Power Integrity and EMC Design for High-speed Circuits Packages Tzong-Lin Wu, Ph. D. Professor Department of Electrical Engineering Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering National Taiwan University Taipei, Taiwan, ROC 1 EMC DL 2008 Outline • Power Distribution Network (PDN) • Mechanism of Power Noise • Issues and Quantification of Power Noise • Solutions of Suppressing Power Noise – • 2 Decoupling Capacitors • Power/ground planes (PKG, PCB) • Surface mounted capacitor (PCB, PKG) • Embedded capacitor (PKG) • On-chip capacitor (Chip) – Isolation slots – EBG structures • Electromagnetic Bandgap (EBG) Power Planes • Photonic Crystal Power Layer (PCPL) Conclusion EMC DL 2008 Trends for high-performance Electronics *Source: The International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductor (ITRS), 2007 Year Feature Vdd Chip Freq. Power 2007 68nm 1.1V 4.70GHz 189W 2010 45nm 1.0V 5.88GHz 198W 2013 32nm 0.9V 7.34GHz 198W 2016 22nm 0.8V 9.18GHz 198W 2019 16nm 0.7V 11.48GHz 198W Low voltage 3 (http://public.itrs.net) EMC DL 2008 High speed Power Distribution Network (PDN) An Electronic System Wire bonding Decoupling capacitor on Package Decoupling capacitor on PCB Flip chip Chip Chip Ball Bonding VRM Ground Power 4 EMC DL 2008 EMC DL 2008 Power Distribution Network (PDN) Chip Level Wire bonding Decoupling capacitor on Package Decoupling capacitor on PCB Flip chip Chip Chip Ball Bonding VRM Ground Power On-chip capacitor P/G Grids Interconnects Pads 5 EMC DL 2008 EMC DL 2008 5 Power Distribution Network (PDN) interconnects for Chip-PKG-PCB Decoupling capacitor on PCB Fine pitch: 50-100um Line length: 100-200 mil Wire bonding Decoupling capacitor on Package Flip chip Chip Chip Ball Bonding VRM Ground Power Bump pitch: 100–300um BGA Ball pitch: 0.5mm – 1mm 6 EMC DL 2008 Power Distribution Network (PDN) decoupling capacitors Wire bonding Decoupling capacitor on Package Flip chip Chip Decoupling capacitor on PCB Chip Ball Bonding VRM Ground Power External electrode Ceramics Internal electrode Impedance (Ω) Equivalent capacitor circuit capacitance ESR ESL Impedance = jω ESL + 7 1 + ESR jωC EMC DL 2008 EMC DL 2008 1/ωC ωL Frequency (Hz) Power Distribution Network (PDN) PWR/GND Planes Wire bonding Decoupling capacitor on Package Decoupling capacitor on PCB Flip chip Chip Chip Ball Bonding VRM Ground Power GND 8 EMC DL 2008 Power Power Distribution Network (PDN) Equivalent Model Wire bonding Decoupling capacitor on Package Flip chip Chip Decoupling capacitor on PCB Chip Ball Bonding VRM Ground Power VRM PCB P/G Network Ball Bonding PKG P/G Network wire Bonding Chip Bulk Capacitor near VRM 9 EMC DL 2008 SMT C on PCB SMT C on PKG On-chip C Mechanism of the Power Noise : low-speed view P/G noise arises whenever a changing current flow through the total inductance of the return path VCC Lead CHIP VCC Output lead Q1 From input stage I cut I cut C L Q2 C I cut dV = C L 1− 0 dt Chip groud + VOUT RL VOUT I OUT Ground lead VGB switching voltage transient current Δ − I noise b 10 g EMC DL 2008 Board inductance VGB - Mechanism of the GBN : high-speed view Package Decoupling capacitance Pull-Low loaded capacitance Chip Vcc GND Print circuit board to p GND VCC bottom 11 EMC DL 2008 Signal in A 4-layer PCB Via 12 Layer 1 Layer 3 Layer 2 Layer 4 EMC DL 2008 P/GBN Coupling through Via Transition (S21) 0 1.5cm -10 port2(1.5cm,6cm) -20 port1(4cm,4cm) via 8cm -30 S21(dB) 2cm -40 2cm via perfect plane FDTD modeling measurement -50 port3(3cm,1cm) 10cm SIG1 -60 PWR -70 GND -80 0 0.5 1 SIG2 via trace power d=20mils port2 ground trace port1 noise source