Small-Signal Model of the Forward-Active npn BJT ■ Transconductance (same concept as for MOSFET): gm = Ebers-Moll (forward-active): ∂i C ∂ v BE iC = I S e Q v BE ⁄ V th iC iC IC + ic IC Q slope = gm IC Q VBE 0.2 0.4 0.6 V BE VBE + vbe vBE vBE Evaluating the derivative, we Þnd that IC I S V BE ⁄ V th g m = -------- e = -------V th V th EE 105 Spring 1997 Lecture 21 Input Resistance ■ The collector current is a function of the base current in the forward-active region (recall IC = βFIB). At the operating point Q, we deÞne ∂i C βo = ∂iB Q and so ic = βo ib. (Note that the ÒDC betaÓ βF and the small-signal βo are both highly variable from device to device) ■ Since the base current is therefore a function of the base-emitter voltage, we define the input resistance rπ as: Ð1 rπ = ■ ∂i B ∂ v BE = Q ∂i B ∂ iC ∂i C Q ∂ v BE Q 1 = ------ g m β o Solving for the input resistance βo β o V th kT β o r π = ------ = -------------- = ------------gm IC qI C ■ For a high input resistance (often desirable), we need a high current gain or a low DC bias current. EE 105 Spring 1997 Lecture 21 Output Resistance ■ The Ebers-Moll model has perfect current source behavior in the forward-active region -- actual characteristics show some increase: IC −VAn ■ VCE Why? Base width shrinks due to encroachment by base-collector depletion region Approximate model: introduce Early voltage VAn to model increase in iC Model: ■ iC = I S e v BE ⁄ V th v CE 1 + ---------- V An Output resistance: ∂i C Ð1 ro = ∂ v CE Q IC ≅ ---------V An EE 105 Spring 1997 Lecture 21 Numerical Values of Small-Signal Elements ib + base vbe − ic collector + + vπ gmvπ rπ ro − vce − emitter ■ Transconductance: IC = 100 µA, Vth = 25 mV --> gm = 4 mS = 4 x 10-3 S Note: gm varies linearly with collector current and is independent of device geometry, in contrast to the MOSFET ■ Input resistance: βo = 100, IC = 100 µA, Vth = 25 mV --> ■ rπ = 25 kΩ Output resistance: IC = 100 µA, VAn = 35 V --> ro = 350 kΩ VAn = Early voltage increases with increasing base width and decreases with decreasing base doping. EE 105 Spring 1997 Lecture 21 ,, ,, Charge-Storage Elements: Base-Charging Capacitance Cb ■ Minority electrons are stored in the base -- this charge qNB is a function of the base-emitter voltage vBE = VBE + vbe vBE = VBE dqPB ppB(x) NaB base emitter polysilicon contact vBE = VBE + vbe negligible hole storage in emitter dqNB npB(x) pnE(x) −WE − xBE ■ vBE = VBE −xBE 0 WB WB + xBC x base is still neutral... majority carriers neutralize the injected electrons qPB = qNB ∂q PB Cb = ∂ v BE Q EE 105 Spring 1997 Lecture 21 Base Transit Time ■ The electron charge in the base is found by integrating the electron concentration in the base -- the area is AE (under the emitter): WB q PB = Ð q NB = Ð ∫ Ðq A E n v BE ⁄ V th 1 ( x)dx = --- q A E W B n pBo e pB 2 0 ■ The stored charge is proportional to the collector current: 2 q A E D nB WB v BE ⁄ V th 1 q PB = --- W B ( W B ⁄ D nB ) --------------------- n pBo e = -------------- i C 2 WB 2D nB ■ The proportionality constant looks like a diffusion time (it is) and is deÞned as the base transit time: 2 WB τ F = -------------2D nB A typical transit time is τF = 10 ps for an oxide-isolated npn BJT. ■ The base-charging capacitance is: ∂q PB Cb = ∂ v BE = gm τ F Q EE 105 Spring 1997 Lecture 21 Complete Small-Signal Model ■ Add the depletion capacitance from the base-emitter junction to Þnd the total base-emitter capacitance: Cπ = CjE + Cb C jE = 2C jEo CjEo is proportional to the emitter-base junction area (AE) ■ Depletion capacitance from the base-collector junction: Cµ C µo C µ = ------------------------------------1 + V CB ⁄ φ Bc Cµo is proportional to the base-collector junction area (AC) ■ Depletion capacitance from collector (n+ buried layer) to bulk: Ccs C cso C cs = ------------------------------------1 + V CS ⁄ φ Bs Ccso is proportional to the collector-substrate junction area (AS) base ib + rb rc + Cπ vbe collector ic Cµ vπ rπ gmvπ − ro + Ccs substrate vce rex − − emitter EE 105 Spring 1997 Lecture 21 npn BJT SPICE model Close correspondence to Ebers-Moll and small-signal models Name Parameter Description Units IS transport saturation current [IS] Amps BF ideal maximum forward beta [βF] None VAF forward Early voltage [VAn] Volts BR ideal maximum reverse beta [βR] None RB zero bias base resistance [rb] Ohms RE emitter resistance [rex] Ohms RC collector resistance [rc] Ohms CJE B-E zero-bias depletion capacitance [CjEo] Farads VJE B-E built-in potential [φBe] Volts MJE B-E junction exponential factor None CJC B-C zero-bias depletion capacitance [Cµo] Farads VJC B-C built-in potential [φBc] Volts MJC B-C junction exponential factor None CJS substrate zero-bias depletion capacitance [Ccso] Farads VJS substrate built-in potential [φBs] Volts MJS substrate junction exponential factor None TF ideal forward transit time [τF] Seconds .MODEL MODQN NPN IS=1E-17 BF=100 VAF=25 TF=50P + CJE=8E-15 VJE=0.95 MJE=0.5 CJC=22E-15 VJC=0.79 MJC=0.5 + CJS=41E-15 VJS=0.71 MJS=0.5 RB=250 RC=200 RE=5 EE 105 Spring 1997 Lecture 21 The Lateral pnp BJT ■ vertical pnp transistors cannot be made in the fabrication sequence that makes the npn oxide-isolated transistor. ■ a ÒfreeÓ pnp can be made in which holes are injected laterally at the perimeter of a p+ region and then diffuse across an n-type base region,where they are collected by another p region A n+ (collector) collector p+ p n n+ buried emitter ,,, , ,,, ,, ,,,, ,,,, , , , base p n+ buried layer p+ A' layer p-type substrate (a) (emitter) ,,, ,,,,,,,,, , , , , ,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,,, , , , edge of n+ buried layer (base) ,, ,,,, ,,,, , , field oxide A n p+ emitter diffusion p+ n p n A (collector) (b) EE 105 Spring 1997 Lecture 21 Circuit models for the Lateral pnp ■ Hole ßux in the base for the lateral pnp holes that diffuse across the base and are collected n collector ,,, ,,,, ,,,, , ,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, (p collector) emitter p p+ p+ n diffusing holes that recombine with electrons in the base n+ buried layer p-type substrate ■ ■ In the forward-active region, the collector current -iC is a function of vEB and the emitter-collector voltage vEC. v EC v EB ⁄ V th ÐiC = I S e 1 + ---------- V Ap The current gain is inferior: βF = 30-50; the base-transit time is more than an order of magnitude longer ... τF = 500-700 ps emitter + + rex veb + vπ Cπ − base − vec gmvπ rπ rb −ib ro rc Cbs Cµ − −ic collector EE 105 Spring 1997 Lecture 21