 2-F INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE FORM (CMS-2786K) LARGE FACILITIES — 17 BEDS OR MORE 1. DetermIne the Level of Evacuation Capability of the facility. 2. Transfer the E-Score obtained in Fig. 6.8 of page 1 of this form. 3. Complete either LSC Chapter 32 for (new) or LSC Chapter 33 for (existing) requirements of this form, or Fig. 7.5 — Rating the Building. A. If completing Chapter 32 or 33 Requirements: 1. PROMPT OR SLOW - Complete sections for PROMPT and SLOW 2. Impractical - Complete a CMS-2786R (Health Care) or FSES/Health Care (Optional) — see page 13. B. If completIng the FSES/BC — Chapter 32 or 33 — Rating the Building 1. You MUST also complete the Chapter 32 or 33 requirements. An FSES building evacuation cannot be done without completing the usual survey form pages for Chapter 32 or 33 2. You may use the FSES/Health Care to evaluate the building (Form CMS-2786T Chapter 4 & Fig. 4.7), but if you choose to do so, you must use the LSC Survey Report for Health Care (CMS-2786R) *Figures for FSES/HC are taken from NFPA 101 A 2001 Edition Form CMS-2786W (06/07) EF 06/2007 Page 2 Appendix 2-F Worksheet for Calculating Evacuation Difficulty Score (E-Score) F-2 BEFORE FILLING OUT THIS WORKSHEET: • • • Please read the Instruction Manual. Make sure you have the completed “Worksheets for Rating Residents” (figure 6.8) for each resident. Determine whether the requirements for using the Evacuation Difficulty Index have been satisfied by checking the one box to the left of each question below that shows whether the answer to the question is “YES” or “NO.” YES NO 1. Has a protection plan been developed and written and have all staff members counted in the calculation of E-Scores been trained in its implementation? YES NO 2. Is the total available staff at any given time able to handle the individual evacuation needs of each resident who may be in the residence? YES NO 3. Can every staff member counted in the calculation of E-Scores meaningfully participate in the evacuation of every resident? YES NO 4. Are all staff members counted in the calculation of E-Scores required to remain in the residence with only the exceptions listed in the Instruction Manual? YES NO 5. Were at least twelve fire drills conducted during the year? This worksheet is filled out for the staff “Shift” From To (You must fill out this worksheet for the time of day, week, etc. when the ratings for the combination of staff and residents yields the highest E-Score. This period of time will usually be late at night. When it is not obvious which time period has the highest E-Score, complete a separate worksheet for all candidate time periods and use the one having the highest E-Score.) EVALUATOR’S NAME (if other than Fire Authority Surveyor) DATE Form CMS-2786W (06/07) EF 06/2007 Page 3 Appendix 2-F Worksheet 6.8.1 Cover Sheet Resident’s name___________________________________________________________________________________ Evaluator___________________________________________________________________________________ Facility __________________________________________________________________________________________ Date ______________________________________________________________________________________ Zone ______________________________________________________________________________________ Write any explanatory remarks here: Worksheet 6.8.2 Rating the Resident on the Risk Factors Rate the resident on each of the factors below by checking the one circle for each risk factor that best describes the resident. For the first six factors, write the scores for the circles checked in the appropriate score boxes in the far right column. For “Response to Fire Drills,” write the three checked scores in the large circles. Write the sum of the three scores in the large box on the right. I. Risk of Resistance Minimal Risk (Check only one) II. Impaired Mobility IV. Need for Extra Help No Significant Risk Follows Instructions Response Probable Needs Full Assistance from 2 Staff score = 40 score = 30 Requires Supervision Requires Considerable Attention/Might Not Respond score = 3 score = 10 Response Not Probable score = 0 (Check only one) score = 20 score = 6 score = 1 (Check only one) VI. Waking Response to Alarm score = 20 Totally Impaired Needs Limited Assistance from 2 Staff score = 0 Needs Full Assistance or Very Slow score = 6 score = 3 Partially Impaired