Funding provided by the Michigan Department of Education, Office of Career Technical Education, 2012 Carol Hanner w/ Appreciation to Carol Clark Developed by: CIP CODE: PSN: ON-LINE CIP SELF REVIEW GUIDEBOOK FOR CTE TEACHERS CTE CONTENTS__________________________________________ Listing of Documents to be Assembled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 URL for Navigator, Profile Updating, Save Bar, Saving Documents & Uploading , Communication Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 On-Line CIP Self Review C01 – Program Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 C02 – Professional Development (Teacher) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 C03 – Additional Program Staff (Paraprofessional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 C04 – Paraprofessinal Professional Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 C05 – Successful Completer Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 C06 – Established Advisory Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 C07 – Expenditure of Funds w/in Allowable Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 C08 – Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 C09 – Classroom Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 C10 – Implementation of Standards / Course Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 C11 – Program Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 C12 – Recommended Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 C13 - Strategies to Eliminate Barriers to Program Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 C14 – Work-Based Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 C15 – Data Accuracy Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 C16 – Post-Secondary Alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 C17 – Unique Program Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 C18 – Technical Assistance (optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 CIP Self Review Evidence Missing Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Missing Information – CIP Self Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Plan of Improvement Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Signature Page for CIP Self Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 CIP Self Review Questions & Answers (Q & A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2 NAVIGATOR CIP SELF REVIEW USERS’ MANUAL Assemble the following documents in electronic format: C01 1. PROGRAM STAFF Notarized Teaching Certificate, back (if applicable) and front - new certificates have changed recently to a 1 page certificate 2. Notarized Occupational Certificate, back (if applicable) and front (IOC or OC) - new certificates have 3. Annual Authorization (school district application & proof of work experience) changed recently to a 1 page certificate C02 4. 5. 6. C03 7. C04 8. C05 9. 10. 11. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (TEACHER) Copy of one professional development agenda and registration related to CIP area Copy of professional development calendar/list /events attended over the last 5 years Copy of receipt for OCTE PD (college transcription showing completed courses toward CTE IOC or OC) (SB-CEU’s /SCECH’s from CTE related events) ADDITIONAL STAFF (PARAPROFESSIONAL) Paraprofessional certification documents including resume, transcripts (if applicable) PARAPROFESSIONAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Paraprofessional registration and receipt for PD in CIP area SUCCESSFUL COMPLETER INFORMATION Copy of district’s definition of Successful Concentrator/Completer Current school year segment sheet Enrollment with grades in program C06 ESTABLISHED ADVISORY COMMITTEE 12. Advisory Committee roster / agenda/minutes/sign-in sheets for both meetings C07 EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS 13. C08 14. 15. 16. 17. Documentation of expenditures for program (see C07) FACILITIES Photo and drawing with dimensions of classroom Building layout Current class list Master schedule (shows room numbers) 3 C09 18. 19. C10 20. 21. 22. 23. C12 24. 25. C13 26. 27. 28. C14 29. 30. 31. C15 32. 33. C16 34. C17 35. ** 36. CLASSROOM SAFETY Student classroom safety training checklist, initialed Facility inspections, fire drill schedule IMPLEMENTATION OF STANDARDS Completed Gap Analysis (Excel or electronic version) (see directions for uploading Excel & On Line versions) Academic alignment documents Syllabus, including grading scale, rules, course description in catalog, articulation agreements CTSO membership roster, minutes, competition documentation RECOMMENDED EQUIPMENT Equipment Inventory, including technology inventory and textbooks, software Photo of classroom showing adjustable desk STRATEGIES TO ELIMINARY BARRIERS TO PROGRAM ACCESS Samples of marketing materials showing diversity Copy of district annual notice of CTE opportunities Copy of district nondiscrimination statement WORK-BASED LEARNING Student list indicating at least one work-based learning experience District field trip procedure policy Sample of permission slip, training agreement DATA ACCURACY VERIFICATION Pre and Post test results from Data Director Program enrollment, grades, master schedule, school calendar, Core Performance Indicators (CPI) POST-SECONDARY ALIGNMENT Current articulation agreement and Program of Study (POS) UNIQUE PROGRAM FEATURES Special features, including newspaper articles, Macomb Daily publications, school Newsletter SIGNATURE PAGE (page 23) CIP Self-Review document. 