d=40mils d=20mils 50ohm 13 EMC DL 2008 1.5 2 2.5 Frequency(GHz) Freq(GH z) 0.72 0.906 1.44 1.706 2.31 mnmode 1,0 0,1 2,0 2,1 2,2 Issues caused by power noise Signal Integrity Issues Jitter, Skew Crosstalk Eye width/height SSN Noise current to RF transceiver EMI Issue RFI Issues 70 RF sensitivity Case 1 Case 2 60 EMI dBμV 50 20 dB 40 30 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Frequency(GHz) 14 EMC DL 2008 EMC DL 2008 Example of signal integrity issues Out OCD Input Package P/N network Decoupling C on chip Out-VSS (V) VDD VSS InputOCD Package P/N network 15 Remove Decoupling C on chip EMC DL 2008 Out VSS EMC DL 2008 Out-VSS (V) VDD Example of EMI Issues 7m absorber radiation of reference board tested board 80 TM20 TM02 70 |Ez| at 3m(dBuV/m) TM10 60 TM21 3m TM12 TM11 1.2m TM01 wooden turntable 50 40 3m 30 Spectrum Analyzer Signal generator 20 10 0 0.2 simulation measurement excitation amplitude: 20mV excitation location: (6cm, 6cm) 30MHz~2GHz preamp 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Frequency(GHz) PC Control 16 Cable feed EMC DL 2008 Example of RFI Issues Ideal VCO VCO’s performance is affected by power noise 17 EMC DL 2008 Quantification of Power Noise: Z parameter I2 PCB P/G Network package Ball Bonding P/G Network wire Bonding I1 + V1 V2 VRM Bulk Capacitor near VRM Decoupling C on PCB ⎡V1 ⎤ ⎡ Z11 Z12 ⎤ ⎡I1 ⎤ ⎢V2 ⎥ = ⎢ Z21 Z22 ⎥ × ⎢I2 ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ V1 Z11 = (Port 2 open) I1 V2 Z21 = (Port 2 open) I1 18 + EMC DL 2008 EMC DL 2008 Decoupling C on package Decoupling C on chip PDN Design: Lower Z11 (Target impedance) Lower Z21 - Measurement of PDN Impedance Z-parameter and S-parameters HP 8510C Transfer impedance Z 21 = Z 0 2S 21 (1 − S11 )(1 − S 22 ) − S12 S 21 Assume S11 ≈ S 22 −1 (Low impedance PDN) Floppy drive Coaxial Probes SMA Connector S12 ⋅ S 21 0, Z0 = 50Ω port2(4cm,8cm ) Y Z 21 ≈ 25 ⋅ S 21 (0,0) X Self impedance: (two probes are very close) Z 0 S 21 Z11 = 2 1 − S 21 19 EMC DL 2008 port1(5cm,4cm ) 1.6mm 10cm Z11 ≈ 25 ⋅ S 21 (assume S 21 1) 10cm PCB P/G Network [2] [1] VRM 10 wire Bonding Ball package Bonding P/G Network Bulk Capacitor near VRM Decoupling C on PCB Capacitance Given by VRM Decoupling C on package Mag (Z(1,1)) Decoupling C on chip Decoupling capacitor of package Target impedanceAntiresonance Antiresonance on-chip Capacitance 1 [1] [2] [3] [4] 0.1 10 Resonance Resonance Inductance by •ESL of discrete capacitor •Power/ground trace 06 10 07 Inductance by •Power/Ground Plane •Package via 10 Frequency (Hz) 20 [4] Chip [3] EMC DL 2008 EMC DL 2008 08 10 09 Power/Ground Planes A Test Sample port1 4cm PCB Die 4cm 8cm package Decoupling capacitor 10cm 21 EMC DL 2008 port2 Power/Ground Planes Measurement setup VNA Power ring Power via probe signal probe ground Ground ring 0.4 mm package PCB 10 cm 22 EMC DL 2008 8 cm Power/Ground Planes Coupling between PKG and PCB Measurement Results 0 -10 The SSN could be magnified by the interaction of these two cavities and degrades the power integrity of the packaged integrated circuits. circuits S21(dB) -20 -30 -40 -50 The PDS behavior of combining the package and PCB is similar to that of considering only the package. Bare pkg Bare PCB pkg+PCB -60 -70 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 frequency(GHz) Sin-Ting Chen, Ting-Kuang Wang, Chi-Wei Tsai, Sung-Moa Wu, James L. Drewniak, Tzong-Lin Wu, “Modeling Noise Coupling Between Package and PCB Power/Ground Planes with an Efficient 2D-FDTD/Lumped Element Method”, IEEE Transaction on Advanced Packaging, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 864 – pp. 871, Nov. 2007. 