score = 0 Needs at Most One Staff score = 6 VII. Response to Fire Drills Initiates and Completes Evacuation Promptly Yes (Without guidance or advice from staff) Chooses and Completes Back-up Strategy Yes No score = 0 score = 8 No score = 0 Yes Remains at Designated Location Appendix 2-F score = 4 No score = 0 Form CMS-2786W (06/07) EF 06/2007 Score Boxes score = 20 Needs Limited Assistance score = 0 (Check only one) V. Response to Instructions Slow Self-Starting (Check only one) Risk of Strong Resistance score = 6 score = 0 (Check only one) III. Impaired Consciousness Risk of Mild Resistance score = 6 Sum of These Three Scores Page 4 Worksheet 6.8.3 Determining the Resident’s Overall Need for Assistance Compare the numbers in the seven score boxes filled in. Take the highest score from the score boxes (Worksheet 6.8.2.) and write it in the box at the right. Evacuation Assistance Score Notes: Worksheet 6.8.4 Resident Scores Evac. Assist. Score Resident’s Name Evacuation Assistance Score Form CMS-2786W (06/07) EF 06/2007 Total Evac. Assist. Score Resident’s Name Evacuation Assistance Score Appendix 2-F Total Page 5 Worksheet 6.8.5 Cover Sheet Staff Shift Score Facility ________________________________________ Zone __________________________________________ Evaluator ______________________________________ Date ___________________________________________ Staff Shift: From_________________________________ To_____________________________________________ Worksheet 6.8.6 Staff Response and Training YES NO A protection plan has been promulgated and all staff members considered in this rating have been trained in its implementation. (See The total available staff at any given time is able to handle the individual evacuation needs of each resident who is in the facility. (See and Exception) Every staff member considered in this rating can meaningfully participate in the evacuation of each resident. (See All staff members considered in this rating are required to be in the facility when on duty, except as permitted. (See and Exceptions) At least 12 fire drills were conducted during the previous year. (See and Exception) All items must score “Yes” before proceeding. Worksheet 6.8.7 Promptness of Response Scores Alarm Effectiveness Staff Availability Standby or asleep Immediately available Immediately available and close by Assured 16 20 20 Not Assured 2 2 10 Worksheet 6.8.8 Staff Scores Promptness of Response Score Resident’s Name Staff Shift Score Form CMS-2786W (06/07) EF 06/2007 Total Promptness of Response Score Resident’s Name Staff Shift Score Appendix 2-F Total Page 6 Worksheet 6.8.9 Rating the Facility Vertical Distance from Sleeping Rooms to Exits All SR on Floors with Direct Exit Small Facility Any SR One Floor from Exit Score 0.8 Any SR Two or More Floors from Exit Score 1.0 Large Facility or Apartment Score 1.2 Score 1.0 NOTE: Small facilities have 16 or fewer residents. See 6.6.6 for apartments. Worksheet 6.8.10 Calculation of Evacuation Capability Score Total Resident Evacuation Assistance Score (Worksheet 6.8.4) Vertical Distance from Sleeping Room to Exit (Worksheet 6.8.9) X = Evacuation Capability Score (Go to Worksheet 6.8.11) Staff Shift Score (Worksheet 6.8.8) Worksheet 6.8.11 Evacuation Capability Score Evacuation Capability Score Level of Evacuation Capability <1.5 Prompt >1. to <5.0 Slow >5.0 Impractical Form CMS-2786W (06/07) EF 06/2007 Appendix 2-F Evacuation Capability for this Facility or Zone Page 7 ID PREFIX MET NOT N/A MET LARGE FACILITY PROMPT AND SLOW EVACUATION CAPABILITIES REMARKS LARGE PROMPT & SLOW BUILDING CONSTRUCTION (NEW & EXISTING) K12 Minimum Construction Requirements: Based on highest story normally used by residents One and Two Story Any construction type of one-hour or greater fire rating, or Type IV (2HH), or Fully sheathed, or With automatic sprinkler system throughout, in accordance with, Exception: One story any construction type and no more than 30 residents capable of prompt evacuation. Three to Six Stories Type I, II or Ill construction of one-hour or greater fire resistance rating, or Type IV construction with automatic sprinkler system throughout in accordance with or Exception: Three or four story facilities of Type V (000), sheathed and with automatic sprinkler system throughout, in accordance with, More than Six Stories Type I or II (222) construction, or Type II (111) construction, or