National external moderation guidelines for Tertiary Education

National external
moderation guidelines
for Tertiary Education
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National external moderation
This document sets out the requirements for participating in national external moderation for NZQA-managed standards.
Click on the section below for more information or use ‘Ctrl’ ‘F’ to search for a specific term.
Overview of
National external
A Moderation
Liaison for each
Assessment plan
Moderation report
National external
moderation results
letter (NEMR)
Moderation plan
Further action
Guidance on
assessment design
and practice
Overview of national external moderation
National external moderation provides assurance that assessment decisions for assessment standards are consistent nationally.
Every standard on the Directory of Assessment standards is attached to a CMR (Consent and Moderation Requirements). The
Moderation Requirements section in the CMR sets out the national external moderation system for the standard.
TEOs with consent to assess must engage in the national external moderation system for standards for which they are assessing
and reporting credits.
The TEO reporting the results is responsible for the moderation. It does not matter where an organisation sources the assessment
material from, or who conducted the assessment.
To meet national external moderation requirements for NZQA-managed standards, TEOs must:
• provide NZQA with an accurate assessment plan for the year and update it during the year if required
• meet moderation deadlines
• provide assessment materials and evidence that assessor judgements are fair, valid and consistent nationally.
A Moderation Liaison for each TEO
Each TEO must nominate a person as their moderation liaison. They will be the key contact between NZQA and the TEO on all
matters of national external moderation.
Please ensure the contact details of your moderation liaison are kept up to date. If there are changes please update these details
through your organisation’s secure login. You can do this through your TEO homepage on the NZQA website
The moderation liaison needs access to the NZQA secure extranet. To apply for access, your TEO’s moderation liaison should
contact the Ministry of Education Sector Service Desk by email at or by phone on 0800 422
To obtain TEO logins visit and follow the instructions.
The moderation liaison:
• completes and maintains the annual assessment plan
• accesses on-line moderation plans and arranges for assessment materials and samples of assessed learner work to be
submitted by the submission date
• accesses on-line moderation reports and co-ordinates internal communication on the results of moderation and any follow up
actions required.
Assessment plan
In October each year, you will be asked for an assessment plan for the following year. This will list the NZQA-managed standards
your TEO expects to assess and when these will be assessed.
Use your online profile to complete your annual assessment plan by the end of November.
Your TEO may enter a nil assessment plan if no assessment standards are to be assessed.
The plan must include for the coming year:
• all NZQA-managed assessment standards your TEO expects to assess (across all assessment sites)
• all NZQA-managed standards your TEO intends to report results for, including standards reported using your TEO provider code
(for example under an outsourcing arrangement or by a different education organisation)
• all internally assessed achievement standards
• the earliest date when assessment will be completed for each standard and available for national external moderation ̶ this
information will determine your TEO’s moderation submission date
• any standards your TEO intend to assess once granted consent to assess ̶ this only applies if you have already applied for
consent to assess.
Assessing achievement standards
TEOs assessing candidates in internal or external achievement standards must comply with the Assessment (including
Examination) Rules for Tertiary Education Organisations with Consent to Assess Entering Candidates Achievement
Standards 2016 found at
The key differences to consider are:
• the random selection of eight learner samples for external moderation
• using an Exam Centre for external assessment
• special assessment conditions.
You can find the Special Assessment Conditions Rules at
See also Special Assessment Conditions exclusions at
Moderation plan
TAM selects the standards for moderation and the submission date, based on the information in your TEO assessment plan and
your TEO’s moderation history.
At the beginning of April TAM publishes the moderation plans. Your TEO can access this plan through your TEO homepage.
The moderation plan indicates:
• the submission date
• standards that will be moderated
• moderator details.
If your moderation liaison receives the moderation plan and your TEO knows the allocated moderator, there may be a conflict of
interest. If this happens please contact TAM as soon as possible.
Changes to assessment and moderation plans
Your TEO must advise TAM of changes to assessment and moderation plans, this includes:
adding standards to the assessment plan
removing a standard from the moderation plan.
