In this chapter we will use the density of quantum states in the conduction band and the density of quantum states in the valence band along with the Fermi-Dirac probability function to determine the concentration of electrons and holes in the conduction and valence bands. We will also apply the concept of the Fermi energy to the semiconductor material. the semiconductor in equilibrium. This chapter deals with Equilibrium, or thermal equilibrium, implies that no external forces such as voltages, electric fields, magnetic fields, or temperature gradients are acting on the semiconductor. All properties of the semiconductor will be independent of time in this case. We will initially consider the properties of an intrinsic semiconductor, that is, a pure crystal with no impurity atoms or defects. We will see that the electrical properties of a semiconductor can be altered by adding controlled amounts of specific impurity atoms, called dopant atoms to the crystal. Depending upon the type of dopant atom added, the dominant charge carrier in the semiconductor will be either electrons in the conduction band or holes in the valence band. 1 Charge Carriers in Semiconductors Charge Carriers in Semiconductors Current is the rate at which charge flows. In a semiconductor, two types of charge carrier, the electron and the hole, can contribute to a current. Since the current in a semiconductor is determined largely by the number of electrons in the conduction band and the number of holes in the valence band, an important characteristic of the semiconductor is the density of these charge carriers. 1.1 Equilibrium Distribution of Electrons and Holes Equilibrium Distribution of Electrons and Holes The distribution (with respect to energy) of electrons in the conduction band is given by the density of allowed quantum states times the probability that a state is occupied by an electron. This statement is written in equation form as n(E) = gc (E)fF (E) (1) where gc (E) is the density of quantum states in the conduction band and fF (E) is the Fermi-Dirac probability function. The total electron concentration per unit volume in the conduction band is found by integrating Equation (1) over the entire conduction-band energy. The distribution (with respect to energy) of holes in the valence band is the density of allowed quantum states in the valence band multiplied by the probability that a state is not occupied by an electron: p(E) = gv (E) [1 − fF (E)] (2) The total hole concentration per unit volume is found by integrating this function over the entire valence-band energy. To find the thermal-equilibrium electron and hole concentrations, we need to determine the position of the Fermi energy EF , with respect to the bottom of the conduction-band energy Ec and the top of the valence-band energy Ev . To address this question. we will initially consider an intrinsic semiconductor. An ideal intrinsic semiconductor is a pure semiconductor with no impurity atoms and no lattice defects in the crystal (e.g., pure silicon). For an intrinsic semiconductor at T = 0 K, all energy states in the valence band are filled with electrons and all energy states in the conduction band are empty of electrons. The Fermi energy must, therefore, be somewhere between Ec and Ev . The Fermi energy does not need to correspond to an allowed energy. above 0 K, the valence electrons will gain thermal energy. As the temperature begins to increase A few electrons in the valence band may gain sufficient energy to jump to the conduction band. As an electron jumps from the valence band to the conduction band, an empty stale, or hole, is created in the valence band. 1 In an intrinsic semiconductor, then ,electrons and holes are created in pairs by the thermal energy so that the number of electrons in the conduction bond is equal to the number of boles in the valence band. Figure 1 shows a plot of the density of states function in the conduction band gc (E), the density of states function in the valence band gv (E), and the Fermi-Dirac probability function for T > 0 K when EF is approximately halfway between Ec and Ev . If we assume, for the moment, that the electron and hole effective masses are equal, then gc (E) and gv (E) are symmetrical functions about the midgap energy. We noted previously that the function fF (E) for E > EF is symmetrical to the function 1 − fF (E) for E < EF about the energy E = EF . This also means that the function fF (E) for E = EF + dE is equal to the function 1 − fF (E) for E = EF − dE. 4 • 1 Charge Carriers in 105 I, \ \ E, \ E, Area = nt) = 1!1cctron \. concentration o " , (F(E) .'.. " \. .. (b) ..... - - g,(E)( 1 - = p(I;) \. E,. " (1 - f,(£)) \ \ \,, I, Area · Po = hole concentration i, h(E) = 1 (a) (e) Figure 4.11 (3) OCnS11y of !1;tate!; functions. Fermi-Dirac probability function. and area.... representing clectron and bole concentrations for the castfunctions, when £,. is ncur nlidgap (b) expanded vicw near the conduction band energy; Figure 1: (a) Density of states Fermi-Dirac probability function, and areas representing electron and (c) expanded view near the valence band energy. and hole concentrations for the case when EF is near the midgap energy energy. (b) Expanded view near the conduction band energy, and (c) expanded view near the valence band energy. lbat the number of electrons in the conduction bond is equal to the number of boles in the valence band. Figure 4.10 showsof 0 plot the density of states function in the C(mduction bandg (E) above the conduction band Figure 1b is an expanded view theofplot in Figure 1, showing fF (E) an c 8«£),lhe density of slates function in the valence band 8,.(E). and the fermi- Dirac energy Ec . probability function for T > 0 K when E r is approximalely halfway between E,. and If we assume, For Ibe that the eleclt'on hole effective masses are conduction band given by EquaThe product of gcE,. (E) and fF (E) is moment, the distribution of and electrons n(E) in the equal, Ihen g,.(E) and 1f. (E) are symmetrical functions about the Illidgap energy (rhe tion (1). energy midway between E,. and E. ). We noted previously that the function fr(E) for E > £,. symmetrical This product is plotted inisFigure the function 1 - fr(E) for E < £1' about the energy E EF. This also means that the function j,-(£) for £ = £1' + dE is equal 10 the Figure 1c is an expanded plot in Figure 1a showing [1 − fF (E)] and gv (E) below the valence band function I - view IAE) of for the E = £1' - dE. energy Ev . The product of gv (E) and [1 − [fF (E)] is the distribution of holes p(E) in the valence band given by Equation (2). This product is also plotted in Figure1a. The areas under these curves are then the total density of electrons in the conduction band and the total density of holes in the valence band. From this we see that if gc (E) and gv (E) are symmetrical, the Fermi energy must be at the midgap energy in order obtain equal electron and hole concentrations If the effective masses of the electrons and hole are not exactly equal, then the effective density of states functions gc (E) and gv (E) will not be exactly symmetrical about the midgap energy. The Fermi energy for the intrinsic semiconductor will then shift slightly from the midgap energy in order to obtain equal electron and hole concentrations. 