Type III (211) construction, or Type IV (2HH) with automatic sprinkler system throughout in accordance with,, OCCUPANT LOAD Not less than two exits shall be accessible from every floor and in at least two different directions. The occupant load, in number of persons for who means of egress and other provisions are required, shall be determined on the basis of the occupant load factors or Table that are characteristic of the use of the space or shall be determined as the maximum probable population of the space under consideration, whichever is greater., Form CMS-2786W (06/07) EF 06/2007 Page 8 Appendix 2-F ID PREFIX MET NOT N/A MET LARGE FACILITY PROMPT AND SLOW EVACUATION CAPABILITIES REMARKS LARGE PROMPT & SLOW HAZARDOUS AREAS K124 Any room containing high-pressure boilers, refrigerating machinery, transformers, or other service equipment subject to possible explosion shall not be located under or adjacent to exits. All such rooms shall be effectively separated from other parts of the building as specified in section 8.4. K29, All hazardous areas shall be separated with construction of a minimum of one-hour fire resistance or automatic extinguishment system with openings protected with self-closing fire doors. Exception: Existing buildings may have hazardous areas separated from other parts of the building by a smoke partition in accordance with section 8.2.4. Hazardous areas shall include but not be limited to the following: boiler or heating rooms, laundries, repair shop, spaces storing combustibles in quantities deemed hazardous by the authority having jurisdiction., K211 2000 EXISTING Where Alcohol Based Hand Rub (ABHR) dispensers are installed: The corridor is at least 6 feet wide The maximum individual fluid dispenser capacity shall be 1.2 liters (2 liters in suites of rooms) The dispensers shall have a minimum spacing of 4 ft from each other Not more than 10 gallons are used in a single smoke compartment outside a storage cabinet. Dispensers are not installed over or adjacent to an ignition source. If the floor is carpeted, the building is fully sprinklered., CFR 483.470 Form CMS-2786W (06/07) EF 06/2007 Page 9 Appendix 2-F ID PREFIX K211 MET NOT N/A MET LARGE FACILITY PROMPT AND SLOW EVACUATION CAPABILITIES REMARKS LARGE PROMPT & SLOW 2000 NEW Where Alcohol Based Hand Rub (ABHR) dispensers are installed: The corridor is at least 6 feet wide The maximum individual fluid dispenser capacity shall be 1.2 liters (2 liters in suites of rooms) The dispensers shall have a minimum spacing of 4 ft from each other Not more than 10 gallons are used in a single smoke compartment outside a storage cabinet. Dispensers are not installed over or adjacent to an ignition source. If the floor is carpeted, the building is fully sprinklered., CFR 483.470 DETECTION ALARM & COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS K51 A manual fire alarm system with approved component devices or equipment, shall be installed in accordance with section 9.6. Exception: Where each bedroom has an exterior exit access in accordance with 7.5.3 and the building is not greater than three stories. INITIATION The required fire alarm system shall be initiated by the following means: (1) Manual means in accordance with 9.6.2 Exception: A manual means, as specified in 9.6.2, in excess of the manual fire alarm box at a constantly attended location per below shall not be required where there are other effective means (such as a complete automatic sprinkler or automatic detection system) for notification of fire as required. (2) A manual fire alarm box located at a convenient central control point under continuous supervision of responsible employees. (3) The automatic sprinkler system. Form CMS-2786W (06/07) EF 06/2007 Page 10 Appendix 2-F ID PREFIX MET NOT N/A MET LARGE FACILITY PROMPT AND SLOW EVACUATION CAPABILITIES REMARKS LARGE PROMPT & SLOW Exception: Automatic sprinkler systems that are not required by another section of this Code shall not be required to initiate the fire alarm system. (4) Any required detection system. Exception: Sleeping room smoke alarms shall not be required to initiate the building fire alarm system., ANNUNCIATOR PANEL An annunciator panel connected with the fire alarm system shall be provided. The location of the annunciator shall be approved by the authority having jurisdiction. Exception: Buildings not more than two stories in height and with not more than 50 sleeping rooms. OCCUPANT NOTIFICATION 2000 EXISTING Occupant notification shall be provided automatically, without delay, by internal audible alarm in accordance with 9.6.3. 