23 EMC DL 2008 Power/Ground Planes Cavity resonance 900 MHz TM10 24 EMC DL 2008 1.1GHz TM11 SMT Capacitors Decoupling capacitor on Package Decoupling capacitor on PCB Chip Ball Bonding Bulk capacitor VRM Ground Power Design Question? • Locations? • Numbers? • Values? 25 EMC DL 2008 SMT Decoupling Capacitors Capacitors placed either on Package or PCB package Testing port Decoupling capacitor on Package Decoupling capacitor on PCB Chip Ball Bonding Bulk capacitor VRM Ground Power Decoupling capacitors z52 capacitors on package z63 capacitors on PCB zCapacitance : 100 nF zESR : 0.04ohm ESL :0.63nH 26 PCB EMC DL 2008 SMT Decoupling Capacitors for Suppressing the P/GBN Capacitors placed either on Package or PCB -10 The additional resonance peak worsens the PDN performance. -20 -30 S21(db) -40 Decoupling capacitors placed on package have better performance. -50 -60 -70 pkg+PCB pkg+(PCB+cap) (pkg+cap)+PCB (pkg+cap)+(PCB+cap) -80 -90 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 frequency(GHz) 27 EMC DL 2008 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 The behavior of the PDN is similar to that with the caps mounted on the package. SMT Decoupling Capacitors Decoupling capacitor on Package Capacitors Number Effect Chip Decoupling capacitor on PCB Ball Bonding Bulk capacitor VRM Ground Power -10 With increasing the number of decoupling capacitors, the peaks move to higher frequency and their magnitude become smaller. -20 -30 S21(db) -40 -50 -60 -70 C:100nF (on Package) (pkg+PCB)_no cap 4 cap 8 cap 12 cap 22 cap 52 cap -80 -90 ESR:0.04ohm ESL:0.63nH -100 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 frequency(GHz) 28 EMC DL 2008 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 SMT Decoupling Capacitors Capacitance value Effect 100nF capacitors have better performance to reduce noise at low frequency. -10 -20 S21(dB) -30 -40 -50 -60 (pkg+PCB)_no cap 12cap_100n 12cap_100p -70 -80 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 frequency(GHz) 100pF capacitors have better performance at higher frequency. At low frequency, the capacitors can reduce noise about 8 dB. 29 EMC DL 2008 Embedded Capacitor L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 AP5 20um 3~7um Embedded C Embedded Capacitor Properties: AP6 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 30 EMC DL 2008 Dk (10kHz): 3000 Capacitance Density: 1.0 nF/mm2 thickness: 20- 30 um Cu Electrode thickness: 5~7um Caps location 7 8 1 2 4 31 EMC DL 2008 3 2008/8/16 Impedance measurement Good capacitor is seen below SRF. SRF is in the several MHz range due to large ESL of the connecting vias. The bandwidth could be enhanced by designing the capacitor closer to the surface of the package. Cap4 32 32 Cap (nF) ESL (pH) SRF (MHz) 8.87 214 115.6 EMC DL 2008 Isolation by etched slot with bridges Top layer (1'st layer) IC GND plnae (2nd layer) Bridged connection signal traces Etched slit (Moat) Vcc plane (3rd layer) Substrate Bottom layer (4th layer) Z Y X 33 Schematic diagram of the Isolated and Bridged Power Planes in Four Layers PCB Circuits EMC DL 2008 Isolation slots with bridge 0 reference board -10 -20 |S12| (dB) -30 -40 -50 moat-bridged board -60 -70 Dotted line: measurement Solid line: 3D-FDTD excited location: port 2 -80 0 0.5 1 1.5 Frequency(GHz) 33 34 EMC DL 2008 2 2.5 3 Isolation by etched slot with bridge (P/G Noise of the bridged board) leff TM10 -like leff TM10 J. N. Hwang and T. L. Wu,"The Bridging Effect of the Isolation Moat on the EMI Caused by Ground Bounce Noise between Power/Ground planes of PCB,"2001 IEEE EMC Symposium, Montreal, Canada, Vol. 1, pp. 471 -474, Aug. 2001. T. L. Wu, J. N. Huang, C. C. Kuo, Y. H. Lin,"Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Radiation Caused by the Switching Noise on the Partitioned DC Reference Planes of High Speed Digital PCB,” IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Feb. 2004. 