2 1.2 The n0 and p0 Equations The n0 and p0 Equations We will assume initially that the Fermi level remains within the bandgap energy. The equation for the thermal-equilibrium concentration of electrons may be found by integrating Equation 1 over the conduction band energy, or Z n0 = gc (E)fF (E)dE (3) The lower limit of integration is EC and the upper limit of integration should be the top of the allowed conduction band energy. However, since the Fermi probability function rapidly approaches zero with increasing energy as indicated in Figure1a, we can take the upper limit of integration to be infinity. We are assuming that the Fermi energy is within the forbidden-energy bandgap. For electrons in the conduction band, we have E Ec . If (Ec − EF ) kT then (E − EF ) kT , so that the Fermi probability function reduces to the Boltzmann approximation, which is 1 −(E − EF ) fF (E) = ≈ exp (4) E − EF kT 1 + exp kT Applying the Boltzmann approximation to Equation (3), the thermal-equilibrium density of electrons in the conduction band is found from Z ∞ −(E − EF ) 4π(2m∗n )3/2 p E − Ec exp dE (5) n0 = h3 kT Ec The integral of Equation (5) may be solved more easily by making a change of variable : η= E − Ec kT (6) Then Equation (5) becomes Z ∞ 4π(2m∗n kT )3/2 −(Ec − EF ) n0 = exp η 1/2 exp(−η)dη h3 kT 0 The integral is the gamma function, with a value of Z ∞ 1√ η η 1/2 exp(−η)dη = 2 0 (7) (8) Then Equation (7) becomes n0 = 2 2πm∗n kT h2 3/2 exp −(Ec − EF ) kT (9) We may define a parameter Nc as Nc = 2 2πm∗n kT h2 3/2 (10) The value of n0 Thermal-equilibrium electron concentration in the conduction band −(Ec − EF ) n0 = Nc exp kT (11) The parameter Nc is called the effective density of states function in the conduction band. If m∗n = m0 then the value of the effective density of states function at T = 300 K is Nc = 2.5 × 1019 cm−3 , which is the order of magnitude of Nc for most semiconductors. If the effective mass of the electron is larger or smaller than m0 then the value of the effective density of states function changes accordingly, but is still of the same order of magnitude. 3 Example 1. Calculate the probability that a state in the conduction band is occupied by an electron and calculate the thermal equilibrium electron concentration in Silicon at T = 300 K. Assume the Fermi energy is 0.25 eV below the conduction band. The value of NC for silicon at T = 300 K is Nc = 2.8 × 1019 cm−3 . −(Ec − EF ) 1 ≈ exp fF (Ec ) = Ec − EF kT 1 + exp kT or fF (Ec ) = exp −0.25 0.0259 = 6.43 × 10−5 Example 2. The electron concentration is given by −0.25 −(Ec − EF ) = 2.8 × 1019 exp n0 = Nc exp kT 0.0259 or n0 = 1.8 × 1015 cm−3 The probability of a state being occupied can be quite small, but the fact that there are a large number of states means that the electron concentration is a reasonable value. The thermal-equilibrium concentration of holes in the valence band is found by integrating Equation (2) over the vaIence band energy, or Z p0 = gv (E) [1 − fF (E)] dE (12) We may note that 1 − fF (E) = 1 EF − E 1 + exp kT (13) For energy states in the valence band E < Ev . If (EF − Ev ) kT then we have slightly different form of the Boltzmann approximation : 1 −(EF − E) ≈ exp 1 − fF (E) = EF − E kT 1 + exp kT (14) Applying the Boltzmann approximation of Equation (14) to Equation (12), we find the thermal-equilibrium concentration of holes in the valence band is Z Ev 4π(2m∗p )3/2 p −(EF − E) p0 = E − E exp dE (15) v h3 kT −∞ where the lower limit of integration is taken as minus infinity instead of the bottom of the valence band. The exponential term decays fast enough so that this approximation is valid. more easily by again making a change of variable: Equation (15) may be solved Ev − E kT (16) Z 0 −4π(2m∗p kT )3/2 −(EF − Ev ) (η 0 )1/2 exp(−η 0 )dη 0 exp h3 kT +∞ (17) η0 = the Equation (15) becomes p0 = where the negative sign comes from the differential dE = −kT dη 0 . Note that the lower limit of η 0 becomes +∞ when E = −∞. If we change the order of integration, we introduce another minus sign. From Equation (8), Equation (17) becomes p0 = 2 2πm∗p kT h2 3/2 4 −(EF − Ev ) exp kT (18) We may define a parameter Nv as Nv = 2 2πm∗p kT h2 3/2 (19) The value of p0 is Thermal-equilibrium holes concentration in the valence band −(EF − Ev ) p0 = Nv exp kT (20) The parameter Nv is called the effective density of states function in the valence band. The magnitude of Nv is also on the order of 1019 cm−3 at T = 300 K for most semiconductors. The effective density of states functions, Nc and Nv , are constant for a given semiconductor material at a fixed temperature. Table 1 gives the values of the density of states function and of the effective masses for silicon, gallium arseinide and germanium. Note that the value of Nc for gallium arsenide is smaller than the typical 1019 cm−3 value. This difference is due to the small electron effective mass in gallium arsenide. Nc (cm−3 ) Silicon Gallium Arsenide Germanium Nv (cm−3 ) 19 19 2.8 × 10 4.7 × 1017 1.04 × 1019 1.04 × 10 7.0 × 1018 6.0 × 1018 m∗n /m0 m∗p /m0 1.08 0.067 0.55 0.56 0.48 0.37 Table 1: Effective density of states function and effective mass values 1.3 The lntrinsic Carrier Concentration The lntrinsic Carrier Concentration For an intrinsic semiconductor, the concentration of electrons in the conduction band is equal to the concentration of holes in the valence band. We may denote ni and pi as the electron and hole concentrations, respectively. in the intrinsic semiconductor. These parameters are usually referred to as the intrinsic electron concentration and the intrinsic hole concentration. However ni = pi so normally we use only the parameter ni which refer to either intrinsic electron or hole concentration. The Fermi energy level for the intrinsic semiconductor is called the intrinsic Fermi energy, or EF = EF i . If we apply Equations (11) and (20) to the intrinsic semiconductor, then we can write −(Ec − EF i ) n0 = ni = Nc exp kT and −(EF i − Ev ) p0 = pi = ni = Nv exp kT If we take the product of Equations (21) and (22), we obtain −(Ec − EF i ) −(EF i − Ev ) 2 ni = Nc Nv exp exp kT kT or n2i (21) −(Ec − Ev ) −Eg = Nc Nv exp = Nc Nv exp kT kT (22) (23) where Eg is the bandgap energy. 5 (24) For a given semiconductor material at a constant temperature, the value of ni is a constant, and independent of the Fermi energy. The intrinsic carrier concentration for silicon at T = 300 K may be calculated by using the effective density of states function values from Table 1. The value of ni calculated from Equation (24) for Eg = 1.12 eV is ni = 6.95 × 1019 cm−3 . The commonly accepted value of ni for silicon at T = 300 K is approximately 1.5 × 1010 cm−3 . discrepancy may arise from several sources. This First, the values of the effective masses are determined at a low temperature where the cyclotron resonance experiments are performed. Since the effective mass is an experimentally determined parameter, and since the effective mass is a measure of how well a particle moves in a crystal, this parameter may be a slight function of temperature. Next, the density of states function for a semiconductor was obtained by generalizing the model of an electron in a three-dimensional infinite potential well. This theoretical function may also not agree exactly with experiment. However, the difference between the theoretical value and the experimental value of ni is approximately a factor of 2, which, in many cases, is not significant. Table 2 lists the commonly accepted values of ni for silicon, gallium arsenide, and germanium at T = 300 K. The intrinsic carrier concentration is a very strong function of temperature. 1.5 × 1010 cm−3 1.8 × 106 cm−3 2.4 × 1013 cm−3 Silicon Gallium Arsenide Germanium Table 2: Commonly accepted values of ni at T = 300 K. Figure 2 is a plot of ni from Equation (24) for silicon, gallium arsenide, and germanium as a function of temperature. As seen in the figure, the value of ni for these semiconductors may easily vary over several orders of magnitude ... 1 Cl"'..arge Carriers in Semiconductors 113 as the temperature changes over a reasonable range. • 10' ,. 1500 nO e) , l!