2000 NEW Occupant notification shall be provided automatically, without delay, in accordance with 9.6.3. FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTIFICATION In case of a fire, provisions shall be made for the immediate notification of the public fire department by either telephone or other means. Where there is no public fire department, this notification shall be made to the private fire brigade., K155 Where a required fire alarm system is out of service for more than 4 hours in a 24-hour period, the authority having jurisdiction shall be notified, and the building shall be evacuated or an approved fire watch shall be provided for all parties left unprotected by the shutdown until the fire alarm system has been returned to service. Form CMS-2786W (06/07) EF 06/2007 Page 11 Appendix 2-F ID PREFIX MET NOT N/A MET LARGE FACILITY PROMPT AND SLOW EVACUATION CAPABILITIES REMARKS LARGE PROMPT & SLOW SMOKE DETECTION AND ALARM K109 SMOKE DETECTION 2000 EXISTING Each sleeping room shall be provided with an approved smoke alarm in accordance with that is powered from the building electrical system. Exception No.1: Existing battery-powered smoke alarms, rather than building electrical service-powered smoke alarms, shall be accepted where, in the opinion of the authority having jurisdiction, the facility has demonstrated that testing, maintenance, and battery replacement programs ensure the reliability of power to the smoke alarms. Exception No. 2: Facilities having an existing corridor smoke detection system in accordance with Section 9.6 that is connected to the building fire alarm system. 2000 NEW Each sleeping room shall be provided with an approved smoke alarm in accordance with that is powered from the building electrical system. All living areas as defined in 3.3.119 and corridors shall be provided with smoke detectors in accordance NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code, that are arranged to initiate an alarm that is audible in all sleeping areas. Exception No. 1: Detectors shall not be required in living areas and kitchens in facilities protected throughout by an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Exception No. 2: Unenclosed corridors, passageways, balconies, colonnades, or other arrangements with one or more sides along the long dimension fully or extensively open to the exterior at all times., Form CMS-2786W (06/07) EF 06/2007 Page 12 Appendix 2-F ID PREFIX LARGE FACILITY PROMPT AND SLOW EVACUATION CAPABILITIES MET NOT N/A MET REMARKS LARGE PROMPT & SLOW AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS K56 2000 EXISTING Where an automatic sprinkler system is installed for total or partial building coverage, the system shall be in accordance with Section 9.7. Exception No. 1: In buildings not more than four stories in height, a sprinkler system complying with NFPA 13R, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in Residential Occupancies up to and Including Four Stories in Height, shall be permitted. Exception No. 2: Automatic sprinklers shall not be required in small clothes closets where the smallest dimension does not exceed 3 ft (0.9m), the area does not exceed 24f 2 (2.2m 2), and the walls and ceilings are finished with noncombustible or limited-combustible material. Exception No. 3: Initiation of the fire alarm system shall not be required for existing installations in accordance with Automatic sprinkler systems shall be supervised in accordance with Section 9.7. Waterflow alarms shall not be required to be transmitted off-site. Sprinkler piping serving not more than six sprinklers for any isolated hazardous area in accordance with shall be permitted. In new installations where more than two sprinklers are installed in a single area, waterflow detection shall be provided to initiate the fire alarm system required by,,, 2000 NEW All buildings shall be protected throughout by an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 9.7. Quick-response or residential sprinklers shall be provided throughout. Exception No. 1: In buildings not more than four stories in height, a sprinkler system complying with NFPA 13R, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in