Submitting assessment materials
NZQA expect all TEOs to submit materials online by following the instructions available at
When submitting your materials online please ensure the submission is complete, accessible and viewable:
• Anyone can view the materials and provide appropriate login and password details where necessary.
• You use common file types such as .pdf, .jpeg, .gif, .doc, .ppt, Windows Media Player or Quick Time.
• You separate the information into different files for the assessment materials and each learner sample. Breaking up
learner samples may also be appropriate for standards with a very large body of supporting evidence.
• It includes a tertiary moderation cover sheet (
• It includes, if appropriate, a moderation visual/digital evidence cover sheet (
• It is available online until three weeks after the date of your national external moderation results letter (or once you get
the outcome of your appeal).
What if… your TEO cannot submit materials online
Please contact TAM and advise of the reasons why.
What if… the material is for an integrated assessment
Please put all materials into the same folder and submit the same link for each of the standards being assessed. This will ensure
different moderators have access to all relevant material.
What if… you have assessment materials and learner samples available well before the submission date
Please submit them early. While we cannot guarantee materials submitted early will be moderated immediately, it helps moderators
and TAM ensure the timely reporting of your moderation results.
What if… you need to explanation something about the assessment materials
Please direct any clarifications and queries to TAM and not to the moderator(s).
What if… you are preparing audio and visual digital submissions for moderation
Please refer to ‘Preparing digital visual submissions for moderation’ available at
Assessment material required
Please include the following assessment materials for moderation:
• assessment activities/tasks and instructions to learners and/or candidate evidence guides
• assessment schedules including evidence and judgement statements, and (if applicable) model or sample answers
• three assessed learner samples for each standard that has only an ‘achieved’ grade available – i.e. one complete set of
assessed work for each of three learners. It is expected that at least two samples will be ‘achieved’, and any ‘not achieved’
samples will be borderline
• eight assessed learner samples for each standard that has merit and/or excellence grades available, from across a range of
achievement: N (Not achieved), A (Achieved), M (Merit), E (Excellence), and including borderline samples. The majority of
samples should be ‘achieved’ or higher and any ‘not achieved’ samples should be borderline
• any relevant resources provided to the learner with assessment tasks, or submitted by the learner for assessment purposes
• a copy of the standard if you have assessed against an earlier version than is currently on the NZQA website
• learner samples drawn from the current year.
If you cannot supply learner samples from the current year, your moderation liaison should contact TAM as early as possible. TAM
will either change the organisation’s submission date to when three assessed learner samples will be ready for moderation or select
an alternative standard.
Learner samples
Please ensure learner samples sent to the moderator are legible and are:
• verified as being assessed either at N (Not achieved) or A (Achieved) for standards with only the achieved grade available
• verified as being assessed with N (Not achieved), A (Achieved), M (Merit), E (Excellence) for standards with merit and/or
excellence grades available
• identified as Learner A, B, C or Learner 1, 2, 3 (or initials only) – not named.
Note: Please do not blank out the assessor/attestation signatures and dates on observation checklists. This is important information
for standards assessed by naturally occurring evidence (for example literacy and numeracy standards).
It may appropriate to leave names and signatures visible if standards require verification of learner/assessor/observer qualifications
to satisfy the requirements of the standard and/or Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR).
Late submission and non-submission of
assessment materials
If your TEO will not be able to submit the appropriate material to the moderator by the submission date, your moderation liaison
should contact TAM well before the submission date.
TAM will issue an Assessment Materials Not Received (AMNR) report online if materials do not arrive in time.
Other reasons your TEO may receive an AMNR include:
• insufficient material submitted for the moderator to complete the moderation
• only partial evidence submitted (for example only one performance when the standard requires two)
• electronic submissions are in a format that the moderator cannot open.
If your TEO did send assessment materials to the moderator and an AMNR is issued, please contact TAM.
An AMNR is considered to be non-compliance with national external moderation requirements.
