A. Please answer all the following questions fully and carefully. Feel

A. Please answer all the following questions fully and carefully. Feel free to continue answers on additional sheets.
1. (a) Describe briefly your college, graduate school, or professional honors.
(b) Describe briefly extracurricular, service, or community activities (other than employment) in which you have been
significantly involved.
2. If you attended more than one college in working toward your bachelor’s degree, describe the changes and the reason for
each change.
3. A. • Yes • No Have you ever attended any other law school?
If yes, provide full details using an additional sheet if necessary. Certification of attendance is required.
A. • Yes • No
Was there an interval of more than six months between preparatory school and college?
B. • Yes • No Was there an interval of more than six months during your undergraduate studies?
C. • Yes • No Was there an interval of more than six months between college graduation and your planned law
school starting date? Give reasons for, and activities during, each such interval. Be sure to
describe any full-time employment experience, other than summer work. Include any military,
Peace Corps or other full-time government service. If presently in military or other service, give
expected separation or termination date.
Please answer the following questions carefully. Omission or falsification of information relevant to these questions
may have serious negative consequences in meeting the good moral character requirement for admission to the Bar,
and may serve as grounds for rescinding admission to the UW Law School.
A. • Yes • No Have you ever been dropped, suspended, expelled, placed on probation, disciplined, or subjected to any
other action by any college, university, or law school either for academic or other reasons?
B. • Yes • No Have you ever, as an adult or a juvenile, been ticketed/cited, arrested, charged, convicted, placed in a
deferred prosecution program, forfeited bail, or pleaded guilty or no contest to any crime, forfeiture,
municipal or other ordinance or civil law violation? In answering this question, include all actions that were
dismissed and/or expunged from the record. (Do not include noncriminal traffic violations but include any
underage drinking or drunk driving charges.)
C. • Yes • No Are you presently subject to any such pending charges?
If the answer to 5(a), 5(b) or 5(c) is yes, please explain in detail the circumstances on a separate sheet.
17. Please include a personal statement on a separate sheet. A carefully prepared personal statement telling us about
yourself and reflecting our admissions criteria, which are described in our publication Law at Wisconsin, is very helpful to
the Admissions Committee. Include any special factors, problems, plans, explanations, or additional information that you
think might help the Law School in acting on your application. If you attended another law school, you must give reasons for
desiring to transfer.