IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, VOL. 39, NO. 3, MAY 2003 1373 Magnetic Field Analysis of Permanent Magnet Motor With Magnetoanisotropic Materials Nd–Fe–B M. Enokizono, Member, IEEE, S. Takahashi, and T. Kiyohara Abstract—In this paper, we propose the method to analyze the magnetization distribution in magnetoanisotropic materials by using the finite-element method considering the improved variable magnetization and Stoner–Wohlfarth model. By using this method, furthermore, the effect of the eddy currents induced in permanent magnets was analyzed. From the analyzed result, it is clarified how the magnetization distribution affects the performance of the surface permanent magnet-type motors. Index Terms—Anisotropic material, demagnetization factor tensor, magnetic field analysis, magnetization, Nd–Fe–B, permanent magnet motor, Stoner–Wohlfarth model. Fig. 1. Definition of vector relation and notations. I. INTRODUCTION I N GENERAL, magnetic properties of the permanent magnets must be explained with the vector relation between magvector in netic field strength vector and the magnetization materials. The magnetic field analysis on products made from the hard magnetic material with uniaxial anisotropy usually requires a large number of data from two-dimensional magnetizavector and vector are not always partion curves, because allel to each other in the material. As such analysis is tedious, a smaller number of material data is more desirable. Furthermore, though it is necessary to obtain the inside distribution of the vector in permanent magnets when we carry out the analysis of electrical machinery, it cannot be given in fact. It is impossible vector. The distrito measure the inside distribution of the bution must be treated as an unknown value [1]. However, up to now, it has been treated as a given value. In the case of the strong hard magnetic materials such as Nd–Fe–B alloy having a strong anisotropy, it is impossible to directly measure the inside distribution of vector in the arbitrary direction. In order to analyze such problems, the demagnetization factor tensor method was developed [3]. It is significant that the analytical method for the magnetizing process of the anisotropic hard magnetic material is established. By using this method, we can treat the magnetivector quantity, in other words, the absolute value of zation magnetization and the directional angle. This paper gives the new magnetic field analysis method, which requires only two kinds of data from the magnetization curves measured along the easy direction and hard direction of the hard magnetic material. II. FORMULATION A. Calculation of Initial Magnetization Process vector induces When an external magnetic field strength vector, the volumetric free energy can be expressed by the the following: (1) charIn the calculation of the free energy, the vector acteristic curve is required. This curve involves the effect of the material shape. Therefore, the curve has to be obtained at every element and consider the demagnetization factor. It can be expressed by the following: (2) is the demagnetizing field vector and is the where, effective field vector; subscripts “ ” and “ ” are the magnetic field components of the magnetizing easy direction and hard direction, respectively. curve is required and is exTo calculate (2), the and pressed by two kinds of characteristic curves, curve. The principal axes of the demagnetization factor are named the -axis and the -axis. A general spheroidal is shown in magnetic body in the uniform effective field Fig. 1. The self-energy is written as follows: Manuscript received June 18, 2002. The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, the Faculty of Engineering, Oita University, Oita 870-1192, Japan (e-mail: Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMAG.2003.810422 0018-9464/03$17.00 © 2003 IEEE (3) 1374 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, VOL. 39, NO. 3, MAY 2003 Fig. 3. Fig. 2. Rectangular element. where and are the magnetic susceptibility of the easy and and are the hard direction, respectively. The demagnetizing factor in the -axis and -axis. The , , and are expressed as shown in Fig. 1. The -axis makes an angle from the easy axis. The total , energy is minimized by the following conditions: . Then the following can be obtained: Residual magnetization process. where and are given by [1], is the length to -axis, the length of the element “ ” for a polygon element, and is the number of apex on rectangular elements, as shown in Fig. 2. The and can be expressed by means of relationship between as follows: the coefficient of demagnetization factor tensor when when (10) was used instead of the arbitrary vector This tensor curve, which could not be measured. (4) (5) Utilizing two kinds of magnetization curves, the and curves, it can solve these two simultaneous equations. These curves can be obtained by the measurement of two directions, “ ” and “ ”. Therefore, the initial magnetizing process can be analyzed in the above procedure. Equation (5) is the Stoner–Wohlfarth equation (2) with two kinds of anisotropic fields, too: the shape magnetic anisotropic field and the intrinsic anisotropic field. C. Calculation of Residual Magnetization decreases, both and As the applied magnetizing field decrease. Finally, when the becomes zero, the and change the and , respectively, as shown in Fig. 3. The residual angle is the angle due to the residual magnetization from the easy direction. It occurs when the direction of is not parallel to the easy direction. The relationship between and can be expressed