Volume Issue January 1, 2015

of each and every student
Volume Issue
January 1, 2015
that attends Pea Ridge. We
hope to see many of you at
Dear Parents,
our upcoming nighttime
Welcome back to all
our PRE families! We hope
for .5 hours of the day; how- be recorded on the BBBB
your Christmas Holiday
ever, it is unsafe to listen
was full of fun, laughter,
out for students who may be particular bus has 4 or more
and new family memories.
choking or in some other
The cold weather is a per- type of distress. We are
fect time to curl up on the implementing a district ap-
chart. Every week, if that
thumbs up tallies, they will
receive a sticker on their
bulletin board bus. Then
sofa, or an oversized
proved and county wide used those busses will also rechair, with some hot choc- program in January. This
ceive a magnetic bus sticker
olate and a good book!
program is called “Music En- for positive bus behavior to
Take advantage to read
richment at Lunch.” The pro- display on their bus. At the
with your child over the
next few months. You will
be amazed at their increase of fluidity with
their sentences and comprehension.
There will be a few
changes to our daily rou-
gram plays instrumental music for 3 minutes on and then
3 minutes off. During the
non-playing music time, all
students are allowed to engage in conversations. During
music playing time frame, all
students need to listen and
watch the video of vocabuof the school year. The
first one is based on a da- lary, instrument identification, and other music related
ta study conducted from
education facts.
August through November
This video will air on our
in our cafeteria. We had a WPRE station for student
decibel reader in our cafe- enrichment. When you come
teria during our lunch
to visit your child at lunch,
you are not required to combreaks. According to the
Galen Carol Audio Company ply with these procedures as
we want your visit to be as
pleasurable as possible!
The next new change will
loudness.html), normal conapply to our busses, bus disversations should be at a
cipline and procedures. We
decibel reading between
will begin, through our PBS
60-65 dbs. Our study
program, “Boosting Better
showed that our students
Bus Behavior (BBBB).” There
and staff were being subwill be a bulletin board in the
jected to readings that
bus hallway for each bus.
averaged above 102 dbs.
When that driver gives us
This range is within the
thumbs up as they arrive at
hourly OSHA standards
school every morning, it will
tines for this second half
functions for the month of
January. If you ever need
assistance or questions answered, please do not hesitate to contact us at 850995-3680. Have a great
Mrs. Fleming and
Ms. Dwiggins
Chorus News
We have 10 openings
for our spring chorus, if
end of the month, the busses with the most thumbs up your 4th or 5th grader is
interested please be on the
will receive a positive relookout for a permission
slip coming home soon!
ward. Thank you ahead of
Selected students will join
time, for discussing these
us Tuesday, January 20th
two new changes with your
from 1:30 to 3:00 in the
music room.
child or children. Having
Chorus practice reyour support will boost our
sumes on Tuesday, Janueffectiveness to both of
ary 13th from 1:30 to 3:00
in the music room.
these programs.
Fifth Grade All-County
Lastly, we will begin our
Chorus auditions will be
K-5 DEA assessments this
after school the week of
month. We are hopeful that January 26th through the
30th. More details are
our additions to our comput- coming soon!
Musically Yours,
er labs will be completed
Ms. Reeves♫
and we should be able to
assess more classes at the
complete our assessments
is our Parent
more quickly; which will lead Literacy Night theme this year!
Save the date: January 29th for a
to our students doing betnight of READING!!! Everyone
ter, our teachers having
will be able to enjoy a PIT
more instructional time, and
shopping at the BOOK FAIR,
the ability to meet our stuand enjoy some really FAST
reading activities provided
dents with special needs
the school by our
more effectively.
RACE TEAM of Teachers! Be
Welcome to a new year
sure to look for more information
to come home soon. You don’t
and may it be filled with
want to miss this SUPER
much success, smiling attiSPEEDWAY of reading excitetudes, and learning growth
ment! We look forward to seeing you at the FINISH LINE!!!!
same time. This will assist to