35 EMC DL 2008 Fundamentals for EBG Structure circuit view 2Port 1Port 2L DGS 2L DGS 2L DGS In ⎡A B⎤ ⎢C D ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ Unit Cell + Vn − I n +1 ⎡A B⎤ ⎢C D ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ ⎡A B⎤ ⎢C D ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ + Vn+1 − d θ ⎡ ⎢ cos 2 ⎡A B⎤ =⎢ ⎢ ⎥ ⎣C D ⎦ unit cell ⎢ jY sin θ ⎢⎣ 0 2 θ⎤ jZ 0 sin ⎥ 2 ⎡1 ⎥ θ ⎥ ⎣⎢0 cos 2 ⎥⎦ X cos θ − Y0 sin θ 2 θ ⎡ cos jX ⎤ ⎢ 2 ⎢ ⎥ θ 1 ⎦⎢ jY sin ⎢⎣ 0 2 ⎡ ⎢ =⎢ ⎢ Y0 sin θ (1 + j ) − jXY 2 sin 2 θ 0 ⎢⎣ 2 2 36 θ⎤ jZ 0 sin ⎥ 2 ⎥ θ ⎥ cos 2 ⎥⎦ θ ⎤ ⎥ 2 ⎥ X cos θ − Y0 sin θ ⎥ ⎥⎦ 2 jX cos 2 Fundamentals for EBG Structure circuit view • 5 Case 1 : (Pass Band) α = 0 β ≠ 0, π cos β d = cos θ − 2 3 βd(rad) αd(Np) 4 2 cos θ − X Z 0 sin θ 2 X Z 0 sin θ ≤ 1 2 1 • 0 Case 2 : (Stop Band) 0 0 2 4 6 Frequency(GHz) 8 α ≠ 0 β =0,π cosh α d = cos θ − 37 X Z 0 sin θ ≥ 1 2 Fundamentals for EBG/PBG Structure wave view 1D 3D 38 2D Fundamentals for EBG/PBG Structure wave view 1D example (no DK contrast) 39 39 Fundamentals for EBG/PBG Structure wave view Photonic Bandgap Photonic Bandgap 40 40 Fundamentals for EBG/PBG Structure wave view E-field for mode at top of band I Local power in E-field , top of band I High-DK Low-DK E-field for mode at bottom of band II Local power in E-field, bottom of band II 41 High-DK Low-DK 41 High-impedance Surface (mush-room) concept Z0 , β Cp LV Z0 , β f start = 1 μ h⎤ ⎡ 2π C p ⎢ Lv + 0 ⎥ 4 ⎦ ⎣ Shawn D. Rogers, “Electromagnetic-Bandgap Layers for Broad-Band Suppression of TEM Modes in Power Planes”, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Tech., Vol.53, No. 8, pp.2495-2505, Aug. 2005 42 High-impedance Surface (mush-room) bandwidth enhancement Cascaded HIS: to improve the bandwidth Shahrooz Shahparnia and Omar M. Ramahi, “Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Reduction From Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) Using Electromagnetic Bandgap Structures”, IEEE Trans. Electromagntic Compatibility, Vol.46, No.4, Nov. 2004. 43 High-impedance Surface (mush-room) bandwidth enhancement (c) Double-Stacked HIS (d) Spiral HIS Jongbae Park, Albert Chee W. Lu, Kai M. Chua, Lai L. Wai, Junho Lee, and Joungho Kim, “Double-Stacked EBG Structure for Wideband Suppression of Simultaneous Switching Noise in LTCC-Based SiP Applications”, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 15, No.8, pp. 505-507, Aug. 2005. Chien-Lin Wang, Guang-Hwa Shiue, and Ruey-Beei Wu, “EBG-Enhanced Split Power Planes for Wideband Noise Suppression”, Proc. IEEE 14th Topical Meeting Elect. Performance Electron. Package., 2005, pp.61-64. 44 Electromagnetic Bandgap (EBG) Power Planes • Broadband suppression of the P/GBN • Low EMI caused by the P/GBN • Isotropically elimination of the P/GBN • Very low cost Power Plane Ground Plane Tzong-Lin Wu, Yen-Hui Lin, and Sin-Ting Chen, “A Novel Power Planes With Low Radiation and Broadband Suppression of Ground Bounce Noise Using Photonic Bandgap Structures,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Vol. 14, No. 7, pp. 337-339, Jul. 2004 45 EMC DL 2008 1D-equivalent circuit model d l p1 ε r = 4.3 Cg Lp i2 n −2 Cp i2 n−1 Lb p2 w Lp i2n Cb 2n − 2 2 n − 1 Q2 n−2 Q 2 n −1 40 46 Cg EMC DL 2008 Cp i2 n+1 2n Q2n Cg Lp Lb i2 n +2 Cb 2n + 1 Q 2 n +1 Cp Lp i2 n +3 