Advanced electrical systems

Faculty of Electrical Engineering
“Gheorghe Asachi”
Technical University
of Iasi
Electrical engineering
Advanced electrical
Over 90% of human activities involve the use of
an electrical system. More than 50% of the
electricity consumption and 70% of the energy
consumed in production activities is used by
electrical machines driven by electrical
equipments. All these, require well prepared
specialists to improve their efficiency in all areas
of application.
Advanced electrical
Am I going to like it?
You will deepen the knowledge gained during the
undergraduate studies
You will assimilate knowledge of the top areas of
electrical systems
You will be able to use the computer to analyze the
electromagnetic phenomena within electrical
systems and how to turn it into an effective design
It's easy to find a job immediately after graduation
Labour market in Europe is seeking graduates
specialized in electrical systems
Allows the knowledge deepening related to the use and
design of electrical appliances and classic or special
electric machines
You will gain knowledge about advanced technologies
in the field of micromachines, electric vehicles, high
speed trains, wind turbines, or medical equipment
You will gain skills in using the latest software for
analysis, simulation, design, monitoring and
electrical systems operation
Job opportunities
Admission Info
You can easily find a job:
 Anywhere in the manufacturing or service
company in Romania or abroad for running,
maintenance and development of electrical systems;
 Within the design and testing departments of any
company that produce electrical systems;
 Within the departments dealing with optimization,
efficientization and modernization of production
processes using electrical systems;
 Within research departments or universities.
Selection method: selection of files
Admission grade: license project grade
Arbitration criteria: license theoretical exam grade
Number of places: 35
Admission sessions
15 to 31 July 2013
September 2013
Candidates: Long-term studies graduates from any
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