Integrated assessments
TEO moderation plans may include standards where assessment has been integrated with other standards not selected for national
external moderation. Your TEO may submit the whole integrated assessment package to the moderator, but clearly indicate which
parts of the assessment material and learner samples apply to the standard selected for moderation.
For example, this could include:
• annotating and highlighting assessment materials and learner work
• including an assessment grid or ‘map’ that indicates which outcomes have been assessed in which assessment activities
• including written information that clearly explains how (and in which part of the materials) the standard selected for moderation
has been assessed
• adjusting the moderation plan to include additional standards within the integrated package.
Please contact TAM to discuss.
Assessment by conversation
Conversations between assessor and others (for example the learner themselves, verifiers, attesters, supervisors, employers and
colleagues) need to be formal assessment situations. This means both the learner and the other party have been fully briefed on
the requirements of the standard and the assessment requirements and conditions.
If your TEO is conducting a substantial amount of assessment by conversation, please contact TAM to discuss onsite and online
moderation options.
If online moderation is the confirmed option, please include the following when preparing evidence for national external moderation:
• either a digital recording of conversations or a transcript of the conversation. The parts of discussion that have contributed to the
assessor decision for the standard being moderated must be clearly identified. Refer to the specific unit standard outcome.
Relevant parts of the recording should be indicated by listing the time stamps of the sections (for example 20:10-35:40)
• copies of any materials discussed, other supporting evidence for the standards being moderated and information considered by
the assessor. This could be instructions/guidelines given to the learner, organisational policy and procedures, samples of learner
work, or signed attestations
• any notes or comments made by the assessor that will help the moderator verify the assessor decision
• the assessor guide used by the assessor.
Recognition of prior learning (RPL)
If your TEO uses RPL processes to assess a learner’s knowledge and/or skills, submit documentation for national external
moderation that shows:
• that RPL established the learner’s current level of competency against the outcomes of the standard
• direct links between learner’s evidence and the standard at outcome level. This may be done using an evidence grid/matrix that
clearly indicates the evidence the assessor considered to make their decision. It may be helpful to colour code specific pieces of
evidence, so the moderator can navigate the material efficiently and consider all the relevant evidence.
Moderation report
The moderation report describes the outcomes of the moderation. The moderator completes the moderation report and submits the
moderation report online.
Your moderation liaison can access moderation reports through your TEO homepage on the NZQA website.
Moderators will complete moderation reports within three weeks of the submission date. Moderation reports for Field Maori
standards are moderated at kāhui. The turnaround time for materials moderated at kāhui may be eight to ten weeks, depending on
the submission date.
Sections of the moderation report
Overview: This gives a summary of moderation findings in relation to the standard, including where there are any areas of concern.
It will refer to the assessment materials and assessor judgements.
Commentary (optional): This section is completed when the moderator can give some specific feedback to assist the assessor. This
feedback is not directly related to the moderation result.
Moderation results:
• The number in the first box is how many assessor judgements about learner samples the moderator has agreed with (i.e.
• The number in the second box is how many learner samples the organisation submitted for national external moderation.
Assessment Materials: This section comments on the outcomes of the moderation for assessment activities, assessment conditions
and the assessment schedule.
Moderation reports for some subjects (for example Literacy or Numeracy) will not include a moderation result for assessment
materials. The overall moderation decision will only refer to the number of assessor judgements about learner samples the
moderator has verified. Where this happens, the moderation result for assessment materials is ‘N’ – ‘not applicable’. There will be
no ‘Assessment Materials’ section of the moderation report.
Assessed Work: This section comments on the outcomes of the moderation for assessor decisions about learner evidence.
A 0/0 moderation result for assessor judgements may be given when:
• no learner work was submitted
• no assessor judgements/results are shown on the moderation coversheet, and your TEO could not provide further clarification to
• the assessor decisions could not be verified. This may happen if the learner evidence is illegible or un-viewable, or if there isn’t
enough submitted evidence of learner performance for the moderator to see how the assessor made their judgement.