L b Cb 2n + 2 2n + 3 Q2 n + 2 Q2n+3 P/GBN suppression— Frequency domain Power plane z 90mm y h = 0.4mm x (0,0) GND plane 90mm Reference board -10 |S21| (dB) -30 -50 -70 9-cell LPC-EBG board -90 excited location: (45mm, 45mm) Solid line: 2D-FDTD Dotted line: measurement received location: (15mm, 75mm) -110 0 44 47 1 2 3 Frequency(GHz) EMC DL 2008 4 5 6 P/GBN suppression— Time domain (3D-FDTD) Power plane z 90mm y 0.5 h = 0.4mm x (0,0) GND plane 90mm excited source: 20mV Gaussian pulse 0.4 excited location: (45mm, 45mm) Voltage(mV) 0.3 received location: (15mm, 75mm) 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 Reference board 9-cell LPC-EBG board -0.3 -0.4 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time(ns) There is over 35% of the GBN suppression rate by LPC-EBG power plane design. 46 48 EMC DL 2008 P/GBN suppression — Time domain (measurement) Excitation source(2.25GHz clock with amplitude of ±125mV) Excited port (45mm, 45mm) received port (15mm, 75mm) 47 49 EMC DL 2008 9cell-EBG board (peak to peak 7mV) EMI elimination — LPC-EBG structure 7m Absorber Horn Antenna Test Board 3m 3m 70 Wooden Table Reference board 60 20mV Signal generator Spectrum Analyzer E_max(dBuV/m) PreAmp 50 40 30 9-cell LPC-EBG board 20 10 excited amplitude: 20mV excited location: (45mm, 45mm) EMI at 3m Solid line: 3D-FDTD Dotted line: measurement 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Frequency(GHz) 48 50 EMC DL 2008 3 3.5 4 Impact on SI — Traces referring to EBG planes w=0.5mm w=0.75mm 0.4mm 30mm Port2 Port1 0.4mm 0.4mm 0.4mm 0.4mm 10mm (45mm, 49mm) ε r = 4.3 0.4mm Port1 30mm 10mm Port4 Port2 Port3 (45mm, 49mm) εr = 4.3 s=0.25mm 20mm 20mm MEO=363mV MEW=370ps MEO=471mV MEW=389ps Reference board (with solid power/ground planes) MEO=440mV MEW=388ps Tzong-Lin Wu, Yen-Hui Lin, Ting-Kuang Wang, Chien-Chung Wang, and Sin-Ting Chen, “Electromagnetic Bandgap Power/Ground Planes for Wideband Suppression of Ground Bounce Noise and Radiated Emission in High-speed Circuits,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 53, No. 9, pp. 2935 - 2942, Sept. 2005 49 51 EMC DL 2008 L-bridged EBG Power Plane a = 9 cm Power plane b = 9 cm h = 0.4 mm Ground plane a = 9 cm Substrate Reference board Power plane b=9 cm h = 0.4 mm Ground plane Substrate L-bridged EBG board Tzong Lin Wu, Yen-Hui Lin and Ting-Kuang Wang, “A Novel Power Plane with super-Wideband Elimination of Ground Bounce Noise on High Speed Circuits,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 174-176, Mar. 2005 52 EMC DL 2008 L-bridged EBG geometrical parameters Power plane port2 90 mm port1 a Ground plane a = 30 mm w 90 mm w = 6.65 mm 90mm x 90mm x 0.4mm g1 = 0.1 mm l g2 = 0.2 mm g2 g3 Unit Cell 53 EMC DL 2008 g3 = 0.75 mm l = 15.2 mm Wideband suppression 0 reference S21(dB) -20 -40 -60 L-bridged -80 FDTD FEM Measurement -100 0 1 2 3 Frequency(GHz) 54 EMC DL 2008 4 5 6 EMI performance 50 45 Ez at 3m (dBuv/m) 40 35 30 25 20 15 Measurement reference L-bridged 10 5 0.05 0.55 1.05 1.55 2.05 Frequency (GHz) 55 EMC DL 2008 2.55 EMS measurement setup ¾ According to IEC61000-4-3 z Modulation:CW z Frequency Range:80 MHz ~ 3 GHz z Dwell time:1 sec z Frequency step:2% z Electric field intensity:3 V/m Hung-Chun Kuo Sin-Ting Chen Tzong-Lin Wu , “Improving the Radiated Immunity of the Strip-Lines Using a Novel Hybrid EBG Structure“, IEEE 15th Topical Meeting on Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging (EPEP), Scottsdale, AZ, USA, 2006 56 EMC DL 2008 EMS frequency-domain response 14 solid line: simulation dash line: measurement 12 10 Reference board EBG board mV 8 6 4 2 