4 NAVIGATOR CIP SELF REVIEW • Go to the internet and type in the following URL: When the home page for Navigator opens, locate the LOG IN BOX (left side of home page). Type in: your school e-mail address and password Locate EDIT PROFILE Click on Edit Profile The teacher will input / update their profile including the uploading of their teaching certificate, occupational certificate or annual authorization. NOTE: Teaching certification uploading o Professional teaching certificate front & back (if applicable) as one file. Be sure the certificate is notarized and dated. NOTE: New certificates are now 1 sided only. o Occupational Certificate front and back (if applicable) as one file. Be sure it is notarized as well. NOTE: New IOC / OC certificates are now 1 sided only. o Annual Authorization – secured from administrator-district application & proof of work experience. (This needs to be loaded in your personal information only. It will automatically appear in C01) 5 ** Reminder: It is IMPORTANT for teachers to save their work after they have typed information and after uploading documentation. There is a save bar located on the right side of their CIP Self Review as well as at the bottom of each page, that they can click on to insure that their data and documentation are saved in Navigator. SAVE BAR AFTER the CPED / CTE Administrator / contact has opened their CIP program for review, the teacher will be notified via e-mail from Navigator that their CTE program is being reviewed. They will then see CIP Self-Review in the tool bar across the top of the page. • Click on CIP SELF-REVIEW to the far right on the bar across the top of the page. SAVING DOCUMENTATION FOR UPLOADING When the teacher scans and saves their documentation to a specific location or folder, IT IS IMPORTANT THAT THEY RENAME THE FILES FOR EASE IN ACCESSING AND UPLOADING. Save all files using the format suggested by your CTE Administrator before uploading into the CIP Self-Review. SUGGESTION: 2012-13 CO1 Your First Initial Last Name Sample: 2012-13 CO1 T Jones NOTE: Please note the EXAMPLES provided within this document are merely just that, an EXAMPLE. Many of the check marks were entered to generate a SAMPLE PLAN OF IMPROVEMENT for you to see. 6 Please note the EXAMPLES that are provided within COMMUNICATION Communication between the CTE Administrator and teacher, and /or the teacher and the CTE Administrator is accomplished through the COMMUNICATION LOG. It is found at the bottom of each Program Criteria page of the CIP Self Review in Navigator. 1. 2. 1. The CTE teacher or CTE Administrator inputs their correspondence in the area indicated by arrow #1. 2. Then, check the box next to the name of the individual that notification is to be sent to. These boxes can be unchecked so only the specific person identified receives the communication. 7 CO1 – PROGRAM STAFF: TEACHER is appropriately certified Each teacher that is teaching an approved CTE program will need to complete this section and provide all evidence. Information for this page was captured on the profile page of Navigator. • Teacher Certification • Interim Occupational • Occupational Certification • Annual Authorization • Industry Certification DOCUMENTATION NEEDED: Front and Back (if applicable) Teacher Certification, IOC (Interim Occupational Certificate) or OC (Occupational Certificate) or Annual Authorization. BE SURE TO CHECK THE EXPIRATION DATE! NOTE: New Teacher, IOC and OC certificates have recently changed to be 1 sided only. If that is the case for you, then copy the single side only. SAVE YOUR WORK AFTER EACH UPLOAD OR INFORMATION THAT YOU TYPE IN 8 C02 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Teacher PD meets all criteria Click YES or NO next to your name indicating that you have completed Professional Development in your content area within the last 5 years. Now go to the Evidence Box and add the evidence of your professional development. When you click on “ADD EVIDENCE” 2 boxes will appear BROWSE CANCEL (When you click BROWSE, go to the proper drive / file with your correct files to upload.) A BLANK or NO will create a Plan of Improvement for you to complete to remain compliant. DOCUMENTATION NEEDED: • A copy of “1” professional development agenda & registration receipt related to occupational area and / or most recent OCTE PD for teacher(s). • Dated college transcripts showing CTE courses passed. ** OCTE is interested in Professional Development that you may have attended that’s applicable to your specific program area. PD could include MISD CTE Teacher Academy training, GAP Analysis workshop, and should be outside of your school district and in your program area (ex: MHOEA; Classes through a University, etc.) The PD should have been completed within the last 5 years. PD must be ongoing, not just a conference. It would be good to have a document to show how you changed your curriculum / lesson plans as a result of the conference and include that document. SAVE YOUR WORK AFTER EACH UPLOAD OR INFORMATION THAT YOU TYPE IN 9 C03 ADDITIONAL PROGRAM STAFF Paraprofessional / Aide It is important that your CTE Administrator add the name of EACH of your paraprofessional(s) / Aide(s) so that it appears and you can add him /her to your program for the CIP Self-Review. This information is entered by the TEACHER under CO3. There is NO other way to enter paraprofessionals. DOCUMENTATION NEEDED : • Include any / all (VT) certification documents (if annually authorized as paraprofessional) (CPR, transcripts, proof of work experience, etc.) (Remember to link this documentation together as a single document) SAVE YOUR WORK AFTER EACH UPLOAD OR INFORMATION THAT YOU TYPE IN C04 PARAPROFESSIONAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT The State of Michigan requires that the paraprofessional be involved in “1” professional development in their content area within 5 years. NOT FOR Family Consumer Science programs. DOCUMENTATION NEEDED: • A copy of “1” professional agenda and registration receipt related to occupational area and / or OCTE PD for VT (i.e. NATEF if assigned to automotive technology, MOSPA, etc.) • If paraprofessional is a “TECH”, include a copy of the annual authorization providing the individual is annually authorized. SAVE YOUR WORK AFTER EACH UPLOAD OR INFORMATION THAT YOU TYPE IN 10 C05 SUCCESSFUL COMPLETER INFORMATION ** Check with your CTE Administrator for your school’s definition for a Successful Concentrator / Completer. It should be current and reflect the number of segments needed to be completed and include end of program state test completion (if applicable). Click YES or NO next to Program Demonstrates Completion of: Now go to the Add Evidence Box and add the evidence you have uploaded in your folder. When you click on “ADD EVIDENCE” 2 boxes will appear A BLANK or NO will create a Plan of Improvement for you to complete to remain compliant with OCTE. BROWSE CANCEL (When you click BROWSE, go to the proper drive / file on your computer with your correct files to upload.) You will upload at least 2 documents --- (you can upload as many documents as needed, one at a time) DOCUMENTATION NEEDED: 1. Current school year Segment Sheet (document signed by teacher showing which segments are taught in the course by semester / trimester). NOTE: Each CIP Code has only 1 Segment Sheet, regardless of the number of courses in that CIP in one PSN. It is important to identify where the 12 segments are taught – each used only once in the CIP. Use segment “Q” for a course of advance studies after all 12 segments are designated. (EX: 12 segments are taught in one year. – A second year would list segment “Q” only. 2. District CTE definition of a successful Concentrator/ Completer. SAVE YOUR WORK AFTER EACH UPLOAD OR INFORMATION THAT YOU TYPE IN 11 C06 ESTABLISHED ADVISORY COMMITTEE – MEETS ALL CRITERIA Click YES or NO next to each category. Blanks and NO will produce a Plan of Improvement for you to complete. Now go to the Evidence Box and upload your membership roster, 2 agendas, 2 meeting minutes, and 2 sign in sheets. Be sure all are dated. OPTIONAL: parent, student, counselor & college representatives on the roster. DOCUMENTATION NEEDED: 1. Membership roster w/ detailed contact information & titles, with the chairperson from business & industry designated. The chairperson cannot be from education. The majority of committee members need to be from business / industry. 2. 2 Advisory Committee Meeting agendas. Be sure to put date on each agenda. 3. 2 sets of Advisory Meeting minutes with attendance listed on the minutes. 4. 