What to do when you receive the
moderation report online
The moderation liaison must ensure all relevant people in your TEO get a copy of the moderation report.
What if… the moderator has ticked ‘The assessment materials meet the national standard’
Address any issues or consider areas for improvement that the moderator may have commented on.
What if… the moderator has ticked ‘The assessment materials require modification’
• The assessment materials must be modified before they are used again.
• The moderation report will detail what changes you need to make to the assessment materials, and
specify where the materials do not meet the requirements of the assessment standard.
• The standard may be chosen again for moderation as a resubmission in the same year, or in the
following year.
• Please do not resubmit the materials once you have modified them unless TAM has asked you to. See
your National External Moderation Results letter for guidance on this.
What if… the moderator has ticked ‘The assessment materials do not meet the national standard’
• The assessment materials must be significantly altered before they can be used again.
• The moderation report will detail what changes you need to make to the assessment material to meet
the national standard.
• NZQA will notify your TEO of what you have to do for this assessment. This information will be in the
National External Moderation Results letter.
Feedback in all NZQA moderation reports should be used to inform assessment practice within your TEO. It can
also inform your organisation’s assessment design and internal pre- and post-assessment moderation processes.
The National External Moderation Results letter from TAM will detail anything else your TEO needs to do.
What if… your TEO is not clear on the meaning of something in the moderation report
Please contact TAM to seek clarification.
What if… your TEO understands the information in the moderation report but does not agree with the moderation
result and/or comment
You can appeal the decision(s).
It is recommended that your Moderation Liaison contacts TAM before formally appealing. Please do not contact the
moderator directly.
When appealing moderation decisions, please provide details of your concerns by:
• specifying the issue(s)
• showing where in the assessment materials the evidence to support the issue can be found
• describing what outcome of the appeal you prefer
Email your appeal to TAM with a completed Tertiary moderation appeal template. This template is available at
If your materials are not available online please also submit: a copy of the assessment materials and assessed learner
work as originally submitted to the moderator.
Do not send any new material to be considered. The appeal applies only to the material originally sent to the moderator.
Your TEO may appeal moderation decisions:
• any time after the moderation report has been received
• up to three weeks after the date of the National External Moderation Results letter.
TAM will acknowledge receipt of the appeal and request additional information if required. TAM will then process the
appeal. This may take up to six weeks.
The National Moderator for the relevant subject, an Assessment and Moderation Facilitator, and the Team Leader review
the assessment materials, the moderation report and the individual points raised in the appeal.
TAM will send a letter detailing the results of the moderation appeal once the decision has been made. This will include a
revised moderation report if the appeal is successful or the original moderator’s comments have been changed.
Otherwise, the original report stands.
The outcome of the appeal is final.
National external moderation results
letter (NEMR)
NZQA advises TEOs of their national external moderation results for NZQA-managed assessment standards through:
• the National External Moderation Results letter (NEMR)
• collated national external moderation results for the last three years.
The NEMR summarises the national external moderation results. It applies to that particular submission date and includes
all systems that were moderated.
Your TEO’s Quality Assurance contact and the moderation liaison will receive an email with the link to the NEMR letter.
This will happen within 30 working days of the submission date.
Normally, a TEO will receive only one NEMR a year. However, NZQA may send another NEMR after a resubmission
round, and a revised NEMR after a successful appeal.
The NEMR summarises the moderation results. The letter will also detail anything your organisation needs to do to
address the issues identified by moderation. This only applies where some or all moderation results do not meet national
external moderation requirements.
NZQA might:
• request revised assessment materials and new learner samples to be submitted for moderation
• request an action plan to address issues identified
• impose a condition on the TEO’s consent to assess
• take other action under legislation.
We encourage your moderation liaison to contact TAM if you have any questions about the NEMR.
Further action
What if… your TEO does not meet national external moderation requirements (non-compliance)
TAM will send a letter outlining any concerns. NZQA expects your TEO to respond to these concerns with a written action plan that
addresses the issues raised. This must be received in the time specified in the letter.