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 Frequency(GHz) 57 EMC DL 2008 2 2.5 3 Photonic Crystal Power Layer (PCPL) Multilayer PCB substrate Tzong-Lin Wu and Sin-Ting Chen, “An Electromagnetic Crystal Power Substrate with Efficient Suppression of Power/Ground Plane Noise on High-speed Circuits,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, VOL. 16, NO. 7, Page(s):413 - 415, Jun. 2006 58 EMC DL 2008 The geometry of the PCPL High-DK material Square lattice High-DK material εr =110 Q=1003 (f = 7GHz) 59 EMC DL 2008 Dispersion diagram for the PCPL 9 8 Frequency (GHz) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Γ X M Γ The dots -- FDTD method The solid lines -- MIT photonic band tool SL-PCPL In this diagram, the bandgap is represented by frequency range in which there is no propagating mode for any propagation vectors. 60 EMC DL 2008 P/GBN suppression – Frequency domain Bandgaps 0 reference board -20 S21(dB) -40 -60 Ceff -80 simulation measurement SL-PCPL -100 -120 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Frequency(GHz) ε eff = Ar ε r1 + (1 − Ar )ε r 0 ε eff = 10.348 Ceff = 716pF 61 EMC DL 2008 8 P/GBN suppression – Time domain 200 150 The waveform of the excitation source 10Gbps and amplitude ±125 mV 100 50 mv 0 Square lattice -50 200 -100 -150 150 Reference board SL-PCPL 100 50 -200 0 mv 0 -50 -100 171.2 mV -200 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Time (ns) SSN can be reduced about 91% 62 EMC DL 2008 0.4 0.6 Time (ns) 16.1 mV -150 0.2 1 0.8 1 Signal Integrity Performance W = 1 .1 8 3 m m P ort 1 P ort 2 0 .4 m m 0 .8 m m ε r = 2 .3 3 0 .4 m m S q u a r e la ttice o r tria n g u la r la ttice Input signal : 29-1 pseudo random bit sequence (PRBS), nonreturn to zero (NRZ), coded at 10GHz. Bit rate : 10 Gbps Amplitude : 500 mv Edge rate : 35 ps 63 EMC DL 2008 Eye Pattern Simulation (TL-PCPL) MEO = 245 mV, MEW = 72 ps MEO = 292 mV, MEW = 85 ps Ref brd PCPL MEO Æ Maximum Eye Open MEW Æ Maximum Eye Width 64 EMC DL 2008 EMI elimination — PCPL structure Bandgap 110 100 reference board EMI (dBuv/m) 90 80 70 60 measurement simulation 50 SL-PCPL 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Frequency (GHz) At the frequency range of the bandgap, the radiation resulted from the SSN is significantly suppressed with over 30dB reduction. 65 EMC DL 2008 Gap map for PCPL structure Area of maximum bandwidth for the first bandgap 0.4 Frequency (£sa/2£kC) 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 r/a The substrate almost filled with high-DK rods For the application, we need the broad stopband at low frequency. Therefore, there is design tradeoff between the bandwidth and the center frequency for the PCPL structure. Tzong-Lin Wu, Sin-Ting Chen, “A photonic crystal power/ground layer for eliminating simultaneously switching noise in high-speed circuit,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, VOL. 54, NO. 8, pp. 3398 - 3406, Sept. 2006 66 EMC DL 2008 Gap map of the PCPL structure for different dielectric constant 0.4 K=150 Frequency (£sa/2£kC) 0.35 K=110 K=50 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 r/a 67 • The bandgap appears at smaller r/a for larger dielectric constant. • The center frequency of the band at the same r/a is higher for the smaller dielectric constant. EMC DL 2008 Conclusion • P/GBN is one of the key issues for designing high-speed digital circuit with good signal integrity (SI) and EMC performance. • Several approaches to eliminate the P/GBN on the power delivery systems are investigated by both numerical simulations and experimental measurement. 68 EMC DL 2008