2 sets of sign in sheets, dated. SAVE YOUR WORK AFTER EACH UPLOAD OR INFORMATION THAT YOU TYPE IN 12 CO7 EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS W / IN ALLOWABLE CATEGORIES For this Program Criteria, you will need the assistance of your building bookkeeper or whoever is in charge of expenditures. Check with your CTE Director/ Coordinator. Click YES or NO next to each category. A “NO” can be used & will not generate a Plan of Improvement. Blanks will produce a Plan of Improvement for you to complete. Evidence Box - upload your documentation from your bookkeeper or person in charge of expenditures. Blanks will create a Plan of Improvement for you to complete & remain compliant with OCTE. DOCUMENTATION NEEDED : From “ANY OR ALL” of the following categories: • • • • • • • • Professional Development Instructional Travel Purchase or rental of NEW Program Equipment for student use ONLY Instructional Supplies Assessment Advisory Committees or other Industry Involvement Curriculum Development & alignment CTSO approved expenses (can’t pay for transportation) SAVE YOUR WORK AFTER EACH UPLOAD OR INFORMATION THAT YOU TYPE IN 13 C08 FACILITIES Click YES or NO next to Classroom square footage ……… A blank or NO will produce a Plan of Improvement for you to complete. Evidence Box - upload a photo of your classroom and lab areas as well as a copy of the building layout. Reminder, a blank or NO will create a Plan of Improvement for you to complete and remain compliant with OCTE. DOCUMENTATION NEEDED: • Include a photo and drawing with dimensions of your classroom. and total square footage. • Include a building layout and identify your program classroom / lab. • Include a class list for current school year. Be sure to BLACK OUT THE LAST NAMES of students on the class lists prior to uploading into the CIP Self-Review in Navigator. • Include the room number Include a Master Schedule w/ classroom numbers. SAVE YOUR WORK AFTER EACH UPLOAD OR INFORMATION THAT YOU TYPE IN 14 C09 CLASSROOM SAFETY Click YES or NO next to the two items on this check list. Blanks and NO will produce a Plan of Improvement for you to complete. Evidence - on the right side of the page - upload the documentation required for each category. DOCUMENTATION NEEDED: 1. Student safety training checklist with dates each student passed safety-training areas. Include the name of the specific safety training. Remember to have student initial checklist next to their name(s) / scores. 2. MIOSHA, CDC, FIA, fire inspections, facility inspections where applicable. 3. Fire drills, lockdown and tornado drill dates with policy & procedures SAVE YOUR WORK AFTER EACH UPLOAD OR INFORMATION THAT YOU TYPE IN 15 C10 IMPLEMENTATION OF STANDARDS / COURSE CONTENT Click YES or NO next on the next 14 items on this check list. Blanks will produce a Plan of Improvement for you to complete except in the last section – Leadership Component. LEADERSHIP COMPONENT: Check YES on those that apply and NO that do not apply. IT IS NECESSARY to provide evidence of events and student led meetings and elected officers. Evidence - on the right side of the page - upload the documentation required for each category. DOCUMENTATION NEEDED: • • • • Completed Gap Analysis - You can use electronic version or the condensed Excel version. * the electronic version on Navigator (under Program tab), - complete the on-line GAP, print and scan into file and load. OR * save the most current & completed condensed-Excel version of the GAP (found under the Resource tab) to your desktop, rename it and load into the CIP Self Review. Academic Alignment documents – since your are teaching academics in your program area – provide evidence to demonstrate how / where. See your CTE Administrator for documentation from your district. Program Syllabus / curriculum guide cross-walked to standards - (examples: incl. name & contact information, grading scale, classroom & building rules, course description, and articulation(s) available, etc.) Leadership Component – (include CTSO membership roster, local meeting minutes w/ list of officers in classroom, competition & results documentation, community service, student lists, etc.) SAVE YOUR WORK AFTER EACH UPLOAD OR INFORMATION THAT YOU TYPE IN 16 C11 PROGRAM CHARACTERISTICS Above is a sample of academic credit provided in the area of Health Occupations. If your district offers academic credit, Click YES or NO where applicable. Then identify the area and the amount of credit your CTE program will fulfill. NO PROOF IS NEEDED … JUST CHECK WHICH CREDIT YOUR PROGRAM FULFILLS. SAVE YOUR WORK AFTER EACH UPLOAD OR INFORMATION THAT YOU TYPE IN 17 C12 RECOMMENDED EQUIPMENT Click YES or NO next on the next 6 items on this check list. Blanks and No’s will produce a Plan of Improvement for you to complete. NOTE: The 2nd line did not have a response, thus the RED font to prompt your response. ** Your inventory of equipment, technology, textbooks and software is critical & required. ** DOCUMENTATION NEEDED: • EQUIPMENT INVENTORY - listing your equipment and the dates of purchase (you building bookkeeper may be able to assist you with the dates.) This is for all equipment that costs more than $500. If donated, list the date donated. Equipment purchased cannot be discarded for at least 5 years. NOTE: If you don’t have previous purchase dates, start-keeping a record of these dates and update each year. • TECHNOLOGY INVENTORY – listing with dates of purchase