Within an organisation the Quality Assurance contact should liaise with TAM over non-compliance with moderation requirements.
The moderation liaison must also be involved.
If non-compliance is ongoing and unresolved, NZQA may ultimately withdraw your TEO’s consent to assess against standards.
Further action – action plans
Assessment and moderation action plans
TEOs need to address any issues revealed by national external moderation that materially affect the fairness, validity or consistency
of assessment. In this case TAM requires TEOs to submit an action plan to address the issues.
TEOs must submit an assessment and moderation action plan when:
• Moderation reports identify major or a significant number of assessment issues (within a system or across systems in the same
moderation year) or
• recurring or different assessment issues have been identified within or across systems for more than one year.
The decision to request an action plan depends on:
• the number and nature of assessment issues identified
• the number and/or range of standards being assessed
• the TEO’s moderation history.
TAM has developed an action plan template for TEOs to complete. Download the template from
Further action – action plan monitoring
How the action plan is monitored
TAM will follow up with your TEO to ensure that the action plan is helping you improve your TEO’s assessment and moderation
Action plan follow-up may include:
• earlier submission date for national external moderation in the coming year
• telephone discussion to check on what actions you have completed and their success
• meeting with your TEO for more in-depth discussion about implementing the action plan
• Asking your TEO to submit evidence of the action plan being implemented (for example internal and/or external moderation
reports, improved processes, completed staff training or workshops)
• assessment and moderation as a discussion point or focus area in any pending External Evaluation and Review process.
Guidance on assessment design and
practice for standards
Effective assessment design and practice focusses on ensuring any assessment:
• covers all relevant content and parts of the standard
• allows the learner to show enough depth and/or breadth of knowledge or skills to achieve the outcomes
• collects relevant and sufficient evidence of learner achievement for the assessor to make valid, fair and consistent judgements
• complies with any restrictions on or regulatory requirements for the activities, including health and safety
• uses the most suitable situation for assessment
• has appropriate and relevant support materials and resources for learners and assessors
• addresses possible problems with ensuring that learner work is authentic.
You can find more advice and guidance about designing assessment activities at
Clarification and assessment support
materials and resources
Clarifications and assessment support material for various standards are available on the NZQA website. These give guidance
about the requirements of those standards and should inform your TEO’s assessment design and practice.
Some of the resources available include sample assessments, evidence exemplars and assessment schedules.
TEOs are responsible for ensuring that learner work is authentic. The resources NZQA provides must be modified in some way – for
example different case studies, data sources, or contexts could be used. Your TEO can access the relevant resources at
Assessment resources for achievement
Assessment resources for achievement standards are available at
Version of unit standard you are using
Where possible, your TEO should use the latest version of the standard. The moderator may indicate that a new version has been
published. Some version changes, including safety issues or legislation, are effective immediately.
You can find further information about new versions of standards in Framework Developments at
Implications of range statements for
assessment design
When a range statement:
• is stated in the explanatory notes, the range items must be included in assessment for all outcomes of the unit standard
• appears immediately below an outcome, the range items must be included in assessment for all evidence requirements in that
• appears immediately below an evidence requirement, the range items must be included in assessment for that evidence
For further information, please refer to Unit standard definitions and explanations, available at
Assessment conditions and valid
For assessment to be valid, the assessment conditions (including resources needed/available) must be appropriate for the outcome
being assessed.
Assessments in some subject areas (such as mathematics and accountancy) may require responses that are ‘exact’ and reflect the
model answers.
However, where learners may provide responses that are very similar to those in the resources used, answers must be in the
learner’s own words. This needs to be clear in the instructions to learners and in the assessment schedule.
‘Open book’ conditions
It may be appropriate in some assessments for learners to have access to reference material such as:
• texts
• manuals
• learning resources or their workbooks.
In these cases the reference material should not contain the exact answers to the assessment questions. It can include information
that can assist learners to respond.