Residential Occupancies up to and Including Four Stories in Height, shall be permitted Form CMS-2786W (06/07) EF 06/2007 Page 13 Appendix 2-F ID PREFIX LARGE FACILITY PROMPT AND SLOW EVACUATION CAPABILITIES MET NOT N/A MET REMARKS LARGE PROMPT & SLOW Exception No. 2: Automatic sprinklers shall not be required in small clothes closets where the smallest dimension does not exceed 24 ft2 (2.2m2), and the walls and ceilings are finished with noncombustible or limited-combustible materials. Exception No. 3: Standard response sprinklers shall be permitted for use in hazardous areas in accordance with Automatic sprinkler systems shall be supervised in accordance with Section 9.7., K154 Where a required automatic sprinkler system is out of service for more than 4 hours in a 24-hour period, the authority having jurisdiction shall be notified, and the building shall be evacuated or an approved fire watch system be provided for all parties left unprotected by the shutdown until the sprinkler system has been returned to service. A. Date sprinkler system last checked and necessary maintenance provided. ______________________________ B. Show who provided the service._______________________ C. Note the source of the water supply for the automatic sprinkler system. ___________________________________ (Provide, in REMARKS, information on coverage for any non-required or partial automatic sprinkler system.) PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS K64 Portable fire extinguishers shall be provided near hazardous areas in accordance with, SEPARATION OF SLEEPING ROOMS FROM EXIT ACCESS K17 2000 EXISTING Access shall be provided from every resident use area to not less than one means of egress that is separated from all other rooms or spaces by walls complying with through Form CMS-2786W (06/07) EF 06/2007 Page 14 Appendix 2-F ID PREFIX MET NOT N/A MET LARGE FACILITY PROMPT AND SLOW EVACUATION CAPABILITIES REMARKS LARGE PROMPT & SLOW Exception No. 1: Rooms or spaces, other than sleeping rooms, protected throughout by an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Exception No. 2: Prompt evacuation capability facilities in buildings not over two stories in height where not less than one required means of egress from each sleeping room provides a path of travel to the outside without traversing any corridor or other spaces exposed to unprotected vertical openings, living areas, and kitchens. Exception No. 3: Rooms or spaces, other than sleeping rooms, provided with a smoke detection and alarm system connected to activate the building evacuation alarm. Furnishings, finishes, and furniture, in combination with all other combustibles within the spaces, shall be of minimum quantity and arranged so that a fully developed fire is unlikely to occur. Sleeping rooms shall be separated from corridors, living areas, and kitchens by walls complying with through Walls required by or shall have a fire resistance rating of not less than 1/2 hour. Exception No. 1: In buildings protected throughout by an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with 33.3.35, walls shall be smoke partitions in accordance with 8.2.4. The provisions of shall not apply. Exception No. 2: In buildings not more than two stories in height that are classified as prompt evacuation capability and that house not more than 30 residents, walls shall be smoke partitions in accordance with 8.2.4. The provisions of shall not apply. Doors in walls required by or shall have a fire protection rating of not less than 20 minutes. Exception No. 1: Solid-bonded wood core doors of not less than 13/4 in. (4.4cm) thickness shall be permitted to continue to be used. Exception No. 2: In buildings protected throughout by an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with, doors that are nonrated shall be permitted to continue to be used. Form CMS-2786W (06/07) EF 06/2007 Page 15 Appendix 2-F ID PREFIX MET NOT N/A MET LARGE FACILITY PROMPT AND SLOW EVACUATION CAPABILITIES REMARKS LARGE PROMPT & SLOW Exception No. 3: Where automatic sprinkler protection is provided in the corridor with through, doors shall not be required to have a fire protection rating but shall be in accordance with The provisions of shall not apply. Doors shall be equipped with latches for keeping the doors tightly closed. Walls and doors required by and shall be constructed as smoke partitions in