(lOU 500 100 100 27 0-2o • 10' , 10' • , 10' • C;.: 10' , • 10' 10' ., 'E 10' , ':;;; v u '0 = '0 oS 10' $i , , - \" • 10• 10' 10' )07 10" 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 25 3.0 35 4.0 IOOO/ T(K - ') 4.21 The imrill sic carrier Figure 2: The intrinsic carrier concentration a function of temperature. c()l1cenlration of Ge. Si. <Ind GaAsas as a funcli on of tcmper-dlure. { Fmm S:t'/ IJI. } 6 TEST YOUR UNDERSTANDING E4.J Find the intrinsic carrierconccntralion in silit:on at (c,) T = 200 K illld {b) T = 400 K. I,_wo ,,01 x gel (q) ",_UI> ,.0 ) x 89'L ( O) 'su'o] 1.4 The Intrinsic Fermi-Level Position The Intrinsic Fermi-Level Position We have qualitatively argued that the Fermi energy level is located near the center of the forbidden bandgap for the intrinsic semiconductor. We can specifically calculate the intrinsic Fermi-Ievel position. Since the electron and hole concentrations m equal, setting Equations (21) and (22) equal to each other, we have −(EF i − Ev ) −(Ec − EF i ) = Nv exp (25) Nc exp kT kT If we take the natural log of both sides of this equation and solve for EF i we obtain 1 1 Nv (Ec + Ev ) + kT ln 2 2 Nc EF i = (26) From the definitions for Nc and Nv given by Equations (10) and (19) Equation (26) may be written as EF i = m∗p 1 3 (Ec + Ev ) + kT ln ∗ 2 4 mn (27) so that Intrinsic Fermi level m∗p 3 EF i = Emidgap + kT ln ∗ 4 mn (28) If the electron and hole effective masses are equal so that m∗n = m∗p then the intrinsic Fermi level is exactly in the center of the bandgap. If m∗p > m∗n the intrinsic Fermi level is slightly above the center, and if m∗p < m∗n , it is slightly below the center of the bandgap. The density of states function is directly related to the carrier effective mass; thus a larger effective mass means a larger density of stales function. The intrinsic Fermi level must shift away from the band with the larger density of states in order to maintain equal numbers of electrons and holes. 2 Dopant Atoms and Energy Levels Dopant Atoms and Energy Levels The intrinsic semiconductor may be an interesting material, but the real power or semiconductors is realized by adding small, controlled amounts of specific dopant, or impurity, atoms. The doped semiconductor, called an extrinsic material, is the primary reason we can fabricate the various semiconductor devices. 2.1 Qualitative Description Qualitative Description In the previous chapter we discussed the covalent bonding of silicon and considered the simple two-dimensional representation of the single-crystal silicon lattice as shown in Figure 3. Now consider adding a group V element, such as phosphorus, as a substitutional impurity. The group V element has five valence electrons. Four of these will contribute to the covalent bonding with the silicon atoms, leaving the fifth more loosely bound to the phosphorus atom. This effect is schematically shown in Figure 4. We refer to the fifth valence electron as a donor electron. The phosphorus atom without the donor electron is positively charged. 7 , conrrolledFigure amounts 4.4. of Wespecific refer todopant, the fifthorvalence electron as a donor electro ribed hriefly in Chapter \. can greally aller ." nductor. The doped semiconductor, L::llled . we can fabricate the various .. "" " semiconduc" " " hapters. ::: Si = Si = Si = Si = Si II II II =Si =Si = = lJ II S1 = Si = lJ Si ... representati on of the intrinsic silicon lattice. " Si ... lJ Si _.. II Si = II II :: : Si Si ... /I Si = = II '" Si " II Si Si = 5i lJ = Ii.- = Si = = II .. .. . Si = Si = Si 1\ II II Si = V P II = .-- = Si -- II = ... Si = Si = Si = Si . _- i --- " figutc 4.4 (Two-dimen!'ional representation of the silicol1 1anice doped thephosphorus donor electron is bound to the phosphorus atom. with a atom. attice. At very low temperatures, Figure 4: Two-dimensional representation of the silicon lattice doped with a phosphorus atom. However, by intuition, it should seem clear that the energy required to elevate the donor electron into the conduction band is considerably less than that for the electrons involved in the covalent bonding. Figure 5 shows the energy-band diagram that we would expect. The energy level, Ed , is the energy state of the donor electron. If a small amount of energy, such as thermal energy, is added to the donor electron, it can be elevated into the conduction band, leaving behind a positively charged phosphorus ion. The electron in the conduction band can now move through the crystal generating a current, while the positively charged ion is fixed in the crystal. This type of impurity atom donates an electron to the conduction band and so is called a donor impurity atom. 8 II :: : Si onding of silicon and IIconsidered II IIIhe sim1/ II /I _.. silicoll lanice shown = Si as =Si =Siill = Si = Si V e.lemellt. such ,'s phosphorus. II II asII a subII II \I has five valence electrons. of=Si these =S; -Si --:: : Si = SiFour = S1 h the silicon atoms, leaving"the fifth mOre " shown ill " " This efleci is schematically Figure 3: Two-dimensional representation of the intrinsic silicon lattice. ectron as a donor electron . TW'o-dimensional Figure 4.31 ." .." Si " Si ... II '" Si figutc represe with a puritypect. [0 silicon. Thelevel group three vadonor lence electron. electrons. which are "II The energy , Ed,IIIis clement !he energyhas statc of !he taken up in covalent bonding. Assuch shown in rm Figure 4.6a, isone covalent If the a small amount of energy. as the al energy, added to the bonding donor eler·po· it cantobebe eJevated theelectron conduction band, a positively chargl'dilS sitiontron. appears empty.into (I' an were [ 0 leaving occupybehind [his "empty" p<lsition. phosphorus ion. The ",cctron in Ihe conduction band can now move through therTj" tal generating a current. while the poSilively charged ion is fixed in the crys tal. Thi, type of impurit y atomband donates an elec tron (0 the conduction band and so is called a COnduction - dOllor --E, , dOl1or impurity a/()II1. The impurit)' <ldd elc(.'uoos 10 the conduclionEb2m1 -to Ed - E"band. The resulting without creating holes in the valence as an ... material is...referred !!n-f)'pe '" e!' semicond uctor (II for the negatively charged electron). •c • Now consider adding a group III element. such as boron. as a substitutional '"'purity [0 silicon. The group III clement has three va lence electrons. which are "II E. o ... E" t ) t-}:)... g '. ----------- taken up in the covalent bonding. As shownain Figure 4.6a, one covalent bonding po· sition appears to be empty. (I' an electron were [0 occupy [his "empty" p<lsition. ilS (.) t (b) JThe COnduction energy-band showing Ih eenergy di screle energy sHiftof a donor FigureFigure 5: The 4.5 energy-band diagram showing (a) the discrete (,l) donor statedonor and (b) the effect banddiagram E state being ionized. - - - - - - - - - - - E, , ) E"ionized.t-}:) ..... ... .. .. ..... - :: - Ed :: !!• '" e!' c The donor • impurity atom add electrons to the conduction band without creating holes in the g valence band. '. II : :: Si = Si= Sj = Si = Si = Si ::: II II 5 i = Si = Si = 5i = ----------- ::: Si = Si ::: E. ... (n for the negatively charged electron). E" The resultingomaterial is referred to as an n-type semiconductor II II II a II II II II II II Now consider adding a group III element, such as boron, as a substitutional impurity to to silicon. = = ::: group Si = III5ielementSihas = three Si,:-:-:, B electrons, Si :::which are all taken up in the(b) The valence covalent bonding. (.) II II 11----11 II \I '" rr= = "' = "i:>1: = "' As shown in Figure 6a, one covalent bonding position appears to be empty. Figure 4.5 JThe energy-band diagram showing (,l) Ih e di screle donor energy sHift :::an $;= =to Si= Si = Si ::: If electronSi were occupySi= this empty position its energy would have to be greater than that of the valence II II II 5i = Si II II '" fI; = II occupying = "'..However.. the electron :: :: electrons, since the net charge state of the boron atom would now be negative. : : : Si = : :: Si = II ::: Si = = 5i = Si = Si ::: Si= Sj = Si = Si = Si ::: II II II II Si = Si,:-:-:, B 5i = II = ionized. .. ::: Si = ::: Si = II Si :::of a .. Si = Si ': a -!Si = .. Si = 5i ::: 5i = Si = Si = 5i = Si ::: II II II II II (a) with a boron at.. rr= II II II 11----11 \I '" and (b) l\howing the ioniZalion of the boron atom resulting in a = h()le."' = "i:>1: = "' ::: $;= Si = Si= Si= Si = Si ::: II : : : Si = II II 5i = Si = II 5i = II Si = '" fI; = II ::: Si = Si ::: = "' Si = Si ': a -!Si = .. Si = 5i ::: of a (a) doped with (a) withand a boron at.. the Figure 6: Two dimensional representation of a silicon lattice a boron atom (b) showing andof(b) the ioniZalion the boron atom resulting in a h()le. ionization thel\howing boron atom resulting inof a hole. this empty position does not have sufficient energy to be in the conduction band, so its energy is far smaller than the conduction-band energy. Figure 6b shows how valence electrons may gain a small amount of thermal energy and move about in the crystal. The ”empty” position associated with the boron atom becomes occupied, and other valence electron positions become vacated. These other vacated electron positions can be thought of as holes in the semiconductor material. Figure 7 shows the expected energy state of the ”empty” position and also the formation of a hole in the valence band. The hole can move through the crystal generating a current, while the negatively charged boron atom is fixed in the crystal. 