experimentally as follows [4]: (11) is the square ratio in the easy direcwhere, tion. The residual magnetization is given from the Stoner–Wohlfarth equation (2) by the following: B. Calculation of Demagnetization Factor Tensor As shown in Fig. 2, when the rectangular element is magnetized uniformly, the magnetic charge induced in an element “ ” is expressed by the following: (12) (6) The rectangular element is more useful than the triangular eleand ment [1]. The demagnetizing field component which the magnetic charge makes for the point are shown as follows: (7) (8) (9) (13) is the anisotropic magnetic field strength to the where can be obtained by using magnetization . The value of the Stoner–Wohlfarth equation. In this way, the magnetizing process can be analyzed in all the elements. As a result, the final inside distribution of the residual magnetization in the permanent magnets can be analyzed, and then the magnetic field induced by the permanent magnets can be calculated. By introducing Kirchhof’s law, the exciting circuit equation for calculating the distribution of initial magnetization is given as follows [5], [6]: (14) ENOKIZONO et al.: MAGNETIC FIELD ANALYSIS OF PERMANENT MAGNET MOTOR 1375 (a) (b) (c) Fig. 6. Top part of teeth. (a) Model 1. (b) Model 2. (c) Model 3. Fig. 4. Analytical model of magnetizer. Fig. 7. Initial magnetization curve of Nd–Fe–B material. Fig. 5. Analytical model of surface-type permanent magnet motor. where is the interlinkage flux to the winding and initial electric charge of the capacitor. The current . expressed using the charge as is the can be D. Calculation of Demagnetization Process with the from the easy axis, when the external For the applies to direction of angle , the is shown as field follows: Fig. 8. Equivalent circuit of magnetizer. Fig. 9. Flux distribution of magnetizer. (15) (16) In the demagnetization curve of the easy axis, is a gradient of the demagnetization characteristic curve in the second quadrant. E. Fundamental Equation of Permanent Magnet Motor The fundamental equation of the surface permanent typed motor is given by (17) is the magnetic vector potential. and are the where reluctivity and the conductivity, respectively. Fig. 4 shows a full model of a magnetizer. The magnetizer is used to magnetize the four poles hard magnetic materials, Nd–Fe–B alloy. The pole pieces are made of steel, and its conductivity is S/m. Fig. 5 shows the model of the permanent magnet motor. Fig. 6(a), (b), and (c) shows magnetizer models, which have the different shape of the top part of teeth. The initial magnetizing curve of two directions, as shown in Fig. 7, are used in this analysis. Fig. 8 shows the equivalent circuit , the total of the magnetizer and the capacitance is 2400 is 0.031 . The charging voltage is 3187 V. resistance III. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Fig. 9 shows the flux distribution in the magnetizer at magnetizing state (Model 1). It looks like a successful magnetizing state from the flux distribution. However, as shown in Fig. 10, the value of the eddy current density induced in permanent magnet was different from each other at each time steps. The time change of the eddy current was drawn at positions A, B, and C as shown in Fig. 11. The eddy current increases in the boundary neighborhood of the magnetic pole. Fig. 12 shows the inside distributions of the magnetization vector after the 1376 Fig. 10. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, VOL. 39, NO. 3, MAY 2003 Fig. 14. Value of eddy current density with time. Characteristic curve of the cogging torque. motor was analyzed. Fig. 14 shows that the characteristic curve of the cogging torque was obtained for each model. The least pulsation of cogging torque was obtained when the magnetizer Model 2 was used. IV. CONCLUSION Fig. 11. Calculated points. (a) (b) (c) Fig. 12. Distribution of residual magnetization vector. (a) Model 1. (b) Model 2. (c) Model 3. In this paper, finite-element method introduced the improved VSWM method considering eddy current for anisotropic permanent magnet was presented. We have carried out the magnetic field analysis of the permanent magnet motor considering the distribution of the residual magnetization vector. As a result, it has been shown that it is important to consider the magnetization process of permanent magnets. The presented method is very useful in designing permanent magnet motors. However, this method does not considers the effect of the dc biased based on the permanent magnet. It will also be the next problem. From the applied results, in order to develop the high performance permanent motor, it was found that controlling the distribution of the magnetization by using the magnetizer was very important. REFERENCES (a) (b) (c) Fig. 13. Flux distribution of permanent magnet motor. (a) Model 1. (b) Model 2. (c) Model 3. demagnetizing process in the region of the permanent magnet. As shown in this figure, the pattern of magnetizing distribution is different due to the construction of the magnetizer. Fig. 13 shows the magnetic flux distribution of the permanent motor which was incorporated the above analyzed permanent magnet, to investigate the influence of the magnetization vector. By using these results, the characteristic of the permanent magnet [1] M. Enokizo, K. Matsumura, and F. Mohri, “Magnetic field analysis of anisotropic permanent magnet problems by finite element method,” IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 33, pp. 1612–1615, May 1997. [2] B. C. Stoner and E. P. Wohlfarth, Philos. Trans. R. 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