accordance with 8.2.4. The provisions of shall not apply. No louvers, transfer grilles, operable transoms, or other air passages shall penetrate such walls or doors, except properly installed heating and utility installations. Doors in walls required by and shall be self-closing or automatic-closing in accordance with Doors in walls separating sleeping rooms from corridors shall be automatic-closing in accordance with Exception No. 1: Doors to sleeping rooms that have occupantcontrol locks such that access is normally restricted to the occupants or staff personnel shall be permitted to be self-closing. Exception No. 2: In buildings protected throughout by an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with, doors, other than doors to hazardous areas, vertical openings, and exit enclosures, shall not be required to be self-closing or automatic-closing. 2000 NEW Access shall be provided from every resident use area to not less than one means of egress that is separated from all sleeping rooms by walls complying with through Sleeping rooms shall be separated from corridors, living areas, and kitchens by walls complying with through Walls required by or shall have a fire resistance rating of not less than 1/2 hour. Exception: In conversions (see, no fire resistance rating shall be required, but the wall shall be a smoke partition in accordance with 8.2.4. The provisions of shall not apply. Form CMS-2786W (06/07) EF 06/2007 Page 16 Appendix 2-F ID PREFIX LARGE FACILITY PROMPT AND SLOW EVACUATION CAPABILITIES MET NOT N/A MET REMARKS LARGE PROMPT & SLOW Doors in walls required by or shall have a fire protection rating of not less than 20 minutes. Exception: Doors in renovations and conversions (see that are nonrated doors that resist the passage of smoke shall be permitted to continue to be used. Doors to hazardous areas, vertical openings, exits, and exit passageways shall be self-closing or automatic-closing. K18 Doors in walls separating sleeping rooms from corridors shall have a fire protection rating of not less than 20 minutes. Doors shall be equipped with latches for keeping the doors tightly closed. Exception No. 1: Existing 13/4 inch solid bonded wood core doors shall be permitted. Exception No. 2: Where walls are only required to resist the passage of smoke, doors without fire rating and which resist the passage of smoke are permitted. Exception No. 3: Where automatic sprinkler protection is provided in the corridor in accordance with through, doors shall not be required to have a fire protection rating but shall be in accordance with The provisions of shall not apply. Doors shall be equipped with latches for keeping the doors tightly closed., Walls and doors required by and shall be constructed as smoke partitions in accordance with 8.2.4. The provisions of shall not apply. No louvers, transfer grilles, operable transoms, or other air passages shall penetrate such walls or doors, except properly installed heating and utility installations., Form CMS-2786W (06/07) EF 06/2007 Page 17 Appendix 2-F ID PREFIX LARGE FACILITY PROMPT AND SLOW EVACUATION CAPABILITIES MET NOT N/A MET REMARKS LARGE PROMPT & SLOW EXIT SYSTEM K34 Exits or exit components, arranged in accordance with Chapter 7, shall be of types in accordance with 32.3.2 or 33.3.2. K35 Capacity of means of egress shall be in accordance with 7.3. K38 Access to all required exits shall be in accordance with 7.3., K43 DOORS 2000 Existing Doors in means of egress shall be as follows: (1) Doors complying with 7.2.1 shall be permitted. (2) Doors within individual rooms and suites of rooms shall be permitted to be swinging or sliding. (3) No door in any means of egress shall be locked against egress when the building is occupied. Exception No. 1: The requirement of shall not apply to delayed-egress locks in accordance with, provided that not more than one device exists in a means of egress. Exception No. 2: The requirement of shall not apply to access-controlled egress doors in accordance with (4) Revolving doors complying with shall be permitted., 2000 NEW (5) Every bathroom door shall be designed to allow opening from the outside during an emergency when locked. K32 Not less than two exits shall be accessible from every story, including floors below the level of exit discharge and floors occupied from public purposes., Form CMS-2786W (06/07) EF 06/2007 Page 18 Appendix 2-F