9 • •2 Dopant Atoms and Energy Levels t -,.- -----..-.- t band ' .. (a) E, --+)-)+----,-1)--+ + + (b) Figure Figure 7: The 4.7 energy-band diagram showing (a) showing the discrete energy.cceplor states and (b) theSlOIC effect or an I The diagram (0)acceptor the discrele cnctg)' acceptor state being ionized. and (h) th.e effect or an <lccepto( state being ioni zed. Theenergy group would III atomhave accepts an greater electron from and soelectrons, is referred to as anthe acceptor impurity to be thallthe thatvalence of theband valence since net charge atom. srale of the boron atom would now be negative. Howevcr. the electron occupying tbi.' The acceptor atom can generate holes in the valence band without generating electrons in the "empty" position docs nO{ have sufficient energy to be in the conduction band, so its conduction band. This type of semiconductor material is referred to as a p-type material (p for the energycharged is far smaller tlt"Jl the conduclion·balld eJlergy. Figure 4.6b shows how va· positively hole). Thelence pure electrons single-crystal semiconductor material is calledof anthermal intrinsic energy material. may gain a small amount and move about in the Adding controlled amounts of dopant atoms, either donors or acceptors, createsbecomes a material occupied. called an extrinsic cry lal. The "empty" position associated with Ihe boron alom and semicondctor. other valence electron positions become vacated. These other vacated electron posiAn extrinsic semiconductor will have either a preponderance of electrons (n type) or a preponderance of holes tions can be thought of as holes in the semiconductor material. (p type). Figure 4.7 shows the expected energy state of the "empty" position and also the fonnation of a hole in the valence band. The hole can move through the crystal gen3 The Extrinsic Semiconductor erating a current. while the negatively charged boron atom is fixed in the crystal. The group III alom accepts an electron from the valence band and so is refcrred to as an The Extrinsic Semiconductor mom. The acceptor atOm generate holes ininthe Weacceptor defined animpurity intrinsic semiconductor as a material with can no impurity atoms present the valence crystal. band electrons conduction inband. type amounts of semiconductor ma- or An without extrinsicgenerating semiconductor is definedinasthe a semiconductor whichThis controlled of specific dopant impurity atoms have been added so that thermal equilibrium electron and hole concentrations are different terial is referred to as a ,,·type materi,,1 (p for Ihe chnrgcd hole). from the intrinsic carrier concentration. The pure singlc·crYSlal semiconductor material is called an intrinsic materia1. One type of carrier will predominate in an extrinsic semiconductor. Adding controlled amounls of dopant atoms, either donors or acceptors. creates a called an Distribution extrinsic semicondcH,'IQr. Anand eXlrinsic 3.1material Equilibrium of Electrons Holes semiconductor will have either a preponderance of electrons (n type) or a preponderance of holes (I' eype). Equilibrium Distribution of Electrons and Holes Adding donor or acceptor impurity atoms to a semiconductor will change the distribution of electrons and holes 4.2.2 Ionization Energy in the material. Since the Fermi energy is related to the distribution function, the Fermi energy will change as dopant atoms We can calculate Ihe approxirnilte distance of the donor electron from the donor imare added. purity ion, and al 0 the approXimate energ), required to elevate the donor electron If the Fermi energy changes from near the midgap value, the density of electrons in the conduction band and the ofconduction is referred to as the ionization energy. We will theinto density holes in the band. valenceThis band energy will change. useeffects the Bohr modelinof the atO m 9. for These are shown Figures 8 and these calculations. The justification for using this modei is that of antheelectron from Figure 8 shows thethe casemost for EFprObable > EF i anddistance Figure 9 shows case for E F < Ethe F i . nucieus in a hydro· When concentration larger than theishole whenradius. EF < EThe genEatom, from quantumis mechanics, theconcentration, same as theand Bohr F > Edetermined F i , the electron F i , the hole concentration is larger than electron concentration. energy levels in the hydrogen atom determined from quantum mechanics are ,,1so the When the density of electrons is greater than the density of holes, the semiconductor is n type; donor impurity same as obtained from the Bohr theory. atoms have been added. In the case of the donor impurity atom, we may visualize the donor electron orbiting Ihe donor ion. which is embedded in the semiconduclor maleri,,1. We will neeel 10 material in the calculations rather than to use the pcnniHivity of the semiconductor Fermi energy changes from near lhe midgap value, the density of electrons in lhe con· duction band anel Ihe density of holes in the valence band will change. These effects are shown in Figures 4.8 and 4.9. Figure 4.8 shows the case foJ' E" > En and Figure 4.9 shows the caSe for EF < E Pi, When E F > EF; , the electron coneentra· lion is Jarger rhan Ihe hole concentration, and when EF < EF;, the hole concentration Area = ,,,, =:: elec{101'I concentration j,.{E} EF j Area = Po. !l ole concentration {,(E) =O /,{e)· I Figure 4.81 Density of states functions. Fenni-Dirac function.probability and areas re))rc5cming clectron and areas representing electron and hole Figure 8: Density of states functions, probability Fermi-Dirac function, and hole concchtf<ltions for the case when £ F above concentrations for the case when EF ilheisiJ1[(jnsit: abovef:urn; theenergy_ intrinsic Fermi energy. 122 CHAPTER 4 The Semioonductor in Ec,u .Ib , m . \ Area = eF; = declron \ fr(£) concentration ---\--------------- "" F.•• - - - -'..-.......- - - -- ", Area = 1'0= hole o Me} - I ("I.e) - 0 Figure 4.9\ Density of states functions. f'emli- Dirac probability function.probability and areas f('.presenting electron and Figure 9: Density of states functions, Fermi-Dirac function, and areas representing electron and hole hole concentrations for the case when £,.. is below tbe concentrations for the case when EF i intrinsic is below the intrinsic Fermi energy. Fermi energy. is larger than the electron concentration. When the density of electrons i grearer lhan (he density of holes. the semiconductor is n type; donor impurity atoms have been added. When th e density of holes is greater than the density of electrons. the semiWhen the density of holesconductor is greater than the density of electrons, the semi-conductor is p type; acceptor is p type; acceptor impurity atoms have been added. The Fermi energy : impurity atoms have been le\'el added. in a semiconductor changes the electron and hole conce.ntralions change and, again. the Fermi energy changes as donor Or acceptor impurities are added. The The Fermi energy level in achange semiconductor changes as of donor and acceptorwill impurity are added. The expressions in Ihe Fermi level as a function impurilY concentrations be previously derived for the thermal-equilibrium concentration electrons and holes, given by Equations (11) and in Section 4.6. previously the thermal-equilibrium concentration (20) are general equations for TI,e n0 expre and sions p0 in termsderived of theforFermi energy. electrons and holes. given by F<luati ons (4.11) and (4. 