of all classroom technology (computers, overhead projectors, Elmo’s, etc.) • TEXTBOOK & SOFTWARE INVENTORY – listing of textbooks (include photocopy of textbook cover & copyright page), software & other resources with copyright dates, etc. Include the dates of purchase. SAVE YOUR WORK AFTER EACH UPLOAD OR INFORMATION THAT YOU TYPE IN 18 C13 STRATEGIES TO ELIMINATE BARRIERS TO PROGRAM ACCESS Click YES or NO next on the next 7 items on this check list. Blanks and No’s will produce a Plan of Improvement for you to complete. ALL MUST BE CHECKED DOCUMENTATION NEEDED: • Photo of classroom showing accessible aisles & room arrangement. • Photo / invoice of adjustable desk. • Sample(s) of marketing materials for program showing diversity. • Course enrollment demographics – Program pre-requisites (ie: passing the state assessment, maintaining a 2.0 g.p.a., absences under 5 for second year students, etc.). • Copy of district annual notice of CTE Opportunities – check with your CTE Director / Administrator. • Copy of district non-discrimination statement. – see your CTE Director / Administrator. • Copy of student course selection materials that are relevant to the program or other program promotional materials. • Copy of course description from district program of studies (course selection booklet) incl. policies or procedures for your program (ex: program application, if applicable, purchase of a uniform, TB test, steel-toe shoes, driving to from work site, etc.) – see your CTE Director / Administrator. SAVE YOUR WORK AFTER EACH UPLOAD OR INFORMATION THAT YOU TYPE IN 19 C14 WORK-BASED LEARNING FIRST SECTION: Check YES or NO in the first 2 boxes. A BLANK or NO will result in the development of a Plan of Improvement for you to complete. SECOND SECTION: Criteria is met if at least “1” WORK BASED learning experience in your occupational area is checked in the boxes in the 2nd section for all students in your CTE program. 1. 1 2. DOCUMENTATION NEEDED: • Student list indicating at least “1” experience (field trip, capstone, job shadowing, etc.) for every student in your specific occupational program area. Be sure to include date(s). • Alternate plan for those students who were not able to complete a field trip or other experience. • Field Trip procedures (district procedures). • Sample of a permission slip. • Sample of a training agreement. SAVE YOUR WORK AFTER EACH UPLOAD OR INFORMATION THAT YOU TYPE IN 20 C15 DATA ACCURACY VERIFICATION Many of these documents will need to be secured from your CTEIS Data Secretary. See your CTE Administrator. DOCUMENTATION NEEDED: TEACHER CAN PROVIDE THESE DOCUMENTS • PRE & POST TEST RESULTS THE FOLLOWING ITEMS CAN BE SECURED FROM YOUR CTEIS REPORTING SECRETARY / ADMINISTRATOR. • PROGRAM ENROLLMENT – grade level / attendance - (both semesters / all trimesters) • STUDENT GRADES – (both semesters / all trimesters) (included in CTEIS reporting) • MASTER SCHEDULE include class times • DISTRICT SCHOOL CALENDAR • CORE PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (found in CTEIS reporting) ** NOTE: IT WOULD BE EFFECTIVE TO LOAD PROGRAM ENROLLMENT, grade level , attendance, w/ student grades for both semesters or all trimesters at the end of the school year. SAVE YOUR WORK AFTER EACH UPLOAD OR INFORMATION THAT YOU TYPE IN 21 C16 POST-SECONDARY ALIGNMENT NOTE: At least “1” post-secondary CTE option must be available for all approved CTE programs. ( FCS not included) Check appropriate YES or NO box(es) for your CTE program. A BLANK will create a Plan of Improvement to be completed for the teacher. Upload evidence. DOCUMENTATION NEEDED: • One current articulation agreement, signed and with expiration date noted. • Program of Study (POS) – (6 year chart of courses through 4 years high school and 2 years postsecondary courses, minimally). SAVE YOUR WORK AFTER EACH UPLOAD OR INFORMATION THAT YOU TYPE IN 22 C17 UNIQUE PROGRAM FEATURES DOCUMENTATION NEEDED: • Highlight special features about your program in a single paragraph. (ie: What you want the Superintendent to read?) Evidence can be photos, newspaper articles, etc. • SIGNATURE PAGE (page 23) CIP Self Review document --- MUST be placed in this section. Additional information about the SIGNATURE PAGE can be found on page 25 of this document. This page is IMPORTANT. SAVE YOUR WORK AFTER EACH UPLOAD OR INFORMATION THAT YOU TYPE IN C18 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE THIS SECTION IS OPTIONAL What is needed to enhance the quality of your program from a state perspective? If this section is left blank, no Plan of Improvement will be generated. SAVE YOUR WORK AFTER EACH UPLOAD OR INFORMATION THAT YOU TYPE IN 23 REPORT INFORMATION Before submitting your CIP Self Review, do these “2” reports to insure that all of your documentation is complete. CIP SELF REVIEW EVIDENCE MISSING: If the Yes or No boxes have been checked, but uploading of needed