Learners should not be allowed to copy the answers directly from their workbooks, course notes or reference texts, or a
presentation. The exception is when the skills being assessed are the learners’ ability to locate and/or transcribe specific
Recording observed or oral evidence
Where your TEO has assessed learner performance using observation or using oral evidence, the learner evidence must be
sufficiently documented. This can be electronically recorded or recorded on an observation sheet. It is important that specific
examples of learner performance, contributions or comments are recorded in the observation sheet, and that the observation sheet
is signed and dated by the observer. Where the observer is not the assessor, the assessor should also sign off learner evidence.
For some standards, observed or oral evidence will need to be recorded digitally. For information about submitting audio and visual
recorded evidence for moderation, refer to
You can find advice and guidance about gathering evidence of achievement at
Group work
Group work must be appropriate for the outcome being assessed. For example it would be inappropriate to assess a report writing
standard by group work. However, it may be appropriate for the group to share the research/investigation work that underpins a
written report.
Group work conditions and instructions must be clear. Learners need to know what is expected and how their contribution will be
When designing group assessments your TEO should consider that:
• the ‘who did what’ must be clear to the assessor (and the moderator)
• the assessor must make the overall decision
• there should be a process to allow individuals to complete the assessment if the group falls apart
• assessment activities could be broken into two parts – with individual and group work components
• a post-assessment interview would help ensure that learners are (individually) competent
• it may be simpler to confine group work to classroom/training activities, not formal assessment activities.
Attestations may be appropriate as contributing evidence for the assessment of some standards. Where used, attestations must be
supported by other valid and robust evidence sources.
• must be in line with the outcome requirements of the standard
• must be from a credible and trustworthy person – this may be a supervisor, client, kaumatua or workplace colleague, among
• ideally will be supported by examples of actual learner performance from that context
• may confirm that the learner’s performance or behaviour has been consistently at the required level for the required period of
• must be signed and dated by the person making the attestation (i.e. attestor).
Ensuring learner work is authentic
You can find advice about ensuring that learner work is authentic at
and also at
Assessment materials from suppliers and
other sources
Your TEO is responsible for the validity of any assessment materials for standards it reports results for and that are reported using
your TEO’s provider code. These materials may be self-designed or not. This includes materials that are commercially produced,
ITO-provided, or gained from other sources.
All assessment material, no matter its source, should go through an internal moderation process to determine whether:
• it is fit for purpose
• allows learners the opportunity to meet the national standard.
Commercial materials, ITO-provided materials, or materials gained from other sources may include a moderation report and/or a
certificate verifying that the materials have been internally moderated by the vendor or supplier. This does not mean that the
materials have met the national standard or that NZQA has verified that the materials meet the requirements of the standard.
Further assessment opportunities and
resubmission of assessed learner work
TEOs are responsible for establishing their own policies for further assessment opportunities and resubmissions.
A further assessment opportunity is when a new, quality assured assessment is provided for learners. This is after they had their
first assessment opportunity and have completed further learning.
It is TEO’s responsibility to decide how many assessment opportunities will be given. However, if a learner does not achieve the
required standard after one further assessment opportunity, the tutor or assessor should reconsider if the learner is ready for
Resubmission of assessed learner work
A resubmission is when a learner has the opportunity to correct simple errors or omissions in their assessed work. No more than
one resubmission should be provided
• should be limited to specific aspects of the assessment
• must take place before the assessor gives overall feedback to the learner on the work done. Resubmission is not possible if
more teaching has occurred after the first assessment opportunity
• should be closely supervised to manage authenticity
• should be offered only where an assessor judges that the learner has made a mistake that the learner should be able to discover
and correct themselves.
For example, the learner may have handed in the assessment, but may not have made a particular calculation correctly. In such
cases, the assessor may consider if it is appropriate to allow a learner to resubmit a specific part of the assessment.
The amount of information an assessor provides to a learner in identifying the error is important in this context. In this case, the
assessor might say ‘your method is fine but there is a problem with your calculations….’ The assessor would not, however, say
‘there is a problem with your use of brackets in this calculation.’