19) are general equations fi These equation are again Iro and Po in terms of the Fermi energy. These equation ' arc again given as −(E. c-− EF ) [-(E E f')] n0 =noN=cN exp .. exp kT kT 11 (29) and p0 = Nv exp −(EF − Ev ) kT (30) In an n-type semiconductor, electrons are referred to as the majority carrier and holes as the minority carrier. In a p-type semiconductor it will be the inverse. We may derive another form of the equations for the thermal-equilibrium concentrations of electrons and holes. If we add and subtract an intrinsic Fermi energy in the exponent of Equation (11), we can write −(Ec − EF i ) + (EF − EF i ) n0 = Nc exp kT or −(Ec − EF i ) (EF − EF i ) n0 = Nc exp exp kT kT (31) (32) The intrinsic carrier concentration is given by ni = Nc exp −(Ec − EF i ) kT (33) so that the thermal-equilibrium electron concentration can be written as Thermal-equilibrium electron concentration (expressed in terms of intrinsic concentration) EF − EF i n0 = ni exp (34) kT Similarly, if we add and subtract an intrinsic Fermi energy in the exponent of Equation (20) we obtain Thermal-equilibrium hole concentration (expressed in terms of intrinsic concentration) −(EF − EF i ) p0 = ni exp kT (35) As we will see, the Fermi level changes when donors and acceptors are added, but Equations (34) and (35) show that, as the Fermi level changes from the intrinsic Fermi level, n0 and p0 change from the ni value. If EF > EF i then we will have n0 > ni and p0 < ni , thus n0 > p0 . Similarly, in a p-type semiconductor, EF < EF i so that p0 > ni and n0 < ni , thus p0 > n0 3.2 The n0 p0 product The n0 p0 product We may take the product of the general expressions for n0 and p0 as given in Equations (11) and (20), respectively: −(Ec − EF ) −(EF − Ev ) n0 p0 = Nc Nv exp exp (36) kT kT which may be written as −Eg ni = Nc Nv exp kT (37) As Equation (37) was derived for a general value of Fermi energy, the values of n0 and p0 are not necessarily equal. However, Equation (37) is exactly the same as Equation (24), which we derived for the case of an intrinsic semiconductor. We then have that, for the semiconductor in thermal equilibrium, n0 p0 Equation n0 p0 = n2i 12 (38) Equation (38) states that the product of n0 and p0 is always a constant for a given semiconductor material at a given temperature. Although this equation seems very simple, it is one of the fundamental principles of semiconductors in thermal equilibrium. It is important to keep in mind that Equation (38) was derived using the Boltzmann approximation. If the Boltzmann approximation is not valid, then Equation (38) is not valid. An extrinsic semiconductor in thermal equilibrium does not, strictly speaking, contain an intrinsic carrier concentration, although some thermally generated carriers are present. The intrinsic electron and hole carrier concentrations are modified by the donor or acceptor impurities. 3.3 Degenerate and Nondegenerate Semiconductors Degenerate and Nondegenerate Semiconductors In our discussion of adding dopant atoms to a semiconductor, we have implicitly assumed that the concentration of dopant atoms added is small when compared to the density of host or semiconductor atoms. The small number of impurity atoms are spread far enough apart so that there is no interaction between donor electrons for example in an n-type material. We have assumed that the impurities introduce discrete noninteracting donor energy states in the n-type semiconductor and discrete, noninteracting acceptor states in the p-type semiconductor. These types of semiconductors are referred to as nondegenerate semiconductors. If the impurity concentration increases, the distance between the impurity atoms decreases and a point will be reached when donor electrons, for example, will begin to interact with each other. When this occurs, the single discrete donor energy will split into a band of energies. As the donor concentration further increases, the band of donor states widens and may overlap the bottom of the conduction band. This overlap occurs when the donor concentration becomes comparable with the effective density of states. When the concentration of electrons in the conduction band exceeds the density of states Nc , the Fermi energy lies within the conduction band. This type of semiconductor is called a degenerate n-type semiconductor. In a similar way, as the acceptor doping concentration increases in a p-type semiconductor, the discrete acceptor encegy states will split into a band of energies and may overlap the top of the valence band. The Fermi energy will lie in the valence band when the concentration of holes exceeds the density of states Nv . This type semiconductor is called a degenerate p-type semiconductor. Schematic models of the energyC HAP T E R 4 l ite SemiccnduCtor in Equilibrium band diagrams for a degenerate n-type and degenerate p-type semiconductors are shown in Figure 10. t --,- - - .,.. E . f E, ' Filled stales {c1cclro ns) - - - - ' - - - - ' - - - - - f.', V..a}cnccband <al t !il Conduction band ! Empty ".tes L (holes) g --+,--------------- ];; - -.-..,., ...,.....,_.- -.- £f V OlICI\cc! (b) Figure 4.11 I Simplified energy,band diagrams for degenerately doped (a) ".Iype and Figure 10: Simplified energy-band diagrams for degenerately doped (a) n-type and (b) p-type semiconductors. (b) se miconduclors. The energy states below EF are mostly filled with electrons and the energy states above EF are mostly empty. y ofn-type statessemiconductor, Nt" . the Fermi energy lies within the conduction This ty thus, Inthe the densit degenerate the states between EF and E mostly filled band. with electrons, c are the electron concentration in the conduction band is very large. of semiconductor is called a degenerate n-type semiconductor. Similarly, degenerate semiconductor, energyconcentration states between Evincreases and Ef areinmostly empty: fn ina the similar way,p-type as the acceptOr the doping a p_ly thus, the hole concentration in the valence band is very large. 5emiconductor. the discrete acceptor encrgy states will split into a band of energi and may overl ap the top of the valence band, 13 The Fenni energy will lie in the vale band when the concentration of holes exceeds the de nsity of states N, .. This type 4 Statistics of Donors and Acceptors Statistics of Donors and Acceptors We discussed the Fermi-Dirac distribution function, which give the probability thaIta particular energy state will be occupied by an electron. We need to reconsider this function and apply the probability statistics to the donor and acceptor energy states. 