evidence is not completed, this is an example of what appears. These items need to be uploaded to compete the CIP Self Review. If the teacher has mistakenly uploaded a file, it can be deleted by clicking on the “RED X”. SHOW MISSING INFORMATION IN THE CIP SELF REVIEW: This is an example of a report showing what information has not been uploaded into the CIP Self Review. Again, these items need to be completed prior to submitting to CTE Director / Administrator and to the state. SAVE YOUR WORK AFTER EACH UPLOAD OR INFORMATION THAT YOU TYPE IN 24 PLAN OF IMPROVEMENT REPORT • Once the CIP Self Review documentation has been completed, the teacher is able to print out the Program Improvement Plan. IT IS IMPORTANT, that the teacher keep a copy of the Plan of Improvement for the upcoming school year. • When the teacher prints their Plan of Improvement, they can then click “SUBMIT to notify their CTE Administrator that the teacher’s review and documentation is complete. • Once the CTE ADMINISTRATOR receives the teacher’s CIP Self Review, they can review the CIP and print the Plan of Improvement for their files. After reviewing, the CTE Administrator then clicks YES, the teacher will no longer have accessibility to the CIP Self Review. At this point, the CTE Administrator clicks SUBMIT. The CIP Self Review is now locked. As you can see, the Plan of Improvement identifies the program action that needs to be addressed, the person responsible for addressing the area(s) that requires improvement as well as the time line for the proposed action for completion. It is important that the Plan of Improvement be completed for the CTE program to remain an approved program. 25 SIGNATURE SHEET Page 23 THE SIGNATURE PAGE of the CIP Self Review is to be presented at one (1) of your two annual Advisory Meetings. Your Business & Industry Chairperson needs to complete the information in part 3 of this sheet and sign as indicated indicating that the program review is accurate. NOTE: This page is submitted with your on-line CIP Self Review in C17 Unique Features. It needs to be completed, signed by your CTE administrator, you, and your business & industry partner. Keep this document in your records. You may also need to provide your CTE Administrator with a copy of this form for their records. 1. Administrator Info & Signature 2. CTE Teacher Info & Signature 3. Business & Industry Chairperson 26 NAVIGATOR -- ON LINE CIP SELF REVIEW Q & A’S 1. I’ve gone to, but I’m not able to get into Navigator. What’s the problem? Contact your CTE Administrator to be sure that he/she has activated you for the current school year. If your administrator has activated you contact “Kavin” at Ferris. His number is 231.796.2822. (page 5) 2. Is it necessary for me to fill in all my personal information in my profile in Navigator? It is recommended that you DO NOT put in your personal information (home phone number, social security, home address, etc). However, you are to provide your work information, teaching credentials, etc. You will also be asked to upload a copy of your teaching credentials including your vocational certification and any licensure you may hold for your specific program area. It is advisable that you white out your social security number on any document where it may appear before uploading into Navigator. (page 5) 3. How do I know if my teaching certification is correct? To be sure that your certification is correct (it has been known that errors do occur when teachers receive their teaching certificates from Lansing.) Before uploading your teaching and vocational certifications, go to ( ) • Click on MDE – Michigan Department of Education. • Locate the box in the center column UNDER “HOT TOPICS”, cursor down to EDUCATOR CERTIFICATION VERIFICATION and input your name as directed. • Under the heading Certificate/Permit/ AVA Number click on the certificate number to verify your teaching and vocational certificates. If they do not match, contact your CTE administrator. 4. My program is taught by 3 other teachers. We share the same PSN number. Do all 3 of us complete the On-Line CIP Self-Review? OCTE requires that a single teacher upload and complete the CIP Self-Review in one PSN. However, all teachers that are teaching within a single CIP Code are required to upload their own CO1 – Teaching Certificate and personal information. The other teachers are to provide the identified teacher with documentation (safety tests, grades, etc.) to be uploaded. Contact your CTE Administrator w/ questions. 