ID PREFIX LARGE FACILITY PROMPT AND SLOW EVACUATION CAPABILITIES MET NOT N/A MET REMARKS LARGE PROMPT & SLOW The width of corridors shall be sufficient for the occupant load served but shall be not less than 44 in. (112cm). Exception: Corridors serving an occupant load fewer than 50 shall be not less than 36 in. (91cm) wide., Stairs complying with 7.2.2 shall be permitted., ARRANGEMENT OF MEANS OF EGRESS K40 2000 EXISTING Common paths of travel shall not exceed 110 ft (33.5m) Exception: In buildings protected throughout by automatic sprinkler systems in accordance with, common path of travel shall not exceed 160ft (48.8m). Dead-end corridors shall not exceed 50 ft (15m). 2000 NEW Common paths of travel shall not exceed 125ft (38.1m). Dead end corridor shall not exceed 50ft (15m). SUBDIVISION OF BUILDING SPACES K120 Every sleeping room floor shall be divided into not less than two smoke compartments of approximately the same size, with smoke barriers in accordance with 8.3. Smoke dampers shall not be required. Additional smoke barriers shall be provided such that the travel distance from a sleeping room corridor door to a smoke barrier shall not exceed 150 ft (45m). Exception No. 1: Buildings protected throughout by an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Exception No. 2: Where each sleeping room is provided with exterior ways of exit access arranged in accordance with 7.5.3. Form CMS-2786W (06/07) EF 06/2007 Page 19 Appendix 2-F ID PREFIX LARGE FACILITY IMPRACTICAL EVACUATION MET NOT N/A MET REMARKS LARGE IMPRACTICAL Exception No. 3: Smoke barriers shall to be required where the aggregate corridor length on each floor is not more than 150 ft (45m). K36 2000 EXISTING Travel distance from the corridor door of any room to nearest exit shall be a maximum of 100 feet. 2000 NEW Travel distance from the corridor door of any room to the nearest exit, measured in accordance with 7.6, shall not exceed 200 feet (60m). 2000 EXISTING Travel distance from the door or most remote room in a suite or apartment to the corridor shall not exceed 75 feet (23m). Exception: Travel distance may be 125ft (48m) in building protected throughout by an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with 2000 NEW Travel distance within a room, suite, or living unit to a corridor door shall not exceed 125 ft (38.1m) INTERIOR FINISH K14 2000 EXISTING Interior wall and ceiling finish shall be Class A or Class B in accordance with Section 10.2. Interior floor finish in accordance with 10.2.7 shall be Class I or Class II in corridors and exits. Exception: Previously installed floor coverings, subject to the approval of the authority having jurisdiction. Form CMS-2786W (06/07) EF 06/2007 Page 20 Appendix 2-F ID PREFIX LARGE FACILITY IMPRACTICAL EVACUATION MET NOT N/A MET REMARKS LARGE IMPRACTICAL 2000 NEW Interior finish shall be in accordance with 10.2. 10.2, K15 Interior wall and ceiling finish materials complying with 10.2.3 shall be permitted as follows: (1) Exit enclosures - Class A (2) Lobbies and corridors - Class A or Class B (3) Other spaces - Class A or Class B K16 Interior floor finish in corridors and exits shall be class I or II in accordance with 10.2.7, K20 2000 EXISTING Any vertical opening shall be enclosed or protected in accordance with 8.2.5. Exception No. 1: Unprotected vertical openings not part of required egress shall be permitted to be waived by the authority having jurisdiction where such openings do not endanger required means of egress. This exception shall apply only in buildings protected throughout by an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with and in which exits and required ways of travel thereto are adequately safeguarded against fire and smoke within the building, or in which every individual room has direct access to an exterior exit without passing through a public corridor. Exception No. 2: In buildings not more than two stories in height, unprotected vertical openings shall be permitted by the authority having jurisdiction if the building is protected throughout by an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with No floor below the level of exit discharge used only for storage, heating equipment, or purposes other than residential occupancy shall have unprotected openings to floors used for residential occupancy.,,, Form CMS-2786W (06/07) EF 06/2007 Page 21 Appendix 2-F ID PREFIX K21 LARGE FACILITY IMPRACTICAL EVACUATION MET NOT N/A MET REMARKS LARGE IMPRACTICAL Building Services 2000 EXISTING Utilities shall comply with the provisions of 9.1. Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning equipment shall comply with the provisions of 9.2. No stove or combustion heater shall be located to block escape in case of fire caused by the malfunction of the stove or heater. Unvented fuel-fired heaters shall not be used in any board and care occupancy. Elevators, dumbwaiters, and vertical conveyors shall comply with the provisions of 9.4. Rubbish chutes, incinerators, and laundry chutes shall comply with the provisions of 9.5.,,,,, 2000 NEW In high-rise buildings, one elevator shall be provided with a protected power supply and shall be available for use by the fire department in case of emergency.,,,,,,, Facilities housing groups of persons classed as IMPRACTICAL TO EVACUATE shall meet the requirements for custodial care facilities, Chapter 18 or 19 as appropriate. Exception: Facilities found to have equivalent safety. Example 7.5 Using the applicable mandatory safety requirement. See CMS-2786R Form CMS-2786W (06/07) EF 06/2007 Page 22 Appendix 2-F Fire Safety Evaluation Worksheet for a Large Facility Fig. 7.5 Facility Identification ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Evaluator______________________________________________________________________Date _____________________________________________ (Complete one worksheet for each large facility. This normally means a capacity for more than 16 residents.) First complete Fig. 7.5.1. Continue with Fig. 7.5.2, 7.5.3, 7.5.4A, 7.5.4B, 7.5.5. Then return to this page to obtain the Equivalency Conclusions. TURN TO NEXT PAGE Part 2E. Equivalency Conclusions Complete Fig. 7.5.1 through 7.5.5 before doing this part. 1. All of the checks in Fig. 7.5.5 are in the “YES” column. The level of fire safety is at least equivalent to that prescribed for large residentail facilities.* 2. One or more of the checks in Fig. 7.5.5 is in the “NO” column. The level of fire safety is not shown by this system to be equivalent to that prescribed by the Life Safety Code for large residential facilities. *The equivalency covered by this worksheet includes the majority of consideratons covered by the Life Safety Code. There are a few consideratons that are not evaluated by this method. These must be considered separately. These additional considerations are covered in the “Facility Fire Safety Requirements Worksheet.” One copy of this separate worksheet is to be completed for each facility. Facility Fire Safety Requirements Worksheet Considerations Met Not Met Not Applicable A. Utilities comply with provisions of 9.1. B. Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning equipment comply with provisions of 9.2. C. Elevators, dumbwaiters, and vertical conveyors comply with the provisions of 9.4. D. Rubbish chutes, incineratiors, and laundry chutes comply with the provisions of 9.5. E. Complies with the applicable requirements of Sections 32.7 and/or 33.7. Form CMS-2786W (06/07) EF 06/2007 Page 23 Appendix 2-F FIRE SAFETY SURVEY REPORT CRUCIAL DATA EXTRACT (TO BE USED WITH CMS-2786 FORMS) PROVIDER NUMBER FACILITY NAME SURVEY DATE K1 K6 * K4 K3 DATE OF PLAN APPROVAL MULTIPLE CONSTRUCTION TOTAL NUMBER OF BUILDINGS ____________ NUMBER OF THIS BUILDING LSC FORM INDICATOR ____________ 12 13 14 15 ASC Form 2000 EXISTING 2000 NEW SMALL (16 BEDS OR LESS) K8: 1 PROMPT 2 SLOW 3 IMPRACTICAL LARGE K8: ICF/MR Form 2786V, W, X 2000 EXISTING 2786V, W, X 2000 NEW 16 17 SELECT NUMBER OF FORM USED FROM ABOVE *K9: 7 PROMPT 8 SLOW 9 IMPRACTICAL ENTER E – SCORE HERE (Check if K29 or K56 are marked as not applicable in the 2786 M, R, T, U, V, W, X and Y.) K29: 4 PROMPT 5 SLOW 6 IMPRACTICAL APARTMENT HOUSE K8: * K7 BUILDING WING FLOOR APARTMENT UNIT COMPLETE IF ICF/MR IS SURVEYED UNDER CHAPTER 21 Health Care Form 2786R 2000 EXISTING 2786R 2000 NEW 2786U 2786U A B C D K5: K56: e.g. 2.5 FACILITY MEETS LSC BASED ON (Check all that apply) A1. (COMP. WITH ALL PROVISIONS) A2. (ACCEPTABLE POC) FACILITY DOES NOT MEET LSC B. A3. A4. (WAIVERS) A5. (FSES) (PERFORMANCE BASED DESIGN) K0180 A. FULLY SPRINKLERED B. PARTIALLY SPRINKLERED (All required areas are sprinklered) (Not all required areas are sprinklered) C. NONE (No sprinkler system) * MANDATORY Form CMS-2786W (06/07) EF 06/2007 Page 24 Appendix 2-F