4.1 Probability Function Probability Function One postulate used in the derivation of the Fermi-Dirac probability function was the Pauli exclusion principle, which states that only one particle is permitted in quantum state. The Pauli exclusion principle also applies to the donor and acceptor states. Suppose we have Ni electrons and gi quantum states, where the subscript i indicates the i-th energy level. There are gi ways of choosing where to put the first particle. Each donor level has two possible spin orientations for the donor electron: thus each donor level has two quantum states. The insertion of an electron into one quantum state, however, precludes putting an electron into the second quantum state. By adding one electron, the vacancy requirement of the atom is satisfied, and the addition of a second electron in the donor level is not possible. The distribution function of donor electrons in the donor energy states is then slightly different than the FermiDirac function. The probability function of electrons occupying the donor state is nd = 1 1 + exp 2 Nd Ed − EF kT (39) where nd is the density of electrons occupying the donor level and Ed is the energy of the donor level. The factor 1/2 is a direct result of the spin factor just mentioned. The 1/2 factor is sometimes written as 1/g where g is called a degeneracy factor. written in the form nd = Nd − Nd+ where Nd+ Equation (39) can also be (40) is the concentration of ionized donors. In many applications we will be interested more in the concentration of ionized donors than in the concentration of electrons remaining in the donor state. If we do the same type of analysis for acceptor atoms. we obtain the expression pa = Na = Na − Na− 1 EF − Ea 1 + exp g kT (41) where Na is the concentration of acceptor atoms, Ea is the acceptor energy level, pa is the concentration of holes in the acceptor states and Na− is the concentration of ionized acceptors. A hole in an acceptor state corresponds to an acceptor atom that is neutrally charged and still has an ”empty” bonding position. The parameter g is, again a degeneracy factor. The ground state degeneracy factor g is normally taken as four for the acceptor level in silicon and gallium arsenide because of the detailed band structure. 4.2 Complete Ionization and Freeze-Out Complete Ionization and Freeze-Out The probability function for electrons in the donor energy state was just given by Equation (39). 14 If we assume that Ed − EF kT then nd ≈ Nd −(Ed − EF ) = 2Nd exp Ed − EF 1 kT exp 2 kT (42) If (Ed − EF ) kT , then the Boltzmann approximation is also valid for the electrons in the conduction band so from Equation (11): −(Ec − EF ) n0 = Nc exp (43) kT We can determine the relative number of electrons in the donor state compared with the total number of electrons, therefore we can consider the ratio of electrons in the donor state to the total number of electrons in the conduction band plus donor state. Using the expressions of Equations (43) and (11), we write −(Ed − EF ) 2Nd exp nd kT = −(Ed − EF ) −(Ec − EF ) nd + n0 2Nd exp + Nc exp kT kT (44) Dividing by the numerator term we obtain: nd = nd + n0 1 Nc −(Ec − Ed ) 1+ exp 2Nd kT (45) The factor Ec − Ed is just the ionization energy of the donor electrons. At room temperature, then, the donor states are essentially completely ionized. At room temperature, there is also also essentially complete ionization of the acceptor atoms. This ionization effect and the creation of electrons and holes in4. the and valence band, respec4 conduction band c1 Donors aoo Acceptors tively, are shown in Figure 11. The opposite of complete ionization occurs at T = 0 K: all electrons are t) ) ) Conduction band ) t , ) ) ") >., ++ T T T T T t l.' >. c - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EFi Conductiun band --..::.:.....::.:.....::.:.....::.:...-- £.. -- - ... --------- - -----. E,..; u -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- £ g -=) ) ) ) ) ) L;" ! " ----,,-,---..,-,---C•. Valence band . II iii .... .,.- +++++++ ValeDce band (a ) ' .. ..-... (b) 4.12 I En('rgy·bnnd diagrams showi ng complete ioniZ:llion of and (a) donor Figure 11: Energy-band diagrams showing complete ionization of (a) donor states (b) acceptor states. and (b) acceptor slates. in their lowest possible energy state; that is, for an n-type semiconductor, each donor state must contain an electron. Therefore nd = Nd or Nd+ = 0. t __ We must have, then, from Equation (39) that exp(Ed − EF )/kT = 0. ------------- E, Conduction b.1nd energy level must be Since T = 0 K, this co_ will exp(−∞) = 0, which means that EF > Ed . The Fermi n_ doccur ""_lio_nfor b_'n _d above the donor energy level at absolute zero. t In the case of a p-type semiconductor at absolute zero temperature. the impurity atom will not contain any electrons, so that the Fermi energy level must be below the;",\acceptor energy state. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . r.F; u 2e ________ ValeD,,-e band u 15 --- - - --------------- Ef , 2E ::-.:=.:=.:=...:::....= if;. iii _ - - - - - - - - - £' :..:.:..!. .. \' and (b) acceptor slates. t __ t co_n_ d ""_lio_n b_'n_d ------------- E, Conduction b.1nd ;",\ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . r.F; u u 2e ________ --- - - --------------- Ef , 2E ::-.:=.:=.:=...:::....= if;. ValeD,,-e band iii _ - - - - - - - - - £' <a) (b) :..:.:..!. .. \' Figure Energy-band diagram 0 (a) K l'or (a) and n-t)'pC (b)semiconductors. V-tyJl<! Figure4.131 12: Energy-band diagrams at T at = 0T K=for n-type (b) and p-type semiconductors. The distribution of electrons among the various energy states. and hence the Fermi energy, is a function of temperature. A detailed analysis shows that at T = 0 K the Fermi energy is halfway between Ec and Ed for The upposite of complete occurs at l' = 0 K. At absolute lero dethe n-type material and halfway between Eionization a and Ev for the p-type material. grees. all electrons are Figure 12 shows these effects. in their lowest possible energy state; that is, for an n-type each states donor must contain anconduction electron. therefore = Nfreezed or No semiconductor. electrons from the donor are Slate thermally elevated into the band; this effect 11,1 is called out.Nt = O. We must have. then. from Equation (4.50) that exp HEd - E,-) /kTI = O. Similarly, when no electrons from the valance band are elevated into the acceptor states, the effecltis also called Since T = 0 K. this will occur lor cxp (-00) = O. which means lhat E f" > Ed. The freeze-out. Fermi energy level muSt be above the donor energy level at absolute zero. In the case Between T = 0 K, freeze-out, and T = 300 K, complete ionization, we have partial ionization of donor or of a p-type acceptor atoms. semiconductor at absolu te zero temperature. the impurity at01m will not contain any electrons. so that lhe Fermi energy level must be below the acceptor enstate. The distribution of electrons among the various energy Slates. amI hence 5 ergy Charge Neutrality the Fenni enc.rgy. is a function of temperature. Charge A Neutrality detailed analysis. not given in this text. shows that at T = 0 K. the Fenni enIn thermal the semiconductor is electrically neutral. ergy is equilibrium halfway between E,. andcrystal Ed fm the n-type material and halfway between E. The eletrons are distributed among the various energy stats, creating negative and positive charges, but the net and E. for the p-typc material. Figure 4.13 shows these effects . No electrons from charge density is zero. the donor State arc thennally elevated into the conduction band; this effect is called This charge-neutrality condition is used determine the thermal-equilibrium electron and hole concentrations as /reeze-olli. when nOelectrons from the valance band are elevated into the a function of theSimilarly. impurity doping concentration. acceptor statcs. the effecl is also called freeze-out. 5.1 Compensated Semiconductor Compensated Semiconductor A compensated semiconductor is one that cotrains both donor and acceptor impurity atoms in the same region. A compensated semiconductor can be formed. for example. by diffusing acceptor impurities into an n-type material or viceversa. An n−type compensated semiconductor occurs when Nd > Na and a p-type compensated semiconductor occurs when Na > Nd . If Nd = Na we have a completely compensated semiconductor that has, as we will show, the characteristics of an intrinsic material. 