5. When I was working in my On-Line CIP Self Review, I noticed some correspondence in the Communication Log at the bottom of each page in the CIP. Can I respond to my CTE Administrator using the Communication Log? Throughout the entire process of completing the On-Line CIP Self Review, your CTE administrator will be able to review what you uploaded. In the past, teachers submitted their “TRAC Binders” to the CTE administrator for review and approval. With the On-Line CIP, your CTE administrator is able to review your documentation and correspond by making suggestions, expressing concerns, etc. via the Communication Log. NOTE that there is a box in the lower right corner of this log to indicate whom the correspondence is to be sent to. (page 6) 6. In C01 - do I need to fill in all of my certification information again? No, documentation needed for C01 will be captured from the Profile page in Navigator. (page 8) 7. How can I save my documentation and information that I’ve inputted into Navigator’s CIP Self Review? It is important that you SAVE your work each time you upload documentation or after you have entered information into the On-Line CIP Self Review. The SAVE BAR can be found to the far right of the page you are working on, OR, you can cursor to the very end of the CIP Self-Review and SAVE your work as well. (page 6) 27 8. Is it necessary to upload all of my professional development (C02) from the last 5 years? OCTE is interested in the professional development that you may have attended that is applicable to your specific program area. The PD should have been completed within the last 5 years. PD could include OCTE workshops, post-secondary coursework specific to your program content area, professional organization workshops (i.e. NATEF, DECA, MHOEA) etc. If you have questions, contact your CTE administrator or your CEPD administrator. (page 9) 9. I have a parapro. Does their professional development (C04) need to be in their occupational area that they are working in? It is strongly recommended by OCTE that a parapro’s PD be in their occupational area, but academic integration workshops, safety training (CPR, etc.) documentation can be uploaded. Be sure to have the date, time and location of training noted on the documentation. (page 10) 10. How do I identify a successful completer requested in C05? Your district should have a CTE definition for Concentrators / Completers. See your CTE administrator for the definition. Be sure to include a current school year SEGMENT SHEET that you have signed. It should indicate which segments are taught by trimester/semester and in year 1 or 2 of your program. (page 11) 11. I attended the MISD Regional Advisory meeting (C06) in the fall last year, and ran out of time to hold my nd 2 advisory meeting. What should I do? It is important that you upload the membership roster and the required information from the Regional Advisory Meeting, along with the minutes and sign in sheet. nd Because you did not hold a 2 advisory meeting, you will note in the EVIDENCE MISSING REPORT that you are nd missing the 2 advisory meeting documentation. The MISSING INFORMATION REPORT will also indicate that you have not completed all of the necessary documentation in C06. When you go to complete your CIP Self Review – a Plan of Improvement will be generated that you will need to attend to during the upcoming school year. If you fail to complete the Plan of Improvement, your program may lose state approval. (page 12 & 26) 12. I’ve never done anything with the Expenditure Report (C07). Help! This report basically shows the monies that were spent for your specific program during the specific school year for program improvements. It could include new software, textbooks, tools, your end of program assessment expenses, advisory committee expenses, etc. It is not necessary to include the wages you or your parapro earned. Your building bookkeeper or whoever is in charge of your program expenditures will be able to assist you with this part of the reporting. If you have questions, see your CTE administrator. (page 13) 13. Are pictures good enough to show my classroom / lab? Though pictures are important to include, no, this is not adequate. You must include a room drawing with dimensions and include total square footage. (page 14) 14. I don’t need to teach classroom safety to my students (C09), do I have to complete this section? Yes. Go back to your program standards to locate the safety standards for your program. Every program has safety standards that need to be taught. It is important to have a safety training check list with the dates that each student passed their safety-training in the areas for your CTE program. Identify the specific safety training and have students initial their name on the list next to their scores. (page 15) 28 15. I’m teaching the CTE standards for my program. I’ve completed the GAP Analysis on-line version and have uploaded my syllabus. Do I need to be addressing leadership (C10) in my program as well? Leadership is an important component in CTE programs. All approved programs are to show evidence of a type of leadership, whether it is a student organization (Skills USA, HOSA, DECA, etc.) for your program or community service. Leadership also includes holding