WOOD UTILITY CLIP 1, 5/8 13/16’ 1/8” 4 ++ 3/16’’ 9” Objective: Student will demonstrate proper use and safety in a woodworking lab by successfully building a Utility Clip. NAME (Print): PERIOD Laying out the utility clip. 1. Draw all lines on block as follows: (Do not cut, drill or sand until you are checked off) locate center line (Lengthwise) and draw it on with a Combination Square or ruler. Lay out the two holes using the Compass. (3/4” 3/8” Dia) Lay out the notches using the Tn-SQuare. Lay out the front radius using the Compass. (1” Dia) Lay out the rear taper using a Combination Square or Ruler. STOP!!! Check your block for accuracy with the instructor. INSTRUCTORS INITIALS:____________ SCORE: /10 Cutting the Utility Clip 2. Drill the largest hole with the 3/4” Forsner Bit as demonstrated. 3. Drill the smaller hole with Straight Shanked Drill Bit. (3/8”) 4. Obtain permission to use the Band Saw. Cut out the dado as demonstrated. 5. Obtain permission to use the Jig Saw or Band Saw. Cut out the diagonal sides as demonstrated (LEAVE THE LINE). Then cut down the center to separate the sides. 6. Obtain permission to use the Disc Sander. Sand the front radius as demonstrated (LEAVE THE LINE). STOP!!! Check your block for accuracy with the instructor. INSTRUCTORS INITIALS:____________ SCORE: /30 7. Sand with 80 Grit Paper, then 120 Grit Paper, then 220 Grit Paper as demonstrated. Make sure all scratches are removed from your project. STOP!! !Have you block graded. INSTRUCTORS INITIALS: SCORE: /5 8. Stain your project as demonstrated. 9. Bring your project up for a spring and grading. STOP!!!Have you block graded. INSTRUCTORS INITIALS:___________ SCORE: ‘5 STOP!!! BRING YOUR PROJECT TO THE INSTRUCTOR FOR GRADING. INSTRUCTORS INITIALS : NAME (Print): FINAL SCORE: PERIOD /50