5.2 Equilibrium Electron and Hole Concentrations Equilibrium Electron and Hole Concentrations Figure 13 shows the energy-band diagram of a semiconductor when both donor and acceptor impurity atoms are added to the same region to form a compensated semiconductor. The figure shows how the electrons and 16 4.5.2 Equilibrium Electron and Hole Concentrations Figure 4.14 shows the energy-band diagram of a semiconductor when both donor and acceptor impurity atoms are added to the same region [0 form a compensated Tmal electron concentration I DonOT electrons "" ---+ E, ./ Ed Un-iollized Nt · (Nd donors - tid) loo;lcd donors ---------------En = Un·joni7.ctI NI,)- (Na - Pel) Ionized acceptors .... ':' +++ .; holes + ... Po Thermal - =+ + E. . . '- . A('(ep{or ( E, + • holes. Total hole conCenlt31ion Figure 4.141 Energy-band diagJ"'.lnl of a compensated Figure 13: Energy-band diagram of a compensated semiconductor showing ionized and un-ionized donors and semiconductor showing ionized and un-ionized donors acceptors. and acceptors. holes can be distribute among the various states. The charge neutrality condition is expressed by equating the density of negative charges to the density of positive charges: n0 + Na− = p0 + Nd+ (46) or n0 + (Na − pa ) = p0 + (Nd − nd ) (47) where n0 and p0 are the thermal-equilibrium concentrations of electrons and holes in the conduction band and valence band. The parameter nd is the concentration of electrons in the donor energy states, so Nd+ = Nd − nd is the concentration of positively charged donor states. Similar]y, pa is the concentration of holes in the acceptor states, so Na− = Na − pa is the concentration of negatively charged acceptor states. We have expressions for n0 , p0 , nd and pa in terms of the Fermi energy and temperature. If we assume complete ionization, nd and pa are both zero, and Equation (47) becomes n0 + Na = p0 + Nd (48) If we express p0 as n2i /n0 then Equation (48) can be written as n 0 + Na = n2i + Nd n0 (49) which in turn can be written as n20 − (Nd − Na )n0 − n2i = 0 (50) The electron concentration n0 can be determined using the quadratic formula Equilibrium electron concentration in compensated semiconductor s 2 (Nd − Na ) Nd − Na n0 = + + n2i 2 2 17 (51) n' -.1. = Po ho (1.5 x lO in)' 2.25 x LO' I X 10 16 CIll- l • Comment In this ell.an1ple. NJ » fI ; . sO that rhe lhcnnal-equilibriulO majority carrier electrUIl concenis essentiall y equal to themust donorbe impurity maThe positive signtratiQn in the quadratic formula used, concentration. since, jn the Thc limitthcrmru-equilibriulIl of an intrinsic semiconductor when jorityelectron and minority carrier concentrations differ by quantity (llaoy orders Na = Nd = 0, the concentration must be can a positive or of n0magoitude. = ni . Equation (51) is used to calculate the electron concentration in an n-type semiconductor, or when Nd > Na . Although Equation We (51)have wasargued derived compensated thethe equation valid for Na = 0. in for OUfadiscussion and semiconductor, we may note ffOOl results isofalso ExamThe concentration of electrons in the conduction band increases above the intrinsic carrier concentration as we ple 4.9Ih.t the concentnltion of electrons in the conduction band increases abO\'e the add donor impurity atoms. intrinsic carricrconcenrration as We add donor impuri[y a(oms. At the same time, the At the same time, the minority carrier hole concentration the intrinsic carrier concentration as minority carrier hole concentration decreasesdecreases below thebelow intrinsic carrier concentrawe add donor atoms. tion as we add donor atoms. We must keep in mind Ihat we add donor impurity theascorresponding electrons. is acorresponding redistribution of electrons We must keep inatOmS mindand that we add donordonor impurity atomsthere and the donor electrons, there is a .vailable energy Figurestales. 4.15 shows a schematic of this physical redisredistribution of among electrons among available energy A fewofofthis the physical donor electrons will fall into Ihe empty states in (he valence Figure ?? shows tribution. a schematic redistribution. fn(rinsic etcelJons ------ - - - - Cd donuT';(, Un-jonilL'd d(1I10fS -- ---- -- - -- -- - -- --- ---- - .... _-- £J'j >A few donor c\cctrons annihilate some hvlc.. , "'r;"\+""'r;"\+""'r;"\+,-----:>------"!J '\!:..J V + .Intrinsic . . -. ' ... E,. ' Figure 4.15 I Energy-band diagram showing the Figure 14: Energy-band diagram showing the redistribution of electrons when donors are added. redistrcbution of electrons when donors are ,lidded. A few of the donor electrons will fall into the empty states in the valence band and, in doing so, will annihilate some of the intrinsic holes. The minority carrier hole concentration will therefore decrease. At the same time, because of this redistribution, the net electron concentration in the conduction band is not simply equal to the donor concentration plus the intrinsic electron concentration. We have seen that the intrinsic carrier concentration ni is a very strong function of temperature. As the temperature increases, additional electron-hole pairs are thermally generated so that the n2i term in Equation (51) may begin to dominate. The semiconductor will eventually lose its extrinsic characteristics. Figure 15 shows the electron concentration versus temperature in silicon doped with 5 × 1014 donors per cm3 . As the temperature increases, we can see where the intrinsic concentration begins to dominate. Also shown is the partial ionization, or the onset of freeze-out, at the low temperature. For the case of holes we obtain in an analogous way Equilibrium hole concentration in compensated semiconductor s 2 (Na − Nd ) Na − Nd p0 = + + n2i 2 2 (52) where the positive sign must be used. Equation (52) is used to calculate the thermal equilibrium majority carrier hole concentration in a p-type semiconductor, or when Na > Nd . 18 4.5 )Olh Intrinsic , lOI S -. 101.1 E 3- • • E>:trins'ic / / Partial ionil.ation 10 1•1 I I lOll T Charge I I I I / / / , / / " n,' I I I I I I I 100 lOO 300 400 500 600 700 T (K) Figure 4.16versus I EleClrOIl conceiliration lelllperaturc Figure 15: Electron concentration temperature showingversus the three regions: partial ionization, extrinsic and intrinsic. showing the three regions: punial ;onczalion. exrrinsic. and intrinsic. i This equation also applies for Nd = 0. Equations (51) and (52) are used to calculate the majority carrier electron concentration in? an n-type semiconductor and majority carrier hole concentration in a p-type semiconductor. Using the quadratic fonnula, thejn hole concentration is given The minority carrier hole concentratjon an n-type semiconductor could by theoretically be calculated from Equation (52). However we would be substracting two numbers two big numbers which from a practical point of view is not possible. The minority carrier concentrations are calculated from n0 p0 = n2i once the majority carrier concetration has (4.62) been determined. 6 Position of the Fermi Level where the positive sign. again,Energy must be used. EquatioJl (4.62) is used to calculate the thennal.equilibrium majority carrier hole concentration in a p·type semiconductor. Position of the Fermi Energy Level or when Na > N". This equation also applies for IV<I = O. We discussed how the electron and hole concentrations change as the Fermi energy level moves through the bandgap energy. We calculated the electron and hole concentrations as a function of donor and acceptor impurity concentrations. Objectiveand as We can now determine the position of the Fermi energy level as a function of the doping concentrations a function of temperature. Tocalculale the 11lennal-equilibriunl electron and hole concentrations in a 6.1 lcmiconductor. Mathematical Derivation Consider a silicon 3. Assume Il i Mathematical Derivation 3 X lOIS<:111- p-lype al T = 300 K in which Nu = 10 1(0 cm- ·1 and Nd = = 1.5 X 10 10 cm- ) . If we assume the Boltzmann approximation to be valid, then from Equation (11) we have n0 = Nc exp[−(Ec − EF )/kT• ].Solution compensated semiconductor We canSince solve N(; for >EcNd. − E(he this equation and obtain is p-Iype and the Iherrnal-equilibrium enaF from as jorit)' carner hole concentration is given by Equation N (4.62) c Ec − EF = kT ln (53) n0 tOl t. - 3 X lOtS 101ft - 3 x where n0 is given byp,,Equation (51). = + 2 ( 1.5 x to"')' ( 2 If we consider an n-type semiconductor in which Nd ni then n0 ≈ Nd so that Nc Ec − EF = kT ln (54) Nd IOl.S)' + We may note that if we have a compensated semiconductor, then the Nd term in Equation (54) is simply replaced by Nd − Na or the net effective donor concentration. 