meetings, listing of student membership, electing officers and keeping minutes of the meetings. Include results of the competition or community service. If you have questions, be sure to check with your CTE administrator. (page 16) 16. Do I need to upload evidence of the academic credit that students can receive if they take my CTE program? Providing evidence is not needed. All that OCTE is asking on the C11 section of the CIP is that you indicate if your program offers academic credit; if so, how much credit and in what area can the student fulfill academic credit (math, ELA, Social Studies, VPAA and / or On-Line Learning.) (page 16) 17. I don’t have an inventory of my CTE program equipment. What do I do? First make a listing of all equipment for your program. Then ask the building bookkeeper if he/she is able to check their records for possible dates of purchase. If not, start keeping records of equipment and dates. Update them when you purchase new equipment. • Technology Inventory --- Elmo’s, document projectors, computers, overhead projectors, etc. – this should also be included with the equipment listing along w/ dates of purchase. • Textbooks & Software - include photocopies of the textbook cover and copyright page, as well as software and other resources with copyright dates. Include this list in the equipment inventory. (page 18) 18. I don’t have any handicapped / special needs students in my program, what do I need to do about C13 Eliminating Barriers? You may not have a handicapped / special needs student(s) at this time, but that could change in the near future. Eliminating Barriers is a broad area. It includes, any pre-requisites to get into your program, accessibility in your classroom / lab, enrollment requirements, district non-discrimination policies, and an annual notice of CTE opportunities available in your district. Refer to the documentation needed on page 16 of the On-Line CIP SELF REVIEW GUIDELINE booklet that has been provided to you. (page 19) 19. My district does not provide Co-Op opportunities for students? How can I fulfill the Work Based Learning (C14) requirement? There are a number of ways to provide your students with a work-based learning experience. All students in your program MUST have at least “1” work based learning experience. Check the listing of possible opportunities on the checklist in the second section of C14 or on page 16 of the ON-LINE CIP SELF REVIEW GUIDELINE booklet. If you have questions after doing this, contact your CTE administrator. (page 20) 20. Where do I get the information to upload for C15 – Data Accuracy Verification? First, you can provide documentation about your pre & post test results for your CTE program. Records of student enrollment, grades, the master schedule, school calendar and Core Performance Inventory can be sought out through your CTEIS data secretary. If you do not know who the CTEIS secretary is, be sure to ask your CTE administrator. (page 21) 29 21. I have the articulation agreement from my local community college. It includes the date the articulation expires and is signed by the community college and school district representatives. What is a program of study? I don’t have one. (C16) The Program of Study is a comprehensive, structured chart showing all high school academics and CTE classes for a student to complete while in high school in preparation for post-secondary education and success in their chosen career. It is an agreement between a state approved CTE programs to state approved post secondary program. It is important that the program of study at the post secondary level indicate a minimum of 2 years of coursework to be completed. (page 22) 22. What are Unique Program Features? In this section, note things, event, special accomplishments, newspaper articles that you want the Superintendent of your district to read about. This is not an optional item. In the Unique Program Feature criteria, it is NECESSARY to place your completed and signed SIGNATURE PAGE found on page 26 of the CIP Self-Review document. This page is very IMPORTANT. (page 23) 23. Technical Assistance, I don’t need any help from OCTE. This criterion is optional. (page 23) 24. What is a Plan of Improvement? This is a plan to improve your program so that it remains state approved. It contains the work that needs to be completed, who will do the work, and the time frame for the work to be completed. Equal Opportunity / Nondiscrimination Statement The Macomb Intermediate School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, or religion in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the School District's nondiscrimination policies: Rosetta Mullen, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources/Legal Affairs Macomb Intermediate School District 44001 Garfield Road Clinton Township, MI 48038-­‐1139 University Center Room 228 Phone: 586-­‐286-­‐2156 30 31