19 EXA M We may develop a slightly different expression for the position of the Fermi level. We had from Equation (34) that n0 = ni exp[(EF − EF i )/kT ]. We can solve for EF − EF i as EF − EF i = kT ln n0 ni (55) Equation (55) can be used specifically for an n-type semiconductor, where n0 is given by Equation (51) to find the difference between the Fermi level and the intrinsic Fermi level as a function of the donor concentration. We may note that, if the net effective donor concentration is zero, that is, Nd − Na = 0 then n0 = ni and EF = EF i . A completely compensated semiconductor has the characteristics of an intrinsic material in terms of carrier concentration and Fermi level position. For the case of a p-type semiconductor we obtain in a similar way the formula Nv (56) EF − Ev = kT ln p0 which, in the case Na ni becomes EF − Ev = kT ln We have also Nv Na EF i − EF = kT ln CHAPTER 4 tEl SemiconductC'. in Equilibrium These results are schematically shown in Figure 16 t ... Ii,. t p0 ni (57) (58) ....... <'I' - - - - - - - - - - - li, g -------------------- Ef( " ------------- £1' E E £,. iii (a) ( b) li1gure 4.171 of Position of Fermi for an n-Iypc: (Nd > N,,) and (I)) p-lype Figure 16: Position Fermi level for an level (a) n-type (N(3) d > Na ) and (b) p-type (Na > Nd ) semiconductor. (N,; > NJ !iemiCOllducLOr. 6.2 Variation of EF with Doping Concentration and Temperature EF; > EF . The Fenni level for a p·lyp. semicondo ctor is below £,.;. These resuln Variation of EF with Doping Concentration and Temperature are shown in Figure 4.17. We may plot the position of the Fermi energy level as a function of the doping concentration. Figure 17 shows the Fermi energy level as a function of donor concentration (n-type) and as a function of acceptor concentration (p-type) for silicon at T = 300 K. 4.6.2 Variation of E f · with Doping Concentration As the doping level increases the Fermi energy level moves closer to conduction band for the n-type material and Temperature and closer to the valence band for the p-type material. The intrinsic carrier concentration is a strong function of temperature, so that EF is a function of temperature aIso. We may plot th e position of th e Fermi energy level a$ a function of [he doping C<ln· Figure 18 shows the variation of the Fermi energy level in silicon with temperature for several donor and acceptor centration. Fig ure 4.18 hows the Fermi energy level as <I function o f donor ("'oncen, concentrations. (n type)increases, and as nai increases functionand of Eacceptor concentrali on (p type) for As[ration the temperature At high F moves closer to the intrinsic Fermi level. temperature material begins to lose its beginscloser to behave T = 300the K.semiconductor As the doping levcl$ incrca$e. lheextrinsic fermi characteristics energy leveland moves to more like an intrinsic semiconductor. conduction band for the n·type material and closer to the valence band for the p·ty material . Keep in mind that lhe cqumions for the Fenni energy level th at we have rived assum e [hat the Boltzmann approximation is va lid. 20 rived assum e [hat the Boltzmann approximation is va lid. Nd(:m-") 10 12. 10 13 10 16 1015 JO I4 10 17 HI' t! IO n 10" I ntype P Iype £ 10" 10" .f\'d (em - 3) Figure 17: Position of Fermi as a function of donor concentration and acceptor concentration Figure 4.18level I Posilion of Fermi level as a func (n-type) tion of donor (p-type). concentration (n type) and acceplor concentration (p type). 1.0 0.8 Cunduclion l><Uld 0.6 0.4 ;; 0.2 '" '" 0 I -0.2 -0.4 - 0.6 - 0.8 - 1.0 0 100 JOO 200 400 500 600 T(K) r'1gureof4.191 r:crmiofletemperature vel as a function Of doping concentrations. Figure 18: Position Fermi Position level as a of function for various tcmpc:r.ltuT¢ for v(lriOllS doping conccntmlions. rFmmS't)! {J3 /.) At the very low temperature freeze-out occurs: the Boltzmann approximation is no longer valid and the equations we derived for the Fermi-level position no longer apply. AtFermi-level the low temperature whereno freeze-out the At Fermi goestempenlture above Ed for the n-typefreeze-out material andcx,.. below position longeroccurs apply. thelevel low where Ea for the p-type material. curs. the Fenni leve l goes above Ed for the n-type material and below Eo for the p-type material. At absolute zero degrees, all energy states below EF are full and all 6.3 Relevance of the Fermi Energy energy states ahove Ef ' arc empty. Relevance of the Fermi Energy 4_6_3 Relevauce ofthe Fermi Euergy 21 We have been calculating the position of the Fermi energy level as a function of dop- An important point is that in thermal equilibrium, the Fermi energy level is a constant throughout a system. We will not prove this statement. but we can intuitively see its validity by considering the following example. , Suppose we have a particular material, A, whose electrons are distributed in the energy states of an allowed band as shown in Figure 19a. Most of the energy states below EF A contain electrons and most of the energy states EF A are empty of 4. 7 above Summary electrons. £ ==1 A . = ,--------1 ..f . ,: (;rL_-",--_.J---: , 2 Allowed \!nergy !>I:Ues Ir (b) ___ ----- -=-- -- - t - , = (ej - F ----. (d) F'fgure 4.20 I The t--°enni energy of (a) materia( A ill thetinaC equifjbrium. (0) maleriar B Figure 19: The Fermi energy of (a) material A in thermal equilibrium, (b)phlC'ed material B in ,thermal equilibrium, in Ihem131 equilibrium, (c) materials A and B at the they ,ll'C in conwcl (c) materials A and the instant are placed in contact and (d) materials A and B in contact at thermal andB(d)atma(tri:.ds A andthay B in cOntact u(-therlllal equilibrium. equilibrium. of B, energy. the same are in the two materials. equilibrium occurs band as shown Consider anothera function material, whoseis electrons distributed in theThis energy states of<tate an allowed when the Fermi energy is the same in the twO materials as shown in Figure 4.20d. in Figure 19b. Thebelow FermiEenergy. in and th e physics of the semiconductor, alsomostly provides a The energy states are important mostly full the energy states above E are empty. FB FB good pictorial represcmation of the characteristics of the semiconductor materials If these two materials are brought into contact, the electrons in the entire system will tend to seek the lowest and devices. possible energy. Electrons from material A will flow into the lower energy states of material B, as indicated in Figure 19c, until thermal equilibrium is reached. 4.71 SUMMARY Thermal equilibrium occurs when the distribution of electrons a function of energy is the same in the two materials. • The concelllratl".lH of declrQlI s in tht cOlld llctk Hl band is the illtegral over Ihe conducti on This equilibrium state the Fermi same in the twoconduc materials as shown bandoccurs energy when of the product of theenergy densityisofthe states function in the tion band and in Figure19d. the Fermi- Dirac 11fobabiJil'j function, • ThecQncc::ntration ofhvLes in the v:llencc hand i:. thc integral uver the valence bUIld energy of the product oflhe dl!n si(y ofst;}(cs fun<.:tion in Ihe valence band and the prob3bility of a state being empt y, which is II - JF (£) \' • Using (he Ma.xwC:H-Bolumann approxi nllttion. Ihe fhermal equilibrium cOll(.'enlr.:ltion of electrons in (he conduction band is given by where N" is the effecti ve density of MalC!'. ill the conducti on bal\d, 22 1411